5* javascript is now required
6* the subroutine 'debug' should be called 'log'
7* gui controls do not prevent specifying future end date.
8* nagios-based authorization does not yet respect contacts
9* next/prev links should be javascript and should respect controls state
10* wrong interpretation of nagios default user
12Desired Features
14* Custom unit labels on the graphs.
15* graph templates in addition to existing service-based patterns
16* do pattern matching in the groupdb and hostdb files
17* do test coverage on the cgi scripts, not just ngshared.pm
18* make authz understand groups, not just users
19* make offset accept abbreviations (e.g. 1w, 2d, 3m)
20* make everything behave well when javascript is disabled
21* process host performance data in out-of-box configuration
22* process nagios performance data in out-of-box configuration
23* in graph details:
24    optionally display host/service perfdata in a table in show.cgi
25    link to nagios availability report for timerange for each graph
26    link to nagios alerts for timerange for each graph
27    host status
28    host notifications
29    host history
30    host trends
31    host state breakdowns
32* testing with incinga, nagios xi
33* cron job to archive or delete old rrd files
34* logrotate scripts for nagiosgraph.log and nagiosgraph-cgi.log
35* the topology of data mapping should all reside in the map file instead of
36    being split between the map file and the configuration file
40As of march 2010, I (mwall) have done about as much as I can to clean up
41nagiosgraph without fundamental architectural changes.  It seems to perform
42adequately on small sites (a hundred hosts and a few hundred services) on
43old hardware (circa 2004).
45Backward-compatibility has been important - the latest nagiosgraph still
46works with older versions of nagios and older nagiosgraph configurations
47and data.  Most importantly it still works with existing data files.
49Here are a few things that will need to be addressed at some point:
51 - batch daemon for processing on large installations.  as it is, nagios
52   stops doing its thing until nagiosgraph has finished processing perfdata.
53   doing the processing in the background would let nagios do its thing at
54   the expense of near-real-time updating of rrd files.
56 - obtain data from arbitrary source (e.g. a sql database), not just directly
57   from nagios or the nagios perflog.
59 - menudata does not scale.  nagiosgraph javascript should be refactored so
60   to work better on large installations.
62 - showgraph is slow.  a page with hundreds of graphs is pretty slow to
63   load, due primarily to all of the embedded showgraph calls.