1-- This file is corresponding to Release from 2014/08/11 00:00:00
4-- (C)opyright 1999-2014 bintec elmeg GmbH
5-- All Rights Reserved
6-- $RCSfile: mib-pots,v $
7-- $Revision: 1.16 $
13    Integer32, Unsigned32, Counter32, Counter64, IpAddress, TimeTicks,
14    mib-2, enterprises
15        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
17    DisplayString, TimeStamp, TruthValue
18        FROM SNMPv2-TC
20    bibo, Date, BitValue, HexValue
24        FROM SNMPv2-CONF;
28    LAST-UPDATED "201211090000Z"
29    ORGANIZATION "bintec elmeg GmbH"
31            "EMail:   info@bintec-elmeg.com
32             Web:     www.bintec-elmeg.com
33            "
35            "The MIB module for POTS interface administration entities.
36            "
37    REVISION      "200904230000Z"
39            "POTS administration used for FXS and FXO interfaces.
40            "
41    REVISION      "201105090000Z"
43            "POTS administration used for FXS and FXO interfaces.
44             Redesign of FXO tone detection part.
45            "
47        ::= { bibo 14 }
49    -- INTERFACES Group
51-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
52-- POTS OID groups & all tables
53-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
54pots            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { potsMIB 1 }
55                -- potsIfTable                          1
56                -- potsIfFxoTable                       2
57                -- potsIfFxsTable                       3
58                -- potsIfToneTable                      4
59                -- potsIfToneDefinitionTable            5
60                -- potsIfRingTable                      6
61                -- potsIfDataLinkTimerTable             7
63-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
65-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
66PotsIfIndex             ::= INTEGER             -- table index
67ReceiveLevel            ::= INTEGER (-50..0)    -- for tones in dB
68TransmitLevel           ::= INTEGER (-30..0)    -- for tones in dB
69RingTabIndex            ::= INTEGER             -- table index
70ToneTabIndex            ::= INTEGER             -- table index
71ToneDefTabIndex         ::= INTEGER             -- table index
72ToneFrequency           ::= INTEGER (300..3400) -- value in Hz
73CadenceTimingTolerance  ::= INTEGER (0..100)    -- tolerance in percent
74CadenceString           ::= DisplayString (SIZE (0..127))
75DataLinkTimerTabIndex   ::= Unsigned32          -- table index
77-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
79-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
80-- All entries which must have a value by default are filled with
81-- values commonly used in germany because germany is the default
82-- country
85-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
86-- 1. potsIfTable:  POTS Interface Table
87-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
89    potsIfTable OBJECT-TYPE
90        SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF PotsIfEntry
91        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
92        STATUS          current
94            "The potsIfTable contains configuration information
95            for the POTS outlets."
96        ::= { pots 1 }
98    potsIfEntry         OBJECT-TYPE
99        SYNTAX          PotsIfEntry
100        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
101        STATUS          current
102        DESCRIPTION
103            ""
104        INDEX           { potsSlot, potsUnit }
105        ::= { potsIfTable 1 }
107    PotsIfEntry ::=
108        SEQUENCE {
109            potsSlot                        INTEGER,
110            potsUnit                        INTEGER,
111            potsType                        INTEGER,
112            potsIfMode                      INTEGER,
113            potsIfAdminState                INTEGER,
114            potsIfOperState                 INTEGER,
115            potsIfIndex                     INTEGER,
116            potsIfTtxLevel                  INTEGER,
117            potsIfTtxFreq                   INTEGER,
118            potsIfCoeffIndex                INTEGER,
119            potsIfTxGain                    INTEGER,
120            potsIfRxGain                    INTEGER,
121            potsIfDialInTimeout             INTEGER
122        }
124    potsSlot OBJECT-TYPE
125        SYNTAX          INTEGER (0..31)
126        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
127        STATUS          current
128        DESCRIPTION
129            "Identification number of the used slot."
130        ::= { potsIfEntry 1 }
132    potsUnit OBJECT-TYPE
133        SYNTAX          INTEGER (0..31)
134        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
135        STATUS          current
136        DESCRIPTION
137            "Identification number of the used unit."
138        ::= { potsIfEntry 2 }
140    potsType OBJECT-TYPE
141        SYNTAX          INTEGER {
142                                  any(1),
143                                  fax(2),
144                                  telephony(3),
145                                  modem(4),
146                                  disable(5),
147                                  doorintercom(6),
148                                  answering(7),
149                                  emergency(8),
150                                  alarmInput(9)
151                                }
152        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
153        STATUS          current
154        DESCRIPTION
155            "The type of the connected device on socket a.
157             Possible values are:
158                       - any(1),       (multifunctional)
159                       - fax(2),
160                       - telephony(3),
161                       - modem(4),
162                       - disable(5),
163                       - doorintercom(6),
164                       - answering(7), (-machine)
165                       - emergency(8)  (-telephone)
166                       - alarmInput(9) (sensor function)
167            "
168        DEFVAL          { any }
169        ::= { potsIfEntry 3 }
171-- NOTE: OIDs potsIfEntry.4-7 were defined before and got replaced by the
172--       following OIDs; as only MGCP and old XCentric's BOSS used this table
173--       the replacement shouldn't bother
175    potsIfMode         OBJECT-TYPE
176        SYNTAX          INTEGER { fxo(1), fxs(2) }
177        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
178        STATUS          current
179        DESCRIPTION
180            "Type of outlet."
181        DEFVAL          { fxs }
182        ::= { potsIfEntry 4 }
184    potsIfAdminState OBJECT-TYPE
185        SYNTAX          INTEGER {
186                                  down(1),
187                                  up(2),
188                                  reconfig(3)
189                                }
190        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
191        STATUS          current
192        DESCRIPTION
193        "This variable allows for taking an POTS interface out of/in
194         service w/o having to touch the configuration.
196         Besides, it is possible to initiate a reconfiguration for that
197         interface in case a mismatch in configuration parameters
198         (hardware vs. software) was detected.
200         Inconsistencies with the need of reconfiguration is a differing
201         potsIfMode (fxo/fxs).
203         In case of mismatch, contents of this variable might be
204         wrong and this circumstance is reflected in variable
205         potsIfOperState. State reconfig may then be used in order to
206         cause an update of these variable as appropriate which ...
207           - will be signalled to higher protocol layers, and
208           - can result in extensive reconfiguration steps
209         The latter may also cover clean-ups undoable by system so this
210         decision is left to the user.
212         Default value is down."
214        DEFVAL          { down }
215        ::= { potsIfEntry 5 }
217    potsIfOperState OBJECT-TYPE
218        SYNTAX          INTEGER {
219                                  down(1),
220                                  running(2),
221                                  fail(3),
222                                  not-connected(4),
223                                  stopped(5),
224                                  stopping(6),
225                                  starting(7)
226                                }
227        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
228        STATUS          current
230        DESCRIPTION
231        "The operational state of an interface is indicated via this
232         variable.
233         Possible values are:
234                - down(1),
235                - running(2),
236                - fail(3),
237                - not-connected(4),
238                - stopped(5),
239                - stopping(6),
240                - starting(7),
241         The latter two states being of transitional type, mainly for
242         hot-plug type hardware, and won't be normally seen by user.
244         State fail is used to reflect inconsistencies between hardware
245         state and configuration concerning interface mode (potsIfMode)."
246        DEFVAL { down }
247        ::= { potsIfEntry 6 }
249    potsIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
250        SYNTAX          PotsIfIndex
251        MAX-ACCESS      read-only
252        STATUS          current
253        DESCRIPTION
254            "Reference to the FXS or FXO table."
255        DEFVAL          { 0 }
256        ::= { potsIfEntry 7 }
258    potsIfTtxLevel OBJECT-TYPE
259        SYNTAX          INTEGER (-50..0)
260        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
261        STATUS          current
262        DESCRIPTION
263            "Teletax (metering pulse) level:
264                for FXS lines: output level
265                for FXO lines: minimum level
266            "
267        DEFVAL          { -30 }
268        ::= { potsIfEntry 8 }
270    potsIfTtxFreq OBJECT-TYPE
271        SYNTAX          INTEGER { off(1),
272                              --  freq50hz(2),    not supported
273                                  freq12khz(3),
274                                  freq16khz(4)
275                                }
276        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
277        STATUS          current
278        DESCRIPTION
279            "Teletax (metering pulse) frequency:
280                1: no teletax output/reception
281                3: 12 kHz
282                4: 16 kHz
283            "
284        DEFVAL          { freq16khz }
285        ::= { potsIfEntry 9 }
287    potsIfCoeffIndex OBJECT-TYPE
288        SYNTAX          INTEGER
289        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
290        STATUS          current
291        DESCRIPTION
292            "Selection of the coefficient set provided
293             by the FXS or FXO line driver. This allows
294             to use specific settings with e.g. resistive or
295             complex line impedances. Supported values are:
296                 600: 600 ohms (resistive)
297                1155: german Zr (complex)
298                1170: ETSI (complex)
299             "
300        DEFVAL          { 1155 }
301        ::= { potsIfEntry 10 }
303    potsIfTxGain OBJECT-TYPE
304        SYNTAX          INTEGER (-30..10)
305        UNITS           "dB"
306        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
307        STATUS          current
308        DESCRIPTION     "Amplification or attenuation (negative gain)
309                         of outgoing audio in dB."
310        DEFVAL          { -7 }
311        ::= { potsIfEntry 11 }
313    potsIfRxGain OBJECT-TYPE
314        SYNTAX          INTEGER (-30..10)
315        UNITS           "dB"
316        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
317        STATUS          current
318        DESCRIPTION     "Amplification or attenuation (negative gain)
319                         of incoming audio in dB."
320        DEFVAL          { 0 }
321        ::= { potsIfEntry 12 }
323    potsIfDialInTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
324        SYNTAX          INTEGER (1..99)
325        UNITS           "s"
326        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
327        STATUS          current
328        DESCRIPTION     "Limit for time interval between two consecutive
329                         dialling digits."
330        DEFVAL          { 41 }
331        ::= { potsIfEntry 13 }
334-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
335-- 2. potsIfFxoTable:  FXO Interface Table
336-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
338    potsIfFxoTable OBJECT-TYPE
339        SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF PotsIfFxoEntry
340        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
341        STATUS          current
342        DESCRIPTION
343            "The potsIfFxoTable contains configuration information
344            for the FXO outlets."
345        ::= { pots 2 }
347    potsIfFxoEntry OBJECT-TYPE
348        SYNTAX          PotsIfFxoEntry
349        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
350        STATUS          current
351        DESCRIPTION
352            ""
353        INDEX           { potsIfFxoIfIndex }
354        ::= { potsIfFxoTable 1 }
356    PotsIfFxoEntry ::=
357        SEQUENCE {
358            potsIfFxoIfIndex                    PotsIfIndex,
359            potsIfFxoFlashTime                  INTEGER,
360-- "obsolete" from here
361            potsIfFxoDialToneDetection          INTEGER,
362            potsIfFxoDialToneDetectionTime      INTEGER,
363            potsIfFxoDialToneMinLevel           INTEGER,
364            potsIfFxoDialToneOrgFreq            ToneFrequency,
365            potsIfFxoDialToneOrgCadence         CadenceString,
366            potsIfFxoDialToneOrgTolerance       CadenceTimingTolerance,
367            potsIfFxoDialToneAltFreq            ToneFrequency,
368            potsIfFxoDialToneAltCadence         CadenceString,
369            potsIfFxoDialToneAltTolerance       CadenceTimingTolerance,
370            potsIfFxoBusyToneDetection          INTEGER,
371            potsIfFxoBusyToneDetectionTime      INTEGER,
372            potsIfFxoBusyToneMinLevel           INTEGER,
373            potsIfFxoBusyToneOrgFreq            ToneFrequency,
374            potsIfFxoBusyToneOrgCadence         CadenceString,
375            potsIfFxoBusyToneOrgTolerance       CadenceTimingTolerance,
376            potsIfFxoBusyToneAltFreq            ToneFrequency,
377            potsIfFxoBusyToneAltCadence         CadenceString,
378            potsIfFxoBusyToneAltTolerance       CadenceTimingTolerance,
379-- up to here
380            potsIfFxoDialOutMode                INTEGER,
381            potsIfFxoDialOutDelay               INTEGER,
382            potsIfFxoDialInMode                 INTEGER,
383            potsIfFxoDialInProgressTone         TruthValue,
384            potsIfFxoDialInProgressToneDef      ToneDefTabIndex,
385            potsIfFxoDialPulsePulseTime         INTEGER,
386            potsIfFxoDialPulsePauseTime         INTEGER,
387            potsIfFxoDialPulseInterDigitTime    INTEGER,
388            potsIfFxoDialDtmfLevel              INTEGER,
389            potsIfFxoDialDtmfToneTime           INTEGER,
390            potsIfFxoDialDtmfInterDigitTime     INTEGER,
391            potsIfFxoDataLinkMinLevel           INTEGER,
392            potsIfFxoDataLinkModeOnHook         BITS,
393            potsIfFxoDataLinkModeOffHook        INTEGER,
394            potsIfFxoFaxToneDetection           BITS,
395            potsIfFxoKeyBreakDetection          INTEGER,
396            potsIfFxoDialOutToneDetection       TruthValue,
397            potsIfFxoNormalDialTone             ToneDefTabIndex,
398            potsIfFxoSpecialDialTone            ToneDefTabIndex,
399            potsIfFxoConcurrentToneDetection    TruthValue,
400            potsIfFxoBusyTone                   ToneDefTabIndex,
401            potsIfFxoCongestionTone             ToneDefTabIndex
402        }
404    potsIfFxoIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
405        SYNTAX          PotsIfIndex
406        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
407        STATUS          current
408        DESCRIPTION
409            "Index of the FXO interface."
410        DEFVAL          { 0 }
411        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 1 }
413    potsIfFxoFlashTime OBJECT-TYPE
414        SYNTAX          INTEGER
415        UNITS           "ms"
416        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
417        STATUS          current
418        DESCRIPTION
419            "Dial out flash time (ms)."
420        DEFVAL          { 100 }
421        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 2 }
423    potsIfFxoDialToneDetection OBJECT-TYPE
424        SYNTAX          INTEGER { off(1), single(2), dual(3) }
425        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
426        STATUS          obsolete
427        DESCRIPTION
428            "Type of tone:
429                off(1)      no dial tone detection
430                single(2)   detect just one tone rhythm
431                dual(3)     detect also an alternative tone rhythm
433             Enable dial tone detection. The following entries describes the
434             parameters of the expected tone. It consists of time, level,
435             frequency, rhythm and tolerance values.
437             There are legacy central offices in some countries which
438             uses differently sequenced tones. So beside the original
439             tone description an alternative description can be used to
440             detect those tones also.
442             Another aspect is the allowed deviation from the expected
443             tone rhythm which is quite different in the national telephone
444             networks. To take this fact into account the tolerance entries
445             determines how precise the given rhythms should be proven."
446        DEFVAL          { off }
447        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 3 }
449    potsIfFxoDialToneDetectionTime OBJECT-TYPE
450        SYNTAX          INTEGER
451        UNITS           "s"
452        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
453        STATUS          obsolete
454        DESCRIPTION
455            "Activation time for dial tone detection in seconds. When this
456             time is reached dial tone detection will be switched off.
457             A zero value keeps dial tone detection endlessly active."
458        DEFVAL          { 10 }
459        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 4 }
461    potsIfFxoDialToneMinLevel OBJECT-TYPE
462        SYNTAX          ReceiveLevel
463        UNITS           "dB"
464        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
465        STATUS          obsolete
466        DESCRIPTION
467            "minimum dial tone level."
468        DEFVAL          { -47 }
469        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 5 }
471    potsIfFxoDialToneOrgFreq OBJECT-TYPE
472        SYNTAX          ToneFrequency
473        UNITS           "Hz"
474        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
475        STATUS          obsolete
476        DESCRIPTION
477            "Frequency of the expected dial tone (Hz)."
478        DEFVAL          { 425 }
479        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 6 }
481    potsIfFxoDialToneOrgCadence OBJECT-TYPE
482        SYNTAX          CadenceString
483        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
484        STATUS          obsolete
485        DESCRIPTION
486            "Cadence of the expected dial tone.
488             The cadence definition consists of times of activity, times
489             of no activity and some control information. All information
490             is concatenated to one string and all times are given in
491             milliseconds.
493             Synopsis:
494                 [:] active time [:] [passive time] [:]...
496             Arguments:
497                 active time    a<time value in ms>
498                 passive time   p<time value in ms>
499                 :              start or end of loop interval
500                 ,|-|blank      allowed delimiters for better reading
501                                before and behind the timing arguments
503             Examples:
504                 1) a200,p200,a200
505                    => two tones with 200ms pause in between
507                 2) a1000 p500 : a200 p200 :
508                    => a long pulse at the beginning followed by a
509                       continous interval of short pulses
511                 3) p2000-a1000
512                    => a pulse of one second after two second pause
514                 4) :a1000:
515                    => definition for an endless active period
516            "
517        DEFVAL          { ":a1000:" }
518        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 7 }
520    potsIfFxoDialToneOrgTolerance OBJECT-TYPE
521        SYNTAX          CadenceTimingTolerance
522        UNITS           "%"
523        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
524        STATUS          obsolete
525        DESCRIPTION
526            "Dial tone timing tolerance (%)."
527        DEFVAL          { 0 }
528        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 8 }
530    potsIfFxoDialToneAltFreq OBJECT-TYPE
531        SYNTAX          ToneFrequency
532        UNITS           "Hz"
533        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
534        STATUS          obsolete
535        DESCRIPTION
536            "Alternative dial tone frequncy (Hz)."
537        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 9 }
539    potsIfFxoDialToneAltCadence OBJECT-TYPE
540        SYNTAX          CadenceString
541        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
542        STATUS          obsolete
543        DESCRIPTION
544            "Alternative dial tone cadence. For a description of
545             allowed format refer to potsIfFxoDialToneOrgCadence."
546        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 10 }
548    potsIfFxoDialToneAltTolerance OBJECT-TYPE
549        SYNTAX          CadenceTimingTolerance
550        UNITS           "%"
551        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
552        STATUS          obsolete
553        DESCRIPTION
554            "Alternative dial tone timing tolerance (%)."
555        DEFVAL          { 0 }
556        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 11 }
558    potsIfFxoBusyToneDetection OBJECT-TYPE
559        SYNTAX          INTEGER { off(1), single(2), dual(3) }
560        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
561        STATUS          obsolete
562        DESCRIPTION
563            "Type of tone:
564                off(1)      no busy tone detection
565                single(2)   detect just one tone rhythm
566                dual(3)     detect also an alternative tone rhythm
568             Enable busy tone detection."
569        DEFVAL          { off }
570        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 12 }
572    potsIfFxoBusyToneDetectionTime OBJECT-TYPE
573        SYNTAX          INTEGER
574        UNITS           "s"
575        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
576        STATUS          obsolete
577        DESCRIPTION
578            "Activation time for busy tone detection in seconds. When this
579             time is reached busy tone detection will be switched off.
580             A zero value keeps busy tone detection endlessly active."
581        DEFVAL          { 15 }
582        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 13 }
584    potsIfFxoBusyToneMinLevel OBJECT-TYPE
585        SYNTAX          ReceiveLevel
586        UNITS           "dB"
587        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
588        STATUS          obsolete
589        DESCRIPTION
590            "Minimum busy tone level (dB)."
591        DEFVAL          { -47 }
592        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 14 }
594    potsIfFxoBusyToneOrgFreq OBJECT-TYPE
595        SYNTAX          ToneFrequency
596        UNITS           "Hz"
597        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
598        STATUS          obsolete
599        DESCRIPTION
600            "Busy tone frequncy (Hz)."
601        DEFVAL          { 425 }
602        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 15 }
604    potsIfFxoBusyToneOrgCadence OBJECT-TYPE
605        SYNTAX          CadenceString
606        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
607        STATUS          obsolete
608        DESCRIPTION
609            "Busy tone cadence. For a description of allowed
610             format refer to potsIfFxoDialToneOrgCadence."
611        DEFVAL          { ":200,400:" }
612        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 16 }
614    potsIfFxoBusyToneOrgTolerance OBJECT-TYPE
615        SYNTAX          CadenceTimingTolerance
616        UNITS           "%"
617        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
618        STATUS          obsolete
619        DESCRIPTION
620            "Busy tone timing tolerance (%)."
621        DEFVAL          { 20 }
622        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 17 }
624    potsIfFxoBusyToneAltFreq OBJECT-TYPE
625        SYNTAX          ToneFrequency
626        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
627        STATUS          obsolete
628        DESCRIPTION
629            "Alternative busy tone frequncy."
630        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 18 }
632    potsIfFxoBusyToneAltCadence OBJECT-TYPE
633        SYNTAX          CadenceString
634        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
635        STATUS          obsolete
636        DESCRIPTION
637            "Alternative busy tone cadence. For a description of
638             allowed format refer to potsIfFxoDialToneOrgCadence."
639        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 19 }
641    potsIfFxoBusyToneAltTolerance OBJECT-TYPE
642        SYNTAX          CadenceTimingTolerance
643        UNITS           "%"
644        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
645        STATUS          obsolete
646        DESCRIPTION
647            "Alternative busy tone timing tolerance (%)."
648        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 20 }
650    potsIfFxoDialOutMode OBJECT-TYPE
651        SYNTAX          INTEGER { pulse(1), dtmf(2) }
652        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
653        STATUS          current
654        DESCRIPTION
655            "Dial-out mode (1: pulse, 2: DTMF)."
656        DEFVAL          { dtmf }
657        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 21 }
659    potsIfFxoDialOutDelay OBJECT-TYPE
660        SYNTAX          INTEGER
661        UNITS           "ms"
662        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
663        STATUS          current
664        DESCRIPTION
665            "Waiting time before dialout starts (ms)."
666        DEFVAL          { 200 }
667        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 22 }
669    potsIfFxoDialInMode OBJECT-TYPE
670        SYNTAX          INTEGER { off(1), dtmf(2), uefs(3) }
671        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
672        STATUS          current
673        DESCRIPTION
674            "Dial-in mode (1: off, 2: DTMF, 3: UEFS)."
675        DEFVAL          { off }
676        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 23 }
678    potsIfFxoDialInProgressTone OBJECT-TYPE
679        SYNTAX          TruthValue
680        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
681        STATUS          current
682        DESCRIPTION
683            "The progress tone is used for dial in mode 'DTMF' only.
684             Other dial in modes will ignore this entry. The progress tone
685             will signal the caller when to start to dial the subscriber
686             number. After reception of the first digit this tone will
687             disappear like any other dial tone."
688        DEFVAL          { false }
689        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 24 }
691    potsIfFxoDialInProgressToneDef OBJECT-TYPE
692        SYNTAX          ToneTabIndex
693        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
694        STATUS          current
695        DESCRIPTION
696            "Index of the progress tone definition in phoneIfToneTable."
697        DEFVAL          { -1 }
698        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 25 }
700    potsIfFxoDialPulsePulseTime OBJECT-TYPE
701        SYNTAX          INTEGER (30..200)
702        UNITS           "ms"
703        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
704        STATUS          current
705        DESCRIPTION
706            "Pulse dialling break time (ms)."
707        DEFVAL          { 60 }
708        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 26 }
710    potsIfFxoDialPulsePauseTime OBJECT-TYPE
711        SYNTAX          INTEGER (30..200)
712        UNITS           "ms"
713        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
714        STATUS          current
715        DESCRIPTION
716            "Pulse dialling make time (ms)."
717        DEFVAL          { 40 }
718        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 27 }
720    potsIfFxoDialPulseInterDigitTime OBJECT-TYPE
721        SYNTAX          INTEGER (100..500)
722        UNITS           "ms"
723        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
724        STATUS          current
725        DESCRIPTION
726            "DTMF dialling interdigit time (ms)."
727        DEFVAL          { 200 }
728        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 28 }
730    potsIfFxoDialDtmfLevel OBJECT-TYPE
731        SYNTAX          TransmitLevel
732        UNITS           "dB"
733        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
734        STATUS          current
735        DESCRIPTION
736            "DTMF tone level (dB)."
737        DEFVAL          { -10 }
738        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 29 }
740    potsIfFxoDialDtmfToneTime OBJECT-TYPE
741        SYNTAX          INTEGER (50..250)
742        UNITS           "ms"
743        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
744        STATUS          current
745        DESCRIPTION
746            "DTMF tone duration (ms)."
747        DEFVAL          { 120 }
748        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 30 }
750    potsIfFxoDialDtmfInterDigitTime OBJECT-TYPE
751        SYNTAX          INTEGER (50..250)
752        UNITS           "ms"
753        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
754        STATUS          current
755        DESCRIPTION
756            "DTMF dialling interdigit time (ms)."
757        DEFVAL          { 120 }
758        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 31 }
760    potsIfFxoDataLinkMinLevel OBJECT-TYPE
761        SYNTAX          TransmitLevel
762        UNITS           "dB"
763        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
764        STATUS          current
765        DESCRIPTION
766            "Minimum data transmission level (dB)."
767        DEFVAL          { -20 }
768        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 32 }
770    potsIfFxoDataLinkModeOnHook OBJECT-TYPE
771        SYNTAX          BITS {
772                               dt-as(0),
773                               dt-as-pol-rev(1),
774                               rp-as(2),
775                               during-ringing(3),
776                               dtmf(4)
777                             }
778        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
779        STATUS          current
780        DESCRIPTION
781            "Allowed on-hook data transmission modes:
782                dt-as:          data transmission prior to ringing with DT-AS
783                dt-as-pol-rev:  data transmission prior to ringing with DT-AS
784                                and polarity reversal
785                rp-as:          data transmission prior to ringing with RP-AS
786                during-ringing: data transmission during ringing (after first ring)
787                dtmf:           data transmission using DTMF
789             With no bit activated on-hook data transmission is disabled."
790        DEFVAL          { { } }
791        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 33 }
793    potsIfFxoDataLinkModeOffHook OBJECT-TYPE
794        SYNTAX          INTEGER {
795                                  off(1),
796                                  dt-as(2)
797                                }
798        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
799        STATUS          current
800        DESCRIPTION
801            "Selection of off-hook data transmission mode:
802                1: no off-hook data transmission
803                2: data transmission prior using DT-AS
804            "
805        DEFVAL          { off }
806        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 34 }
808    potsIfFxoFaxToneDetection OBJECT-TYPE
809        SYNTAX          BITS {
810                               cng(0),
811                               ced(1),
812                               dis(2)
813                             }
814        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
815        STATUS          current
816        DESCRIPTION
817            "Fax tone detection. Tones to detect according to ITU T.30:
818                cng: fax announce tone 1100 Hz
819                ced: fax answer tone 2100 Hz
820                dis: digital identification signal V.21
821            "
822        DEFVAL          { { } }
823        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 35 }
825    potsIfFxoKeyBreakDetection OBJECT-TYPE
826        SYNTAX          TruthValue
827        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
828        STATUS          current
829        DESCRIPTION
830            "Detection of key break as a release condition."
831        DEFVAL          { false }
832        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 36 }
834    potsIfFxoDialOutToneDetection OBJECT-TYPE
835        SYNTAX          TruthValue
836        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
837        STATUS          current
838        DESCRIPTION
839            "Detection of dial tones as a trigger for outgoing dial."
840        DEFVAL          { true }
841        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 37 }
843    potsIfFxoNormalDialTone OBJECT-TYPE
844        SYNTAX          ToneDefTabIndex
845        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
846        STATUS          current
847        DESCRIPTION
848            "Index of the normal dial tone definition in
849             phoneIfToneTable used by dial out tone detection."
850        DEFVAL          { -1 }
851        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 38 }
853    potsIfFxoSpecialDialTone OBJECT-TYPE
854        SYNTAX          ToneDefTabIndex
855        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
856        STATUS          current
857        DESCRIPTION
858            "Index of the special dial tone definition in
859             phoneIfToneTable used by dial out tone detection."
860        DEFVAL          { -1 }
861        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 39 }
863    potsIfFxoConcurrentToneDetection OBJECT-TYPE
864        SYNTAX          TruthValue
865        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
866        STATUS          current
867        DESCRIPTION
868            "Detection of tones after dialling and during a connection
869             to catch a release condition."
870        DEFVAL          { true }
871        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 40 }
873    potsIfFxoBusyTone OBJECT-TYPE
874        SYNTAX          ToneDefTabIndex
875        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
876        STATUS          current
877        DESCRIPTION
878            "Index of the busy tone definition in phoneIfToneTable
879             used by concurrent tone detection."
880        DEFVAL          { -1 }
881        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 41 }
883    potsIfFxoCongestionTone OBJECT-TYPE
884        SYNTAX          ToneDefTabIndex
885        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
886        STATUS          current
887        DESCRIPTION
888            "Index of the congestion tone definition in phoneIfToneTable
889             used by concurrent tone detection."
890        DEFVAL          { -1 }
891        ::= { potsIfFxoEntry 42 }
893-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
894-- 3. potsIfFxsTable:  FXS Interface Table
895-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
897    potsIfFxsTable OBJECT-TYPE
898        SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF PotsIfFxsEntry
899        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
900        STATUS          current
901        DESCRIPTION
902            "The potsIfFxsTable contains configuration information
903            for the FXS outlets."
904        ::= { pots 3 }
906    potsIfFxsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
907        SYNTAX          PotsIfFxsEntry
908        MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
909        STATUS          current
910        DESCRIPTION
911            ""
912        INDEX           { potsIfFxsIfIndex }
913        ::= { potsIfFxsTable 1 }
915    PotsIfFxsEntry ::=
916        SEQUENCE {
917            potsIfFxsIfIndex                PotsIfIndex,
918            potsIfFxsFlashMinTime           INTEGER,
919            potsIfFxsFlashMaxTime           INTEGER,
920            potsIfFxsRingLevel              INTEGER,
921            potsIfFxsRingFreq               INTEGER,
922            potsIfFxsRingTableIndex         RingTabIndex,
923            potsIfFxsToneTableIndex         ToneTabIndex,
924            potsIfFxsDataLinkType           BITS,
925            potsIfFxsDataLinkElem           BITS,
926            potsIfFxsDataLinkLevel          INTEGER,
927            potsIfFxsDataLinkTiming         DataLinkTimerTabIndex,
928            potsIfFxsDataLinkModeOnHook     INTEGER,
929            potsIfFxsDataLinkModeOffHook    INTEGER,
930            potsIfFxsDialPulseMinTimePulse  INTEGER,
931            potsIfFxsDialPulseMaxTimePulse  INTEGER,
932            potsIfFxsDialPulseMinTimePause  INTEGER,
933            potsIfFxsDialPulseMaxTimePause  INTEGER
934        }
936    potsIfFxsIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
937        SYNTAX          PotsIfIndex
938        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
939        STATUS          current
940        DESCRIPTION
941            "Index of the FXS interface."
942        DEFVAL          { 0 }
943        ::= { potsIfFxsEntry 1 }
945    potsIfFxsFlashMinTime OBJECT-TYPE
946        SYNTAX          INTEGER
947        UNITS           "ms"
948        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
949        STATUS          current
950        DESCRIPTION
951            "Minimum flash duration (ms). Flash pulses below this
952             value will be ignored."
953        DEFVAL          { 40 }
954        ::= { potsIfFxsEntry 2 }
956    potsIfFxsFlashMaxTime OBJECT-TYPE
957        SYNTAX          INTEGER
958        UNITS           "ms"
959        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
960        STATUS          current
961        DESCRIPTION
962            "Maximum flash duration (ms). Flash pulses above this
963             value will be interpreted as hook-on."
964        DEFVAL          { 250 }
965        ::= { potsIfFxsEntry 3 }
967    potsIfFxsRingLevel OBJECT-TYPE
968        SYNTAX          INTEGER (0..150)
969        UNITS           "Vpeak"
970        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
971        STATUS          current
972        DESCRIPTION
973            "Peak value of sinusoidal ringing voltage."
974        DEFVAL          { 60 }
975        ::= { potsIfFxsEntry 4 }
977    potsIfFxsRingFreq OBJECT-TYPE
978        SYNTAX          INTEGER { freq25hz(1), freq50hz(2) }
979        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
980        STATUS          current
981        DESCRIPTION
982            "Frequency of sinusoidal ringing voltage."
983        DEFVAL          { freq25hz }
984        ::= { potsIfFxsEntry 5 }
986    potsIfFxsRingTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE
987        SYNTAX          RingTabIndex
988        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
989        STATUS          current
990        DESCRIPTION
991            "The ringing table index is the reference to
992             all ringing cadences used for this extension.
993             Definitions are in phoneIfRingTable."
994        DEFVAL          { 0 }
995        ::= { potsIfFxsEntry 6 }
997    potsIfFxsToneTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE
998        SYNTAX          ToneTabIndex
999        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1000        STATUS          current
1001        DESCRIPTION
1002            "The tone table index refers to the tones
1003             used for this extension. Definitions are
1004             in phoneIfToneTable"
1005        DEFVAL          { 0 }
1006        ::= { potsIfFxsEntry 7 }
1008    potsIfFxsDataLinkType OBJECT-TYPE
1009        SYNTAX          BITS {
1010                               setup(0),
1011                               mwi(1),
1012                               aoc(2),
1013                               sms(3)
1014                             }
1015        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1016        STATUS          current
1017        DESCRIPTION
1018            "Allowed data transmission message types:
1019                setup - call setup message
1020                mwi   - message waiting indicator message
1021                aoc   - advice of charge message
1022                sms   - short message service message
1023            "
1024        DEFVAL          { { setup, mwi, aoc, sms } }
1025        ::= { potsIfFxsEntry 8 }
1027    potsIfFxsDataLinkElem OBJECT-TYPE
1028        SYNTAX          BITS {
1029                               date-time(0),
1030                               calling-line-id(1),
1031                               called-line-id(2),
1032                               reason-for-absence-of-cli(3),
1033                               calling-party-name(4),
1034                               reason-for-absence-of-cpn(5),
1035                               visual-indicator(6),
1036                               message-identification(7),
1037                               last-message-cli(8),
1038                               complementary-date-time(9),
1039                               complementary-cli(10),
1040                               call-type(11),
1041                               first-cli(12),
1042                               no-of-messages(13),
1043                               charge(14),
1044                               additional-charge(15),
1045                               duration-of-call(16),
1046                               network-provider-id(17),
1047                               carrier-id(18),
1048                               select-terminal-function(19),
1049                               display-information(20),
1050                               service-information(21)
1051                             }
1052        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1053        STATUS          current
1054        DESCRIPTION
1055            "Allowed data transmission parameters (see ETSI EN 300 659-3).
1056             Not selected elements will be filtered out and not sent to
1057             the subscriber."
1058        DEFVAL          { { date-time, calling-line-id, calling-party-name, display-information } }
1059        ::= { potsIfFxsEntry 9 }
1061    potsIfFxsDataLinkLevel OBJECT-TYPE
1062        SYNTAX          TransmitLevel
1063        UNITS           "dB"
1064        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1065        STATUS          current
1066        DESCRIPTION
1067            "Level of the data transmission signal (dB)."
1068        DEFVAL          { -15 }
1069        ::= { potsIfFxsEntry 10 }
1071    potsIfFxsDataLinkTiming OBJECT-TYPE
1072        SYNTAX          DataLinkTimerTabIndex
1073        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1074        STATUS          current
1075        DESCRIPTION
1076            "Index of the timer set to be used for on-hook and off-hook
1077            data transmission."
1078        DEFVAL          { 0 }
1079        ::= { potsIfFxsEntry 11 }
1081    potsIfFxsDataLinkModeOnHook OBJECT-TYPE
1082        SYNTAX          INTEGER {
1083                                  off(1),
1084                                  dt-as(2),
1085                                  dt-as-pol-rev(3),
1086                                  rp-as(4),
1087                                  during-ringing(5),
1088                                  dtmf(6)
1089                                }
1090        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1091        STATUS          current
1092        DESCRIPTION
1093            "Selection of on-hook data transmission mode:
1094                1: no on-hook data transmission
1095                2: data transmission prior to ringing with DT-AS
1096                3: data transmission prior to ringing with DT-AS
1097                        and polarity reversal
1098                4: data transmission prior to ringing with RP-AS
1099                5: data transmission during ringing (after first ring)
1100                6: data transmission using DTMF
1101            "
1102        DEFVAL          { 1 }
1103        ::= { potsIfFxsEntry 12 }
1105    potsIfFxsDataLinkModeOffHook OBJECT-TYPE
1106        SYNTAX          INTEGER {
1107                                  off(1),
1108                                  dt-as(2)
1109                                }
1110        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1111        STATUS          current
1112        DESCRIPTION
1113            "Selection of off-hook data transmission mode:
1114                1: no off-hook data transmission
1115                2: data transmission prior using DT-AS
1116            "
1117        DEFVAL          { 1 }
1118        ::= { potsIfFxsEntry 13 }
1120    potsIfFxsDialPulseMinTimePulse OBJECT-TYPE
1121        SYNTAX          INTEGER (10..100)
1122        UNITS           "ms"
1123        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1124        STATUS          current
1125        DESCRIPTION
1126            "Pulse dialling break time minimum (ms). Break pulses below
1127             this limit will be ignored."
1128        DEFVAL          { 20 }
1129        ::= { potsIfFxsEntry 14 }
1131    potsIfFxsDialPulseMaxTimePulse OBJECT-TYPE
1132        SYNTAX          INTEGER (50..200)
1133        UNITS           "ms"
1134        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1135        STATUS          current
1136        DESCRIPTION
1137            "Pulse dialling break time maximum (ms). A pause time above
1138             this limit is regarded as on-hook signal."
1139        DEFVAL          { 120 }
1140        ::= { potsIfFxsEntry 15 }
1142    potsIfFxsDialPulseMinTimePause OBJECT-TYPE
1143        SYNTAX          INTEGER (10..100)
1144        UNITS           "ms"
1145        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1146        STATUS          current
1147        DESCRIPTION
1148            "Pulse dialling make time minimum (ms). Make pulses below
1149             this limit will be ignored."
1150        DEFVAL          { 20 }
1151        ::= { potsIfFxsEntry 16 }
1153    potsIfFxsDialPulseMaxTimePause OBJECT-TYPE
1154        SYNTAX          INTEGER (10..300)
1155        UNITS           "ms"
1156        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1157        STATUS          current
1158        DESCRIPTION
1159            "Pulse dialling make time maximum (ms). A pause time above
1160             this limit finishes the pulse counting and this digit is
1161             regarded as complete."
1162        DEFVAL          { 200 }
1163        ::= { potsIfFxsEntry 17 }
1166-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1167-- 4. potsIfDataLinkTimerTable
1168-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1170    potsIfDataLinkTimerTable OBJECT-TYPE
1171        SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF PotsIfDataLinkTimerEntry
1172        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1173        STATUS          current
1174        DESCRIPTION
1175            "The potsIfDataLinkTimerTable the contains timer values (in ms)
1176            controlling on-hook and off-hook data transmission service
1177            according to ETSI EN 300 659. The reception of data is
1178            controlled with timers according to the minimum and maximum
1179            values given in the ETSI standard."
1180        ::= { pots 4 }
1182    potsIfDataLinkTimerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1183        SYNTAX          PotsIfDataLinkTimerEntry
1184        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1185        STATUS          current
1186        DESCRIPTION
1187            ""
1188        INDEX           { potsIfDataLinkTimerIndex }
1189        ::= { potsIfDataLinkTimerTable 1 }
1191    PotsIfDataLinkTimerEntry ::=
1192        SEQUENCE {
1193            potsIfDataLinkTimerIndex    DataLinkTimerTabIndex,
1194            potsIfDataLinkTimer0        INTEGER,
1195            potsIfDataLinkTimer1        INTEGER,
1196            potsIfDataLinkTimer2        INTEGER,
1197            potsIfDataLinkTimer3        INTEGER,
1198            potsIfDataLinkTimer4        INTEGER,
1199            potsIfDataLinkTimer5        INTEGER,
1200            potsIfDataLinkTimer6        INTEGER,
1201            potsIfDataLinkTimer7        INTEGER,
1202            potsIfDataLinkTimer8        INTEGER,
1203            potsIfDataLinkTimer9        INTEGER,
1204            potsIfDataLinkTimer10       INTEGER,
1205            potsIfDataLinkTimer11       INTEGER,
1206            potsIfDataLinkTimer12       INTEGER,
1207            potsIfDataLinkTimer13       INTEGER,
1208            potsIfDataLinkTimer14       INTEGER,
1209            potsIfDataLinkTimerRpAs     INTEGER,
1210            potsIfDataLinkTimerDtAsOnH  INTEGER,
1211            potsIfDataLinkTimerDtAsOffH INTEGER
1212        }
1214    potsIfDataLinkTimerIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1215        SYNTAX          DataLinkTimerTabIndex
1216        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1217        STATUS          current
1218        DESCRIPTION
1219            "Index of the set of timers which is following up."
1220        DEFVAL          { 0 }
1221        ::= { potsIfDataLinkTimerEntry 1 }
1223    potsIfDataLinkTimer0 OBJECT-TYPE
1224        SYNTAX          INTEGER (100..550)
1225        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1226        STATUS          current
1227        DESCRIPTION     "Timer T0 according to ETSI EN 300 659."
1228        DEFVAL          { 150 }
1229        ::= { potsIfDataLinkTimerEntry 2 }
1231    potsIfDataLinkTimer1 OBJECT-TYPE
1232        SYNTAX          INTEGER (45..500)
1233        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1234        STATUS          current
1235        DESCRIPTION     "Timer T1 according to ETSI EN 300 659."
1236        DEFVAL          { 80 }
1237        ::= { potsIfDataLinkTimerEntry 3 }
1239    potsIfDataLinkTimer2 OBJECT-TYPE
1240        SYNTAX          INTEGER (200..500)
1241        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1242        STATUS          current
1243        DESCRIPTION     "Timer T2 according to ETSI EN 300 659."
1244        DEFVAL          { 250 }
1245        ::= { potsIfDataLinkTimerEntry 4 }
1247    potsIfDataLinkTimer3 OBJECT-TYPE
1248        SYNTAX          INTEGER (500..800)
1249        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1250        STATUS          current
1251        DESCRIPTION     "Timer T3 according to ETSI EN 300 659."
1252        DEFVAL          { 550 }
1253        ::= { potsIfDataLinkTimerEntry 5 }
1255    potsIfDataLinkTimer4 OBJECT-TYPE
1256        SYNTAX          INTEGER (45..500)
1257        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1258        STATUS          current
1259        DESCRIPTION     "Timer T4 according to ETSI EN 300 659."
1260        DEFVAL          { 80 }
1261        ::= { potsIfDataLinkTimerEntry 6 }
1263    potsIfDataLinkTimer5 OBJECT-TYPE
1264        SYNTAX          INTEGER (500..2000)
1265        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1266        STATUS          current
1267        DESCRIPTION     "Timer T5 according to ETSI EN 300 659."
1268        DEFVAL          { 550 }
1269        ::= { potsIfDataLinkTimerEntry 7 }
1271    potsIfDataLinkTimer6 OBJECT-TYPE
1272        SYNTAX          INTEGER (200..3000)
1273        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1274        STATUS          current
1275        DESCRIPTION     "Timer T6 according to ETSI EN 300 659."
1276        DEFVAL          { 250 }
1277        ::= { potsIfDataLinkTimerEntry 8 }
1279    potsIfDataLinkTimer7 OBJECT-TYPE
1280        SYNTAX          INTEGER (250..700)
1281        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1282        STATUS          current
1283        DESCRIPTION     "Timer T7 according to ETSI EN 300 659."
1284        DEFVAL          { 700 }
1285        ::= { potsIfDataLinkTimerEntry 9 }
1287    potsIfDataLinkTimer8 OBJECT-TYPE
1288        SYNTAX          INTEGER (200..500)
1289        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1290        STATUS          current
1291        DESCRIPTION     "Timer T8 according to ETSI EN 300 659."
1292        DEFVAL          { 300 }
1293        ::= { potsIfDataLinkTimerEntry 10 }
1295    potsIfDataLinkTimer9 OBJECT-TYPE
1296        SYNTAX          INTEGER (0..150)
1297        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1298        STATUS          current
1299        DESCRIPTION     "Timer T9 according to ETSI EN 300 659."
1300        DEFVAL          { 0 }
1301        ::= { potsIfDataLinkTimerEntry 11 }
1303    potsIfDataLinkTimer10 OBJECT-TYPE
1304        SYNTAX          INTEGER (0..150)
1305        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1306        STATUS          current
1307        DESCRIPTION     "Timer T10 according to ETSI EN 300 659."
1308        DEFVAL          { 20 }
1309        ::= { potsIfDataLinkTimerEntry 12 }
1311    potsIfDataLinkTimer11 OBJECT-TYPE
1312        SYNTAX          INTEGER (40..55)
1313        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1314        STATUS          current
1315        DESCRIPTION     "Timer T11 according to ETSI EN 300 659."
1316        DEFVAL          { 50 }
1317        ::= { potsIfDataLinkTimerEntry 13 }
1319    potsIfDataLinkTimer12 OBJECT-TYPE
1320        SYNTAX          INTEGER (55..200)
1321        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1322        STATUS          current
1323        DESCRIPTION     "Timer T12 according to ETSI EN 300 659."
1324        DEFVAL          { 80 }
1325        ::= { potsIfDataLinkTimerEntry 14 }
1327    potsIfDataLinkTimer13 OBJECT-TYPE
1328        SYNTAX          INTEGER (40..120)
1329        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1330        STATUS          current
1331        DESCRIPTION     "Timer T13 according to ETSI EN 300 659."
1332        DEFVAL          { 50 }
1333        ::= { potsIfDataLinkTimerEntry 15 }
1335    potsIfDataLinkTimer14 OBJECT-TYPE
1336        SYNTAX          INTEGER (155..165)
1337        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1338        STATUS          current
1339        DESCRIPTION     "Timer T14 according to ETSI EN 300 659."
1340        DEFVAL          { 160 }
1341        ::= { potsIfDataLinkTimerEntry 16 }
1343    potsIfDataLinkTimerRpAs OBJECT-TYPE
1344        SYNTAX          INTEGER (200..300)
1345        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1346        STATUS          current
1347        DESCRIPTION     "Timer RP-AS according to ETSI EN 300 659."
1348        DEFVAL          { 250 }
1349        ::= { potsIfDataLinkTimerEntry 17 }
1351    potsIfDataLinkTimerDtAsOnH OBJECT-TYPE
1352        SYNTAX          INTEGER (90..110)
1353        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1354        STATUS          current
1355        DESCRIPTION     "Timer DT-AS on-hook according to ETSI EN 300 659."
1356        DEFVAL          { 100 }
1357        ::= { potsIfDataLinkTimerEntry 18 }
1359    potsIfDataLinkTimerDtAsOffH OBJECT-TYPE
1360        SYNTAX          INTEGER (75..85)
1361        MAX-ACCESS      read-write
1362        STATUS          current
1363        DESCRIPTION     "Timer DT-AS off-hook according to ETSI EN 300 659."
1364        DEFVAL          { 80 }
1365        ::= { potsIfDataLinkTimerEntry 19 }