1 /*
2    Bacula(R) - The Network Backup Solution
4    Copyright (C) 2000-2020 Kern Sibbald
6    The original author of Bacula is Kern Sibbald, with contributions
7    from many others, a complete list can be found in the file AUTHORS.
9    You may use this file and others of this release according to the
10    license defined in the LICENSE file, which includes the Affero General
11    Public License, v3.0 ("AGPLv3") and some additional permissions and
12    terms pursuant to its AGPLv3 Section 7.
14    This notice must be preserved when any source code is
15    conveyed and/or propagated.
17    Bacula(R) is a registered trademark of Kern Sibbald.
18 */
19 /*
20  *
21  *   Bacula Director -- fd_cmds.c -- send commands to File daemon
22  *
23  *     Kern Sibbald, October MM
24  *
25  *    This routine is run as a separate thread.  There may be more
26  *    work to be done to make it totally reentrant!!!!
27  *
28  *  Utility functions for sending info to File Daemon.
29  *   These functions are used by both backup and verify.
30  *
31  */
33 #include "bacula.h"
34 #include "dird.h"
35 #include "findlib/find.h"
37 const int dbglvl = 400;
39 /* Commands sent to File daemon */
40 static char filesetcmd[]  = "fileset%s%s\n"; /* set full fileset */
41 static char jobcmd[]      = "JobId=%s Job=%s SDid=%u SDtime=%u Authorization=%s\n";
42 /* Note, mtime_only is not used here -- implemented as file option */
43 static char levelcmd[]    = "level = %s%s%s mtime_only=%d %s%s\n";
44 static char runscript[]   = "Run OnSuccess=%u OnFailure=%u AbortOnError=%u When=%u Command=%s\n";
45 static char runbeforenow[]= "RunBeforeNow\n";
46 static char bandwidthcmd[] = "setbandwidth=%lld Job=%s\n";
47 static char component_info[] = "component_info\n";
49 /* Responses received from File daemon */
50 static char OKinc[]          = "2000 OK include\n";
51 static char OKjob[]          = "2000 OK Job";
52 static char OKlevel[]        = "2000 OK level\n";
53 static char OKRunScript[]    = "2000 OK RunScript\n";
54 static char OKRunBeforeNow[] = "2000 OK RunBeforeNow\n";
55 static char OKRestoreObject[] = "2000 OK ObjectRestored\n";
56 static char OKComponentInfo[] = "2000 OK ComponentInfo\n";
57 static char OKBandwidth[]    = "2000 OK Bandwidth\n";
59 /* Forward referenced functions */
60 static bool send_list_item(JCR *jcr, const char *code, char *item, BSOCK *fd);
62 /* External functions */
63 extern DIRRES *director;
64 extern int FDConnectTimeout;
66 #define INC_LIST 0
67 #define EXC_LIST 1
69 /*
70  * Open connection with File daemon.
71  * Try connecting every retry_interval (default 10 sec), and
72  *   give up after max_retry_time (default 30 mins).
73  */
connect_to_file_daemon(JCR * jcr,int retry_interval,int max_retry_time,int verbose)75 int connect_to_file_daemon(JCR *jcr, int retry_interval, int max_retry_time,
76                            int verbose)
77 {
78    BSOCK   *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
79    char ed1[30];
80    utime_t heart_beat;
82    if (!jcr->client) {
83       Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("File daemon not defined for current Job\n"));
84       Dmsg0(10, "No Client defined for the job.\n");
85       return 0;
86    }
88    if (jcr->client->heartbeat_interval) {
89       heart_beat = jcr->client->heartbeat_interval;
90    } else {
91       heart_beat = director->heartbeat_interval;
92    }
94    if (!is_bsock_open(jcr->file_bsock)) {
95       char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 100];
96       POOL_MEM buf;
98       if (!fd) {
99          fd = jcr->file_bsock = new_bsock();
100       }
101       bstrncpy(name, _("Client: "), sizeof(name));
102       bstrncat(name, jcr->client->name(), sizeof(name));
104       fd->set_source_address(director->DIRsrc_addr);
105       if (!fd->connect(jcr,retry_interval,
106                        max_retry_time,
107                        heart_beat, name,
108                        jcr->client->address(buf.addr()),
109                        NULL,
110                        jcr->client->FDport,
111                        verbose)) {
112          fd->close();
113          jcr->setJobStatus(JS_ErrorTerminated);
114          return 0;
115       }
116       Dmsg0(10, "Opened connection with File daemon\n");
117    }
118    fd->res = (RES *)jcr->client;      /* save resource in BSOCK */
119    jcr->setJobStatus(JS_Running);
121    if (!authenticate_file_daemon(jcr)) {
122       jcr->setJobStatus(JS_ErrorTerminated);
123       Dmsg0(10, "Authentication error with FD.\n");
124       return 0;
125    }
127    /*
128     * Now send JobId and authorization key
129     */
130    if (jcr->sd_auth_key == NULL) {
131       jcr->sd_auth_key = bstrdup("dummy");
132    }
133    fd->fsend(jobcmd, edit_int64(jcr->JobId, ed1), jcr->Job, jcr->VolSessionId,
134              jcr->VolSessionTime, jcr->sd_auth_key);
135    if (!jcr->keep_sd_auth_key && strcmp(jcr->sd_auth_key, "dummy")) {
136       memset(jcr->sd_auth_key, 0, strlen(jcr->sd_auth_key));
137    }
138    Dmsg1(100, ">filed: %s", fd->msg);
139    if (bget_dirmsg(fd) > 0) {
140        Dmsg1(110, "<filed: %s", fd->msg);
141        if (strncmp(fd->msg, OKjob, strlen(OKjob)) != 0) {
142           Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("File daemon \"%s\" rejected Job command: %s\n"),
143              jcr->client->hdr.name, fd->msg);
144           jcr->setJobStatus(JS_ErrorTerminated);
145           return 0;
146        } else if (jcr->db) {
147           CLIENT_DBR cr;
148           memset(&cr, 0, sizeof(cr));
149           bstrncpy(cr.Name, jcr->client->hdr.name, sizeof(cr.Name));
150           cr.AutoPrune = jcr->client->AutoPrune;
151           cr.FileRetention = jcr->client->FileRetention;
152           cr.JobRetention = jcr->client->JobRetention;
153           bstrncpy(cr.Uname, fd->msg+strlen(OKjob)+1, sizeof(cr.Uname));
154           if (!db_update_client_record(jcr, jcr->db, &cr)) {
155              Jmsg(jcr, M_WARNING, 0, _("Error updating Client record. ERR=%s\n"),
156                 db_strerror(jcr->db));
157           }
158        }
159    } else {
160       Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("FD gave bad response to JobId command: %s\n"),
161          fd->bstrerror());
162       jcr->setJobStatus(JS_ErrorTerminated);
163       return 0;
164    }
165    return 1;
166 }
168 /*
169  * This subroutine edits the last job start time into a
170  *   "since=date/time" buffer that is returned in the
171  *   variable since.  This is used for display purposes in
172  *   the job report.  The time in jcr->stime is later
173  *   passed to tell the File daemon what to do.
174  */
get_level_since_time(JCR * jcr,char * since,int since_len)175 void get_level_since_time(JCR *jcr, char *since, int since_len)
176 {
177    int JobLevel;
178    bool have_full;
179    bool do_full = false;
180    bool do_vfull = false;
181    bool do_diff = false;
182    utime_t now;
183    utime_t last_full_time = 0;
184    utime_t last_diff_time;
185    char prev_job[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], edl[50];
187    since[0] = 0;
188    /* If job cloned and a since time already given, use it */
189    if (jcr->cloned && jcr->stime && jcr->stime[0]) {
190       bstrncpy(since, _(", since="), since_len);
191       bstrncat(since, jcr->stime, since_len);
192       return;
193    }
194    /* Make sure stime buffer is allocated */
195    if (!jcr->stime) {
196       jcr->stime = get_pool_memory(PM_MESSAGE);
197    }
198    jcr->PrevJob[0] = jcr->stime[0] = 0;
199    /*
200     * Lookup the last FULL backup job to get the time/date for a
201     * differential or incremental save.
202     */
203    switch (jcr->getJobLevel()) {
204    case L_DIFFERENTIAL:
205    case L_INCREMENTAL:
206       POOLMEM *stime = get_pool_memory(PM_MESSAGE);
207       /* Look up start time of last Full job */
208       now = (utime_t)time(NULL);
209       jcr->jr.JobId = 0;     /* flag to return since time */
210       /*
211        * This is probably redundant, but some of the code below
212        * uses jcr->stime, so don't remove unless you are sure.
213        */
214       if (!db_find_job_start_time(jcr, jcr->db, &jcr->jr, &jcr->stime, jcr->PrevJob)) {
215          do_full = true;
216       }
217       have_full = db_find_last_job_start_time(jcr, jcr->db, &jcr->jr,
218                                               &stime, prev_job, L_FULL);
219       if (have_full) {
220          last_full_time = str_to_utime(stime);
221       } else {
222          do_full = true;               /* No full, upgrade to one */
223       }
224       Dmsg4(50, "have_full=%d do_full=%d now=%lld full_time=%lld\n", have_full,
225             do_full, now, last_full_time);
226       /* Make sure the last diff is recent enough */
227       if (have_full && jcr->getJobLevel() == L_INCREMENTAL && jcr->job->MaxDiffInterval > 0) {
228          /* Lookup last diff job */
229          if (db_find_last_job_start_time(jcr, jcr->db, &jcr->jr,
230                                          &stime, prev_job, L_DIFFERENTIAL)) {
231             last_diff_time = str_to_utime(stime);
232             /* If no Diff since Full, use Full time */
233             if (last_diff_time < last_full_time) {
234                last_diff_time = last_full_time;
235             }
236             Dmsg2(50, "last_diff_time=%lld last_full_time=%lld\n", last_diff_time,
237                   last_full_time);
238          } else {
239             /* No last differential, so use last full time */
240             last_diff_time = last_full_time;
241             Dmsg1(50, "No last_diff_time setting to full_time=%lld\n", last_full_time);
242          }
243          do_diff = ((now - last_diff_time) >= jcr->job->MaxDiffInterval);
244          Dmsg2(50, "do_diff=%d diffInter=%lld\n", do_diff, jcr->job->MaxDiffInterval);
245       }
246       /* Note, do_full takes precedence over do_vfull and do_diff */
247       if (have_full && jcr->job->MaxFullInterval > 0) {
248          do_full = ((now - last_full_time) >= jcr->job->MaxFullInterval);
249       }
250       else
251       if (have_full && jcr->job->MaxVirtualFullInterval > 0) {
252          do_vfull = ((now - last_full_time) >= jcr->job->MaxVirtualFullInterval);
253       }
255       free_pool_memory(stime);
257       if (do_full) {
258          /* No recent Full job found, so upgrade this one to Full */
259          Jmsg(jcr, M_INFO, 0, "%s", db_strerror(jcr->db));
260          Jmsg(jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("No prior or suitable Full backup found in catalog. Doing FULL backup.\n"));
261          bsnprintf(since, since_len, _(" (upgraded from %s)"),
262             level_to_str(edl, sizeof(edl), jcr->getJobLevel()));
263          jcr->setJobLevel(jcr->jr.JobLevel = L_FULL);
264       } else if (do_vfull) {
265          /* No recent Full job found, and MaxVirtualFull is set so upgrade this one to Virtual Full */
266          Jmsg(jcr, M_INFO, 0, "%s", db_strerror(jcr->db));
267          Jmsg(jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("No prior or suitable Full backup found in catalog. Doing Virtual FULL backup.\n"));
268          bsnprintf(since, since_len, _(" (upgraded from %s)"),
269             level_to_str(edl, sizeof(edl), jcr->getJobLevel()));
270          jcr->setJobLevel(jcr->jr.JobLevel = L_VIRTUAL_FULL);
271       } else if (do_diff) {
272          /* No recent diff job found, so upgrade this one to Diff */
273          Jmsg(jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("No prior or suitable Differential backup found in catalog. Doing Differential backup.\n"));
274          bsnprintf(since, since_len, _(" (upgraded from %s)"),
275             level_to_str(edl, sizeof(edl), jcr->getJobLevel()));
276          jcr->setJobLevel(jcr->jr.JobLevel = L_DIFFERENTIAL);
277       } else {
278          if (jcr->job->rerun_failed_levels) {
280             POOLMEM *etime = get_pool_memory(PM_MESSAGE);
282             /* Get the end time of our most recent successfull backup for this job */
283             /* This will be used to see if there have been any failures since then */
284             if (db_find_last_job_end_time(jcr, jcr->db, &jcr->jr, &etime, prev_job)) {
286                /* See if there are any failed Differential/Full backups since the completion */
287                /* of our last successful backup for this job                                 */
288                if (db_find_failed_job_since(jcr, jcr->db, &jcr->jr,
289                                          etime, JobLevel)) {
290                  /* If our job is an Incremental and we have a failed job then upgrade.              */
291                  /* If our job is a Differential and the failed job is a Full then upgrade.          */
292                  /* Otherwise there is no reason to upgrade.                                         */
293                  if ((jcr->getJobLevel() == L_INCREMENTAL) ||
294                      ((jcr->getJobLevel() == L_DIFFERENTIAL) && (JobLevel == L_FULL))) {
295                     Jmsg(jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("Prior failed job found in catalog. Upgrading to %s.\n"),
296                        level_to_str(edl, sizeof(edl), JobLevel));
297                     bsnprintf(since, since_len, _(" (upgraded from %s)"),
298                              level_to_str(edl, sizeof(edl), jcr->getJobLevel()));
299                     jcr->setJobLevel(jcr->jr.JobLevel = JobLevel);
300                     jcr->jr.JobId = jcr->JobId;
301                     break;
302                  }
303                }
304             }
305             free_pool_memory(etime);
306          }
307          bstrncpy(since, _(", since="), since_len);
308          bstrncat(since, jcr->stime, since_len);
309       }
310       jcr->jr.JobId = jcr->JobId;
311       break;
312    }
313    Dmsg3(100, "Level=%c last start time=%s job=%s\n",
314          jcr->getJobLevel(), jcr->stime, jcr->PrevJob);
315 }
send_since_time(JCR * jcr)317 static void send_since_time(JCR *jcr)
318 {
319    BSOCK   *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
320    utime_t stime;
321    char ed1[50];
323    stime = str_to_utime(jcr->stime);
324    fd->fsend(levelcmd, "", NT_("since_utime "), edit_uint64(stime, ed1), 0,
325              NT_("prev_job="), jcr->PrevJob);
326    while (bget_dirmsg(fd) >= 0) {  /* allow him to poll us to sync clocks */
327       Jmsg(jcr, M_INFO, 0, "%s\n", fd->msg);
328    }
329 }
send_bwlimit(JCR * jcr,const char * Job)331 bool send_bwlimit(JCR *jcr, const char *Job)
332 {
333    BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
334    if (jcr->FDVersion >= 4) {
335       fd->fsend(bandwidthcmd, jcr->max_bandwidth, Job);
336       if (!response(jcr, fd, OKBandwidth, "Bandwidth", DISPLAY_ERROR)) {
337          jcr->max_bandwidth = 0;      /* can't set bandwidth limit */
338          return false;
339       }
340    }
341    return true;
342 }
344 /*
345  * Send level command to FD.
346  * Used for backup jobs and estimate command.
347  */
send_level_command(JCR * jcr)348 bool send_level_command(JCR *jcr)
349 {
350    BSOCK   *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
351    const char *accurate = jcr->accurate?"accurate_":"";
352    const char *not_accurate = "";
353    const char *rerunning = jcr->rerunning?" rerunning ":" ";
354    /*
355     * Send Level command to File daemon
356     */
357    switch (jcr->getJobLevel()) {
358    case L_BASE:
359       fd->fsend(levelcmd, not_accurate, "base", rerunning, 0, "", "");
360       break;
361    /* L_NONE is the console, sending something off to the FD */
362    case L_NONE:
363    case L_FULL:
364       fd->fsend(levelcmd, not_accurate, "full", rerunning, 0, "", "");
365       break;
366    case L_DIFFERENTIAL:
367       fd->fsend(levelcmd, accurate, "differential", rerunning, 0, "", "");
368       send_since_time(jcr);
369       break;
370    case L_INCREMENTAL:
371       fd->fsend(levelcmd, accurate, "incremental", rerunning, 0, "", "");
372       send_since_time(jcr);
373       break;
374    case L_SINCE:
375    default:
376       Jmsg2(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Unimplemented backup level %d %c\n"),
377          jcr->getJobLevel(), jcr->getJobLevel());
378       return 0;
379    }
380    Dmsg1(120, ">filed: %s", fd->msg);
381    if (!response(jcr, fd, OKlevel, "Level", DISPLAY_ERROR)) {
382       return false;
383    }
384    return true;
385 }
387 /*
388  * Send either an Included or an Excluded list to FD
389  */
send_fileset(JCR * jcr)390 static bool send_fileset(JCR *jcr)
391 {
392    FILESET *fileset = jcr->fileset;
393    BSOCK   *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
394    STORE   *store = jcr->wstore;
395    int num;
396    bool include = true;
398    for ( ;; ) {
399       if (include) {
400          num = fileset->num_includes;
401       } else {
402          num = fileset->num_excludes;
403       }
404       for (int i=0; i<num; i++) {
405          char *item;
406          INCEXE *ie;
407          int j, k;
409          if (include) {
410             ie = fileset->include_items[i];
411             fd->fsend("I\n");
412          } else {
413             ie = fileset->exclude_items[i];
414             fd->fsend("E\n");
415          }
416          if (ie->ignoredir) {
417             fd->fsend("Z %s\n", ie->ignoredir);
418          }
419          for (j=0; j<ie->num_opts; j++) {
420             FOPTS *fo = ie->opts_list[j];
421             bool enhanced_wild = false;
422             bool stripped_opts = false;
423             bool compress_disabled = false;
424             char newopts[MAX_FOPTS];
426             for (k=0; fo->opts[k]!='\0'; k++) {
427                if (fo->opts[k]=='W') {
428                   enhanced_wild = true;
429                   break;
430                }
431             }
433             /*
434              * Strip out compression option Zn if disallowed
435              *  for this Storage.
436              * Strip out dedup option dn if old FD
437              */
438             bool strip_compress = store && !store->AllowCompress;
439             if (strip_compress || jcr->FDVersion >= 11) {
440                int j = 0;
441                for (k=0; fo->opts[k]!='\0'; k++) {
442                   /* Z compress option is followed by the single-digit compress level or 'o' */
443                   if (strip_compress && fo->opts[k]=='Z') {
444                      stripped_opts = true;
445                      compress_disabled = true;
446                      k++;                /* skip level */
447                   } else if (jcr->FDVersion < 11 && fo->opts[k]=='d') {
448                      stripped_opts = true;
449                      k++;              /* skip level */
450                   } else {
451                      newopts[j] = fo->opts[k];
452                      j++;
453                   }
454                }
455                newopts[j] = '\0';
456                if (compress_disabled) {
457                   Jmsg(jcr, M_INFO, 0,
458                       _("FD compression disabled for this Job because AllowCompression=No in Storage resource.\n") );
459                }
460             }
461             if (stripped_opts) {
462                /* Send the new trimmed option set without overwriting fo->opts */
463                fd->fsend("O %s\n", newopts);
464             } else {
465                /* Send the original options */
466                fd->fsend("O %s\n", fo->opts);
467             }
468             for (k=0; k<fo->regex.size(); k++) {
469                fd->fsend("R %s\n", fo->regex.get(k));
470             }
471             for (k=0; k<fo->regexdir.size(); k++) {
472                fd->fsend("RD %s\n", fo->regexdir.get(k));
473             }
474             for (k=0; k<fo->regexfile.size(); k++) {
475                fd->fsend("RF %s\n", fo->regexfile.get(k));
476             }
477             for (k=0; k<fo->wild.size(); k++) {
478                fd->fsend("W %s\n", fo->wild.get(k));
479             }
480             for (k=0; k<fo->wilddir.size(); k++) {
481                fd->fsend("WD %s\n", fo->wilddir.get(k));
482             }
483             for (k=0; k<fo->wildfile.size(); k++) {
484                fd->fsend("WF %s\n", fo->wildfile.get(k));
485             }
486             for (k=0; k<fo->wildbase.size(); k++) {
487                fd->fsend("W%c %s\n", enhanced_wild ? 'B' : 'F', fo->wildbase.get(k));
488             }
489             for (k=0; k<fo->base.size(); k++) {
490                fd->fsend("B %s\n", fo->base.get(k));
491             }
492             for (k=0; k<fo->fstype.size(); k++) {
493                fd->fsend("X %s\n", fo->fstype.get(k));
494             }
495             for (k=0; k<fo->drivetype.size(); k++) {
496                fd->fsend("XD %s\n", fo->drivetype.get(k));
497             }
498             if (fo->plugin) {
499                fd->fsend("G %s\n", fo->plugin);
500             }
501             if (fo->reader) {
502                fd->fsend("D %s\n", fo->reader);
503             }
504             if (fo->writer) {
505                fd->fsend("T %s\n", fo->writer);
506             }
507             fd->fsend("N\n");
508          }
510          for (j=0; j<ie->name_list.size(); j++) {
511             item = (char *)ie->name_list.get(j);
512             if (!send_list_item(jcr, "F ", item, fd)) {
513                goto bail_out;
514             }
515          }
516          fd->fsend("N\n");
517          for (j=0; j<ie->plugin_list.size(); j++) {
518             item = (char *)ie->plugin_list.get(j);
519             if (!send_list_item(jcr, "P ", item, fd)) {
520                goto bail_out;
521             }
522          }
523          fd->fsend("N\n");
524       }
525       if (!include) {                 /* If we just did excludes */
526          break;                       /*   all done */
527       }
528       include = false;                /* Now do excludes */
529    }
531    fd->signal(BNET_EOD);              /* end of data */
532    if (!response(jcr, fd, OKinc, "Include", DISPLAY_ERROR)) {
533       goto bail_out;
534    }
535    return true;
537 bail_out:
538    jcr->setJobStatus(JS_ErrorTerminated);
539    return false;
541 }
send_list_item(JCR * jcr,const char * code,char * item,BSOCK * fd)543 static bool send_list_item(JCR *jcr, const char *code, char *item, BSOCK *fd)
544 {
545    BPIPE *bpipe;
546    FILE *ffd;
547    char buf[2000];
548    int optlen, stat;
549    char *p = item;
551    switch (*p) {
552    case '|':
553       p++;                      /* skip over the | */
554       fd->msg = edit_job_codes(jcr, fd->msg, p, "");
555       bpipe = open_bpipe(fd->msg, 0, "r");
556       if (!bpipe) {
557          berrno be;
558          Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Cannot run program: %s. ERR=%s\n"),
559             p, be.bstrerror());
560          return false;
561       }
562       bstrncpy(buf, code, sizeof(buf));
563       Dmsg1(500, "code=%s\n", buf);
564       optlen = strlen(buf);
565       while (fgets(buf+optlen, sizeof(buf)-optlen, bpipe->rfd)) {
566          fd->msglen = Mmsg(fd->msg, "%s", buf);
567          Dmsg2(500, "Inc/exc len=%d: %s", fd->msglen, fd->msg);
568          if (!fd->send()) {
569             close_bpipe(bpipe);
570             Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _(">filed: write error on socket\n"));
571             return false;
572          }
573       }
574       if ((stat=close_bpipe(bpipe)) != 0) {
575          berrno be;
576          Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Error running program: %s. ERR=%s\n"),
577             p, be.bstrerror(stat));
578          return false;
579       }
580       break;
581    case '<':
582       p++;                      /* skip over < */
583       if ((ffd = bfopen(p, "rb")) == NULL) {
584          berrno be;
585          Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Cannot open included file: %s. ERR=%s\n"),
586             p, be.bstrerror());
587          return false;
588       }
589       bstrncpy(buf, code, sizeof(buf));
590       Dmsg1(500, "code=%s\n", buf);
591       optlen = strlen(buf);
592       while (fgets(buf+optlen, sizeof(buf)-optlen, ffd)) {
593          fd->msglen = Mmsg(fd->msg, "%s", buf);
594          if (!fd->send()) {
595             fclose(ffd);
596             Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _(">filed: write error on socket\n"));
597             return false;
598          }
599       }
600       fclose(ffd);
601       break;
602    case '\\':
603       p++;                      /* skip over \ */
604       /* Note, fall through wanted */
605    default:
606       pm_strcpy(fd->msg, code);
607       fd->msglen = pm_strcat(fd->msg, p);
608       Dmsg1(500, "Inc/Exc name=%s\n", fd->msg);
609       if (!fd->send()) {
610          Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _(">filed: write error on socket\n"));
611          return false;
612       }
613       break;
614    }
615    return true;
616 }
619 /*
620  * Send include list to File daemon
621  */
send_include_list(JCR * jcr)622 bool send_include_list(JCR *jcr)
623 {
624    BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
625    if (jcr->fileset->new_include) {
626       fd->fsend(filesetcmd,
627                 jcr->fileset->enable_vss ? " vss=1" : "",
628                 jcr->fileset->enable_snapshot ? " snap=1" : "");
629       return send_fileset(jcr);
630    }
631    return true;
632 }
634 /*
635  * Send an include list with a plugin and listing=<path> parameter
636  */
send_ls_plugin_fileset(JCR * jcr,const char * plugin,const char * path)637 bool send_ls_plugin_fileset(JCR *jcr, const char *plugin, const char *path)
638 {
639    BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
640    fd->fsend(filesetcmd, "" /* no vss */, "" /* no snapshot */);
642    fd->fsend("I\n");
643    fd->fsend("O h\n");         /* is it required? */
644    fd->fsend("N\n");
645    fd->fsend("P %s%s listing=%s\n", plugin, strchr(plugin, ':') == NULL ? ":" : "", path);
646    fd->fsend("N\n");
647    fd->signal(BNET_EOD);              /* end of data */
649    if (!response(jcr, fd, OKinc, "Include", DISPLAY_ERROR)) {
650       return false;
651    }
652    return true;
653 }
655 /*
656  * Send a include list with only one directory and recurse=no
657  */
send_ls_fileset(JCR * jcr,const char * path)658 bool send_ls_fileset(JCR *jcr, const char *path)
659 {
660    BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
661    fd->fsend(filesetcmd, "" /* no vss */, "" /* no snapshot */);
663    fd->fsend("I\n");
664    fd->fsend("O h\n");         /* Limit recursion to one directory */
665    fd->fsend("N\n");
666    fd->fsend("F %s\n", path);
667    fd->fsend("N\n");
668    fd->signal(BNET_EOD);              /* end of data */
670    if (!response(jcr, fd, OKinc, "Include", DISPLAY_ERROR)) {
671       return false;
672    }
673    return true;
674 }
676 /*
677  * Send exclude list to File daemon
678  *   Under the new scheme, the Exclude list
679  *   is part of the FileSet sent with the
680  *   "include_list" above.
681  */
send_exclude_list(JCR * jcr)682 bool send_exclude_list(JCR *jcr)
683 {
684    return true;
685 }
687 /* TODO: drop this with runscript.old_proto in bacula 1.42 */
688 static char runbefore[]   = "RunBeforeJob %s\n";
689 static char runafter[]    = "RunAfterJob %s\n";
690 static char OKRunBefore[] = "2000 OK RunBefore\n";
691 static char OKRunAfter[]  = "2000 OK RunAfter\n";
send_runscript_with_old_proto(JCR * jcr,int when,POOLMEM * msg)693 int send_runscript_with_old_proto(JCR *jcr, int when, POOLMEM *msg)
694 {
695    int ret;
696    Dmsg1(120, "bdird: sending old runcommand to fd '%s'\n",msg);
697    if (when & SCRIPT_Before) {
698       jcr->file_bsock->fsend(runbefore, msg);
699       ret = response(jcr, jcr->file_bsock, OKRunBefore, "ClientRunBeforeJob", DISPLAY_ERROR);
700    } else {
701       jcr->file_bsock->fsend(runafter, msg);
702       ret = response(jcr, jcr->file_bsock, OKRunAfter, "ClientRunAfterJob", DISPLAY_ERROR);
703    }
704    return ret;
705 } /* END OF TODO */
707 /*
708  * Send RunScripts to File daemon
709  * 1) We send all runscript to FD, they can be executed Before, After, or twice
710  * 2) Then, we send a "RunBeforeNow" command to the FD to tell him to do the
711  *    first run_script() call. (ie ClientRunBeforeJob)
712  */
send_runscripts_commands(JCR * jcr)713 int send_runscripts_commands(JCR *jcr)
714 {
715    POOLMEM *msg = get_pool_memory(PM_FNAME);
716    BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
717    RUNSCRIPT *cmd;
718    bool launch_before_cmd = false;
719    POOLMEM *ehost = get_pool_memory(PM_FNAME);
720    int result;
722    Dmsg0(120, "bdird: sending runscripts to fd\n");
723    if (!jcr->job->RunScripts) {
724       goto norunscript;
725    }
726    foreach_alist(cmd, jcr->job->RunScripts) {
727       if (cmd->can_run_at_level(jcr->getJobLevel()) && cmd->target) {
728          ehost = edit_job_codes(jcr, ehost, cmd->target, "");
729          Dmsg2(200, "bdird: runscript %s -> %s\n", cmd->target, ehost);
731          if (strcmp(ehost, jcr->client->name()) == 0) {
732             pm_strcpy(msg, cmd->command);
733             bash_spaces(msg);
735             Dmsg1(120, "bdird: sending runscripts to fd '%s'\n", cmd->command);
737             /* TODO: remove this with bacula 1.42 */
738             if (cmd->old_proto) {
739                result = send_runscript_with_old_proto(jcr, cmd->when, msg);
741             } else {
742                fd->fsend(runscript, cmd->on_success,
743                                     cmd->on_failure,
744                                     cmd->fail_on_error,
745                                     cmd->when,
746                                     msg);
748                result = response(jcr, fd, OKRunScript, "RunScript", DISPLAY_ERROR);
749                launch_before_cmd = true;
750             }
752             if (!result) {
753                goto bail_out;
754             }
755          }
756          /* TODO : we have to play with other client */
757          /*
758            else {
759            send command to an other client
760            }
761          */
762       }
763    }
765    /* Tell the FD to execute the ClientRunBeforeJob */
766    if (launch_before_cmd) {
767       fd->fsend(runbeforenow);
768       if (!response(jcr, fd, OKRunBeforeNow, "RunBeforeNow", DISPLAY_ERROR)) {
769         goto bail_out;
770       }
771    }
772 norunscript:
773    free_pool_memory(msg);
774    free_pool_memory(ehost);
775    return 1;
777 bail_out:
778    Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Client \"%s\" RunScript failed.\n"), ehost);
779    free_pool_memory(msg);
780    free_pool_memory(ehost);
781    return 0;
782 }
784 struct OBJ_CTX {
785    JCR *jcr;
786    int count;
787 };
restore_object_handler(void * ctx,int num_fields,char ** row)789 static int restore_object_handler(void *ctx, int num_fields, char **row)
790 {
791    OBJ_CTX *octx = (OBJ_CTX *)ctx;
792    JCR *jcr = octx->jcr;
793    BSOCK *fd;
795    fd = jcr->file_bsock;
796    if (jcr->is_job_canceled()) {
797       return 1;
798    }
799    /* Old File Daemon doesn't handle restore objects */
800    if (jcr->FDVersion < 3) {
801       Jmsg(jcr, M_WARNING, 0, _("Client \"%s\" may not be used to restore "
802                                 "this job. Please upgrade your client.\n"),
803            jcr->client->name());
804       return 1;
805    }
807    if (jcr->FDVersion < 5) {    /* Old version without PluginName */
808       fd->fsend("restoreobject JobId=%s %s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n",
809                 row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], row[6]);
810    } else {
811       /* bash spaces from PluginName */
812       bash_spaces(row[9]);
813       fd->fsend("restoreobject JobId=%s %s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n",
814                 row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], row[6], row[9]);
815    }
816    Dmsg1(010, "Send obj hdr=%s", fd->msg);
818    fd->msglen = pm_strcpy(fd->msg, row[7]);
819    fd->send();                            /* send Object name */
821    Dmsg1(010, "Send obj: %s\n", fd->msg);
823 //   fd->msglen = str_to_uint64(row[1]);   /* object length */
824 //   Dmsg1(000, "obj size: %lld\n", (uint64_t)fd->msglen);
826    /* object */
827    db_unescape_object(jcr, jcr->db,
828                       row[8],                /* Object  */
829                       str_to_uint64(row[1]), /* Object length */
830                       &fd->msg, &fd->msglen);
831    fd->send();                           /* send object */
832    octx->count++;
834    if (debug_level > 100) {
835       for (int i=0; i < fd->msglen; i++)
836          if (!fd->msg[i])
837             fd->msg[i] = ' ';
838       Dmsg1(000, "Send obj: %s\n", fd->msg);
839    }
841    return 0;
842 }
844 /*
845  * Send the plugin Restore Objects, which allow the
846  *  plugin to get information early in the restore
847  *  process.  The RestoreObjects were created during
848  *  the backup by the plugin.
849  */
send_restore_objects(JCR * jcr)850 bool send_restore_objects(JCR *jcr)
851 {
852    char ed1[50];
853    POOL_MEM query(PM_MESSAGE);
854    BSOCK *fd;
855    OBJ_CTX octx;
857    if (!jcr->JobIds || !jcr->JobIds[0]) {
858       return true;
859    }
860    octx.jcr = jcr;
861    octx.count = 0;
863    /* restore_object_handler is called for each file found */
865    /* send restore objects for all jobs involved  */
866    Mmsg(query, get_restore_objects, jcr->JobIds, FT_RESTORE_FIRST);
867    db_sql_query(jcr->db, query.c_str(), restore_object_handler, (void *)&octx);
869    /* send config objects for the current restore job */
870    Mmsg(query, get_restore_objects,
871         edit_uint64(jcr->JobId, ed1), FT_PLUGIN_CONFIG_FILLED);
872    db_sql_query(jcr->db, query.c_str(), restore_object_handler, (void *)&octx);
874    /*
875     * Send to FD only if we have at least one restore object.
876     * This permits backward compatibility with older FDs.
877     */
878    if (octx.count > 0) {
879       fd = jcr->file_bsock;
880       fd->fsend("restoreobject end\n");
881       if (!response(jcr, fd, OKRestoreObject, "RestoreObject", DISPLAY_ERROR)) {
882          Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("RestoreObject failed.\n"));
883          return false;
884       }
885    }
886    return true;
887 }
889 /*
890  * Send the plugin a list of component info files.  These
891  *  were files that were created during the backup for
892  *  the VSS plugin.  The list is a list of those component
893  *  files that have been chosen for restore.  We
894  *  send them before the Restore Objects.
895  */
send_component_info(JCR * jcr)896 bool send_component_info(JCR *jcr)
897 {
898    BSOCK *fd;
899    char buf[2000];
900    bool ok = true;
902    if (!jcr->component_fd) {
903       return true;           /* nothing to send */
904    }
905    /* Don't send if old version FD */
906    if (jcr->FDVersion < 6) {
907       goto bail_out;
908    }
910    rewind(jcr->component_fd);
911    fd = jcr->file_bsock;
912    fd->fsend(component_info);
913    while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), jcr->component_fd)) {
914       fd->fsend("%s", buf);
915       Dmsg1(050, "Send component_info to FD: %s\n", buf);
916    }
917    fd->signal(BNET_EOD);
918    if (!response(jcr, fd, OKComponentInfo, "ComponentInfo", DISPLAY_ERROR)) {
919       Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("ComponentInfo failed.\n"));
920       ok = false;
921    }
923 bail_out:
924    fclose(jcr->component_fd);
925    jcr->component_fd = NULL;
926    unlink(jcr->component_fname);
927    free_and_null_pool_memory(jcr->component_fname);
928    return ok;
929 }
931 /*
932  * Read the attributes from the File daemon for
933  * a Verify job and store them in the catalog.
934  */
get_attributes_and_put_in_catalog(JCR * jcr)935 int get_attributes_and_put_in_catalog(JCR *jcr)
936 {
937    BSOCK   *fd;
938    int n = 0;
939    ATTR_DBR *ar = NULL;
940    char digest[2*(MAXSTRING+1)+1];  /* escaped version of Digest */
942    fd = jcr->file_bsock;
943    jcr->jr.FirstIndex = 1;
944    jcr->FileIndex = 0;
945    /* Start transaction allocates jcr->attr and jcr->ar if needed */
946    db_start_transaction(jcr, jcr->db);     /* start transaction if not already open */
947    ar = jcr->ar;
949    Dmsg0(120, "bdird: waiting to receive file attributes\n");
950    /* Pickup file attributes and digest */
951    while (!fd->errors && (n = bget_dirmsg(fd)) > 0) {
952       int32_t file_index;
953       int stream, len;
954       char *p, *fn;
955       char Digest[MAXSTRING+1];      /* either Verify opts or MD5/SHA1 digest */
957       /* Stop here if canceled */
958       if (jcr->is_job_canceled()) {
959          jcr->cached_attribute = false;
960          return 0;
961       }
963       if ((len = sscanf(fd->msg, "%ld %d %500s", &file_index, &stream, Digest)) != 3) { /* MAXSTRING */
964          Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("<filed: bad attributes, expected 3 fields got %d\n"
965 "msglen=%d msg=%s\n"), len, fd->msglen, fd->msg);
966          jcr->setJobStatus(JS_ErrorTerminated);
967          jcr->cached_attribute = false;
968          return 0;
969       }
970       p = fd->msg;
971       /* The following three fields were sscanf'ed above so skip them */
972       skip_nonspaces(&p);             /* skip FileIndex */
973       skip_spaces(&p);
974       skip_nonspaces(&p);             /* skip Stream */
975       skip_spaces(&p);
976       skip_nonspaces(&p);             /* skip Opts_Digest */
977       p++;                            /* skip space */
978       Dmsg1(dbglvl, "Stream=%d\n", stream);
979       if (stream == STREAM_UNIX_ATTRIBUTES || stream == STREAM_UNIX_ATTRIBUTES_EX) {
980          if (jcr->cached_attribute) {
981             Dmsg3(dbglvl, "Cached attr. Stream=%d fname=%s\n", ar->Stream, ar->fname,
982                ar->attr);
983             if (!db_create_file_attributes_record(jcr, jcr->db, ar)) {
984                Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Attribute create error. %s"), db_strerror(jcr->db));
985             }
986             jcr->cached_attribute = false;
987          }
988          /* Any cached attr is flushed so we can reuse jcr->attr and jcr->ar */
989          fn = jcr->fname = check_pool_memory_size(jcr->fname, fd->msglen);
990          while (*p != 0) {
991             *fn++ = *p++;                /* copy filename */
992          }
993          *fn = *p++;                     /* term filename and point p to attribs */
994          pm_strcpy(jcr->attr, p);        /* save attributes */
995          jcr->JobFiles++;
996          jcr->FileIndex = file_index;
997          ar->attr = jcr->attr;
998          ar->fname = jcr->fname;
999          ar->FileIndex = file_index;
1000          ar->Stream = stream;
1001          ar->link = NULL;
1002          ar->JobId = jcr->JobId;
1003          ar->ClientId = jcr->ClientId;
1004          ar->PathId = 0;
1005          ar->FilenameId = 0;
1006          ar->Digest = NULL;
1007          ar->DigestType = CRYPTO_DIGEST_NONE;
1008          ar->DeltaSeq = 0;
1009          jcr->cached_attribute = true;
1011          Dmsg2(dbglvl, "dird<filed: stream=%d %s\n", stream, jcr->fname);
1012          Dmsg1(dbglvl, "dird<filed: attr=%s\n", ar->attr);
1013          jcr->FileId = ar->FileId;
1014       /*
1015        * First, get STREAM_UNIX_ATTRIBUTES and fill ATTR_DBR structure
1016        * Next, we CAN have a CRYPTO_DIGEST, so we fill ATTR_DBR with it (or not)
1017        * When we get a new STREAM_UNIX_ATTRIBUTES, we known that we can add file to the catalog
1018        * At the end, we have to add the last file
1019        */
1020       } else if (crypto_digest_stream_type(stream) != CRYPTO_DIGEST_NONE) {
1021          if (jcr->FileIndex != file_index) {
1022             Jmsg3(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("%s index %d not same as attributes %d\n"),
1023                stream_to_ascii(stream), file_index, jcr->FileIndex);
1024             continue;
1025          }
1026          ar->Digest = digest;
1027          ar->DigestType = crypto_digest_stream_type(stream);
1028          db_escape_string(jcr, jcr->db, digest, Digest, strlen(Digest));
1029          Dmsg4(dbglvl, "stream=%d DigestLen=%d Digest=%s type=%d\n", stream,
1030                strlen(digest), digest, ar->DigestType);
1031       }
1032       jcr->jr.JobFiles = jcr->JobFiles = file_index;
1033       jcr->jr.LastIndex = file_index;
1034    }
1035    if (fd->is_error()) {
1036       Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("<filed: Network error getting attributes. ERR=%s\n"),
1037             fd->bstrerror());
1038       jcr->cached_attribute = false;
1039       return 0;
1040    }
1041    if (jcr->cached_attribute) {
1042       Dmsg3(dbglvl, "Cached attr with digest. Stream=%d fname=%s attr=%s\n", ar->Stream,
1043          ar->fname, ar->attr);
1044       if (!db_create_file_attributes_record(jcr, jcr->db, ar)) {
1045          Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Attribute create error. %s"), db_strerror(jcr->db));
1046       }
1047       jcr->cached_attribute = false;
1048    }
1049    jcr->setJobStatus(JS_Terminated);
1050    return 1;
1051 }