1-- extracted from rfc1284.txt
2-- at Mon Nov 15 17:11:59 1999
7            Counter, Gauge
8                    FROM RFC1155-SMI
9            transmission
10                    FROM RFC1213-MIB
11            OBJECT-TYPE
12                    FROM RFC-1212;
14    --  This MIB module uses the extended OBJECT-TYPE macro as
15    --  defined in [13]
18    --  this is the MIB module for ethernet-like objects
20    dot3    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { transmission 7 }
23    -- the Generic Ethernet-like group
25    -- Implementation of this group is mandatory for all systems
26    -- that attach to an ethernet-like medium.
28    dot3Table OBJECT-TYPE
29        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF Dot3Entry
30        ACCESS  not-accessible
31        STATUS  mandatory
33                "Status information and control variables for a
34                collection of ethernet-like interfaces attached to
35                a particular system."
36        ::= { dot3 1 }
38    dot3Entry OBJECT-TYPE
39        SYNTAX  Dot3Entry
40        ACCESS  not-accessible
41        STATUS  mandatory
43                "Status information and control variables for a
44                particular interface to an ethernet-like medium."
45        INDEX   { dot3Index }
46        ::= { dot3Table 1 }
48    Dot3Entry ::=
49        SEQUENCE {
50            dot3Index
51                INTEGER,
52            dot3InitializeMac
53                INTEGER,
54            dot3MacSubLayerStatus
55                INTEGER,
56            dot3MulticastReceiveStatus
57                INTEGER,
58            dot3TxEnabled
59                INTEGER,
60            dot3TestTdrValue
61                Gauge
62       }
64    dot3Index OBJECT-TYPE
66        ACCESS  read-only
67        STATUS  mandatory
69                "An index value that uniquely identifies an
70                interface to an ethernet-like medium.  The
71                interface identified by a particular value of this
72                index is the same interface as identified by the
73                same value of ifIndex."
74        ::= { dot3Entry 1 }
76    dot3InitializeMac OBJECT-TYPE
77        SYNTAX  INTEGER { initialized(1), uninitialized(2) }
78        ACCESS  read-write
79        STATUS  mandatory
81                "The initialization status of the MAC and PLS
82                (Physical Layer Signalling) subsystems for a
83                particular interface. The value initialized(1)
84                signifies that the subsystems for a particular
85                interface have been previously initialized; the
86                value uninitialized(2) signifies that they have
87                not been previously initialized.
89                Each alteration of an instance of this object to
90                either of the values initialized(1) or
91                uninitialized(2) is analogous to an invocation of
92                the initializeMAC action defined in [9] and has
93                the effect of (re-)initializing the MAC and PLS
94                subsystems for the associated interface. In
95                particular,
96                     all management counters pertaining to the MAC
97                     and PLS subsystems for said interface are
98                     reset to zero;
100                     the receive and transmit layer management
101                     state variables (receiveEnabled and
102                     transmitEnabled in [9]) are set to enable
103                     reception and transmission of frames;
105                     the promiscuous receive function is disabled;
106                     and
108                     multicast reception is disabled."
109        ::= { dot3Entry 2 }
111    dot3MacSubLayerStatus OBJECT-TYPE
112        SYNTAX  INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
113        ACCESS  read-write
114        STATUS  mandatory
115        DESCRIPTION
116                "The operational status of the MAC sublayer for a
117                particular interface.  The value enabled(1)
118                signifies that the MAC sublayer for said interface
119                is operational for both transmitting and receiving
120                frames -- that is, that the value of both the
121                receive and transmit layer management state
122                variables (receiveEnabled and transmitEnabled in
123                [9]) for said interface are true.  The value
124                disabled(2) signifies that the MAC sublayer for
125                said interface is not operational for either
126                transmitting or receiving frames. In particular,
127                the value of an instance of this object is
128                disabled(2) whenever the value of the
129                corresponding instance of the dot3Enabled object
130                is false(2).
132                Each alteration of an instance of this object to
133                the value enabled(1) is analogous to an invocation
134                of the enableMACSublayer action defined in [9] and
135                has the effect of starting normal transmit and
136                receive operations (from the ``idle'' state) on
137                the associated interface. In particular, such an
138                alteration has the effect of resetting the PLS for
139                said interface and of setting the receive and
140                transmit layer management state variables
141                (receiveEnabled and transmitEnabled in [9]) to be
142                true.
143                Each alteration of an instance of this object to
144                the value disabled(2) is analogous to an
145                invocation of the disableMACSublayer action
146                defined in [9] and has the effect of terminating
147                transmit and receive operations on the associated
148                interface. In particular, such an alteration has
149                the effect of setting the receive and transmit
150                layer management state variables (receiveEnabled
151                and transmitEnabled in [9]) to be false. Any
152                transmissions/receptions in progress are completed
153                before operation is terminated."
154        ::= { dot3Entry 3 }
156    dot3MulticastReceiveStatus OBJECT-TYPE
157        SYNTAX  INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
158        ACCESS  read-write
159        STATUS  mandatory
160        DESCRIPTION
161                "The multicast receive status for a particular
162                interface.  The value enabled(1) signifies that
163                reception of multicast frames by the MAC sublayer
164                is enabled on said interface. The value
165                disabled(2) signifies that reception of multicast
166                frames by the MAC sublayer is not enabled on said
167                interface.
169                Each alteration of an instance of this object to
170                the value enabled(1) is analogous to an invocation
171                of the enableMulticastReceive action defined in
172                [9] and has the effect of enabling multicast frame
173                reception on the associated interface. Actual
174                reception of multicast frames is only possible on
175                an interface when the values for the associated
176                instances of the dot3MulticastReceiveStatus and
177                dot3MacSubLayerStatus objects are enabled(1) and
178                enabled(1), respectively.
180                Each alteration of an instance of this object to
181                the value disabled(2) is analogous to an
182                invocation of the disableMulticastReceive action
183                defined in [9] and has the effect of inhibiting
184                multicast frame reception on the associated
185                interface."
186        ::= { dot3Entry 4 }
188    dot3TxEnabled OBJECT-TYPE
189        SYNTAX  INTEGER { true(1), false(2)  }
190        ACCESS  read-write
191        STATUS  mandatory
192        DESCRIPTION
193                "The transmit layer management state variable
194                (transmitEnabled as defined in [9]) for a
195                particular interface.  The value true(1) signifies
196                that the MAC frame transmission is enabled on said
197                interface. The value false(2) signifies that the
198                MAC frame transmission is inhibited on said
199                interface. In particular, the value of an instance
200                of this object is false(2) whenever the value of
201                the corresponding instance of the
202                dot3MacSubLayerStatus object is disabled(2).
204                Each alteration of an instance of this object to
205                the value true(1) is analogous to an invocation of
206                the enableTransmit action defined in [9] and has
207                the effect of enabling MAC sublayer frame
208                transmission on the associated interface. In
209                particular, such an alteration has the effect of
210                setting the transmit layer management state
211                variable (transmitEnabled in [9]) for said
212                interface to be true.
214                Each alteration of an instance of this object to
215                the value false(2) is analogous to an invocation
216                of the disableTransmit action defined in [9] and
217                has the effect of inhibiting MAC sublayer frame
218                transmission on the associated interface. In
219                particular, such an alteration has the effect of
220                setting the transmit layer management state
221                variable (transmitEnabled in [9]) for said
222                interface to be false. Any transmissions in
223                progress are completed before transmission is
224                inhibited."
225        ::= { dot3Entry 5 }
227    dot3TestTdrValue OBJECT-TYPE
228        SYNTAX  Gauge
229        ACCESS  read-only
230        STATUS  mandatory
231        DESCRIPTION
232               "The number of 10 MHz ticks which elapsed between
233               the beginning of a TDR measurement and the
234               collision which ended it, for the most recently
235               executed TDR test.  If no TDR test has been
236               executed, or the last TDR value is not available,
237              this object has the value 0."
238        ::= { dot3Entry 6 }
240    -- the Ethernet-like Statistics group
242    -- Implementation of this group is mandatory
244    -- Due to implementation restrictions (e.g. in the
245    -- instrumentation provided by a chipset, or a device
246    -- driver), some of the counters in this group may be
247    -- difficult or impossible to implement.
248    -- In such cases, an implementator should apply reasonable
249    -- best effort to detect as many occurrences as possible.
250    -- In any case, the value of a counter will be the number
251    -- actually detected, which will always be less or equal
252    -- to the number of actual occurrences.  In the extreme
253    -- case of a total inability to detect occurrences, the
254    -- counter will always be zero.
256    -- Vendors are strongly encouraged to document in user guides and
257    -- other appropriate documentation the conditions under which the
258    -- values of the counters in this group may represent an
259    -- underestimate of the true count.
261    dot3StatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
262        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF Dot3StatsEntry
263        ACCESS  not-accessible
264        STATUS  mandatory
265        DESCRIPTION
266                "Statistics for a collection of ethernet-like
267                interfaces attached to a particular system."
268        ::= { dot3 2 }
270    dot3StatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
271        SYNTAX  Dot3StatsEntry
272        ACCESS  not-accessible
273        STATUS  mandatory
274        DESCRIPTION
275                "Statistics for a particular interface to an
276                ethernet-like medium."
277        INDEX   { dot3StatsIndex }
278        ::= { dot3StatsTable 1 }
280    Dot3StatsEntry ::=
281        SEQUENCE {
282            dot3StatsIndex
283                INTEGER,
284            dot3StatsAlignmentErrors
285                Counter,
286            dot3StatsFCSErrors
287                Counter,
289            dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames
290                Counter,
291            dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames
292                Counter,
293            dot3StatsSQETestErrors
294                Counter,
295            dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions
296                Counter,
297            dot3StatsLateCollisions
298                Counter,
299            dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions
300                Counter,
301            dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors
302                Counter,
303            dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors
304                Counter,
305            dot3StatsExcessiveDeferrals
306                Counter,
307            dot3StatsFrameTooLongs
308                Counter,
309            dot3StatsInRangeLengthErrors
310                Counter,
311            dot3StatsOutOfRangeLengthFields
312                Counter,
313            dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors
314                Counter
315        }
317    dot3StatsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
318        SYNTAX  INTEGER
319        ACCESS  read-only
320        STATUS  mandatory
321        DESCRIPTION
322                "An index value that uniquely identifies an
323                interface to an ethernet-like medium.  The
324                interface identified by a particular value of this
325                index is the same interface as identified by the
326                same value of ifIndex."
327        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 1 }
329    dot3StatsAlignmentErrors OBJECT-TYPE
330        SYNTAX  Counter
331        ACCESS  read-only
332        STATUS  mandatory
333        DESCRIPTION
334                "A count of frames received on a particular
335                interface that are not an integral number of
336                octets in length and do not pass the FCS check.
337                The count represented by an instance of this
338                object is incremented when the alignmentError
339                status is returned by the MAC service to the LLC
340                (or other MAC user). Received frames for which
341                multiple error conditions obtain are, according to
342                the conventions of [9], counted exclusively
343                according to the error status presented to the
344                LLC."
345        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 2 }
347    dot3StatsFCSErrors OBJECT-TYPE
348        SYNTAX  Counter
349        ACCESS  read-only
350        STATUS  mandatory
351        DESCRIPTION
352                "A count of frames received on a particular
353                interface that are an integral number of octets in
354                length but do not pass the FCS check.
356                The count represented by an instance of this
357                object is incremented when the frameCheckError
358                status is returned by the MAC service to the LLC
359                (or other MAC user). Received frames for which
360                multiple error conditions obtain are, according to
361                the conventions of [9], counted exclusively
362                according to the error status presented to the
363                LLC."
364        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 3 }
366    dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames OBJECT-TYPE
367        SYNTAX  Counter
368        ACCESS  read-only
369        STATUS  mandatory
370        DESCRIPTION
371                "A count of successfully transmitted frames on a
372                particular interface for which transmission is
373                inhibited by exactly one collision.
375                A frame that is counted by an instance of this
376                object is also counted by the corresponding
377                instance of either the ifOutUcastPkts or
378                ifOutNUcastPkts object and is not counted by the
379                corresponding instance of the
380                dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames object."
381       ::= { dot3StatsEntry 4 }
383    dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames OBJECT-TYPE
384        SYNTAX  Counter
385        ACCESS  read-only
386        STATUS  mandatory
387        DESCRIPTION
388                "A count of successfully transmitted frames on a
389                particular interface for which transmission is
390                inhibited by more than one collision.
392                A frame that is counted by an instance of this
393                object is also counted by the corresponding
394                instance of either the ifOutUcastPkts or
395                ifOutNUcastPkts object and is not counted by the
396                corresponding instance of the
397                dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames object."
398        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 5 }
400    dot3StatsSQETestErrors OBJECT-TYPE
401        SYNTAX  Counter
402        ACCESS  read-only
403        STATUS  mandatory
404        DESCRIPTION
405                "A count of times that the SQE TEST ERROR message
406                is generated by the PLS sublayer for a particular
407                interface. The SQE TEST ERROR message is defined
408                in section of [12] and its generation is
409                described in section of the same
410                document."
411        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 6 }
413    dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions OBJECT-TYPE
414        SYNTAX  Counter
415        ACCESS  read-only
416        STATUS  mandatory
417        DESCRIPTION
418                "A count of frames for which the first
419                transmission attempt on a particular interface is
420                delayed because the medium is busy.
422                The count represented by an instance of this
423                object does not include frames involved in
424                collisions."
425        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 7 }
427    dot3StatsLateCollisions OBJECT-TYPE
428        SYNTAX  Counter
429        ACCESS  read-only
430        STATUS  mandatory
431        DESCRIPTION
432                "The number of times that a collision is detected
433                on a particular interface later than 512 bit-times
434                into the transmission of a packet.
436                Five hundred and twelve bit-times corresponds to
437                51.2 microseconds on a 10 Mbit/s system. A (late)
438                collision included in a count represented by an
439                instance of this object is also considered as a
440                (generic) collision for purposes of other
441                collision-related statistics."
442        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 8 }
444    dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions OBJECT-TYPE
445        SYNTAX  Counter
446        ACCESS  read-only
447        STATUS  mandatory
448        DESCRIPTION
449                "A count of frames for which transmission on a
450                particular interface fails due to excessive
451                collisions."
452        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 9 }
454    dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors OBJECT-TYPE
455        SYNTAX  Counter
456        ACCESS  read-only
457        STATUS  mandatory
458        DESCRIPTION
459                "A count of frames for which transmission on a
460                particular interface fails due to an internal MAC
461                sublayer transmit error. A frame is only counted
462                by an instance of this object if it is not counted
463                by the corresponding instance of either the
464                dot3StatsLateCollisions object, the
465                dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions object, the
466                dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors object, or the
467                dot3StatsExcessiveDeferrals object.
469                The precise meaning of the count represented by an
470                instance of this object is implementation-
471                specific.  In particular, an instance of this
472                object may represent a count of transmission
473                errors on a particular interface that are not
474                otherwise counted."
475        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 10 }
477    dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors OBJECT-TYPE
478        SYNTAX  Counter
479        ACCESS  read-only
480        STATUS  mandatory
481        DESCRIPTION
482                "The number of times that the carrier sense
483                condition was lost or never asserted when
484                attempting to transmit a frame on a particular
485                interface.
487                The count represented by an instance of this
488                object is incremented at most once per
489                transmission attempt, even if the carrier sense
490                condition fluctuates during a transmission
491                attempt."
492        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 11 }
494    dot3StatsExcessiveDeferrals OBJECT-TYPE
495        SYNTAX  Counter
496        ACCESS  read-only
497        STATUS  mandatory
498        DESCRIPTION
499                "A count of frames for which transmission on a
500                particular interface is deferred for an excessive
501                period of time."
502        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 12 }
504    dot3StatsFrameTooLongs OBJECT-TYPE
505        SYNTAX  Counter
506        ACCESS  read-only
507        STATUS  mandatory
508        DESCRIPTION
509                "A count of frames received on a particular
510                interface that exceed the maximum permitted frame
511                size.
513                The count represented by an instance of this
514                object is incremented when the frameTooLong status
515                is returned by the MAC service to the LLC (or
516                other MAC user). Received frames for which
517                multiple error conditions obtain are, according to
518                the conventions of [9], counted exclusively
519                according to the error status presented to the
520                LLC."
521        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 13 }
523    dot3StatsInRangeLengthErrors OBJECT-TYPE
524        SYNTAX  Counter
525        ACCESS  read-only
526        STATUS  mandatory
527        DESCRIPTION
528                "A count of frames received on a particular
529                interface with a length field value that falls
530                between the minimum unpadded LLC data size and the
531                maximum allowed LLC data size inclusive and that
532                does not match the number of LLC data octets
533                received.
535                The count represented by an instance of this
536                object also includes frames for which the length
537                field value is less than the minimum unpadded LLC
538                data size."
539        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 14 }
541    dot3StatsOutOfRangeLengthFields OBJECT-TYPE
542        SYNTAX  Counter
543        ACCESS  read-only
544        STATUS  mandatory
545        DESCRIPTION
546                "A count of frames received on a particular
547                interface for which the length field value exceeds
548                the maximum allowed LLC data size.
550                The count represented by an instance of this
551                object is not incremented in implementations that
552                observe Ethernet encapsulation conventions (by
553                which the IEEE 802.3 length field is interpreted
554                as the Ethernet Type field)."
555        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 15 }
557    dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors OBJECT-TYPE
558        SYNTAX  Counter
559        ACCESS  read-only
560        STATUS  mandatory
561        DESCRIPTION
562                "A count of frames for which reception on a
563                particular interface fails due to an internal MAC
564                sublayer receive error. A frame is only counted by
565                an instance of this object if it is not counted by
566                the corresponding instance of either the
567                dot3StatsFrameTooLongs object, the
568                dot3StatsAlignmentErrors object, the
569                dot3StatsFCSErrors object, the
570                dot3StatsInRangeLengthErrors object, or the
571                dot3StatsOutOfRangeLengthFields object.
573                The precise meaning of the count represented by an
574                instance of this object is implementation-
575                specific.  In particular, an instance of this
576                object may represent a count of receive errors on
577                a particular interface that are not otherwise
578                counted."
579        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 16 }
582    -- the Ethernet-like Collision Statistics group
584    -- Implementation of this group is optional; it is appropriate
585    -- for all systems which have the necessary metering
587    dot3CollTable OBJECT-TYPE
588        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF Dot3CollEntry
589        ACCESS  not-accessible
590        STATUS  mandatory
591        DESCRIPTION
592                "A collection of collision histograms for a
593                particular set of interfaces."
594        ::= { dot3 5 }
596    dot3CollEntry OBJECT-TYPE
597        SYNTAX  Dot3CollEntry
598        ACCESS  not-accessible
599        STATUS  mandatory
600        DESCRIPTION
601                "A cell in the histogram of per-frame collisions
602                for a particular interface.  An instance of this
603                object represents the frequency of individual MAC
604                frames for which the transmission (successful or
605                otherwise) on a particular interface is
606                accompanied by a particular number of media
607                collisions."
608        INDEX   { dot3CollIndex, dot3CollCount }
609        ::= { dot3CollTable 1 }
611    Dot3CollEntry ::=
612        SEQUENCE {
613            dot3CollIndex
614                INTEGER,
615            dot3CollCount
616                INTEGER,
617            dot3CollFrequencies
618                Counter
620        }
622    dot3CollIndex OBJECT-TYPE
623        SYNTAX  INTEGER
624        ACCESS  read-only
625        STATUS  mandatory
626        DESCRIPTION
627                "The index value that uniquely identifies the
628                interface to which a particular collision
629                histogram cell pertains.  The interface identified
630                by a particular value of this index is the same
631                interface as identified by the same value of
632                ifIndex."
633        ::= { dot3CollEntry 1 }
635    dot3CollCount OBJECT-TYPE
636        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..16)
637        ACCESS  read-only
638        STATUS  mandatory
639        DESCRIPTION
640                "The number of per-frame media collisions for
641                which a particular collision histogram cell
642                represents the frequency on a particular
643                interface."
644        ::= { dot3CollEntry 2 }
646    dot3CollFrequencies OBJECT-TYPE
647        SYNTAX  Counter
648        ACCESS  read-only
649        STATUS  mandatory
650        DESCRIPTION
651                "A count of individual MAC frames for which the
652                transmission (successful or otherwise) on a
653                particular interface is accompanied by a
654                particular number of media collisions."
655        ::= { dot3CollEntry 3 }
658    --  802.3 Tests
660    -- The ifExtnsTestTable defined in [11] provides a common means
661    -- for a manager to test any interface corresponding to a value
662    -- of ifIndex.
664    -- At this time, one well known test (testFullDuplexLoopBack) is
665    -- defined in [11].  For ethernet-like interfaces, this test
666    -- configures the MAC chip and executes an internal loopback
667    -- test of memory and the MAC chip logic.  This loopback test can
668    -- only be executed if the interface is offline.  Once the test
669    -- has completed, the MAC chip should be reinitialized for network
670    -- operation, but it should remain offline.
672    -- If an error occurs during a test, the object ifExtnsTestResult
673    -- (defined in [11]) will be set to failed(7).  The following two
674    -- OBJECT IDENTIFIERs may be used to provided more information as
675    -- values for the object ifExtnsTestCode in [11]:
677    dot3Errors             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot3 7 }
679                              -- couldn't initialize MAC chip for test
680    dot3ErrorInitError     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot3Errors 1 }
682                              -- expected data not received (or not
683                              -- received correctly) in loopback test
684    dot3ErrorLoopbackError OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot3Errors 2 }
687    --  TDR Test
689    -- Another test, specific to ethernet-like interfaces,
690    -- is Time-domain Reflectometry (TDR) which is defined
691    -- as follows:
693    dot3Tests   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot3 6 }
694    dot3TestTdr OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot3Tests 1 }
696    -- A TDR test returns as its result the time interval between the
697    -- most recent TDR test transmission and the subsequent detection
698    -- of a collision.  This interval is based on a 10 MHz clock and
699    -- should be normalized if the time base is other than 10 MHz.
700    -- On successful completion of a TDR test, the result is stored
701    -- as the value of the appropriate instance of the MIB object
702    -- dot3TestTdrValue, and the OBJECT IDENTIFIER of that instance
703    -- is stored in the corresponding instance of ifExtnsTestResult
704    -- (thereby indicating where the result has been stored).
707   --  802.3 Hardware Chipsets
709   -- The object ifExtnsChipSet is provided in [11] to identify the
710   -- MAC hardware used to communcate on an interface.  The following
711   -- hardware chipsets are provided for 802.3:
713   dot3ChipSets          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot3 8 }
714   dot3ChipSetAMD        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot3ChipSets 1 }
715   dot3ChipSetAMD7990    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot3ChipSetAMD 1 }
716   dot3ChipSetAMD79900   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot3ChipSetAMD 2 }
718   dot3ChipSetIntel      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot3ChipSets 2 }
719   dot3ChipSetIntel82586 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot3ChipSetIntel 1 }
720   dot3ChipSetIntel82596 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot3ChipSetIntel 2 }
722   dot3ChipSetSeeq       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot3ChipSets 3 }
723   dot3ChipSetSeeq8003   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot3ChipSetSeeq 1 }
725   dot3ChipSetNational      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot3ChipSets 4 }
726   dot3ChipSetNational8390  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
727                                             { dot3ChipSetNational 1 }
728   dot3ChipSetNationalSonic OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
729                                             { dot3ChipSetNational 2 }
731   dot3ChipSetFujitsu       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot3ChipSets 5 }
732   dot3ChipSetFujitsu86950  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
733                                            { dot3ChipSetFujitsu 1 }
735   -- For those chipsets not represented above, OBJECT IDENTIFIER
736   -- assignment is required in other documentation, e.g., assignment
737   -- within that part of the registration tree delegated to
738   -- individual enterprises (see [3]).
740   END