1# Design of `wasm-bindgen`
3This section is intended to be a deep-dive into how `wasm-bindgen` internally
4works today, specifically for Rust. If you're reading this far in the future it
5may no longer be up to date, but feel free to open an issue and we can try to
6answer questions and/or update this!
8## Foundation: ES Modules
10The first thing to know about `wasm-bindgen` is that it's fundamentally built on
11the idea of ES Modules. In other words this tool takes an opinionated stance
12that wasm files *should be viewed as ES modules*. This means that you can
13`import` from a wasm file, use its `export`-ed functionality, etc, from normal
14JS files.
16Now unfortunately at the time of this writing the interface of wasm interop
17isn't very rich. Wasm modules can only call functions or export functions that
18deal exclusively with `i32`, `i64`, `f32`, and `f64`. Bummer!
20That's where this project comes in. The goal of `wasm-bindgen` is to enhance the
21"ABI" of wasm modules with richer types like classes, JS objects, Rust structs,
22strings, etc. Keep in mind, though, that everything is based on ES Modules! This
23means that the compiler is actually producing a "broken" wasm file of sorts. The
24wasm file emitted by rustc, for example, does not have the interface we would
25like to have. Instead it requires the `wasm-bindgen` tool to postprocess the
26file, generating a `foo.js` and `foo_bg.wasm` file. The `foo.js` file is the
27desired interface expressed in JS (classes, types, strings, etc) and the
28`foo_bg.wasm` module is simply used as an implementation detail (it was
29lightly modified from the original `foo.wasm` file).
31As more features are stabilized in WebAssembly over time (like host bindings)
32the JS file is expected to get smaller and smaller. It's unlikely to ever
33disappear, but `wasm-bindgen` is designed to follow the WebAssembly spec and
34proposals closely to optimize JS/Rust as much as possible.
36## Foundation #2: Unintrusive in Rust
38On the more Rust-y side of things the `wasm-bindgen` crate is designed to
39ideally have as minimal impact on a Rust crate as possible. Ideally a few
40`#[wasm_bindgen]` attributes are annotated in key locations and otherwise you're
41off to the races. The attribute strives to both not invent new syntax and work
42with existing idioms today.
44For example a library might exposed a function in normal Rust that looks like:
47pub fn greet(name: &str) -> String {
48    // ...
52And with `#[wasm_bindgen]` all you need to do in exporting it to JS is:
56pub fn greet(name: &str) -> String {
57    // ...
61Additionally the design here with minimal intervention in Rust should allow us
62to easily take advantage of the upcoming [host bindings][host] proposal. Ideally
63you'd simply upgrade `wasm-bindgen`-the-crate as well as your toolchain and
64you're immediately getting raw access to host bindings! (this is still a bit of
65a ways off though...)
67[host]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/host-bindings