1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2019 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
11 #include "video/frame_encode_metadata_writer.h"
13 #include <algorithm>
14 #include <utility>
16 #include "common_video/h264/sps_vui_rewriter.h"
17 #include "modules/include/module_common_types_public.h"
18 #include "modules/video_coding/include/video_coding_defines.h"
19 #include "rtc_base/logging.h"
20 #include "rtc_base/ref_counted_object.h"
21 #include "rtc_base/time_utils.h"
23 namespace webrtc {
24 namespace {
25 const int kMessagesThrottlingThreshold = 2;
26 const int kThrottleRatio = 100000;
28 class EncodedImageBufferWrapper : public EncodedImageBufferInterface {
29  public:
EncodedImageBufferWrapper(rtc::Buffer && buffer)30   explicit EncodedImageBufferWrapper(rtc::Buffer&& buffer)
31       : buffer_(std::move(buffer)) {}
data() const33   const uint8_t* data() const override { return buffer_.data(); }
data()34   uint8_t* data() override { return buffer_.data(); }
size() const35   size_t size() const override { return buffer_.size(); }
37  private:
38   rtc::Buffer buffer_;
39 };
41 }  // namespace
43 FrameEncodeMetadataWriter::TimingFramesLayerInfo::TimingFramesLayerInfo() =
44     default;
45 FrameEncodeMetadataWriter::TimingFramesLayerInfo::~TimingFramesLayerInfo() =
46     default;
FrameEncodeMetadataWriter(EncodedImageCallback * frame_drop_callback)48 FrameEncodeMetadataWriter::FrameEncodeMetadataWriter(
49     EncodedImageCallback* frame_drop_callback)
50     : frame_drop_callback_(frame_drop_callback),
51       internal_source_(false),
52       framerate_fps_(0),
53       last_timing_frame_time_ms_(-1),
54       reordered_frames_logged_messages_(0),
55       stalled_encoder_logged_messages_(0) {
56   codec_settings_.timing_frame_thresholds = {-1, 0};
57 }
~FrameEncodeMetadataWriter()58 FrameEncodeMetadataWriter::~FrameEncodeMetadataWriter() {}
OnEncoderInit(const VideoCodec & codec,bool internal_source)60 void FrameEncodeMetadataWriter::OnEncoderInit(const VideoCodec& codec,
61                                               bool internal_source) {
62   MutexLock lock(&lock_);
63   codec_settings_ = codec;
64   internal_source_ = internal_source;
65 }
OnSetRates(const VideoBitrateAllocation & bitrate_allocation,uint32_t framerate_fps)67 void FrameEncodeMetadataWriter::OnSetRates(
68     const VideoBitrateAllocation& bitrate_allocation,
69     uint32_t framerate_fps) {
70   MutexLock lock(&lock_);
71   framerate_fps_ = framerate_fps;
72   const size_t num_spatial_layers = NumSpatialLayers();
73   if (timing_frames_info_.size() < num_spatial_layers) {
74     timing_frames_info_.resize(num_spatial_layers);
75   }
76   for (size_t i = 0; i < num_spatial_layers; ++i) {
77     timing_frames_info_[i].target_bitrate_bytes_per_sec =
78         bitrate_allocation.GetSpatialLayerSum(i) / 8;
79   }
80 }
OnEncodeStarted(const VideoFrame & frame)82 void FrameEncodeMetadataWriter::OnEncodeStarted(const VideoFrame& frame) {
83   MutexLock lock(&lock_);
84   if (internal_source_) {
85     return;
86   }
88   const size_t num_spatial_layers = NumSpatialLayers();
89   timing_frames_info_.resize(num_spatial_layers);
90   FrameMetadata metadata;
91   metadata.rtp_timestamp = frame.timestamp();
92   metadata.encode_start_time_ms = rtc::TimeMillis();
93   metadata.ntp_time_ms = frame.ntp_time_ms();
94   metadata.timestamp_us = frame.timestamp_us();
95   metadata.rotation = frame.rotation();
96   metadata.color_space = frame.color_space();
97   metadata.packet_infos = frame.packet_infos();
98   for (size_t si = 0; si < num_spatial_layers; ++si) {
99     RTC_DCHECK(timing_frames_info_[si].frames.empty() ||
100                rtc::TimeDiff(
101                    frame.render_time_ms(),
102                    timing_frames_info_[si].frames.back().timestamp_us / 1000) >=
103                    0);
104     // If stream is disabled due to low bandwidth OnEncodeStarted still will be
105     // called and have to be ignored.
106     if (timing_frames_info_[si].target_bitrate_bytes_per_sec == 0)
107       continue;
108     if (timing_frames_info_[si].frames.size() == kMaxEncodeStartTimeListSize) {
109       ++stalled_encoder_logged_messages_;
110       if (stalled_encoder_logged_messages_ <= kMessagesThrottlingThreshold ||
111           stalled_encoder_logged_messages_ % kThrottleRatio == 0) {
112         RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Too many frames in the encode_start_list."
113                                " Did encoder stall?";
114         if (stalled_encoder_logged_messages_ == kMessagesThrottlingThreshold) {
115           RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING)
116               << "Too many log messages. Further stalled encoder"
117                  "warnings will be throttled.";
118         }
119       }
120       frame_drop_callback_->OnDroppedFrame(
121           EncodedImageCallback::DropReason::kDroppedByEncoder);
122       timing_frames_info_[si].frames.pop_front();
123     }
124     timing_frames_info_[si].frames.emplace_back(metadata);
125   }
126 }
FillTimingInfo(size_t simulcast_svc_idx,EncodedImage * encoded_image)128 void FrameEncodeMetadataWriter::FillTimingInfo(size_t simulcast_svc_idx,
129                                                EncodedImage* encoded_image) {
130   MutexLock lock(&lock_);
131   absl::optional<size_t> outlier_frame_size;
132   absl::optional<int64_t> encode_start_ms;
133   uint8_t timing_flags = VideoSendTiming::kNotTriggered;
135   int64_t encode_done_ms = rtc::TimeMillis();
137   // Encoders with internal sources do not call OnEncodeStarted
138   // |timing_frames_info_| may be not filled here.
139   if (!internal_source_) {
140     encode_start_ms =
141         ExtractEncodeStartTimeAndFillMetadata(simulcast_svc_idx, encoded_image);
142   }
144   if (timing_frames_info_.size() > simulcast_svc_idx) {
145     size_t target_bitrate =
146         timing_frames_info_[simulcast_svc_idx].target_bitrate_bytes_per_sec;
147     if (framerate_fps_ > 0 && target_bitrate > 0) {
148       // framerate and target bitrate were reported by encoder.
149       size_t average_frame_size = target_bitrate / framerate_fps_;
150       outlier_frame_size.emplace(
151           average_frame_size *
152           codec_settings_.timing_frame_thresholds.outlier_ratio_percent / 100);
153     }
154   }
156   // Outliers trigger timing frames, but do not affect scheduled timing
157   // frames.
158   if (outlier_frame_size && encoded_image->size() >= *outlier_frame_size) {
159     timing_flags |= VideoSendTiming::kTriggeredBySize;
160   }
162   // Check if it's time to send a timing frame.
163   int64_t timing_frame_delay_ms =
164       encoded_image->capture_time_ms_ - last_timing_frame_time_ms_;
165   // Trigger threshold if it's a first frame, too long passed since the last
166   // timing frame, or we already sent timing frame on a different simulcast
167   // stream with the same capture time.
168   if (last_timing_frame_time_ms_ == -1 ||
169       timing_frame_delay_ms >=
170           codec_settings_.timing_frame_thresholds.delay_ms ||
171       timing_frame_delay_ms == 0) {
172     timing_flags |= VideoSendTiming::kTriggeredByTimer;
173     last_timing_frame_time_ms_ = encoded_image->capture_time_ms_;
174   }
176   // Workaround for chromoting encoder: it passes encode start and finished
177   // timestamps in |timing_| field, but they (together with capture timestamp)
178   // are not in the WebRTC clock.
179   if (internal_source_ && encoded_image->timing_.encode_finish_ms > 0 &&
180       encoded_image->timing_.encode_start_ms > 0) {
181     int64_t clock_offset_ms =
182         encode_done_ms - encoded_image->timing_.encode_finish_ms;
183     // Translate capture timestamp to local WebRTC clock.
184     encoded_image->capture_time_ms_ += clock_offset_ms;
185     encoded_image->SetTimestamp(
186         static_cast<uint32_t>(encoded_image->capture_time_ms_ * 90));
187     encode_start_ms.emplace(encoded_image->timing_.encode_start_ms +
188                             clock_offset_ms);
189   }
191   // If encode start is not available that means that encoder uses internal
192   // source. In that case capture timestamp may be from a different clock with a
193   // drift relative to rtc::TimeMillis(). We can't use it for Timing frames,
194   // because to being sent in the network capture time required to be less than
195   // all the other timestamps.
196   if (encode_start_ms) {
197     encoded_image->SetEncodeTime(*encode_start_ms, encode_done_ms);
198     encoded_image->timing_.flags = timing_flags;
199   } else {
200     encoded_image->timing_.flags = VideoSendTiming::kInvalid;
201   }
202 }
UpdateBitstream(const CodecSpecificInfo * codec_specific_info,EncodedImage * encoded_image)204 void FrameEncodeMetadataWriter::UpdateBitstream(
205     const CodecSpecificInfo* codec_specific_info,
206     EncodedImage* encoded_image) {
207   if (!codec_specific_info ||
208       codec_specific_info->codecType != kVideoCodecH264 ||
209       encoded_image->_frameType != VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey) {
210     return;
211   }
213   // Make sure that the data is not copied if owned by EncodedImage.
214   const EncodedImage& buffer = *encoded_image;
215   rtc::Buffer modified_buffer =
216       SpsVuiRewriter::ParseOutgoingBitstreamAndRewrite(
217           buffer, encoded_image->ColorSpace());
219   encoded_image->SetEncodedData(
220       new rtc::RefCountedObject<EncodedImageBufferWrapper>(
221           std::move(modified_buffer)));
222 }
Reset()224 void FrameEncodeMetadataWriter::Reset() {
225   MutexLock lock(&lock_);
226   for (auto& info : timing_frames_info_) {
227     info.frames.clear();
228   }
229   last_timing_frame_time_ms_ = -1;
230   reordered_frames_logged_messages_ = 0;
231   stalled_encoder_logged_messages_ = 0;
232 }
234 absl::optional<int64_t>
ExtractEncodeStartTimeAndFillMetadata(size_t simulcast_svc_idx,EncodedImage * encoded_image)235 FrameEncodeMetadataWriter::ExtractEncodeStartTimeAndFillMetadata(
236     size_t simulcast_svc_idx,
237     EncodedImage* encoded_image) {
238   absl::optional<int64_t> result;
239   size_t num_simulcast_svc_streams = timing_frames_info_.size();
240   if (simulcast_svc_idx < num_simulcast_svc_streams) {
241     auto metadata_list = &timing_frames_info_[simulcast_svc_idx].frames;
242     // Skip frames for which there was OnEncodeStarted but no OnEncodedImage
243     // call. These are dropped by encoder internally.
244     // Because some hardware encoders don't preserve capture timestamp we
245     // use RTP timestamps here.
246     while (!metadata_list->empty() &&
247            IsNewerTimestamp(encoded_image->Timestamp(),
248                             metadata_list->front().rtp_timestamp)) {
249       frame_drop_callback_->OnDroppedFrame(
250           EncodedImageCallback::DropReason::kDroppedByEncoder);
251       metadata_list->pop_front();
252     }
254     encoded_image->content_type_ =
255         (codec_settings_.mode == VideoCodecMode::kScreensharing)
256             ? VideoContentType::SCREENSHARE
257             : VideoContentType::UNSPECIFIED;
259     if (!metadata_list->empty() &&
260         metadata_list->front().rtp_timestamp == encoded_image->Timestamp()) {
261       result.emplace(metadata_list->front().encode_start_time_ms);
262       encoded_image->capture_time_ms_ =
263           metadata_list->front().timestamp_us / 1000;
264       encoded_image->ntp_time_ms_ = metadata_list->front().ntp_time_ms;
265       encoded_image->rotation_ = metadata_list->front().rotation;
266       encoded_image->SetColorSpace(metadata_list->front().color_space);
267       encoded_image->SetPacketInfos(metadata_list->front().packet_infos);
268       metadata_list->pop_front();
269     } else {
270       ++reordered_frames_logged_messages_;
271       if (reordered_frames_logged_messages_ <= kMessagesThrottlingThreshold ||
272           reordered_frames_logged_messages_ % kThrottleRatio == 0) {
273         RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Frame with no encode started time recordings. "
274                                "Encoder may be reordering frames "
275                                "or not preserving RTP timestamps.";
276         if (reordered_frames_logged_messages_ == kMessagesThrottlingThreshold) {
277           RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Too many log messages. Further frames "
278                                  "reordering warnings will be throttled.";
279         }
280       }
281     }
282   }
283   return result;
284 }
NumSpatialLayers() const286 size_t FrameEncodeMetadataWriter::NumSpatialLayers() const {
287   size_t num_spatial_layers = codec_settings_.numberOfSimulcastStreams;
288   if (codec_settings_.codecType == kVideoCodecVP9) {
289     num_spatial_layers = std::max(
290         num_spatial_layers,
291         static_cast<size_t>(codec_settings_.VP9().numberOfSpatialLayers));
292   }
293   return std::max(num_spatial_layers, size_t{1});
294 }
296 }  // namespace webrtc