1 /*  This file is part of the KDE project
2     Copyright (C) 2005 Michal Vaner <michal.vaner@kdemail.net>
3     Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Pali Rohár <pali.rohar@gmail.com>
5     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6     modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
7     License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
9     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12     Library General Public License for more details.
14     You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
15     along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
16     the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
17     Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
19 */
20 #ifndef SKYPE_H
21 #define SKYPE_H
23 #include <qobject.h>
25 class SkypePrivate;
26 class SkypeAccount;
27 class QDateTime;
29 /**
30  * @author Kopete Developers
31  * @author Pali Rohár
32  * This class is internal backend for skype. It provides slots for such things like "send a IM" and so
33  */
34 class Skype : public QObject
35 {
37 	private:
38 		///The d pointer for private things
39 		SkypePrivate *d;
40 		/**
41 		 * Will try to hitchhike a message. It will hitchhike it, show it in the proper chat session and so on, but just when it is enabled by hitchhike mode and will maker it as read if enabled
42 		 * @param messageId ID of the message to hitchHike
43 		 */
44 		void hitchHike(const QString &messageId);
45 	private slots:
46 		/**
47 		 * Adds new message do be sent to skype (normaly is sent imediatelly).
48 		 * If there is no connection to skype, it is created before it is sent.
49 		 * @param message Message to send to skype
50 		 * @param deleteQueue If this is true, all message waiting to be sent are deleted and only this one stays in the queue
51 		 */
52 		void queueSkypeMessage(const QString &message, bool deleteQueue);
53 		/**
54 		 * Listens for closed skype connection
55 		 */
56 		void closed(int reason);
57 		/**
58 		 * Listens for finishing the connecting attempt and sending the queue if it was successful
59 		 * @param error - Did it work or was there some error?
60 		 * @param protocolVer - Version of protocol used by this connection
61 		 */
62 		void connectionDone(int error, int protocolVer);
63 		/**
64 		 * This one showes an error message
65 		 * @param message What to write on the dialog box
66 		 */
67 		void error(const QString &message);
68 		/**
69 		 * This one scans messages from Skype API and acts acordingly to them (changing online status, showing messages....
70 		 * @param message What the skype said
71 		 */
72 		void skypeMessage(const QString &message);
73 		/**
74 		 * This one resets the online status showed on the icon in kopete depending on last values from skype.
75 		 * Used when the status changes
76 		 */
77 		void resetStatus();
78 		/**
79 		 * Makes the Skype search for something and saves what it was to decide later, what to do with it
80 		 * @param what What are we searching for
81 		 */
82 		void search(const QString &what);
83 		/**
84 		 * Fix all contact in groups
85 		 */
86 		void fixGroups(bool loadOnly = false);
87 	public:
88 		/**
89 		 * Constructor
90 		 * @param account The account that this connection belongs to
91 		 */
92 		Skype(SkypeAccount &account);
93 		/**
94 		 * Destructor
95 		 */
96 		~Skype();
97 		///Can we comunicate with the skype program right now?
98 		bool canComunicate();
99 		/**
100 		 * Enables or disables hitchhake mode of incoming messages
101 		 * @see SkypeAccount::setHitchHike
102 		 */
103 		void setHitchMode(bool value);
104 		/**
105 		 * Enables or disables mark read messages mode
106 		 * @see SkypeAccount::setMarkRead
107 		 */
108 		void setMarkMode(bool value);
109 		/**
110 		 * Enables/disables scanning for unread messages after login
111 		 * @see SkypeAccount::setScanForUnread
112 		 */
113 		void setScanForUnread(bool value);
114 		/**
115 		 * Is that call incoming call?
116 		 * @param callId What call you mean?
117 		 * @return true if the call is incoming
118 		 */
119 		bool isCallIncoming(const QString &callId);
120 		/**
121 		 * Returns ID of chat to what given message belongs
122 		 * @param messageId Id of the wanted message
123 		 * @return ID of the chat. For unexisten message the result is not defined.
124 		 */
125 		QString getMessageChat(const QString &messageId);
126 		/**
127 		 * Returns list of users in that chat without actual user
128 		 * @param chat ID of that chat you want to know
129 		 */
130 		QStringList getChatUsers(const QString &chat);
131 		/**
132 		 * This will return ID of the actual user this one that uses this skype
133 		 */
134 		QString getMyself();
135 		/**
136 		 * Create a chat with that members
137 		 * @param users List of users separated by coma (user_1, user_2, user...)
138 		 * @return Id of the new chat
139 		 */
140 		QString createChat(const QString &users);
141 		/**
142 		 * Says if the contact should be authorize, not authorized or blocked
143 		 */
144 		enum AuthorType {
145 			Author,
146 			Deny,
147 			Block
148 		};
149 		/**
150 		 * Ask if the user how is the user authorized
151 		 * @param contactId What user are you interested in?
152 		 */
153 		AuthorType getAuthor(const QString &contactId);
154 		/**
155 		 * Is this version of protocol able to create conference calls?
156 		 */
157 		bool ableConference();
158 		/**
159 		 * Get group name, where is contact
160 		 * @param name Skype contact name
161 		 * @return group id, where is contact
162 		 */
163 		int getContactGroupID(const QString &name);
164 		/**
165 		 * Remove user from group
166 		 * @param name Skype contact name
167 		 * @param groupID Skype group id
168 		 */
169 		void removeFromGroup(const QString &name, int groupID);
170 		/**
171 		 * Add user to group
172 		 * @param name Skype contact name
173 		 * @param groupID Skype group id
174 		 */
175 		void addToGroup(const QString &name, int groupID);
176 		/**
177 		 * Create Skype group
178 		 * @param name Group name
179 		 */
180 		void createGroup(const QString &name);
181 		/**
182 		 * Remove Skype group
183 		 * @param groupID Skype group id
184 		 */
185 		void deleteGroup(int groupID);
186 		/**
187 		 * Rename Skype group
188 		 * @param groupID Skype group id
189 		 * @param newName New group name
190 		 */
191 		void renameGroup(int groupID, const QString &newName);
192 		/**
193 		 * Get group id
194 		 * @param groupname name
195 		 * @return groupID
196 		 */
197 		int getGroupID(const QString &groupname);
198 		/**
199 		 * Get group name
200 		 * @param groupID groupID
201 		 * @return group name
202 		 */
203 		QString getGroupName(int groupID);
204 		/**
205 		 * Get Skype display name for contact
206 		 * @param user Skype user
207 		 * @return Skype display name
208 		 */
209 		QString getContactDisplayName(const QString &user);
210 		/**
211 		 * Set Skype display name for contact
212 		 * @param user Skype user
213 		 * @param name new Skype display name (empty string is default display name == fullname)
214 		 */
215 		void setContactDisplayName(const QString &user, const QString &name);
216 		/**
217 		 * Open skype file transfer dilog to send file via skype
218 		 * @param user Skype user
219 		 * @url url of local file
220 		 * @return true if transfer opened
221 		 */
222 		bool openFileTransfer(const QString &user, const QString &url = QString());
223 		/**
224 		 * Search for skype contacts
225 		 * @param string skype user name or email (with "@")
226 		 * @return all users for string string
227 		 */
228 		QStringList searchUsers(const QString &string);
230 		///Video section
232 		/**
233 		 * Check if user has video support
234 		 * @user for check
235 		 */
236 		bool supportVideo(const QString &user);
238 		/**
239 		 * Start sending video in active call
240 		 * @callId id of call
241 		 */
242 		void startSendingVideo(const QString &callId);
244 		/**
245 		 * Stop sending video in active video call
246 		 * @callId id of call
247 		 */
248 		void stopSendingVideo(const QString &callId);
250 	public slots:
251 		/**
252 		 * Tell the skype to go online
253 		 */
254 		void setOnline();
255 		/**
256 		 * Sets the rich text mood for the user profile
257 		 */
258 		void setUserProfileRichMoodText(const QString &);
259 		/**
260 		 * Tell the skype to go offline
261 		 */
262 		void setOffline();
263 		/**
264 		 * Tell the skype to go offline
265 		 */
266 		void setAway();
267 		/**
268 		 * Tell the skype to go not available
269 		 */
270 		void setNotAvailable();
271 		/**
272 		 * Tell the skype to go to Do not disturb
273 		 */
274 		void setDND();
275 		/**
276 		 * Tell the skype to go to Skype me mode
277 		 */
278 		void setSkypeMe();
279 		/**
280 		 * Tell the skype to go invisible
281 		 */
282 		void setInvisible();
283 		/**
284 		 * This sets the values of the account.
285 		 * @see SkypeAccount
286 		 */
287 		void setValues(int launchType, const QString &appName);
288 		/**
289 		 * Retrieve info of that contact
290 		 * @param contact What contact wants it
291 		 */
292 		void getContactInfo(const QString &contact);
293 		/**
294 		 * Asks skype for buddy status of some contact. Buddystatus is some property that ondicates, weather it is in contact list, awaiting authorization, just been mentioned or what exactly happened with it..
295 		 * After skype responses, you will get the response by emiting the received signal
296 		 * @param contact It is the contact id of the user you want to check.
297 		 */
298 		void getContactBuddy(const QString &contact);
299 		/**
300 		 * Sends a message trough skype, returns the message id
301 		 * @param user To who it should be sent
302 		 * @param body What to send
303 		 */
304 		QString send(const QString &user, const QString &body);
305 		/**
306 		 * Edit sent message
307 		 * @param messageId Id of sent message
308 		 * @param newMessage Body of new message
309 		 */
310 		void editMessage(int messageId, const QString &newMessage);
311 		/**
312 		 * Send a message to a given chat
313 		 * @param chat What chat to send it in
314 		 * @param body Text of that message
315 		 */
316 		QString sendToChat(const QString &chat, const QString &body);
317 		/**
318 		 * Begins new call.
319 		 * @param userId ID of user to call (or multiple users separated by comas)
320 		 * @see acceptCall
321 		 * @see hangUp
322 		 * @see holdCall
323 		 * @see callStatus
324 		 * @see callError
325 		 */
326 		void makeCall(const QString &userId);
327 		/**
328 		 * Accept an incoming call
329 		 * @param callId ID of call to accept.
330 		 * @see makeCall
331 		 * @see hangUp
332 		 * @see holdCall
333 		 * @see callStatus
334 		 * @see callError
335 		 * @see newCall
336 		 */
337 		void acceptCall(const QString &callId);
338 		/**
339 		 * Hang up (finish) call in progress or deny an incoming call
340 		 * @param callId Which one
341 		 * @see makeCall
342 		 * @see acceptCall
343 		 * @see holdCall
344 		 * @see callStatus
345 		 * @see callError
346 		 * @see newCall
347 		 */
348 		void hangUp(const QString &callId);
349 		/**
350 		 * Hold call in progress or resume holded call. That call will not finish, you just leave it for later.
351 		 * @param callId Which call
352 		 * @see makeCall
353 		 * @see acceptCall
354 		 * @see hangUp
355 		 * @see callStatus
356 		 * @see callError
357 		 * @see newCall
358 		 */
359 		void toggleHoldCall(const QString &callId);
360 		/**
361 		 * Get the skoype out balance
362 		 */
363 		void getSkypeOut();
364 		/**
365 		 * Sets if the Skype is checked in short intervals by pings. If you turn that off, you will not know when skype exits.
366 		 * @param enabled Ping or not?
367 		 */
368 		void enablePings(bool enabled);
369 		/**
370 		 * Sends one ping and takes actions if it can not be delivered (skype is down)
371 		 */
372 		void ping();
373 		/**
374 		 * What DBus bus is used?
375 		 */
376 		void setBus(int bus);
377 		/**
378 		 * Set the launch timeout - after that launch of Skype will be considered as unsuccessful if connection can not be established
379 		 */
380 		void setLaunchTimeout(int seconds);
381 		/**
382 		 * Set a command to start skype by
383 		 */
384 		void setSkypeCommand(const QString &command);
385 		/**
386 		 * Sets if we wait a bit before connecting to Skype after it's start-up
387 		 */
388 		void setWaitConnect(int value);
389 		/**
390 		 * This gets a topic for given chat session
391 		 * @param chat What chat wants that
392 		 */
393 		void getTopic(const QString &chat);
394 		/**
395 		 * Invites a user to a chat
396 		 * @param chatId What chat
397 		 * @param userId What user
398 		 */
399 		void inviteUser(const QString &chatId, const QString &userId);
400 		/**
401 		 * Closes/leaves a chat
402 		 * @param chatId What chat
403 		 */
404 		void leaveChat(const QString &chatId);
405 		/**
406 		 * Removes a contact from the contact list
407 		 * @param contactId Id of the contact you want to remove
408 		 */
409 		void removeContact(const QString &contactId);
410 		/**
411 		 * Adds a contact to the list
412 		 * @param contactId Id of the contact to add
413 		 * @param contactId
414 		 */
415 		void addContact(const QString &contactId);
416 		/**
417 		 * Sets users authorization
418 		 * @param contactId ID of that user
419 		 * @param author for what is he authorized
420 		 */
421 		void setAuthor(const QString &contactId, AuthorType author);
422 	signals:
423 		/**
424 		 * Emitted when the skype changes to online (or says it goes online)
425 		 */
426 		void wentOnline();
427 		/**
428 		 * Emitted when the skype goes offline
429 		 */
430 		void wentOffline();
431 		/**
432 		 * Emitted when the skype goes away
433 		 */
434 		void wentAway();
435 		/**
436 		 * Emitted when the skype goes to Not awailable
437 		 */
438 		void wentNotAvailable();
439 		/**
440 		 * Emitted when the skype goes to DND mode
441 		 */
442 		void wentDND();
443 		/**
444 		 * Emitted when skype changes to skype me mode
445 		 */
446 		void wentSkypeMe();
447 		/**
448 		 * Emitted when skype becomes invisible
449 		 */
450 		void wentInvisible();
451 		/**
452 		 * Emitted when attempt to connect started
453 		 */
454 		void statusConnecting();
455 		/**
456 		 * Emitted when new user should be added to the list
457 		 * @param name The skype name of the user
458 		 * @param groupID The skype group id, where is user
459 		 */
460 		void newUser(const QString &name, int groupID);
461 		/**
462 		 * All contacts should be asked to request update of their information. This is emitted after the connection to skype is made.
463 		 */
464 		void updateAllContacts();
465 		/**
466 		 * This is emitted whenever some contact should be notified of info change
467 		 * @param contact What contact is it
468 		 * @param change The change. The syntax is [property (displayname, onlinestatus..)] [value]
469 		 */
470 		void contactInfo(const QString &contact, const QString &change);
471 		/**
472 		 * This is emitted when a new message is received
473 		 * @param user Contact ID of user that sent it. It is NOT guaranteed that the user is in list!
474 		 * @param body The message body that was received
475 		 * @param messageId ID of that message
476 		 * @param timeStamp time when message was send
477 		 */
478 		void receivedIM(const QString &user, const QString &body, const QString &messageId, const QDateTime &timeStamp);
479 		/**
480 		 * This is emitted when a new message from multi-user chat is received
481 		 * @param chat Id of the chat
482 		 * @param body Tect of the message
483 		 * @param messageId Id of this message to get information about it if needed
484 		 * @param user Who sent it to that chat (ID)
485 		 * @param timeStamp time when message was send
486 		 */
487 		void receivedMultiIM(const QString &chat, const QString &body, const QString &messageId, const QString &user, const QDateTime &timeStamp);
488 		/**
489 		 * This is emitted when an Id of the last outgoing message is known
490 		 * @param id The ID of that message
491 		 */
492 		void gotMessageId(const QString &id);
493 		/**
494 		 * This slot notifies about call status (onhold, in progress, routing, finished..)
495 		 * @param callId WHat call is it?
496 		 * @param status New status of the call.
497 		 * @see makeCall
498 		 * @see acceptCall
499 		 * @see hangUp
500 		 * @see holdCall
501 		 * @see callError
502 		 * @see newCall
503 		 */
504 		void callStatus(const QString &callId, const QString &status);
505 		/**
506 		 * This slot informs of error that happened to the call. It is translated error and can be directly showed to user.
507 		 * @param callId ID of the call that has an error.
508 		 * @param message The error text
509 		 * @see makeCall
510 		 * @see acceptCall
511 		 * @see hangUp
512 		 * @see holdCall
513 		 * @see callStatus
514 		 * @see newCall
515 		 */
516 		void callError(const QString &callId, const QString &message);
517 		/**
518 		 * Indicates a new call is established (is being established, incoming or so). In short, there is some new call.
519 		 * @param callId ID of the new call
520 		 * @param userId ID of the other user, or list of users (if more than one) divided by spaces
521 		 * @see makeCall
522 		 * @see acceptCall
523 		 * @see hangUp
524 		 * @see holdCall]
525 		 * @see callStatus
526 		 * @see callError
527 		 */
528 		void newCall(const QString &callId, const QString &userId);
529 		/**
530 		 * Skype out balance info
531 		 * @param balance How much does the user have
532 		 * @param currency And what is it that he has
533 		 */
534 		void skypeOutInfo(int balance, const QString &currency);
535 		/**
536 		 * Tells that my name is known or changed
537 		 * @param name The new name
538 		 */
539 		void setMyselfName(const QString &name);
540 		/**
541 		 * Some topic has to be set
542 		 * @param chat What chat should change its topic
543 		 * @param topic The new topic
544 		 */
545 		void setTopic(const QString &chat, const QString &topic);
546 		/**
547 		 * This is emitted when a new user joins a chat
548 		 * @param chat What chat he joined
549 		 * @param userId ID of the new user
550 		 */
551 		void joinUser(const QString &chat, const QString &userId);
552 		/**
553 		 * This is emitted when user leaves a chat
554 		 * @param chat What chat did he leave
555 		 * @param userId ID of that user
556 		 * @param reason Reason why he left
557 		 */
558 		void leftUser(const QString &chat, const QString &userd, const QString &reason);
559 		/**
560 		 * Emitted when some message is being sent out right now
561 		 * @param body Text of the message
562 		 * @param chat Id of the chat it has been sent to
563 		 */
564 		void outgoingMessage(const QString &id, const QString &body, const QString &chat);
565 		/**
566 		 * Put this call into a group, where other calls are (will be), used with conference calls
567 		 * @param callId Id of the call
568 		 * @param groupId The id of a group
569 		 * Note: the group should be closed when all it's calls are closed
570 		 */
571 		void groupCall(const QString &callId, const QString &groupId);
572 		/**
573 		 * Emitted when we receive auth request
574 		 * @param contactId who send request
575 		 * @param info info in request
576 		 */
577 		void receivedAuth(const QString &contactId, const QString &info);
579 		///Video section
581 		void startReceivingVideo(const QString &callId);
582 		void stopReceivingVideo(const QString &callId);
583 };
585 #endif