1 // -*- mode: rust; -*-
2 //
3 // This file is part of subtle, part of the dalek cryptography project.
4 // Copyright (c) 2016-2018 isis lovecruft, Henry de Valence
5 // See LICENSE for licensing information.
6 //
7 // Authors:
8 // - isis agora lovecruft <isis@patternsinthevoid.net>
9 // - Henry de Valence <hdevalence@hdevalence.ca>
11 #![no_std]
12 #![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", feature(asm))]
13 #![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", feature(external_doc))]
14 #![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", doc(include = "../README.md"))]
15 #![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", deny(missing_docs))]
16 #![doc(html_logo_url = "https://doc.dalek.rs/assets/dalek-logo-clear.png")]
18 //! Note that docs will only build on nightly Rust until
19 //! [RFC 1990 stabilizes](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/44732).
21 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
22 #[macro_use]
23 extern crate std;
25 use core::ops::{BitAnd, BitAndAssign, BitOr, BitOrAssign, BitXor, BitXorAssign, Neg, Not};
27 /// The `Choice` struct represents a choice for use in conditional
28 /// assignment.
29 ///
30 /// It is a wrapper around a `u8`, which should have the value either
31 /// `1` (true) or `0` (false).
32 ///
33 /// With the `nightly` feature enabled, the conversion from `u8` to
34 /// `Choice` passes the value through an optimization barrier, as a
35 /// best-effort attempt to prevent the compiler from inferring that the
36 /// `Choice` value is a boolean.  This strategy is based on Tim
37 /// Maclean's [work on `rust-timing-shield`][rust-timing-shield],
38 /// which attempts to provide a more comprehensive approach for
39 /// preventing software side-channels in Rust code.
40 ///
41 /// The `Choice` struct implements operators for AND, OR, XOR, and
42 /// NOT, to allow combining `Choice` values.
43 /// These operations do not short-circuit.
44 ///
45 /// [rust-timing-shield]: https://www.chosenplaintext.ca/open-source/rust-timing-shield/security
46 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
47 pub struct Choice(u8);
49 impl Choice {
50     /// Unwrap the `Choice` wrapper to reveal the underlying `u8`.
51     ///
52     /// # Note
53     ///
54     /// This function only exists as an escape hatch for the rare case
55     /// where it's not possible to use one of the `subtle`-provided
56     /// trait impls.
57     #[inline]
unwrap_u8(&self) -> u858     pub fn unwrap_u8(&self) -> u8 {
59         self.0
60     }
61 }
63 impl From<Choice> for bool {
64     /// Convert the `Choice` wrapper into a `bool`, depending on whether
65     /// the underlying `u8` was a `0` or a `1`.
66     ///
67     /// # Note
68     ///
69     /// This function exists to avoid having higher-level cryptographic protocol
70     /// implementations duplicating this pattern.
71     ///
72     /// The intended use case for this conversion is at the _end_ of a
73     /// higher-level primitive implementation: for example, in checking a keyed
74     /// MAC, where the verification should happen in constant-time (and thus use
75     /// a `Choice`) but it is safe to return a `bool` at the end of the
76     /// verification.
77     #[inline]
from(source: Choice) -> bool78     fn from(source: Choice) -> bool {
79         debug_assert!(source.0 == 0u8 || source.0 == 1u8);
80         source.0 != 0
81     }
82 }
84 impl BitAnd for Choice {
85     type Output = Choice;
86     #[inline]
bitand(self, rhs: Choice) -> Choice87     fn bitand(self, rhs: Choice) -> Choice {
88         (self.0 & rhs.0).into()
89     }
90 }
92 impl BitAndAssign for Choice {
93     #[inline]
bitand_assign(&mut self, rhs: Choice)94     fn bitand_assign(&mut self, rhs: Choice) {
95         *self = *self & rhs;
96     }
97 }
99 impl BitOr for Choice {
100     type Output = Choice;
101     #[inline]
bitor(self, rhs: Choice) -> Choice102     fn bitor(self, rhs: Choice) -> Choice {
103         (self.0 | rhs.0).into()
104     }
105 }
107 impl BitOrAssign for Choice {
108     #[inline]
bitor_assign(&mut self, rhs: Choice)109     fn bitor_assign(&mut self, rhs: Choice) {
110         *self = *self | rhs;
111     }
112 }
114 impl BitXor for Choice {
115     type Output = Choice;
116     #[inline]
bitxor(self, rhs: Choice) -> Choice117     fn bitxor(self, rhs: Choice) -> Choice {
118         (self.0 ^ rhs.0).into()
119     }
120 }
122 impl BitXorAssign for Choice {
123     #[inline]
bitxor_assign(&mut self, rhs: Choice)124     fn bitxor_assign(&mut self, rhs: Choice) {
125         *self = *self ^ rhs;
126     }
127 }
129 impl Not for Choice {
130     type Output = Choice;
131     #[inline]
not(self) -> Choice132     fn not(self) -> Choice {
133         (1u8 & (!self.0)).into()
134     }
135 }
137 /// This function is a best-effort attempt to prevent the compiler
138 /// from knowing anything about the value of the returned `u8`, other
139 /// than its type.
140 ///
141 /// Uses inline asm when available, otherwise it's a no-op.
142 #[cfg(all(
143     feature = "nightly",
144     not(any(target_arch = "asmjs", target_arch = "wasm32"))
145 ))]
black_box(input: u8) -> u8146 fn black_box(input: u8) -> u8 {
147     debug_assert!(input == 0u8 || input == 1u8);
149     // Pretend to access a register containing the input.  We "volatile" here
150     // because some optimisers treat assembly templates without output operands
151     // as "volatile" while others do not.
152     unsafe { asm!("" :: "r"(&input) :: "volatile") }
154     input
155 }
156 #[cfg(any(
157     target_arch = "asmjs",
158     target_arch = "wasm32",
159     not(feature = "nightly")
160 ))]
161 #[inline(never)]
black_box(input: u8) -> u8162 fn black_box(input: u8) -> u8 {
163     debug_assert!(input == 0u8 || input == 1u8);
164     // We don't have access to inline assembly or test::black_box or ...
165     //
166     // Bailing out, hopefully the compiler doesn't use the fact that `input` is 0 or 1.
167     input
168 }
170 impl From<u8> for Choice {
171     #[inline]
from(input: u8) -> Choice172     fn from(input: u8) -> Choice {
173         // Our goal is to prevent the compiler from inferring that the value held inside the
174         // resulting `Choice` struct is really an `i1` instead of an `i8`.
175         Choice(black_box(input))
176     }
177 }
179 /// An `Eq`-like trait that produces a `Choice` instead of a `bool`.
180 ///
181 /// # Example
182 ///
183 /// ```
184 /// use subtle::ConstantTimeEq;
185 /// let x: u8 = 5;
186 /// let y: u8 = 13;
187 ///
188 /// assert_eq!(x.ct_eq(&y).unwrap_u8(), 0);
189 /// assert_eq!(x.ct_eq(&x).unwrap_u8(), 1);
190 /// ```
191 pub trait ConstantTimeEq {
192     /// Determine if two items are equal.
193     ///
194     /// The `ct_eq` function should execute in constant time.
195     ///
196     /// # Returns
197     ///
198     /// * `Choice(1u8)` if `self == other`;
199     /// * `Choice(0u8)` if `self != other`.
200     #[inline]
ct_eq(&self, other: &Self) -> Choice201     fn ct_eq(&self, other: &Self) -> Choice;
202 }
204 impl<T: ConstantTimeEq> ConstantTimeEq for [T] {
205     /// Check whether two slices of `ConstantTimeEq` types are equal.
206     ///
207     /// # Note
208     ///
209     /// This function short-circuits if the lengths of the input slices
210     /// are different.  Otherwise, it should execute in time independent
211     /// of the slice contents.
212     ///
213     /// Since arrays coerce to slices, this function works with fixed-size arrays:
214     ///
215     /// ```
216     /// # use subtle::ConstantTimeEq;
217     /// #
218     /// let a: [u8; 8] = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7];
219     /// let b: [u8; 8] = [0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3];
220     ///
221     /// let a_eq_a = a.ct_eq(&a);
222     /// let a_eq_b = a.ct_eq(&b);
223     ///
224     /// assert_eq!(a_eq_a.unwrap_u8(), 1);
225     /// assert_eq!(a_eq_b.unwrap_u8(), 0);
226     /// ```
227     #[inline]
ct_eq(&self, _rhs: &[T]) -> Choice228     fn ct_eq(&self, _rhs: &[T]) -> Choice {
229         let len = self.len();
231         // Short-circuit on the *lengths* of the slices, not their
232         // contents.
233         if len != _rhs.len() {
234             return Choice::from(0);
235         }
237         // This loop shouldn't be shortcircuitable, since the compiler
238         // shouldn't be able to reason about the value of the `u8`
239         // unwrapped from the `ct_eq` result.
240         let mut x = 1u8;
241         for (ai, bi) in self.iter().zip(_rhs.iter()) {
242             x &= ai.ct_eq(bi).unwrap_u8();
243         }
245         x.into()
246     }
247 }
249 /// Given the bit-width `$bit_width` and the corresponding primitive
250 /// unsigned and signed types `$t_u` and `$t_i` respectively, generate
251 /// an `ConstantTimeEq` implementation.
252 macro_rules! generate_integer_equal {
253     ($t_u:ty, $t_i:ty, $bit_width:expr) => {
254         impl ConstantTimeEq for $t_u {
255             #[inline]
256             fn ct_eq(&self, other: &$t_u) -> Choice {
257                 // First construct x such that self == other iff all bits of x are 1
258                 let mut x: $t_u = !(self ^ other);
260                 // Now compute the and of all bits of x.
261                 //
262                 // e.g. for a u8, do:
263                 //
264                 //    x &= x >> 4;
265                 //    x &= x >> 2;
266                 //    x &= x >> 1;
267                 //
268                 let mut shift: usize = $bit_width / 2;
269                 while shift >= 1 {
270                     x &= x >> shift;
271                     shift /= 2;
272                 }
274                 (x as u8).into()
275             }
276         }
277         impl ConstantTimeEq for $t_i {
278             #[inline]
279             fn ct_eq(&self, other: &$t_i) -> Choice {
280                 // Bitcast to unsigned and call that implementation.
281                 (*self as $t_u).ct_eq(&(*other as $t_u))
282             }
283         }
284     };
285 }
287 generate_integer_equal!(u8, i8, 8);
288 generate_integer_equal!(u16, i16, 16);
289 generate_integer_equal!(u32, i32, 32);
290 generate_integer_equal!(u64, i64, 64);
291 #[cfg(feature = "i128")]
292 generate_integer_equal!(u128, i128, 128);
293 generate_integer_equal!(usize, isize, ::core::mem::size_of::<usize>() * 8);
295 /// Select one of two inputs according to a `Choice` in constant time.
296 ///
297 /// # Examples
298 ///
299 /// ```
300 /// # use subtle;
301 /// use subtle::ConditionallySelectable;
302 /// use subtle::Choice;
303 /// let a: i32 = 5;
304 /// let b: i32 = 13;
305 ///
306 /// assert_eq!(i32::conditional_select(&a, &b, Choice::from(0)), a);
307 /// assert_eq!(i32::conditional_select(&a, &b, Choice::from(1)), b);
308 /// ```
309 pub trait ConditionallySelectable {
310     /// Select `a` or `b` according to `choice`.
311     ///
312     /// # Returns
313     ///
314     /// * `a` if `choice == Choice(0)`;
315     /// * `b` if `choice == Choice(1)`.
316     ///
317     /// This function should execute in constant time.
318     #[inline]
conditional_select(a: &Self, b: &Self, choice: Choice) -> Self319     fn conditional_select(a: &Self, b: &Self, choice: Choice) -> Self;
320 }
322 macro_rules! to_signed_int {
323     (u8) => {
324         i8
325     };
326     (u16) => {
327         i16
328     };
329     (u32) => {
330         i32
331     };
332     (u64) => {
333         i64
334     };
335     (u128) => {
336         i128
337     };
338     (i8) => {
339         i8
340     };
341     (i16) => {
342         i16
343     };
344     (i32) => {
345         i32
346     };
347     (i64) => {
348         i64
349     };
350     (i128) => {
351         i128
352     };
353 }
355 macro_rules! generate_integer_conditional_select {
356     ($($t:tt)*) => ($(
357         impl ConditionallySelectable for $t {
358             #[inline]
359             fn conditional_select(a: &Self, b: &Self, choice: Choice) -> Self {
360                 // if choice = 0, mask = (-0) = 0000...0000
361                 // if choice = 1, mask = (-1) = 1111...1111
362                 let mask = -(choice.unwrap_u8() as to_signed_int!($t)) as $t;
363                 a ^ ((mask) & (a ^ b))
364             }
365          }
366     )*)
367 }
369 generate_integer_conditional_select!(  u8   i8);
370 generate_integer_conditional_select!( u16  i16);
371 generate_integer_conditional_select!( u32  i32);
372 generate_integer_conditional_select!( u64  i64);
373 #[cfg(feature = "i128")]
374 generate_integer_conditional_select!(u128 i128);
376 /// A type which can be conditionally negated in constant time.
377 ///
378 /// # Note
379 ///
380 /// A generic implementation of `ConditionallyNegatable` is provided for types
381 /// which are `ConditionallyNegatable + Neg`.
382 pub trait ConditionallyNegatable {
383     /// Negate `self` if `choice == Choice(1)`; otherwise, leave it
384     /// unchanged.
385     ///
386     /// This function should execute in constant time.
387     #[inline]
conditional_negate(&mut self, choice: Choice)388     fn conditional_negate(&mut self, choice: Choice);
389 }
391 impl<T> ConditionallyNegatable for T
392 where
393     T: ConditionallyAssignable,
394     for<'a> &'a T: Neg<Output = T>,
395 {
396     #[inline]
conditional_negate(&mut self, choice: Choice)397     fn conditional_negate(&mut self, choice: Choice) {
398         // Need to cast to eliminate mutability
399         let self_neg: T = -(self as &T);
400         self.conditional_assign(&self_neg, choice);
401     }
402 }
404 /// A type which can be conditionally assigned in constant time.
405 pub trait ConditionallyAssignable {
406     /// Conditionally assign `other` to `self`, according to `choice`.
407     ///
408     /// This function should execute in constant time.
409     ///
410     /// # Examples
411     ///
412     /// ```
413     /// # extern crate subtle;
414     /// use subtle::ConditionallyAssignable;
415     /// #
416     /// # fn main() {
417     /// let mut x: u8 = 13;
418     /// let y:     u8 = 42;
419     ///
420     /// x.conditional_assign(&y, 0.into());
421     /// assert_eq!(x, 13);
422     /// x.conditional_assign(&y, 1.into());
423     /// assert_eq!(x, 42);
424     /// # }
425     /// ```
426     ///
427     #[inline]
conditional_assign(&mut self, other: &Self, choice: Choice)428     fn conditional_assign(&mut self, other: &Self, choice: Choice);
429 }
431 impl<T> ConditionallyAssignable for T
432 where
433     T: ConditionallySelectable,
434 {
435     #[inline]
conditional_assign(&mut self, other: &Self, choice: Choice)436     fn conditional_assign(&mut self, other: &Self, choice: Choice) {
437         *self = T::conditional_select(self, other, choice);
438     }
439 }
441 /// A type which is conditionally swappable in constant time.
442 pub trait ConditionallySwappable {
443     /// Conditionally swap `self` and `other` if `choice == 1`; otherwise,
444     /// reassign both unto themselves.
445     ///
446     /// # Note
447     ///
448     /// This trait is generically implemented for any type which implements
449     /// `ConditionallyAssignable + Copy`.
450     #[inline]
conditional_swap(&mut self, other: &mut Self, choice: Choice)451     fn conditional_swap(&mut self, other: &mut Self, choice: Choice);
452 }
454 impl<T> ConditionallySwappable for T
455 where
456     T: ConditionallyAssignable + Copy,
457 {
458     #[inline]
conditional_swap(&mut self, other: &mut T, choice: Choice)459     fn conditional_swap(&mut self, other: &mut T, choice: Choice) {
460         let temp: T = *self;
461         self.conditional_assign(&other, choice);
462         other.conditional_assign(&temp, choice);
463     }
464 }