1package echo
3import (
4	"net/http"
7type (
8	// Router is the registry of all registered routes for an `Echo` instance for
9	// request matching and URL path parameter parsing.
10	Router struct {
11		tree   *node
12		routes map[string]*Route
13		echo   *Echo
14	}
15	node struct {
16		kind           kind
17		label          byte
18		prefix         string
19		parent         *node
20		staticChildren children
21		ppath          string
22		pnames         []string
23		methodHandler  *methodHandler
24		paramChild     *node
25		anyChild       *node
26		// isLeaf indicates that node does not have child routes
27		isLeaf bool
28		// isHandler indicates that node has at least one handler registered to it
29		isHandler bool
30	}
31	kind          uint8
32	children      []*node
33	methodHandler struct {
34		connect  HandlerFunc
35		delete   HandlerFunc
36		get      HandlerFunc
37		head     HandlerFunc
38		options  HandlerFunc
39		patch    HandlerFunc
40		post     HandlerFunc
41		propfind HandlerFunc
42		put      HandlerFunc
43		trace    HandlerFunc
44		report   HandlerFunc
45	}
48const (
49	staticKind kind = iota
50	paramKind
51	anyKind
53	paramLabel = byte(':')
54	anyLabel   = byte('*')
57func (m *methodHandler) isHandler() bool {
58	return m.connect != nil ||
59		m.delete != nil ||
60		m.get != nil ||
61		m.head != nil ||
62		m.options != nil ||
63		m.patch != nil ||
64		m.post != nil ||
65		m.propfind != nil ||
66		m.put != nil ||
67		m.trace != nil ||
68		m.report != nil
71// NewRouter returns a new Router instance.
72func NewRouter(e *Echo) *Router {
73	return &Router{
74		tree: &node{
75			methodHandler: new(methodHandler),
76		},
77		routes: map[string]*Route{},
78		echo:   e,
79	}
82// Add registers a new route for method and path with matching handler.
83func (r *Router) Add(method, path string, h HandlerFunc) {
84	// Validate path
85	if path == "" {
86		path = "/"
87	}
88	if path[0] != '/' {
89		path = "/" + path
90	}
91	pnames := []string{} // Param names
92	ppath := path        // Pristine path
94	if h == nil && r.echo.Logger != nil {
95		// FIXME: in future we should return error
96		r.echo.Logger.Errorf("Adding route without handler function: %v:%v", method, path)
97	}
99	for i, lcpIndex := 0, len(path); i < lcpIndex; i++ {
100		if path[i] == ':' {
101			j := i + 1
103			r.insert(method, path[:i], nil, staticKind, "", nil)
104			for ; i < lcpIndex && path[i] != '/'; i++ {
105			}
107			pnames = append(pnames, path[j:i])
108			path = path[:j] + path[i:]
109			i, lcpIndex = j, len(path)
111			if i == lcpIndex {
112				// path node is last fragment of route path. ie. `/users/:id`
113				r.insert(method, path[:i], h, paramKind, ppath, pnames)
114			} else {
115				r.insert(method, path[:i], nil, paramKind, "", nil)
116			}
117		} else if path[i] == '*' {
118			r.insert(method, path[:i], nil, staticKind, "", nil)
119			pnames = append(pnames, "*")
120			r.insert(method, path[:i+1], h, anyKind, ppath, pnames)
121		}
122	}
124	r.insert(method, path, h, staticKind, ppath, pnames)
127func (r *Router) insert(method, path string, h HandlerFunc, t kind, ppath string, pnames []string) {
128	// Adjust max param
129	paramLen := len(pnames)
130	if *r.echo.maxParam < paramLen {
131		*r.echo.maxParam = paramLen
132	}
134	currentNode := r.tree // Current node as root
135	if currentNode == nil {
136		panic("echo: invalid method")
137	}
138	search := path
140	for {
141		searchLen := len(search)
142		prefixLen := len(currentNode.prefix)
143		lcpLen := 0
145		// LCP - Longest Common Prefix (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LCP_array)
146		max := prefixLen
147		if searchLen < max {
148			max = searchLen
149		}
150		for ; lcpLen < max && search[lcpLen] == currentNode.prefix[lcpLen]; lcpLen++ {
151		}
153		if lcpLen == 0 {
154			// At root node
155			currentNode.label = search[0]
156			currentNode.prefix = search
157			if h != nil {
158				currentNode.kind = t
159				currentNode.addHandler(method, h)
160				currentNode.ppath = ppath
161				currentNode.pnames = pnames
162			}
163			currentNode.isLeaf = currentNode.staticChildren == nil && currentNode.paramChild == nil && currentNode.anyChild == nil
164		} else if lcpLen < prefixLen {
165			// Split node
166			n := newNode(
167				currentNode.kind,
168				currentNode.prefix[lcpLen:],
169				currentNode,
170				currentNode.staticChildren,
171				currentNode.methodHandler,
172				currentNode.ppath,
173				currentNode.pnames,
174				currentNode.paramChild,
175				currentNode.anyChild,
176			)
177			// Update parent path for all children to new node
178			for _, child := range currentNode.staticChildren {
179				child.parent = n
180			}
181			if currentNode.paramChild != nil {
182				currentNode.paramChild.parent = n
183			}
184			if currentNode.anyChild != nil {
185				currentNode.anyChild.parent = n
186			}
188			// Reset parent node
189			currentNode.kind = staticKind
190			currentNode.label = currentNode.prefix[0]
191			currentNode.prefix = currentNode.prefix[:lcpLen]
192			currentNode.staticChildren = nil
193			currentNode.methodHandler = new(methodHandler)
194			currentNode.ppath = ""
195			currentNode.pnames = nil
196			currentNode.paramChild = nil
197			currentNode.anyChild = nil
198			currentNode.isLeaf = false
199			currentNode.isHandler = false
201			// Only Static children could reach here
202			currentNode.addStaticChild(n)
204			if lcpLen == searchLen {
205				// At parent node
206				currentNode.kind = t
207				currentNode.addHandler(method, h)
208				currentNode.ppath = ppath
209				currentNode.pnames = pnames
210			} else {
211				// Create child node
212				n = newNode(t, search[lcpLen:], currentNode, nil, new(methodHandler), ppath, pnames, nil, nil)
213				n.addHandler(method, h)
214				// Only Static children could reach here
215				currentNode.addStaticChild(n)
216			}
217			currentNode.isLeaf = currentNode.staticChildren == nil && currentNode.paramChild == nil && currentNode.anyChild == nil
218		} else if lcpLen < searchLen {
219			search = search[lcpLen:]
220			c := currentNode.findChildWithLabel(search[0])
221			if c != nil {
222				// Go deeper
223				currentNode = c
224				continue
225			}
226			// Create child node
227			n := newNode(t, search, currentNode, nil, new(methodHandler), ppath, pnames, nil, nil)
228			n.addHandler(method, h)
229			switch t {
230			case staticKind:
231				currentNode.addStaticChild(n)
232			case paramKind:
233				currentNode.paramChild = n
234			case anyKind:
235				currentNode.anyChild = n
236			}
237			currentNode.isLeaf = currentNode.staticChildren == nil && currentNode.paramChild == nil && currentNode.anyChild == nil
238		} else {
239			// Node already exists
240			if h != nil {
241				currentNode.addHandler(method, h)
242				currentNode.ppath = ppath
243				if len(currentNode.pnames) == 0 { // Issue #729
244					currentNode.pnames = pnames
245				}
246			}
247		}
248		return
249	}
252func newNode(t kind, pre string, p *node, sc children, mh *methodHandler, ppath string, pnames []string, paramChildren, anyChildren *node) *node {
253	return &node{
254		kind:           t,
255		label:          pre[0],
256		prefix:         pre,
257		parent:         p,
258		staticChildren: sc,
259		ppath:          ppath,
260		pnames:         pnames,
261		methodHandler:  mh,
262		paramChild:     paramChildren,
263		anyChild:       anyChildren,
264		isLeaf:         sc == nil && paramChildren == nil && anyChildren == nil,
265		isHandler:      mh.isHandler(),
266	}
269func (n *node) addStaticChild(c *node) {
270	n.staticChildren = append(n.staticChildren, c)
273func (n *node) findStaticChild(l byte) *node {
274	for _, c := range n.staticChildren {
275		if c.label == l {
276			return c
277		}
278	}
279	return nil
282func (n *node) findChildWithLabel(l byte) *node {
283	for _, c := range n.staticChildren {
284		if c.label == l {
285			return c
286		}
287	}
288	if l == paramLabel {
289		return n.paramChild
290	}
291	if l == anyLabel {
292		return n.anyChild
293	}
294	return nil
297func (n *node) addHandler(method string, h HandlerFunc) {
298	switch method {
299	case http.MethodConnect:
300		n.methodHandler.connect = h
301	case http.MethodDelete:
302		n.methodHandler.delete = h
303	case http.MethodGet:
304		n.methodHandler.get = h
305	case http.MethodHead:
306		n.methodHandler.head = h
307	case http.MethodOptions:
308		n.methodHandler.options = h
309	case http.MethodPatch:
310		n.methodHandler.patch = h
311	case http.MethodPost:
312		n.methodHandler.post = h
313	case PROPFIND:
314		n.methodHandler.propfind = h
315	case http.MethodPut:
316		n.methodHandler.put = h
317	case http.MethodTrace:
318		n.methodHandler.trace = h
319	case REPORT:
320		n.methodHandler.report = h
321	}
323	if h != nil {
324		n.isHandler = true
325	} else {
326		n.isHandler = n.methodHandler.isHandler()
327	}
330func (n *node) findHandler(method string) HandlerFunc {
331	switch method {
332	case http.MethodConnect:
333		return n.methodHandler.connect
334	case http.MethodDelete:
335		return n.methodHandler.delete
336	case http.MethodGet:
337		return n.methodHandler.get
338	case http.MethodHead:
339		return n.methodHandler.head
340	case http.MethodOptions:
341		return n.methodHandler.options
342	case http.MethodPatch:
343		return n.methodHandler.patch
344	case http.MethodPost:
345		return n.methodHandler.post
346	case PROPFIND:
347		return n.methodHandler.propfind
348	case http.MethodPut:
349		return n.methodHandler.put
350	case http.MethodTrace:
351		return n.methodHandler.trace
352	case REPORT:
353		return n.methodHandler.report
354	default:
355		return nil
356	}
359func (n *node) checkMethodNotAllowed() HandlerFunc {
360	for _, m := range methods {
361		if h := n.findHandler(m); h != nil {
362			return MethodNotAllowedHandler
363		}
364	}
365	return NotFoundHandler
368// Find lookup a handler registered for method and path. It also parses URL for path
369// parameters and load them into context.
371// For performance:
373// - Get context from `Echo#AcquireContext()`
374// - Reset it `Context#Reset()`
375// - Return it `Echo#ReleaseContext()`.
376func (r *Router) Find(method, path string, c Context) {
377	ctx := c.(*context)
378	ctx.path = path
379	currentNode := r.tree // Current node as root
381	var (
382		previousBestMatchNode *node
383		matchedHandler        HandlerFunc
384		// search stores the remaining path to check for match. By each iteration we move from start of path to end of the path
385		// and search value gets shorter and shorter.
386		search      = path
387		searchIndex = 0
388		paramIndex  int           // Param counter
389		paramValues = ctx.pvalues // Use the internal slice so the interface can keep the illusion of a dynamic slice
390	)
392	// Backtracking is needed when a dead end (leaf node) is reached in the router tree.
393	// To backtrack the current node will be changed to the parent node and the next kind for the
394	// router logic will be returned based on fromKind or kind of the dead end node (static > param > any).
395	// For example if there is no static node match we should check parent next sibling by kind (param).
396	// Backtracking itself does not check if there is a next sibling, this is done by the router logic.
397	backtrackToNextNodeKind := func(fromKind kind) (nextNodeKind kind, valid bool) {
398		previous := currentNode
399		currentNode = previous.parent
400		valid = currentNode != nil
402		// Next node type by priority
403		if previous.kind == anyKind {
404			nextNodeKind = staticKind
405		} else {
406			nextNodeKind = previous.kind + 1
407		}
409		if fromKind == staticKind {
410			// when backtracking is done from static kind block we did not change search so nothing to restore
411			return
412		}
414		// restore search to value it was before we move to current node we are backtracking from.
415		if previous.kind == staticKind {
416			searchIndex -= len(previous.prefix)
417		} else {
418			paramIndex--
419			// for param/any node.prefix value is always `:` so we can not deduce searchIndex from that and must use pValue
420			// for that index as it would also contain part of path we cut off before moving into node we are backtracking from
421			searchIndex -= len(paramValues[paramIndex])
422			paramValues[paramIndex] = ""
423		}
424		search = path[searchIndex:]
425		return
426	}
428	// Router tree is implemented by longest common prefix array (LCP array) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LCP_array
429	// Tree search is implemented as for loop where one loop iteration is divided into 3 separate blocks
430	// Each of these blocks checks specific kind of node (static/param/any). Order of blocks reflex their priority in routing.
431	// Search order/priority is: static > param > any.
432	//
433	// Note: backtracking in tree is implemented by replacing/switching currentNode to previous node
434	// and hoping to (goto statement) next block by priority to check if it is the match.
435	for {
436		prefixLen := 0 // Prefix length
437		lcpLen := 0    // LCP (longest common prefix) length
439		if currentNode.kind == staticKind {
440			searchLen := len(search)
441			prefixLen = len(currentNode.prefix)
443			// LCP - Longest Common Prefix (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LCP_array)
444			max := prefixLen
445			if searchLen < max {
446				max = searchLen
447			}
448			for ; lcpLen < max && search[lcpLen] == currentNode.prefix[lcpLen]; lcpLen++ {
449			}
450		}
452		if lcpLen != prefixLen {
453			// No matching prefix, let's backtrack to the first possible alternative node of the decision path
454			nk, ok := backtrackToNextNodeKind(staticKind)
455			if !ok {
456				return // No other possibilities on the decision path
457			} else if nk == paramKind {
458				goto Param
459				// NOTE: this case (backtracking from static node to previous any node) can not happen by current any matching logic. Any node is end of search currently
460				//} else if nk == anyKind {
461				//	goto Any
462			} else {
463				// Not found (this should never be possible for static node we are looking currently)
464				break
465			}
466		}
468		// The full prefix has matched, remove the prefix from the remaining search
469		search = search[lcpLen:]
470		searchIndex = searchIndex + lcpLen
472		// Finish routing if no remaining search and we are on a node with handler and matching method type
473		if search == "" && currentNode.isHandler {
474			// check if current node has handler registered for http method we are looking for. we store currentNode as
475			// best matching in case we do no find no more routes matching this path+method
476			if previousBestMatchNode == nil {
477				previousBestMatchNode = currentNode
478			}
479			if h := currentNode.findHandler(method); h != nil {
480				matchedHandler = h
481				break
482			}
483		}
485		// Static node
486		if search != "" {
487			if child := currentNode.findStaticChild(search[0]); child != nil {
488				currentNode = child
489				continue
490			}
491		}
493	Param:
494		// Param node
495		if child := currentNode.paramChild; search != "" && child != nil {
496			currentNode = child
497			i := 0
498			l := len(search)
499			if currentNode.isLeaf {
500				// when param node does not have any children then param node should act similarly to any node - consider all remaining search as match
501				i = l
502			} else {
503				for ; i < l && search[i] != '/'; i++ {
504				}
505			}
507			paramValues[paramIndex] = search[:i]
508			paramIndex++
509			search = search[i:]
510			searchIndex = searchIndex + i
511			continue
512		}
514	Any:
515		// Any node
516		if child := currentNode.anyChild; child != nil {
517			// If any node is found, use remaining path for paramValues
518			currentNode = child
519			paramValues[len(currentNode.pnames)-1] = search
520			// update indexes/search in case we need to backtrack when no handler match is found
521			paramIndex++
522			searchIndex += +len(search)
523			search = ""
525			// check if current node has handler registered for http method we are looking for. we store currentNode as
526			// best matching in case we do no find no more routes matching this path+method
527			if previousBestMatchNode == nil {
528				previousBestMatchNode = currentNode
529			}
530			if h := currentNode.findHandler(method); h != nil {
531				matchedHandler = h
532				break
533			}
534		}
536		// Let's backtrack to the first possible alternative node of the decision path
537		nk, ok := backtrackToNextNodeKind(anyKind)
538		if !ok {
539			break // No other possibilities on the decision path
540		} else if nk == paramKind {
541			goto Param
542		} else if nk == anyKind {
543			goto Any
544		} else {
545			// Not found
546			break
547		}
548	}
550	if currentNode == nil && previousBestMatchNode == nil {
551		return // nothing matched at all
552	}
554	if matchedHandler != nil {
555		ctx.handler = matchedHandler
556	} else {
557		// use previous match as basis. although we have no matching handler we have path match.
558		// so we can send http.StatusMethodNotAllowed (405) instead of http.StatusNotFound (404)
559		currentNode = previousBestMatchNode
560		ctx.handler = currentNode.checkMethodNotAllowed()
561	}
562	ctx.path = currentNode.ppath
563	ctx.pnames = currentNode.pnames
565	return