1package network
3import (
4	"crypto/rand"
5	"encoding/binary"
6	"time"
8	"github.com/Arceliar/phony"
11const (
12	treeTIMEOUT  = time.Hour // TODO figure out what makes sense
13	treeANNOUNCE = treeTIMEOUT / 2
14	treeTHROTTLE = treeANNOUNCE / 2 // TODO use this to limit how fast seqs can update
18 * dhtree *
19 **********/
21type dhtree struct {
22	phony.Inbox
23	core       *core
24	pathfinder pathfinder
25	expired    map[publicKey]treeExpiredInfo // stores root highest seq and when it expires
26	tinfos     map[*peer]*treeInfo
27	dinfos     map[dhtMapKey]*dhtInfo
28	self       *treeInfo              // self info
29	parent     *peer                  // peer that sent t.self to us
30	prev       *dhtInfo               // previous key in dht, who we maintain a path to
31	next       *dhtInfo               // next in dht, they maintain a path to us
32	dkeys      map[*dhtInfo]publicKey // map of *dhtInfo->destKey for current and past prev
33	seq        uint64                 // updated whenever we send a new setup, technically it doesn't need to increase (it just needs to be different)
34	btimer     *time.Timer            // time.AfterFunc to send bootstrap packets
35	stimer     *time.Timer            // time.AfterFunc for self/parent expiration
36	wait       bool                   // FIXME this shouldn't be needed
39type treeExpiredInfo struct {
40	seq  uint64    // sequence number that expires
41	time time.Time // Time when it expires
44func (t *dhtree) init(c *core) {
45	t.core = c
46	t.expired = make(map[publicKey]treeExpiredInfo)
47	t.tinfos = make(map[*peer]*treeInfo)
48	t.dinfos = make(map[dhtMapKey]*dhtInfo)
49	t.dkeys = make(map[*dhtInfo]publicKey)
50	t.seq = uint64(time.Now().UnixNano())
51	r := make([]byte, 8)
52	if _, err := rand.Read(r); err != nil {
53		panic(err)
54	}
55	for idx := range r {
56		t.seq |= uint64(r[idx]) << 8 * uint64(idx)
57	}
58	t.btimer = time.AfterFunc(0, func() {}) // non-nil until closed
59	t.stimer = time.AfterFunc(0, func() {}) // non-nil until closed
60	t._fix()                                // Initialize t.self and start announce and timeout timers
61	t.pathfinder.init(t)
64func (t *dhtree) _sendTree() {
65	for p := range t.tinfos {
66		p.sendTree(t, t.self)
67	}
70// update adds a treeInfo to the spanning tree
71// it then fixes the tree (selecting a new parent, if needed) and the dht (restarting the bootstrap process)
72// if the info is from the current parent, then there's a delay before the tree/dht are fixed
73//  that prevents a race where we immediately switch to a new parent, who tries to do the same with us
74//  this avoids the tons of traffic generated when nodes race to use each other as parents
75func (t *dhtree) update(from phony.Actor, info *treeInfo, p *peer) {
76	t.Act(from, func() {
77		// The tree info should have been checked before this point
78		info.time = time.Now() // Order by processing time, not receiving time...
79		if exp, isIn := t.expired[info.root]; !isIn || exp.seq < info.seq {
80			t.expired[info.root] = treeExpiredInfo{seq: info.seq, time: info.time}
81		}
82		if t.tinfos[p] == nil {
83			// The peer may have missed an update due to a race between creating the peer and now
84			// The easiest way to fix the problem is to just send it another update right now
85			p.sendTree(t, t.self)
86		}
87		t.tinfos[p] = info
88		if p == t.parent {
89			if t.wait {
90				panic("this should never happen")
91			}
92			var doWait bool
93			if treeLess(t.self.root, info.root) {
94				doWait = true // worse root
95			} else if info.root.equal(t.self.root) && info.seq == t.self.seq {
96				doWait = true // same root and seq
97			}
98			t.self, t.parent = nil, nil // The old self/parent are now invalid
99			if doWait {
100				// FIXME this is a hack
101				//  We seem to busyloop if we process parent updates immediately
102				//  E.g. we get bad news and immediately switch to a different peer
103				//  Then we get more bad news and switch again, etc...
104				// Set self to root, send, then process things correctly 1 second later
105				t.wait = true
106				t.self = &treeInfo{root: t.core.crypto.publicKey}
107				t._sendTree() // send bad news immediately
108				time.AfterFunc(time.Second, func() {
109					t.Act(nil, func() {
110						t.wait = false
111						t.self, t.parent = nil, nil
112						t._fix()
113						t._doBootstrap()
114					})
115				})
116			}
117		}
118		if !t.wait {
119			t._fix()
120			t._doBootstrap()
121		}
122	})
125// remove removes a peer from the tree, along with any paths through that peer in the dht
126func (t *dhtree) remove(from phony.Actor, p *peer) {
127	t.Act(from, func() {
128		oldInfo := t.tinfos[p]
129		delete(t.tinfos, p)
130		if t.self == oldInfo {
131			t.self = nil
132			t.parent = nil
133			t._fix()
134		}
135		for _, dinfo := range t.dinfos {
136			if dinfo.peer == p || dinfo.rest == p {
137				t._teardown(p, dinfo.getTeardown())
138			}
139		}
140	})
143// _fix selects the best parent (and is called in response to receiving a tree update)
144// if this is not the same as our current parent, then it sends a tree update to our peers and resets our prev/next in the dht
145func (t *dhtree) _fix() {
146	if t.stimer == nil {
147		return // closed
148	}
149	oldSelf := t.self
150	if t.self == nil || treeLess(t.core.crypto.publicKey, t.self.root) {
151		// Note that seq needs to be non-decreasing for the node to function as a root
152		//  a timestamp it used to partly mitigate rollbacks from restarting
153		t.self = &treeInfo{
154			root: t.core.crypto.publicKey,
155			seq:  uint64(time.Now().Unix()),
156			time: time.Now(),
157		}
158		t.parent = nil
159	}
160	for _, info := range t.tinfos {
161		// Refill expired to include non-root nodes (in case we're replacing an expired
162		if exp, isIn := t.expired[info.root]; !isIn || exp.seq < info.seq || exp.seq == info.seq && info.time.Before(exp.time) {
163			// Fill expired as we
164			t.expired[info.root] = treeExpiredInfo{seq: info.seq, time: info.time}
165		}
166	}
167	for p, info := range t.tinfos {
168		if exp, isIn := t.expired[info.root]; isIn {
169			if info.seq < exp.seq {
170				continue // skip old sequence numbers
171			} else if info.seq == exp.seq && time.Since(exp.time) > treeTIMEOUT {
172				continue // skip expired sequence numbers
173			}
174		}
175		switch {
176		case !info.checkLoops():
177			// This has a loop, e.g. it's from a child, so skip it
178		case treeLess(info.root, t.self.root):
179			// This is a better root
180			t.self, t.parent = info, p
181		case treeLess(t.self.root, info.root):
182			// This is a worse root, so don't do anything with it
183		case info.seq > t.self.seq:
184			// This is a newer sequence number, so update parent
185			t.self, t.parent = info, p
186		case info.seq < t.self.seq:
187			// This is an older sequnce number, so ignore it
188		case info.time.Before(t.self.time):
189			// This info has been around for longer (e.g. the path is more stable)
190			t.self, t.parent = info, p
191		case info.time.After(t.self.time):
192			// This info has been around for less time (e.g. the path is less stable)
193			// Note that everything after this is extremely unlikely to be reached...
194		case len(info.hops) < len(t.self.hops):
195			// This is a shorter path to the root
196			t.self, t.parent = info, p
197		case len(info.hops) > len(t.self.hops):
198			// This is a longer path to the root, so don't do anything
199		case treeLess(info.from(), t.self.from()):
200			// This peer has a higher key than our current parent
201			t.self, t.parent = info, p
202		}
203	}
204	if t.self != oldSelf {
205		// Reset a timer to make t.self expire at some point
206		t.stimer.Stop()
207		self := t.self
208		var delay time.Duration
209		if t.self.root.equal(t.core.crypto.publicKey) {
210			// We are the root, so we need to expire after treeANNOUNCE to update seq
211			delay = treeANNOUNCE
212		} else {
213			// Figure out when the root needs to time out
214			stopTime := t.expired[t.self.root].time.Add(treeTIMEOUT)
215			delay = time.Until(stopTime)
216		}
217		t.stimer = time.AfterFunc(delay, func() {
218			t.Act(nil, func() {
219				if t.self == self {
220					t.self = nil
221					t.parent = nil
222					t._fix()
223					t._doBootstrap()
224				}
225			})
226		})
227		t._sendTree() // Send the tree update to our peers
228	}
229	// Clean up t.expired (remove anything worse than the current root)
230	for skey := range t.expired {
231		key := publicKey(skey)
232		if key.equal(t.self.root) || treeLess(t.self.root, key) {
233			delete(t.expired, skey)
234		}
235	}
238// _treeLookup selects the best next hop (in treespace) for the destination
239func (t *dhtree) _treeLookup(dest *treeLabel) *peer {
240	if t.core.crypto.publicKey.equal(dest.key) {
241		return nil
242	}
243	best := t.self
244	bestDist := best.dist(dest)
245	var bestPeer *peer
246	for p, info := range t.tinfos {
247		if !info.root.equal(dest.root) || info.seq != dest.seq {
248			continue
249		}
250		tmp := *info
251		tmp.hops = tmp.hops[:len(tmp.hops)-1]
252		dist := tmp.dist(dest)
253		var isBetter bool
254		switch {
255		case dist < bestDist:
256			isBetter = true
257		case dist > bestDist:
258		case treeLess(info.from(), best.from()):
259			isBetter = true
260		}
261		if isBetter {
262			best = info
263			bestDist = dist
264			bestPeer = p
265		}
266	}
267	if !best.root.equal(dest.root) || best.seq != dest.seq { // TODO? check self, not next/dest?
268		// Dead end, so stay here
269		return nil
270	}
271	return bestPeer
274// _dhtLookup selects the next hop needed to route closer to the destination in dht keyspace
275// this only uses the source direction of paths through the dht
276// bootstraps use slightly different logic, since they need to stop short of the destination key
277func (t *dhtree) _dhtLookup(dest publicKey, isBootstrap bool) *peer {
278	// Start by defining variables and helper functions
279	best := t.core.crypto.publicKey
280	var bestPeer *peer
281	var bestInfo *dhtInfo
282	// doUpdate is just to make sure we don't forget to update something
283	doUpdate := func(key publicKey, p *peer, d *dhtInfo) {
284		best, bestPeer, bestInfo = key, p, d
285	}
286	// doCheckedUpdate checks if the provided key is better than the current best, and updates if so
287	doCheckedUpdate := func(key publicKey, p *peer, d *dhtInfo) {
288		switch {
289		case !isBootstrap && key.equal(dest) && !best.equal(dest):
290			fallthrough
291		case dhtOrdered(best, key, dest):
292			doUpdate(key, p, nil)
293		}
294	}
295	// doAncestry updates based on the ancestry information in a treeInfo
296	doAncestry := func(info *treeInfo, p *peer) {
297		doCheckedUpdate(info.root, p, nil) // updates if the root is better
298		for _, hop := range info.hops {
299			doCheckedUpdate(hop.next, p, nil) // updates if this hop is better
300			tinfo := t.tinfos[bestPeer]       // may be nil if we're in the middle of a remove
301			if tinfo != nil && best.equal(hop.next) && info.time.Before(tinfo.time) {
302				// This ancestor matches our current next hop, but this peer's treeInfo is better, so switch to it
303				doUpdate(hop.next, p, nil)
304			}
305		}
306	}
307	// doDHT updates best based on a DHT path
308	doDHT := func(info *dhtInfo) {
309		doCheckedUpdate(info.key, info.peer, info) // updates if the source is better
310		if bestInfo != nil && info.key.equal(bestInfo.key) {
311			if treeLess(info.root, bestInfo.root) {
312				doUpdate(info.key, info.peer, info) // same source, but the root is better
313			} else if info.root.equal(bestInfo.root) && info.rootSeq > bestInfo.rootSeq {
314				doUpdate(info.key, info.peer, info) // same source, same root, but the rootSeq is newer
315			}
316		}
317	}
318	// Update the best key and peer
319	// First check if the current best (ourself) is an invalid next hop
320	if (isBootstrap && best.equal(dest)) || dhtOrdered(t.self.root, dest, best) {
321		// We're the current best, and we're already too far through keyspace
322		// That means we need to default to heading towards the root
323		doUpdate(t.self.root, t.parent, nil)
324	}
325	// Update based on the ancestry of our own treeInfo
326	doAncestry(t.self, t.parent)
327	// Update based on the ancestry of our peers
328	for p, info := range t.tinfos {
329		doAncestry(info, p)
330	}
331	// Check peers
332	for p := range t.tinfos {
333		if best.equal(p.key) {
334			// The best next hop is one of our peers
335			// We may have stumbled upon them too early, as the ancestor of another peer
336			// Switch to using the direct route to this peer, just in case
337			doUpdate(p.key, p, nil)
338		}
339	}
340	// Update based on our DHT infos
341	for _, info := range t.dinfos {
342		doDHT(info)
343	}
344	return bestPeer
347// _dhtAdd adds a dhtInfo to the dht and returns true
348// it may return false if the path associated with the dhtInfo isn't allowed for some reason
349//  e.g. we know a better prev/next for one of the nodes in the path, which can happen if there's multiple split rings that haven't converged on their own yet
350// as of writing, that never happens, it always adds and returns true
351func (t *dhtree) _dhtAdd(info *dhtInfo) bool {
352	// TODO? check existing paths, don't allow this one if the source/dest pair makes no sense
353	t.dinfos[info.getMapKey()] = info
354	return true
357// _newBootstrap returns a *dhtBootstrap for this node, using t.self, with a signature
358func (t *dhtree) _newBootstrap() *dhtBootstrap {
359	dbs := new(dhtBootstrap)
360	dbs.label = *t._getLabel()
361	return dbs
364// _handleBootstrap takes a bootstrap packet and checks if we know of a better prev for the source node
365// if yes, then we forward to the next hop in the path towards that prev
366// if no, then we reply with a dhtBootstrapAck (unless sanity checks fail)
367func (t *dhtree) _handleBootstrap(bootstrap *dhtBootstrap) {
368	source := bootstrap.label.key
369	if next := t._dhtLookup(source, true); next != nil {
370		next.sendBootstrap(t, bootstrap)
371		return
372	} else if source.equal(t.core.crypto.publicKey) {
373		return
374	} else if !bootstrap.check() {
375		return
376	}
377	ack := new(dhtBootstrapAck)
378	ack.bootstrap = *bootstrap
379	ack.response = *t._getToken(source)
380	t._handleBootstrapAck(ack)
383// handleBootstrap is the externally callable actor behavior that sends a message to the dhtree that it should _handleBootstrap
384func (t *dhtree) handleBootstrap(from phony.Actor, bootstrap *dhtBootstrap) {
385	t.Act(from, func() {
386		t._handleBootstrap(bootstrap)
387	})
390// _handleBootstrapAck takes an ack packet and checks if we know a next hop on the tree
391// if yes, then we forward to the next hop
392// if no, then we decide whether or not this node is better than our current prev
393// if yes, then we get rid of our current prev (if any) and start setting up a new path to the response node in the ack
394// if no, then we drop the bootstrap acknowledgement without doing anything
395func (t *dhtree) _handleBootstrapAck(ack *dhtBootstrapAck) {
396	source := ack.response.dest.key
397	next := t._treeLookup(&ack.bootstrap.label)
398	switch {
399	case next != nil:
400		next.sendBootstrapAck(t, ack)
401		return
402	case t.core.crypto.publicKey.equal(source):
403		// This is our own ack, but we failed to find a next hop
404		return
405	case !t.core.crypto.publicKey.equal(ack.bootstrap.label.key):
406		// This isn't an ack of our own bootstrap
407		return
408	case !t.core.crypto.publicKey.equal(ack.response.source):
409		// This is an ack of or own bootstrap, but the token isn't for us
410		return
411	case !ack.response.dest.root.equal(t.self.root):
412		// We have a different root, so tree lookups would fail
413		return
414	case ack.response.dest.seq != t.self.seq:
415		// This response is too old, so path setup would fail
416		return
417	case t.prev == nil:
418		// We have no prev, so anything matching the above is good enough
419	case dhtOrdered(t.dkeys[t.prev], source, t.core.crypto.publicKey):
420		// This is from a better prev than our current one
421	case !source.equal(t.dkeys[t.prev]):
422		// This isn't from the current prev or better, so ignore it
423		return
424	case !t.prev.root.equal(t.self.root) || t.prev.rootSeq != t.self.seq:
425		// The curent prev needs replacing (old tree info)
426	default:
427		// We already have a better (FIXME? or equal) prev
428		return
429	}
430	if !ack.response.check() {
431		// Final thing to check, if the signatures are bad then ignore it
432		return
433	}
434	t.prev = nil
435	for _, dinfo := range t.dinfos {
436		// Former prev need to be notified that we're no longer next
437		// The only way to signal that is by tearing down the path
438		// We may have multiple former prev paths
439		//  From t.prev = nil when the tree changes, but kept around to bootstrap
440		// So loop over paths and close any going to a *different* node than the current prev
441		// The current prev can close the old path from that side after setup
442		if dest, isIn := t.dkeys[dinfo]; isIn && !dest.equal(source) {
443			t._teardown(nil, dinfo.getTeardown())
444		}
445	}
446	setup := t._newSetup(&ack.response)
447	t._handleSetup(nil, setup)
448	if t.prev == nil {
449		// This can happen if the treeLookup in handleSetup fails
450		// FIXME we should avoid letting this happen
451		//  E.g. check that the lookup will fail, or at least that the roots match
452	}
455// handleBootstrapAck is the externally callable actor behavior that sends a message to the dhtree that it should _handleBootstrapAck
456func (t *dhtree) handleBootstrapAck(from phony.Actor, ack *dhtBootstrapAck) {
457	t.Act(from, func() {
458		t._handleBootstrapAck(ack)
459	})
462// _newSetup returns a *dhtSetup for this node, with a new sequence number and signature
463func (t *dhtree) _newSetup(token *dhtSetupToken) *dhtSetup {
464	t.seq++
465	setup := new(dhtSetup)
466	setup.seq = t.seq
467	setup.token = *token
468	setup.sig = t.core.crypto.privateKey.sign(setup.bytesForSig())
469	return setup
472// _handleSetup checks if it's safe to add a path from the setup source to the setup destination
473// if we can't add it (due to no next hop to forward it to, or if we're the destination but we already have a better next, or if we already have a path from the same source node), then we send a teardown to remove the path from the network
474// otherwise, we add the path to our table, and forward it (if we're not the destination) or set it as our next path (if we are, tearing down our existing next if one exists)
475func (t *dhtree) _handleSetup(prev *peer, setup *dhtSetup) {
476	next := t._treeLookup(&setup.token.dest)
477	dest := setup.token.dest.key
478	if next == nil && !dest.equal(t.core.crypto.publicKey) {
479		// FIXME? this has problems if prev is self (from changes to tree state?)
480		if prev != nil {
481			prev.sendTeardown(t, setup.getTeardown())
482		}
483		return
484	}
485	dinfo := new(dhtInfo)
486	dinfo.seq = setup.seq
487	dinfo.key = setup.token.source
488	dinfo.peer = prev
489	dinfo.rest = next
490	dinfo.root = setup.token.dest.root
491	dinfo.rootSeq = setup.token.dest.seq
492	if !dinfo.root.equal(t.self.root) || dinfo.rootSeq != t.self.seq {
493		// Wrong root or mismatched seq
494		if prev != nil {
495			prev.sendTeardown(t, setup.getTeardown())
496		}
497		return
498	}
499	if _, isIn := t.dinfos[dinfo.getMapKey()]; isIn {
500		// Already have a path from this source
501		if prev != nil {
502			prev.sendTeardown(t, setup.getTeardown())
503		}
504		return
505	}
506	if !t._dhtAdd(dinfo) {
507		if prev != nil {
508			prev.sendTeardown(t, setup.getTeardown())
509		}
510	}
511	dinfo.timer = time.AfterFunc(2*treeTIMEOUT, func() {
512		t.Act(nil, func() {
513			// Clean up path if it has timed out
514			if info, isIn := t.dinfos[dinfo.getMapKey()]; isIn {
515				if info.peer != nil {
516					info.peer.sendTeardown(t, info.getTeardown())
517				}
518				t._teardown(info.peer, info.getTeardown())
519			}
520		})
521	})
522	if prev == nil {
523		// sanity checks, this should only happen when setting up our prev
524		if !setup.token.source.equal(t.core.crypto.publicKey) {
525			panic("wrong source")
526		} else if setup.seq != t.seq {
527			panic("wrong seq")
528		} else if t.prev != nil {
529			panic("already have a prev")
530		}
531		t.prev = dinfo
532		t.dkeys[dinfo] = dest
533	}
534	if next != nil {
535		next.sendSetup(t, setup)
536	} else {
537		if t.next != nil {
538			// TODO get this right!
539			//  We need to replace the old next in most cases
540			//  The exceptions are when:
541			//    1. The dinfo's root/seq don't match our current root/seq
542			//    2. The dinfo matches, but so does t.next, and t.next is better
543			//  What happens when the dinfo matches, t.next does not, but t.next is still better?...
544			//  Just doing something for now (replace next) but not sure that's right...
545			var doUpdate bool
546			if !dinfo.root.equal(t.self.root) || dinfo.rootSeq != t.self.seq {
547				// The root/seq is bad, so don't update
548			} else if dinfo.key.equal(t.next.key) {
549				// It's an update from the current next
550				doUpdate = true
551			} else if dhtOrdered(t.core.crypto.publicKey, dinfo.key, t.next.key) {
552				// It's an update from a better next
553				doUpdate = true
554			}
555			if doUpdate {
556				t._teardown(nil, t.next.getTeardown())
557				t.next = dinfo
558			} else {
559				t._teardown(nil, dinfo.getTeardown())
560			}
561		} else {
562			t.next = dinfo
563		}
564	}
567// handleSetup is the dhtree actor behavior that sends a message to _handleSetup
568func (t *dhtree) handleSetup(from phony.Actor, prev *peer, setup *dhtSetup) {
569	t.Act(from, func() {
570		t._handleSetup(prev, setup)
571	})
574// _teardown removes the path associated with the teardown from our dht and forwards it to the next hop along that path (or does nothing if the teardown doesn't match a known path)
575func (t *dhtree) _teardown(from *peer, teardown *dhtTeardown) {
576	if dinfo, isIn := t.dinfos[teardown.getMapKey()]; isIn {
577		if teardown.seq != dinfo.seq {
578			return
579		} else if !teardown.key.equal(dinfo.key) {
580			panic("this should never happen")
581		}
582		var next *peer
583		if from == dinfo.peer {
584			next = dinfo.rest
585		} else if from == dinfo.rest {
586			next = dinfo.peer
587		} else {
588			return //panic("DEBUG teardown of path from wrong node")
589		}
590		dinfo.timer.Stop()
591		delete(t.dkeys, dinfo)
592		delete(t.dinfos, teardown.getMapKey())
593		if next != nil {
594			next.sendTeardown(t, teardown)
595		}
596		if t.next == dinfo {
597			t.next = nil
598		}
599		if t.prev == dinfo {
600			t.prev = nil
601			t._doBootstrap()
602		}
603	}
606// teardown is the dhtinfo actor behavior that sends a message to _teardown
607func (t *dhtree) teardown(from phony.Actor, p *peer, teardown *dhtTeardown) {
608	t.Act(from, func() {
609		t._teardown(p, teardown)
610	})
613// _doBootstrap decides whether or not to send a bootstrap packet
614// if a bootstrap is sent, then it sets things up to attempt to send another bootstrap at a later point
615func (t *dhtree) _doBootstrap() {
616	//return // FIXME debug tree (root offline -> too much traffic to fix)
617	if t.btimer != nil {
618		if t.prev != nil && t.prev.root.equal(t.self.root) && t.prev.rootSeq == t.self.seq {
619			return
620		}
621		t._handleBootstrap(t._newBootstrap())
622		t.btimer.Stop()
623		t.btimer = time.AfterFunc(time.Second, func() { t.Act(nil, t._doBootstrap) })
624	}
627// handleDHTTraffic take a dht traffic packet (still marshaled as []bytes) and decides where to forward it to next to take it closer to its destination in keyspace
628// if there's nowhere better to send it, then it hands it off to be read out from the local PacketConn interface
629func (t *dhtree) handleDHTTraffic(from phony.Actor, tr *dhtTraffic, doNotify bool) {
630	t.Act(from, func() {
631		next := t._dhtLookup(tr.dest, false)
632		if next == nil {
633			if tr.dest.equal(t.core.crypto.publicKey) {
634				dest := tr.source
635				t.pathfinder._doNotify(dest, !doNotify)
636			}
637			t.core.pconn.handleTraffic(tr)
638		} else {
639			next.sendDHTTraffic(t, tr)
640		}
641	})
644func (t *dhtree) sendTraffic(from phony.Actor, tr *dhtTraffic) {
645	t.Act(from, func() {
646		if path := t.pathfinder._getPath(tr.dest); path != nil {
647			pt := new(pathTraffic)
648			pt.path = path
649			pt.dt = *tr
650			t.core.peers.handlePathTraffic(t, pt)
651		} else {
652			t.handleDHTTraffic(nil, tr, false)
653		}
654	})
657func (t *dhtree) _getLabel() *treeLabel {
658	// TODO do this once when t.self changes and save it somewhere
659	//  (to avoid repeated signing every time we call this)
660	// Fill easy fields of label
661	label := new(treeLabel)
662	label.key = t.core.crypto.publicKey
663	label.root = t.self.root
664	label.seq = t.self.seq
665	for _, hop := range t.self.hops {
666		label.path = append(label.path, hop.port)
667	}
668	label.sig = t.core.crypto.privateKey.sign(label.bytesForSig())
669	return label
672func (t *dhtree) _getToken(source publicKey) *dhtSetupToken {
673	token := new(dhtSetupToken)
674	token.source = source
675	token.dest = *t._getLabel()
676	token.sig = t.core.crypto.privateKey.sign(token.bytesForSig())
677	return token
681 * treeInfo *
682 ************/
684type treeInfo struct {
685	time time.Time // Note: *NOT* serialized
686	root publicKey
687	seq  uint64
688	hops []treeHop
691type treeHop struct {
692	next publicKey
693	port peerPort
694	sig  signature
697func (info *treeInfo) dest() publicKey {
698	key := info.root
699	if len(info.hops) > 0 {
700		key = info.hops[len(info.hops)-1].next
701	}
702	return key
705func (info *treeInfo) from() publicKey {
706	key := info.root
707	if len(info.hops) > 1 {
708		// last hop is to this node, 2nd to last is to the previous hop, which is who this is from
709		key = info.hops[len(info.hops)-2].next
710	}
711	return key
714func (info *treeInfo) checkSigs() bool {
715	if len(info.hops) == 0 {
716		return false
717	}
718	var bs []byte
719	key := info.root
720	bs = append(bs, info.root[:]...)
721	seq := make([]byte, 8)
722	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(seq, info.seq)
723	bs = append(bs, seq...)
724	for _, hop := range info.hops {
725		bs = append(bs, hop.next[:]...)
726		bs = wireEncodeUint(bs, uint64(hop.port))
727		if !key.verify(bs, &hop.sig) {
728			return false
729		}
730		key = hop.next
731	}
732	return true
735func (info *treeInfo) checkLoops() bool {
736	key := info.root
737	keys := make(map[publicKey]bool) // Used to avoid loops
738	for _, hop := range info.hops {
739		if keys[key] {
740			return false
741		}
742		keys[key] = true
743		key = hop.next
744	}
745	return !keys[key]
748func (info *treeInfo) add(priv privateKey, next *peer) *treeInfo {
749	var bs []byte
750	bs = append(bs, info.root[:]...)
751	seq := make([]byte, 8)
752	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(seq, info.seq)
753	bs = append(bs, seq...)
754	for _, hop := range info.hops {
755		bs = append(bs, hop.next[:]...)
756		bs = wireEncodeUint(bs, uint64(hop.port))
757	}
758	bs = append(bs, next.key[:]...)
759	bs = wireEncodeUint(bs, uint64(next.port))
760	sig := priv.sign(bs)
761	hop := treeHop{next: next.key, port: next.port, sig: sig}
762	newInfo := *info
763	newInfo.hops = nil
764	newInfo.hops = append(newInfo.hops, info.hops...)
765	newInfo.hops = append(newInfo.hops, hop)
766	return &newInfo
769func (info *treeInfo) dist(dest *treeLabel) int {
770	if !info.root.equal(dest.root) {
771		// TODO? also check the root sequence number?
772		return int(^(uint(0)) >> 1) // max int, but you should really check this first
773	}
774	a, b := len(info.hops), len(dest.path)
775	if b < a {
776		a, b = b, a // make 'a' be the smaller value
777	}
778	lcaIdx := -1 // last common ancestor
779	for idx := 0; idx < a; idx++ {
780		if info.hops[idx].port != dest.path[idx] {
781			break
782		}
783		lcaIdx = idx
784	}
785	return a + b - 2*lcaIdx
788func (info *treeInfo) encode(out []byte) ([]byte, error) {
789	out = append(out, info.root[:]...)
790	seq := make([]byte, 8)
791	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(seq, info.seq)
792	out = append(out, seq...)
793	for _, hop := range info.hops {
794		out = append(out, hop.next[:]...)
795		out = wireEncodeUint(out, uint64(hop.port))
796		out = append(out, hop.sig[:]...)
797	}
798	return out, nil
801func (info *treeInfo) decode(data []byte) error {
802	nfo := treeInfo{}
803	if !wireChopSlice(nfo.root[:], &data) {
804		return wireDecodeError
805	}
806	if len(data) >= 8 {
807		nfo.seq = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data[:8])
808		data = data[8:]
809	} else {
810		return wireDecodeError
811	}
812	for len(data) > 0 {
813		hop := treeHop{}
814		switch {
815		case !wireChopSlice(hop.next[:], &data):
816			return wireDecodeError
817		case !wireChopUint((*uint64)(&hop.port), &data):
818			return wireDecodeError
819		case !wireChopSlice(hop.sig[:], &data):
820			return wireDecodeError
821		}
822		nfo.hops = append(nfo.hops, hop)
823	}
824	//nfo.time = time.Now() // Set by the dhtree in update
825	*info = nfo
826	return nil
830 * treeLabel *
831 *************/
833type treeLabel struct {
834	sig  signature
835	key  publicKey
836	root publicKey
837	seq  uint64
838	path []peerPort
841func (l *treeLabel) bytesForSig() []byte {
842	var bs []byte
843	bs = append(bs, l.root[:]...)
844	seq := make([]byte, 8)
845	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(seq, l.seq)
846	bs = append(bs, seq...)
847	bs = wireEncodePath(bs, l.path)
848	return bs
851func (l *treeLabel) check() bool {
852	bs := l.bytesForSig()
853	return l.key.verify(bs, &l.sig)
856func (l *treeLabel) encode(out []byte) ([]byte, error) {
857	out = append(out, l.sig[:]...)
858	out = append(out, l.key[:]...)
859	out = append(out, l.root[:]...)
860	seq := make([]byte, 8)
861	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(seq, l.seq)
862	out = append(out, seq...)
863	out = wireEncodePath(out, l.path)
864	return out, nil
867func (l *treeLabel) decode(data []byte) error {
868	var tmp treeLabel
869	if !wireChopSlice(tmp.sig[:], &data) {
870		return wireDecodeError
871	} else if !wireChopSlice(tmp.key[:], &data) {
872		return wireDecodeError
873	} else if !wireChopSlice(tmp.root[:], &data) {
874		return wireDecodeError
875	} else if len(data) < 8 {
876		return wireDecodeError
877	} else {
878		tmp.seq = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data[:8])
879		data = data[8:]
880	}
881	if !wireChopPath(&tmp.path, &data) {
882		return wireDecodeError
883	} else if len(data) != 0 {
884		return wireDecodeError
885	}
886	*l = tmp
887	return nil
891 * dhtInfo *
892 ***********/
894type dhtInfo struct {
895	seq     uint64
896	key     publicKey
897	peer    *peer
898	rest    *peer
899	root    publicKey
900	rootSeq uint64
901	timer   *time.Timer // time.AfterFunc to clean up after timeout, stop this on teardown
904func (info *dhtInfo) getTeardown() *dhtTeardown {
905	return &dhtTeardown{seq: info.seq, key: info.key, root: info.root, rootSeq: info.rootSeq}
908type dhtMapKey struct {
909	key     publicKey
910	root    publicKey
911	rootSeq uint64
914func (info *dhtInfo) getMapKey() dhtMapKey {
915	return dhtMapKey{info.key, info.root, info.rootSeq}
919 * dhtBootstrap *
920 ****************/
922type dhtBootstrap struct {
923	label treeLabel
926func (dbs *dhtBootstrap) check() bool {
927	return dbs.label.check()
930func (dbs *dhtBootstrap) encode(out []byte) ([]byte, error) {
931	return dbs.label.encode(out)
934func (dbs *dhtBootstrap) decode(data []byte) error {
935	var tmp dhtBootstrap
936	if err := tmp.label.decode(data); err != nil {
937		return err
938	}
939	*dbs = tmp
940	return nil
944 * dhtSetupToken *
945 *****************/
947// When you send a bootstrap, this is the thing you're trying to get back in a response.
948// It's what lets you open a path to a keyspace neighbor.
950// TODO? change the token format? The dest part contains a redundant sig inside of the treeLabel... technically we could reuse it, but that seems weird?
951// Maybe remove the sig from treeLabel, put that in a signedTreeLabel?
953type dhtSetupToken struct {
954	sig    signature // Signed by dest
955	source publicKey // Who the dest permits a path from
956	dest   treeLabel // Path to dest
959func (st *dhtSetupToken) bytesForSig() []byte {
960	var bs []byte
961	bs = append(bs, st.source[:]...)
962	var err error
963	if bs, err = st.dest.encode(bs); err != nil {
964		panic("this should never happen")
965	}
966	return bs
969// TODO? remove the redundant sig and check? both from same node, one should be a superset of the other...
971func (st *dhtSetupToken) check() bool {
972	bs := st.bytesForSig()
973	return st.dest.key.verify(bs, &st.sig) && st.dest.check()
976func (st *dhtSetupToken) encode(out []byte) ([]byte, error) {
977	out = append(out, st.sig[:]...)
978	out = append(out, st.source[:]...)
979	return st.dest.encode(out)
982func (st *dhtSetupToken) decode(data []byte) error {
983	if !wireChopSlice(st.sig[:], &data) {
984		return wireDecodeError
985	} else if !wireChopSlice(st.source[:], &data) {
986		return wireDecodeError
987	}
988	return st.dest.decode(data)
992 * dhtBootstrapAck *
993 *******************/
995type dhtBootstrapAck struct {
996	bootstrap dhtBootstrap
997	response  dhtSetupToken
1000func (ack *dhtBootstrapAck) check() bool {
1001	return ack.bootstrap.check() && ack.response.check()
1004func (ack *dhtBootstrapAck) encode(out []byte) ([]byte, error) {
1005	var bootBytes, resBytes []byte // TODO get rid of these
1006	var err error
1007	if bootBytes, err = ack.bootstrap.encode(nil); err != nil {
1008		return nil, err
1009	} else if resBytes, err = ack.response.encode(nil); err != nil {
1010		return nil, err
1011	}
1012	out = wireEncodeUint(out, uint64(len(bootBytes)))
1013	out = append(out, bootBytes...)
1014	out = append(out, resBytes...)
1015	return out, nil
1018func (ack *dhtBootstrapAck) decode(data []byte) error {
1019	bootLen, begin := wireDecodeUint(data)
1020	end := begin + int(bootLen)
1021	var tmp dhtBootstrapAck
1022	if end > len(data) {
1023		return wireDecodeError
1024	} else if err := tmp.bootstrap.decode(data[begin:end]); err != nil {
1025		return err
1026	} else if err := tmp.response.decode(data[end:]); err != nil {
1027		return err
1028	}
1029	*ack = tmp
1030	return nil
1034 * dhtSetup *
1035 ************/
1037type dhtSetup struct {
1038	sig   signature
1039	seq   uint64
1040	token dhtSetupToken
1043func (s *dhtSetup) bytesForSig() []byte {
1044	bs := make([]byte, 8)
1045	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(bs, s.seq)
1046	var err error
1047	if bs, err = s.token.encode(bs); err != nil {
1048		panic("this should never happen")
1049	}
1050	return bs
1053func (s *dhtSetup) check() bool {
1054	if !s.token.check() {
1055		return false
1056	}
1057	bs := s.bytesForSig()
1058	return s.token.source.verify(bs, &s.sig)
1061func (s *dhtSetup) getTeardown() *dhtTeardown {
1062	return &dhtTeardown{
1063		seq:     s.seq,
1064		key:     s.token.source,
1065		root:    s.token.dest.root,
1066		rootSeq: s.token.dest.seq,
1067	}
1070func (s *dhtSetup) encode(out []byte) ([]byte, error) {
1071	seq := make([]byte, 8)
1072	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(seq, s.seq)
1073	out = append(out, s.sig[:]...)
1074	out = append(out, seq...)
1075	return s.token.encode(out)
1078func (s *dhtSetup) decode(data []byte) error {
1079	var tmp dhtSetup
1080	if !wireChopSlice(tmp.sig[:], &data) {
1081		return wireDecodeError
1082	}
1083	if len(data) < 8 {
1084		return wireDecodeError
1085	}
1086	tmp.seq, data = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data[:8]), data[8:]
1087	if err := tmp.token.decode(data); err != nil {
1088		return err
1089	}
1090	*s = tmp
1091	return nil
1095 * dhtTeardown *
1096 ***************/
1098type dhtTeardown struct {
1099	seq     uint64
1100	key     publicKey
1101	root    publicKey
1102	rootSeq uint64
1105func (t *dhtTeardown) getMapKey() dhtMapKey {
1106	return dhtMapKey{t.key, t.root, t.rootSeq}
1109func (t *dhtTeardown) encode(out []byte) ([]byte, error) {
1110	seq := make([]byte, 8)
1111	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(seq, t.seq)
1112	out = append(out, seq...)
1113	out = append(out, t.key[:]...)
1114	out = append(out, t.root[:]...)
1115	rseq := make([]byte, 8)
1116	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(rseq, t.rootSeq)
1117	out = append(out, rseq...)
1118	return out, nil
1121func (t *dhtTeardown) decode(data []byte) error {
1122	var tmp dhtTeardown
1123	if len(data) < 8 {
1124		return wireDecodeError
1125	}
1126	tmp.seq, data = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data[:8]), data[8:]
1127	if !wireChopSlice(tmp.key[:], &data) {
1128		return wireDecodeError
1129	} else if !wireChopSlice(tmp.root[:], &data) {
1130		return wireDecodeError
1131	} else if len(data) != 8 {
1132		return wireDecodeError
1133	}
1134	tmp.rootSeq = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data)
1135	*t = tmp
1136	return nil
1140 * dhtTraffic *
1141 **************/
1143type dhtTraffic struct {
1144	source  publicKey
1145	dest    publicKey
1146	kind    byte // in-band vs out-of-band, TODO? separate type?
1147	payload []byte
1150func (t *dhtTraffic) encode(out []byte) ([]byte, error) {
1151	out = append(out, t.source[:]...)
1152	out = append(out, t.dest[:]...)
1153	out = append(out, t.kind)
1154	out = append(out, t.payload...)
1155	return out, nil
1158func (t *dhtTraffic) decode(data []byte) error {
1159	var tmp dhtTraffic
1160	if !wireChopSlice(tmp.source[:], &data) {
1161		return wireDecodeError
1162	} else if !wireChopSlice(tmp.dest[:], &data) {
1163		return wireDecodeError
1164	}
1165	if len(data) < 1 {
1166		return wireDecodeError
1167	}
1168	tmp.kind, data = data[0], data[1:]
1169	tmp.payload = append(tmp.payload[:0], data...)
1170	*t = tmp
1171	return nil
1175 * utility functions *
1176 *********************/
1178func treeLess(key1, key2 publicKey) bool {
1179	for idx := range key1 {
1180		switch {
1181		case key1[idx] < key2[idx]:
1182			return true
1183		case key1[idx] > key2[idx]:
1184			return false
1185		}
1186	}
1187	return false
1190func dhtOrdered(first, second, third publicKey) bool {
1191	return treeLess(first, second) && treeLess(second, third)