1 /***************************************************************************
2  *   Copyright (C) 2008-2021 by Ilya Kotov                                 *
3  *   forkotov02@ya.ru                                                      *
4  *                                                                         *
5  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
6  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
7  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
8  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
9  *                                                                         *
10  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
11  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
13  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
14  *                                                                         *
15  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
16  *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
17  *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
18  *   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.         *
19  ***************************************************************************/
20 #ifndef QMMP_H
21 #define QMMP_H
23 #include <QString>
24 #include "qmmp_export.h"
33 /*!
34  * Converts a \b QString to a \b TagLib::FileName
35  */
36 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
37 #define QStringToFileName(s) TagLib::FileName(reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t *>(s.utf16()))
38 #else
39 #define QStringToFileName(s) s.toLocal8Bit().constData()
40 #endif
42 #if (QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 7, 0))
43 // this adds const to non-const objects (like std::as_const)
44 template <typename T>
qAsConst(T & t)45 Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR typename std::add_const<T>::type &qAsConst(T &t) noexcept { return t; }
46 // prevent rvalue arguments:
47 template <typename T>
48 void qAsConst(const T &&) = delete;
49 #endif
52 /*! @brief The Qmmp class stores global settings and enums.
53  * @author Ilya Kotov <forkotov02@ya.ru>
54  */
55 class QMMP_EXPORT Qmmp
56 {
57 public:
58     /*!
59      * Playback state enum
60      */
61     enum State
62     {
63         Playing = 0, /*!< The player is playing source */
64         Paused,      /*!< The player has currently paused its playback */
65         Stopped,     /*!< The player is ready to play source */
66         Buffering,   /*!< The Player is waiting for data to be able to start playing.   */
67         NormalError, /*!< Input source is invalid or unsupported. Player should skip this file */
68         FatalError   /*!< This means unrecorvable error die audio output problems. Player should abort playback. */
69     };
70     /*!
71      * Metadata keys
72      */
73     enum MetaData
74     {
75         UNKNOWN = -1,
76         TITLE = 0, /*!< Title */
77         ARTIST,    /*!< Artist  */
78         ALBUMARTIST,/*!< Album artist  */
79         ALBUM,     /*!< Album */
80         COMMENT,   /*!< Comment */
81         GENRE,     /*!< Genre */
82         COMPOSER,  /*!< Composer */
83         YEAR,      /*!< Year */
84         TRACK,     /*!< Track number */
85         DISCNUMBER /*!< Disc number */
86     };
87     /*!
88      * Track properties
89      */
90     enum TrackProperty
91     {
92         UNKNOWN_PROPERTY = -1,
93         BITRATE = 0,
94         SAMPLERATE,
95         CHANNELS,
96         BITS_PER_SAMPLE,
97         FORMAT_NAME,
98         DECODER,
99         FILE_SIZE
100     };
101     /*!
102      * Keys of ReplayGain information
103      */
104     enum ReplayGainKey
105     {
106         REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN = 0, /*!< track gain */
107         REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_PEAK,     /*!< track peak */
108         REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_GAIN,     /*!< album gain */
109         REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_PEAK      /*!< album peak */
110     };
111     /*!
112      * Audio formats
113      */
114     enum AudioFormat
115     {
116         PCM_UNKNOWN = -1, /*!< Unknown format */
117         PCM_S8 = 0, /*!< Signed 8 bit */
118         PCM_U8,     /*!< Unsigned 8 bit */
119         PCM_S16LE,  /*!< Signed 16 bit Little Endian */
120         PCM_S16BE,  /*!< Signed 16 bit Big Endian */
121         PCM_U16LE,  /*!< Unsigned 16 bit Little Endian */
122         PCM_U16BE,  /*!< Unsigned 16 bit Big Endian */
123         PCM_S24LE,  /*!< Signed 24 bit Little Endian using low three bytes in 32-bit word */
124         PCM_S24BE,  /*!< Signed 24 bit Big Endian using low three bytes in 32-bit word */
125         PCM_U24LE,  /*!< Unsigned 24 bit Little Endian using low three bytes in 32-bit word */
126         PCM_U24BE,  /*!< Unsigned 24 bit Big Endian using low three bytes in 32-bit word */
127         PCM_S32LE,  /*!< Signed 32 bit Little Endian */
128         PCM_S32BE,  /*!< Signed 32 bit Big Endian */
129         PCM_U32LE,  /*!< Unsigned 32 bit Little Endian */
130         PCM_U32BE,  /*!< Unsigned 32 bit Big Endian */
131         PCM_FLOAT   /*!< Float 32 bit Native Endian, range: -1.0 to 1.0 */
132     };
134     /*!
135      * Audio channels enum.
136      */
137     enum ChannelPosition
138     {
139         CHAN_NULL         = 0x00,   /*!< No channel */
140         CHAN_FRONT_LEFT   = 0x01,   /*!< Front left channel */
141         CHAN_FRONT_RIGHT  = 0x02,   /*!< Front right channel */
142         CHAN_REAR_LEFT    = 0x04,   /*!< Rear left channel */
143         CHAN_REAR_RIGHT   = 0x08,   /*!< Rear right channel */
144         CHAN_FRONT_CENTER = 0x10,   /*!< Front center channel */
145         CHAN_REAR_CENTER  = 0x20,   /*!< Rear center channel */
146         CHAN_SIDE_LEFT    = 0x40,   /*!< Side left channel */
147         CHAN_SIDE_RIGHT   = 0x80,   /*!< Side right channel */
148         CHAN_LFE          = 0x100,  /*!< Low-frequency effects channel */
149     };
151     /*!
152      * Returns the configuration file name, including the path.
153      */
154     static QString configFile();
155     /*!
156      * Returns the configuration directory path.
157      */
158     static QString configDir();
159     /*!
160      * Overrides default configuration directory path.
161      */
162     static void setConfigDir(const QString &path);
163     /*!
164      * Returns %Qmmp library version.
165      */
166     static QString strVersion();
167     /*!
168      * Returns the location of the installed Qmmp plugins.
169      */
170     static QString pluginPath();
171     /*!
172      * Returns a list of found Qmmp plugins (full paths).
173      * @param prefix Plugin type or directory name (examples: Inpunt, Transport, Output).
174      */
175     static QStringList findPlugins(const QString &prefix);
176     /*!
177      * Returns system language if uiLanguageID() is 'auto'. Otherwise returns uiLanguageID().
178      */
179     static QString systemLanguageID();
180     /*!
181      * Returns state of the user interface language option. Code "auto" means autodetection.
182      */
183     static QString uiLanguageID();
184     /*!
185      * Sets user interface language.
186      * @param code Language code; code "auto" means autodetection.
187      */
188     static void setUiLanguageID(const QString &code);
189     /*!
190      * Returns a directory location where persistent application data can be stored.
191      */
192     static QString dataPath();
193 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
194     /*!
195      * Returns \b true if portable mode is enabled. Otherwise returns \b false.
196      */
197     static bool isPortable();
198 #endif
200 #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 12, 0)
201     static QString wildcardToRegularExpression(const QString &pattern);
202     static QString anchoredPattern(const QString &expression);
203 #endif
205 private:
206     static QString m_configDir;
207     static QString m_langID;
208 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
209     static QString m_appDir;
210 #endif
212 };
214 #endif