1 /*
2  * Note: this file originally auto-generated by mib2c using
3  *       version : 1.17 $ of : mfd-data-access.m2c,v $
4  *
5  * Portions of this file are copyrighted by:
6  * Copyright (c) 2016 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
7  * Use is subject to license terms specified in the COPYING file
8  * distributed with the Net-SNMP package.
9  */
10 /*
11  * standard Net-SNMP includes
12  */
13 #include <net-snmp/net-snmp-config.h>
14 #include <net-snmp/net-snmp-features.h>
15 #include <net-snmp/net-snmp-includes.h>
16 #include <net-snmp/agent/net-snmp-agent-includes.h>
17 #include <net-snmp/library/vacm.h>
19 /*
20  * include our parent header
21  */
22 #include "snmpNotifyFilterTable.h"
25 #include "snmpNotifyFilterTable_data_access.h"
27 netsnmp_feature_require(snmpNotifyFilterTable_container_get);
29 /** @ingroup interface
30  * @addtogroup data_access data_access: Routines to access data
31  *
32  * These routines are used to locate the data used to satisfy
33  * requests.
34  *
35  * @{
36  */
37 /**********************************************************************
38  **********************************************************************
39  ***
40  *** Table snmpNotifyFilterTable
41  ***
42  **********************************************************************
43  **********************************************************************/
44 /*
45  * SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB::snmpNotifyFilterTable is subid 3 of snmpNotifyObjects.
46  * Its status is Current.
47  * OID: ., length: 9
48  */
50 /**
51  * initialization for snmpNotifyFilterTable data access
52  *
53  * This function is called during startup to allow you to
54  * allocate any resources you need for the data table.
55  *
56  * @param snmpNotifyFilterTable_reg
57  *        Pointer to snmpNotifyFilterTable_registration
58  *
59  * @retval MFD_SUCCESS : success.
60  * @retval MFD_ERROR   : unrecoverable error.
61  */
62 int
snmpNotifyFilterTable_init_data(snmpNotifyFilterTable_registration * snmpNotifyFilterTable_reg)63 snmpNotifyFilterTable_init_data(snmpNotifyFilterTable_registration *
64                                 snmpNotifyFilterTable_reg)
65 {
66     DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterTable_init_data", "called\n"));
68     /*
69      * TODO:303:o: Initialize snmpNotifyFilterTable data.
70      */
72     return MFD_SUCCESS;
73 }                               /* snmpNotifyFilterTable_init_data */
75 /**
76  * container overview
77  *
78  */
80 /**
81  * container initialization
82  *
83  * @param container_ptr_ptr A pointer to a container pointer. If you
84  *        create a custom container, use this parameter to return it
85  *        to the MFD helper. If set to NULL, the MFD helper will
86  *        allocate a container for you.
87  *
88  *  This function is called at startup to allow you to customize certain
89  *  aspects of the access method. For the most part, it is for advanced
90  *  users. The default code should suffice for most cases. If no custom
91  *  container is allocated, the MFD code will create one for your.
92  *
93  * @remark
94  *  This would also be a good place to do any initialization needed
95  *  for you data source. For example, opening a connection to another
96  *  process that will supply the data, opening a database, etc.
97  */
98 void
snmpNotifyFilterTable_container_init(netsnmp_container ** container_ptr_ptr)99 snmpNotifyFilterTable_container_init(netsnmp_container **container_ptr_ptr)
100 {
101     DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterTable_container_init", "called\n"));
103     if (NULL == container_ptr_ptr) {
104         snmp_log(LOG_ERR,
105                  "bad container param to snmpNotifyFilterTable_container_init\n");
106         return;
107     }
109     /*
110      * For advanced users, you can use a custom container. If you
111      * do not create one, one will be created for you.
112      */
113     *container_ptr_ptr = NULL;
115 }                               /* snmpNotifyFilterTable_container_init */
117 /**
118  * container shutdown
119  *
120  * @param container_ptr A pointer to the container.
121  *
122  *  This function is called at shutdown to allow you to customize certain
123  *  aspects of the access method. For the most part, it is for advanced
124  *  users. The default code should suffice for most cases.
125  *
126  *  This function is called before snmpNotifyFilterTable_container_free().
127  *
128  * @remark
129  *  This would also be a good place to do any cleanup needed
130  *  for you data source. For example, closing a connection to another
131  *  process that supplied the data, closing a database, etc.
132  */
133 void
snmpNotifyFilterTable_container_shutdown(netsnmp_container * container_ptr)134 snmpNotifyFilterTable_container_shutdown(netsnmp_container *container_ptr)
135 {
136     DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterTable_container_shutdown", "called\n"));
138     if (NULL == container_ptr) {
139         snmp_log(LOG_ERR,
140                  "bad params to snmpNotifyFilterTable_container_shutdown\n");
141         return;
142     }
144 }                               /* snmpNotifyFilterTable_container_shutdown */
146 /**
147  * load initial data
148  *
149  * TODO:350:M: Implement snmpNotifyFilterTable data load
150  *
151  * @param container container to which items should be inserted
152  *
153  * @retval MFD_SUCCESS              : success.
154  * @retval MFD_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE : Can't access data source
155  * @retval MFD_ERROR                : other error.
156  *
157  *  This function is called to load the index(es) (and data, optionally)
158  *  for the every row in the data set.
159  *
160  * @remark
161  *  While loading the data, the only important thing is the indexes.
162  *  If access to your data is cheap/fast (e.g. you have a pointer to a
163  *  structure in memory), it would make sense to update the data here.
164  *  If, however, the accessing the data invovles more work (e.g. parsing
165  *  some other existing data, or peforming calculations to derive the data),
166  *  then you can limit yourself to setting the indexes and saving any
167  *  information you will need later. Then use the saved information in
168  *  snmpNotifyFilterTable_row_prep() for populating data.
169  *
170  * @note
171  *  If you need consistency between rows (like you want statistics
172  *  for each row to be from the same time frame), you should set all
173  *  data here.
174  *
175  */
176 int
snmpNotifyFilterTable_container_load(netsnmp_container * container)177 snmpNotifyFilterTable_container_load(netsnmp_container *container)
178 {
179     snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx *rowreq_ctx;
180     size_t          count = 0;
182     /*
183      * temporary storage for index values
184      */
185     /*
186      * snmpNotifyFilterProfileName(1)/SnmpAdminString/ASN_OCTET_STR/char(char)//L/A/W/e/R/d/H
187      */
188     char            snmpNotifyFilterProfileName[32];
189     size_t          snmpNotifyFilterProfileName_len;
190     /*
191      * snmpNotifyFilterSubtree(1)/OBJECTID/ASN_OBJECT_ID/oid(oid)//L/a/w/e/r/d/h
192      */
193         /** 128 - 1(entry) - 1(col) - 1(other indexes) = 114 */
194     oid             snmpNotifyFilterSubtree[114];
195     size_t          snmpNotifyFilterSubtree_len;
198     DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterTable_container_load", "called\n"));
200     /*
201      * TODO:351:M: |-> Load/update data in the snmpNotifyFilterTable container.
202      * loop over your snmpNotifyFilterTable data, allocate a rowreq context,
203      * set the index(es) [and data, optionally] and insert into
204      * the container.
205      */
206     while (1) {
207         /*
208          * check for end of data; bail out if there is no more data
209          */
210         if (1)
211             break;
213         /*
214          * TODO:352:M: |   |-> set indexes in new snmpNotifyFilterTable rowreq context.
215          * data context will be set from the param (unless NULL,
216          *      in which case a new data context will be allocated)
217          */
218         rowreq_ctx = snmpNotifyFilterTable_allocate_rowreq_ctx(NULL);
219         if (NULL == rowreq_ctx) {
220             snmp_log(LOG_ERR, "memory allocation failed\n");
221             return MFD_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE;
222         }
223         if (MFD_SUCCESS !=
224             snmpNotifyFilterTable_indexes_set(rowreq_ctx,
225                                               snmpNotifyFilterProfileName,
226                                               snmpNotifyFilterProfileName_len,
227                                               snmpNotifyFilterSubtree,
228                                               snmpNotifyFilterSubtree_len))
229         {
230             snmp_log(LOG_ERR,
231                      "error setting index while loading "
232                      "snmpNotifyFilterTable data.\n");
233             snmpNotifyFilterTable_release_rowreq_ctx(rowreq_ctx);
234             continue;
235         }
237         /*
238          * TODO:352:r: |   |-> populate snmpNotifyFilterTable data context.
239          * Populate data context here. (optionally, delay until row prep)
240          */
241         /*
242          * non-TRANSIENT data: no need to copy. set pointer to data
243          */
245         /*
246          * insert into table container
247          */
248         CONTAINER_INSERT(container, rowreq_ctx);
249         ++count;
250     }
252     DEBUGMSGT(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterTable_container_load",
253                "inserted %" NETSNMP_PRIz "u records\n", count));
255     return MFD_SUCCESS;
256 }                               /* snmpNotifyFilterTable_container_load */
258 /**
259  * container clean up
260  *
261  * @param container container with all current items
262  *
263  *  This optional callback is called prior to all
264  *  item's being removed from the container. If you
265  *  need to do any processing before that, do it here.
266  *
267  * @note
268  *  The MFD helper will take care of releasing all the row contexts.
269  *
270  */
271 void
snmpNotifyFilterTable_container_free(netsnmp_container * container)272 snmpNotifyFilterTable_container_free(netsnmp_container *container)
273 {
274     DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterTable_container_free", "called\n"));
276     /*
277      * TODO:380:M: Free snmpNotifyFilterTable container data.
278      */
279 }                               /* snmpNotifyFilterTable_container_free */
281 /**
282  * prepare row for processing.
283  *
284  *  When the agent has located the row for a request, this function is
285  *  called to prepare the row for processing. If you fully populated
286  *  the data context during the index setup phase, you may not need to
287  *  do anything.
288  *
289  * @param rowreq_ctx pointer to a context.
290  *
291  * @retval MFD_SUCCESS     : success.
292  * @retval MFD_ERROR       : other error.
293  */
294 int
snmpNotifyFilterTable_row_prep(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx * rowreq_ctx)295 snmpNotifyFilterTable_row_prep(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx *
296                                rowreq_ctx)
297 {
298     DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterTable_row_prep", "called\n"));
300     netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
302     /*
303      * TODO:390:o: Prepare row for request.
304      * If populating row data was delayed, this is the place to
305      * fill in the row for this request.
306      */
308     return MFD_SUCCESS;
309 }                               /* snmpNotifyFilterTable_row_prep */
311 /*
312  * TODO:420:r: Implement snmpNotifyFilterTable index validation.
313  */
314 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
315  * SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB::snmpNotifyFilterProfileEntry.snmpNotifyFilterProfileName
316  * snmpNotifyFilterProfileName is subid 1 of snmpNotifyFilterProfileEntry.
317  * Its status is Current, and its access level is Create.
318  * OID: .
319  * Description:
320 The name of the filter profile to be used when generating
321          notifications using the corresponding entry in the
322          snmpTargetAddrTable.
323  *
324  * Attributes:
325  *   accessible 1     isscalar 0     enums  0      hasdefval 0
326  *   readable   1     iscolumn 1     ranges 1      hashint   1
327  *   settable   1
328  *   hint: 255t
329  *
330  * Ranges:  1 - 32;
331  *
332  * Its syntax is SnmpAdminString (based on perltype OCTETSTR)
333  * The net-snmp type is ASN_OCTET_STR. The C type decl is char (char)
334  * This data type requires a length.  (Max 32)
335  */
336 /**
337  * check validity of snmpNotifyFilterProfileName external index portion
338  *
339  * NOTE: this is not the place to do any checks for the sanity
340  *       of multiple indexes. Those types of checks should be done in the
341  *       snmpNotifyFilterTable_validate_index() function.
342  *
343  * @retval MFD_SUCCESS   : the incoming value is legal
344  * @retval MFD_ERROR     : the incoming value is NOT legal
345  */
346 int
snmpNotifyFilterTable_snmpNotifyFilterProfileName_check_index(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx * rowreq_ctx)362     snmpNotifyFilterTable_snmpNotifyFilterProfileName_check_index
363     (snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx * rowreq_ctx) {
364     DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterTable_snmpNotifyFilterProfileName_check_index", "called\n"));
366     netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
368     /*
369      * TODO:424:M: |-> Check snmpNotifyFilterTable external index snmpNotifyFilterProfileName.
370      * check that index value in the table context (rowreq_ctx)
371      * for the external index snmpNotifyFilterProfileName is legal.
372      */
374     return MFD_SUCCESS;         /*  external index snmpNotifyFilterProfileName ok */
375 }                               /* snmpNotifyFilterTable_snmpNotifyFilterProfileName_check_index */
377 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
378  * SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB::snmpNotifyFilterEntry.snmpNotifyFilterSubtree
379  * snmpNotifyFilterSubtree is subid 1 of snmpNotifyFilterEntry.
380  * Its status is Current, and its access level is NoAccess.
381  * OID: .
382  * Description:
383 The MIB subtree which, when combined with the corresponding
384          instance of snmpNotifyFilterMask, defines a family of
385          subtrees which are included in or excluded from the
386          filter profile.
387  *
388  * Attributes:
389  *   accessible 0     isscalar 0     enums  0      hasdefval 0
390  *   readable   0     iscolumn 1     ranges 0      hashint   0
391  *   settable   0
392  *
393  *
394  * Its syntax is OBJECTID (based on perltype OBJECTID)
395  * The net-snmp type is ASN_OBJECT_ID. The C type decl is oid (oid)
396  * This data type requires a length.
397  *
398  *
399  *
400  * NOTE: NODE snmpNotifyFilterSubtree IS NOT ACCESSIBLE
401  *
402  *
403  */
404 /**
405  * check validity of snmpNotifyFilterSubtree index portion
406  *
407  * @retval MFD_SUCCESS   : the incoming value is legal
408  * @retval MFD_ERROR     : the incoming value is NOT legal
409  *
410  * @note this is not the place to do any checks for the sanity
411  *       of multiple indexes. Those types of checks should be done in the
412  *       snmpNotifyFilterTable_validate_index() function.
413  *
414  * @note Also keep in mind that if the index refers to a row in this or
415  *       some other table, you can't check for that row here to make
416  *       decisions, since that row might not be created yet, but may
417  *       be created during the processing this request. If you have
418  *       such checks, they should be done in the check_dependencies
419  *       function, because any new/deleted/changed rows should be
420  *       available then.
421  *
422  * The following checks have already been done for you:
423  *
424  * If there a no other checks you need to do, simply return MFD_SUCCESS.
425  */
426 int
snmpNotifyFilterSubtree_check_index(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx * rowreq_ctx)427 snmpNotifyFilterSubtree_check_index(snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx *
428                                     rowreq_ctx)
429 {
430     DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterSubtree_check_index", "called\n"));
432     netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
434     /*
435      * TODO:426:M: |-> Check snmpNotifyFilterTable index snmpNotifyFilterSubtree.
436      * check that index value in the table context is legal.
437      * (rowreq_ctx->tbl_index.snmpNotifyFilterSubtree)
438      */
440     return MFD_SUCCESS;         /* snmpNotifyFilterSubtree index ok */
441 }                               /* snmpNotifyFilterSubtree_check_index */
443 /**
444  * verify specified index is valid.
445  *
446  * This check is independent of whether or not the values specified for
447  * the columns of the new row are valid. Column values and row consistency
448  * will be checked later. At this point, only the index values should be
449  * checked.
450  *
451  * All of the individual index validation functions have been called, so this
452  * is the place to make sure they are valid as a whole when combined. If
453  * you only have one index, then you probably don't need to do anything else
454  * here.
455  *
456  * @note Keep in mind that if the indexes refer to a row in this or
457  *       some other table, you can't check for that row here to make
458  *       decisions, since that row might not be created yet, but may
459  *       be created during the processing this request. If you have
460  *       such checks, they should be done in the check_dependencies
461  *       function, because any new/deleted/changed rows should be
462  *       available then.
463  *
464  *
465  * @param snmpNotifyFilterTable_reg
466  *        Pointer to the user registration data
467  * @param rowreq_ctx
468  *        Pointer to the users context.
469  * @retval MFD_SUCCESS            : success
470  * @retval MFD_CANNOT_CREATE_NOW  : index not valid right now
471  * @retval MFD_CANNOT_CREATE_EVER : index never valid
472  */
473 int
snmpNotifyFilterTable_validate_index(snmpNotifyFilterTable_registration * snmpNotifyFilterTable_reg,snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx * rowreq_ctx)474 snmpNotifyFilterTable_validate_index(snmpNotifyFilterTable_registration *
475                                      snmpNotifyFilterTable_reg,
476                                      snmpNotifyFilterTable_rowreq_ctx *
477                                      rowreq_ctx)
478 {
479     int             rc = MFD_SUCCESS;
481     DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:snmpNotifyFilterTable:snmpNotifyFilterTable_validate_index", "called\n"));
483     /** we should have a non-NULL pointer */
484     netsnmp_assert(NULL != rowreq_ctx);
486     /*
487      * TODO:430:M: |-> Validate potential snmpNotifyFilterTable index.
488      */
490     return rc;
491 }                               /* snmpNotifyFilterTable_validate_index */
493 /** @} */