1 // Copyright (c) 2019-2021, The rav1e contributors. All rights reserved
2 //
3 // This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
4 // the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
5 // was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
6 // obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open
7 // Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
8 // PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent.
10 use crate::context::MAX_TX_SIZE;
11 use crate::cpu_features::CpuFeatureLevel;
12 use crate::predict::{
13   rust, IntraEdgeFilterParameters, PredictionMode, PredictionVariant,
14 };
15 use crate::tiling::PlaneRegionMut;
16 use crate::transform::TxSize;
17 use crate::util::Aligned;
18 use crate::{Pixel, PixelType};
19 use libc;
21 macro_rules! decl_angular_ipred_fn {
22   ($($f:ident),+) => {
23     extern {
24       $(
25         fn $f(
26           dst: *mut u8, stride: libc::ptrdiff_t, topleft: *const u8,
27           width: libc::c_int, height: libc::c_int, angle: libc::c_int,
28         );
29       )*
30     }
31   };
32 }
34 decl_angular_ipred_fn! {
35   rav1e_ipred_dc_8bpc_neon,
36   rav1e_ipred_dc_128_8bpc_neon,
37   rav1e_ipred_dc_left_8bpc_neon,
38   rav1e_ipred_dc_top_8bpc_neon,
39   rav1e_ipred_v_8bpc_neon,
40   rav1e_ipred_h_8bpc_neon,
41   rav1e_ipred_smooth_8bpc_neon,
42   rav1e_ipred_smooth_v_8bpc_neon,
43   rav1e_ipred_smooth_h_8bpc_neon,
44   rav1e_ipred_paeth_8bpc_neon
45 }
47 macro_rules! decl_angular_ipred_hbd_fn {
48   ($($f:ident),+) => {
49     extern {
50       $(
51         fn $f(
52           dst: *mut u16, stride: libc::ptrdiff_t, topleft: *const u16,
53           width: libc::c_int, height: libc::c_int, angle: libc::c_int,
54           max_width: libc::c_int, max_height: libc::c_int,
55           bit_depth_max: libc::c_int,
56         );
57       )*
58     }
59   };
60 }
62 decl_angular_ipred_hbd_fn! {
63   rav1e_ipred_dc_16bpc_neon,
64   rav1e_ipred_dc_128_16bpc_neon,
65   rav1e_ipred_dc_left_16bpc_neon,
66   rav1e_ipred_dc_top_16bpc_neon,
67   rav1e_ipred_v_16bpc_neon,
68   rav1e_ipred_h_16bpc_neon,
69   rav1e_ipred_smooth_16bpc_neon,
70   rav1e_ipred_smooth_v_16bpc_neon,
71   rav1e_ipred_smooth_h_16bpc_neon,
72   rav1e_ipred_paeth_16bpc_neon
73 }
75 macro_rules! decl_cfl_pred_fn {
76   ($($f:ident),+) => {
77     extern {
78       $(
79         fn $f(
80           dst: *mut u8, stride: libc::ptrdiff_t, topleft: *const u8,
81           width: libc::c_int, height: libc::c_int, ac: *const i16,
82           alpha: libc::c_int,
83         );
84       )*
85     }
86   };
87 }
89 decl_cfl_pred_fn! {
90   rav1e_ipred_cfl_8bpc_neon,
91   rav1e_ipred_cfl_128_8bpc_neon,
92   rav1e_ipred_cfl_left_8bpc_neon,
93   rav1e_ipred_cfl_top_8bpc_neon
94 }
96 macro_rules! decl_cfl_pred_hbd_fn {
97   ($($f:ident),+) => {
98     extern {
99       $(
100         fn $f(
101           dst: *mut u16, stride: libc::ptrdiff_t, topleft: *const u16,
102           width: libc::c_int, height: libc::c_int, ac: *const i16,
103           alpha: libc::c_int, bit_depth_max: libc::c_int,
104         );
105       )*
106     }
107   };
108 }
110 decl_cfl_pred_hbd_fn! {
111   rav1e_ipred_cfl_16bpc_neon,
112   rav1e_ipred_cfl_128_16bpc_neon,
113   rav1e_ipred_cfl_left_16bpc_neon,
114   rav1e_ipred_cfl_top_16bpc_neon
115 }
117 #[inline(always)]
dispatch_predict_intra<T: Pixel>( mode: PredictionMode, variant: PredictionVariant, dst: &mut PlaneRegionMut<'_, T>, tx_size: TxSize, bit_depth: usize, ac: &[i16], angle: isize, ief_params: Option<IntraEdgeFilterParameters>, edge_buf: &Aligned<[T; 4 * MAX_TX_SIZE + 1]>, cpu: CpuFeatureLevel, )118 pub fn dispatch_predict_intra<T: Pixel>(
119   mode: PredictionMode, variant: PredictionVariant,
120   dst: &mut PlaneRegionMut<'_, T>, tx_size: TxSize, bit_depth: usize,
121   ac: &[i16], angle: isize, ief_params: Option<IntraEdgeFilterParameters>,
122   edge_buf: &Aligned<[T; 4 * MAX_TX_SIZE + 1]>, cpu: CpuFeatureLevel,
123 ) {
124   let call_rust = |dst: &mut PlaneRegionMut<'_, T>| {
125     rust::dispatch_predict_intra(
126       mode, variant, dst, tx_size, bit_depth, ac, angle, ief_params, edge_buf,
127       cpu,
128     );
129   };
131   if cpu < CpuFeatureLevel::NEON {
132     return call_rust(dst);
133   }
135   unsafe {
136     let dst_ptr = dst.data_ptr_mut() as *mut _;
137     let dst_u16 = dst.data_ptr_mut() as *mut u16;
138     let stride = T::to_asm_stride(dst.plane_cfg.stride) as libc::ptrdiff_t;
139     let edge_ptr =
140       edge_buf.data.as_ptr().offset(2 * MAX_TX_SIZE as isize) as *const _;
141     let edge_u16 =
142       edge_buf.data.as_ptr().offset(2 * MAX_TX_SIZE as isize) as *const u16;
143     let w = tx_size.width() as libc::c_int;
144     let h = tx_size.height() as libc::c_int;
145     let angle = angle as libc::c_int;
146     let bd_max = (1 << bit_depth) - 1;
147     match T::type_enum() {
148       PixelType::U8 => match mode {
149         PredictionMode::DC_PRED => {
150           (match variant {
151             PredictionVariant::NONE => rav1e_ipred_dc_128_8bpc_neon,
152             PredictionVariant::LEFT => rav1e_ipred_dc_left_8bpc_neon,
153             PredictionVariant::TOP => rav1e_ipred_dc_top_8bpc_neon,
154             PredictionVariant::BOTH => rav1e_ipred_dc_8bpc_neon,
155           })(dst_ptr, stride, edge_ptr, w, h, angle);
156         }
157         PredictionMode::V_PRED if angle == 90 => {
158           rav1e_ipred_v_8bpc_neon(dst_ptr, stride, edge_ptr, w, h, angle);
159         }
160         PredictionMode::H_PRED if angle == 180 => {
161           rav1e_ipred_h_8bpc_neon(dst_ptr, stride, edge_ptr, w, h, angle);
162         }
163         PredictionMode::SMOOTH_PRED => {
164           rav1e_ipred_smooth_8bpc_neon(dst_ptr, stride, edge_ptr, w, h, angle);
165         }
166         PredictionMode::SMOOTH_V_PRED => {
167           rav1e_ipred_smooth_v_8bpc_neon(
168             dst_ptr, stride, edge_ptr, w, h, angle,
169           );
170         }
171         PredictionMode::SMOOTH_H_PRED => {
172           rav1e_ipred_smooth_h_8bpc_neon(
173             dst_ptr, stride, edge_ptr, w, h, angle,
174           );
175         }
176         PredictionMode::PAETH_PRED => {
177           rav1e_ipred_paeth_8bpc_neon(dst_ptr, stride, edge_ptr, w, h, angle);
178         }
179         PredictionMode::UV_CFL_PRED => {
180           let ac_ptr = ac.as_ptr() as *const _;
181           (match variant {
182             PredictionVariant::NONE => rav1e_ipred_cfl_128_8bpc_neon,
183             PredictionVariant::LEFT => rav1e_ipred_cfl_left_8bpc_neon,
184             PredictionVariant::TOP => rav1e_ipred_cfl_top_8bpc_neon,
185             PredictionVariant::BOTH => rav1e_ipred_cfl_8bpc_neon,
186           })(dst_ptr, stride, edge_ptr, w, h, ac_ptr, angle);
187         }
188         _ => call_rust(dst),
189       },
190       PixelType::U16 if bit_depth > 8 => match mode {
191         PredictionMode::DC_PRED => {
192           (match variant {
193             PredictionVariant::NONE => rav1e_ipred_dc_128_16bpc_neon,
194             PredictionVariant::LEFT => rav1e_ipred_dc_left_16bpc_neon,
195             PredictionVariant::TOP => rav1e_ipred_dc_top_16bpc_neon,
196             PredictionVariant::BOTH => rav1e_ipred_dc_16bpc_neon,
197           })(dst_u16, stride, edge_u16, w, h, angle, 0, 0, bd_max);
198         }
199         PredictionMode::V_PRED if angle == 90 => {
200           rav1e_ipred_v_16bpc_neon(
201             dst_u16, stride, edge_u16, w, h, angle, 0, 0, bd_max,
202           );
203         }
204         PredictionMode::H_PRED if angle == 180 => {
205           rav1e_ipred_h_16bpc_neon(
206             dst_u16, stride, edge_u16, w, h, angle, 0, 0, bd_max,
207           );
208         }
209         PredictionMode::SMOOTH_PRED => {
210           rav1e_ipred_smooth_16bpc_neon(
211             dst_u16, stride, edge_u16, w, h, angle, 0, 0, bd_max,
212           );
213         }
214         PredictionMode::SMOOTH_V_PRED => {
215           rav1e_ipred_smooth_v_16bpc_neon(
216             dst_u16, stride, edge_u16, w, h, angle, 0, 0, bd_max,
217           );
218         }
219         PredictionMode::SMOOTH_H_PRED => {
220           rav1e_ipred_smooth_h_16bpc_neon(
221             dst_u16, stride, edge_u16, w, h, angle, 0, 0, bd_max,
222           );
223         }
224         PredictionMode::PAETH_PRED => {
225           rav1e_ipred_paeth_16bpc_neon(
226             dst_u16, stride, edge_u16, w, h, angle, 0, 0, bd_max,
227           );
228         }
229         PredictionMode::UV_CFL_PRED => {
230           let ac_ptr = ac.as_ptr() as *const _;
231           (match variant {
232             PredictionVariant::NONE => rav1e_ipred_cfl_128_16bpc_neon,
233             PredictionVariant::LEFT => rav1e_ipred_cfl_left_16bpc_neon,
234             PredictionVariant::TOP => rav1e_ipred_cfl_top_16bpc_neon,
235             PredictionVariant::BOTH => rav1e_ipred_cfl_16bpc_neon,
236           })(dst_u16, stride, edge_u16, w, h, ac_ptr, angle, bd_max);
237         }
238         _ => call_rust(dst),
239       },
240       _ => call_rust(dst),
241     }
242   }
243 }