1 #pragma once
4 #include <string>
5 #include <set>
7 class Bridge;
9 /**
10  * A name representing an IRC channel on an IRC server, or an IRC user on an
11  * IRC server, or just an IRC server.
12  *
13  * The separator is '%' between the local part (nickname or channel) and the
14  * server part. If no separator is present, it's just an irc server.
15  * If it is present, the first character of the local part determines if it’s
16  * a channel or a user: ff the local part is empty or if its first character
17  * is part of the chantypes characters, then it’s a channel, otherwise it’s
18  * a user.
19  *
20  * It’s possible to have an empty-string server, but it makes no sense in
21  * biboumi’s context.
22  *
23  * Assuming the chantypes are '#' and '&':
24  *
25  * #test%irc.example.org has :
26  * - local: "#test" (the # is part of the name, it could very well be absent, or & (for example) instead)
27  * - server: "irc.example.org"
28  * - type: channel
29  *
30  * %irc.example.org:
31  * - local: ""
32  * - server: "irc.example.org"
33  * - type: channel
34  * Note: this is the special empty-string channel, used internally in biboumi
35  * but has no meaning on IRC.
36  *
37  * foo%irc.example.org
38  * - local: "foo"
39  * - server: "irc.example.org"
40  * - type: user
41  * Note: the empty-string user (!irc.example.org) makes no sense for biboumi
42  *
43  * irc.example.org:
44  * - local: ""
45  * - server: "irc.example.org"
46  * - type: server
47  */
48 class Iid
49 {
50 public:
51   enum class Type
52   {
53       Channel,
54       User,
55       Server,
56       None,
57   };
58   static constexpr char separator[]{"%"};
59   Iid(const std::string& iid, const std::set<char>& chantypes);
60   Iid(const std::string& iid, const std::initializer_list<char>& chantypes);
61   Iid(const std::string& iid, const Bridge* bridge);
62   Iid(std::string  local, std::string  server, Type type);
63   Iid() = default;
64   Iid(const Iid&) = default;
66   Iid(Iid&&) = delete;
67   Iid& operator=(const Iid&) = delete;
68   Iid& operator=(Iid&&) = delete;
70   void set_local(const std::string& loc);
71   void set_server(const std::string& serv);
73   const std::string& get_local() const;
74   const std::string get_encoded_local() const;
75   const std::string& get_server() const;
77   std::tuple<std::string, std::string> to_tuple() const;
79   Type type { Type::Server };
81 private:
83   void init(const std::string& iid);
84   void set_type(const std::set<char>& chantypes);
86   std::string local;
87   std::string server;
88 };
90 namespace std {
91   const std::string to_string(const Iid& iid);
92 }