2   Copyright The containerd Authors.
4   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6   You may obtain a copy of the License at
8       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   limitations under the License.
17package server
19import (
20	"os"
21	"path/filepath"
22	"testing"
24	imagespec "github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/specs-go/v1"
25	runtimespec "github.com/opencontainers/runtime-spec/specs-go"
26	"github.com/opencontainers/selinux/go-selinux"
27	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
28	"github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
29	runtime "k8s.io/cri-api/pkg/apis/runtime/v1alpha2"
31	"github.com/containerd/containerd/pkg/cri/annotations"
32	"github.com/containerd/containerd/pkg/cri/opts"
33	ostesting "github.com/containerd/containerd/pkg/os/testing"
36func getRunPodSandboxTestData() (*runtime.PodSandboxConfig, *imagespec.ImageConfig, func(*testing.T, string, *runtimespec.Spec)) {
37	config := &runtime.PodSandboxConfig{
38		Metadata: &runtime.PodSandboxMetadata{
39			Name:      "test-name",
40			Uid:       "test-uid",
41			Namespace: "test-ns",
42			Attempt:   1,
43		},
44		Hostname:     "test-hostname",
45		LogDirectory: "test-log-directory",
46		Labels:       map[string]string{"a": "b"},
47		Annotations:  map[string]string{"c": "d"},
48		Linux: &runtime.LinuxPodSandboxConfig{
49			CgroupParent: "/test/cgroup/parent",
50		},
51	}
52	imageConfig := &imagespec.ImageConfig{
53		Env:        []string{"a=b", "c=d"},
54		Entrypoint: []string{"/pause"},
55		Cmd:        []string{"forever"},
56		WorkingDir: "/workspace",
57	}
58	specCheck := func(t *testing.T, id string, spec *runtimespec.Spec) {
59		assert.Equal(t, "test-hostname", spec.Hostname)
60		assert.Equal(t, getCgroupsPath("/test/cgroup/parent", id), spec.Linux.CgroupsPath)
61		assert.Equal(t, relativeRootfsPath, spec.Root.Path)
62		assert.Equal(t, true, spec.Root.Readonly)
63		assert.Contains(t, spec.Process.Env, "a=b", "c=d")
64		assert.Equal(t, []string{"/pause", "forever"}, spec.Process.Args)
65		assert.Equal(t, "/workspace", spec.Process.Cwd)
66		assert.EqualValues(t, *spec.Linux.Resources.CPU.Shares, opts.DefaultSandboxCPUshares)
67		assert.EqualValues(t, *spec.Process.OOMScoreAdj, defaultSandboxOOMAdj)
69		t.Logf("Check PodSandbox annotations")
70		assert.Contains(t, spec.Annotations, annotations.SandboxID)
71		assert.EqualValues(t, spec.Annotations[annotations.SandboxID], id)
73		assert.Contains(t, spec.Annotations, annotations.ContainerType)
74		assert.EqualValues(t, spec.Annotations[annotations.ContainerType], annotations.ContainerTypeSandbox)
76		assert.Contains(t, spec.Annotations, annotations.SandboxNamespace)
77		assert.EqualValues(t, spec.Annotations[annotations.SandboxNamespace], "test-ns")
79		assert.Contains(t, spec.Annotations, annotations.SandboxName)
80		assert.EqualValues(t, spec.Annotations[annotations.SandboxName], "test-name")
82		assert.Contains(t, spec.Annotations, annotations.SandboxLogDir)
83		assert.EqualValues(t, spec.Annotations[annotations.SandboxLogDir], "test-log-directory")
85		if selinux.GetEnabled() {
86			assert.NotEqual(t, "", spec.Process.SelinuxLabel)
87			assert.NotEqual(t, "", spec.Linux.MountLabel)
88		}
89	}
90	return config, imageConfig, specCheck
93func TestLinuxSandboxContainerSpec(t *testing.T) {
94	testID := "test-id"
95	nsPath := "test-cni"
96	for desc, test := range map[string]struct {
97		configChange func(*runtime.PodSandboxConfig)
98		specCheck    func(*testing.T, *runtimespec.Spec)
99		expectErr    bool
100	}{
101		"spec should reflect original config": {
102			specCheck: func(t *testing.T, spec *runtimespec.Spec) {
103				// runtime spec should have expected namespaces enabled by default.
104				require.NotNil(t, spec.Linux)
105				assert.Contains(t, spec.Linux.Namespaces, runtimespec.LinuxNamespace{
106					Type: runtimespec.NetworkNamespace,
107					Path: nsPath,
108				})
109				assert.Contains(t, spec.Linux.Namespaces, runtimespec.LinuxNamespace{
110					Type: runtimespec.UTSNamespace,
111				})
112				assert.Contains(t, spec.Linux.Namespaces, runtimespec.LinuxNamespace{
113					Type: runtimespec.PIDNamespace,
114				})
115				assert.Contains(t, spec.Linux.Namespaces, runtimespec.LinuxNamespace{
116					Type: runtimespec.IPCNamespace,
117				})
118			},
119		},
120		"host namespace": {
121			configChange: func(c *runtime.PodSandboxConfig) {
122				c.Linux.SecurityContext = &runtime.LinuxSandboxSecurityContext{
123					NamespaceOptions: &runtime.NamespaceOption{
124						Network: runtime.NamespaceMode_NODE,
125						Pid:     runtime.NamespaceMode_NODE,
126						Ipc:     runtime.NamespaceMode_NODE,
127					},
128				}
129			},
130			specCheck: func(t *testing.T, spec *runtimespec.Spec) {
131				// runtime spec should disable expected namespaces in host mode.
132				require.NotNil(t, spec.Linux)
133				assert.NotContains(t, spec.Linux.Namespaces, runtimespec.LinuxNamespace{
134					Type: runtimespec.NetworkNamespace,
135				})
136				assert.NotContains(t, spec.Linux.Namespaces, runtimespec.LinuxNamespace{
137					Type: runtimespec.UTSNamespace,
138				})
139				assert.NotContains(t, spec.Linux.Namespaces, runtimespec.LinuxNamespace{
140					Type: runtimespec.PIDNamespace,
141				})
142				assert.NotContains(t, spec.Linux.Namespaces, runtimespec.LinuxNamespace{
143					Type: runtimespec.IPCNamespace,
144				})
145			},
146		},
147		"should set supplemental groups correctly": {
148			configChange: func(c *runtime.PodSandboxConfig) {
149				c.Linux.SecurityContext = &runtime.LinuxSandboxSecurityContext{
150					SupplementalGroups: []int64{1111, 2222},
151				}
152			},
153			specCheck: func(t *testing.T, spec *runtimespec.Spec) {
154				require.NotNil(t, spec.Process)
155				assert.Contains(t, spec.Process.User.AdditionalGids, uint32(1111))
156				assert.Contains(t, spec.Process.User.AdditionalGids, uint32(2222))
157			},
158		},
159	} {
160		t.Logf("TestCase %q", desc)
161		c := newTestCRIService()
162		config, imageConfig, specCheck := getRunPodSandboxTestData()
163		if test.configChange != nil {
164			test.configChange(config)
165		}
166		spec, err := c.sandboxContainerSpec(testID, config, imageConfig, nsPath, nil)
167		if test.expectErr {
168			assert.Error(t, err)
169			assert.Nil(t, spec)
170			continue
171		}
172		assert.NoError(t, err)
173		assert.NotNil(t, spec)
174		specCheck(t, testID, spec)
175		if test.specCheck != nil {
176			test.specCheck(t, spec)
177		}
178	}
181func TestSetupSandboxFiles(t *testing.T) {
182	const (
183		testID       = "test-id"
184		realhostname = "test-real-hostname"
185	)
186	for desc, test := range map[string]struct {
187		dnsConfig     *runtime.DNSConfig
188		hostname      string
189		ipcMode       runtime.NamespaceMode
190		expectedCalls []ostesting.CalledDetail
191	}{
192		"should check host /dev/shm existence when ipc mode is NODE": {
193			ipcMode: runtime.NamespaceMode_NODE,
194			expectedCalls: []ostesting.CalledDetail{
195				{
196					Name: "Hostname",
197				},
198				{
199					Name: "WriteFile",
200					Arguments: []interface{}{
201						filepath.Join(testRootDir, sandboxesDir, testID, "hostname"),
202						[]byte(realhostname + "\n"),
203						os.FileMode(0644),
204					},
205				},
206				{
207					Name: "CopyFile",
208					Arguments: []interface{}{
209						"/etc/hosts",
210						filepath.Join(testRootDir, sandboxesDir, testID, "hosts"),
211						os.FileMode(0644),
212					},
213				},
214				{
215					Name: "CopyFile",
216					Arguments: []interface{}{
217						"/etc/resolv.conf",
218						filepath.Join(testRootDir, sandboxesDir, testID, "resolv.conf"),
219						os.FileMode(0644),
220					},
221				},
222				{
223					Name:      "Stat",
224					Arguments: []interface{}{"/dev/shm"},
225				},
226			},
227		},
228		"should create new /etc/resolv.conf if DNSOptions is set": {
229			dnsConfig: &runtime.DNSConfig{
230				Servers:  []string{""},
231				Searches: []string{""},
232				Options:  []string{"timeout:1"},
233			},
234			ipcMode: runtime.NamespaceMode_NODE,
235			expectedCalls: []ostesting.CalledDetail{
236				{
237					Name: "Hostname",
238				},
239				{
240					Name: "WriteFile",
241					Arguments: []interface{}{
242						filepath.Join(testRootDir, sandboxesDir, testID, "hostname"),
243						[]byte(realhostname + "\n"),
244						os.FileMode(0644),
245					},
246				},
247				{
248					Name: "CopyFile",
249					Arguments: []interface{}{
250						"/etc/hosts",
251						filepath.Join(testRootDir, sandboxesDir, testID, "hosts"),
252						os.FileMode(0644),
253					},
254				},
255				{
256					Name: "WriteFile",
257					Arguments: []interface{}{
258						filepath.Join(testRootDir, sandboxesDir, testID, "resolv.conf"),
259						[]byte(`search
261options timeout:1
262`), os.FileMode(0644),
263					},
264				},
265				{
266					Name:      "Stat",
267					Arguments: []interface{}{"/dev/shm"},
268				},
269			},
270		},
271		"should create sandbox shm when ipc namespace mode is not NODE": {
272			ipcMode: runtime.NamespaceMode_POD,
273			expectedCalls: []ostesting.CalledDetail{
274				{
275					Name: "Hostname",
276				},
277				{
278					Name: "WriteFile",
279					Arguments: []interface{}{
280						filepath.Join(testRootDir, sandboxesDir, testID, "hostname"),
281						[]byte(realhostname + "\n"),
282						os.FileMode(0644),
283					},
284				},
285				{
286					Name: "CopyFile",
287					Arguments: []interface{}{
288						"/etc/hosts",
289						filepath.Join(testRootDir, sandboxesDir, testID, "hosts"),
290						os.FileMode(0644),
291					},
292				},
293				{
294					Name: "CopyFile",
295					Arguments: []interface{}{
296						"/etc/resolv.conf",
297						filepath.Join(testRootDir, sandboxesDir, testID, "resolv.conf"),
298						os.FileMode(0644),
299					},
300				},
301				{
302					Name: "MkdirAll",
303					Arguments: []interface{}{
304						filepath.Join(testStateDir, sandboxesDir, testID, "shm"),
305						os.FileMode(0700),
306					},
307				},
308				{
309					Name: "Mount",
310					// Ignore arguments which are too complex to check.
311				},
312			},
313		},
314		"should create /etc/hostname when hostname is set": {
315			hostname: "test-hostname",
316			ipcMode:  runtime.NamespaceMode_NODE,
317			expectedCalls: []ostesting.CalledDetail{
318				{
319					Name: "WriteFile",
320					Arguments: []interface{}{
321						filepath.Join(testRootDir, sandboxesDir, testID, "hostname"),
322						[]byte("test-hostname\n"),
323						os.FileMode(0644),
324					},
325				},
326				{
327					Name: "CopyFile",
328					Arguments: []interface{}{
329						"/etc/hosts",
330						filepath.Join(testRootDir, sandboxesDir, testID, "hosts"),
331						os.FileMode(0644),
332					},
333				},
334				{
335					Name: "CopyFile",
336					Arguments: []interface{}{
337						"/etc/resolv.conf",
338						filepath.Join(testRootDir, sandboxesDir, testID, "resolv.conf"),
339						os.FileMode(0644),
340					},
341				},
342				{
343					Name:      "Stat",
344					Arguments: []interface{}{"/dev/shm"},
345				},
346			},
347		},
348	} {
349		t.Logf("TestCase %q", desc)
350		c := newTestCRIService()
351		c.os.(*ostesting.FakeOS).HostnameFn = func() (string, error) {
352			return realhostname, nil
353		}
354		cfg := &runtime.PodSandboxConfig{
355			Hostname:  test.hostname,
356			DnsConfig: test.dnsConfig,
357			Linux: &runtime.LinuxPodSandboxConfig{
358				SecurityContext: &runtime.LinuxSandboxSecurityContext{
359					NamespaceOptions: &runtime.NamespaceOption{
360						Ipc: test.ipcMode,
361					},
362				},
363			},
364		}
365		c.setupSandboxFiles(testID, cfg)
366		calls := c.os.(*ostesting.FakeOS).GetCalls()
367		assert.Len(t, calls, len(test.expectedCalls))
368		for i, expected := range test.expectedCalls {
369			if expected.Arguments == nil {
370				// Ignore arguments.
371				expected.Arguments = calls[i].Arguments
372			}
373			assert.Equal(t, expected, calls[i])
374		}
375	}
378func TestParseDNSOption(t *testing.T) {
379	for desc, test := range map[string]struct {
380		servers         []string
381		searches        []string
382		options         []string
383		expectedContent string
384		expectErr       bool
385	}{
386		"empty dns options should return empty content": {},
387		"non-empty dns options should return correct content": {
388			servers:  []string{"", "server.google.com"},
389			searches: []string{""},
390			options:  []string{"timeout:1"},
391			expectedContent: `search
393nameserver server.google.com
394options timeout:1
396		},
397		"expanded dns config should return correct content on modern libc (e.g. glibc 2.26 and above)": {
398			servers: []string{"", "server.google.com"},
399			searches: []string{
400				"server0.google.com",
401				"server1.google.com",
402				"server2.google.com",
403				"server3.google.com",
404				"server4.google.com",
405				"server5.google.com",
406				"server6.google.com",
407			},
408			options: []string{"timeout:1"},
409			expectedContent: `search server0.google.com server1.google.com server2.google.com server3.google.com server4.google.com server5.google.com server6.google.com
411nameserver server.google.com
412options timeout:1
414		},
415	} {
416		t.Logf("TestCase %q", desc)
417		resolvContent, err := parseDNSOptions(test.servers, test.searches, test.options)
418		if test.expectErr {
419			assert.Error(t, err)
420			continue
421		}
422		assert.NoError(t, err)
423		assert.Equal(t, resolvContent, test.expectedContent)
424	}
427func TestSandboxDisableCgroup(t *testing.T) {
428	config, imageConfig, _ := getRunPodSandboxTestData()
429	c := newTestCRIService()
430	c.config.DisableCgroup = true
431	spec, err := c.sandboxContainerSpec("test-id", config, imageConfig, "test-cni", []string{})
432	require.NoError(t, err)
434	t.Log("resource limit should not be set")
435	assert.Nil(t, spec.Linux.Resources.Memory)
436	assert.Nil(t, spec.Linux.Resources.CPU)
438	t.Log("cgroup path should be empty")
439	assert.Empty(t, spec.Linux.CgroupsPath)
442// TODO(random-liu): [P1] Add unit test for different error cases to make sure
443// the function cleans up on error properly.