3-- --------------------------- Revision ----------------------------------------
4-- Date        Version   Author         Chanage Description
6-- 2010/09/02  5.20.001  D-Link         1.Change version to 5.20.001.
7--                                      2.Add FlowBased ACL MIB object.
9-- 2010/07/23  5.10.001  D-Link         1.Change version to 5.10.001.
11-- 2010/05/12  5.00.M002 D-Link         1.Remove Serial Port MIB.
13-- 2010/05/04  5.00.M001 D-Link         1.Change some mib description.
15-- 2010/04/26  5.00.M000 D-Link         1.Change MIB model name to DES-1210-28.
16--                                      2.Change MIBOID to match DES-1210-28 OID.
18-- 2010/04/01  1.00.003  D-Link         1.Modified MstVlanMstiMappingEntry MIB objects.
19--                                      2.Modified swAuthenCtrl MIB objects.
20--                                      3.Removed modeACL in ipMacPortBindingSystemMode.
21--                                      4.Add TrapSetting MIB object.
23-- 2010/03/19  1.00.002  D-Link         1.Change MIBOID to match D-LINK assigned OID.
24--                                      2.Change OIDNAME to match D-LINK DES-1228ME.
26-- 2010/03/10  1.00.001  D-Link         1.Change MIB model name to DES-1228ME
27--                                      2.Change MIBOID to match D-LINK assigned OID.
28--                                      3.Fix compile fail issue.
30-- 2010/03/01  1.00.000  D-Link         1.Initial version.
32-- -------------------------- Revision End -------------------------------------
36        DES-1210-28_AX DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN
40   enterprises, IpAddress, Integer32, Unsigned32, TimeTicks, Counter32
41                                                  FROM SNMPv2-SMI
42   InetAddress                                    FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB
43   InterfaceIndex,InterfaceIndexOrZero
44                                                  FROM IF-MIB
45   SnmpAdminString,SnmpEngineID,SnmpSecurityLevel FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB
46   RowStatus, TruthValue, DisplayString,
47   TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, MacAddress                 FROM SNMPv2-TC;
50    d-link						OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 171 }
51    dlink-products				OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { d-link 10 }
52    dlink-DES1210SeriesProd	    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dlink-products 75}
53    des-1210-28ax					OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dlink-DES1210SeriesProd 5 }
56    STATUS      current
58        "A value used to index per-VLAN tables: values of 0 and
59        4095 are not permitted; if the value is between 1 and
60        4094 inclusive, it represents an IEEE 802.1Q VLAN-ID with
61        global scope within a given bridged domain (see VlanId
62        textual convention).  If the value is greater than 4095
63        then it represents a VLAN with scope local to the
64        particular agent, i.e. one without a global VLAN-ID
65        assigned to it. Such VLANs are outside the scope of
66        IEEE 802.1Q but it is convenient to be able to manage them
67        in the same way using this MIB."
68    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
71    STATUS      current
73        "Each octet within this value specifies a set of eight
74        ports, with the first octet specifying ports 1 through
75        8, the second octet specifying ports 9 through 16, etc.
76        Within each octet, the most significant bit represents
77        the lowest numbered port, and the least significant bit
78        represents the highest numbered port.  Thus, each port
79        of the bridge is represented by a single bit within the
80        value of this object.  If that bit has a value of '1'
81        then that port is included in the set of ports; the port
82        is not included if its bit has a value of '0'."
87     STATUS  current
89           "The Bridge-Identifier as used in the
90           Spanning Tree
91           Protocol to uniquely identify a bridge.  Its first two
92           octets (in network byte order) contain a priority
93           value and its last 6 octets contain the MAC address
94           used to refer to a bridge in a unique fashion
95           (typically, the numerically smallest MAC address
96           of all ports on the bridge).
97           Several objects in this MIB module represent values of
98           timers used by the Spanning Tree Protocol.  In this
99           MIB, these timers have values in units of hundreths of
100           a second (i.e. 1/100 secs).
101           These timers, when stored in a Spanning Tree Protocol's
102           BPDU, are in units of 1/256 seconds.  Note, however,
103           that 802.1D-1990 specifies a settable granularity of
104           no more than 1 second for these timers.  To avoid
105           ambiguity, a data type is defined here as a textual
106           convention and all representation of these timers
107           in this MIB module are defined using this data type.  An
108           algorithm is also defined for converting between the
109           different units, to ensure a timer's value is not                                  distorted by multiple conversions."
110     SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
113     DISPLAY-HINT "d4"
114     STATUS       current
116           "A STP timer in units of 1/100 seconds
118            To convert a Timeout value into a value in units of
119            1/256 seconds, the following algorithm should be used:
121                 b  = floor( (n * 256) / 100)
123            where:
124                 floor   =  quotient [ignore remainder]
125                 n is the value in 1/100 second units
126                 b is the value in 1/256 second units
127                                                                                               To convert the value from 1/256 second units back to
128            1/100 seconds, the following algorithm should be used:
130                 n = ceiling( (b * 100) / 256)
132            where:
133                  ceiling =  quotient [if remainder is 0], or
134                             quotient + 1 [if remainder is non-zero]
135                  n is the value in 1/100 second units
136                  b is the value in 1/256 second units
138             Note: it is important that the arithmetic operations are
139             done in the order specified (i.e., multiply first, divide
140             second)."
141     SYNTAX       INTEGER
143 OwnerString ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
144     STATUS current
146         "This data type is used to model an administratively
147         assigned name of the owner of a resource. Implementations
148         must accept values composed of well-formed NVT ASCII
149         sequences. In addition, implementations should accept
150         values composed of well-formed UTF-8 sequences.
152         It is suggested that this name contain one or more of
153         the following: IP address, management station name,
154         network manager's name, location, or phone number.
155         In some cases the agent itself will be the owner of
156         an entry.  In these cases, this string shall be set
157         to a string starting with 'monitor'.
159         SNMP access control is articulated entirely in terms
160         of the contents of MIB views; access to a particular
161         SNMP object instance depends only upon its presence
162         or absence in a particular MIB view and never upon
163         its value or the value of related object instances.
164         Thus, objects of this type afford resolution of
165         resource contention only among cooperating
166         managers; they realize no access control function
167         with respect to uncooperative parties."
168     SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..127))
171     STATUS current
173         "The status of a table entry.
175         Setting this object to the value invalid(4) has the
176         effect of invalidating the corresponding entry.
177         That is, it effectively disassociates the mapping
178         identified with said entry.
179         It is an implementation-specific matter as to whether
180         the agent removes an invalidated entry from the table.
181         Accordingly, management stations must be prepared to
182         receive tabular information from agents that corresponds
183         to entries currently not in use.  Proper
184         interpretation of such entries requires examination
185         of the relevant RmonStatus object.
187         An existing instance of this object cannot be set to
188         createRequest(2).  This object may only be set to
189         createRequest(2) when this instance is created.  When
190         this object is created, the agent may wish to create
191         supplemental object instances with default values
192         to complete a conceptual row in this table.  Because the
194         creation of these default objects is entirely at the option
195         of the agent, the manager must not assume that any will be
196         created, but may make use of any that are created.
197         Immediately after completing the create operation, the agent
198         must set this object to underCreation(3).
200         When in the underCreation(3) state, an entry is allowed to
201         exist in a possibly incomplete, possibly inconsistent state,
202         usually to allow it to be modified in multiple PDUs.  When in
203         this state, an entry is not fully active.
204         Entries shall exist in the underCreation(3) state until
205         the management station is finished configuring the entry
206         and sets this object to valid(1) or aborts, setting this
207         object to invalid(4).  If the agent determines that an
208         entry has been in the underCreation(3) state for an
209         abnormally long time, it may decide that the management
210         station has crashed.  If the agent makes this decision,
211         it may set this object to invalid(4) to reclaim the
212         entry.  A prudent agent will understand that the
213         management station may need to wait for human input
214         and will allow for that possibility in its
215         determination of this abnormally long period.
217         An entry in the valid(1) state is fully configured and
218         consistent and fully represents the configuration or
219         operation such a row is intended to represent.  For
220         example, it could be a statistical function that is
221         configured and active, or a filter that is available
222         in the list of filters processed by the packet capture
223         process.
225         A manager is restricted to changing the state of an entry in
226         the following ways:
228              To:       valid  createRequest  underCreation  invalid
229         From:
230         valid             OK             NO             OK       OK
231         createRequest    N/A            N/A            N/A      N/A
232         underCreation     OK             NO             OK       OK
233         invalid           NO             NO             NO       OK
234         nonExistent       NO             OK             NO       OK
236         In the table above, it is not applicable to move the state
237         from the createRequest state to any other state because the
238         manager will never find the variable in that state.  The
239         nonExistent state is not a value of the enumeration, rather
240         it means that the entryStatus variable does not exist at all.
242         An agent may allow an entryStatus variable to change state in
243         additional ways, so long as the semantics of the states are
244         followed.  This allowance is made to ease the implementation of
245         the agent and is made despite the fact that managers should
246         never exercise these additional state transitions."
248                valid(1),
249                createRequest(2),
250                underCreation(3),
251                invalid(4)
252            }
254-- ----------------------------------------------------------------- --
255-- groups in the MIB
256-- ----------------------------------------------------------------- --
258        dhcpBOOTPRelayControl                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyDHCPRelay 1 }
259      companySystem           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 1 }
260            dhcpBOOTPRelayManagementOption82    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dhcpBOOTPRelayManagement 2 }
261        dhcpBOOTPRelayManagement                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyDHCPRelay 2 }
262      companyIpifGroup            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 2 }
263      companyTftpGroup            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 3 }
264      companyMiscGroup            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 4 }
265      companySNMPV3                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 5 }
266      companySTP                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 6 }
267      companyDot1qVlanGroup       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 7 }
268      companyLA                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 8 }
269      companyStaticMAC   	      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 9 }
270      companyIgsGroup             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 10 }
271      companyGVRPGroup       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 11 }
272      companyQoSGroup             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 12 }
273      companyTrafficMgmt          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 13 }
274      companySecurity             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 14 }
275      companyACLGroup             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 15 }
276      companySyslog               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 16 }
277	  companyLBD                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 17 }
278      companyMirror             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 18 }
279      companyStaticMcast           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 19 }
280      companySNTPSetting          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 20 }
281      companyVoiceVlan                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 21 }
282      companyRMON                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 22 }
283      companyAuthGroup           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 23 }
284      companyGuestVlan                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 24 }
285      companyMacNotify                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 25 }
286      companySMTP                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 26 }
287      companyISMVLAN          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 27 }
288    companyDHCPRelay                            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 28 }
289    companyDHCPLocalRelay   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 29 }
290      companyTrapSetting	      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 30 }
291      companyLLDPSetting	      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 32 }
292      companyCPUInterfaceFilterGroup             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { des-1210-28ax 33 }
294-- ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
296    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
297    -- companySystem
298    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
300    sysSwitchName OBJECT-TYPE
301       SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(1..20))
302       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
303       STATUS      current
305          "System name used for identification of the device.
306          The following characters are allowed to input.
307          0 ~ 9 / a ~ z / A ~ Z
308          Special character: (  )   �V  +  _  =  ."
309       ::= { companySystem 1 }
311    sysHardwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE
312       SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(1..15))
313       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
314       STATUS      current
316          "Version number of the Hardware."
317          DEFVAL { "" }
318       ::= { companySystem 2 }
320    sysFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE
321       SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(1..15))
322       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
323       STATUS      current
325          "Version number of the Firmware."
326          DEFVAL { "" }
327       ::= { companySystem 3 }
329    sysLoginTimeoutInterval  OBJECT-TYPE
330       SYNTAX      Integer32 (3..30)
331       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
332       STATUS      current
334          "This time interval is used to count the time and
335           logout web interface automatically."
336           DEFVAL  { 5 }
337       ::= { companySystem 4 }
339    sysLocationName OBJECT-TYPE
340        SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(1..20))
341        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
342        STATUS      current
343        DESCRIPTION
344                "The location name of this node (e.g., `telephone closet,
345                 3rd floor').  If the location is unknown, the value is
346                 the zero-length string."
347       ::= { companySystem 5 }
350    sysGroupInterval OBJECT-TYPE
351       SYNTAX      Integer32 (0 | 120..1225)
352       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
353       STATUS      current
355          "Group Interval is used to send D-link Discover packet to D-link
356           SmartConsole Utility frequency.
358           The timer in units of seconds.
360           Set value 0 to disable group Interval."
361       ::= { companySystem 6 }
364    sysSafeGuardEnable  OBJECT-TYPE
365       SYNTAX      INTEGER {
366                    enable(1),
367                    disable(2)
368                   }
369       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
370       STATUS      current
372          "This object is used to set Safeguard Enable\Disable."
373          DEFVAL { enable }
374       ::= { companySystem 8 }
377    sysRestart OBJECT-TYPE
378       SYNTAX      TruthValue
379       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
380       STATUS      current
382          "This object allows the user to restart the Switch
383          (i.e)the entire switch will operationally go down and
384           start again.  Setting  a value of 'true' causes the switch
385           to be restarted.
387           When  the switch operationally goes down, configuration
388           save operation is initiated based on the configuration save
389           option chosen.
391           When the switch operationally come up, the saved configurations
392           are restored based on the restore option chosen.
394           Once the switch is restarted, the value of this object reverts
395           to 'false'."
396       DEFVAL  { false }
397       ::= { companySystem 9 }
399    sysSave OBJECT-TYPE
400       SYNTAX      TruthValue
401       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
402       STATUS      current
404          "This object is used to save Configuration."
405       DEFVAL  { false }
406       ::= { companySystem 10 }
410    -- Port Control Table
412        sysPortCtrlTable OBJECT-TYPE
413           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SysPortCtrlEntry
414           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
415           STATUS      current
416           DESCRIPTION
417               "A table to control the port specific parameters of the device like speed,
418                duplex mode, etc."
419           ::= { companySystem 13 }
421        sysPortCtrlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
422           SYNTAX      SysPortCtrlEntry
423           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
424           STATUS      current
425           DESCRIPTION
426               "An entry appears in this table for each interface in the system.
428               Index to the table is the interface index of the port."
430           INDEX { sysPortCtrlIndex , sysPortCtrlMediumType}
431           ::= { sysPortCtrlTable 1 }
433        SysPortCtrlEntry ::=
434           SEQUENCE {
435              sysPortCtrlIndex
436                 Integer32,
437              sysPortCtrlMediumType
438                 INTEGER,
439              sysPortCtrlSpeed
440                 INTEGER,
441              sysPortCtrlOperStatus
442                 INTEGER,
443              sysPortCtrlMDI
444                 INTEGER,
445              sysPortCtrlFlowControl
446                 INTEGER,
447              sysPortCtrlFlowControlOper
448                 INTEGER,
449              sysPortCtrlType
450                 INTEGER
451          }
453        sysPortCtrlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
454           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..65535)
455           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
456           STATUS      current
457           DESCRIPTION
458              "Interface index of the port for the configuration
459              in this entry applies."
461           ::= { sysPortCtrlEntry 1 }
463        sysPortCtrlMediumType OBJECT-TYPE
464           SYNTAX      INTEGER {
465             copper(100),
466             fiber1G(101),
467             fiber100M(102)
468           }
469           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
470           STATUS      current
471           DESCRIPTION
472              "This object indicates the port type: fiber 1G/100M or copper."
474           ::= { sysPortCtrlEntry 2 }
476        sysPortCtrlSpeed OBJECT-TYPE
477           SYNTAX      INTEGER {
478                         rate1000M-Full  (1),
479                         rate100M-Full   (2),
480                         rate100M-Half   (3),
481                         rate10M-Full    (4),
482                         rate10M-Half    (5),
483                         auto            (6),
484                         disable         (7)
485                      }
486           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
487           STATUS      current
488           DESCRIPTION
489              "Configures interface speed."
491           ::= { sysPortCtrlEntry 3 }
493        sysPortCtrlOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
494           SYNTAX      INTEGER {
495                         down            (1),
496                         rate1000M-Full  (2),
497                         rate100M-Full   (3),
498                         rate100M-Half   (4),
499                         rate10M-Full    (5),
500                         rate10M-Half    (6)
501                      }
502           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
503           STATUS      current
504           DESCRIPTION
505              "The port's operating speed state."
507           ::= { sysPortCtrlEntry 4 }
509        sysPortCtrlMDI OBJECT-TYPE
510           SYNTAX      INTEGER {
511                         auto    (1),
512                         mdi     (2),
513                         mdix    (3)
514                      }
515           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
516           STATUS      current
517           DESCRIPTION
518              "Configures interface auto/mdi/mdix mode.
519              The default setting is Auto."
521           ::= { sysPortCtrlEntry 5 }
523        sysPortCtrlFlowControl OBJECT-TYPE
524           SYNTAX      INTEGER {
525                         enable     (1),
526                         disable    (2)
527                      }
528           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
529           STATUS      current
530           DESCRIPTION
531              "Enables / disables flow control for the interface."
533           ::= { sysPortCtrlEntry 6 }
535        sysPortCtrlFlowControlOper OBJECT-TYPE
536            SYNTAX INTEGER {
537                   enabled(1),
538                   disabled(2)
539            }
540            MAX-ACCESS  read-only
541            STATUS      current
542            DESCRIPTION
543                "The link parner negotiate port's operating flow control state."
544            ::= { sysPortCtrlEntry 7 }
546        sysPortCtrlType OBJECT-TYPE
547            SYNTAX INTEGER {
548                   fastethernet(1),
549                   gigabitethernet(2),
550                   fiberwith100BaseSFPModule(3),
551                   fiberwith1000BaseSFPModule(4)
552            }
553            MAX-ACCESS  read-only
554            STATUS      current
555            DESCRIPTION
556                "The port's media type."
557            ::= { sysPortCtrlEntry 8 }
560        sysPortDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE
561           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SysPortDescriptionEntry
562           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
563           STATUS      current
564           DESCRIPTION
565               "The port description table."
566           ::= { companySystem 14 }
568        sysPortDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE
569           SYNTAX      SysPortDescriptionEntry
570           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
571           STATUS      current
572           DESCRIPTION
573               "The port description entry."
574           INDEX { sysPortDescIndex, sysPortDescMediumType }
575           ::= { sysPortDescriptionTable 1 }
577        SysPortDescriptionEntry ::=
578           SEQUENCE {
579              sysPortDescIndex
580                 INTEGER,
581              sysPortDescMediumType
582                 INTEGER,
583              sysPortDescString
584                 DisplayString
585           }
587        sysPortDescIndex OBJECT-TYPE
588           SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..255)
589           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
590           STATUS      current
591           DESCRIPTION
592              "This object indicates the port index."
593           ::= { sysPortDescriptionEntry 1 }
596        sysPortDescMediumType OBJECT-TYPE
597           SYNTAX      INTEGER {
598             copper(100),
599             fiber1G(101),
600             fiber100M(102)
601           }
602           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
603           STATUS      current
604           DESCRIPTION
605              "This object indicates the port type: fiber 1G/100M or copper."
606           ::= { sysPortDescriptionEntry 2 }
608        sysPortDescString OBJECT-TYPE
609           SYNTAX       DisplayString(SIZE(0..32))
610           MAX-ACCESS   read-write
611           STATUS       current
612           DESCRIPTION
613               "This object indicates the port description."
614           ::= { sysPortDescriptionEntry 3 }
618		sysPortErrTable OBJECT-TYPE
619		   SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF SysPortErrEntry
620		   MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
621		   STATUS       current
623		   	   "The port error table."
624           ::= { companySystem 15 }
626		sysPortErrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
627		   SYNTAX       SysPortErrEntry
628		   MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
629		   STATUS       current
631		        "A list of information for the err port of the device."
632		   INDEX { sysPortErrPortIndex }
633		    ::= { sysPortErrTable 1 }
635		SysPortErrEntry ::=
636		   SEQUENCE {
637		      sysPortErrPortIndex
638		         INTEGER,
639		      sysPortErrPortState
640		         INTEGER,
641		      sysPortErrPortStatus
642		         INTEGER,
643		      sysPortErrPortReason
644		         INTEGER
645		}
647		sysPortErrPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
648		   SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..255)
649		   MAX-ACCESS   read-only
650		   STATUS       current
652		        "This object indicates the module's port number.(1..Max port number in
653		        the module)"
654		   ::= { sysPortErrEntry 1 }
656		sysPortErrPortState OBJECT-TYPE
657		   SYNTAX       INTEGER {
658		      disabled(1),
659		      enabled(2)
660		   }
661		   MAX-ACCESS   read-only
662		   STATUS       current
664		        "This object decides whether the port state is enabled or disabled."
665		   ::= { sysPortErrEntry 2 }
667		sysPortErrPortStatus OBJECT-TYPE
668		   SYNTAX       INTEGER {
669		      other(1),
670		      err-disabled(2)
671		   }
672		   MAX-ACCESS   read-only
673		   STATUS       current
675		        "This object decides whether the PortStatus is err-disabled."
676		   ::= { sysPortErrEntry 3 }
678		sysPortErrPortReason OBJECT-TYPE
679		   SYNTAX       INTEGER {
680		      lbd(1)
681		   }
682		   MAX-ACCESS   read-only
683		   STATUS       current
685		        "This object decides whether the PortStatus is LBD."
686		   ::= { sysPortErrEntry 4 }
689        sysDhcpAutoConfiguration  OBJECT-TYPE
690            SYNTAX      INTEGER {
691                    enable(1),
692                    disable(2)
693            }
694            MAX-ACCESS  read-write
695            STATUS      current
696            DESCRIPTION
697            "This object indicates auto config is enabled or disabled."
698            DEFVAL { disable }
699            ::= { companySystem 16 }
703		   sysWebState  OBJECT-TYPE
704		   SYNTAX       INTEGER {
705		                enabled(1),
706		                disabled(2)
707		               }
708		   MAX-ACCESS  read-write
709		   STATUS      current
711		      "This object is for Enabled(1) or Disabled(2) Web state in the system."
712		   ::= { companySystem 17 }
715		   sysWebPortNumber  OBJECT-TYPE
716		   SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..65535)
717		   MAX-ACCESS  read-write
718		   STATUS      current
720		       "Web Server Port Number."
721		   DEFVAL  { 80 }
722		   ::= { companySystem 18 }
724           sysARPAgingTime  OBJECT-TYPE
725		   SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..65535)
726		   MAX-ACCESS  read-write
727		   STATUS      current
729		       "This object is for ARP aging time."
730		   ::= { companySystem 19 }
733           sysMACAgingTime  OBJECT-TYPE
734		   SYNTAX      INTEGER (10..600)
735		   MAX-ACCESS  read-write
736		   STATUS      current
738		       "This object is for MAC aging time."
739		   ::= { companySystem 20 }
742            telnetsettingManagementOnOff OBJECT-TYPE
743            SYNTAX INTEGER {
744                   enabled(1),
745                   disabled(2)
746            }
747            MAX-ACCESS read-write
748            STATUS current
749            DESCRIPTION
750                "Enable/Disable management Telnetsetting mechanism."
751            ::= { companySystem 23 }
753            telnetUDPPort OBJECT-TYPE
754            SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..65535)
755            MAX-ACCESS  read-write
756            STATUS  current
757            DESCRIPTION
758                "The value is for setting telnet's UDP Port."
759            DEFVAL  { 23 }
760            ::= { companySystem 24 }
762        autoRefreshConfiguration  OBJECT-TYPE
763            SYNTAX      INTEGER {
764                    refreshimenever(0),
765                    refreshtime10secs(1),
766                    refreshtime30secs(2),
767                    refreshtime1min(3),
768                    refreshtime5mins(4)
769            }
770            MAX-ACCESS  read-write
771            STATUS      current
772            DESCRIPTION
773            "To set the WEB panel auto refresh timer."
774            ::= { companySystem 25 }
778        -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
779        -- companyIpifGroup
780        -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
782       sysIpAddrCfgMode OBJECT-TYPE
783       SYNTAX      INTEGER {
784                    manual(1),
785                    dynamic(2)
786                   }
787       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
788       STATUS      current
790          "Specifies the means by which the default interface in the device
792      gets the IP address.
794      If 'manual' mode is selected, the default interface takes the
795      'sysDefaultIpAddr' configured in the system.
797      If 'dynamic' mode is selected, the default interface gets the IP address
798      through dynamic IP address configuration protocols such as RARP client,
799      BootP client, DHCP Client, etc.
801      If the system fails to get the IP address dynamically through all the
802      above protocols, the default interface uses the 'sysDefaultIpAddr'
803      configured in the system."
804       DEFVAL  { manual }
805       ::= { companyIpifGroup 1 }
807    sysIpAddr  OBJECT-TYPE
808       SYNTAX      IpAddress
809       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
810       STATUS      current
812          "Default IP Address of the system.
814           This IP address, if modified, will take effect only when the
815           configuration is stored & restored."
816       ::= { companyIpifGroup 2 }
818    sysIpSubnetMask  OBJECT-TYPE
819       SYNTAX      IpAddress
820       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
821       STATUS      current
823          "IP subnet mask for the default IP address.
825           This subnet mask, if modified, will take effect only when the
826           configuration is stored & restored."
827       ::= { companyIpifGroup 3 }
829    sysGateway  OBJECT-TYPE
830       SYNTAX      IpAddress
831       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
832       STATUS      current
834          "Gateway"
835       ::= { companyIpifGroup 4 }
837    dhcpOption12Status  OBJECT-TYPE
838       SYNTAX      INTEGER {
839                    enable(1),
840                    disable(2)
841                   }
842       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
843       STATUS      current
845          "Status of DHCP Option12"
846       ::= { companyIpifGroup 5 }
848    dhcpOption12HostName  OBJECT-TYPE
849       SYNTAX      OCTET STRING
850       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
851       STATUS      current
853          "Host name in DHCP option 12"
854       ::= { companyIpifGroup 6 }
856        -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
857        -- companyTftpGroup
858        -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
859        tftpFwServerIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
860              SYNTAX IpAddress
861              MAX-ACCESS read-write
862              STATUS current
863              DESCRIPTION
864                  "The TFTP server's IP address is used to upload or
865  		           download firmware."
866              ::= { companyTftpGroup 1 }
869        tftpFwImageFileName OBJECT-TYPE
870             SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(1..64))
871             MAX-ACCESS read-write
872             STATUS current
873             DESCRIPTION
874                 "Configure firmware filename to download."
875             ::= { companyTftpGroup 2 }
877        tftpFwTftpOperation OBJECT-TYPE
878             SYNTAX INTEGER {
879                    none(0),
880                    download(1),
881                    upload(2)
882             }
883             MAX-ACCESS read-write
884             STATUS current
885             DESCRIPTION
886                 "The tftp operates to perform downloading the firmware image
887                 to the unit. This object is used in conjunction with
888 		         configBootTftpServerIp and configBootImageFileName."
889             ::= { companyTftpGroup 3 }
891        tftpFwTftpOperationStatus OBJECT-TYPE
892             SYNTAX INTEGER {
893                    none(0),
894                    success(1),
895                    fail(2),
896                    progressing(3),
897                    transmit(4)
898             }
899             MAX-ACCESS read-only
900             STATUS current
901             DESCRIPTION
902                 "The tftp operation status represent firmware backup or upgrade status."
903             ::= { companyTftpGroup 4 }
905         tftpCfgServerIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
906              SYNTAX IpAddress
907              MAX-ACCESS read-write
908              STATUS current
909              DESCRIPTION
910                  "The TFTP server's IP address is used to upload or
911  		           download configuration file."
912              ::= { companyTftpGroup 5 }
914         tftpConfigFileName OBJECT-TYPE
915              SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(1..64))
916              MAX-ACCESS read-write
917              STATUS current
918              DESCRIPTION
919                  "The configuration filename is used to store or retrieve config
920                   from the tftp server."
921              ::= { companyTftpGroup 6 }
923         tftpConfigTftpOperation OBJECT-TYPE
924              SYNTAX INTEGER {
925                     download(1),
926                     upload(2),
927                     progressing(3)
928              }
929              MAX-ACCESS read-write
930              STATUS current
931              DESCRIPTION
932                  "The tftp operates to perform either downloading the
933  		           configuration file to the unit or uploading the current
934  		           configuration file to the tftp server. This object is
935  		           used in conjunction with configTftpServerIpAddress
936  		           and configTftpServerFileName."
937              ::= { companyTftpGroup 7 }
939        tftpConfigTftpOperationStatus OBJECT-TYPE
940             SYNTAX INTEGER {
941                    none(0),
942                    success(1),
943                    fail(2),
944                    progressing(3)
945             }
946             MAX-ACCESS read-only
947             STATUS current
948             DESCRIPTION
949                 "The tftp operation status represent configuration file backup or restore status."
950             ::= { companyTftpGroup 8 }
952        -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
953        -- company Extension MIB, Miscellaneous Information
954        -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
956        miscReset OBJECT-TYPE
957            SYNTAX INTEGER {
958                   reset(1),
959                   noop(2)
960            }
961            MAX-ACCESS read-write
962            STATUS current
963            DESCRIPTION
964                "Physically resets the unit - use with care. A (1) resets
965                 the unit, a (2) does nothing."
966            ::= { companyMiscGroup 2 }
968        miscStatisticsReset OBJECT-TYPE
969            SYNTAX INTEGER {
970                   reset(1),
971                   noop(2)
972            }
973            MAX-ACCESS read-write
974            STATUS current
975            DESCRIPTION
976                "Resets the units statistics. A (1) resets
977                 the statistics count, a (2) does nothing."
978            ::= { companyMiscGroup 3 }
979        -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
980        -- The STP Bridge Global
981        -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
982        stpBridgeGlobal  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companySTP 1 }
984        stpModuleStatus OBJECT-TYPE
985           SYNTAX   INTEGER {
986                        enabled(1),
987                        disabled(2)
988                    }
989           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
990           STATUS      current
991           DESCRIPTION
992              "The administrative status requested by management for the MST
993              feature. The value enabled(1) indicates that Mst should be enabled
994              in the device on all ports. The value disabled(2) indicates that
995              Mst should be disabled in the device on all ports. The object can
996              be set to enabled(1) if and only if, fsMIMstSystemControl set to start."
997           ::= { stpBridgeGlobal 1 }
999        stpProtocolVersion OBJECT-TYPE
1000           SYNTAX      INTEGER {
1001                          stp(0),
1002                          rstp(2),
1003                          mstp(3)
1004                       }
1005           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1006           STATUS      current
1007           DESCRIPTION
1008              "The version of Spanning Tree Protocol the bridge is
1009        	   currently running.  The value 'stpCompatible(0)'
1010        	   indicates the Spanning Tree Protocol specified in
1011        	   IEEE 802.1D and 'rstp(2)' indicates the Rapid Spanning
1012        	   Tree Protocol specified in IEEE 802.1w and 'mstp(3)'
1013        	   indicates the Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol Specified
1014        	   in IEEE 802.1s."
1015           DEFVAL { mstp }
1016           ::= { stpBridgeGlobal 2 }
1018        stpBridgePriority OBJECT-TYPE
1019           SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..61440)
1020           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1021           STATUS      current
1022           DESCRIPTION
1023              "The Value of the writable portion of the Bridge
1024               Identifier comprising of the first two octets.
1025               The values that are set for Bridge Priority must be
1026               in steps of 4096."
1027           DEFVAL {32768}
1028           ::= { stpBridgeGlobal 3 }
1030        stpTxHoldCount OBJECT-TYPE
1031            SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..10)
1032            MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1033            STATUS      current
1034            DESCRIPTION
1035               "The value used by the Port Transmit state machine to limit
1036                the maximum transmission rate."
1037            DEFVAL  { 3 }
1038            ::= { stpBridgeGlobal 4 }
1040        stpBridgeMaxAge OBJECT-TYPE
1041            SYNTAX      Timeout (600..4000)
1042            MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1043            STATUS      current
1044            DESCRIPTION
1045               "The value that all bridges use for MaxAge when
1046                this bridge is acting as the root. The granularity
1047                of this timer is specified to be 1 second.
1048                An agent may return a badValue error if a set is
1049                attempted to a value which is not a whole number
1050                of seconds."
1051            DEFVAL {2000}
1052            ::= { stpBridgeGlobal 5 }
1054        stpBridgeHelloTime OBJECT-TYPE
1055           SYNTAX      Timeout (100..1000)
1056           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1057           STATUS      current
1058           DESCRIPTION
1059               "The amount of time between the transmission of
1060               Configuration bridge PDUs by this node in units
1061               of hundredths of a second."
1062           ::= { stpBridgeGlobal 6 }
1064        stpBridgeForwardDelay OBJECT-TYPE
1065           SYNTAX      Timeout (400..3000)
1066           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1067           STATUS      current
1068           DESCRIPTION
1069                "The value that all bridges use for ForwardDelay
1070                 when this bridge is acting as the root.  Note that
1071                 802.1D specifies that the range for this
1072                 parameter is related to the value of
1073                 BridgeMaxAge.  The granularity of this
1074                 timer is specified to be 1 second.
1075                 An agent may return a badValue error if a set is
1076                 attempted to a value which is not a whole number
1077                 of seconds."
1078           DEFVAL {1500}
1079           ::= { stpBridgeGlobal 7 }
1080        stpFowardBPDU OBJECT-TYPE
1081           SYNTAX   INTEGER {
1082                        enabled(1),
1083                        disabled(2)
1084                    }
1085           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1086           STATUS      current
1087           DESCRIPTION
1088              "This object is for enabling or disabling forward BPDU."
1089           ::= {stpBridgeGlobal 8 }
1091        stpRootBridge  OBJECT-TYPE
1092           SYNTAX      BridgeId
1093           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1094           STATUS      current
1095           DESCRIPTION
1096                "The bridge identifier of the Root of the common spanning
1097                 tree as determined by the Spanning Tree Protocol
1098                 as executed by this node.  This value is used as
1099                 the CIST Root Identifier parameter in all Configuration
1100                 Bridge PDUs originated by this node."
1101           ::= { stpBridgeGlobal 9 }
1103        stpRootCost OBJECT-TYPE
1104           SYNTAX      Integer32
1105           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1106           STATUS      current
1107           DESCRIPTION
1108                "The Cost of the path to the CIST Root as seen
1109                from this bridge."
1110           ::= { stpBridgeGlobal 10 }
1112        stpMaxAge OBJECT-TYPE
1113           SYNTAX      Timeout
1114           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1115           STATUS      current
1116           DESCRIPTION
1117                 "The maximum age of Spanning Tree Protocol
1118                  information learned from the network on any port
1119                  before it is discarded, in units of hundredths of
1120                  a second.  This is the actual value that this
1121                  bridge is currently using."
1122           ::= { stpBridgeGlobal 11 }
1124        stpForwardDelay OBJECT-TYPE
1125           SYNTAX      Timeout
1126           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1127           STATUS      current
1128           DESCRIPTION
1129           	  "This time value, measured in units of hundredths
1130        	   of a second, controls how fast a port changes its
1131        	   spanning state when moving towards the Forwarding
1132        	   state.  The value determines how long the port
1133        	   stays in a particular state before moving to the
1134        	   next state."
1135           ::= { stpBridgeGlobal 12 }
1137        stpRootPort OBJECT-TYPE
1138           SYNTAX      Integer32
1139           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1140           STATUS      current
1141           DESCRIPTION
1142              "The Port Number of the Port which offers the lowest
1143               path cost from this bridge to the CIST Root Bridge."
1144           ::= { stpBridgeGlobal 13 }
1146     -- -------------------------------------
1147     -- The Spanning Tree Port Table
1148     -- -------------------------------------
1150        stpPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
1151           SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF StpPortEntry
1152           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1153           STATUS  current
1154           DESCRIPTION
1155             "A table that contains port-specific information
1156             for the Spanning Tree Protocol."
1157           ::= { companySTP 2 }
1159        stpPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1160           SYNTAX  StpPortEntry
1161           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1162           STATUS  current
1163           DESCRIPTION
1164             "A list of information maintained by every port
1165             about the Spanning Tree Protocol state for that
1166             port."
1167           INDEX   { stpPort }
1168           ::= { stpPortTable 1 }
1170        StpPortEntry ::=
1171           SEQUENCE {
1172                  stpPort
1173                     INTEGER,
1174                  stpPortStatus
1175                     INTEGER,
1176                  stpPortPriority
1177                     INTEGER,
1178                  stpAdminPortPathCost
1179                     INTEGER,
1180                  stpPortPathCost
1181                     INTEGER,
1182                  stpPortProtocolMigration
1183                     TruthValue,
1184                  stpPortEdge
1185                     INTEGER,
1186                  stpPortAdminP2P
1187                     INTEGER,
1188                  stpPortRestrictedRole
1189                     TruthValue,
1190                  stpPortRestrictedTCN
1191                     TruthValue,
1192                  stpPortHelloTime
1193                     Timeout,
1194                  stpPortState
1195                     INTEGER,
1196                  stpPortFowardBPDU
1197                     INTEGER
1198        }
1200        stpPort OBJECT-TYPE
1201           SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
1202           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1203           STATUS      current
1204           DESCRIPTION
1205              "The Port number of the port for which this entry contains
1206               spanning tree information."
1207           ::= { stpPortEntry 1 }
1209        stpPortStatus OBJECT-TYPE
1210          SYNTAX      INTEGER {
1211                       enabled(1),
1212                       disabled(0)
1213                      }
1214          MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1215          STATUS      current
1216          DESCRIPTION
1217              "Current state of the Port which can be changed to either
1218               Disabled or Enabled for ALL spanning tree
1219               instances. Setting this object will override the port's
1220               status in any of the MSTI contexts"
1221          ::= { stpPortEntry 2 }
1223        stpPortPriority OBJECT-TYPE
1224           SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..240)
1225           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1226           STATUS      current
1227           DESCRIPTION
1228              "The four most significant bits of the Port Identifier
1229              of the Spanning Tree instance can be modified by setting
1230              the CistPortPriority value. The values that are set for Port
1231              Priority must be in steps of 16."
1232           DEFVAL {128}
1233           ::= { stpPortEntry 3 }
1235        stpAdminPortPathCost OBJECT-TYPE
1236           SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..200000000)
1237           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1238           STATUS  current
1239           DESCRIPTION
1240             "The contribution of this port to the path cost of
1241             paths towards the spanning tree root which include
1242             this port.  Writing a value of '0' assigns the
1243             automatically calculated default Path Cost value to
1244             the ohter object stpPortPathCost. If the default
1245             Path Cost is being used,this object returns '0' when
1246             read."
1247           REFERENCE
1248             "IEEE 802.1D-2004"
1249           ::= { stpPortEntry 4 }
1251        stpPortPathCost OBJECT-TYPE
1252           SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..200000000)
1253           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1254           STATUS      current
1255           DESCRIPTION
1256                "The contribution of this port to the path cost of
1257                 paths towards the CIST Root which include this port."
1258           ::= { stpPortEntry 5 }
1260        stpPortProtocolMigration OBJECT-TYPE
1261           SYNTAX      TruthValue
1262           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1263           STATUS      current
1264           DESCRIPTION
1265              "Indicates the Protocol migration state of this Port.
1266               When operating in RSTP/MSTP (version >= 2) mode, writing
1267               TRUE(1) to this object forces this port to transmit MSTP
1268               BPDUs without instance information.
1269               Any other operation on this object has no effect and
1270               it always returns FALSE(2) when read."
1271           ::= { stpPortEntry 6 }
1273        stpPortEdge OBJECT-TYPE
1274            SYNTAX      INTEGER {
1275                           true(1),
1276                           false(0),
1277                           auto(2)
1278                       }
1279            MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1280            STATUS      current
1281            DESCRIPTION
1282                " This parameter when TRUE(1) indicates that detection of a port
1283                 as Edge Port happens automatically and FALSE(2)
1284                 indicates that this feature is disabled."
1285           ::= { stpPortEntry 7 }
1287        stpPortAdminP2P OBJECT-TYPE
1288           SYNTAX      INTEGER {
1289                         forceTrue(0),
1290                         forceFalse(1),
1291                         auto(2)
1292                       }
1293           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1294           STATUS      current
1295           DESCRIPTION
1296              "The administrative point-to-point status of the LAN segment
1297               attached to this port.  A value of forceTrue(0) indicates that
1298               this port should always be treated as if it is connected to
1299               a point-to-point link.  A value of forceFalse(1) indicates
1300               that this port should be treated as having a shared media
1301               connection.  A value of auto(2) indicates that this port is
1302               considered to have a point-to-point link if it is an Aggregator
1303               and all of its members are aggregatable, or if the MAC entity
1304               is configured for full duplex operation, either through
1305               auto-negotiation or by management means."
1306           ::= { stpPortEntry 8 }
1308        stpPortRestrictedRole OBJECT-TYPE
1309            SYNTAX      TruthValue
1310            MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1311            STATUS      current
1312            DESCRIPTION
1313                "A Boolean value set by management. If TRUE causes the Port not
1314                 to be selected as Root Port for the CIST or any MSTI, even it has
1315                 the best spanning tree priority vector. Such a Port will be selected
1316                 as an Alternate Port after the Root Port has been selected. This
1317                 parameter should be FALSE by default. If set it can cause lack of
1318                 spanning tree connectivity. It is set by a network administrator to
1319                 prevent bridges external to a core region of the network influencing
1320                 the spanning tree active topology, possibly because those bridges are
1321                 not under the full control of the administrator.
1322                 This administrator configuration is also known as 'Root Guard'."
1323            ::= {stpPortEntry 9}
1325        stpPortRestrictedTCN OBJECT-TYPE
1326            SYNTAX      TruthValue
1327            MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1328            STATUS      current
1329            DESCRIPTION
1330                "A Boolean value set by management. If TRUE causes the Port not
1331                 to propagate received topology change notifications and topology
1332                 changes to other Ports. This parameter should be FALSE by default.
1333                 If set it can cause temporary loss of connectivity after changes in
1334                 a spanning trees active topology as a result of persistent
1335                 incorrectly learnt station location information. It is set by a
1336                 network administrator to prevent bridges external to a core region of
1337                 the network causing address flushing in that region, possibly because
1338                 those bridges are not under the full control of the administrator or
1339                 MAC_Operational for the attached LANs transitions frequently."
1340            ::= {stpPortEntry 10}
1342        stpPortHelloTime OBJECT-TYPE
1343           SYNTAX      Timeout (100..1000)
1344           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1345           STATUS      current
1346           DESCRIPTION
1347               "The amount of time between the transmission of
1348               Configuration bridge PDUs by this node in units
1349               of hundredths of a second."
1350           ::= { stpPortEntry 11 }
1352        stpPortState OBJECT-TYPE
1353             SYNTAX    INTEGER {
1354                         disabled (1),
1355                         discarding (2),
1356                         learning (4),
1357                         forwarding (5)
1358                       }
1359             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1360             STATUS      current
1361             DESCRIPTION
1362                 "Current state of the Port as defined by the Common
1363                  spanning tree protocol."
1364           ::= { stpPortEntry 12 }
1366        stpPortFowardBPDU OBJECT-TYPE
1367           SYNTAX  INTEGER {
1368                       enabled(1),
1369                       disabled(2)
1370                   }
1371           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1372           STATUS  current
1373           DESCRIPTION
1374             "This object is for enabling or disabling forward BPDU."
1375           REFERENCE
1376             "IEEE 802.1D-2004"
1377           ::= { stpPortEntry 13 }
1379        -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
1380        -- The MST Configuration Identification
1381        -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
1382        mstConfigurationIdentification  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companySTP 3 }
1384        mstiConfigurationName OBJECT-TYPE
1385           SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32))
1386           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1387           STATUS      current
1388           DESCRIPTION
1389              "The Name for the Region's configuration. By Default
1390               Region Name will be equal to the Bridge Mac Address."
1391           ::= { mstConfigurationIdentification 1 }
1393        mstiRevisionLevel OBJECT-TYPE
1394           SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
1395           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1396           STATUS      current
1397           DESCRIPTION
1398              "Version of the MST Region."
1399           ::= { mstConfigurationIdentification 2 }
1401        -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
1402        -- Future Mst VlanId to Instance Mapping Table : CIST
1403        -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
1404        mstCistVlanMapped OBJECT-TYPE
1405            SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128))
1406            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1407            STATUS     current
1408            DESCRIPTION
1409                    "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN. The
1410                    first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values
1411                    1 through 8; the second octet to VLANs 9 through
1412                    16 etc.  The most significant bit of each octet
1413                    corresponds to the lowest VlanIndex value in that octet.
1415                    For each VLAN that is mapped to this MSTP instance,
1416                    the bit corresponding to that VLAN is set to '1'."
1417            ::= { mstConfigurationIdentification 3 }
1419        mstCistVlanMapped2k OBJECT-TYPE
1420            SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128))
1421            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1422            STATUS     current
1423            DESCRIPTION
1424                    "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for
1425                    VLANS with VlanIndex values 1024 through 2047. The
1426                    first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values
1427                    1024 through 1031; the second octet to VLANs 1032
1428                    through 1039 etc.  The most significant bit of each
1429                    octet corresponds to the lowest VlanIndex value in that
1430                    octet.
1432                    For each VLAN that is mapped to this MSTP instance,
1433                    the bit corresponding to that VLAN is set to '1'.
1435                    This object is only instantiated on devices with
1436                    support for VlanIndex values up to 4095."
1437            ::= { mstConfigurationIdentification 4 }
1439        mstCistVlanMapped3k OBJECT-TYPE
1440            SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128))
1441            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1442            STATUS     current
1443            DESCRIPTION
1444                    "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for
1445                    VLANS with VlanIndex values 2048 through 3071. The
1446                    first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values
1447                    of 2048 through 2055; the second octet to VLANs 2056
1448                    through 2063 etc.  The most significant bit of each
1449                    octet corresponds to the lowest VlanIndex value in that
1450                    octet.
1452                    For each VLAN that is mapped to this MSTP instance,
1453                    the bit corresponding to that VLAN is set to '1'.
1455                    This object is only instantiated on devices with
1456                    support for VlanIndex values up to 4095."
1457            ::= { mstConfigurationIdentification 5 }
1459        mstCistVlanMapped4k OBJECT-TYPE
1460            SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128))
1461            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1462            STATUS     current
1463            DESCRIPTION
1464                    "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for
1465                    VLANS with VlanIndex values 3072 through 4095. The
1466                    first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values
1467                    3072 through 3079; the second octet to VLANs 3080
1468                    through 3087 etc.  The most significant bit of each
1469                    octet corresponds to the lowest VlanIndex value in that
1470                    octet.
1472                    For each VLAN that is mapped to this MSTP instance,
1473                    the bit corresponding to that VLAN is set to '1'.
1475                    This object is only instantiated on devices with
1476                    support for VlanIndex values up to 4095."
1477            ::= { mstConfigurationIdentification 6 }
1479        -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
1480        -- Future Mst VlanId to Instance Mapping Table : MSTI
1481        -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
1482        mstVlanMstiMappingTable OBJECT-TYPE
1483            SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MstVlanMstiMappingEntry
1484            MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1485            STATUS      current
1486            DESCRIPTION
1487                  "This table contains one entry for each instance of MSTP.
1488        	       This table maintains context ID as one more index to
1489        	       support Multiple Instances."
1490            ::= { mstConfigurationIdentification 7 }
1492        mstVlanMstiMappingEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1493             SYNTAX      MstVlanMstiMappingEntry
1494             MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1495             STATUS      current
1496             DESCRIPTION
1497                 "A conceptual row containing the status of the MSTP instance."
1498                  INDEX  { mstInstanceIndex }
1499             ::= { mstVlanMstiMappingTable 1 }
1501        MstVlanMstiMappingEntry ::=
1502           SEQUENCE {
1503               mstInstanceIndex
1504                    Integer32,
1505               mstSetVlanList
1506                    OCTET STRING,
1507               mstResetVlanList
1508                    OCTET STRING,
1509               mstInstanceVlanMapped
1510                    OCTET STRING,
1511               mstInstanceVlanMapped2k
1512                    OCTET STRING,
1513               mstInstanceVlanMapped3k
1514                    OCTET STRING,
1515               mstInstanceVlanMapped4k
1516                    OCTET STRING
1517           }
1519        mstInstanceIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1520              SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..15)
1521              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1522              STATUS      current
1523              DESCRIPTION
1524                  "An arbitrary integer within the range from 1 to the value of
1525                   Max Instance Number that uniquely identifies an instance."
1526              ::= { mstVlanMstiMappingEntry 1 }
1528        mstSetVlanList OBJECT-TYPE
1529            SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..512))
1530            MAX-ACCESS read-write
1531            STATUS     current
1532            DESCRIPTION
1533           	 "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN. The
1534        	  first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values
1535        	  1 through 8; the second octet to VLANs 9 through
1536        	  16 etc.  The most significant bit of each octet
1537        	  corresponds to the lowest VlanIndex value in that octet.
1538        	  The set of vlans configured by management to map for this
1539        	  Instance.  If the VlanId to Instance Mapping has to be known
1540              then any one of the VlanMapped object should be used.If a
1541              vlan is already mapped to this Instance, it may not be mapped
1542              again. This object is used only for SET operation.
1543              GET Operation returns null values."
1544            ::= { mstVlanMstiMappingEntry 2 }
1546        mstResetVlanList OBJECT-TYPE
1547            SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..512))
1548            MAX-ACCESS read-write
1549            STATUS     current
1550            DESCRIPTION
1551           	 "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN. The
1552        	  first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values
1553        	  1 through 8; the second octet to VLANs 9 through
1554        	  16 etc.  The most significant bit of each octet
1555        	  corresponds to the lowest VlanIndex value in that octet.
1556        	  The set of vlans configured by management to unmap from this
1557        	  Instance. A vlan may not be unmapped from this instance if
1558        	  it is not already mapped to this Instance. This object is
1559              used only for SET operation.GET Operation returns null values."
1560            ::= { mstVlanMstiMappingEntry 3 }
1562        mstInstanceVlanMapped OBJECT-TYPE
1563            SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128))
1564            MAX-ACCESS read-write
1565            STATUS     current
1566            DESCRIPTION
1567                    "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN. The
1568                    first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values
1569                    1 through 8; the second octet to VLANs 9 through
1570                    16 etc.  The most significant bit of each octet
1571                    corresponds to the lowest VlanIndex value in that octet.
1573                    For each VLAN that is mapped to this MSTP instance,
1574                    the bit corresponding to that VLAN is set to '1'."
1575            ::= { mstVlanMstiMappingEntry 4 }
1577        mstInstanceVlanMapped2k OBJECT-TYPE
1578            SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128))
1579            MAX-ACCESS read-write
1580            STATUS     current
1581            DESCRIPTION
1582                    "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for
1583                    VLANS with VlanIndex values 1024 through 2047. The
1584                    first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values
1585                    1024 through 1031; the second octet to VLANs 1032
1586                    through 1039 etc.  The most significant bit of each
1587                    octet corresponds to the lowest VlanIndex value in that
1588                    octet.
1590                    For each VLAN that is mapped to this MSTP instance,
1591                    the bit corresponding to that VLAN is set to '1'.
1593                    This object is only instantiated on devices with
1594                    support for VlanIndex values up to 4095."
1595            ::= { mstVlanMstiMappingEntry 5 }
1597        mstInstanceVlanMapped3k OBJECT-TYPE
1598            SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128))
1599            MAX-ACCESS read-write
1600            STATUS     current
1601            DESCRIPTION
1602                    "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for
1603                    VLANS with VlanIndex values 2048 through 3071. The
1604                    first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values
1605                    of 2048 through 2055; the second octet to VLANs 2056
1606                    through 2063 etc.  The most significant bit of each
1607                    octet corresponds to the lowest VlanIndex value in that
1608                    octet.
1610                    For each VLAN that is mapped to this MSTP instance,
1611                    the bit corresponding to that VLAN is set to '1'.
1613                    This object is only instantiated on devices with
1614                    support for VlanIndex values up to 4095."
1615            ::= { mstVlanMstiMappingEntry 6 }
1617        mstInstanceVlanMapped4k OBJECT-TYPE
1618            SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128))
1619            MAX-ACCESS read-write
1620            STATUS     current
1621            DESCRIPTION
1622                    "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for
1623                    VLANS with VlanIndex values 3072 through 4095. The
1624                    first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values
1625                    3072 through 3079; the second octet to VLANs 3080
1626                    through 3087 etc.  The most significant bit of each
1627                    octet corresponds to the lowest VlanIndex value in that
1628                    octet.
1630                    For each VLAN that is mapped to this MSTP instance,
1631                    the bit corresponding to that VLAN is set to '1'.
1633                    This object is only instantiated on devices with
1634                    support for VlanIndex values up to 4095."
1635            ::= { mstVlanMstiMappingEntry 7 }
1637        -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
1638        -- Mst Multiple Spanning Tree Instance Bridge Table
1639        -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
1640        stpInstance  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companySTP 4 }
1642        -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
1643        -- Mst Multiple Spanning Tree Instance Bridge Table : CIST
1644        -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
1645        mstCistBridgePriority OBJECT-TYPE
1646           SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..61440)
1647           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1648           STATUS      current
1649           DESCRIPTION
1650              "The writable portion of the MSTI Bridge Identifier.
1651               comprising of the first two octets.
1652               The values that are set for Bridge Priority must be
1653               in steps of 4096."
1654           DEFVAL {32768}
1655           ::= { stpInstance 1 }
1657        mstCistStatus OBJECT-TYPE
1658           SYNTAX   INTEGER {
1659                        enabled(1),
1660                        disabled(2)
1661                    }
1662           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1663           STATUS      current
1664           DESCRIPTION
1665              "The administrative status requested by management for the MST
1666              feature. The value enabled(1) indicates that Mst should be enabled
1667              in the device on all ports. The value disabled(2) indicates that
1668              Mst should be disabled in the device on all ports. The object can
1669              be set to enabled(1) if and only if, fsMIMstSystemControl set to start."
1670           ::= { stpInstance 2 }
1672        -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
1673        -- Mst Multiple Spanning Tree Instance Bridge Table : MSTI
1674        -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
1675        mstMstiBridgeTable OBJECT-TYPE
1676           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MstMstiBridgeEntry
1677           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1678           STATUS      current
1679           DESCRIPTION
1680              "Table containing Bridge Information specific to Spanning
1681               Tree Instance. This table maintains context ID as one
1682               more index to support Multiple Instances."
1683           ::= { stpInstance 3 }
1685        mstMstiBridgeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1686           SYNTAX      MstMstiBridgeEntry
1687           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1688           STATUS      current
1689           DESCRIPTION
1690              "Entry indicating the Bridge Information."
1691           INDEX { mstMstiInstanceIndex }
1692           ::= { mstMstiBridgeTable 1 }
1694        MstMstiBridgeEntry ::=
1695           SEQUENCE {
1696              mstMstiInstanceIndex
1697                    Integer32,
1698              mstMstiBridgePriority
1699                    Integer32,
1700              mstMstiStatus
1701                    INTEGER
1702           }
1704        mstMstiInstanceIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1705           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..15)
1706           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1707           STATUS      current
1708           DESCRIPTION
1709              "Spanning Tree Instance to which the information belongs."
1710           ::= { mstMstiBridgeEntry 1 }
1712        mstMstiBridgePriority OBJECT-TYPE
1713           SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..61440)
1714           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1715           STATUS      current
1716           DESCRIPTION
1717              "The writable portion of the MSTI Bridge Identifier.
1718               comprising of the first two octets.
1719               The values that are set for Bridge Priority must be
1720               in steps of 4096."
1721           DEFVAL {32768}
1722           ::= { mstMstiBridgeEntry 2 }
1724        mstMstiStatus OBJECT-TYPE
1725           SYNTAX   INTEGER {
1726                        enabled(1),
1727                        disabled(2)
1728                    }
1729           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1730           STATUS      current
1731           DESCRIPTION
1732              "The administrative status requested by management for the MST
1733              feature. The value enabled(1) indicates that Mst should be enabled
1734              in the device on all ports. The value disabled(2) indicates that
1735              Mst should be disabled in the device on all ports. The object can
1736              be set to enabled(1) if and only if, fsMIMstSystemControl set to start."
1737           ::= { mstMstiBridgeEntry 3 }
1739        -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
1740        -- Mst Multiple Spanning Tree Instance Bridge Table
1741        -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
1742        stpInstancePortTable  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companySTP 5 }
1744        -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
1745        -- Mst Multiple Spanning Tree Instance Port Table : CIST
1746        -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
1747        mstCistPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
1748            SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MstCistPortEntry
1749            MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1750            STATUS      current
1751            DESCRIPTION
1752                  "This table contains Common Spanning Tree Port
1753                   Information."
1754             ::= { stpInstancePortTable 1 }
1756        mstCistPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1757              SYNTAX      MstCistPortEntry
1758              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1759              STATUS      current
1760              DESCRIPTION
1761                  "A list of information maintained by every port for
1762                  Common Spanning tree."
1763              INDEX  { mstCistPort }
1764              ::= { mstCistPortTable 1 }
1766        MstCistPortEntry ::=
1767           SEQUENCE {
1768               mstCistPort
1769                    Integer32,
1770               mstCistPortDesignatedBridge
1771                    BridgeId,
1772               mstCistPortAdminPathCost
1773                    Integer32,
1774               mstCistPortPathCost
1775                    Integer32,
1776               mstCistPortPriority
1777                    Integer32,
1778               mstCistForcePortState
1779                    INTEGER,
1780               mstCistCurrentPortRole
1781                    INTEGER
1782        }
1784        mstCistPort OBJECT-TYPE
1785              SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..65535)
1786              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1787              STATUS      current
1788              DESCRIPTION
1789                  "The Port number of the port for which this entry contains
1790                   spanning tree information."
1791              ::= { mstCistPortEntry 1 }
1793        mstCistPortDesignatedBridge OBJECT-TYPE
1794              SYNTAX      BridgeId
1795              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1796              STATUS      current
1797              DESCRIPTION
1798                  "The unique Bridge Identifier of the bridge which this port
1799                   considers to be the Designated Bridge for the port's segment."
1800              ::= { mstCistPortEntry 2 }
1802        mstCistPortAdminPathCost OBJECT-TYPE
1803              SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..200000000)
1804              MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1805              STATUS      current
1806              DESCRIPTION
1807                  "The contribution of this port to the path cost of
1808                   paths towards the MSTI Root which include this port."
1809              ::= { mstCistPortEntry 3 }
1811        mstCistPortPathCost OBJECT-TYPE
1812              SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..200000000)
1813              MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1814              STATUS      current
1815              DESCRIPTION
1816                  "The contribution of this port to the path cost of
1817                   paths towards the MSTI Root which include this port."
1818              ::= { mstCistPortEntry 4 }
1820        mstCistPortPriority OBJECT-TYPE
1821              SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..240)
1822              MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1823              STATUS      current
1824              DESCRIPTION
1825                  "The four most significant bits of the Port Identifier
1826                  for a given Spanning Tree instance can be modified
1827                  independently for each Spanning Tree instance
1828                  supported by the Bridge. The values that are set for Port
1829                  Priority must be in steps of 16."
1830            DEFVAL {128}
1831              ::= { mstCistPortEntry 5 }
1833        mstCistForcePortState OBJECT-TYPE
1834              SYNTAX      INTEGER {
1835                           disabled(0),
1836                           enabled(1)
1837                          }
1838              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1839              STATUS      current
1840              DESCRIPTION
1841                  "Current state of the Port which can be changed to either
1842                   Disabled or Enabled for the specific spanning tree
1843                   instance. This object can be set to enabled only if the
1844                   'fsMIMstCistForcePortState' is set to 'enabled' for this port"
1845              ::= { mstCistPortEntry 6 }
1847        mstCistCurrentPortRole OBJECT-TYPE
1848              SYNTAX      INTEGER {
1849                           disabled(0),
1850                           alternate(1),
1851                           backup(2),
1852                           root(3),
1853                           designated(4),
1854                           master(5)
1855                          }
1856              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1857              STATUS      current
1858              DESCRIPTION
1859                  "Current Port Role of the port for this spanning
1860                  tree instance."
1861              ::= { mstCistPortEntry 7 }
1863        -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
1864        -- Mst Multiple Spanning Tree Instance Port Table : MSTI
1865        -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
1866        mstMstiPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
1867            SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MstMstiPortEntry
1868            MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1869            STATUS      current
1870            DESCRIPTION
1871                  "This table contains Spanning Tree Instance Specific Port
1872                   Information."
1873             ::= { stpInstancePortTable 2 }
1875        mstMstiPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1876              SYNTAX      MstMstiPortEntry
1877              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1878              STATUS      current
1879              DESCRIPTION
1880                  "A list of information maintained by every port for each
1881                   and every spanning tree instance."
1882              INDEX  { mstMstiPort, mstInstanceIndex }
1883              ::= { mstMstiPortTable 1 }
1885        MstMstiPortEntry ::=
1886           SEQUENCE {
1887               mstMstiPort
1888                    Integer32,
1889               mstMstiPortDesignatedBridge
1890                    BridgeId,
1891               mstMstiPortAdminPathCost
1892                    Integer32,
1893               mstMstiPortPathCost
1894                    Integer32,
1895               mstMstiPortPriority
1896                    Integer32,
1897               mstMstiForcePortState
1898                    INTEGER,
1899               mstMstiCurrentPortRole
1900                    INTEGER
1901        }
1903        mstMstiPort OBJECT-TYPE
1904              SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..65535)
1905              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1906              STATUS      current
1907              DESCRIPTION
1908                  "The Port number of the port for which this entry contains
1909                   spanning tree information."
1910              ::= { mstMstiPortEntry 1 }
1912        mstMstiPortDesignatedBridge OBJECT-TYPE
1913              SYNTAX      BridgeId
1914              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1915              STATUS      current
1916              DESCRIPTION
1917                  "The unique Bridge Identifier of the bridge which this port
1918                   considers to be the Designated Bridge for the port's segment."
1919              ::= { mstMstiPortEntry 2 }
1921        mstMstiPortAdminPathCost OBJECT-TYPE
1922              SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..200000000)
1923              MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1924              STATUS      current
1925              DESCRIPTION
1926                  "The contribution of this port to the path cost of
1927                   paths towards the MSTI Root which include this port."
1928              ::= { mstMstiPortEntry 3 }
1930        mstMstiPortPathCost OBJECT-TYPE
1931              SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..200000000)
1932              MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1933              STATUS      current
1934              DESCRIPTION
1935                  "The contribution of this port to the path cost of
1936                   paths towards the MSTI Root which include this port."
1937              ::= { mstMstiPortEntry 4 }
1939        mstMstiPortPriority OBJECT-TYPE
1940              SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..240)
1941              MAX-ACCESS  read-write
1942              STATUS      current
1943              DESCRIPTION
1944                  "The four most significant bits of the Port Identifier
1945                  for a given Spanning Tree instance can be modified
1946                  independently for each Spanning Tree instance
1947                  supported by the Bridge. The values that are set for Port
1948                  Priority must be in steps of 16."
1949            DEFVAL {128}
1950              ::= { mstMstiPortEntry 5 }
1952        mstMstiForcePortState OBJECT-TYPE
1953              SYNTAX      INTEGER {
1954                           disabled(0),
1955                           enabled(1)
1956                          }
1957              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1958              STATUS      current
1959              DESCRIPTION
1960                  "Current state of the Port which can be changed to either
1961                   Disabled or Enabled for the specific spanning tree
1962                   instance. This object can be set to enabled only if the
1963                   'fsMIMstCistForcePortState' is set to 'enabled' for this port"
1964              ::= { mstMstiPortEntry 6 }
1966        mstMstiCurrentPortRole OBJECT-TYPE
1967              SYNTAX      INTEGER {
1968                           disabled(0),
1969                           alternate(1),
1970                           backup(2),
1971                           root(3),
1972                           designated(4),
1973                           master(5)
1974                          }
1975              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1976              STATUS      current
1977              DESCRIPTION
1978                  "Current Port Role of the port for this spanning
1979                  tree instance."
1980              ::= { mstMstiPortEntry 7 }
1983    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
1984    -- The Static Multicast Group
1985    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
1987      staticMcastTable OBJECT-TYPE
1988            SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF StaticMcastEntry
1989            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
1990            STATUS current
1991            DESCRIPTION
1992                "A list of the Static MACs"
1993            ::= { companyStaticMcast 1 }
1995        staticMcastEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1996            SYNTAX StaticMcastEntry
1997            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
1998            STATUS current
1999            DESCRIPTION
2000                "A Static MAC entry containing the mac and forwarding port."
2001            INDEX { staticMcastVlanID, staticMcastMac, staticMcastEgressPorts}
2002            ::= { staticMcastTable 1 }
2004        StaticMcastEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
2005            staticMcastVlanID     	 INTEGER,
2006            staticMcastMac           MacAddress,
2007            staticMcastEgressPorts   PortList,
2008            staticMcastStatus        RowStatus
2009        }
2011        staticMcastVlanID OBJECT-TYPE
2012            SYNTAX INTEGER
2013            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2014            STATUS current
2015            DESCRIPTION
2016                "The VLAN ID of the static MAC entry."
2017            ::= { staticMcastEntry 1 }
2019        staticMcastMac OBJECT-TYPE
2020           SYNTAX MacAddress
2021           MAX-ACCESS read-only
2022           STATUS current
2023           DESCRIPTION
2024               "The MAC address associated of the static MAC entry."
2025           ::= { staticMcastEntry 2 }
2027        staticMcastEgressPorts OBJECT-TYPE
2028            SYNTAX      PortList
2029            MAX-ACCESS  read-only
2030            STATUS      current
2031            DESCRIPTION
2032                "The set of ports to which frames received from a
2033                specific port and destined for a specific Multicast or
2034                Broadcast MAC address must be forwarded, regardless of
2035                any dynamic information e.g. from GMRP.  A port may not
2036                be added in this set if it is already a member of the
2037                set of ports in dot1qStaticMulticastForbiddenEgressPorts.
2038                The default value of this object is a string of ones of
2039                appropriate length."
2040            REFERENCE
2041                "IEEE 802.1Q/D11 Section,"
2042            ::= { staticMcastEntry 3 }
2044        staticMcastStatus OBJECT-TYPE
2045            SYNTAX     RowStatus
2046            MAX-ACCESS read-write
2047            STATUS     current
2048            DESCRIPTION
2049                "The status of an entry in the Static Mcast Table.  Only a subset
2050                 of the rowstatus variables (active, createAndGo, destroy)
2051                 are available."
2052            ::= { staticMcastEntry 4 }
2055  		-- ----------------------------------------------------------
2056		-- The 802.1Q VLAN Groups
2057		-- ----------------------------------------------------------
2059        dot1qVlanManagementOnOff OBJECT-TYPE
2060            SYNTAX INTEGER {
2061                   enabled(1),
2062                   disabled(2)
2063            }
2064            MAX-ACCESS read-write
2065            STATUS current
2066            DESCRIPTION
2067                "Enable/Disable management VLAN mechanism."
2068            ::= { companyDot1qVlanGroup 2 }
2070        dot1qVlanManagementid OBJECT-TYPE
2071            SYNTAX INTEGER
2072            MAX-ACCESS read-write
2073            STATUS current
2074            DESCRIPTION
2075                "The management VLAN ID, which will allow to forward packets of that VLAN to CPU."
2076            DEFVAL { 1 }
2077            ::= { companyDot1qVlanGroup 3 }
2079        dot1qVlanAsyOnOff OBJECT-TYPE
2080            SYNTAX INTEGER {
2081                   enabled(1),
2082                   disabled(2)
2083            }
2084            MAX-ACCESS read-write
2085            STATUS current
2086            DESCRIPTION
2087                "Enable/Disable IEEE 802.1Q Asymmetric VLAN"
2088            ::= { companyDot1qVlanGroup  5 }
2090        -- -------------------------------------------------------------
2091        -- The VLAN Database
2092        -- -------------------------------------------------------------
2094        dot1qVlanTable OBJECT-TYPE
2095            SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Dot1qVlanEntry
2096            MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
2097            STATUS      current
2098            DESCRIPTION
2099                "A table containing static configuration information for
2100                each VLAN configured into the device by (local or
2101                network) management.  All entries are permanent and will
2102                be restored after the device is reset."
2103            ::= { companyDot1qVlanGroup 6 }
2105        dot1qVlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2106            SYNTAX      Dot1qVlanEntry
2107            MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
2108            STATUS      current
2109            DESCRIPTION
2110                "Information for a VLAN configured into the
2111                device by (local or network) management."
2112            INDEX   { dot1qVlanName }
2113            ::= { dot1qVlanTable 1 }
2115        Dot1qVlanEntry ::=
2116            SEQUENCE {
2117                dot1qVlanName
2118                    SnmpAdminString,
2119                dot1qVlanEgressPorts
2120                    PortList,
2121                dot1qVlanForbiddenPorts
2122                    PortList,
2123                dot1qVlanUntaggedPorts
2124                    PortList,
2125                dot1qVlanRowStatus
2126                    RowStatus
2127            }
2129        dot1qVlanName OBJECT-TYPE
2130            SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..20))
2131            MAX-ACCESS  read-create
2132            STATUS      current
2133            DESCRIPTION
2134                "An administratively assigned string, which may be used
2135                to identify the VLAN."
2136            REFERENCE
2137                "IEEE 802.1Q/D11 Section"
2138            ::= { dot1qVlanEntry 1 }
2140        dot1qVlanEgressPorts OBJECT-TYPE
2141            SYNTAX      PortList
2142            MAX-ACCESS  read-create
2143            STATUS      current
2144            DESCRIPTION
2145                "The set of ports which are permanently assigned to the
2146                egress list for this VLAN by management.  Changes to a
2147                bit in this object affect the per-port per-VLAN
2148                Registrar control for Registration Fixed for the
2149                relevant GVRP state machine on each port.  A port may
2150                not be added in this set if it is already a member of
2151                the set of ports in dot1qVlanForbiddenEgressPorts.  The
2152                default value of this object is a string of zeros of
2153                appropriate length, indicating not fixed."
2154            REFERENCE
2155                "IEEE 802.1Q/D11 Section,"
2156            ::= { dot1qVlanEntry 2 }
2158        dot1qVlanForbiddenPorts OBJECT-TYPE
2159            SYNTAX      PortList
2160            MAX-ACCESS  read-only
2161            STATUS      current
2162            DESCRIPTION
2163                "The set of ports which are prohibited by management
2164                from being included in the egress list for this VLAN.
2165                Changes to this object that cause a port to be included
2166                or excluded affect the per-port per-VLAN Registrar
2167                control for Registration Forbidden for the relevant GVRP
2168                state machine on each port.  A port may not be added in
2169                this set if it is already a member of the set of ports
2170                in dot1qVlanEgressPorts.  The default value of
2171                this object is a string of zeros of appropriate length,
2172                excluding all ports from the forbidden set."
2173            REFERENCE
2174                "IEEE 802.1Q/D11 Section,"
2175            ::= { dot1qVlanEntry 3 }
2177        dot1qVlanUntaggedPorts OBJECT-TYPE
2178            SYNTAX      PortList
2179            MAX-ACCESS  read-create
2180            STATUS      current
2181            DESCRIPTION
2182                "The set of ports which should transmit egress packets
2183                for this VLAN as untagged.  The default value of this
2184                object for the default VLAN (dot1qVlanIndex = 1) is a string
2185                of appropriate length including all ports.  There is no
2186                specified default for other VLANs.  If a device agent cannot
2187                support the set of ports being set then it will reject the
2188                set operation with an error. An example might be if a
2189                manager attempts to set more than one VLAN to be untagged
2190                on egress where the device does not support this IEEE 802.1Q
2191                option."
2192            REFERENCE
2193                "IEEE 802.1Q/D11 Section"
2194            ::= { dot1qVlanEntry 4 }
2196        dot1qVlanRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
2197            SYNTAX      RowStatus
2198            MAX-ACCESS  read-create
2199            STATUS      current
2200            DESCRIPTION
2201                "The status of a row in dot1qVlanTable. By setting this object, new
2202                entries can be created in dot1qVlanTable and existing entries can be
2203                removed from dot1qVlanTable. It can be used as specified in the SNMP
2204                v2 standard."
2205            ::= { dot1qVlanEntry 5 }
2207        -- -------------------------------------------------------------
2208        -- The VLAN Ungister Multicast Filter Table
2209        -- -------------------------------------------------------------
2210      dot1qVlanUngisterMCFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE
2211          SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Dot1qVlanUngisterMCFilterEntry
2212          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
2213          STATUS      current
2214          DESCRIPTION
2215             "This table contains the list of ports through which
2216              a router, in a particular VLAN is reachable."
2217          ::= { companyDot1qVlanGroup 8 }
2219      dot1qVlanUngisterMCFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2220          SYNTAX      Dot1qVlanUngisterMCFilterEntry
2221          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
2222          STATUS      current
2223          DESCRIPTION
2224             "A list of multicast filter mode information for each VLAN ID."
2225          INDEX { dot1qVlanUngisterMCFilterVlanId }
2226          ::= { dot1qVlanUngisterMCFilterTable 1 }
2228      Dot1qVlanUngisterMCFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
2229          dot1qVlanUngisterMCFilterVlanId             Integer32,
2230          dot1qVlanUngisterMCFiltermode               INTEGER
2231      }
2233      dot1qVlanUngisterMCFilterVlanId OBJECT-TYPE
2234           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..4094)
2235           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
2236           STATUS      current
2237           DESCRIPTION
2238              "Per Vlan to configure multicast filtering function."
2239           ::= { dot1qVlanUngisterMCFilterEntry 1 }
2241      dot1qVlanUngisterMCFiltermode OBJECT-TYPE
2242           SYNTAX      INTEGER { filter(1), forward(0) }
2243           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
2244           STATUS      current
2245           DESCRIPTION
2246               "Filter unknown multicast frames or normal operation(i.e. forwarding)"
2247           ::= { dot1qVlanUngisterMCFilterEntry 2 }
2250  		-- ----------------------------------------------------------
2251		-- The GVRP Groups
2252		-- ----------------------------------------------------------
2254        gvrpGVRPGlobalSettingsOnOff OBJECT-TYPE
2255            SYNTAX      INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
2256            MAX-ACCESS read-write
2257            STATUS current
2258            DESCRIPTION
2259                "Enable/Disable GVRP mechanism."
2260            ::= { companyGVRPGroup 1 }
2262        gvrpSettingsJoinTime OBJECT-TYPE
2263            SYNTAX       INTEGER (100..100000)
2264            MAX-ACCESS read-write
2265            STATUS current
2266            DESCRIPTION
2267            "The Join Time value assigned to this Join Time field.
2268            This 16-bit value is read-write."
2269            ::= { companyGVRPGroup 2 }
2271        gvrpSettingsLeaveTime OBJECT-TYPE
2272            SYNTAX       INTEGER (100..100000)
2273            MAX-ACCESS read-write
2274            STATUS current
2275            DESCRIPTION
2276            "The Leave Time value assigned to this Leave Time field.
2277            This 16-bit value is read-write."
2278            ::= { companyGVRPGroup 3 }
2280        gvrpSettingsLeaveAllTime OBJECT-TYPE
2281            SYNTAX       INTEGER (100..100000)
2282            MAX-ACCESS read-write
2283            STATUS current
2284            DESCRIPTION
2285            "The Leave_All Time value assigned to this Leave_All Time field.
2286            This 16-bit value is read-write."
2287            ::= { companyGVRPGroup 4 }
2291        -- GRVP Port Setting Table
2292        --
2294        gvrpSettingsTable OBJECT-TYPE
2295            SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF GvrpSettingsEntry
2296            MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
2297            STATUS      current
2298            DESCRIPTION
2299                "A table containing static configuration information for
2300                each GVRP configured into the device by (local or
2301                network) management.  All entries are permanent and will
2302                be restored after the device is reset."
2303            ::= { companyGVRPGroup 5 }
2305        gvrpSettingsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2306            SYNTAX      GvrpSettingsEntry
2307            MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
2308            STATUS      current
2309            DESCRIPTION
2310                "Information for a GVRP configured into the
2311                device by (local or network) management."
2312            INDEX   { gvrpSettingsPortControlIndex }
2313            ::= { gvrpSettingsTable 1 }
2315        GvrpSettingsEntry ::=
2316          SEQUENCE {
2317            gvrpSettingsPortControlIndex
2318                InterfaceIndex,
2319            gvrpSettingsPVID
2320                INTEGER,
2321            gvrpSettingsGVRPState
2322                INTEGER,
2323            gvrpSettingsIngressChecking
2324                INTEGER,
2325            gvrpSettingsAcceptableFrameType
2326                INTEGER
2327        }
2329        gvrpSettingsPortControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
2330          SYNTAX       InterfaceIndex
2331          MAX-ACCESS   read-only
2332                STATUS       current
2333                DESCRIPTION
2334              "The index of the port."
2335          ::= { gvrpSettingsEntry 1 }
2337        gvrpSettingsPVID OBJECT-TYPE
2338          SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..4094)
2339          MAX-ACCESS   read-write
2340          STATUS       current
2341          DESCRIPTION
2342            "The PVID value assigned to this Aggregation Port.
2343            This 16-bit value is read-write."
2344          ::= { gvrpSettingsEntry 2 }
2346        gvrpSettingsGVRPState OBJECT-TYPE
2347            SYNTAX      INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
2349          MAX-ACCESS   read-write
2350          STATUS       current
2351          DESCRIPTION
2352            "Enable/Disable GVRP State to this Aggregation Port."
2353          ::= { gvrpSettingsEntry 3 }
2355        gvrpSettingsIngressChecking OBJECT-TYPE
2356            SYNTAX      INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
2358          MAX-ACCESS   read-write
2359          STATUS       current
2360          DESCRIPTION
2361            "Enable/Disable Ingress Checking mechanism of GVRP to this Aggregation Port."
2362          ::= { gvrpSettingsEntry 4 }
2364        gvrpSettingsAcceptableFrameType OBJECT-TYPE
2365          SYNTAX       INTEGER {
2366                   allFrames(1),
2367                   taggedOnly(2)
2368            }
2369          MAX-ACCESS   read-write
2370          STATUS       current
2371          DESCRIPTION
2372            "Chose types All Frames/Tagged to this Aggregation Port."
2373          ::= { gvrpSettingsEntry 5 }
2375        -- ----------------------------------------------------------
2376		-- The DHCP/BOOTP Relay
2377		-- ----------------------------------------------------------
2379		-- The DHCP/BOOTP Relay Control
2381            dhcpBOOTPRelayState OBJECT-TYPE
2382                SYNTAX  INTEGER {
2383                    enabled(1),
2384                    disabled(2)
2385                }
2386                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
2387                STATUS  current
2388                DESCRIPTION
2389                    "This object indicates DHCP relay function is enabled or disabled."
2390            ::= { dhcpBOOTPRelayControl 1 }
2392            dhcpBOOTPRelayHopCount OBJECT-TYPE
2393                SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..16)
2394                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
2395                STATUS  current
2396                DESCRIPTION
2397                    "This object indicates the maximum number of router hops that the BOOTP packets can cross."
2398            ::= { dhcpBOOTPRelayControl 2 }
2400            dhcpBOOTPRelayTimeThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
2401                SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
2402                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
2403                STATUS  current
2404                DESCRIPTION
2405                    "This object indicates the minimum time in seconds within which the switch must relay the DHCP request.
2406                    If this time is exceeded, the switch will drop the DHCP packet."
2407            ::= { dhcpBOOTPRelayControl 3 }
2410		-- The DHCP/BOOTP Relay Management
2411		-- The DHCP/BOOTP Relay Interface Settings Table
2413            dhcpBOOTPRelayInterfaceSettingsTable OBJECT-TYPE
2414                SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF DHCPBOOTPRelayInterfaceSettings
2415                MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
2416                STATUS  current
2417                DESCRIPTION
2418                    "This table indicates the IP address as a destination to forward (relay) DHCP packets to."
2419            ::= { dhcpBOOTPRelayManagement 1 }
2421            dhcpBOOTPRelayInterfaceSettingsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2422                SYNTAX  DHCPBOOTPRelayInterfaceSettings
2423                MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
2424                STATUS  current
2425                DESCRIPTION
2426                    "A list of information indicates the IP address as a destination to forward (relay) DHCP packets to."
2427                INDEX  { dhcpBOOTPRelayInterface,  dhcpBOOTPRelayServerIP}
2428            ::= { dhcpBOOTPRelayInterfaceSettingsTable 1 }
2430            DHCPBOOTPRelayInterfaceSettings ::=
2431                SEQUENCE {
2432                    dhcpBOOTPRelayInterface
2433                        DisplayString,
2434                    dhcpBOOTPRelayServerIP
2435                        IpAddress,
2436                    dhcpBOOTPRelayInterfaceSettingsRowStatus
2437                        RowStatus
2438                }
2440            dhcpBOOTPRelayInterface OBJECT-TYPE
2441                SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE(0..12))
2442                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
2443                STATUS  current
2444                DESCRIPTION
2445                    "This object indicates the name of the IP interface."
2446            ::= { dhcpBOOTPRelayInterfaceSettingsEntry 1 }
2448            dhcpBOOTPRelayServerIP OBJECT-TYPE
2449                SYNTAX IpAddress
2450                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
2451                STATUS current
2452                DESCRIPTION
2453                    "This object indicates the DHCP server IP address."
2454            ::= { dhcpBOOTPRelayInterfaceSettingsEntry 2 }
2456            dhcpBOOTPRelayInterfaceSettingsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
2457                SYNTAX  RowStatus
2458                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
2459                STATUS  current
2460                DESCRIPTION
2461                    "This object indicates the status of this entry."
2462            ::= { dhcpBOOTPRelayInterfaceSettingsEntry 3 }
2464		-- The DHCP/BOOTP Relay Management
2465		-- The DHCP/BOOTP Relay Option82
2467            dhcpBOOTPRelayOption82State OBJECT-TYPE
2468                SYNTAX  INTEGER {
2469                    enabled(1),
2470                    disabled(2)
2471                }
2472                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
2473                STATUS  current
2474                DESCRIPTION
2475                    "This object indicates DHCP relay option 82 function is enabled or disabled."
2476            ::= { dhcpBOOTPRelayManagementOption82 1 }
2478            dhcpBOOTPRelayOption82CheckState OBJECT-TYPE
2479                SYNTAX  INTEGER {
2480                    enabled(1),
2481                    disabled(2)
2482                }
2483                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
2484                STATUS  current
2485                DESCRIPTION
2486                    "This object indicates DHCP relay option 82 Check function is enabled or disabled."
2487            ::= { dhcpBOOTPRelayManagementOption82 2 }
2489            dhcpBOOTPRelayOption82Policy OBJECT-TYPE
2490                SYNTAX  INTEGER {
2491                    replace(1),
2492                    drop(2),
2493                    keep(3)
2494                }
2495                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
2496                STATUS  current
2497                DESCRIPTION
2498                    "This object indicates DHCP relay option 82 policy."
2499            ::= { dhcpBOOTPRelayManagementOption82 3 }
2501	        dhcpBOOTPRelayOption82RemoteIDType OBJECT-TYPE
2502                SYNTAX  INTEGER {
2503                    default(1),
2504                    userdefined(2)
2505                }
2506                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
2507                STATUS  current
2508                DESCRIPTION
2509                    "This object indicates the type of remote ID.
2510                    If the type is default, the remote ID will be the MAC address of the device, otherwise,
2511                    the remote ID can be defined by writing to the swDHCPRelayOption82RemoteID object."
2512            ::= { dhcpBOOTPRelayManagementOption82 4 }
2514	        dhcpBOOTPRelayOption82RemoteID OBJECT-TYPE
2515                SYNTAX  DisplayString
2516                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
2517                STATUS  current
2518                DESCRIPTION
2519                    "This object displays the current remote ID of the device.
2520                    If swDHCPRelayOption82RemoteIDType is set to default, the value will be the MAC address of the device,
2521                    and this object cannot be modified.
2522                    If swDHCPRelayOption82RemoteIDType is set to user-defined, a new value can be written to this object."
2523            ::= { dhcpBOOTPRelayManagementOption82 5 }
2524  		-- ----------------------------------------------------------
2525		-- The DHCP LocalRelay
2526		-- ----------------------------------------------------------
2527		-- The DHCP Local Relay Table
2528            dhcpLocalRelayGlobalState OBJECT-TYPE
2529                SYNTAX  INTEGER {
2530                    enabled(1),
2531                    disabled(2)
2532                }
2533                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
2534                STATUS  current
2535                DESCRIPTION
2536                    "This object indicates DHCP local relay function of VLAN is enabled or disabled."
2537            ::= { companyDHCPLocalRelay 1 }
2539            dhcpLocalRelayTable OBJECT-TYPE
2540                SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF DHCPLocalRelaySettings
2541                MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
2542                STATUS  current
2543                DESCRIPTION
2544                    "This table indicates the IP address as a destination to forward (local relay) DHCP packets to."
2545            ::= { companyDHCPLocalRelay 2 }
2547            dhcpLocalRelayTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2548                SYNTAX  DHCPLocalRelaySettings
2549                MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
2550                STATUS  current
2551                DESCRIPTION
2552                    "A list of information indicates the IP address as a destination to forward (local relay) DHCP packets to."
2553                INDEX  { dhcpLocalRelaySettingsVLANID }
2554            ::= { dhcpLocalRelayTable 1 }
2556            DHCPLocalRelaySettings ::=
2557                SEQUENCE {
2558                    dhcpLocalRelaySettingsVLANID
2559                        INTEGER,
2560                    dhcpLocalRelaySettingsState
2561                        INTEGER
2562                }
2564	        dhcpLocalRelaySettingsVLANID OBJECT-TYPE
2565                SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..4094)
2566                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
2567                STATUS  current
2568                DESCRIPTION
2569                    "This object displays the current VLAN ID of the device."
2570            ::= { dhcpLocalRelayTableEntry 1 }
2572            dhcpLocalRelaySettingsState OBJECT-TYPE
2573                SYNTAX  INTEGER {
2574                    enabled(3),
2575                    disabled(2)
2576                }
2577                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
2578                STATUS  current
2579                DESCRIPTION
2580                    "This object indicates DHCP local relay function of VLAN is enabled or disabled."
2581            ::= { dhcpLocalRelayTableEntry 2 }
2582    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2583    -- LA Function
2584    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2586      laSystem                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyLA 1 }
2587      laPortControl           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyLA 2 }
2589    -- -------------------------------------------------------------
2590    -- Textual Conventions
2591    -- -------------------------------------------------------------
2593     PortLaMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
2594         STATUS         current
2595         DESCRIPTION
2596           "Defines how a Port Channel does channeling.
2597           lacp(1)      - place the port into passive
2598                           negotiation state, in which the
2599                           port waits for its peer to
2600                           initiate negotiation.
2601           static(2)    - force the port to enable
2602                           channeling.
2603           disable(3)   - channeling is disabled."
2606                       lacp(1),
2607                       static(2),
2608                       disable(3)
2609                    }
2611     LacpKey ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
2612         STATUS    current
2613         DESCRIPTION
2614                "The Actor or Partner Key value (0..65535)."
2615         SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535)
2618    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
2619    -- The La System Group
2620    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
2622      laStatus OBJECT-TYPE
2623           SYNTAX      INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
2624           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
2625           STATUS      current
2626           DESCRIPTION
2627               "Sets the Link Aggregation Module administrative status as
2628                enabled or disabled."
2629           ::= { laSystem 2 }
2631        --
2632    -- Port Channel Table
2633    --
2635    laPortChannelTable  OBJECT-TYPE
2636        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF LaPortChannelEntry
2637        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
2638        STATUS     current
2639        DESCRIPTION
2640           "A Port-channel is created through ifMain table.
2641           After the creation of the port-channel, corresponding logical
2642           interface will be created in the ifMain table.
2643           This Port-channel table is indexed through Key values and allows to
2644           configure link selection policy and the Mac address for
2645           the port-channel. All other objects in this table displays
2646           the details of the port-channel."
2648        ::= { laSystem 3 }
2650    laPortChannelEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2651        SYNTAX     LaPortChannelEntry
2652        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
2653        STATUS     current
2654        DESCRIPTION
2655              "There is one entry in this table for each created
2656               port-channel port."
2658        INDEX { laPortChannelIfIndex }
2659        ::= { laPortChannelTable 1 }
2661    LaPortChannelEntry ::=
2662            SEQUENCE {
2663              laPortChannelIfIndex                InterfaceIndex,
2664              laPortChannelMemberList             PortList,
2665              laPortChannelMode                   PortLaMode
2666	      -- start CAMEO_LA_MASTER_PORT_WANTED
2667	      ,
2668              laPortChannelMasterPort             InterfaceIndex
2670              }
2672    laPortChannelIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
2673        SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
2674        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
2675        STATUS      current
2676        DESCRIPTION
2677              "The index of the port-channel(Aggregator's
2678               interface index). "
2679        ::= { laPortChannelEntry 1 }
2681  	laPortChannelMemberList OBJECT-TYPE
2682	   SYNTAX       PortList
2683	   MAX-ACCESS   read-write
2684	   STATUS       current
2686	       "Member Port list of the port channel. Add the ports as a
2687	        aggregation member associated of a port-channel."
2688	   ::= { laPortChannelEntry 2 }
2691    laPortChannelMode OBJECT-TYPE
2692       SYNTAX       PortLaMode
2693       MAX-ACCESS   read-write
2694       STATUS       current
2695       DESCRIPTION
2696         "Current Operating Channel Mode of the port channel
2697                     Lacp(1)    - forcing the port to negotiate with the
2698                                  partner.
2699                     manual(2)  - force the port to enable channeling (Manual).
2700                     disable(3) - channeling is disabled."
2701        ::= { laPortChannelEntry 3 }
2704    laPortChannelMasterPort OBJECT-TYPE
2705        SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
2706        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
2707        STATUS      current
2708        DESCRIPTION
2709              "The master port of the port-channel. "
2710        ::= { laPortChannelEntry 4 }
2713    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
2714    -- The La Algorithm Group
2715    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
2717      laAlgorithm OBJECT-TYPE
2718           SYNTAX      INTEGER {
2719				sourceMAC(1),
2720				destMAC(2),
2721				sourceAndDestMAC(3),
2722				sourceIP(4),
2723				destIP(5),
2724				sourceAndDestIP(6)
2725				}
2726           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
2727           STATUS      current
2728           DESCRIPTION
2729               "Sets the Link Aggregation load balance algorithm."
2730           ::= { laSystem 4 }
2732    --
2733        -- LA Port Control Table
2734        --
2736        laPortControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
2737          SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF LaPortControlEntry
2738          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
2739           STATUS      current
2740           DESCRIPTION
2741                      "A table that contains Link Aggregation Control
2742                       configuration information about every
2743                       Aggregation Port associated with this device.
2744                       A row appears in this table for each physical port."
2745          ::= { laPortControl 1 }
2748        laPortControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2749          SYNTAX      LaPortControlEntry
2750          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
2751          STATUS      current
2752          DESCRIPTION
2753                      "A list of Link Aggregation Control configuration
2754                       parameters for each Aggregation Port on this device."
2755          INDEX      { laPortControlIndex }
2756          ::= { laPortControlTable 1 }
2758        LaPortControlEntry ::=
2759          SEQUENCE {
2760            laPortControlIndex
2761                InterfaceIndex,
2762            laPortActorPortPriority
2763                INTEGER,
2764            laPortActorActivity
2765                INTEGER,
2766            laPortActorTimeout
2767                INTEGER
2768        }
2770        laPortControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
2771          SYNTAX       InterfaceIndex
2772          MAX-ACCESS   read-only
2773                STATUS       current
2774                DESCRIPTION
2775              "The index of the port."
2776          ::= { laPortControlEntry 1 }
2778        laPortActorPortPriority OBJECT-TYPE
2779          SYNTAX       INTEGER (0..65535)
2780          MAX-ACCESS   read-write
2781          STATUS       current
2782          DESCRIPTION
2783            "The priority value assigned to this Aggregation Port.
2784            This 16-bit value is read-write."
2785          ::= { laPortControlEntry 2 }
2787        laPortActorActivity      OBJECT-TYPE
2788            SYNTAX INTEGER  {
2789        		 active(1),
2790        		 passive(2)
2791            }
2792           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
2793           STATUS      current
2794           DESCRIPTION
2795                "This object indicates LACP_Activity to this Aggregation Port.
2796                LACP can be configured in one of two modes: active or passive.
2797                In active mode it will always send frames along the configured links.
2798                If the actor and partner are both in passive mode, they do not
2799                exchange LACP packets."
2800           ::= { laPortControlEntry 3 }
2802        laPortActorTimeout      OBJECT-TYPE
2803            SYNTAX INTEGER  {
2804        		 short(1),
2805        		 long(2)
2806            }
2807           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
2808           STATUS      current
2809           DESCRIPTION
2810                "This object indicates LACP_Timeout to this Aggregation Port.
2811                short(1) - LACP Timeout 3 seconds.
2812                long (2) - LACP Timeout 90 seconds."
2813           ::= { laPortControlEntry 4 }
2815        -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
2816        -- The STATIC MAC group
2817        -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
2819        staticDisableAutoLearn OBJECT-TYPE
2820            SYNTAX INTEGER {
2821                   on(1),
2822                   off(2)
2823            }
2824            MAX-ACCESS read-write
2825            STATUS current
2826            DESCRIPTION
2827                "Set on to disable Auto Learning Excluding Uplink Port and
2828                 set off to enable Auto Learning."
2829            ::= { companyStaticMAC 1 }
2831        staticAutoLearningList OBJECT-TYPE
2832            SYNTAX PortList
2833            MAX-ACCESS read-write
2834            STATUS current
2835            DESCRIPTION
2836                "The set of the device's member ports that belong
2837 	            to the Static MAC auto learning enable/disable.
2839 	            For example, when Disable Auto Learning is enable,
2840 	            the octet value set up as '# 0x0F 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF' means
2841 	            from port 1 to port 4 are not in auto learning state,
2842 	            the other ports are in auto learning state. It can be
2843 	            set up when Disable Auto Learning is enable."
2844            ::= { companyStaticMAC 2 }
2846        staticTable OBJECT-TYPE
2847            SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF StaticEntry
2848            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
2849            STATUS current
2850            DESCRIPTION
2851                "A list of the Static MACs"
2852            ::= { companyStaticMAC 3 }
2854        staticEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2855            SYNTAX StaticEntry
2856            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
2857            STATUS current
2858            DESCRIPTION
2859                "A Static MAC entry containing the mac and forwarding port."
2860            INDEX { staticVlanID, staticMac,staticPort}
2861            ::= { staticTable 1 }
2863        StaticEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
2864            staticVlanID     	INTEGER,
2865            staticMac           MacAddress,
2866            staticPort          INTEGER,
2867            staticStatus        RowStatus
2868        }
2870        staticVlanID OBJECT-TYPE
2871            SYNTAX INTEGER
2872            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2873            STATUS current
2874            DESCRIPTION
2875                "The VLAN ID of the static MAC entry."
2876            ::= { staticEntry 1 }
2878         staticMac OBJECT-TYPE
2879           SYNTAX MacAddress
2880           MAX-ACCESS read-only
2881           STATUS current
2882           DESCRIPTION
2883               "The MAC address associated of the static MAC entry."
2884           ::= { staticEntry 2 }
2886        staticPort OBJECT-TYPE
2887            SYNTAX INTEGER
2888            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2889            STATUS current
2890            DESCRIPTION
2891                "The forwarding port of the static MAC entry."
2892            ::= { staticEntry 3 }
2894        staticStatus OBJECT-TYPE
2895            SYNTAX     RowStatus
2896            MAX-ACCESS read-write
2897            STATUS     current
2898            DESCRIPTION
2899                "The status of an entry in the Static MAC Table.  Only a subset
2900                 of the rowstatus variables (active, createAndGo, destroy)
2901                 are available. The trunk member port can not set up static MAC."
2902            ::= { staticEntry 4 }
2903    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2904    -- IGMP Snooping Function
2905    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2906	igsSystem  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyIgsGroup 1 }
2907	igsVlan    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyIgsGroup 3 }
2908    igsAccessAuth  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyIgsGroup 5 }
2910      igsStatus OBJECT-TYPE
2911          SYNTAX      INTEGER  { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
2912          MAX-ACCESS  read-write
2913          STATUS      current
2914          DESCRIPTION
2915             "Enables or disables IGMP snooping in the system.
2916              When set to 'enabled', the IGS module starts
2917              protocol operations.
2918              When set to 'disabled', the IGS module stops performing
2919              protocol operations."
2920          DEFVAL  { 2 }
2921          ::= { igsSystem 1 }
2923      igsRouterPortPurgeInterval OBJECT-TYPE
2924          SYNTAX      Integer32 (60..600)
2925          MAX-ACCESS  read-write
2926          STATUS      current
2927          DESCRIPTION
2928             "This is the interval (in seconds) after which a learnt
2929              router port entry will be purged. For each router port learnt,
2930              this timer runs for 'RouterPortPurgeInterval' seconds.When the
2931              timer expires, the learnt router port entry is purged. However
2932              if control messages are received from the router before the
2933              timer expiry, then the timer is restarted."
2934          DEFVAL  { 260 }
2935          ::= { igsSystem 2 }
2937      igsHostPortPurgeInterval OBJECT-TYPE
2938          SYNTAX      Integer32 (130..153025)
2939          MAX-ACCESS  read-write
2940          STATUS      current
2941          DESCRIPTION
2942             "This is the interval (in seconds) after which a learnt
2943              port entry will be purged. For each port on which report
2944              has been received this timer runs for 'PortPurgeInterval'
2945              seconds. This timer will be restarted whenever a report
2946              message is received from a host on the specific port. If
2947              the timer expires, then , the learnt port entry  will
2948              be purged from the multicast group."
2949          DEFVAL  {260}
2950          ::= { igsSystem 3 }
2952      igsRobustnessValue OBJECT-TYPE
2953          SYNTAX      Integer32 (2..255)
2954          MAX-ACCESS  read-write
2955          STATUS      current
2956          DESCRIPTION
2957	     "When the switch receives leave message on a port, it
2958              sends group specific query to check if there are any other
2959              interested receivers for the group. This attribute defines
2960              the maximum number of queries sent by the switch before deleting
2961              the port from the group membership information in the forwarding
2962              database. If the maximum retry count exceeds 'igsRobustnessValue',
2963              then the port will be deleted from the multicast group membership
2964              information in the forwarding database and received leave message
2965              will be forwarded onto the router ports if there are no
2966              interested receivers for the group."
2967          DEFVAL  { 2 }
2968          ::= { igsSystem 4 }
2970      igsGrpQueryInterval OBJECT-TYPE
2971          SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..25)
2972          MAX-ACCESS  read-write
2973          STATUS      current
2974          DESCRIPTION
2975             "The value of this attribute defines the time period with which
2976              the switch will send group specific queries on a port to check
2977              if there is any intersted receivers. The switch will send
2978              'igsRobustnessValue' queries before removing the port from the
2979              group membership information in the forwarding database."
2980          DEFVAL  { 1 }
2981          ::= { igsSystem 5 }
2983      igsQueryInterval OBJECT-TYPE
2984          SYNTAX      Integer32 (60..600)
2985          MAX-ACCESS  read-write
2986          STATUS      current
2987          DESCRIPTION
2988             "This is the interval (in seconds) for which the switch
2989              sends general queries when it is configured as a querier for
2990              VLANs."
2991          DEFVAL  { 125 }
2992          ::= { igsSystem 6 }
2994    igsQueryMaxResponseTime OBJECT-TYPE
2995        SYNTAX      INTEGER (10..25)
2996		MAX-ACCESS  read-write
2997		STATUS      current
2999        	"The maximum query response time advertised in IGMPv2 general
3000        	queries on this interface."
3001        DEFVAL     { 10 }
3002        ::= { igsSystem 7 }
3004-- VLAN Based MAC Multicast Forwarding Table
3006--      igsVlanMcastMacFwdTable OBJECT-TYPE
3007--          SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF IgsVlanMcastMacFwdEntry
3008--          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
3009--          STATUS      current
3010--          DESCRIPTION
3011--            "This table contains MAC based multicast forwarding
3012--             information. This information is applicable only if
3013--             the 'igsVlanMcastForwardingMode' is set to 'macbased' "
3014--          ::= { igsVlan 1 }
3016--      igsVlanMcastMacFwdEntry OBJECT-TYPE
3017--          SYNTAX      IgsVlanMcastMacFwdEntry
3018--          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
3019--          STATUS      current
3020--          DESCRIPTION
3021--            "This table contains VLAN ID, multicast group MAC address and the
3022--             list of ports onto which the multicast data packets for group
3023--             should be forwarded."
3025--          INDEX { igsVlanMcastMacFwdVlanId,
3026--                  igsVlanMcastMacFwdGroupAddress }
3027--          ::= { igsVlanMcastMacFwdTable 1 }
3029--      IgsVlanMcastMacFwdEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
3030--          igsVlanMcastMacFwdVlanId           Integer32,
3031--          igsVlanMcastMacFwdGroupAddress     MacAddress,
3032--          igsVlanMcastMacFwdPortList         PortList
3033--        }
3035--      igsVlanMcastMacFwdVlanId OBJECT-TYPE
3036--           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..4094)
3037--           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
3038--           STATUS      current
3039--           DESCRIPTION
3040--              "VLAN ID pertaining to the Multicast forwarding entry"
3041--           ::= { igsVlanMcastMacFwdEntry 1 }
3043--      igsVlanMcastMacFwdGroupAddress OBJECT-TYPE
3044--           SYNTAX      MacAddress
3045--           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
3046--           STATUS      current
3047--           DESCRIPTION
3048--               "Multicast group MAC address."
3049--           ::= { igsVlanMcastMacFwdEntry 2 }
3052--      igsVlanMcastMacFwdPortList OBJECT-TYPE
3053--           SYNTAX      PortList
3054--           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
3055--           STATUS      current
3056--           DESCRIPTION
3057--               "List of ports onto which the multicast data
3058--                packets destined for this group will be forwarded."
3059--           ::= { igsVlanMcastMacFwdEntry 3 }
3061-- VLAN based router table.
3063      igsVlanRouterTable OBJECT-TYPE
3064          SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF IgsVlanRouterEntry
3065          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
3066          STATUS      current
3067          DESCRIPTION
3068             "This table contains the list of ports through which
3069              a router, in a particular VLAN is reachable."
3070          ::= { igsVlan 3 }
3072      igsVlanRouterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
3073          SYNTAX      IgsVlanRouterEntry
3074          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
3075          STATUS      current
3076          DESCRIPTION
3077             "Contains the VLAN ID and list of ports on which
3078              routers are present in the VLAN."
3079          INDEX { igsVlanRouterVlanId }
3080          ::= { igsVlanRouterTable 1 }
3082      IgsVlanRouterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
3083          igsVlanRouterVlanId             Integer32,
3084          igsVlanRouterPortList           PortList
3085      }
3087      igsVlanRouterVlanId OBJECT-TYPE
3088           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..4094)
3089           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
3090           STATUS      current
3091           DESCRIPTION
3092              "VLAN ID of the ports through which router is reachable."
3093           ::= { igsVlanRouterEntry 1 }
3095      igsVlanRouterPortList OBJECT-TYPE
3096           SYNTAX      PortList
3097           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
3098           STATUS      current
3099           DESCRIPTION
3100               "List of ports on which routers are present.
3101                These router ports are learnt through control messages
3102                received from routers, and can also be configured
3103                statically."
3104           ::= { igsVlanRouterEntry 2 }
3106-- VLAN based filter table
3108      igsVlanFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE
3109          SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF IgsVlanFilterEntry
3110          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
3111          STATUS      current
3112          DESCRIPTION
3113             "This table contains configuration of snooping
3114              on specific Vlans. This Table is valid only when VLAN is
3115              enabled in the system."
3116          ::= { igsVlan 4 }
3118      igsVlanFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
3119          SYNTAX      IgsVlanFilterEntry
3120          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
3121          STATUS      current
3122          DESCRIPTION
3123             "Contains snooping status , version and fast leave
3124              configuration for a specific VLAN."
3125          INDEX { igsVlanFilterVlanId }
3126          ::= { igsVlanFilterTable 1 }
3128      IgsVlanFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
3129          igsVlanFilterVlanId           Integer32,
3130          igsVlanSnoopStatus            INTEGER,
3131          igsVlanQuerier                INTEGER,
3132          igsVlanCfgQuerier             INTEGER,
3133          igsVlanQueryInterval          Integer32,
3134          igsVlanRtrPortList            PortList,
3135          igsVlanFbdRtrPortList         PortList,
3136          igsVlanFastLeave              INTEGER
3137          }
3139      igsVlanFilterVlanId OBJECT-TYPE
3140           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..4094)
3141           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
3142           STATUS      current
3143           DESCRIPTION
3144            "Index of IgsVlanFilterEntry. This object indicates the VLAN ID for which
3145            the snooping configurations in IgsVlanFilterEntry is to be done."
3146           ::= { igsVlanFilterEntry 1 }
3148      igsVlanSnoopStatus OBJECT-TYPE
3149           SYNTAX      INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
3150           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
3151           STATUS      current
3152           DESCRIPTION
3153               "This object allows you to enable/disable IGS function on a specific VLAN."
3154           DEFVAL  { 1 }
3155           ::= { igsVlanFilterEntry 2 }
3157      igsVlanQuerier OBJECT-TYPE
3158          SYNTAX      INTEGER  { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
3159          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
3160          STATUS      current
3161          DESCRIPTION
3162             "Indicates whether the switch is configured as a querier in the VLAN"
3163          DEFVAL  { 2 }
3164          ::= { igsVlanFilterEntry 3 }
3166      igsVlanCfgQuerier OBJECT-TYPE
3167          SYNTAX      INTEGER  { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
3168          MAX-ACCESS  read-write
3169          STATUS      current
3170          DESCRIPTION
3171             "The snooping switch can be configured as a querier via this object
3172              to send out IGMP general queries when IGMP routers are not present in the VLAN.
3173              When set to 'enabled', the switch will generate general queries."
3174          DEFVAL  { 2 }
3175          ::= { igsVlanFilterEntry 4 }
3177      igsVlanQueryInterval OBJECT-TYPE
3178          SYNTAX      Integer32 (60..600)
3179          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
3180          STATUS      current
3181          DESCRIPTION
3182             "This is the interval (in seconds) for which the switch
3183              sends general queries when it is configured as a querier for
3184              the VLAN. A switch should be configured as a querier for a VLAN
3185              only when there is no queriers in the network."
3186          DEFVAL  { 125 }
3187          ::= { igsVlanFilterEntry 5 }
3189      igsVlanRtrPortList OBJECT-TYPE
3190           SYNTAX      PortList
3191           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
3192           STATUS      current
3193           DESCRIPTION
3194               "List of ports which are configured statically as router ports"
3195           ::= { igsVlanFilterEntry 6 }
3197      igsVlanFbdRtrPortList OBJECT-TYPE
3198           SYNTAX      PortList
3199           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
3200           STATUS      current
3201           DESCRIPTION
3202               "List of ports which can be configured statically as forbidden router ports."
3203           ::= { igsVlanFilterEntry 7 }
3205      igsVlanFastLeave OBJECT-TYPE
3206           SYNTAX      INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
3207           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
3208           STATUS      current
3209           DESCRIPTION
3210               "Enables or disables fast leave for the VLAN. When it is
3211                'disabled',on reception of a leave message, the switch checks
3212                if they are any interested receivers for the group by sending
3213                a group specific query before removing the port from the
3214                forwarding table. If set to 'enabled', the switch does not
3215                send a group specific query and immediately removes the port
3216                from the forwarding table."
3217           DEFVAL  { 2 }
3218           ::= { igsVlanFilterEntry 8 }
3221    -- VLAN Based IGMP Snooping Group
3223      igsVlanMulticastGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE
3224          SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF IgsVlanMulticastGroupEntry
3225          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
3226          STATUS      current
3227          DESCRIPTION
3228            "This table contains MAC based multicast forwarding
3229             information."
3230          ::= { igsVlan 5 }
3232      igsVlanMulticastGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE
3233          SYNTAX      IgsVlanMulticastGroupEntry
3234          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
3235          STATUS      current
3236          DESCRIPTION
3237            "This table contains VLAN ID, multicast group MAC address and the
3238             list of ports onto which the multicast data packets for group
3239             should be forwarded."
3241          INDEX { igsVlanMulticastGroupVlanId,
3242                  igsVlanMulticastGroupIpAddress }
3243          ::= { igsVlanMulticastGroupTable 1 }
3245      IgsVlanMulticastGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
3246          igsVlanMulticastGroupVlanId           Integer32,
3247          igsVlanMulticastGroupIpAddress        InetAddress,
3248          igsVlanMulticastGroupMacAddress       MacAddress,
3249          igsVlanMulticastGroupPortList         PortList
3250        }
3252      igsVlanMulticastGroupVlanId OBJECT-TYPE
3253           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..4094)
3254           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
3255           STATUS      current
3256           DESCRIPTION
3257              "VLAN ID pertaining to the Multicast forwarding entry"
3258           ::= { igsVlanMulticastGroupEntry 1 }
3260      igsVlanMulticastGroupIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
3261           SYNTAX      InetAddress
3262           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
3263           STATUS      current
3264           DESCRIPTION
3265               "Multicast group IP address. This object indicates that a
3266                multicast group address was learned in the switch and be represented
3267                as IP address format."
3268           ::= { igsVlanMulticastGroupEntry 2 }
3271      igsVlanMulticastGroupMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE
3272           SYNTAX      MacAddress
3273           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
3274           STATUS      current
3275           DESCRIPTION
3276               "Multicast group MAC address. This object indicates that a
3277                multicast group address was learned in the switch and be represented
3278                as MAC address format."
3279           ::= { igsVlanMulticastGroupEntry 3 }
3281      igsVlanMulticastGroupPortList OBJECT-TYPE
3282           SYNTAX      PortList
3283           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
3284           STATUS      current
3285           DESCRIPTION
3286               "List of ports onto which the multicast data
3287                packets destined for this group will be forwarded."
3288           ::= { igsVlanMulticastGroupEntry 4 }
3290      igsAccessAuthTable OBJECT-TYPE
3291          SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF IgsAccessAuthEntry
3292          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
3293          STATUS      current
3294          DESCRIPTION
3295             "This table is used to manage the IGMP Authentication
3296              function of the switch."
3297          ::= { igsAccessAuth 1 }
3299      igsAccessAuthEntry OBJECT-TYPE
3300          SYNTAX      IgsAccessAuthEntry
3301          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
3302          STATUS      current
3303          DESCRIPTION
3304             "Contains management entities for IGMP Authentication
3305              function."
3306          INDEX { igsAccessAuthPortIndex }
3307          ::= { igsAccessAuthTable 1 }
3309      IgsAccessAuthEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
3310          igsAccessAuthPortIndex             Integer32,
3311          igsAccessAuthState                 INTEGER
3312      }
3314      igsAccessAuthPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
3315           SYNTAX      Integer32
3316           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
3317           STATUS      current
3318           DESCRIPTION
3319              "The port index of igsAccessAuthTable which
3320               indicates the port to be configured."
3321           ::= { igsAccessAuthEntry 1 }
3323      igsAccessAuthState OBJECT-TYPE
3324           SYNTAX      INTEGER  { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
3325           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
3326           STATUS      current
3327           DESCRIPTION
3328               "This object can be configured to set IGMP Authentication
3329                state to enabled/disabled on each port."
3330           ::= { igsAccessAuthEntry 2 }
3332-- -------------------------------------------------------------
3333-- groups in the Auth MIB
3334-- -------------------------------------------------------------
3335	swAuthenCtrl  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyAuthGroup 1 }
3336-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3337-- swAuthenCtrl
3338-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3340    swAuthStatus OBJECT-TYPE
3341        SYNTAX INTEGER {
3342                   enabled(1),
3343                   disabled(2)
3344        }
3345        MAX-ACCESS 			read-write
3346        STATUS              current
3347        DESCRIPTION
3348        "Enable/Disable Static 802.1x."
3349        ::= { swAuthenCtrl 1 }
3351    swAuthMode OBJECT-TYPE
3352        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
3353                    portBase(1),
3354                    macBase(2)
3355                }
3356        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
3357        STATUS  current
3358        DESCRIPTION
3359            "This object indicates the authentication mode of the device."
3360        ::= { swAuthenCtrl 2 }
3362    authProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
3363        SYNTAX INTEGER {
3364            authProtocolRadiusEap(1),
3365            authProtocolLocal(2)
3366        }
3367        MAX-ACCESS read-write
3368        STATUS current
3369        DESCRIPTION
3370            "The authentication method used to authenticate users."
3371        DEFVAL { authProtocolRadiusEap }
3372            ::= { swAuthenCtrl 3 }
3376-- -------------------------------------------------------------
3377-- groups in the Port Access Control MIB
3378-- -------------------------------------------------------------
3379	swAuthPortAccessCtrl  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyAuthGroup 2 }
3380-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3381-- swAuthPortAccessCtrl
3382-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3383    swAuthPortAccessControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
3384        SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SwAuthPortAccessControlEntry
3385        MAX-ACCESS 			not-accessible
3386        STATUS              current
3387        DESCRIPTION
3388        "A table that contains the configuration objects for the
3389         Authenticator PAE associated with each port.
3390         An entry appears in this table for each port that may
3391         authenticate access to itself."
3392        ::= { swAuthPortAccessCtrl 1 }
3394    swAuthPortAccessControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
3395        SYNTAX              SwAuthPortAccessControlEntry
3396        MAX-ACCESS 			not-accessible
3397        STATUS              current
3398        DESCRIPTION
3399        "The configuration information for an Authenticator Port."
3400        INDEX { swAuthAuthConfigPortNumber }
3401        ::= { swAuthPortAccessControlTable 1 }
3403    SwAuthPortAccessControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
3404        swAuthAuthConfigPortNumber          INTEGER,
3405        swAuthAuthQuietPeriod               INTEGER,
3406        swAuthAuthSuppTimeout               INTEGER,
3407        swAuthAuthServerTimeout             INTEGER,
3408        swAuthAuthMaxReq                    INTEGER,
3409        swAuthAuthTxPeriod                  INTEGER,
3410        swAuthAuthReAuthPeriod              INTEGER,
3411        swAuthAuthReAuthentication          INTEGER,
3412        swAuthAuthConfigPortControl         INTEGER,
3413        swAuthAuthCapability                INTEGER,
3414        swAuthAuthDirection                 INTEGER
3415    }
3417    swAuthAuthConfigPortNumber   OBJECT-TYPE
3418        SYNTAX              INTEGER
3419        MAX-ACCESS 			read-only
3420        STATUS              current
3421        DESCRIPTION
3422        "A unique value for each port that correlates to port index.
3423         Its value ranges between 1 and the value of port number."
3424        ::= { swAuthPortAccessControlEntry 1 }
3426    swAuthAuthQuietPeriod        OBJECT-TYPE
3427        SYNTAX        INTEGER (0..65535)
3428        MAX-ACCESS 	  read-write
3429        STATUS        current
3430        DESCRIPTION
3431           "The value, in seconds, of the quietPeriod constant
3432           currently in use by the Authenticator PAE state
3433           machine."
3434        REFERENCE
3435           "9.4.1, quietPeriod."
3436        DEFVAL { 60 }
3437        ::= { swAuthPortAccessControlEntry 2 }
3439    swAuthAuthSuppTimeout        OBJECT-TYPE
3440        SYNTAX        INTEGER (1..65535)
3441        MAX-ACCESS 	  read-write
3442        STATUS        current
3443        DESCRIPTION
3444           "The value, in seconds, of the suppTimeout constant
3445           currently in use by the Backend Authentication state
3446           machine."
3447        REFERENCE
3448           "9.4.1, suppTimeout."
3449        DEFVAL { 12 }
3450        ::= { swAuthPortAccessControlEntry 3 }
3452    swAuthAuthServerTimeout      OBJECT-TYPE
3453        SYNTAX        INTEGER (1..65535)
3454        MAX-ACCESS 	  read-write
3455        STATUS        current
3456        DESCRIPTION
3457           "The value, in seconds, of the serverTimeout constant
3458           currently in use by the Backend Authentication state
3459           machine."
3460        REFERENCE
3461           "9.4.1, serverTimeout."
3462        DEFVAL { 16 }
3463        ::= { swAuthPortAccessControlEntry 4 }
3465    swAuthAuthMaxReq             OBJECT-TYPE
3466        SYNTAX        INTEGER (1..10)
3467        MAX-ACCESS 	  read-write
3468        STATUS        current
3469        DESCRIPTION
3470           "The value of the maxReq constant currently in use by
3471           the Backend Authentication state machine."
3472        REFERENCE
3473           "9.4.1, maxReq."
3474        DEFVAL { 2 }
3475        ::= { swAuthPortAccessControlEntry 5 }
3477    swAuthAuthTxPeriod           OBJECT-TYPE
3478        SYNTAX        INTEGER (1..65535)
3479        MAX-ACCESS 	  read-write
3480        STATUS        current
3481        DESCRIPTION
3482           "The value, in seconds, of the txPeriod constant
3483           currently in use by the Authenticator PAE state
3484           machine."
3485        REFERENCE
3486           "9.4.1, txPeriod."
3487        DEFVAL { 24 }
3488        ::= { swAuthPortAccessControlEntry 6 }
3490    swAuthAuthReAuthPeriod       OBJECT-TYPE
3491        SYNTAX        INTEGER (1..65535)
3492        MAX-ACCESS 	  read-write
3493        STATUS        current
3494        DESCRIPTION
3495           "The value, in seconds, of the reAuthPeriod constant
3496           currently in use by the Reauthentication Timer state
3497           machine."
3498        REFERENCE
3499           "9.4.1, reAuthPerio."
3500        DEFVAL { 3600 }
3501        ::= { swAuthPortAccessControlEntry 7 }
3503    swAuthAuthReAuthentication   OBJECT-TYPE
3504        SYNTAX        INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
3505        MAX-ACCESS 	  read-write
3506        STATUS        current
3507        DESCRIPTION
3508           "The enable/disable control used by the Reauthentication
3509           Timer state machine ("
3510        REFERENCE
3511           "9.4.1, reAuthEnable."
3512        ::= { swAuthPortAccessControlEntry 8 }
3514    swAuthAuthConfigPortControl  OBJECT-TYPE
3515       SYNTAX       INTEGER {
3516                       forceUnauthorized(1),
3517                       auto(2),
3518                       forceAuthorized(3)
3519                   }
3520        MAX-ACCESS 			read-write
3521        STATUS              current
3522        DESCRIPTION
3523           "The current value of the controlled Port
3524           control parameter for the Port."
3525        REFERENCE
3526           "9.4.1, AuthControlledPortControl."
3527        ::= { swAuthPortAccessControlEntry 9 }
3529    swAuthAuthCapability         OBJECT-TYPE
3530       SYNTAX       INTEGER {
3531                       authenticator(1),
3532                       none(2)
3533                   }
3534        MAX-ACCESS 			read-write
3535        STATUS              current
3536        DESCRIPTION
3537           "The current value of the controlled Port
3538           control parameter for the Port."
3539        REFERENCE
3540           "AuthCapability."
3541        ::= { swAuthPortAccessControlEntry 10 }
3543    swAuthAuthDirection          OBJECT-TYPE
3544       SYNTAX       INTEGER {
3545                       both(0),
3546                       in(1)
3547                   }
3548        MAX-ACCESS 			read-write
3549        STATUS              current
3550        DESCRIPTION
3551           "The current value of the controlled Port
3552           control parameter for the Port."
3553        REFERENCE
3554           "AuthDirection."
3555        ::= { swAuthPortAccessControlEntry 11 }
3557-- -------------------------------------------------------------
3558-- groups in the 802.1X Local user MIB
3559-- -------------------------------------------------------------
3560	swAuthUser  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyAuthGroup 3 }
3561-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3562-- swAuthUser
3563-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3564    swAuthUserTable OBJECT-TYPE
3565        SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SwAuthUserEntry
3566        MAX-ACCESS 			not-accessible
3567        STATUS              current
3568        DESCRIPTION
3569        "A table that contains the configuration objects for the
3570         Authenticator PAE associated with each port.
3571         An entry appears in this table for each port that may
3572         authenticate access to itself."
3573        ::= { swAuthUser 1 }
3575    swAuthUserEntry OBJECT-TYPE
3576        SYNTAX              SwAuthUserEntry
3577        MAX-ACCESS 			not-accessible
3578        STATUS              current
3579        DESCRIPTION
3580        "The configuration information for an Authenticator Port."
3581        INDEX { swAuthUserName }
3582        ::= { swAuthUserTable 1 }
3584    SwAuthUserEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
3585        swAuthUserName                      SnmpAdminString,
3586        swAuthUserPassword                  DisplayString,
3587        swAuthUserStatus                    RowStatus
3588    }
3590    swAuthUserName OBJECT-TYPE
3591        SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..15))
3592        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
3593        STATUS      current
3594        DESCRIPTION
3595            "The unique index value of a row in this table.
3597            This object is used to set 802.1X Local user name,
3598            The following characters are allowed to input:
3599            semicolon, question mark, space, and double quotation mark."
3600        ::= { swAuthUserEntry 1 }
3602    swAuthUserPassword  OBJECT-TYPE
3603       SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(1..15))
3604       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
3605       STATUS      current
3606       DESCRIPTION
3607          "This object is used to set 802.1X Local user Password,
3608          The following characters are allowed to input:
3609          semicolon, question mark, space, and double quotation mark."
3610       ::= { swAuthUserEntry 2 }
3612    swAuthUserStatus OBJECT-TYPE
3613        SYNTAX       RowStatus
3614        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
3615        STATUS       current
3616        DESCRIPTION
3617            "The status of this conceptual row in the swAuthUserTable.
3619            An entry in this table is not qualified for activation
3620            until instances of all corresponding columns have been
3621            initialized, either through default values, or through
3622            Set operations.  The swAuthUserName objects must be
3623            explicitly set."
3624        ::= { swAuthUserEntry 3 }
3626-- -------------------------------------------------------------
3627-- groups in the Authentication RADIUS Server MIB
3628-- -------------------------------------------------------------
3629	swAuthRadiusServer  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyAuthGroup 4 }
3630-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3631-- swAuthRadiusServer
3632-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3633    swAuthRadiusServerTable OBJECT-TYPE
3634        SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SwAuthRadiusServerEntry
3635        MAX-ACCESS 			not-accessible
3636        STATUS              current
3637        DESCRIPTION
3638        "A table that contains the configuration objects for the
3639         Authenticator PAE associated with each port.
3640         An entry appears in this table for each port that may
3641         authenticate access to itself."
3642        ::= { swAuthRadiusServer 1 }
3644    swAuthRadiusServerEntry                 OBJECT-TYPE
3645        SYNTAX                              SwAuthRadiusServerEntry
3646        MAX-ACCESS 			                not-accessible
3647        STATUS                              current
3648        DESCRIPTION
3649        "The configuration information for an Authenticator Port."
3650        INDEX { swAuthRadiusServerIndex }
3651        ::= { swAuthRadiusServerTable 1 }
3653    SwAuthRadiusServerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
3654        swAuthRadiusServerIndex                 INTEGER,
3655        swAuthRadiusServerAddress               IpAddress,
3656        swAuthRadiusServerAuthenticationPort    INTEGER,
3657        swAuthRadiusServerAccountingPort        INTEGER,
3658        swAuthRadiusServerTimeout               INTEGER,
3659        swAuthRadiusServerRetransmit            INTEGER,
3660        swAuthRadiusServerKey                   DisplayString,
3661        swAuthRadiusServerStatus                RowStatus
3662    }
3664    swAuthRadiusServerIndex                 OBJECT-TYPE
3665        SYNTAX                              INTEGER (1..3)
3666        MAX-ACCESS 			                read-only
3667        STATUS                              current
3668        DESCRIPTION
3669        "A unique value for Authentication RADIUS Server index.
3670         Its value ranges between 1 and 3."
3671        ::= { swAuthRadiusServerEntry 1 }
3673    swAuthRadiusServerAddress               OBJECT-TYPE
3674        SYNTAX                              IpAddress
3675        MAX-ACCESS                          read-write
3676        STATUS                              current
3677        DESCRIPTION
3678            "The IP address of the RADIUS server
3679                     referred to in this table entry."
3680        ::=  { swAuthRadiusServerEntry 2 }
3682    swAuthRadiusServerAuthenticationPort    OBJECT-TYPE
3683        SYNTAX                              INTEGER (1..65535)
3684        MAX-ACCESS                          read-write
3685        STATUS                              current
3686        DESCRIPTION
3687            "The value is for setting UDP Port."
3688        DEFVAL { 1812 }
3689       ::= { swAuthRadiusServerEntry 3 }
3691    swAuthRadiusServerAccountingPort        OBJECT-TYPE
3692        SYNTAX                              INTEGER (1..65535)
3693        MAX-ACCESS                          read-write
3694        STATUS                              current
3695        DESCRIPTION
3696            "The value is for setting UDP Port."
3697        DEFVAL { 1813 }
3698       ::= { swAuthRadiusServerEntry 4 }
3700    swAuthRadiusServerTimeout               OBJECT-TYPE
3701        SYNTAX                              INTEGER (1..255)
3702        MAX-ACCESS                          read-write
3703        STATUS                              current
3704        DESCRIPTION
3705            "The value is for setting UDP Port."
3706        DEFVAL { 5 }
3707       ::= { swAuthRadiusServerEntry 5 }
3709    swAuthRadiusServerRetransmit            OBJECT-TYPE
3710        SYNTAX                              INTEGER (1..255)
3711        MAX-ACCESS                          read-write
3712        STATUS                              current
3713        DESCRIPTION
3714            "The value is for setting UDP Port."
3715        DEFVAL { 2 }
3716       ::= { swAuthRadiusServerEntry 6 }
3718    swAuthRadiusServerKey                   OBJECT-TYPE
3719       SYNTAX                               DisplayString (SIZE(1..15))
3720       MAX-ACCESS                           read-write
3721       STATUS                               current
3722       DESCRIPTION
3723          "This object is used to set 802.1X Radius Server Key,
3724          The following characters are allowed to input:
3725          semicolon, question mark, space, and double quotation mark."
3726       ::= { swAuthRadiusServerEntry 7 }
3728    swAuthRadiusServerStatus OBJECT-TYPE
3729        SYNTAX       RowStatus
3730        MAX-ACCESS   read-create
3731        STATUS       current
3732        DESCRIPTION
3733            "The status of this conceptual row in the
3734            swAuthRadiusServerTable.
3736            An entry in this table is not qualified for activation
3737            until instances of all corresponding columns have been
3738            initialized, either through default values, or through
3739            Set operations.  The swAuthRadiusServerIndex objects
3740            must be explicitly set."
3741        ::= { swAuthRadiusServerEntry 8 }
3742    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
3743    -- QoS
3744    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
3747    cosScheduleMechanism       OBJECT-TYPE
3748        SYNTAX INTEGER {
3749            strictPriority(1),
3750            wrr(2)
3751        }
3752        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
3753        STATUS        current
3754        DESCRIPTION
3755           "Queuing mechanism.
3756                 strictPriority(1) : Strict Priority
3757                 wrr(2)            : Weighted Round Robin
3758            Strict-priority scheduling is implemented with a special strict-priority scheduler node that is stacked directly above the port. Queues stacked on top of the strict-priority scheduler node always get bandwidth before other queues.
3759            Weighted round-robin scheduling is designed to better handle queues with different processing capacities. Each queue has a weight : Low is 1, Medium is 2, High is 4 and Highest is 8 for WS3 spec. Queues with higher weights get bandwidth before than other queues with less weights.
3760           "
3761        ::= { companyQoSGroup 1 }
3764    cosOutputSchedule     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyQoSGroup 2 }
3766    cosClassTable     OBJECT-TYPE
3767        SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CosClassEntry
3768        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
3769        STATUS current
3770        DESCRIPTION
3771            "A list of cosOutputSchedule."
3772        ::= { cosOutputSchedule 1 }
3774    cosClassEntry OBJECT-TYPE
3775        SYNTAX CosClassEntry
3776        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
3777        STATUS current
3778        DESCRIPTION
3779            "A list of cosOutputClass Weight."
3780        INDEX { cosClassIndex }
3781        ::= { cosClassTable 1 }
3783    CosClassEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
3784        cosClassIndex                 INTEGER,
3785        cosWeight              INTEGER
3786    }
3788    cosClassIndex OBJECT-TYPE
3789        SYNTAX INTEGER (0..3)
3790        MAX-ACCESS read-only
3791        STATUS current
3792        DESCRIPTION
3793             "A index of class 0 ~ 3."
3794        ::= { cosClassEntry 1 }
3796    cosWeight OBJECT-TYPE
3797        SYNTAX INTEGER (1..55)
3798        MAX-ACCESS read-write
3799        STATUS current
3800        DESCRIPTION
3801        "cos weight "
3802        ::= { cosClassEntry 2 }
3806    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
3807    -- QoS
3808    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
3810--3 port priority --
3811    portMapPriority     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyQoSGroup 3 }
3813    portMapPriTable     OBJECT-TYPE
3814        SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PortMapPriEntry
3815        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
3816        STATUS current
3817        DESCRIPTION
3818            "A list of port mapping priority Entries."
3819        ::= { portMapPriority 1 }
3821    portMapPriEntry OBJECT-TYPE
3822        SYNTAX PortMapPriEntry
3823        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
3824        STATUS current
3825        DESCRIPTION
3826            "A list of 802.1p port mapping priority priorities."
3827        INDEX { portMapPriPortIndex }
3828        ::= { portMapPriTable 1 }
3830    PortMapPriEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
3831        portMapPriPortIndex                 INTEGER,
3832        portMapPriClass                 INTEGER
3833    }
3835    portMapPriPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
3836        SYNTAX INTEGER
3837        MAX-ACCESS read-only
3838        STATUS current
3839        DESCRIPTION
3840             "A port identifier that is in the range of 1 to ifNumber."
3841        ::= { portMapPriEntry 1 }
3843    portMapPriClass OBJECT-TYPE
3844        SYNTAX INTEGER {
3845               low(0),
3846               medium(1),
3847               high(2),
3848               highest(3)
3849    	}
3850        MAX-ACCESS read-write
3851        STATUS current
3852        DESCRIPTION
3853        "For ingress untagged packets, the per port 'Default Priority'
3854         setting will be applied to packets of each port to provide
3855         port-based traffic prioritization.
3856         For ingress tagged packets, if 802.1p not enabled
3857         D-Link Smart Switches will refer to these 4
3858         different priority queues. "
3859        ::= { portMapPriEntry 2 }
3861--4 default user priority--
3862    qosDefaultUserPri     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyQoSGroup 4 }
3864    qosDefaultUserPriTable     OBJECT-TYPE
3865        SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF QosDefaultUserPriEntry
3866        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
3867        STATUS current
3868        DESCRIPTION
3869            "A list of 802.1p port default priority Entries."
3870        ::= { qosDefaultUserPri 1 }
3872    qosDefaultUserPriEntry OBJECT-TYPE
3873        SYNTAX QosDefaultUserPriEntry
3874        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
3875        STATUS current
3876        DESCRIPTION
3877            "A list of 802.1p port default priority priorities."
3878        INDEX { qosDefaultUserPriPortIndex }
3879        ::= { qosDefaultUserPriTable 1 }
3881    QosDefaultUserPriEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
3882        qosDefaultUserPriPortIndex      INTEGER,
3883        qosDefaultPriority              INTEGER,
3884        qosEffectiveDefaultPriority     INTEGER
3885    }
3887    qosDefaultUserPriPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
3888        SYNTAX INTEGER
3889        MAX-ACCESS read-only
3890        STATUS current
3891        DESCRIPTION
3892             "A port identifier that is in the range of 1 to ifNumber."
3893        ::= { qosDefaultUserPriEntry 1 }
3895    qosDefaultPriority OBJECT-TYPE
3896        SYNTAX INTEGER {
3897               priority0(0),
3898               priority1(1),
3899               priority2(2),
3900               priority3(3),
3901               priority4(4),
3902               priority5(5),
3903               priority6(6),
3904               priority7(7)
3905    	}
3906        MAX-ACCESS read-write
3907        STATUS current
3908        DESCRIPTION
3909        "For ingress untagged packets, the per port 'Default Priority'
3910         setting will be applied to packets of each port to provide
3911         port-based traffic prioritization when 802.1p is enabled."
3912        ::= { qosDefaultUserPriEntry 2 }
3915    qosEffectiveDefaultPriority OBJECT-TYPE
3916        SYNTAX INTEGER {
3917               priority0(0),
3918               priority1(1),
3919               priority2(2),
3920               priority3(3),
3921               priority4(4),
3922               priority5(5),
3923               priority6(6),
3924               priority7(7)
3925    	}
3926        MAX-ACCESS read-only
3927        STATUS current
3928        DESCRIPTION
3929        "For ingress untagged packets, the per port 'Effective Default
3930         Priority' setting will be applied to packets of each port to
3931         provide port-based traffic prioritization when 802.1p is enabled."
3932        ::= { qosDefaultUserPriEntry 3 }
3934--5 vlan tag user priority --
3935    qosUserPriority     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyQoSGroup 5 }
3936    qosUserPriorityTable OBJECT-TYPE
3937        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF QosUserPriEntry
3938        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
3939        STATUS      current
3940        DESCRIPTION
3941            "A table mapping evaluated User Priority to Traffic
3942             Class, for forwarding by the bridge.  Traffic class is a
3943             number in the range (0..3)."
3944        REFERENCE
3945            "ISO/IEC 15802-3 Table 7-2"
3946        ::= { qosUserPriority 1 }
3948    qosUserPriEntry OBJECT-TYPE
3949        SYNTAX      QosUserPriEntry
3950        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
3951        STATUS      current
3952        DESCRIPTION
3953        "User Priority to Traffic Class mapping."
3954        INDEX {qosUserPriIndex }
3955        ::= { qosUserPriorityTable 1 }
3957    QosUserPriEntry ::=
3958        SEQUENCE {
3959            qosUserPriIndex
3960                INTEGER,
3961            qosUserPriClass
3962                INTEGER
3963        }
3965    qosUserPriIndex OBJECT-TYPE
3966        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..7)
3967        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
3968        STATUS      current
3969        DESCRIPTION
3970            "For ingress tagged packets, D-Link Smart Switches will refer
3971         to these information and prioritize them with 4 different priority queues.
3972         If 802.1p is enabled."
3974        ::= { qosUserPriEntry 1 }
3976    qosUserPriClass OBJECT-TYPE
3977        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
3978               low(0),
3979               medium(1),
3980               high(2),
3981               highest(3)
3982    	}
3983        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
3984        STATUS      current
3985        DESCRIPTION
3986            "The User Class the received frame is mapped to."
3987        ::= { qosUserPriEntry 2 }
3989--7 priority setting on/off table --
3990    qosPriSettings     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyQoSGroup 7 }
3991    qosPriSettingsTable OBJECT-TYPE
3992        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF QosPriSettingsEntry
3993        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
3994        STATUS      current
3995        DESCRIPTION
3996            "A list of port priority settings."
3997        REFERENCE
3998            "ISO/IEC 15802-3 Table 7-2"
3999        ::= { qosPriSettings 1 }
4001    qosPriSettingsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
4002        SYNTAX      QosPriSettingsEntry
4003        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
4004        STATUS      current
4005        DESCRIPTION
4006        "A list of port priority settings Entries."
4007        INDEX {qosPriSetPortIndex }
4008        ::= { qosPriSettingsTable 1 }
4010    QosPriSettingsEntry ::=
4011        SEQUENCE {
4012            qosPriSetPortIndex
4013                INTEGER,
4014            qosPriSetPortType
4015                INTEGER
4016        }
4018    qosPriSetPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
4019        SYNTAX      INTEGER
4020        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
4021        STATUS      current
4022        DESCRIPTION
4023            "A port identifier that is in the range of 1 to ifNumber."
4024        ::= { qosPriSettingsEntry 1 }
4026    qosPriSetPortType OBJECT-TYPE
4027        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..7)
4028        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
4029        STATUS      current
4030        DESCRIPTION
4031            "The port priority setting type. (ex. none = 0, port mapping = 1,
4032             802.1p = 2, DSCP = 4. If you want enable 802.1p & DSCP, the value
4033             is 2 + 4 = 6. "
4034        ::= { qosPriSettingsEntry 2 }
4036    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
4037    -- QoS
4038    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
4039    qosDiffServ     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyQoSGroup 6 }
4042    qosDiffServTypeGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { qosDiffServ 1 }
4044    qosDiffServType00 OBJECT-TYPE
4045        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4046               low(0),
4047               medium(1),
4048               high(2),
4049               highest(3)
4050    	}
4051    	MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4052        STATUS       current
4053        DESCRIPTION
4054           "DiffServ Type 0 : IP ToS value = 0"
4055        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 1 }
4057    qosDiffServType01 OBJECT-TYPE
4058        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4059               low(0),
4060               medium(1),
4061               high(2),
4062               highest(3)
4063    	}
4064    	MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4065        STATUS       current
4066        DESCRIPTION
4067           "DiffServ Type 01 : IP ToS value = 4"
4068        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 2 }
4070    qosDiffServType02 OBJECT-TYPE
4071        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4072               low(0),
4073               medium(1),
4074               high(2),
4075               highest(3)
4076    	}
4077        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4078        STATUS       current
4079        DESCRIPTION
4080           "DiffServ Type 02 : IP ToS value = 8"
4081        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 3 }
4083    qosDiffServType03 OBJECT-TYPE
4084        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4085               low(0),
4086               medium(1),
4087               high(2),
4088               highest(3)
4089    	}
4090        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4091        STATUS       current
4092        DESCRIPTION
4093           "DiffServ Type 03 : IP ToS value = 12"
4094        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 4 }
4096    qosDiffServType04 OBJECT-TYPE
4097        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4098               low(0),
4099               medium(1),
4100               high(2),
4101               highest(3)
4102    	}
4103        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4104        STATUS       current
4105        DESCRIPTION
4106           "DiffServ Type 04 : IP ToS value = 16"
4107        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 5 }
4109    qosDiffServType05 OBJECT-TYPE
4110        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4111               low(0),
4112               medium(1),
4113               high(2),
4114               highest(3)
4115    	}
4116        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4117        STATUS       current
4118        DESCRIPTION
4119           "DiffServ Type 05 : IP ToS value = 20"
4120        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 6 }
4122    qosDiffServType06 OBJECT-TYPE
4123        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4124               low(0),
4125               medium(1),
4126               high(2),
4127               highest(3)
4128    	}
4129        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4130        STATUS       current
4131        DESCRIPTION
4132           "DiffServ Type 06 : IP ToS value = 24"
4133        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 7 }
4135    qosDiffServType07 OBJECT-TYPE
4136        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4137               low(0),
4138               medium(1),
4139               high(2),
4140               highest(3)
4141    	}
4142        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4143        STATUS       current
4144        DESCRIPTION
4145           "DiffServ Type 07 : IP ToS value = 28"
4146        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 8 }
4148    qosDiffServType08 OBJECT-TYPE
4149        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4150               low(0),
4151               medium(1),
4152               high(2),
4153               highest(3)
4154    	}
4155        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4156        STATUS       current
4157        DESCRIPTION
4158           "DiffServ Type 08 : IP ToS value = 32"
4159        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 9 }
4161    qosDiffServType09 OBJECT-TYPE
4162        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4163               low(0),
4164               medium(1),
4165               high(2),
4166               highest(3)
4167    	}
4168        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4169        STATUS       current
4170        DESCRIPTION
4171           "DiffServ Type 09 : IP ToS value = 36"
4172        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 10 }
4174    qosDiffServType10 OBJECT-TYPE
4175        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4176               low(0),
4177               medium(1),
4178               high(2),
4179               highest(3)
4180    	}
4181        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4182        STATUS       current
4183        DESCRIPTION
4184           "DiffServ Type 10 : IP ToS value = 40"
4185        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 11 }
4187    qosDiffServType11 OBJECT-TYPE
4188        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4189               low(0),
4190               medium(1),
4191               high(2),
4192               highest(3)
4193    	}
4194        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4195        STATUS       current
4196        DESCRIPTION
4197           "DiffServ Type 11 : IP ToS value = 44"
4198        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 12 }
4200    qosDiffServType12 OBJECT-TYPE
4201        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4202               low(0),
4203               medium(1),
4204               high(2),
4205               highest(3)
4206    	}
4207        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4208        STATUS       current
4209        DESCRIPTION
4210           "DiffServ Type 12 : IP ToS value = 48"
4211        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 13 }
4213    qosDiffServType13 OBJECT-TYPE
4214        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4215               low(0),
4216               medium(1),
4217               high(2),
4218               highest(3)
4219    	}
4220        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4221        STATUS       current
4222        DESCRIPTION
4223           "DiffServ Type 13 : IP ToS value = 52"
4224        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 14 }
4226    qosDiffServType14 OBJECT-TYPE
4227        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4228               low(0),
4229               medium(1),
4230               high(2),
4231               highest(3)
4232    	}
4233        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4234        STATUS       current
4235        DESCRIPTION
4236           "DiffServ Type 14 : IP ToS value = 56"
4237        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 15 }
4239    qosDiffServType15 OBJECT-TYPE
4240        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4241               low(0),
4242               medium(1),
4243               high(2),
4244               highest(3)
4245    	}
4246        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4247        STATUS       current
4248        DESCRIPTION
4249           "DiffServ Type 15 : IP ToS value = 60"
4250        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 16 }
4252    qosDiffServType16 OBJECT-TYPE
4253        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4254               low(0),
4255               medium(1),
4256               high(2),
4257               highest(3)
4258    	}
4259        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4260        STATUS       current
4261        DESCRIPTION
4262           "DiffServ Type 16 : IP ToS value = 64"
4263        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 17 }
4265    qosDiffServType17 OBJECT-TYPE
4266        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4267               low(0),
4268               medium(1),
4269               high(2),
4270               highest(3)
4271    	}
4272        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4273        STATUS       current
4274        DESCRIPTION
4275           "DiffServ Type 17 : IP ToS value = 68"
4276        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 18 }
4278    qosDiffServType18 OBJECT-TYPE
4279        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4280               low(0),
4281               medium(1),
4282               high(2),
4283               highest(3)
4284    	}
4285        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4286        STATUS       current
4287        DESCRIPTION
4288           "DiffServ Type 18 : IP ToS value = 72"
4289        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 19 }
4291    qosDiffServType19 OBJECT-TYPE
4292        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4293               low(0),
4294               medium(1),
4295               high(2),
4296               highest(3)
4297    	}
4298        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4299        STATUS       current
4300        DESCRIPTION
4301           "DiffServ Type 19 : IP ToS value = 76"
4302        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 20 }
4304    qosDiffServType20 OBJECT-TYPE
4305        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4306               low(0),
4307               medium(1),
4308               high(2),
4309               highest(3)
4310    	}
4311        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4312        STATUS       current
4313        DESCRIPTION
4314           "DiffServ Type 20 : IP ToS value = 80"
4315        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 21 }
4317    qosDiffServType21 OBJECT-TYPE
4318        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4319               low(0),
4320               medium(1),
4321               high(2),
4322               highest(3)
4323    	}
4324        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4325        STATUS       current
4326        DESCRIPTION
4327           "DiffServ Type 21 : IP ToS value = 84"
4328        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 22 }
4330    qosDiffServType22 OBJECT-TYPE
4331        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4332               low(0),
4333               medium(1),
4334               high(2),
4335               highest(3)
4336    	}
4337        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4338        STATUS       current
4339        DESCRIPTION
4340           "DiffServ Type 22 : IP ToS value = 88"
4341        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 23 }
4343    qosDiffServType23 OBJECT-TYPE
4344        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4345               low(0),
4346               medium(1),
4347               high(2),
4348               highest(3)
4349    	}
4350        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4351        STATUS       current
4352        DESCRIPTION
4353           "DiffServ Type 23 : IP ToS value = 92"
4354        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 24 }
4356    qosDiffServType24 OBJECT-TYPE
4357        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4358               low(0),
4359               medium(1),
4360               high(2),
4361               highest(3)
4362    	}
4363        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4364        STATUS       current
4365        DESCRIPTION
4366           "DiffServ Type 24 : IP ToS value = 96"
4367        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 25 }
4369    qosDiffServType25 OBJECT-TYPE
4370        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4371               low(0),
4372               medium(1),
4373               high(2),
4374               highest(3)
4375    	}
4376        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4377        STATUS       current
4378        DESCRIPTION
4379           "DiffServ Type 25 : IP ToS value = 100"
4380        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 26 }
4382    qosDiffServType26 OBJECT-TYPE
4383        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4384               low(0),
4385               medium(1),
4386               high(2),
4387               highest(3)
4388    	}
4389        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4390        STATUS       current
4391        DESCRIPTION
4392           "DiffServ Type 26 : IP ToS value = 104"
4393        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 27 }
4395    qosDiffServType27 OBJECT-TYPE
4396        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4397               low(0),
4398               medium(1),
4399               high(2),
4400               highest(3)
4401    	}
4402        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4403        STATUS       current
4404        DESCRIPTION
4405           "DiffServ Type 27 : IP ToS value = 108"
4406        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 28 }
4408    qosDiffServType28 OBJECT-TYPE
4409        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4410               low(0),
4411               medium(1),
4412               high(2),
4413               highest(3)
4414    	}
4415        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4416        STATUS       current
4417        DESCRIPTION
4418           "DiffServ Type 28 : IP ToS value = 112"
4419        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 29 }
4421    qosDiffServType29 OBJECT-TYPE
4422        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4423               low(0),
4424               medium(1),
4425               high(2),
4426               highest(3)
4427    	}
4428        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4429        STATUS       current
4430        DESCRIPTION
4431           "DiffServ Type 29 : IP ToS value = 116"
4432        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 30 }
4434    qosDiffServType30 OBJECT-TYPE
4435        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4436               low(0),
4437               medium(1),
4438               high(2),
4439               highest(3)
4440    	}
4441        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4442        STATUS       current
4443        DESCRIPTION
4444           "DiffServ Type 30 : IP ToS value = 120"
4445        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 31 }
4447    qosDiffServType31 OBJECT-TYPE
4448        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4449               low(0),
4450               medium(1),
4451               high(2),
4452               highest(3)
4453    	}
4454        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4455        STATUS       current
4456        DESCRIPTION
4457           "DiffServ Type 31 : IP ToS value = 124"
4458        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 32 }
4460    qosDiffServType32 OBJECT-TYPE
4461        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4462               low(0),
4463               medium(1),
4464               high(2),
4465               highest(3)
4466    	}
4467        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4468        STATUS       current
4469        DESCRIPTION
4470           "DiffServ Type 32 : IP ToS value = 128"
4471        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 33 }
4473    qosDiffServType33 OBJECT-TYPE
4474        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4475               low(0),
4476               medium(1),
4477               high(2),
4478               highest(3)
4479    	}
4480        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4481        STATUS       current
4482        DESCRIPTION
4483           "DiffServ Type 33 : IP ToS value = 132"
4484        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 34 }
4486    qosDiffServType34 OBJECT-TYPE
4487        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4488               low(0),
4489               medium(1),
4490               high(2),
4491               highest(3)
4492    	}
4493        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4494        STATUS       current
4495        DESCRIPTION
4496           "DiffServ Type 34 : IP ToS value = 136"
4497        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 35 }
4499    qosDiffServType35 OBJECT-TYPE
4500        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4501               low(0),
4502               medium(1),
4503               high(2),
4504               highest(3)
4505    	}
4506        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4507        STATUS       current
4508        DESCRIPTION
4509           "DiffServ Type 35 : IP ToS value = 140"
4510        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 36 }
4512    qosDiffServType36 OBJECT-TYPE
4513        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4514               low(0),
4515               medium(1),
4516               high(2),
4517               highest(3)
4518    	}
4519        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4520        STATUS       current
4521        DESCRIPTION
4522           "DiffServ Type 36 : IP ToS value = 144"
4523        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 37 }
4525    qosDiffServType37 OBJECT-TYPE
4526        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4527               low(0),
4528               medium(1),
4529               high(2),
4530               highest(3)
4531    	}
4532        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4533        STATUS       current
4534        DESCRIPTION
4535           "DiffServ Type 37 : IP ToS value = 148"
4536        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 38 }
4538    qosDiffServType38 OBJECT-TYPE
4539        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4540               low(0),
4541               medium(1),
4542               high(2),
4543               highest(3)
4544    	}
4545        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4546        STATUS       current
4547        DESCRIPTION
4548           "DiffServ Type 38 : IP ToS value = 152"
4549        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 39 }
4551    qosDiffServType39 OBJECT-TYPE
4552        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4553               low(0),
4554               medium(1),
4555               high(2),
4556               highest(3)
4557    	}
4558        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4559        STATUS       current
4560        DESCRIPTION
4561           "DiffServ Type 39 : IP ToS value = 156"
4562        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 40 }
4564    qosDiffServType40 OBJECT-TYPE
4565        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4566               low(0),
4567               medium(1),
4568               high(2),
4569               highest(3)
4570    	}
4571        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4572        STATUS       current
4573        DESCRIPTION
4574           "DiffServ Type 40 : IP ToS value = 160"
4575        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 41 }
4577    qosDiffServType41 OBJECT-TYPE
4578        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4579               low(0),
4580               medium(1),
4581               high(2),
4582               highest(3)
4583    	}
4584        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4585        STATUS       current
4586        DESCRIPTION
4587           "DiffServ Type 41 : IP ToS value = 164"
4588        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 42 }
4590    qosDiffServType42 OBJECT-TYPE
4591        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4592               low(0),
4593               medium(1),
4594               high(2),
4595               highest(3)
4596    	}
4597        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4598        STATUS       current
4599        DESCRIPTION
4600           "DiffServ Type 42 : IP ToS value = 168"
4601        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 43 }
4603    qosDiffServType43 OBJECT-TYPE
4604        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4605               low(0),
4606               medium(1),
4607               high(2),
4608               highest(3)
4609    	}
4610        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4611        STATUS       current
4612        DESCRIPTION
4613           "DiffServ Type 43 : IP ToS value = 172"
4614        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 44 }
4616    qosDiffServType44 OBJECT-TYPE
4617        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4618               low(0),
4619               medium(1),
4620               high(2),
4621               highest(3)
4622    	}
4623        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4624        STATUS       current
4625        DESCRIPTION
4626           "DiffServ Type 44 : IP ToS value = 176"
4627        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 45 }
4629    qosDiffServType45 OBJECT-TYPE
4630        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4631               low(0),
4632               medium(1),
4633               high(2),
4634               highest(3)
4635    	}
4636        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4637        STATUS       current
4638        DESCRIPTION
4639           "DiffServ Type 45 : IP ToS value = 180"
4640        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 46 }
4642    qosDiffServType46 OBJECT-TYPE
4643        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4644               low(0),
4645               medium(1),
4646               high(2),
4647               highest(3)
4648    	}
4649        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4650        STATUS       current
4651        DESCRIPTION
4652           "DiffServ Type 46 : IP ToS value = 184"
4653        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 47 }
4655    qosDiffServType47 OBJECT-TYPE
4656        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4657               low(0),
4658               medium(1),
4659               high(2),
4660               highest(3)
4661    	}
4662        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4663        STATUS       current
4664        DESCRIPTION
4665           "DiffServ Type 47 : IP ToS value = 188"
4666        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 48 }
4668    qosDiffServType48 OBJECT-TYPE
4669        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4670               low(0),
4671               medium(1),
4672               high(2),
4673               highest(3)
4674    	}
4675        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4676        STATUS       current
4677        DESCRIPTION
4678           "DiffServ Type 48 : IP ToS value = 192"
4679        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 49 }
4681    qosDiffServType49 OBJECT-TYPE
4682        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4683               low(0),
4684               medium(1),
4685               high(2),
4686               highest(3)
4687    	}
4688        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4689        STATUS       current
4690        DESCRIPTION
4691           "DiffServ Type 49 : IP ToS value = 196"
4692        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 50 }
4694    qosDiffServType50 OBJECT-TYPE
4695        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4696               low(0),
4697               medium(1),
4698               high(2),
4699               highest(3)
4700    	}
4701        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4702        STATUS       current
4703        DESCRIPTION
4704           "DiffServ Type 50 : IP ToS value = 200"
4705        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 51 }
4707    qosDiffServType51 OBJECT-TYPE
4708        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4709               low(0),
4710               medium(1),
4711               high(2),
4712               highest(3)
4713    	}
4714        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4715        STATUS       current
4716        DESCRIPTION
4717           "DiffServ Type 51 : IP ToS value = 204"
4718        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 52 }
4720    qosDiffServType52 OBJECT-TYPE
4721        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4722               low(0),
4723               medium(1),
4724               high(2),
4725               highest(3)
4726    	}
4727        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4728        STATUS       current
4729        DESCRIPTION
4730           "DiffServ Type 52 : IP ToS value = 208"
4731        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 53 }
4733    qosDiffServType53 OBJECT-TYPE
4734        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4735               low(0),
4736               medium(1),
4737               high(2),
4738               highest(3)
4739    	}
4740        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4741        STATUS       current
4742        DESCRIPTION
4743           "DiffServ Type 53 : IP ToS value = 212"
4744        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 54 }
4746    qosDiffServType54 OBJECT-TYPE
4747        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4748               low(0),
4749               medium(1),
4750               high(2),
4751               highest(3)
4752    	}
4753        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4754        STATUS       current
4755        DESCRIPTION
4756           "DiffServ Type 54 : IP ToS value = 216"
4757        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 55 }
4759    qosDiffServType55 OBJECT-TYPE
4760        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4761               low(0),
4762               medium(1),
4763               high(2),
4764               highest(3)
4765    	}
4766        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4767        STATUS       current
4768        DESCRIPTION
4769           "DiffServ Type 55 : IP ToS value = 220"
4770        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 56 }
4772    qosDiffServType56 OBJECT-TYPE
4773        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4774               low(0),
4775               medium(1),
4776               high(2),
4777               highest(3)
4778    	}
4779        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4780        STATUS       current
4781        DESCRIPTION
4782           "DiffServ Type 56 : IP ToS value = 224"
4783        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 57 }
4785    qosDiffServType57 OBJECT-TYPE
4786        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4787               low(0),
4788               medium(1),
4789               high(2),
4790               highest(3)
4791    	}
4792        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4793        STATUS       current
4794        DESCRIPTION
4795           "DiffServ Type 57 : IP ToS value = 228"
4796        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 58 }
4798    qosDiffServType58 OBJECT-TYPE
4799        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4800               low(0),
4801               medium(1),
4802               high(2),
4803               highest(3)
4804    	}
4805        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4806        STATUS       current
4807        DESCRIPTION
4808           "DiffServ Type 58 : IP ToS value = 232"
4809        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 59 }
4811    qosDiffServType59 OBJECT-TYPE
4812        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4813               low(0),
4814               medium(1),
4815               high(2),
4816               highest(3)
4817    	}
4818        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4819        STATUS       current
4820        DESCRIPTION
4821           "DiffServ Type 59 : IP ToS value = 236"
4822        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 60 }
4824    qosDiffServType60 OBJECT-TYPE
4825        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4826               low(0),
4827               medium(1),
4828               high(2),
4829               highest(3)
4830    	}
4831        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4832        STATUS       current
4833        DESCRIPTION
4834           "DiffServ Type 60 : IP ToS value = 240"
4835        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 61 }
4837    qosDiffServType61 OBJECT-TYPE
4838        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4839               low(0),
4840               medium(1),
4841               high(2),
4842               highest(3)
4843    	}
4844        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4845        STATUS       current
4846        DESCRIPTION
4847           "DiffServ Type 61 : IP ToS value = 244"
4848        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 62 }
4850    qosDiffServType62 OBJECT-TYPE
4851        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4852               low(0),
4853               medium(1),
4854               high(2),
4855               highest(3)
4856    	}
4857        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4858        STATUS       current
4859        DESCRIPTION
4860           "DiffServ Type 62 : IP ToS value = 248"
4861        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 63 }
4863    qosDiffServType63 OBJECT-TYPE
4864        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
4865               low(0),
4866               medium(1),
4867               high(2),
4868               highest(3)
4869    	}
4870        MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4871        STATUS       current
4872        DESCRIPTION
4873           "DiffServ Type 63 : IP ToS value = 252"
4874        ::= { qosDiffServTypeGroup 64 }
4878    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
4879    -- aclQosTable
4880    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
4881    qosAclPrioritySettings     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyQoSGroup 8 }
4883    aclQosTable  OBJECT-TYPE
4884        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF AclQosEntry
4885        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
4886        STATUS     current
4887        DESCRIPTION
4888           "A list of priority by acl setting."
4890        ::= { qosAclPrioritySettings 1 }
4892    aclQosEntry OBJECT-TYPE
4893        SYNTAX     AclQosEntry
4894        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
4895        STATUS     current
4896        DESCRIPTION
4897              "A list of priority by acl setting entry."
4899        INDEX { aclQosIndex }
4900        ::= { aclQosTable 1 }
4902    AclQosEntry  ::=
4903            SEQUENCE {
4904              aclQosIndex          Integer32,
4905              aclQosType           INTEGER,
4906              aclQosMACAddr        MacAddress,
4907              aclQosIPAddr         IpAddress,
4908              aclQosTCPUDPPort     Integer32,
4909              aclQosVlanID         Integer32,
4910              aclQosProtocol       Integer32,
4911              aclQosAssignClass    INTEGER,
4912              aclQosStatus         RowStatus
4913              }
4915    aclQosIndex OBJECT-TYPE
4916       SYNTAX       Integer32 (1..65535)
4917       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
4918       STATUS       current
4919       DESCRIPTION
4920         "Index of priority by acl setting."
4921        ::= { aclQosEntry  1 }
4923    aclQosType OBJECT-TYPE
4924       SYNTAX       INTEGER { mac(0), ip(1), tcp(2), udp(3), vlanid(4), protocol(5) }
4925       MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4926       STATUS       current
4927       DESCRIPTION
4928         "Type of priority by acl setting."
4929        ::= { aclQosEntry  2 }
4931    aclQosMACAddr OBJECT-TYPE
4932       SYNTAX      MacAddress
4933       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
4934       STATUS      current
4935       DESCRIPTION
4936           "Dst MAC of priority by acl setting."
4937        ::= { aclQosEntry  3 }
4940    aclQosIPAddr OBJECT-TYPE
4941       SYNTAX      IpAddress
4942       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
4943       STATUS      current
4944       DESCRIPTION
4945           "Dst IP of priority by acl setting"
4946        ::= { aclQosEntry 4 }
4948    aclQosTCPUDPPort OBJECT-TYPE
4949       SYNTAX       Integer32 (1..65535)
4950       MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4951       STATUS       current
4952       DESCRIPTION
4953         "Dst TCP/UDP port of priority by acl setting"
4954        ::= { aclQosEntry  5 }
4956    aclQosVlanID OBJECT-TYPE
4957       SYNTAX       Integer32 (1..4094)
4958       MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4959       STATUS       current
4960       DESCRIPTION
4961         "VLAN ID of priority by acl setting"
4962        ::= { aclQosEntry  6 }
4964    aclQosProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
4965       SYNTAX       Integer32 (1..255)
4966       MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4967       STATUS       current
4968       DESCRIPTION
4969         "Ip protocol number of priority by acl setting"
4970        ::= { aclQosEntry  7 }
4972    aclQosAssignClass OBJECT-TYPE
4973       SYNTAX       INTEGER  { class0(0), class1(1), class2(2), class3(3) }
4974       MAX-ACCESS   read-write
4975       STATUS       current
4976       DESCRIPTION
4977         "Be mapped class of priority by acl setting."
4978        ::= { aclQosEntry  8 }
4980    aclQosStatus OBJECT-TYPE
4981       SYNTAX RowStatus
4982       MAX-ACCESS read-write
4983       STATUS current
4984       DESCRIPTION
4985         "Status of priority by acl setting."
4986       ::= { aclQosEntry 9 }
4987 		-- ----------------------------------------------------------
4988		-- The companyTrafficMgmt Groups
4989		-- ----------------------------------------------------------
4991        -- Bandwidth Control Group --------------------------------------------- --
4992		bandwidthCtrlSettings  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyTrafficMgmt 1 }
4994        bandwidthCtrlTable OBJECT-TYPE
4995           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF BandwidthCtrlEntry
4996           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
4997           STATUS      current
4998           DESCRIPTION
4999              "A table to control the rate limiting parameters
5000               either for the entire switch or for each interface in the switch."
5001           ::= { bandwidthCtrlSettings 2 }
5003        bandwidthCtrlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
5004           SYNTAX      BandwidthCtrlEntry
5005           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
5006           STATUS      current
5007           DESCRIPTION
5008              "An entry appears in this table for each physical
5009               interface in the switch."
5010           INDEX { bandwidthCtrlIndex }
5011           ::= { bandwidthCtrlTable 1 }
5013        BandwidthCtrlEntry ::=
5014           SEQUENCE {
5015              bandwidthCtrlIndex
5016                 Integer32,
5017              bandwidthCtrlTxThreshold
5018                 Integer32,
5019              bandwidthCtrlRxThreshold
5020                 Integer32
5021          }
5023        bandwidthCtrlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
5024           SYNTAX      Integer32
5025           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
5026           STATUS      current
5027           DESCRIPTION
5028              "The interface index for which the configuration in this
5029               entry applies."
5030           ::= { bandwidthCtrlEntry 1 }
5033        bandwidthCtrlTxThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
5034           SYNTAX      Integer32 (0 | 64..1024000)
5035           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
5036           STATUS      current
5037           DESCRIPTION
5038              "Configures interface Rate Limit (Packet that can be transferred
5039              on a port at a particular second).
5041              This object's value will take effect on the interface speed. Based
5042              on the operating speed of the port, the rate limit will be applied.
5043              This value can also be affected by the metering. A value of zero(0)
5044              disable rate limiting i.e. sets the port to full speed. The value can
5045              be set between 64~102400(Kbits per second) in FE port, 64~1024000
5046              (Kbits per second) in GE port.
5047              (Note: The multiple of 1850 Kbits/sec will be set automatically because
5048              the resolution of Giga-port Tx bandwidth control is 1850 Kbits/sec.)"
5050           ::= { bandwidthCtrlEntry 2 }
5052        bandwidthCtrlRxThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
5053           SYNTAX      Integer32 (0 | 64..1024000)
5054           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
5055           STATUS      current
5056           DESCRIPTION
5057              "Allows to configure the limiting value for the maximum number
5058               of receive packets that can be transmitted per second over this
5059               interface. Setting this object to the value zero disables rate
5060               limiting for receive packets on this interface. The value that
5061               can be set for this object is limited by the underlying hardware.
5062               The value can be set between 64~102400(Kbits per second) in FE
5063               port,  64~1024000(Kbits per second) in GE port."
5065           ::= { bandwidthCtrlEntry 3}
5068        -- Broadcast Storm Control Group --------------------------------------------- --
5070        -- Broadcast Storm Control
5071		broadcastStormCtrlSettings  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyTrafficMgmt 3 }
5073        broadcastStormCtrlGlobalOnOff       OBJECT-TYPE
5074            SYNTAX INTEGER  {
5075        		 enabled(1),
5076        		 disabled(2)
5077            }
5078            MAX-ACCESS    read-write
5079            STATUS        current
5080            DESCRIPTION
5081           "This object indicates storm control function is enabled or disabled
5082            for device.
5083            When you enable broadcast storm control function,  D-Link Smart
5084            Switches will allowed you to limit the number of broadcast packets
5085            per second going through device."
5086            ::= { broadcastStormCtrlSettings 1 }
5088        broadcastStormCtrlLimitType       OBJECT-TYPE
5089            SYNTAX INTEGER  {
5090        		 broadcastonly(1),
5091        		 multicastAndbroadcast(2),
5092        		 dlfMulticastAndbroadcast(3)
5093            }
5094           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
5095           STATUS      current
5096           DESCRIPTION
5097                "This object indicates storm control function is control broadcast
5098                packet or multicast packet or dlf packet."
5099           ::= { broadcastStormCtrlSettings 2 }
5101        broadcastStormCtrlThreshold       OBJECT-TYPE
5102           SYNTAX      Integer32 (0 | 64..1024000)
5103           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
5104           STATUS      current
5105           DESCRIPTION
5106              "Allows to configure the limiting value for the maximum number
5107               of Kbits/sec that can be transmitted per second over this interface.
5108               Setting this object to the value zero disables rate limiting on
5109               this interface. The value that can be set for this object is
5110               limited by the underlying hardware. The limit value must be between
5111               64~1024000 and limit value is multiple of 64.
5112               (Notice : if the limit value is 0, it means unlimited.)"
5114           DEFVAL  {0}
5115           ::= { broadcastStormCtrlSettings 3 }
5118       -- Traffic Control Group --------------------------------------------- --
5120       trafficCtrlSettings OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyTrafficMgmt 4 }
5122	   trafficCtrlTrap OBJECT-TYPE
5123          SYNTAX INTEGER {
5124          		none(0),
5125          		stormOccurred(1),
5126          		stormCleared(2),
5127           		both(3)
5128          }
5129          MAX-ACCESS   read-write
5130          STATUS       current
5131          DESCRIPTION
5132              "The trap setting of traffic control."
5133          ::= { trafficCtrlSettings 1 }
5136	   trafficCtrlTable OBJECT-TYPE
5137          SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF TrafficCtrlEntry
5138          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
5139          STATUS      current
5140          DESCRIPTION
5141              "The traffic control table."
5142          ::= { trafficCtrlSettings 2 }
5144       trafficCtrlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
5145          SYNTAX      TrafficCtrlEntry
5146          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
5147          STATUS      current
5148          DESCRIPTION
5149              "The traffic control entry."
5150          INDEX { trafficCtrlIndex }
5151          ::= { trafficCtrlTable 1 }
5153       TrafficCtrlEntry ::=
5154          SEQUENCE {
5155             trafficCtrlIndex
5156                Integer32,
5157             trafficCtrlActionMode
5158                INTEGER,
5159             trafficCtrlType
5160                INTEGER,
5161             trafficCtrlThreshold
5162             	Integer32,
5163             trafficCtrlCountDown
5164             	Integer32,
5165             trafficCtrlTimeInterval
5166             	Integer32
5167       }
5169       trafficCtrlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
5170           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..65535)
5171           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
5172           STATUS      current
5173           DESCRIPTION
5174              "The traffic control index."
5175           ::= { trafficCtrlEntry 1 }
5177        trafficCtrlActionMode OBJECT-TYPE
5178           SYNTAX INTEGER {
5179           		drop(0),
5180           		shutdown(1)
5181           }
5182           MAX-ACCESS   read-write
5183           STATUS       current
5184           DESCRIPTION
5185               "The action mode of traffic control."
5186           ::= { trafficCtrlEntry 2 }
5189        trafficCtrlType OBJECT-TYPE
5190           SYNTAX INTEGER {
5191           		none(0),
5192           		b(1),
5193           		m(2),
5194           		mb(3),
5195           		u(4),
5196           		ub(5),
5197           		um(6),
5198           		umb(7)
5199           }
5200           MAX-ACCESS   read-write
5201           STATUS       current
5202           DESCRIPTION
5203               "The control type of traffic control.
5204               (b: Broadcast, m: Multicast, u: Unknown Unicast)"
5205           ::= { trafficCtrlEntry 3 }
5207        trafficCtrlThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
5208           SYNTAX       Integer32 (1..102400)
5209           MAX-ACCESS   read-write
5210           STATUS       current
5211           DESCRIPTION
5212               "The threshold of traffic control."
5213           ::= { trafficCtrlEntry 4 }
5215        trafficCtrlCountDown OBJECT-TYPE
5216           SYNTAX       Integer32 (0..30)
5217           MAX-ACCESS   read-write
5218           STATUS       current
5219           DESCRIPTION
5220               "The count down value of traffic control."
5221           ::= { trafficCtrlEntry 5 }
5223        trafficCtrlTimeInterval OBJECT-TYPE
5224           SYNTAX       Integer32 (5..30)
5225           MAX-ACCESS   read-write
5226           STATUS       current
5227           DESCRIPTION
5228               "The time interval of traffic control."
5229           ::= { trafficCtrlEntry 6 }
5232    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
5233    -- companySecurity
5234    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
5236    -- Trusted Host
5238    securityTrustedHost       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companySecurity 1 }
5240    trustedHostStatus OBJECT-TYPE
5241       SYNTAX      INTEGER {
5242                      enabled      (1),
5243                      disabled	   (2)
5244                   }
5245       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
5246       STATUS      current
5247       DESCRIPTION
5248           "This object indicates trusted host function is enabled or disabled.
5249                When trusted host function is enabled, D-Link Smart Switches will
5250                only allow hosts which you trust to access and control the switch.
5251                Your local host IP Addresses must be one of the IP Addresses to
5252                avoid disconnection."
5254       DEFVAL  { disabled }
5255       ::= { securityTrustedHost 1 }
5258    trustedHostTable OBJECT-TYPE
5259       SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF TrustedHostEntry
5260       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
5261       STATUS      current
5262       DESCRIPTION
5263           "A table to configure trusted host in the system."
5264       ::= { securityTrustedHost 2 }
5266    trustedHostEntry OBJECT-TYPE
5267       SYNTAX      TrustedHostEntry
5268       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
5269       STATUS      current
5270       DESCRIPTION
5271           "Each entry in this table represents rules for particular
5272            trusted host."
5273       INDEX { trustedHostIpAddr, trustedHostIpMask }
5274       ::= { trustedHostTable 1 }
5276    TrustedHostEntry ::=
5277       SEQUENCE {
5278          trustedHostIpAddr
5279             IpAddress,
5280          trustedHostIpMask
5281             IpAddress,
5282          trustedHostRowStatus
5283             RowStatus
5284     }
5286    trustedHostIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
5287       SYNTAX      IpAddress
5288       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
5289       STATUS      current
5290       DESCRIPTION
5291            "The IP address of host you allow to access to D-Link Smart
5292             Switch.
5293             Your local host IP Addresses must be one of the IP Addresses
5294             to avoid disconnection."
5295       ::= { trustedHostEntry 1 }
5297    trustedHostIpMask OBJECT-TYPE
5298       SYNTAX      IpAddress
5299       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
5300       STATUS      current
5301       DESCRIPTION
5302            "Used to mask with IP address, it allow you set a subnet as a
5303            trusted host entry."
5304       ::= { trustedHostEntry 2 }
5306    trustedHostRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
5307       SYNTAX      RowStatus
5308       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
5309       STATUS      current
5310       DESCRIPTION
5311             "The status of an entry in the Trusted Host Table.  Only a subset
5312             of the rowstatus variables (active, createAndGo, destroy)
5313             are available."
5314       ::= { trustedHostEntry 3 }
5316    securityARPSpoofPrevent        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companySecurity 3}
5318	-- aRPSpoofPrevent Control Table
5320	aRPSpoofPreventTable OBJECT-TYPE
5321	   SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF ARPSpoofPreventEntry
5322	   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
5323	   STATUS      current
5325	      "A table to control ARP Spoofing prevention for the entire
5326	       switch or for each interface in the switch."
5327	   ::= { securityARPSpoofPrevent 1 }
5329	aRPSpoofPreventEntry OBJECT-TYPE
5330	   SYNTAX      ARPSpoofPreventEntry
5331	   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
5332	   STATUS      current
5334	       "An entry appears in this table for each interface
5335	        in the system."
5336	   INDEX { aRPSpoofPreventIpAddr }
5337	   ::= { aRPSpoofPreventTable 1 }
5339	ARPSpoofPreventEntry ::=
5340	   SEQUENCE {
5341	      aRPSpoofPreventIpAddr
5342	         IpAddress,
5343	      aRPSpoofPreventMacAddress
5344	         MacAddress,
5345	      aRPSpoofPreventPortList
5346	         PortList,
5347	      aRPSpoofPreventRowStatus
5348	         RowStatus
5349	   }
5352	aRPSpoofPreventIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
5353	   SYNTAX      IpAddress
5354	   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
5355	   STATUS      current
5357	       "Specifies either the Network or Host address from which the switch
5358	        can be managed.
5359	        An address indicates 'Any Manager'."
5360	   ::= { aRPSpoofPreventEntry 1 }
5363	aRPSpoofPreventMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE
5364	   SYNTAX      MacAddress
5365	   MAX-ACCESS  read-write
5366	   STATUS      current
5368	      "Ethernet Mac Address."
5370	   DEFVAL  { '000102030405'h }
5371	   ::= { aRPSpoofPreventEntry 2 }
5373	aRPSpoofPreventPortList OBJECT-TYPE
5374	   SYNTAX       PortList
5375	   MAX-ACCESS   read-write
5376	   STATUS       current
5378	       "Specifies the port numbers through which the authorized manager can
5379	        access the switch.
5381	        By default the authorized manager is allowed to access the switch
5382	        through all the ports.
5384	        If a set of ports are configured in the 'PortList', the manager can
5385	        access the switch only through the configured ports."
5386	   ::= { aRPSpoofPreventEntry 3 }
5388	aRPSpoofPreventRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
5389	   SYNTAX      RowStatus
5390	   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
5391	   STATUS      current
5393	      "This object indicates the status of this entry."
5394	   ::= { aRPSpoofPreventEntry 4 }
5397    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
5398    -- companySecurity
5399    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
5401    securitySSL       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companySecurity 5 }
5403    sslSecurityHttpStatus OBJECT-TYPE
5404       SYNTAX       INTEGER {
5405                    enable(1),
5406                    disable(2)
5407                    }
5408       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
5409       STATUS      current
5410       DESCRIPTION
5411          "This object is for enabling or disabling secure HTTP in the system."
5413       DEFVAL  { disable }
5414       ::= { securitySSL 1 }
5416    sslCiphers                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { securitySSL 2 }
5418    sslCipherSuiteList OBJECT-TYPE
5419      SYNTAX  BITS {
5420            rsa-null-md5(0),
5421            rsa-null-sha(1),
5422            rsa-des-sha(2),
5423            rsa-3des-sha(3),
5424            dh-rsa-des-sha(4),
5425            dh-rsa-3des-sha(5),
5426            rsa-exp1024-des-sha(6)
5427     }
5429      MAX-ACCESS read-write
5430      STATUS current
5433         "This object is to configure the cipher-suites list."
5435   ::= { sslCiphers 1}
5439    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
5440    -- companySecurity
5441    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
5443    securitySSH       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companySecurity 8 }
5445    sshSecurityStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
5446    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
5447                enable(1),
5448                disable(2)
5449                }
5450    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
5451    STATUS      current
5453        "This object is for enabling or disabling ssh in the system."
5455    DEFVAL  { disable }
5456    ::= { securitySSH 1}
5458sshMaxAuthFailAttempts OBJECT-TYPE
5459	SYNTAX INTEGER (2..20)
5460	MAX-ACCESS read-write
5461	STATUS current
5463		"This object indicates the max auth fail retry attempt times."
5464	::= {securitySSH 2}
5466sshSessionKeyRekeying OBJECT-TYPE
5468		never(0),
5469		ten-min(10),
5470		thirty-min(30),
5471		sixty-min(60)
5472		}
5473	MAX-ACCESS read-write
5474	STATUS current
5476		"This object indicates one SSH session rekey time interval."
5477	::= {securitySSH 3}
5479sshMaxSession OBJECT-TYPE
5480	SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8)
5481	MAX-ACCESS read-write
5482	STATUS current
5484		"This object indicates max SSH session number supported in system."
5485	::= {securitySSH 4}
5487sshConnectionTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
5488	SYNTAX INTEGER (120..600)
5489	MAX-ACCESS read-write
5490	STATUS current
5492		"This object indicates SSH connection timeout value."
5493	::= {securitySSH 5}
5496-- SSH encryption algorithm group configuration
5498sshAuthenMethodPassWordAdmin OBJECT-TYPE
5500                enable(1),
5501                disable(2)
5502		}
5503	MAX-ACCESS read-write
5504	STATUS current
5506		"The object indicates authen method password is enabled or disabled."
5507	::= {securitySSH 6}
5509sshAuthenMethodPubKeyAdmin OBJECT-TYPE
5511                enable(1),
5512                disable(2)
5513		}
5514	MAX-ACCESS read-write
5515	STATUS current
5517		"The object indicates authen method public-key is enabled or disabled."
5518	::= {securitySSH 7}
5520sshAuthenMethodHostKeyAdmin OBJECT-TYPE
5522                enable(1),
5523                disable(2)
5524		}
5525	MAX-ACCESS read-write
5526	STATUS current
5528		"The object indicates authen method host-key is enabled or disabled."
5529	::= {securitySSH 8}
5531    sshCipherSuiteList OBJECT-TYPE
5532        SYNTAX  BITS {
5533        tripleDESCBC(0),
5534        dESCBC(1)
5535        }
5537    MAX-ACCESS read-write
5538    STATUS current
5541    "This object is to configure the cipher-suites list."
5543	::= { securitySSH 9}
5545    sshMacSuiteList OBJECT-TYPE
5546        SYNTAX  BITS {
5547            hMAC-SHA1(0),
5548            hMAC-MD5(1)
5549        }
5550    MAX-ACCESS read-write
5551    STATUS current
5554    "This object is to configure the MAC-list."
5556	::= { securitySSH 10}
5559sshPublKeyRSAAdmin OBJECT-TYPE
5561		enabled(1),
5562		disabled(2)
5563		}
5564	MAX-ACCESS read-write
5565	STATUS current
5567		"The object indicates Public key generating algorithm RSA is enabled or disabled."
5568	::= {securitySSH 11}
5571-- SSH User Auth Info.
5573	    sshUserInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE
5574	       SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SshUserInfoEntry
5575	       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
5576	       STATUS      current
5577	       DESCRIPTION
5578	           "A table to configure SSH user auth in the system."
5579	       ::= { securitySSH 12 }
5581	    sshUserInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE
5582	       SYNTAX      SshUserInfoEntry
5583	       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
5584	       STATUS      current
5585	            DESCRIPTION
5586	                "An entry to configure user auth in the system."
5587	       INDEX { sshUserInfoID }
5588	       ::= { sshUserInfoTable 1 }
5590	    SshUserInfoEntry ::=
5591	       SEQUENCE {
5592	          	sshUserInfoID   		Integer32,
5593	          	sshUserInfoUserName		DisplayString,
5594	          	sshUserInfoAuth         INTEGER,
5595	            sshUserInfoHostName		DisplayString,
5596	            sshUserInfoHostIp		IpAddress
5597	     }
5599	    sshUserInfoID OBJECT-TYPE
5600	       SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..8)
5601	       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
5602	       STATUS      current
5603	            DESCRIPTION
5604	                "The Schedule identifier. The maximum number of Schedule entry is
5605                     the number of ports supported PoE function.
5606	                 The value must be between 1 and 8."
5607	       ::= { sshUserInfoEntry 1 }
5609	    sshUserInfoUserName OBJECT-TYPE
5610	       SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(1..20))
5611	       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
5612	       STATUS      current
5613	            DESCRIPTION
5614	                "The ssh user name associated with the SSH suer Info. entry (e.g., `admin, user')."
5615	       ::= { sshUserInfoEntry 2}
5617		sshUserInfoAuth OBJECT-TYPE
5619			    publickey(4),
5620				password(2),
5621				hostbased(1)
5622				}
5623			MAX-ACCESS read-write
5624			STATUS current
5626				"The object indicates which auth used by the user."
5627			::= {sshUserInfoEntry 3}
5629	    sshUserInfoHostName OBJECT-TYPE
5630	       SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(1..20))
5631	       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
5632	       STATUS      current
5633	            DESCRIPTION
5634	                "The ssh host name associated with the SSH suer Info. entry (e.g., `DUT1, DUT2')."
5635	       ::= { sshUserInfoEntry 4}
5637		sshUserInfoHostIp  OBJECT-TYPE
5638			SYNTAX      IpAddress
5639			MAX-ACCESS  read-write
5640			STATUS      current
5642			  "SSH HostBased IP Address of the system."
5643			::= { sshUserInfoEntry 5 }
5645 -- ----------------------------------------------------------
5646 -- The companySecurity Groups
5647 -- ----------------------------------------------------------
5648    securityPortSecurity                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companySecurity 2 }
5649 -- Port Security Group --------------------------------------------- --
5651    portSecTable     OBJECT-TYPE
5652        SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PortSecEntry
5653        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
5654        STATUS current
5655        DESCRIPTION
5656            "A table to control port security features of the device."
5657        ::= { securityPortSecurity 1 }
5659    portSecEntry OBJECT-TYPE
5660        SYNTAX PortSecEntry
5661        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
5662        STATUS current
5663        DESCRIPTION
5664            "An entry appears in port security table for each interface
5665 	        in the system."
5666        INDEX { portSecIndex }
5667        ::= { portSecTable 1 }
5669    PortSecEntry ::=
5670           SEQUENCE {
5671              portSecIndex
5672                 Integer32,
5673              portSecState
5674                 INTEGER,
5675              portSecMLA
5676                 Integer32
5679              ,
5680              portSecLockAddrMode
5681                 INTEGER
5683          }
5686         portSecIndex OBJECT-TYPE
5687           SYNTAX      Integer32
5688           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
5689           STATUS      current
5690           DESCRIPTION
5691              "The interface index for which the configuration in this
5692               entry applies."
5693           ::= { portSecEntry 1 }
5696         portSecState OBJECT-TYPE
5697           SYNTAX INTEGER  {
5698        		  enabled (1), disabled (2)
5699            }
5700           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
5701           STATUS      current
5702           DESCRIPTION
5703              "Enable / disable port security admin state for the interface.
5705              A given ports' dynamic MAC address learning will be stopped such
5706              that the current source MAC addresses entered into the MAC address
5707              forwarding table can not be changed once the port security admin
5708              state is enabled."
5710           ::= { portSecEntry 2 }
5713        portSecMLA OBJECT-TYPE
5714           SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..64)
5715           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
5716           STATUS      current
5717           DESCRIPTION
5718              "Configures interface port security maximum learning address
5719               numbers.
5721               When given ports' admin state is enabled, allows forwarding
5722               table learning address number. The number can be set 0 to 64.
5723               Note: Set value 0 means cannot learn MAC address."
5725           ::= {portSecEntry 3}
5728         portSecLockAddrMode OBJECT-TYPE
5729           SYNTAX INTEGER  {
5730                            deleteOnReset (1),
5731                            deleteOnTimeout (2),
5732                            permanent(3)
5733	}
5734           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
5735           STATUS      current
5736           DESCRIPTION
5737              "Configures port security lock address mode for the interface.
5739              deleteOnReset : The locked addresses will not age out until the Switch has been reset.
5740              deleteOnTimeout : The locked addresses will age out after the aging timer expires.
5741              Permanent : The locked addresses will not age out after the aging timer expires."
5743           ::= { portSecEntry 4 }
5745    portSecFDBPermanentTable     OBJECT-TYPE
5746        SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PortSecFDBPermanentEntry
5747        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
5748        STATUS current
5749        DESCRIPTION
5750            "A table to control port security FDB Permanent of the device."
5751        ::= { securityPortSecurity 2 }
5753    portSecFDBPermanentEntry OBJECT-TYPE
5754        SYNTAX PortSecFDBPermanentEntry
5755        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
5756        STATUS current
5757        DESCRIPTION
5758            "An entry appears in port security table for each interface
5759 	        in the system."
5760        INDEX { portSecFDBPermPort, portSecFDBPermIndex}
5761        ::= { portSecFDBPermanentTable 1 }
5763    PortSecFDBPermanentEntry ::=
5764           SEQUENCE {
5765	    portSecFDBPermIndex		INTEGER,
5766            portSecFDBPermVlanID        INTEGER,
5767            portSecFDBPermMac           MacAddress,
5768            portSecFDBPermPort          INTEGER
5769          }
5771        portSecFDBPermIndex OBJECT-TYPE
5772            SYNTAX INTEGER
5773            MAX-ACCESS read-only
5774            STATUS current
5775            DESCRIPTION
5776                "The index of the port security MAC entry."
5777            ::= { portSecFDBPermanentEntry 1 }
5779        portSecFDBPermVlanID OBJECT-TYPE
5780            SYNTAX INTEGER
5781            MAX-ACCESS read-only
5782            STATUS current
5783            DESCRIPTION
5784                "The VLAN ID of the port security MAC entry."
5785            ::= { portSecFDBPermanentEntry 2 }
5787         portSecFDBPermMac OBJECT-TYPE
5788           SYNTAX MacAddress
5789           MAX-ACCESS read-only
5790           STATUS current
5791           DESCRIPTION
5792               "The MAC address associated of the port security MAC entry."
5793           ::= { portSecFDBPermanentEntry 3 }
5795        portSecFDBPermPort OBJECT-TYPE
5796            SYNTAX INTEGER
5797            MAX-ACCESS read-only
5798            STATUS current
5799            DESCRIPTION
5800                "The forwarding port of the port security MAC entry."
5801            ::= { portSecFDBPermanentEntry 4 }
5805    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
5806    -- companyACLGroup
5807    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
5809        -- ACL Profile Group --------------------------------------------------
5810        aclProfile       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyACLGroup 1 }
5812        aclProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE
5813           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF AclProfileEntry
5814           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
5815           STATUS      current
5816           DESCRIPTION
5817               " A table to ACL profile .
5818               "
5819           ::= { aclProfile 1 }
5821        aclProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE
5822           SYNTAX      AclProfileEntry
5823           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
5824           STATUS      current
5825           DESCRIPTION
5826               " Each entry in this table is a ACL profile.
5827                 Index to the table is ACL profile ID. "
5828           INDEX { aclProfileNo}
5829           ::= { aclProfileTable 1 }
5831        AclProfileEntry ::=
5832           SEQUENCE {
5833              aclProfileNo
5834                 Integer32,
5835              aclProfileType
5836                 INTEGER,
5837              aclProfileRuleCount
5838                 Integer32,
5839              aclProfileMask
5840                 OCTET STRING,
5841              aclProfileDstMacAddrMask
5842                 MacAddress,
5843              aclProfileSrcMacAddrMask
5844                 MacAddress,
5845              aclProfileIPProtocol
5846                 INTEGER,
5847              aclProfileIPProtocolMask
5848                 OCTET STRING,
5849              aclProfileDstIpAddrMask
5850                 IpAddress,
5851              aclProfileSrcIpAddrMask
5852                 IpAddress,
5853              aclProfileDstPortMask
5854                 OCTET STRING,
5855              aclProfileSrcPortMask
5856                 OCTET STRING,
5857              aclProfileArpSenderMacAddrMask
5858                 MacAddress,
5859              aclProfileArpSenderIpAddrMask
5860                IpAddress,
5861              aclProfileStatus
5862                 RowStatus
5863          }
5865        aclProfileNo OBJECT-TYPE
5866           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..50)
5867           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
5868           STATUS      current
5869           DESCRIPTION
5870              "The ACL Profile ID. The ID 1 to 50 is user-defined ACL,
5871               and the ID more than 50 is reserved for system-defined ACL.
5872               The user only allow to create user-defined ACL ID.
5873               And system-defined ACL is read only."
5874           ::= { aclProfileEntry 1 }
5876        aclProfileType OBJECT-TYPE
5877           SYNTAX   INTEGER  {
5878                          l2 (1),
5879                          l3 (2),
5880                          arpSP_permit(4),
5881                          arpSP_deny(5),
5882                          voiceVlan(6)
5883                       }
5884           MAX-ACCESS   read-write
5885           STATUS      current
5886           DESCRIPTION
5887              "The ACL Profile type, possible value are
5888              l2 (1) - for MAC-based rule,
5889              l3 (2) - for IPv4-based rule,
5890              arpSP_permit(4) - for ARP Spoofing prevention entry,
5891              arpSP_deny(5) - for ARP Spoofing prevention entry,
5892              voiceVlan(6) - for Voice VLAN OUI entry.
5893              Note that only l2 and l3 could be set by user,
5894              other is reserved for system to show information.
5895              "
5896           ::= { aclProfileEntry 2 }
5898        aclProfileRuleCount  OBJECT-TYPE
5899           SYNTAX   Integer32 (0..65535)
5900           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
5901           STATUS      current
5902           DESCRIPTION
5903              "The number of rules in this profile."
5904           ::= { aclProfileEntry 3 }
5907        aclProfileMask OBJECT-TYPE
5908           SYNTAX   OCTET STRING
5909           MAX-ACCESS   read-write
5910           STATUS      current
5911           DESCRIPTION
5912              "Indicate which field want to care in the packet.
5913               Turn on the following bits to select the following items
5914               Type        Item                   BIT
5915               ------------------------------------------
5916               L2          DST_MAC                0 (LSB)
5917               L2          SRC_MAC                1
5918               L2          VID                    2
5919               L2          8021P_PRIORITY         3
5920               L2          ETHER_TYPE             4
5921               L3          DSCP                   5
5922               L3          ICMP_TYPE              6
5923               L3          ICMP_CODE              7
5924               L3          IGMP_TYPE              8
5925               L3          DST_IP                 9
5926               L3    	   SRC_IP                 10
5927               L3    	   DST_PORT               11
5928               L3          SRC_PORT               12
5929               L3          TCPFLAG                13
5930               ARP-SP      ARP_SENDER_MAC         14
5931               ARP-SP      ARP_SENDER_IP          15 (MSB)
5932               -------------------------------------------
5934               The value is in Hex format.
5935              "
5936           ::= { aclProfileEntry 4 }
5939        aclProfileDstMacAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE
5940           SYNTAX      MacAddress
5941           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
5942           STATUS      current
5943           DESCRIPTION
5944              "The ACL Profile destination MAC address mask.
5945               If DST_MAC is turn on in aclProfileMask,
5946               it will work with its member rule field,aclL2RuleDstMacAddr,
5947               to caculate a range of MAC address which is really care.
5948              "
5949           ::= { aclProfileEntry 5 }
5952        aclProfileSrcMacAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE
5953           SYNTAX      MacAddress
5954           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
5955           STATUS      current
5956           DESCRIPTION
5957              "The ACL Profile source MAC address mask.
5958               If SRC_MAC is turn on in aclProfileMask,
5959               it will work with its member rule field,aclL2RuleSrcMacAddr,
5960               to caculate a range of MAC address which is really care.
5961              "
5962           ::= { aclProfileEntry 6 }
5965        aclProfileIPProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
5966           SYNTAX   INTEGER  {
5967                         none(0),
5968           				 icmp(1),
5969           				 igmp(2),
5970           				 tcp(6),
5971          				 udp(17)
5972                         ,ipMask(255)
5973                        }
5974           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
5975           STATUS      current
5976           DESCRIPTION
5977              "Indicate which IP Protocol will be care in this profile.
5978               Only profile type is l3 can set the IP protocol.
5979               For others, this field will be none.
5980              "
5981           ::= { aclProfileEntry 7 }
5982        aclProfileIPProtocolMask OBJECT-TYPE
5983           SYNTAX      OCTET STRING
5984           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
5985           STATUS      current
5986           DESCRIPTION
5987              "The ACL Profile IP protocol mask.
5988               If aclProfileIPProtocol set to ipMask, this field will be refered.
5989               It will work with its member rule field,aclL3RuleProtocol,
5990               to caculate a range of IP protocol which is really care.
5991               The value is in HEX format.
5992              "
5993           DEFVAL  { 'FF'h }
5994           ::= { aclProfileEntry 8 }
5995        aclProfileDstIpAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE
5996           SYNTAX      IpAddress
5997           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
5998           STATUS      current
5999           DESCRIPTION
6000              "The ACL Profile destination IP address mask.
6001               If DST_IP is turn on in aclProfileMask,
6002               it will work with its member rule field,aclL3RuleDstIpAddr,
6003               to caculate a range of IP address which is really care.
6004               The value is in HEX format, for example:
6005               '' is presented to 'FFFFFF00'
6006              "
6007           DEFVAL  { 'FFFFFFFF'h }
6008           ::= { aclProfileEntry 9 }
6011        aclProfileSrcIpAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE
6012           SYNTAX      IpAddress
6013           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6014           STATUS      current
6015           DESCRIPTION
6016              "The ACL Profile source IP address mask.
6017               If SRC_IP is turn on in aclProfileMask,
6018               it will work with its member rule field,aclL3RuleSrcIpAddr,
6019               to caculate a range of IP address which is really care.
6020               The value is in HEX format, for example:
6021               '' is presented to 'FFFFFF00'
6022              "
6023           DEFVAL  { 'FFFFFFFF'h }
6024           ::= { aclProfileEntry 10 }
6026        aclProfileDstPortMask OBJECT-TYPE
6027           SYNTAX      OCTET STRING
6028           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6029           STATUS      current
6030           DESCRIPTION
6031              "The ACL Profile UDP/TCP destination port mask.
6032               If DST_PORT is turn on in aclProfileMask,
6033               it will work with its member rule field,aclL3RuleTcpUdpDstPort,
6034               to caculate a range of destination port which is really care.
6035               The value is in HEX format.
6036              "
6037           DEFVAL  { 'FFFF'h }
6038           ::= { aclProfileEntry 11 }
6041        aclProfileSrcPortMask OBJECT-TYPE
6042           SYNTAX      OCTET STRING
6043           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6044           STATUS      current
6045           DESCRIPTION
6046              "The ACL Profile UDP/TCP source port mask.
6047               If SRC_PORT is turn on in aclProfileMask,
6048               it will work with its member rule field,aclL3RuleTcpUdpSrcPort,
6049               to caculate a range of source port which is really care.
6050               The value is in HEX format.
6051              "
6052           DEFVAL  { 'FFFF'h }
6053           ::= { aclProfileEntry 12 }
6054        aclProfileArpSenderMacAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE
6055           SYNTAX      MacAddress
6056           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
6057           STATUS      current
6058           DESCRIPTION
6059              "The ACL Profile Sender MAC mask.
6060               This is only for ARP Spoofing Prevention which is System-defined ACL,
6061               and it's not allow to modify.
6062               The value is in HEX format.
6063              "
6064           DEFVAL  { 'FFFFFFFFFF'h }
6065           ::= { aclProfileEntry 13 }
6067        aclProfileArpSenderIpAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE
6068           SYNTAX      IpAddress
6069           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
6070           STATUS      current
6071           DESCRIPTION
6072              "The ACL Profile Sender IP mask.
6073               This is only for ARP Spoofing Prevention which is System-defined ACL,
6074               and it's not allow to modify.
6075               The value is in HEX format.
6076              "
6077           DEFVAL  { 'FFFFFFFF'h }
6078           ::= { aclProfileEntry 14 }
6079        aclProfileStatus OBJECT-TYPE
6080           SYNTAX      RowStatus
6081           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
6082           STATUS      current
6083           DESCRIPTION
6084               " This object indicates the status of this entry, can only be set to
6085                 'createAndWait','active' and 'destroy'.
6086                 When the value of the entry status is 'createAndWait', it could be
6087                 set to 'active' only if the three values of aclProfileType,
6088                 aclProfileMask and ProtocolType are not conflicted.
6089               "
6091           ::= { aclProfileEntry 15 }
6095        -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
6096        -- L2 Filter Group --------------------------------------------------
6097        aclL2Rule       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyACLGroup 2 }
6099        aclL2RuleTable OBJECT-TYPE
6101           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF AclL2RuleEntry
6102           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
6103           STATUS      current
6104           DESCRIPTION
6105               "A table to configure L2 filter rules in the system."
6106           ::= { aclL2Rule 1 }
6108        aclL2RuleEntry OBJECT-TYPE
6109           SYNTAX      AclL2RuleEntry
6110           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
6111           STATUS      current
6112           DESCRIPTION
6113               "Each entry in this table is a L2 filter rule.
6114               Index to the table is the L2 filter number and Profile ID."
6115           INDEX { aclL2AccessID, aclL2ProfileID}
6116           ::= { aclL2RuleTable 1 }
6118        AclL2RuleEntry ::=
6119           SEQUENCE {
6120              aclL2AccessID
6121                 Integer32,
6122              aclL2ProfileID
6123                 Integer32,
6124              aclL2RuleEtherType
6125                 Integer32,
6126              aclL2RuleDstMacAddr
6127                 MacAddress,
6128              aclL2RuleSrcMacAddr
6129                 MacAddress,
6130              aclL2RuleVlanId
6131                 Integer32,
6132              aclL2Rule1pPriority
6133                 Integer32,
6134              aclL2RuleDstMacAddrMask
6135                 MacAddress,
6136              aclL2RuleSrcMacAddrMask
6137                 MacAddress,
6138              aclL2RuleInPortList
6139                 PortList,
6140              aclL2RuleAction
6141                 INTEGER,
6142              aclL2RuleRateLimit
6143                 Unsigned32,
6144              aclL2RuleReplaceDSCP
6145                 Integer32,
6146              aclL2RuleStatus
6147                 RowStatus
6148          }
6150        aclL2AccessID OBJECT-TYPE
6151           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..65535)
6152           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
6153           STATUS      current
6154           DESCRIPTION
6155              "L2 Filter rule ID."
6156           ::= { aclL2RuleEntry 1 }
6158        aclL2ProfileID OBJECT-TYPE
6159           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..50)
6160           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
6161           STATUS      current
6162           DESCRIPTION
6163              "ACL Profile ID which this rule join."
6164           DEFVAL  { 1 }
6165           ::= { aclL2RuleEntry 2 }
6167        aclL2RuleEtherType OBJECT-TYPE
6168           SYNTAX      Integer32  (-1 | 1501..65535)
6169           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6170           STATUS      current
6171           DESCRIPTION
6172              "The value in the Type/Len field of a frame that will
6173              be matched to trigger this filter. The default value of
6174              this object is '-1', which means the rule don't care this
6175              condition."
6176           DEFVAL  { -1 }
6177           ::= { aclL2RuleEntry 3 }
6179        aclL2RuleDstMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE
6180           SYNTAX      MacAddress
6181           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6182           STATUS      current
6183           DESCRIPTION
6184              "Destination MAC address to be matched with the packet. By Default, the
6185               Destination Mac Address will be zero,which means the rule don't care this
6186               condition."
6187           ::= { aclL2RuleEntry 4 }
6189        aclL2RuleSrcMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE
6190           SYNTAX      MacAddress
6191           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6192           STATUS      current
6193           DESCRIPTION
6194              "Source MAC address to be matched with the packet. By Default, the Source
6195               Mac Address will be zero, which means the rule don't care this condition..
6196               address"
6197           ::= { aclL2RuleEntry 5 }
6199        aclL2RuleVlanId OBJECT-TYPE
6200           SYNTAX      Integer32 (-1..4094)
6201           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6202           STATUS      current
6203           DESCRIPTION
6204              "Vlan Id to be filtered. In case of Provider bridges, This Vlan Id will
6205              be treated as customer Vlan Id. By Default, the value will be '-1',
6206              which means the rule don't care this condition."
6207           DEFVAL  { -1 }
6208           ::= { aclL2RuleEntry 6 }
6210         aclL2Rule1pPriority OBJECT-TYPE
6211           SYNTAX      Integer32  (-1..7)
6212           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6213           STATUS      current
6214           DESCRIPTION
6215              "802.1p priority to be matched with the packet. By Default, the value
6216              will be '-1', which means the rule don't care this condition."
6217          DEFVAL  { -1 }
6218           ::= { aclL2RuleEntry 7 }
6220        aclL2RuleDstMacAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE
6221           SYNTAX      MacAddress
6222           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
6223           STATUS      current
6224           DESCRIPTION
6225              "The MAC address Mask work for Destination MAC address.
6226              This field is read-only and copy from it's Profile setting."
6228           ::= { aclL2RuleEntry 8 }
6230        aclL2RuleSrcMacAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE
6231           SYNTAX      MacAddress
6232           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
6233           STATUS      current
6234           DESCRIPTION
6235              "The MAC address Mask work for Source MAC address.
6236              This field is read-only and copy from it's Profile setting."
6238           ::= { aclL2RuleEntry 9 }
6240        aclL2RuleInPortList OBJECT-TYPE
6241           SYNTAX      PortList
6242           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6243           STATUS      current
6244           DESCRIPTION
6245              "Specifies the complete set of ports over which this filter is applied
6246               for packets ingress at ports in this list."
6247           ::= { aclL2RuleEntry 10 }
6249        aclL2RuleAction OBJECT-TYPE
6250           SYNTAX      INTEGER {
6251                          allow (1)
6252                          ,drop  (2)
6253                          ,mirror (3)
6254                          ,rateLimit(4)
6255                          ,replaceDSCP(5)
6256                       }
6257           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6258           STATUS      current
6259           DESCRIPTION
6260              "Specifies the action to be taken on the packet if the filter
6261              rule matches.
6262              If the action is 'allow', the packet will be forwarded according
6263              to the forwarding rules.
6264              If the action is 'drop', the packet will be discarded."
6265           DEFVAL  { allow }
6266           ::= { aclL2RuleEntry 11 }
6267         aclL2RuleRateLimit OBJECT-TYPE
6268           SYNTAX      Unsigned32
6269           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6270           STATUS      current
6271           DESCRIPTION
6272              "Rate limit for matched packet."
6274           ::= { aclL2RuleEntry 12 }
6275          aclL2RuleReplaceDSCP OBJECT-TYPE
6276           SYNTAX      Integer32  (-1..63)
6277           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6278           STATUS      current
6279           DESCRIPTION
6280              "Replace DSCP for matched packet."
6282           ::= { aclL2RuleEntry 13 }
6283         aclL2RuleStatus OBJECT-TYPE
6284           SYNTAX      RowStatus
6285           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
6286           STATUS      current
6287           DESCRIPTION
6288                "This object indicates the status of this entry. An entry is
6289                created in this table when this object is SET to 'createAndWait'.
6290                The entry in this table is used when the status of this object
6291                is SET 'active'. The entry in this table is not used when this
6292                object is SET 'notInService'. An entry created in this table is
6293                be deleted when this object is SET 'destroy'."
6294           ::= { aclL2RuleEntry 14 }
6296        -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
6297        -- L3 Filter Group --------------------------------------------------
6298        aclL3Rule       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyACLGroup 3 }
6300        aclL3RuleTable OBJECT-TYPE
6301           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF AclL3RuleEntry
6302           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
6303           STATUS      current
6304           DESCRIPTION
6305               " A table to configure L3 filter rules in the system.
6306               "
6307           ::= { aclL3Rule 1 }
6309        aclL3RuleEntry OBJECT-TYPE
6310           SYNTAX      AclL3RuleEntry
6311           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
6312           STATUS      current
6313           DESCRIPTION
6314               " Each entry in this table is a L3 filter rule.
6315                 Index to the table is L3 filter number and Profile ID."
6316           INDEX { aclL3RuleAccessID, aclL3RuleProfileNo}
6317           ::= { aclL3RuleTable 1 }
6319        AclL3RuleEntry ::=
6320           SEQUENCE {
6321              aclL3RuleAccessID
6322                 Integer32,
6323              aclL3RuleProfileNo
6324                 Integer32,
6325              aclL3RuleProtocol
6326                 INTEGER,
6327              aclL3RuleProtocolMask
6328                 OCTET STRING,
6329              aclL3RuleICMPMessageType
6330                 Integer32,
6331              aclL3RuleICMPMessageCode
6332                 Integer32,
6333              aclL3RuleDstIpAddr
6334                 IpAddress,
6335              aclL3RuleSrcIpAddr
6336                 IpAddress,
6337              aclL3RuleDstIpAddrMask
6338                 IpAddress,
6339              aclL3RuleSrcIpAddrMask
6340                 IpAddress,
6341              aclL3RuleTcpUdpDstPort
6342                 Integer32,
6343              aclL3RuleTcpUdpSrcPort
6344                 Integer32,
6345              aclL3RuleTcpUdpDstPortMask
6346                OCTET STRING,
6347              aclL3RuleTcpUdpSrcPortMask
6348                OCTET STRING,
6349              aclL3RuleTcpAckBit
6350                 INTEGER,
6351              aclL3RuleTcpRstBit
6352                 INTEGER,
6353              aclL3RuleTcpUrgBit
6354                 INTEGER,
6355              aclL3RuleTcpPshBit
6356                 INTEGER,
6357              aclL3RuleTcpSynBit
6358                 INTEGER,
6359              aclL3RuleTcpFinBit
6360                 INTEGER,
6361              aclL3RuleDscp
6362                 Integer32,
6363              aclL3RuleIgmpType
6364                 Integer32,
6365              aclL3RulePortList
6366                 PortList,
6367              aclL3RuleAction
6368                 INTEGER,
6369              aclL3RuleRateLimit
6370                 Unsigned32,
6371              aclL3RuleReplaceDSCP
6372                 Integer32,
6373              aclL3RuleStatus
6374                 RowStatus
6375          }
6377        aclL3RuleAccessID OBJECT-TYPE
6378           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..65535)
6379           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
6380           STATUS      current
6381           DESCRIPTION
6382              "L3 Filter rule ID."
6383           ::= { aclL3RuleEntry 1 }
6385        aclL3RuleProfileNo OBJECT-TYPE
6386           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..50)
6387           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
6388           STATUS      current
6389           DESCRIPTION
6390              "The Profile ID which this rule join."
6391           ::= { aclL3RuleEntry 2 }
6393        aclL3RuleProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
6394           SYNTAX      INTEGER  {
6395           				 icmp(1),
6396           				 igmp(2),
6397           				 tcp(6),
6398          				 udp(17)
6399                        }
6400           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6401           STATUS      current
6402           DESCRIPTION
6403              " The type of protocol to be checked against the packet."
6404           ::= { aclL3RuleEntry 3 }
6406        aclL3RuleProtocolMask OBJECT-TYPE
6407           SYNTAX      OCTET STRING
6408           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
6409           STATUS      current
6410           DESCRIPTION
6411              "The IP protocol mask.
6412               This field is read-only and copy from it's Profile setting.
6413               It will work with the other field,aclL3RuleProtocol,
6414               to caculate a range of IP protocol which is really care.
6415               The value is in HEX format.
6416              "
6417           DEFVAL  { 'FF'h }
6418           ::= { aclL3RuleEntry 4 }
6420        aclL3RuleICMPMessageType OBJECT-TYPE
6421           SYNTAX      Integer32 (-1..255)
6422           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6423           STATUS      current
6424           DESCRIPTION
6425             " The message type to be checked against the packet. If the
6426              message type matches with the packet, then the packet will be
6427              dropped / allowed based on the action set in aclL3RuleAction.
6428              The default value is '-1',which means the rule don't care this
6429              condition.
6430              Some ICMP message types are:
6431                   echoReply(0),
6432                   destinationUnreachable(3),
6433                   sourceQuench(4),
6434                   redirect(5),
6435                   echoRequest(8),
6436                   timeExceeded(11),
6437                   parameterProblem(12),
6438                   timestampRequest(13),
6439                   timestampReply(14),
6440                   informationRequest(15),
6441                   informationReply(16),
6442                   addressMaskRequest(17),
6443                   addressMaskReply (18),
6444              "
6445           DEFVAL  { -1 }
6446           ::= { aclL3RuleEntry 5 }
6448        aclL3RuleICMPMessageCode OBJECT-TYPE
6449           SYNTAX      Integer32 (-1..255)
6450           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6451           STATUS      current
6452           DESCRIPTION
6453              " The message code to be checked against the packet. If the
6454              packet matches with the message code, then the packet will
6455              be dropped / allowed based on the action set in aclL3RuleAction.
6456              The default value is '-1', which means the rule don't care this
6457              condition.
6458              Some ICMP message codes are :
6459                   networkUnreachable(0),
6460                   hostUnreachable(1),
6461                   protocolUnreachable(2),
6462                   portUnreachable(3),
6463                   fragmentNeed(4),
6464                   sourceRouteFail(5),
6465                   destNetworkUnknown(6),
6466                   destHostUnknown(7),
6467                   srcHostIsolated(8),
6468                   destNetworkAdminProhibited(9),
6469                   destHostAdminProhibited(10),
6470                   networkUnreachableTOS(11),
6471                   hostUnreachableTOS(12),
6472              "
6473           DEFVAL   { -1 }
6474           ::= { aclL3RuleEntry 6 }
6476        aclL3RuleDstIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
6477           SYNTAX      IpAddress
6478           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6479           STATUS      current
6480           DESCRIPTION
6481              "Destination IP address to be matched with the packet.
6482               The default value will be zero, which means the rule
6483               don't care this condition."
6484           DEFVAL  { '00000000'h }
6485           ::= { aclL3RuleEntry 7 }
6487        aclL3RuleSrcIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
6488           SYNTAX      IpAddress
6489           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6490           STATUS      current
6491           DESCRIPTION
6492              "Source IP address to be matched with the packet.
6493              The default value will be zero, which means the
6494              rule don't care this condition."
6496           DEFVAL  { '00000000'h }
6497           ::= { aclL3RuleEntry 8 }
6499        aclL3RuleDstIpAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE
6500           SYNTAX      IpAddress
6501           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
6502           STATUS      current
6503           DESCRIPTION
6504              "The IP subnet mask for Destination IP address.
6505               This field is read-only and copy from it's Profile setting.
6506              "
6508           DEFVAL  { 'FFFFFFFF'h }
6509           ::= { aclL3RuleEntry 9 }
6511        aclL3RuleSrcIpAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE
6512           SYNTAX      IpAddress
6513           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
6514           STATUS      current
6515           DESCRIPTION
6516              "The IP subnet mask for Source IP address.
6517               This field is read-only and copy from it's Profile setting.
6518              "
6520           DEFVAL  { 'FFFFFFFF'h }
6521           ::= { aclL3RuleEntry 10 }
6523        aclL3RuleTcpUdpDstPort OBJECT-TYPE
6524           SYNTAX      Integer32 (-1..65535)
6525           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6526           STATUS      current
6527           DESCRIPTION
6528              "The TCP / UDP destination port. The default value is -1,
6529              which means the rule don't care this condition."
6530           DEFVAL   { -1 }
6531           ::= { aclL3RuleEntry 11 }
6533        aclL3RuleTcpUdpSrcPort OBJECT-TYPE
6534           SYNTAX      Integer32 (-1..65535)
6535           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6536           STATUS      current
6537           DESCRIPTION
6538              "The TCP / UDP source port. The default value is -1,
6539              which means the rule don't care this condition."
6540           DEFVAL   { -1 }
6541           ::= { aclL3RuleEntry 12 }
6543        aclL3RuleTcpUdpDstPortMask OBJECT-TYPE
6544           SYNTAX      OCTET STRING
6545           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
6546           STATUS      current
6547           DESCRIPTION
6548              "The TCP / UDP Destination port Mask.
6549               This field is read-only and copy from it's Profile setting.
6550              "
6551           ::= { aclL3RuleEntry 13 }
6553        aclL3RuleTcpUdpSrcPortMask OBJECT-TYPE
6554           SYNTAX      OCTET STRING
6555           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
6556           STATUS      current
6557           DESCRIPTION
6558              "The TCP / UDP Source port Mask.
6559               This field is read-only and copy from it's Profile setting.
6560              "
6561           ::= { aclL3RuleEntry 14 }
6563        aclL3RuleTcpAckBit		OBJECT-TYPE
6564        	SYNTAX	INTEGER	{
6565        	                    dont_care(-1),
6566        						establish(1),
6567        						notEstablish(2)
6568        					}
6569        	MAX-ACCESS	read-create
6570        	STATUS		current
6571        	DESCRIPTION
6572        		" The TCP ACK bit to be checked against the packet. The default
6573        		value is 'dont_care'(-1), which means the rule don't care this
6574        		condition."
6575        	DEFVAL	{ dont_care }
6576        	::= { aclL3RuleEntry 15 }
6578        aclL3RuleTcpRstBit	 OBJECT-TYPE
6579        	SYNTAX	INTEGER	{
6580        	                    dont_care(-1),
6581        						establish(1),
6582        						notEstablish(2)
6583        					}
6584        	MAX-ACCESS	read-create
6585        	STATUS		current
6586        	DESCRIPTION
6587        		" The TCP RST bit to be checked against the packet. The default
6588        		value is 'dont_care'(-1), which means the rule don't care this
6589        		condition."
6590        	DEFVAL	{ dont_care }
6591        	::= { aclL3RuleEntry 16 }
6593        aclL3RuleTcpUrgBit	 OBJECT-TYPE
6594        	SYNTAX	INTEGER	{
6595        	                    dont_care(-1),
6596        						establish(1),
6597        						notEstablish(2)
6598        					}
6599        	MAX-ACCESS	read-create
6600        	STATUS		current
6601        	DESCRIPTION
6602        		" The TCP Urg bit to be checked against the packet. The default
6603        		value is 'dont_care'(-1), which means the rule don't care this
6604        		condition."
6605        	DEFVAL	{ dont_care }
6606        	::= { aclL3RuleEntry 17 }
6608        aclL3RuleTcpPshBit	 OBJECT-TYPE
6609        	SYNTAX	INTEGER	{
6610        	                    dont_care(-1),
6611        						establish(1),
6612        						notEstablish(2)
6613        					}
6614        	MAX-ACCESS	read-create
6615        	STATUS		current
6616        	DESCRIPTION
6617        		" The TCP Psh bit to be checked against the packet. The default
6618        		value is 'dont_care'(-1). which means the rule don't care this
6619        		condition."
6620        	DEFVAL	{ dont_care }
6621        	::= { aclL3RuleEntry 18 }
6623        aclL3RuleTcpSynBit	 OBJECT-TYPE
6624        	SYNTAX	INTEGER	{
6625        	                    dont_care(-1),
6626        						establish(1),
6627        						notEstablish(2)
6628        					}
6629        	MAX-ACCESS	read-create
6630        	STATUS		current
6631        	DESCRIPTION
6632        		" The TCP Syn bit to be checked against the packet. The default
6633        		value is 'dont_care'(-1), which means the rule don't care this condition."
6634        	DEFVAL	{ dont_care }
6635        	::= { aclL3RuleEntry 19 }
6637        aclL3RuleTcpFinBit	 OBJECT-TYPE
6638        	SYNTAX	INTEGER	{
6639        	                    dont_care(-1),
6640        						establish(1),
6641        						notEstablish(2)
6642        					}
6643        	MAX-ACCESS	read-create
6644        	STATUS		current
6645        	DESCRIPTION
6646        		" The TCP Fin bit to be checked against the packet. The default
6647        		value is 'dont_care'(-1), which means the rule don't care this
6648        		condition."
6649        	DEFVAL	{ dont_care }
6650        	::= { aclL3RuleEntry 20 }
6652        aclL3RuleDscp		OBJECT-TYPE
6653        	SYNTAX		Integer32 (-1..63)
6654        	MAX-ACCESS	read-create
6655        	STATUS		current
6656        	DESCRIPTION
6657        		" The IP Dscp value to be checked against the packet.
6658                A default value is '-1', which means the rule don't
6659                care this condition."
6660        	DEFVAL	{ -1 }
6661        	::= { aclL3RuleEntry 21 }
6663        aclL3RuleIgmpType	 OBJECT-TYPE
6664        	SYNTAX      Integer32 (-1..255)
6665           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6666           STATUS      current
6667           DESCRIPTION
6668             " The IGMP Type to be checked against the packet.A default value is '-1',
6669             which means the rule don't care this condition."
6670           DEFVAL  { -1 }
6671           ::= { aclL3RuleEntry 22 }
6673        aclL3RulePortList OBJECT-TYPE
6674           SYNTAX      PortList
6675           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6676           STATUS      current
6677           DESCRIPTION
6678              "Specifies the complete set of ports over which if the packet arrives
6679              this filter rule will be applicable."
6681           ::= { aclL3RuleEntry 23 }
6684        aclL3RuleAction OBJECT-TYPE
6685           SYNTAX      INTEGER {
6686                          allow (1)
6687                          ,drop  (2)
6688                          ,mirror (3)
6689                          ,rateLimit(4)
6690                          ,replaceDSCP(5)
6691                       }
6692           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6693           STATUS      current
6694           DESCRIPTION
6695              "Specifies the action to be taken on the packet if the filter
6696              rule matches."
6697           DEFVAL  { allow }
6698           ::= { aclL3RuleEntry 24 }
6699        aclL3RuleRateLimit OBJECT-TYPE
6700           SYNTAX      Unsigned32
6701           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6702           STATUS      current
6703           DESCRIPTION
6704              "Rate limit for matched packet."
6706           ::= { aclL3RuleEntry 25 }
6707        aclL3RuleReplaceDSCP OBJECT-TYPE
6708           SYNTAX      Integer32  (-1..63)
6709           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6710           STATUS      current
6711           DESCRIPTION
6712              "ReplaceDSCP for matched packet."
6714           ::= { aclL3RuleEntry 26 }
6715        aclL3RuleStatus OBJECT-TYPE
6716           SYNTAX      RowStatus
6717           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
6718           STATUS      current
6719           DESCRIPTION
6720                "This object indicates the status of this entry. An entry is
6721                created in this table when this object is SET to 'createAndWait'.
6722                The entry in this table is used when the status of this object
6723                is SET 'active'. The entry in this table is not used when this
6724                object is SET 'notInService'. An entry created in this table is
6725                be deleted when this object is SET 'destroy'."
6726           ::= { aclL3RuleEntry 27 }
6728    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
6729    -- companyCPUInterfaceFilterGroup
6730    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
6732        -- CPU Interface Filter Profile Group --------------------------------------------------
6733        cpuFilterProfile       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyCPUInterfaceFilterGroup 1 }
6735        cpuFilterProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE
6736           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF CpuFilterProfileEntry
6737           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
6738           STATUS      current
6739           DESCRIPTION
6740               " A table to CPUInterfaceFilter profile .
6741               "
6742           ::= { cpuFilterProfile 1 }
6744        cpuFilterProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE
6745           SYNTAX      CpuFilterProfileEntry
6746           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
6747           STATUS      current
6748           DESCRIPTION
6749               " Each entry in this table is a CPUInterfaceFilter profile.
6750                 Index to the table is CPUInterfaceFilter profile ID. "
6751           INDEX { cpuFilterProfileNo}
6752           ::= { cpuFilterProfileTable 1 }
6754        CpuFilterProfileEntry ::=
6755           SEQUENCE {
6756              cpuFilterProfileNo
6757                 Integer32,
6758              cpuFilterProfileType
6759                 INTEGER,
6760              cpuFilterProfileRuleCount
6761                 Integer32,
6762              cpuFilterProfileMask
6763                 OCTET STRING,
6764              cpuFilterProfileDstMacAddrMask
6765                 MacAddress,
6766              cpuFilterProfileSrcMacAddrMask
6767                 MacAddress,
6768              cpuFilterProfileIPProtocol
6769                 INTEGER,
6770              cpuFilterProfileIPProtocolMask
6771                 OCTET STRING,
6772              cpuFilterProfileDstIpAddrMask
6773                 IpAddress,
6774              cpuFilterProfileSrcIpAddrMask
6775                 IpAddress,
6776              cpuFilterProfileDstPortMask
6777                 OCTET STRING,
6778              cpuFilterProfileSrcPortMask
6779                 OCTET STRING,
6780              cpuFilterProfileStatus
6781                 RowStatus
6782          }
6784        cpuFilterProfileNo OBJECT-TYPE
6785           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..3)
6786           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
6787           STATUS      current
6788           DESCRIPTION
6789              "The CPUInterfaceFilter Profile ID. The ID 1 to 50 is user-defined CPUInterfaceFilter,
6790               and the ID more than 50 is reserved for system-defined CPUInterfaceFilter.
6791               The user only allow to create user-defined CPUInterfaceFilter ID.
6792               And system-defined CPUInterfaceFilter is read only."
6793           ::= { cpuFilterProfileEntry 1 }
6795        cpuFilterProfileType OBJECT-TYPE
6796           SYNTAX   INTEGER  {
6797                          l2 (1),
6798                          l3 (2)
6799                       }
6800           MAX-ACCESS   read-write
6801           STATUS      current
6802           DESCRIPTION
6803              "The CPUInterfaceFilter Profile type, possible value are
6804              l2 (1) - for MAC-based rule,
6805              l3 (2) - for IPv4-based rule,
6806              "
6807           ::= { cpuFilterProfileEntry 2 }
6809        cpuFilterProfileRuleCount  OBJECT-TYPE
6810           SYNTAX   Integer32 (0..65535)
6811           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
6812           STATUS      current
6813           DESCRIPTION
6814              "The number of rules in this profile."
6815           ::= { cpuFilterProfileEntry 3 }
6818        cpuFilterProfileMask OBJECT-TYPE
6819           SYNTAX   OCTET STRING
6820           MAX-ACCESS   read-write
6821           STATUS      current
6822           DESCRIPTION
6823              "Indicate which field want to care in the packet.
6824               Turn on the following bits to select the following items
6825               Type        Item                   BIT
6826               ------------------------------------------
6827               L2          DST_MAC                0 (LSB)
6828               L2          SRC_MAC                1
6829               L2          VID                    2
6830               L2          8021P_PRIORITY         3
6831               L2          ETHER_TYPE             4
6832               L3          DSCP                   5
6833               L3          ICMP_TYPE              6
6834               L3          ICMP_CODE              7
6835               L3          IGMP_TYPE              8
6836               L3          DST_IP                 9
6837               L3          SRC_IP                 10
6838               L3          DST_PORT               11
6839               L3          SRC_PORT               12
6840               L3          TCPFLAG                13 (MSB)
6841               -------------------------------------------
6843               The value is in Hex format.
6844              "
6845           ::= { cpuFilterProfileEntry 4 }
6848        cpuFilterProfileDstMacAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE
6849           SYNTAX      MacAddress
6850           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6851           STATUS      current
6852           DESCRIPTION
6853              "The CPUInterfaceFilter Profile destination MAC address mask.
6854               If DST_MAC is turn on in cpuFilterProfileMask,
6855               it will work with its member rule field,cpuFilterL2RuleDstMacAddr,
6856               to caculate a range of MAC address which is really care.
6857              "
6858           ::= { cpuFilterProfileEntry 5 }
6861        cpuFilterProfileSrcMacAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE
6862           SYNTAX      MacAddress
6863           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6864           STATUS      current
6865           DESCRIPTION
6866              "The CPUInterfaceFilter Profile source MAC address mask.
6867               If SRC_MAC is turn on in cpuFilterProfileMask,
6868               it will work with its member rule field,cpuFilterL2RuleSrcMacAddr,
6869               to caculate a range of MAC address which is really care.
6870              "
6871           ::= { cpuFilterProfileEntry 6 }
6874        cpuFilterProfileIPProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
6875           SYNTAX   INTEGER  {
6876                         none(0),
6877                                         icmp(1),
6878                                         igmp(2),
6879                                         tcp(6),
6880                                         udp(17)
6881                         ,ipMask(255)
6882                        }
6883           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6884           STATUS      current
6885           DESCRIPTION
6886              "Indicate which IP Protocol will be care in this profile.
6887               Only profile type is l3 can set the IP protocol.
6888               For others, this field will be none.
6889              "
6890           ::= { cpuFilterProfileEntry 7 }
6891        cpuFilterProfileIPProtocolMask OBJECT-TYPE
6892           SYNTAX      OCTET STRING
6893           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6894           STATUS      current
6895           DESCRIPTION
6896              "The CPUInterfaceFilter Profile IP protocol mask.
6897               If cpuFilterProfileIPProtocol set to ipMask, this field will be refered.
6898               It will work with its member rule field,cpuFilterL3RuleProtocol,
6899               to caculate a range of IP protocol which is really care.
6900               The value is in HEX format.
6901              "
6902           DEFVAL  { 'FF'h }
6903           ::= { cpuFilterProfileEntry 8 }
6904        cpuFilterProfileDstIpAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE
6905           SYNTAX      IpAddress
6906           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6907           STATUS      current
6908           DESCRIPTION
6909              "The CPUInterfaceFilter Profile destination IP address mask.
6910               If DST_IP is turn on in cpuFilterProfileMask,
6911               it will work with its member rule field,cpuFilterL3RuleDstIpAddr,
6912               to caculate a range of IP address which is really care.
6913               The value is in HEX format, for example:
6914               '' is presented to 'FFFFFF00'
6915              "
6916           DEFVAL  { 'FFFFFFFF'h }
6917           ::= { cpuFilterProfileEntry 9 }
6920        cpuFilterProfileSrcIpAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE
6921           SYNTAX      IpAddress
6922           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6923           STATUS      current
6924           DESCRIPTION
6925              "The CPUInterfaceFilter Profile source IP address mask.
6926               If SRC_IP is turn on in cpuFilterProfileMask,
6927               it will work with its member rule field,cpuFilterL3RuleSrcIpAddr,
6928               to caculate a range of IP address which is really care.
6929               The value is in HEX format, for example:
6930               '' is presented to 'FFFFFF00'
6931              "
6932           DEFVAL  { 'FFFFFFFF'h }
6933           ::= { cpuFilterProfileEntry 10 }
6935        cpuFilterProfileDstPortMask OBJECT-TYPE
6936           SYNTAX      OCTET STRING
6937           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6938           STATUS      current
6939           DESCRIPTION
6940              "The CPUInterfaceFilter Profile UDP/TCP destination port mask.
6941               If DST_PORT is turn on in cpuFilterProfileMask,
6942               it will work with its member rule field,cpuFilterL3RuleTcpUdpDstPort,
6943               to caculate a range of destination port which is really care.
6944               The value is in HEX format.
6945              "
6946           DEFVAL  { 'FFFF'h }
6947           ::= { cpuFilterProfileEntry 11 }
6950        cpuFilterProfileSrcPortMask OBJECT-TYPE
6951           SYNTAX      OCTET STRING
6952           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
6953           STATUS      current
6954           DESCRIPTION
6955              "The CPUInterfaceFilter Profile UDP/TCP source port mask.
6956               If SRC_PORT is turn on in cpuFilterProfileMask,
6957               it will work with its member rule field,cpuFilterL3RuleTcpUdpSrcPort,
6958               to caculate a range of source port which is really care.
6959               The value is in HEX format.
6960              "
6961           DEFVAL  { 'FFFF'h }
6962           ::= { cpuFilterProfileEntry 12 }
6964        cpuFilterProfileStatus OBJECT-TYPE
6965           SYNTAX      RowStatus
6966           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
6967           STATUS      current
6968           DESCRIPTION
6969               " This object indicates the status of this entry, can only be set to
6970                 'createAndWait','active' and 'destroy'.
6971                 When the value of the entry status is 'createAndWait', it could be
6972                 set to 'active' only if the three values of cpuFilterProfileType,
6973                 cpuFilterProfileMask and ProtocolType are not conflicted.
6974               "
6976           ::= { cpuFilterProfileEntry 15 }
6980        -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
6981        -- L2 Filter Group --------------------------------------------------
6982        cpuFilterL2Rule       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyCPUInterfaceFilterGroup 2 }
6984        cpuFilterL2RuleTable OBJECT-TYPE
6986           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF CpuFilterL2RuleEntry
6987           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
6988           STATUS      current
6989           DESCRIPTION
6990               "A table to configure L2 filter rules in the system."
6991           ::= { cpuFilterL2Rule 1 }
6993        cpuFilterL2RuleEntry OBJECT-TYPE
6994           SYNTAX      CpuFilterL2RuleEntry
6995           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
6996           STATUS      current
6997           DESCRIPTION
6998               "Each entry in this table is a L2 filter rule.
6999               Index to the table is the L2 filter number and Profile ID."
7000           INDEX { cpuFilterL2ProfileID, cpuFilterL2AccessID}
7001           ::= { cpuFilterL2RuleTable 1 }
7003        CpuFilterL2RuleEntry ::=
7004           SEQUENCE {
7005              cpuFilterL2ProfileID
7006                 Integer32,
7007              cpuFilterL2AccessID
7008                 Integer32,
7009              cpuFilterL2RuleEtherType
7010                 Integer32,
7011              cpuFilterL2RuleDstMacAddr
7012                 MacAddress,
7013              cpuFilterL2RuleSrcMacAddr
7014                 MacAddress,
7015              cpuFilterL2RuleVlanId
7016                 Integer32,
7017              cpuFilterL2Rule1pPriority
7018                 Integer32,
7019              cpuFilterL2RuleDstMacAddrMask
7020                 MacAddress,
7021              cpuFilterL2RuleSrcMacAddrMask
7022                 MacAddress,
7023              cpuFilterL2RuleInPortList
7024                 PortList,
7025              cpuFilterL2RuleAction
7026                 INTEGER,
7027              cpuFilterL2RuleStatus
7028                 RowStatus
7029          }
7031        cpuFilterL2ProfileID OBJECT-TYPE
7032           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..3)
7033           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
7034           STATUS      current
7035           DESCRIPTION
7036              "L2 Filter rule ID."
7037           ::= { cpuFilterL2RuleEntry 1 }
7039        cpuFilterL2AccessID OBJECT-TYPE
7040           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..5)
7041           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
7042           STATUS      current
7043           DESCRIPTION
7044              "CPUInterfaceFilter Profile ID which this rule join."
7045           DEFVAL  { 1 }
7046           ::= { cpuFilterL2RuleEntry 2 }
7048        cpuFilterL2RuleEtherType OBJECT-TYPE
7049           SYNTAX      Integer32  (-1 | 1501..65535)
7050           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
7051           STATUS      current
7052           DESCRIPTION
7053              "The value in the Type/Len field of a frame that will
7054              be matched to trigger this filter. The default value of
7055              this object is '-1', which means the rule don't care this
7056              condition."
7057           DEFVAL  { -1 }
7058           ::= { cpuFilterL2RuleEntry 3 }
7060        cpuFilterL2RuleDstMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE
7061           SYNTAX      MacAddress
7062           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
7063           STATUS      current
7064           DESCRIPTION
7065              "Destination MAC address to be matched with the packet. By Default, the
7066               Destination Mac Address will be zero,which means the rule don't care this
7067               condition."
7068           ::= { cpuFilterL2RuleEntry 4 }
7070        cpuFilterL2RuleSrcMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE
7071           SYNTAX      MacAddress
7072           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
7073           STATUS      current
7074           DESCRIPTION
7075              "Source MAC address to be matched with the packet. By Default, the Source
7076               Mac Address will be zero, which means the rule don't care this condition..
7077               address"
7078           ::= { cpuFilterL2RuleEntry 5 }
7080        cpuFilterL2RuleVlanId OBJECT-TYPE
7081           SYNTAX      Integer32 (-1..4094)
7082           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
7083           STATUS      current
7084           DESCRIPTION
7085              "Vlan Id to be filtered. In case of Provider bridges, This Vlan Id will
7086              be treated as customer Vlan Id. By Default, the value will be '-1',
7087              which means the rule don't care this condition."
7088           DEFVAL  { -1 }
7089           ::= { cpuFilterL2RuleEntry 6 }
7091         cpuFilterL2Rule1pPriority OBJECT-TYPE
7092           SYNTAX      Integer32  (-1..7)
7093           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
7094           STATUS      current
7095           DESCRIPTION
7096              "802.1p priority to be matched with the packet. By Default, the value
7097              will be '-1', which means the rule don't care this condition."
7098          DEFVAL  { -1 }
7099           ::= { cpuFilterL2RuleEntry 7 }
7101        cpuFilterL2RuleDstMacAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE
7102           SYNTAX      MacAddress
7103           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
7104           STATUS      current
7105           DESCRIPTION
7106              "The MAC address Mask work for Destination MAC address.
7107              This field is read-only and copy from it's Profile setting."
7109           ::= { cpuFilterL2RuleEntry 8 }
7111        cpuFilterL2RuleSrcMacAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE
7112           SYNTAX      MacAddress
7113           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
7114           STATUS      current
7115           DESCRIPTION
7116              "The MAC address Mask work for Source MAC address.
7117              This field is read-only and copy from it's Profile setting."
7119           ::= { cpuFilterL2RuleEntry 9 }
7121        cpuFilterL2RuleInPortList OBJECT-TYPE
7122           SYNTAX      PortList
7123           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
7124           STATUS      current
7125           DESCRIPTION
7126              "Specifies the complete set of ports over which this filter is applied
7127               for packets ingress at ports in this list."
7128           ::= { cpuFilterL2RuleEntry 10 }
7130        cpuFilterL2RuleAction OBJECT-TYPE
7131           SYNTAX      INTEGER {
7132                          allow (1)
7133                          ,drop  (2)
7134                       }
7135           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
7136           STATUS      current
7137           DESCRIPTION
7138              "Specifies the action to be taken on the packet if the filter
7139              rule matches.
7140              If the action is 'allow', the packet will be forwarded according
7141              to the forwarding rules.
7142              If the action is 'drop', the packet will be discarded."
7143           DEFVAL  { allow }
7144           ::= { cpuFilterL2RuleEntry 11 }
7146         cpuFilterL2RuleStatus OBJECT-TYPE
7147           SYNTAX      RowStatus
7148           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
7149           STATUS      current
7150           DESCRIPTION
7151                "This object indicates the status of this entry. An entry is
7152                created in this table when this object is SET to 'createAndWait'.
7153                The entry in this table is used when the status of this object
7154                is SET 'active'. The entry in this table is not used when this
7155                object is SET 'notInService'. An entry created in this table is
7156                be deleted when this object is SET 'destroy'."
7157           ::= { cpuFilterL2RuleEntry 14 }
7159        -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
7160        -- L3 Filter Group --------------------------------------------------
7161        cpuFilterL3Rule       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyCPUInterfaceFilterGroup 3 }
7163        cpuFilterL3RuleTable OBJECT-TYPE
7164           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF CpuFilterL3RuleEntry
7165           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
7166           STATUS      current
7167           DESCRIPTION
7168               " A table to configure L3 filter rules in the system.
7169               "
7170           ::= { cpuFilterL3Rule 1 }
7172        cpuFilterL3RuleEntry OBJECT-TYPE
7173           SYNTAX      CpuFilterL3RuleEntry
7174           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
7175           STATUS      current
7176           DESCRIPTION
7177               " Each entry in this table is a L3 filter rule.
7178                 Index to the table is L3 filter number and Profile ID."
7179           INDEX { cpuFilterL3RuleProfileNo, cpuFilterL3RuleAccessID}
7180           ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleTable 1 }
7182        CpuFilterL3RuleEntry ::=
7183           SEQUENCE {
7184              cpuFilterL3RuleProfileNo
7185                 Integer32,
7186              cpuFilterL3RuleAccessID
7187                 Integer32,
7188              cpuFilterL3RuleProtocol
7189                 INTEGER,
7190              cpuFilterL3RuleProtocolMask
7191                 OCTET STRING,
7192              cpuFilterL3RuleICMPMessageType
7193                 Integer32,
7194              cpuFilterL3RuleICMPMessageCode
7195                 Integer32,
7196              cpuFilterL3RuleDstIpAddr
7197                 IpAddress,
7198              cpuFilterL3RuleSrcIpAddr
7199                 IpAddress,
7200              cpuFilterL3RuleDstIpAddrMask
7201                 IpAddress,
7202              cpuFilterL3RuleSrcIpAddrMask
7203                 IpAddress,
7204              cpuFilterL3RuleTcpUdpDstPort
7205                 Integer32,
7206              cpuFilterL3RuleTcpUdpSrcPort
7207                 Integer32,
7208              cpuFilterL3RuleTcpUdpDstPortMask
7209                OCTET STRING,
7210              cpuFilterL3RuleTcpUdpSrcPortMask
7211                OCTET STRING,
7212              cpuFilterL3RuleTcpAckBit
7213                 INTEGER,
7214              cpuFilterL3RuleTcpRstBit
7215                 INTEGER,
7216              cpuFilterL3RuleTcpUrgBit
7217                 INTEGER,
7218              cpuFilterL3RuleTcpPshBit
7219                 INTEGER,
7220              cpuFilterL3RuleTcpSynBit
7221                 INTEGER,
7222              cpuFilterL3RuleTcpFinBit
7223                 INTEGER,
7224              cpuFilterL3RuleDscp
7225                 Integer32,
7226              cpuFilterL3RuleIgmpType
7227                 Integer32,
7228              cpuFilterL3RulePortList
7229                 PortList,
7230              cpuFilterL3RuleAction
7231                 INTEGER,
7232              cpuFilterL3RuleStatus
7233                 RowStatus
7234          }
7236        cpuFilterL3RuleProfileNo OBJECT-TYPE
7237           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..5)
7238           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
7239           STATUS      current
7240           DESCRIPTION
7241              "L3 Filter rule ID."
7242           ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleEntry 1 }
7244        cpuFilterL3RuleAccessID OBJECT-TYPE
7245           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..3)
7246           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
7247           STATUS      current
7248           DESCRIPTION
7249              "The Profile ID which this rule join."
7250           ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleEntry 2 }
7252        cpuFilterL3RuleProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
7253           SYNTAX      INTEGER  {
7254                                         icmp(1),
7255                                         igmp(2),
7256                                         tcp(6),
7257                                         udp(17)
7258                        }
7259           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
7260           STATUS      current
7261           DESCRIPTION
7262              " The type of protocol to be checked against the packet."
7263           ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleEntry 3 }
7265        cpuFilterL3RuleProtocolMask OBJECT-TYPE
7266           SYNTAX      OCTET STRING
7267           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
7268           STATUS      current
7269           DESCRIPTION
7270              "The IP protocol mask.
7271               This field is read-only and copy from it's Profile setting.
7272               It will work with the other field,cpuFilterL3RuleProtocol,
7273               to caculate a range of IP protocol which is really care.
7274               The value is in HEX format.
7275              "
7276           DEFVAL  { 'FF'h }
7277           ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleEntry 4 }
7279        cpuFilterL3RuleICMPMessageType OBJECT-TYPE
7280           SYNTAX      Integer32 (-1..255)
7281           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
7282           STATUS      current
7283           DESCRIPTION
7284             " The message type to be checked against the packet. If the
7285              message type matches with the packet, then the packet will be
7286              dropped / allowed based on the action set in cpuFilterL3RuleAction.
7287              The default value is '-1',which means the rule don't care this
7288              condition.
7289              Some ICMP message types are:
7290                   echoReply(0),
7291                   destinationUnreachable(3),
7292                   sourceQuench(4),
7293                   redirect(5),
7294                   echoRequest(8),
7295                   timeExceeded(11),
7296                   parameterProblem(12),
7297                   timestampRequest(13),
7298                   timestampReply(14),
7299                   informationRequest(15),
7300                   informationReply(16),
7301                   addressMaskRequest(17),
7302                   addressMaskReply (18),
7303              "
7304           DEFVAL  { -1 }
7305           ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleEntry 5 }
7307        cpuFilterL3RuleICMPMessageCode OBJECT-TYPE
7308           SYNTAX      Integer32 (-1..255)
7309           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
7310           STATUS      current
7311           DESCRIPTION
7312              " The message code to be checked against the packet. If the
7313              packet matches with the message code, then the packet will
7314              be dropped / allowed based on the action set in cpuFilterL3RuleAction.
7315              The default value is '-1', which means the rule don't care this
7316              condition.
7317              Some ICMP message codes are :
7318                   networkUnreachable(0),
7319                   hostUnreachable(1),
7320                   protocolUnreachable(2),
7321                   portUnreachable(3),
7322                   fragmentNeed(4),
7323                   sourceRouteFail(5),
7324                   destNetworkUnknown(6),
7325                   destHostUnknown(7),
7326                   srcHostIsolated(8),
7327                   destNetworkAdminProhibited(9),
7328                   destHostAdminProhibited(10),
7329                   networkUnreachableTOS(11),
7330                   hostUnreachableTOS(12),
7331              "
7332           DEFVAL   { -1 }
7333           ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleEntry 6 }
7335        cpuFilterL3RuleDstIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
7336           SYNTAX      IpAddress
7337           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
7338           STATUS      current
7339           DESCRIPTION
7340              "Destination IP address to be matched with the packet.
7341               The default value will be zero, which means the rule
7342               don't care this condition."
7343           DEFVAL  { '00000000'h }
7344           ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleEntry 7 }
7346        cpuFilterL3RuleSrcIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
7347           SYNTAX      IpAddress
7348           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
7349           STATUS      current
7350           DESCRIPTION
7351              "Source IP address to be matched with the packet.
7352              The default value will be zero, which means the
7353              rule don't care this condition."
7355           DEFVAL  { '00000000'h }
7356           ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleEntry 8 }
7358        cpuFilterL3RuleDstIpAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE
7359           SYNTAX      IpAddress
7360           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
7361           STATUS      current
7362           DESCRIPTION
7363              "The IP subnet mask for Destination IP address.
7364               This field is read-only and copy from it's Profile setting.
7365              "
7367           DEFVAL  { 'FFFFFFFF'h }
7368           ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleEntry 9 }
7370        cpuFilterL3RuleSrcIpAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE
7371           SYNTAX      IpAddress
7372           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
7373           STATUS      current
7374           DESCRIPTION
7375              "The IP subnet mask for Source IP address.
7376               This field is read-only and copy from it's Profile setting.
7377              "
7379           DEFVAL  { 'FFFFFFFF'h }
7380           ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleEntry 10 }
7382        cpuFilterL3RuleTcpUdpDstPort OBJECT-TYPE
7383           SYNTAX      Integer32 (-1..65535)
7384           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
7385           STATUS      current
7386           DESCRIPTION
7387              "The TCP / UDP destination port. The default value is -1,
7388              which means the rule don't care this condition."
7389           DEFVAL   { -1 }
7390           ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleEntry 11 }
7392        cpuFilterL3RuleTcpUdpSrcPort OBJECT-TYPE
7393           SYNTAX      Integer32 (-1..65535)
7394           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
7395           STATUS      current
7396           DESCRIPTION
7397              "The TCP / UDP source port. The default value is -1,
7398              which means the rule don't care this condition."
7399           DEFVAL   { -1 }
7400           ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleEntry 12 }
7402        cpuFilterL3RuleTcpUdpDstPortMask OBJECT-TYPE
7403           SYNTAX      OCTET STRING
7404           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
7405           STATUS      current
7406           DESCRIPTION
7407              "The TCP / UDP Destination port Mask.
7408               This field is read-only and copy from it's Profile setting.
7409              "
7410           ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleEntry 13 }
7412        cpuFilterL3RuleTcpUdpSrcPortMask OBJECT-TYPE
7413           SYNTAX      OCTET STRING
7414           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
7415           STATUS      current
7416           DESCRIPTION
7417              "The TCP / UDP Source port Mask.
7418               This field is read-only and copy from it's Profile setting.
7419              "
7420           ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleEntry 14 }
7422        cpuFilterL3RuleTcpAckBit                OBJECT-TYPE
7423                SYNTAX  INTEGER {
7424                                    dontcare(-1),
7425                                                        establish(1),
7426                                                        notEstablish(2)
7427                                                }
7428                MAX-ACCESS      read-create
7429                STATUS          current
7430                DESCRIPTION
7431                        " The TCP ACK bit to be checked against the packet. The default
7432                        value is 'dontcare'(-1), which means the rule don't care this
7433                        condition."
7434                DEFVAL  { dontcare }
7435                ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleEntry 15 }
7437        cpuFilterL3RuleTcpRstBit         OBJECT-TYPE
7438                SYNTAX  INTEGER {
7439                                    dontcare(-1),
7440                                                        establish(1),
7441                                                        notEstablish(2)
7442                                                }
7443                MAX-ACCESS      read-create
7444                STATUS          current
7445                DESCRIPTION
7446                        " The TCP RST bit to be checked against the packet. The default
7447                        value is 'dontcare'(-1), which means the rule don't care this
7448                        condition."
7449                DEFVAL  { dontcare }
7450                ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleEntry 16 }
7452        cpuFilterL3RuleTcpUrgBit         OBJECT-TYPE
7453                SYNTAX  INTEGER {
7454                                    dontcare(-1),
7455                                                        establish(1),
7456                                                        notEstablish(2)
7457                                                }
7458                MAX-ACCESS      read-create
7459                STATUS          current
7460                DESCRIPTION
7461                        " The TCP Urg bit to be checked against the packet. The default
7462                        value is 'dontcare'(-1), which means the rule don't care this
7463                        condition."
7464                DEFVAL  { dontcare }
7465                ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleEntry 17 }
7467        cpuFilterL3RuleTcpPshBit         OBJECT-TYPE
7468                SYNTAX  INTEGER {
7469                                    dontcare(-1),
7470                                                        establish(1),
7471                                                        notEstablish(2)
7472                                                }
7473                MAX-ACCESS      read-create
7474                STATUS          current
7475                DESCRIPTION
7476                        " The TCP Psh bit to be checked against the packet. The default
7477                        value is 'dontcare'(-1). which means the rule don't care this
7478                        condition."
7479                DEFVAL  { dontcare }
7480                ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleEntry 18 }
7482        cpuFilterL3RuleTcpSynBit         OBJECT-TYPE
7483                SYNTAX  INTEGER {
7484                                    dontcare(-1),
7485                                                        establish(1),
7486                                                        notEstablish(2)
7487                                                }
7488                MAX-ACCESS      read-create
7489                STATUS          current
7490                DESCRIPTION
7491                        " The TCP Syn bit to be checked against the packet. The default
7492                        value is 'dontcare'(-1), which means the rule don't care this condition."
7493                DEFVAL  { dontcare }
7494                ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleEntry 19 }
7496        cpuFilterL3RuleTcpFinBit         OBJECT-TYPE
7497                SYNTAX  INTEGER {
7498                                    dontcare(-1),
7499                                                        establish(1),
7500                                                        notEstablish(2)
7501                                                }
7502                MAX-ACCESS      read-create
7503                STATUS          current
7504                DESCRIPTION
7505                        " The TCP Fin bit to be checked against the packet. The default
7506                        value is 'dontcare'(-1), which means the rule don't care this
7507                        condition."
7508                DEFVAL  { dontcare }
7509                ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleEntry 20 }
7511        cpuFilterL3RuleDscp             OBJECT-TYPE
7512                SYNTAX          Integer32 (-1..63)
7513                MAX-ACCESS      read-create
7514                STATUS          current
7515                DESCRIPTION
7516                        " The IP Dscp value to be checked against the packet.
7517                A default value is '-1', which means the rule don't
7518                care this condition."
7519                DEFVAL  { -1 }
7520                ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleEntry 21 }
7522        cpuFilterL3RuleIgmpType  OBJECT-TYPE
7523                SYNTAX      Integer32 (-1..255)
7524           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
7525           STATUS      current
7526           DESCRIPTION
7527             " The IGMP Type to be checked against the packet.A default value is '-1',
7528             which means the rule don't care this condition."
7529           DEFVAL  { -1 }
7530           ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleEntry 22 }
7532        cpuFilterL3RulePortList OBJECT-TYPE
7533           SYNTAX      PortList
7534           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
7535           STATUS      current
7536           DESCRIPTION
7537              "Specifies the complete set of ports over which if the packet arrives
7538              this filter rule will be applicable."
7540           ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleEntry 23 }
7542        cpuFilterL3RuleAction OBJECT-TYPE
7543           SYNTAX      INTEGER {
7544                          allow (1)
7545                          ,drop  (2)
7546                       }
7547           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
7548           STATUS      current
7549           DESCRIPTION
7550              "Specifies the action to be taken on the packet if the filter
7551              rule matches."
7552           DEFVAL  { allow }
7553           ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleEntry 24 }
7555        cpuFilterL3RuleStatus OBJECT-TYPE
7556           SYNTAX      RowStatus
7557           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
7558           STATUS      current
7559           DESCRIPTION
7560                "This object indicates the status of this entry. An entry is
7561                created in this table when this object is SET to 'createAndWait'.
7562                The entry in this table is used when the status of this object
7563                is SET 'active'. The entry in this table is not used when this
7564                object is SET 'notInService'. An entry created in this table is
7565                be deleted when this object is SET 'destroy'."
7566           ::= { cpuFilterL3RuleEntry 27 }
7568      snmpGlobalState OBJECT-TYPE
7569           SYNTAX      INTEGER {
7570                          enabled(1),
7571                          disabled(2)
7572                       }
7573           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
7574           STATUS      current
7575           DESCRIPTION
7576               "This object is for enabling or disabling SNMP Community function."
7578           ::= { companySNMPV3 1 }
7580      snmpV3User                    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companySNMPV3 2 }
7581      snmpV3Group                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companySNMPV3 3 }
7582      snmpV3ViewTree                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companySNMPV3 4 }
7583      snmpV3Community               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companySNMPV3 5 }
7584      snmpV3Host                    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companySNMPV3 6 }
7586      snmpV3EngineID OBJECT-TYPE
7587              SYNTAX  SnmpEngineID
7588              MAX-ACCESS read-write
7589              STATUS current
7590		      DESCRIPTION
7591		         "An SNMP engine's administratively-unique identifier.
7593                 In a simple agent, this value is always that agent's
7594                 own snmpEngineID value.
7596                 The value can also take the value of the snmpEngineID
7597                 of a remote SNMP engine with which this user can
7598                 communicate."
7600         ::=  { companySNMPV3  7 }
7602      snmpV3Trap                    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companySNMPV3 8 }
7604      -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
7605      -- The snmpV3User group
7606      -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
7608      snmpV3UserTable OBJECT-TYPE
7609           SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SnmpV3UserEntry
7610           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
7611           STATUS     current
7612           DESCRIPTION
7613              ""
7614           ::= { snmpV3User 1 }
7616      snmpV3UserEntry OBJECT-TYPE
7617           SYNTAX      SnmpV3UserEntry
7618           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
7619           STATUS      current
7620           DESCRIPTION
7621              ""
7622           INDEX { snmpV3UserName , snmpV3UserVersion}
7623           ::= { snmpV3UserTable 1 }
7625      SnmpV3UserEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
7626                snmpV3UserName                      SnmpAdminString,
7627                snmpV3UserVersion                   INTEGER,
7628                snmpV3UserGroupName                 SnmpAdminString,
7629                snmpV3UserAuthProtocol              INTEGER,
7630                snmpV3UserAuthProtocolPassword      SnmpAdminString,
7631                snmpV3UserPrivProtocol              INTEGER,
7632                snmpV3UserPrivProtocolPassword      SnmpAdminString,
7633                snmpV3UserStatus                    RowStatus
7634            }
7636      snmpV3UserName       OBJECT-TYPE
7637            SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
7638            MAX-ACCESS   read-only
7639            STATUS       current
7640            DESCRIPTION "A human readable string representing the name of
7641                         the user.
7643                         This is the (User-based Security) Model dependent
7644                         security ID.
7645                        "
7646      ::= { snmpV3UserEntry 1 }
7648        snmpV3UserVersion  OBJECT-TYPE
7649            SYNTAX    INTEGER {
7650                      v1            (1),
7651                      v2c	        (2),
7652                      v3            (3)
7653                   }
7654            MAX-ACCESS   read-only
7655            STATUS       current
7656            DESCRIPTION "A human readable string representing the name of
7657                         the user.
7659                         This is the (User-based Security) Model dependent
7660                         security ID.
7661                        "
7662            ::= { snmpV3UserEntry 2 }
7665        snmpV3UserGroupName      OBJECT-TYPE
7666            SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
7667            MAX-ACCESS   read-create
7668            STATUS       current
7669            DESCRIPTION "The name of the group to which this entry (e.g., the
7670                         combination of securityModel and securityName)
7671                         belongs.
7673                         This groupName is used as index into the
7674                         vacmAccessTable to select an access control policy.
7675                         However, a value in this table does not imply that an
7676                         instance with the value exists in table vacmAccesTable.
7677                        "
7678            ::= { snmpV3UserEntry 3 }
7680        snmpV3UserAuthProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
7681            SYNTAX    INTEGER {
7682                      none          (1),
7683                      md5	        (2),
7684                      sha           (3)
7685                   }
7686            MAX-ACCESS   read-create
7687            STATUS       current
7688            DESCRIPTION "An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of
7689                 this user to/from the SNMP engine identified by
7690                 usmUserEngineID, can be authenticated, and if so,
7691                 the type of authentication protocol which is used.
7693                 An instance of this object is created concurrently
7694                 with the creation of any other object instance for
7695                 the same user (i.e., as part of the processing of
7696                 the set operation which creates the first object
7697                 instance in the same conceptual row).
7699                 If an initial set operation (i.e. at row creation time)
7700                 tries to set a value for an unknown or unsupported
7701                 protocol, then a 'wrongValue' error must be returned.
7703                 The value will be overwritten/set when a set operation
7704                 is performed on the corresponding instance of
7705                 UserCloneFrom.
7707                 Once instantiated, the value of such an instance of
7708                 this object can only be changed via a set operation to
7709                 the value of the NoAuthProtocol.
7711                 If a set operation tries to change the value of an
7714                 existing instance of this object to any value other
7715                 than NoAuthProtocol, then an 'inconsistentValue'
7716                 error must be returned.
7718                 If a set operation tries to set the value to the
7719                 NoAuthProtocol while the UserPrivProtocol value
7720                 in the same row is not equal to NoPrivProtocol,
7721                 then an 'inconsistentValue' error must be returned.
7722                 That means that an SNMP command generator application
7723                 must first ensure that the UserPrivProtocol is set
7724                 to the NoPrivProtocol value before it can set
7725                 the UserAuthProtocol value to NoAuthProtocol.
7726                "
7727            ::= { snmpV3UserEntry 4 }
7729        snmpV3UserAuthProtocolPassword OBJECT-TYPE
7730        SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
7731            MAX-ACCESS   read-create
7732            STATUS       current
7733            DESCRIPTION  ""
7734            ::= { snmpV3UserEntry 5 }
7737        snmpV3UserPrivProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
7738            SYNTAX    INTEGER {
7739                      none          (1),
7740                      des	        (2)
7741                   }
7742            MAX-ACCESS   read-create
7743            STATUS       current
7744            DESCRIPTION "An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of
7745                 this user to/from the SNMP engine identified by
7746                 usmUserEngineID, can be protected from disclosure,
7747                 and if so, the type of privacy protocol which is used.
7749                 An instance of this object is created concurrently
7750                 with the creation of any other object instance for
7751                 the same user (i.e., as part of the processing of
7752                 the set operation which creates the first object
7753                 instance in the same conceptual row).
7755                 If an initial set operation (i.e. at row creation time)
7756                 tries to set a value for an unknown or unsupported
7757                 protocol, then a 'wrongValue' error must be returned.
7759                 The value will be overwritten/set when a set operation
7760                 is performed on the corresponding instance of
7761                 usmUserCloneFrom.
7763                 Once instantiated, the value of such an instance of
7764                 this object can only be changed via a set operation to
7765                 the value of the NoPrivProtocol.
7767                 If a set operation tries to change the value of an
7768                 existing instance of this object to any value other
7769                 than NoPrivProtocol, then an 'inconsistentValue'
7770                 error must be returned.
7772                 Note that if any privacy protocol is used, then you
7773                 must also use an authentication protocol. In other
7774                 words, if usmUserPrivProtocol is set to anything else
7775                 than NoPrivProtocol, then the corresponding instance
7776                 of usmUserAuthProtocol cannot have a value of
7778                 usmNoAuthProtocol. If it does, then an
7779                 'inconsistentValue' error must be returned.
7780                "
7781            ::= { snmpV3UserEntry 6 }
7783        snmpV3UserPrivProtocolPassword OBJECT-TYPE
7784        SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
7785            MAX-ACCESS   read-create
7786            STATUS       current
7787            DESCRIPTION  ""
7788            ::= { snmpV3UserEntry 7 }
7791        snmpV3UserStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
7792            SYNTAX       RowStatus
7793            MAX-ACCESS   read-create
7794            STATUS       current
7795            DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row.
7797                 Until instances of all corresponding columns are
7798                 appropriately configured, the value of the
7799                 corresponding instance of the usmUserStatus column
7800                 is 'notReady'.
7802                 In particular, a newly created row for a user who
7803                 employs authentication, cannot be made active until the
7804                 corresponding usmUserCloneFrom and usmUserAuthKeyChange
7805                 have been set.
7807                 Further, a newly created row for a user who also
7808                 employs privacy, cannot be made active until the
7809                 usmUserPrivKeyChange has been set.
7811                 The RowStatus TC [RFC2579] requires that this
7812                 DESCRIPTION clause states under which circumstances
7813                 other objects in this row can be modified:
7815                 The value of this object has no effect on whether
7816                 other objects in this conceptual row can be modified,
7817                 except for usmUserOwnAuthKeyChange and
7818                 usmUserOwnPrivKeyChange. For these 2 objects, the
7819                 value of usmUserStatus MUST be active.
7820                "
7821    ::= { snmpV3UserEntry 8 }
7824      -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
7825      -- The snmpV3Group group
7826      -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
7827        snmpV3GroupTable OBJECT-TYPE
7828           SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SnmpV3GroupEntry
7829           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
7830           STATUS     current
7831           DESCRIPTION
7832              ""
7833           ::= { snmpV3Group 1 }
7835        snmpV3GroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE
7836           SYNTAX      SnmpV3GroupEntry
7837           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
7838           STATUS      current
7839           DESCRIPTION
7840              ""
7841           INDEX { snmpV3GroupName ,snmpV3GroupSecurityModel ,snmpV3GroupSecurityLevel}
7842           ::= { snmpV3GroupTable 1 }
7844        SnmpV3GroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
7845                snmpV3GroupName              SnmpAdminString,
7846                snmpV3GroupSecurityModel     INTEGER,
7847                snmpV3GroupSecurityLevel     SnmpSecurityLevel,
7848                snmpV3GroupReadViewName      SnmpAdminString,
7849                snmpV3GroupWriteViewName     SnmpAdminString,
7850                snmpV3GroupNotifyViewName    SnmpAdminString,
7851                snmpV3GroupStatus            RowStatus
7852            }
7854        snmpV3GroupName  OBJECT-TYPE
7855            SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
7856            MAX-ACCESS   read-only
7857            STATUS       current
7858            DESCRIPTION "The name of the group to which this entry (e.g., the
7859                         combination of securityModel and securityName)
7860                         belongs.
7862                         This groupName is used as index into the
7863                         vacmAccessTable to select an access control policy.
7864                         However, a value in this table does not imply that an
7865                         instance with the value exists in table vacmAccesTable.
7866                        "
7867            ::= { snmpV3GroupEntry 1 }
7869        snmpV3GroupSecurityModel OBJECT-TYPE
7870            SYNTAX    INTEGER {
7871                      v1            (1),
7872                      v2c	        (2),
7873                      v3            (3)
7874                   }
7875            MAX-ACCESS   read-only
7876            STATUS       current
7877            DESCRIPTION "In order to gain the access rights allowed by this
7878                         conceptual row, this securityModel must be in use.
7879                        "
7880            ::= { snmpV3GroupEntry 2 }
7882        snmpV3GroupSecurityLevel OBJECT-TYPE
7883            SYNTAX       SnmpSecurityLevel
7884            MAX-ACCESS   read-only
7885            STATUS       current
7886            DESCRIPTION "The minimum level of security required in order to
7887                         gain the access rights allowed by this conceptual
7888                         row.  A securityLevel of noAuthNoPriv is less than
7889                         authNoPriv which in turn is less than authPriv.
7891                         If multiple entries are equally indexed except for
7892                         this vacmAccessSecurityLevel index, then the entry
7893                         which has the highest value for
7894                         vacmAccessSecurityLevel is selected.
7895                        "
7896            ::= { snmpV3GroupEntry 3 }
7898        snmpV3GroupReadViewName OBJECT-TYPE
7899            SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
7900            MAX-ACCESS   read-create
7901            STATUS       current
7902            DESCRIPTION "The value of an instance of this object identifies
7903                         the MIB view of the SNMP context to which this
7904                         conceptual row authorizes read access.
7906                         The identified MIB view is that one for which the
7907                         vacmViewTreeFamilyViewName has the same value as the
7908                         instance of this object; if the value is the empty
7909                         string or if there is no active MIB view having this
7910                         value of vacmViewTreeFamilyViewName, then no access
7911                         is granted.
7912                        "
7913        --    DEFVAL      { ''H }   -- -- the empty string --
7914            ::= { snmpV3GroupEntry 4 }
7916        snmpV3GroupWriteViewName OBJECT-TYPE
7917            SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
7918            MAX-ACCESS   read-create
7919            STATUS       current
7920            DESCRIPTION "The value of an instance of this object identifies
7921                         the MIB view of the SNMP context to which this
7922                         conceptual row authorizes write access.
7924                         The identified MIB view is that one for which the
7925                         vacmViewTreeFamilyViewName has the same value as the
7926                         instance of this object; if the value is the empty
7927                         string or if there is no active MIB view having this
7928                         value of vacmViewTreeFamilyViewName, then no access
7929                         is granted.
7930                        "
7931        --    DEFVAL      { ''H }   -- -- the empty string --
7933            ::= { snmpV3GroupEntry 5 }
7935        snmpV3GroupNotifyViewName OBJECT-TYPE
7936            SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
7937            MAX-ACCESS   read-create
7938            STATUS       current
7939            DESCRIPTION "The value of an instance of this object identifies
7940                         the MIB view of the SNMP context to which this
7941                         conceptual row authorizes access for notifications.
7943                         The identified MIB view is that one for which the
7944                         vacmViewTreeFamilyViewName has the same value as the
7945                         instance of this object; if the value is the empty
7946                         string or if there is no active MIB view having this
7947                         value of vacmViewTreeFamilyViewName, then no access
7948                         is granted.
7949                        "
7950        --    DEFVAL      { ''H }   -- -- the empty string --
7951            ::= { snmpV3GroupEntry 6 }
7953        snmpV3GroupStatus     OBJECT-TYPE
7954            SYNTAX       RowStatus
7955            MAX-ACCESS   read-create
7956            STATUS       current
7957            DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row.
7959                         The  RowStatus TC [RFC2579] requires that this
7960                         DESCRIPTION clause states under which circumstances
7961                         other objects in this row can be modified:
7963                         The value of this object has no effect on whether
7964                         other objects in this conceptual row can be modified.
7965                        "
7966            ::= { snmpV3GroupEntry 7 }
7969      -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
7970      -- The snmpV3ViewTree group
7971      -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
7972        snmpV3ViewTreeTable OBJECT-TYPE
7973           SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SnmpV3ViewTreeEntry
7974           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
7975           STATUS     current
7976           DESCRIPTION
7977              ""
7978           ::= { snmpV3ViewTree 1 }
7980        snmpV3ViewTreeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
7981           SYNTAX      SnmpV3ViewTreeEntry
7982           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
7983           STATUS      current
7984           DESCRIPTION
7985              ""
7986           INDEX { snmpV3viewTreeName ,snmpV3viewTreeSubtree }
7987           ::= { snmpV3ViewTreeTable 1 }
7989        SnmpV3ViewTreeEntry ::= SEQUENCE
7990            {
7991                snmpV3viewTreeName         SnmpAdminString,
7992                snmpV3viewTreeSubtree      OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
7993                snmpV3viewTreeMask         OCTET STRING,
7994                snmpV3viewTreeType         INTEGER,
7995                snmpV3viewTreeStatus       RowStatus
7996            }
7998        snmpV3viewTreeName OBJECT-TYPE
7999            SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
8000            MAX-ACCESS   read-only
8001            STATUS       current
8002            DESCRIPTION "The human readable name for a family of view subtrees.
8003                        "
8005            ::= { snmpV3ViewTreeEntry 1 }
8007        snmpV3viewTreeSubtree OBJECT-TYPE
8008            SYNTAX       OBJECT IDENTIFIER
8009            MAX-ACCESS   read-only
8010            STATUS       current
8011            DESCRIPTION "The MIB subtree which when combined with the
8012                         corresponding instance of vacmViewTreeFamilyMask
8013                         defines a family of view subtrees.
8014                        "
8015            ::= { snmpV3ViewTreeEntry 2 }
8017        snmpV3viewTreeMask OBJECT-TYPE
8018            SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..16))
8019            MAX-ACCESS   read-create
8020            STATUS       current
8021            DESCRIPTION "The bit mask which, in combination with the
8022                         corresponding instance of vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree,
8023                         defines a family of view subtrees.
8025                         Each bit of this bit mask corresponds to a
8026                         sub-identifier of vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree, with the
8027                         most significant bit of the i-th octet of this octet
8028                         string value (extended if necessary, see below)
8029                         corresponding to the (8*i - 7)-th sub-identifier, and
8030                         the least significant bit of the i-th octet of this
8031                         octet string corresponding to the (8*i)-th
8032                         sub-identifier, where i is in the range 1 through 16.
8034                         Each bit of this bit mask specifies whether or not
8035                         the corresponding sub-identifiers must match when
8036                         determining if an OBJECT IDENTIFIER is in this
8037                         family of view subtrees; a '1' indicates that an
8038                         exact match must occur; a '0' indicates 'wild card',
8039                         i.e., any sub-identifier value matches.
8041                         Thus, the OBJECT IDENTIFIER X of an object instance
8042                         is contained in a family of view subtrees if, for
8043                         each sub-identifier of the value of
8044                         vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree, either:
8046                           the i-th bit of vacmViewTreeFamilyMask is 0, or
8048                           the i-th sub-identifier of X is equal to the i-th
8049                           sub-identifier of the value of
8050                           vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree.
8052                         If the value of this bit mask is M bits long and
8054                         there are more than M sub-identifiers in the
8055                         corresponding instance of vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree,
8056                         then the bit mask is extended with 1's to be the
8057                         required length.
8059                         Note that when the value of this object is the
8060                         zero-length string, this extension rule results in
8061                         a mask of all-1's being used (i.e., no 'wild card'),
8062                         and the family of view subtrees is the one view
8063                         subtree uniquely identified by the corresponding
8064                         instance of vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree.
8066                         Note that masks of length greater than zero length
8067                         do not need to be supported.  In this case this
8068                         object is made read-only.
8069                        "
8070        --    DEFVAL      { ''H }
8071            ::= { snmpV3ViewTreeEntry 3 }
8073        snmpV3viewTreeType OBJECT-TYPE
8074            SYNTAX       INTEGER  { included(1), excluded(2) }
8075            MAX-ACCESS   read-create
8076            STATUS       current
8077            DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the corresponding instances of
8078                         vacmViewTreeFamilySubtree and vacmViewTreeFamilyMask
8079                         define a family of view subtrees which is included in
8080                         or excluded from the MIB view.
8081                        "
8082        --    DEFVAL      { included }
8083            ::= { snmpV3ViewTreeEntry 4 }
8085        snmpV3viewTreeStatus OBJECT-TYPE
8086            SYNTAX       RowStatus
8087            MAX-ACCESS   read-create
8088            STATUS       current
8089            DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row.
8091                         The  RowStatus TC [RFC2579] requires that this
8092                         DESCRIPTION clause states under which circumstances
8093                         other objects in this row can be modified:
8095                         The value of this object has no effect on whether
8096                         other objects in this conceptual row can be modified.
8097                        "
8098            ::= { snmpV3ViewTreeEntry 5 }
8101      -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
8102      -- The snmpV3Community group
8103      -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
8105        snmpV3CommunityTable OBJECT-TYPE
8106           SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SnmpV3CommunityEntry
8107           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
8108           STATUS     current
8109           DESCRIPTION
8110              ""
8111           ::= { snmpV3Community 1 }
8113        snmpV3CommunityEntry OBJECT-TYPE
8114           SYNTAX      SnmpV3CommunityEntry
8115           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
8116           STATUS      current
8117           DESCRIPTION
8118              ""
8119           INDEX { snmpV3CommunityName }
8120           ::= { snmpV3CommunityTable 1 }
8122        SnmpV3CommunityEntry ::= SEQUENCE
8123            {
8124                snmpV3CommunityName                OCTET STRING,
8125                snmpV3CommunityPolicy              SnmpAdminString,
8126                snmpV3CommunityStatus              RowStatus
8127            }
8129        snmpV3CommunityName OBJECT-TYPE
8130            SYNTAX      OCTET STRING
8131            MAX-ACCESS  read-only
8132            STATUS      current
8133            DESCRIPTION
8134                "The unique index value of a row in this table."
8135            ::= { snmpV3CommunityEntry 1 }
8137        snmpV3CommunityPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
8138            SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
8139            MAX-ACCESS   read-create
8140            STATUS       current
8141            DESCRIPTION
8142                "A human readable string representing the corresponding
8143                 value of snmpCommunityName in a Security Model
8144                 independent format."
8145            ::= { snmpV3CommunityEntry 2 }
8147        snmpV3CommunityStatus OBJECT-TYPE
8148            SYNTAX       RowStatus
8149            MAX-ACCESS   read-create
8150            STATUS       current
8151            DESCRIPTION
8152                "The status of this conceptual row in the
8153                 snmpCommunityTable.
8155                 An entry in this table is not qualified for activation
8156                 until instances of all corresponding columns have been
8157                 initialized, either through default values, or through
8158                 Set operations.  The snmpCommunityName and
8159                 snmpCommunitySecurityName objects must be explicitly set.
8161                 There is no restriction on setting columns in this table
8162                 when the value of snmpCommunityStatus is active(1)."
8163            ::= { snmpV3CommunityEntry 3 }
8166      -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
8167      -- The snmpV3Host group
8168      -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
8170        snmpV3HostTable OBJECT-TYPE
8171           SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SnmpV3HostEntry
8172           MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
8173           STATUS     current
8174           DESCRIPTION
8175              ""
8176           ::= { snmpV3Host 1 }
8178        snmpV3HostEntry OBJECT-TYPE
8179           SYNTAX      SnmpV3HostEntry
8180           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
8181           STATUS      current
8182           DESCRIPTION
8183              ""
8184           INDEX { snmpV3HostAddress }
8185           ::= { snmpV3HostTable 1 }
8187        SnmpV3HostEntry ::= SEQUENCE
8188            {
8189                snmpV3HostAddress           IpAddress,
8190                snmpV3HostCommunityName     SnmpAdminString,
8191                snmpV3HostVersion           INTEGER,
8192                snmpV3HostStatus            RowStatus
8193            }
8195        snmpV3HostAddress OBJECT-TYPE
8196               SYNTAX      IpAddress
8197               MAX-ACCESS  read-only
8198               STATUS      current
8199               DESCRIPTION
8200                   "This object contains a transport address.  The format of
8201                    this address depends on the value of the
8202                    snmpTargetAddrTDomain object. And this object is unique
8203                    identifier associated with this snmpNotifyEntry."
8204               ::= { snmpV3HostEntry 1 }
8206        snmpV3HostCommunityName OBJECT-TYPE
8207               SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
8208               MAX-ACCESS  read-create
8209               STATUS      current
8210               DESCRIPTION
8211                   "The locally arbitrary."
8212               ::= { snmpV3HostEntry 2 }
8215        snmpV3HostVersion OBJECT-TYPE
8216               SYNTAX    INTEGER {
8217                      v1                (1),
8218                      v2c	            (2),
8219                      v3NoAuthNoPriv    (3),
8220                      v3AuthNoPriv      (4),
8221                      v3AuthPriv        (5)
8222                   }
8223               MAX-ACCESS  read-create
8224               STATUS      current
8225               DESCRIPTION
8226                   "The Level of Security to be used when generating
8227                    SNMP messages using this entry."
8228               ::= { snmpV3HostEntry 3 }
8230        snmpV3HostStatus OBJECT-TYPE
8231               SYNTAX       RowStatus
8232               MAX-ACCESS   read-create
8233               STATUS       current
8234               DESCRIPTION
8235                ""
8236               ::= { snmpV3HostEntry 4 }
8238      -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
8239      -- The snmpV3Trap group
8240      -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
8242        snmpV3TrapSNMPAuthentication  OBJECT-TYPE
8243            SYNTAX INTEGER  {
8244        		 enabled(1),
8245        		 disabled(2)
8246            }
8247            MAX-ACCESS read-write
8248            STATUS current
8249            DESCRIPTION
8250                "This object is for enabling or disabling SNMP login fail
8251                event trap in the system."
8252            ::= { snmpV3Trap 1 }
8254        snmpV3TrapBootup  OBJECT-TYPE
8255            SYNTAX INTEGER  {
8256        		 enabled(1),
8257        		 disabled(2)
8258            }
8259            MAX-ACCESS read-write
8260            STATUS current
8261            DESCRIPTION
8262                "This object is for enabling or disabling devie Bootup event
8263                trap in the system."
8264            ::= { snmpV3Trap 2 }
8266        snmpV3TrapFiberLinkUpDown  OBJECT-TYPE
8267            SYNTAX INTEGER  {
8268        		 enabled(1),
8269        		 disabled(2)
8270            }
8271            MAX-ACCESS read-write
8272            STATUS current
8273            DESCRIPTION
8274                "This object is for enabling or disabling Fiber link up / link down
8275                event trap in the system."
8276            ::= { snmpV3Trap 3 }
8278        snmpV3TrapCopperLinkUpDown  OBJECT-TYPE
8279            SYNTAX INTEGER  {
8280        		 enabled(1),
8281        		 disabled(2)
8282            }
8283            MAX-ACCESS read-write
8284            STATUS current
8285            DESCRIPTION
8286                "This object is for enabling or disabling Copper link up / link down
8287                event trap in the system."
8288            ::= { snmpV3Trap 4 }
8290        snmpV3TrapRSTPStateChange  OBJECT-TYPE
8291            SYNTAX INTEGER  {
8292        		 enabled(1),
8293        		 disabled(2)
8294            }
8295            MAX-ACCESS read-write
8296            STATUS current
8297            DESCRIPTION
8298                "This object is for enabling or disabling RSTP topology change
8299                event trap in the system."
8300            ::= { snmpV3Trap 5 }
8302        snmpV3TrapFirmUpgrade   OBJECT-TYPE
8303            SYNTAX INTEGER  {
8304        		 enabled(1),
8305        		 disabled(2)
8306            }
8307            MAX-ACCESS read-write
8308            STATUS current
8309            DESCRIPTION
8310                "This object is for enabling or disabling Firmware upgrade
8311                suess or fail event trap in the system."
8312            ::= { snmpV3Trap 6 }
8316    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
8317    -- companySyslog
8318    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
8319        syslogSettingGroup          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companySyslog 1 }
8321syslogEnable OBJECT-TYPE
8322   SYNTAX       INTEGER {
8323                disable(0),
8324                enable(1)
8325               }
8326   MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8327   STATUS      current
8329      "This object is for enabling or disabling syslog alert features in
8330       the system and the syslog will save to flash or send to remote
8331       syslog server.
8332       System Logs record and manage events, as well as report errors and
8333       informational messages."
8335   DEFVAL  { disable }
8336   ::= { syslogSettingGroup 1 }
8339syslogSaveMode OBJECT-TYPE
8340   SYNTAX       INTEGER {
8341                onDemand(0),
8342                timeInterval(1),
8343                logTrigger(2)
8344               }
8345   MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8346   STATUS      current
8348      "This object is for choosing the method to save syslog into flash."
8350   DEFVAL  { logTrigger }
8351   ::= { syslogSettingGroup 2 }
8353syslogSaveMinutes OBJECT-TYPE
8354   SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..65535)
8355   MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8356   STATUS      current
8358      "When savemode is time interval, it's used to set the interval minutes of
8359      system save syslog to flash."
8360   DEFVAL  { 30 }
8361   ::= { syslogSettingGroup 3 }
8364    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
8365    -- smtpRecvMailAddrTable
8366    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
8367            syslogServerGroup          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companySyslog 2 }
8369    syslogServTable  OBJECT-TYPE
8370        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF SyslogServEntry
8371        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
8372        STATUS     current
8373        DESCRIPTION
8374           "The table of syslog remote server."
8375        ::= { syslogServerGroup 1 }
8377    syslogServEntry OBJECT-TYPE
8378        SYNTAX     SyslogServEntry
8379        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
8380        STATUS     current
8381        DESCRIPTION
8382              "The list of syslog remote server entry."
8384        INDEX { syslogServIndex }
8385        ::= { syslogServTable 1 }
8387    SyslogServEntry  ::=
8388            SEQUENCE {
8389              syslogServIndex          INTEGER,
8390              syslogServAddr           IpAddress,
8391              syslogServSeverity       INTEGER,
8392              syslogServFacility       INTEGER,
8393              syslogServUDPport        INTEGER,
8394              syslogServSrvStatus      INTEGER,
8395              syslogServSrvRowStatus   RowStatus
8396              }
8398    syslogServIndex OBJECT-TYPE
8399       SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..4)
8400       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
8401       STATUS       current
8402       DESCRIPTION
8403         "The index of syslog remote server."
8404        ::= { syslogServEntry  1 }
8406    syslogServAddr  OBJECT-TYPE
8407        SYNTAX      IpAddress
8408        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8409        STATUS      current
8410        DESCRIPTION
8411              "The IP Address of syslog remote server."
8412        ::= { syslogServEntry  2 }
8414    syslogServSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
8415        SYNTAX       INTEGER{
8416                      warning(4),   -- For logging warning messages.
8417                      information(6),      -- For logging informational messages.
8418                      all(7)      -- For logging debug messages.
8419                    }
8420        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8421        STATUS      current
8422        DESCRIPTION
8423           "Specifies the log level option to be set for a specific server."
8425        ::= { syslogServEntry 3 }
8429    syslogServFacility OBJECT-TYPE
8430       SYNTAX         INTEGER {
8431                   local0(128),     -- Reserved local use
8432                   local1(136),     -- Reserved local use
8433                   local2(144),     -- Reserved local use
8434                   local3(152),     -- Reserved local use
8435                   local4(160),     -- Reserved local use
8436                   local5(168),     -- Reserved local use
8437                   local6(176),     -- Reserved local use
8438                   local7(184)      -- Reserved local use
8439                  }
8440       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8441       STATUS      current
8442       DESCRIPTION
8443         "The Syslog standard facilities.
8444          The facility to be used when sending Syslog messages to this server."
8446       DEFVAL  { local0 }
8447       ::= { syslogServEntry 4 }
8449    syslogServUDPport OBJECT-TYPE
8450       SYNTAX  INTEGER (514 | 6000..65535)
8451       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8452       STATUS  current
8453       DESCRIPTION
8454          "The value is for setting UDP Port."
8455       ::= { syslogServEntry 5 }
8457    syslogServSrvStatus OBJECT-TYPE
8458        SYNTAX       INTEGER {
8459                disabled(0),
8460                enabled(1)
8461               }
8462        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8463        STATUS      current
8464        DESCRIPTION
8465           "The status for this server. If enable, system will send message to
8466           this server."
8468        ::= { syslogServEntry 6 }
8471    syslogServSrvRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
8472       SYNTAX RowStatus
8473       MAX-ACCESS read-write
8474       STATUS current
8475       DESCRIPTION
8476         "Row status of this server entry."
8477       ::= { syslogServEntry 7 }
8480-- LBD Group ------------------------------------------------------
8481    sysLBDStateEnable OBJECT-TYPE
8482           SYNTAX      INTEGER {
8483                          enabled(1),
8484                          disabled(2)
8485                       }
8486           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8487           STATUS      current
8488           DESCRIPTION
8489               "Enable/Disable Loopback detection function.
8490                The Loopback Detection function is used to detect the loop created
8491                by a specific port while Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is not
8492                enabled in the network, especially when the down links are hubs
8493                or unmanaged switchs.The Switch will automatically shutdown the
8494                port and sends a log to the administrator."
8496           DEFVAL  { disabled }
8497           ::= { companyLBD 1 }
8499    sysLBDInterval  OBJECT-TYPE
8500           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..32767)
8501           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8502           STATUS      current
8503           DESCRIPTION
8504            "Set a Loop detection Interval between 1 and 32767 seconds.
8505             The default is 2 seconds.
8506             This time interval to be used at counting time seconds to
8507            resend the CTP packet automatically."
8508           DEFVAL  { 2 }
8509           ::= { companyLBD 2 }
8511    sysLBDRecoverTime  OBJECT-TYPE
8512           SYNTAX      Integer32 (0 | 60..1000000)
8513           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8514           STATUS      current
8515           DESCRIPTION
8516            "This time interval to be used at counting time seconds to
8517            recover the disabled port automatically.
8518            The Loop Detection Recover Time can be set at 0 seconds,
8519            or 60 to 1000000 seconds.
8520            Entering 0 will disable the Loop Detection Recover Time.
8521            The default is 60 seconds."
8522           DEFVAL  { 60 }
8523           ::= { companyLBD 3 }
8525        -- LBD Port Control Table
8527        sysLBDCtrlTable OBJECT-TYPE
8528           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SysLBDCtrlEntry
8529           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
8530           STATUS      current
8531           DESCRIPTION
8532              "A table to control Loopback detection features either for
8533              the entire switch or for each interface in the switch."
8534           ::= { companyLBD 4 }
8536        sysLBDCtrlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
8537           SYNTAX      SysLBDCtrlEntry
8538           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
8539           STATUS      current
8540           DESCRIPTION
8541               "An entry appears in this table for each interface
8542                in the system."
8543           INDEX { sysLBDCtrlIndex }
8544           ::= { sysLBDCtrlTable 1 }
8546        SysLBDCtrlEntry ::=
8547           SEQUENCE {
8548              sysLBDCtrlIndex
8549                 Integer32,
8550              sysLBDPortStatus
8551                 INTEGER,
8552              sysLBDPortLoopStatus
8553                 INTEGER
8554          }
8556        sysLBDCtrlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
8557           SYNTAX      Integer32
8558           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
8559           STATUS      current
8560           DESCRIPTION
8561              "The interface index of the port for which the configuration
8562              in this entry applies."
8563           ::= { sysLBDCtrlEntry 1 }
8565        sysLBDPortStatus OBJECT-TYPE
8566           SYNTAX      INTEGER {
8567                       enabled(1),
8568                       disabled(2)
8569                       }
8570           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8571           STATUS      current
8572           DESCRIPTION
8573               "Provides control to per port enable or disable the loopback detection
8574                function. Default is disabled."
8575           DEFVAL  { disabled }
8576           ::= { sysLBDCtrlEntry 2 }
8578        sysLBDPortLoopStatus OBJECT-TYPE
8579           SYNTAX      INTEGER {
8580                       normal(1),
8581                       disabled(2)
8582                      }
8583           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
8584           STATUS      current
8585           DESCRIPTION
8586               "The loop status for this port."
8587           ::= { sysLBDCtrlEntry 3 }
8589    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
8590    -- Mirror Group
8591    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
8594	sysMirrorStatus OBJECT-TYPE
8595           SYNTAX      INTEGER {
8596                          enabled 	     (1),
8597                          disabled       (2)
8598                       }
8599           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8600           STATUS      current
8601           DESCRIPTION
8602               "Enable/Disable Port Mirroring function.
8603               Default is disabled.
8604               Port Mirroring is a method of monitoring network traffic that
8605               forwards a copy of each incoming and/or outgoing packet from one
8606               port of the Switch to another port where the packet can be studied."
8607         --    "Provides control over the mirroring feature in the switch." --
8609           DEFVAL  { disabled }
8610           ::= { companyMirror 1 }
8612        sysMirrorTargetPort OBJECT-TYPE
8613           SYNTAX      Integer32
8614           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8615           STATUS      current
8616           DESCRIPTION
8617               "Specifies the port to which the mirrored traffic in the system
8618                is to be copied."
8619           ::= { companyMirror 2 }
8621        sysMirrorCtrlIngressMirroring OBJECT-TYPE
8622           SYNTAX      PortList
8623           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8624           STATUS      current
8625           DESCRIPTION
8626               "Provides control to enable or disable mirroring of ingress
8627                traffic over this interface to the mirrored-to port."
8628           ::= { companyMirror 3 }
8630        sysMirrorCtrlEgressMirroring OBJECT-TYPE
8631           SYNTAX      PortList
8632           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8633           STATUS      current
8634           DESCRIPTION
8635               "Provides control to enable or disable mirroring of egress
8636                traffic over this interface to the mirrored-to port."
8637           ::= { companyMirror 4 }
8639    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
8640    -- trap setting
8642    sysTrapIP  OBJECT-TYPE
8643       SYNTAX      IpAddress
8644       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8645       STATUS      current
8646       DESCRIPTION
8647           "The smart console utility's IP address is used to recive trap events."
8648       ::= { companyTrapSetting 1 }
8650    sysTrapSystemEvent OBJECT-TYPE
8651       SYNTAX       INTEGER {
8652       				none(0),
8653       				deviceBootUp(1),
8654                    illegalLogin(2),
8655                    both(3)
8656                    }
8657       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8658       STATUS      current
8659       DESCRIPTION
8660          "Enable/Disable system trap events in the switch system."
8661       DEFVAL  { none }
8662       ::= { companyTrapSetting 2 }
8664    sysTrapFiberPortEvent OBJECT-TYPE
8665       SYNTAX       INTEGER {
8666       				enable(1),
8667                    disable(2)
8668                   }
8669       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8670       STATUS      current
8671       DESCRIPTION
8672          "Enable/Disable fiber port trap event in the system."
8673       DEFVAL  { disable }
8674       ::= { companyTrapSetting 3 }
8676    sysTrapTwistedPortEvent OBJECT-TYPE
8677       SYNTAX       INTEGER {
8678       				enable(1),
8679                    disable(2)
8680                   }
8681       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8682       STATUS      current
8683       DESCRIPTION
8684          "Enable/Disable twisted port trap event in the system."
8685       DEFVAL  { disable }
8686       ::= { companyTrapSetting 4 }
8688    sysTrapStateChangeEvent OBJECT-TYPE
8689       SYNTAX       INTEGER {
8690       				enable(1),
8691                    disable(2)
8692                   }
8693       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8694       STATUS      current
8695       DESCRIPTION
8696          "Enable/Disable RSTP state change trap event in the system."
8697       DEFVAL  { disable }
8698       ::= { companyTrapSetting 5 }
8700    sysTrapFirmUpgradeEvent OBJECT-TYPE
8701       SYNTAX       INTEGER {
8702       				enable(1),
8703                    disable(2)
8704                   }
8705       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8706       STATUS      current
8707       DESCRIPTION
8708          "Enable/Disable firmware upgrading trap event in the system."
8709       DEFVAL  { disable }
8710       ::= { companyTrapSetting 6 }
8711	     sysTrapStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
8712       SYNTAX       INTEGER {
8713                    enable(1),
8714                    disable(2)
8715                   }
8716       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8717       STATUS      current
8718       DESCRIPTION
8719          "Enable/Disable trap event in the system."
8720       DEFVAL  { disable }
8721       ::= { companyTrapSetting 10 }
8724-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
8725-- SNTP Timesetting
8726      -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
8729sysSNTPTimeSeconds  OBJECT-TYPE
8730   SYNTAX      Integer32
8731   MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8732   STATUS      current
8734       "This object is for setting the system time in seconds
8735        from  Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 2009). Notice :
8736        input value must larger than 1230768000 (00:00:00 UTC,
8737        January 1, 2009) and smaller than 2145916799 (23:59:59
8738        UTC, December 31, 2037)."
8739   ::= { companySNTPSetting 1 }
8741sysSNTPFirstServer  OBJECT-TYPE
8742   SYNTAX      IpAddress
8743   MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8744   STATUS      current
8746       "SNTP First Server's IP Address"
8747   ::= { companySNTPSetting 2 }
8749sysSNTPSecondServer  OBJECT-TYPE
8750   SYNTAX      IpAddress
8751   MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8752   STATUS      current
8754       "SNTP Second Server's IP Address"
8755   ::= { companySNTPSetting 3 }
8757sysSNTPPollInterval  OBJECT-TYPE
8758   SYNTAX      Integer32
8759   MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8760   STATUS      current
8762       "SNTP Poll Interval In Seconds  (30-99999) "
8763   ::= { companySNTPSetting 4 }
8766   SYNTAX       INTEGER {
8767                sntp(1),
8768                local(2)
8769               }
8770   MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8771   STATUS      current
8773      "Enable/Disable SNTP function in the system."
8774   ::= { companySNTPSetting 5 }
8776-- SNTP TimeZonesetting
8780   SYNTAX       INTEGER  {
8781                offset30min (30),
8782                offset60min (60),
8783                offset90min (90),
8784                offset120min (120)
8785                }
8786   MAX-ACCESS   read-write
8787   STATUS       current
8789      "This object is for Daylight Saving Time Offset In (30/60/90/120) Minutes."
8791   ::= { companySNTPSetting 6 }
8794   SYNTAX       INTEGER
8795   MAX-ACCESS   read-write
8796   STATUS       current
8798      "Specifies the Time Zone Offset from GMT in +/- Minutes. (+780 ~ -720)"
8800   ::= { companySNTPSetting 7 }
8803   SYNTAX       INTEGER
8804   MAX-ACCESS   read-write
8805   STATUS       current
8807      "The start month of Daylight Saving Time."
8809   ::= { companySNTPSetting 8 }
8812   SYNTAX       INTEGER
8813   MAX-ACCESS   read-write
8814   STATUS       current
8816      "The start day of Daylight Saving Time."
8818   ::= { companySNTPSetting 9 }
8821   SYNTAX       INTEGER
8822   MAX-ACCESS   read-write
8823   STATUS       current
8825      "The start hour of Daylight Saving Time."
8827   ::= { companySNTPSetting 10 }
8830   SYNTAX       INTEGER
8831   MAX-ACCESS   read-write
8832   STATUS       current
8834      "The start minute of Daylight Saving Time."
8836   ::= { companySNTPSetting 11 }
8839   SYNTAX       INTEGER
8840   MAX-ACCESS   read-write
8841   STATUS       current
8843      "The end month of Daylight Saving Time."
8845   ::= { companySNTPSetting 12 }
8848   SYNTAX       INTEGER
8849   MAX-ACCESS   read-write
8850   STATUS       current
8852      "The end day of Daylight Saving Time."
8854   ::= { companySNTPSetting 13 }
8857   SYNTAX       INTEGER
8858   MAX-ACCESS   read-write
8859   STATUS       current
8861      "The end hour of Daylight Saving Time."
8863   ::= { companySNTPSetting 14 }
8866   SYNTAX       INTEGER
8867   MAX-ACCESS   read-write
8868   STATUS       current
8870      "The end minute of Daylight Saving Time."
8872   ::= { companySNTPSetting 15 }
8875   SYNTAX       INTEGER {
8876                annual(1),
8877                disabled(2)
8878               }
8879   MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8880   STATUS      current
8882      "This object is for Annual(1) or Disabled(2) DST state in the system."
8883   ::= { companySNTPSetting 16 }
8885    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
8886    -- voicevlan Function
8887    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
8889      voicevlanSystem          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyVoiceVlan 1 }
8890      voicevlanOUI             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyVoiceVlan 2 }
8892    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
8893    -- The Voice Vlan Group
8894    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
8896      voiceVlanMode OBJECT-TYPE
8897           SYNTAX      INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
8898           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
8899           STATUS      current
8900           DESCRIPTION
8901               "Voice VLAN is a feature that allows you to automatically place
8902               the voice traffic from IP phone to an assigned VLAN to enhance
8903               the VoIP service.
8904               This object is for enabling or disabling Voice Vlan function
8905               in the system.
8906               If the Vlan mode is in Asymmetric VLAN mode, Voice VLAN can not
8907               be enabled."
8909           ::= { voicevlanSystem 2 }
8911      voiceVlanId OBJECT-TYPE
8912            SYNTAX INTEGER
8913            MAX-ACCESS read-write
8914            STATUS current
8915            DESCRIPTION
8916                "The ID of VLAN that you want the voice traffic to be in.
8917                It must be a exist vlan id."
8918            ::= { voicevlanSystem 3 }
8920      voiceVlanTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
8921            SYNTAX INTEGER
8922            MAX-ACCESS read-write
8923            STATUS current
8924            DESCRIPTION
8925                "A period of time in hour to remove a port from voice VLAN
8926                if the port is an automatic VLAN member.
8927                The Timeout range is 1~120 hours.
8928                Default aging time is 1 hour."
8929            ::= { voicevlanSystem 4}
8931      voiceVlanPriority OBJECT-TYPE
8932            SYNTAX INTEGER { highest(0), high(1), medium(2), low(3) }
8933            MAX-ACCESS read-write
8934            STATUS current
8935            DESCRIPTION
8936                "The 802.1p priority levels of the traffic in the Voice VLAN."
8937            ::= { voicevlanSystem 5}
8939        --
8940        -- Voice Vlan Port Control Table
8941        --
8943        voicevlanPortControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
8944          SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF VoiceVlanPortControlEntry
8945          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
8946           STATUS      current
8947           DESCRIPTION
8948                      "A table that contains Voice Vlan Port Control
8949                       configuration information."
8950          ::= { voicevlanSystem 6 }
8953        voicevlanPortControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
8954          SYNTAX      VoiceVlanPortControlEntry
8955          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
8956          STATUS      current
8957          DESCRIPTION
8958                      "A list of Voice Vlan Control configuration
8959                       parameters for each Port on this device."
8960          INDEX      { voicevlanPortControlIndex }
8961          ::= { voicevlanPortControlTable 1 }
8963        VoiceVlanPortControlEntry ::=
8964          SEQUENCE {
8965            voicevlanPortControlIndex
8966                InterfaceIndex,
8967            voicevlanPortAutoDetection
8968                INTEGER,
8969            voicevlanPortState
8970                INTEGER
8971        }
8973        voicevlanPortControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
8974          SYNTAX       InterfaceIndex
8975          MAX-ACCESS   read-only
8976          STATUS       current
8977          DESCRIPTION
8978              "The voice vlan port index."
8979          ::= { voicevlanPortControlEntry 1 }
8981        voicevlanPortAutoDetection  OBJECT-TYPE
8982          SYNTAX       INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
8983          MAX-ACCESS   read-write
8984          STATUS       current
8985          DESCRIPTION
8986            "This object is for enabling or disabling Voice Vlan Auto
8987             Detection in the port.
8988             If the auto detection is enable, switch will add this port
8989             to the voice VLAN automatically if it detects the device OUI
8990             matches the Telephony OUI.
8991             If the port is a static member of voice vlan or a LA member,
8992             it can not enable voice vlan auto detection."
8993          ::= { voicevlanPortControlEntry 2 }
8995        voicevlanPortState      OBJECT-TYPE
8996            SYNTAX INTEGER  {
8997        		 manual(1),
8998        		 dynamic(2),
8999                 none(3)
9000            }
9001           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
9002           STATUS      current
9003           DESCRIPTION
9004                "This object indicates Voice vlan state to this Port.
9005                manual - this port is a static member of voice vlan.
9006                dynamic - this port is a dynamic member of voice vlan.
9007                none - this port is not a member of voice vlan."
9009           ::= { voicevlanPortControlEntry 3 }
9011    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
9012    -- The Voice Vlan OUI Group
9013    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
9015    --
9016    -- Voice Vlan OUI Table
9017    --
9019    voicevlanOUITable  OBJECT-TYPE
9020        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF VoicevlanOUIEntry
9021        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
9022        STATUS     current
9023        DESCRIPTION
9024           "A voice vlan OUI entry containing the description and mac."
9026        ::= { voicevlanOUI 1 }
9028    voicevlanOUIEntry OBJECT-TYPE
9029        SYNTAX     VoicevlanOUIEntry
9030        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
9031        STATUS     current
9032        DESCRIPTION
9033              "A voice vlan OUI entry containing the description and mac."
9035        INDEX { voicevlanOUITelephonyOUI }
9036        ::= { voicevlanOUITable 1 }
9038    VoicevlanOUIEntry  ::=
9039            SEQUENCE {
9040              voicevlanOUITelephonyOUI          MacAddress,
9041              voicevlanOUIDescription           OCTET STRING,
9042              voicevlanOUIMask                  MacAddress,
9043              voicevlanOUIStatus                RowStatus
9044              }
9046    voicevlanOUITelephonyOUI OBJECT-TYPE
9047       SYNTAX       MacAddress
9048       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
9049       STATUS       current
9050       DESCRIPTION
9051         "An Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) is a 24-bit number
9052         that is purchased from the IEEE Registration Authority. This identifier
9053         uniquely identifies a vendor, manufacturer, or other organization.
9054         This object indicates the voice traffic's OUI that user created."
9055        ::= { voicevlanOUIEntry  1 }
9057    voicevlanOUIDescription OBJECT-TYPE
9058        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING
9059        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
9060        STATUS      current
9061        DESCRIPTION
9062              "The Description for the OUI."
9063        ::= { voicevlanOUIEntry  2 }
9065    voicevlanOUIMask OBJECT-TYPE
9066       SYNTAX       MacAddress
9067       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
9068       STATUS       current
9069       DESCRIPTION
9070         "Voice vlan OUI Mask. Always be FF:FF:FF:00:00:00."
9071        ::= { voicevlanOUIEntry  3 }
9073    voicevlanOUIStatus OBJECT-TYPE
9074       SYNTAX RowStatus
9075       MAX-ACCESS read-write
9076       STATUS current
9077       DESCRIPTION
9078         "This object indicates the status of this entry.
9079         To create a new entry, you must set the voicevlanOUIStatus
9080         to be CreateAndGo, then this entry will turn to be Active."
9081       ::= { voicevlanOUIEntry 4 }
9083	-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9084	-- The Guest Vlan Group
9085	-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9086	guestVlanName OBJECT-TYPE
9087	    SYNTAX      DisplayString(SIZE(1..32))
9088	    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
9089	    STATUS      current
9091		"The VLAN name of guest VLAN."
9092	    ::= { companyGuestVlan 1 }
9094	guestVlanPort OBJECT-TYPE
9095	    SYNTAX      PortList
9096	    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
9097	    STATUS      current
9099		"This object indicates the guest VLAN port members of this device."
9100	     ::= { companyGuestVlan 2 }
9102	guestVlanDelState OBJECT-TYPE
9103	    SYNTAX      INTEGER{
9104			none(1),
9105			start(2)
9106			}
9107	    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
9108	    STATUS      current
9110		"Used to delete the guest VLAN."
9111	    ::= { companyGuestVlan 3 }
9113    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
9114    -- MacNotify Function
9115    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
9117    macNotifyState OBJECT-TYPE
9118        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
9119               enabled(1),
9120               disabled(2)
9121               }
9122        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
9123        STATUS  current
9124        DESCRIPTION
9125           "This object can enabled or disabled MAC Notification."
9126        ::= { companyMacNotify 1 }
9128    macNotifyInterval OBJECT-TYPE
9129	    SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..2147483647)
9130	    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
9131	    STATUS  current
9133	        "This object indicates the time interval in second for trigger the MAC notify message. "
9134        --DEFVAL     { 1 }
9135	    ::= { companyMacNotify 2 }
9137    macNotifyHistorySize OBJECT-TYPE
9138	    SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..500)
9139	    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
9140	    STATUS  current
9142            "This object indicates the history size of variation MAC in address table. The default value is 1 ."
9143        --DEFVAL     { 1 }
9144    ::= { companyMacNotify 3 }
9146    -- Mac Notify Port Control Table
9147    macNotifyCtrlTable OBJECT-TYPE
9148       SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MacNotifyCtrlEntry
9149       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
9150       STATUS      current
9151       DESCRIPTION
9152          "A table to control Loopback detection features either for
9153          the entire switch or for each interface in the switch."
9154       ::= { companyMacNotify 4 }
9156    macNotifyCtrlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
9157       SYNTAX      MacNotifyCtrlEntry
9158       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
9159       STATUS      current
9160       DESCRIPTION
9161           "An entry appears in this table for each interface
9162            in the system."
9163       INDEX { macNotifyCtrlIndex }
9164       ::= { macNotifyCtrlTable 1 }
9166    MacNotifyCtrlEntry ::=
9167       SEQUENCE {
9168          macNotifyCtrlIndex
9169             Integer32,
9170          macNotifyPortStatus
9171             INTEGER
9172      }
9174    macNotifyCtrlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
9175       SYNTAX      Integer32
9176       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
9177       STATUS      current
9178       DESCRIPTION
9179          "The interface index of the port for which the configuration
9180          in this entry applies."
9181       ::= { macNotifyCtrlEntry 1 }
9183    macNotifyPortStatus OBJECT-TYPE
9184       SYNTAX      INTEGER {
9185                   enabled(1),
9186                   disabled(2)
9187                   }
9188       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
9189       STATUS      current
9190       DESCRIPTION
9191           "Provides control to per port enable or disable the loopback detection
9192            function. Default is disabled."
9193       DEFVAL  { disabled }
9194       ::= { macNotifyCtrlEntry 2 }
9195    --
9196    -- LLDP  Settings
9197    --
9199    dlinklldpState  OBJECT-TYPE
9200       SYNTAX       INTEGER {
9201                    enable(1),
9202                    disable(2)
9203                   }
9204       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
9205       STATUS      current
9206       DESCRIPTION
9207            "This object is used for enabling or disabling LLDP in the system."
9209       DEFVAL  { disable }
9210       ::= { companyLLDPSetting 1 }
9212    dlinklldpMsgHoldMultiplier OBJECT-TYPE
9213        SYNTAX      INTEGER (2..10)
9214        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
9215        STATUS      current
9216        DESCRIPTION
9217            "The time-to-live value expressed as a multiple of the
9218            lldpMessageTxInterval object.The actual time-to-live value
9219            used in LLDP frames, transmitted on behalf of this LLDP agent,
9220            can be expressed by the following formula: TTL = min(65535,
9221            (lldpMessageTxInterval * lldpMessageTxHoldMultiplier))"
9222        --DEFVAL     { 4 }
9224        ::= { companyLLDPSetting 2 }
9226    dlinklldpMsgTxInterval OBJECT-TYPE
9227        SYNTAX      INTEGER (5..32768)
9228		MAX-ACCESS  read-write
9229		STATUS      current
9231            "This object is used for LLDP packet update frequency.
9232            The timer in units of seconds."
9233        --DEFVAL     { 30 }
9235        ::= { companyLLDPSetting 3 }
9237    dlinklldpReinitDelay OBJECT-TYPE
9238        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..10)
9239        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
9240        STATUS      current
9241        DESCRIPTION
9242        	"This object is used for LLDP Reinitialization Delay.
9243        	The timer in units of seconds."
9244        --DEFVAL     { 2 }
9246        ::= { companyLLDPSetting 4 }
9248    dlinklldpTxDelay OBJECT-TYPE
9249        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..8192)
9250        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
9251        STATUS      current
9252        DESCRIPTION
9253        	"The lldpTxDelay indicates the delay (in units
9254         	of seconds) between successive LLDP frame transmissions
9255         	initiated by value/status changes in the LLDP local systems
9256         	MIB.  The recommended value for the lldpTxDelay is set by the
9257         	following  formula:
9259 	        1 <= lldpTxDelay <= (0.25 * lldpMessageTxInterval)."
9260        --DEFVAL     { 2 }
9262        ::= { companyLLDPSetting 5 }
9265-- lldpManAddrConfigTxPortsTable : selection of management addresses
9266--                                 to be transmitted on a specified set
9267--                                 of ports.
9270    dlinklldpConfigManAddrPortsTxEnable  OBJECT-TYPE
9271        SYNTAX        PortList
9272        MAX-ACCESS    read-write
9273        STATUS        current
9274        DESCRIPTION
9275            "A set of ports that are identified by a PortList, in which
9276            each port is represented as a bit.  The corresponding local
9277            system management address instance will be transmitted on the
9278            member ports of the lldpManAddrPortsTxEnable.
9280            The default value for lldpConfigManAddrPortsTxEnable object
9281            is empty binary string, which means no ports are specified
9282            for advertising indicated management address instance."
9283        REFERENCE
9284                "IEEE 802.1AB-2005"
9286        ::= { companyLLDPSetting 6 }
9288    --
9289    -- LLDP-MED for PoE Port Settings
9290    --
9292    lldpMEDPortControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
9293        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF LldpMEDPortControlEntry
9294        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
9295        STATUS      current
9296        DESCRIPTION
9297            "A table that contains LLDP-MED control,
9298            A row appears in this table for each physical port."
9299        ::= { companyLLDPSetting 7 }
9301    lldpMEDPortControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
9302        SYNTAX      LldpMEDPortControlEntry
9303        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
9304        STATUS      current
9305        DESCRIPTION
9306            "A list of LLDP-MED for PoE Port Settings
9307            parameters for each Port on this device."
9308        INDEX      { lldpMEDPortControlIndex }
9309      ::= { lldpMEDPortControlTable 1 }
9311    LldpMEDPortControlEntry ::=
9312      SEQUENCE {
9313        lldpMEDPortControlIndex
9314            InterfaceIndex,
9315        lldpMEDPortState
9316            INTEGER
9317    }
9319    lldpMEDPortControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
9320        SYNTAX       InterfaceIndex
9321        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
9322        STATUS       current
9323        DESCRIPTION
9324            "The Control Index of the LLDP-MED Power PSE TLV port."
9325      ::= { lldpMEDPortControlEntry 1 }
9327    lldpMEDPortState  OBJECT-TYPE
9328      SYNTAX       INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
9329      MAX-ACCESS   read-write
9330      STATUS       current
9332            "This object is for enabling or disabling LLDP-MED
9333            Power PSE TLV Setting in the system."
9334      ::= { lldpMEDPortControlEntry 2 }
9335    ipMacPortBinding         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companySecurity 4}
9337	ipMacPortBindingSystemMode OBJECT-TYPE
9338	   SYNTAX      INTEGER {
9339	                  disable      (0)
9340	                  ,modeARP      (1)
9341	               }
9342	   MAX-ACCESS  read-write
9343	   STATUS      current
9345	      "The system wide ACL mode in IPMB."
9346	   ::= { ipMacPortBinding 1 }
9348	ipMacPortBindingTrapLogEnable OBJECT-TYPE
9349	   SYNTAX      INTEGER {
9350	                enable(1),
9351	                disable(2)
9352	               }
9353	   MAX-ACCESS  read-write
9354	   STATUS      current
9356	      "The trap event option in IPMB."
9357	   ::= { ipMacPortBinding 2 }
9359	ipMacPortBindingEnabledPortList OBJECT-TYPE
9360	   SYNTAX       PortList
9361	   MAX-ACCESS   read-write
9362	   STATUS       current
9364	       "Specifies the port numbers which  check incoming IP address and
9365	        MAC address if issIpMacPortBindingStatus is enable."
9366	   ::= { ipMacPortBinding 3 }
9368	allowZeroIPPortList OBJECT-TYPE
9369	   SYNTAX       PortList
9370	   MAX-ACCESS   read-write
9371	   STATUS       current
9373	       "Specifies the port numbers which don't check incoming IP address and
9374	        MAC address if issIpMacPortBindingStatus is enable."
9375	   ::= { ipMacPortBinding 4 }
9378	-- IpMacPortBinding Control Table
9380	ipMacPortBindingTable OBJECT-TYPE
9381	   SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF IpMacPortBindingEntry
9382	   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
9383	   STATUS      current
9385	      "A table to control IP-MAC-Port Binding features either for the entire
9386	       switch or for each interface in the switch.
9388	       Parameters in this table are valid only when the
9389	       'issIpMacPortStatus' for the switch is not 'disabled'."
9390	   ::= { ipMacPortBinding 5 }
9392	ipMacPortBindingEntry OBJECT-TYPE
9393	   SYNTAX      IpMacPortBindingEntry
9394	   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
9395	   STATUS      current
9397	       "An entry appears in this table for each interface
9398	        in the system."
9399	   INDEX { ipMacPortBindingIpAddr, ipMacPortBindingMacAddress }
9400	   ::= { ipMacPortBindingTable 1 }
9402	IpMacPortBindingEntry ::=
9403	   SEQUENCE {
9404	      ipMacPortBindingIpAddr
9405	         IpAddress,
9406	      ipMacPortBindingMacAddress
9407	         MacAddress,
9408	      ipMacPortBindingPortList
9409	         PortList,
9410	      ipMacPortBindingRowStatus
9411	         RowStatus
9412	   }
9415	ipMacPortBindingIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
9416	   SYNTAX      IpAddress
9417	   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
9418	   STATUS      current
9420	       "Specifies either the Network or Host address from which the switch
9421	        can be managed.
9422	        An address indicates 'Any Manager'."
9423	   ::= { ipMacPortBindingEntry 1 }
9426	ipMacPortBindingMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE
9427	   SYNTAX      MacAddress
9428	   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
9429	   STATUS      current
9431	      "Ethernet Mac Address."
9433	   ::= { ipMacPortBindingEntry 2 }
9435	ipMacPortBindingPortList OBJECT-TYPE
9436	   SYNTAX       PortList
9437	   MAX-ACCESS   read-write
9438	   STATUS       current
9440	       "Specifies the port numbers through which the authorized manager can
9441	        access the switch.
9443	        By default the authorized manager is allowed to access the switch
9444	        through all the ports.
9446	        If a set of ports are configured in the 'PortList', the manager can
9447	        access the switch only through the configured ports."
9448	   ::= { ipMacPortBindingEntry 3 }
9451	ipMacPortBindingRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
9452	   SYNTAX      RowStatus
9453	   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
9454	   STATUS      current
9456	      "This object indicates the status of this entry."
9457	   ::= { ipMacPortBindingEntry 5 }
9459	-- MAC BLOCK List  ------------------------------------------------------
9461	macBlockListTable OBJECT-TYPE
9462	   SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MacBlockListEntry
9463	   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
9464	   STATUS      current
9466	       "An entry appears in this table for each interface
9467	        in the system."
9468	   ::= { ipMacPortBinding 6 }
9470	macBlockListEntry OBJECT-TYPE
9471	   SYNTAX      MacBlockListEntry
9472	   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
9473	   STATUS      current
9475	       "An entry appears in this table for each interface
9476	        in the system."
9477	   INDEX { macBlockListMacAddr,macBlockListVLANID,macBlockListPort }
9478	   ::= { macBlockListTable 1 }
9480	MacBlockListEntry ::=
9481	   SEQUENCE {
9482	      macBlockListMacAddr
9483	         MacAddress,
9484	      macBlockListVLANID
9485	         Integer32,
9486	      macBlockListPort
9487	         Integer32,
9488	      macBlockListRowStatus
9489	         RowStatus
9490	   }
9492	macBlockListMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE
9493	   SYNTAX      MacAddress
9494	   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
9495	   STATUS      current
9497	       "Blocked Mac Address."
9498	   ::= { macBlockListEntry 1 }
9502	   SYNTAX      Integer32
9503	   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
9504	   STATUS      current
9506	      "Blocked IP."
9508	   ::= { macBlockListEntry 2 }
9510	macBlockListPort OBJECT-TYPE
9511	   SYNTAX       Integer32
9512	   MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
9513	   STATUS       current
9515	       "Blocked port."
9516	   ::= { macBlockListEntry 3 }
9518	macBlockListRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
9519	   SYNTAX      RowStatus
9520	   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
9521	   STATUS      current
9523	      "This object indicates the status of this entry."
9524	   ::= { macBlockListEntry 4 }
9525 -- ----------------------------------------------------------
9526 -- The companySecurity Groups
9527 -- ----------------------------------------------------------
9528    securityDhcpServerScreen                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companySecurity 7 }
9529 -- dhcp Server Screen Group --------------------------------------------- --
9531    dhcpServerScreenEnablePortlist OBJECT-TYPE
9532       SYNTAX      PortList
9533       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
9534       STATUS      current
9535       DESCRIPTION
9536           "To enable or disable DHCP Server Screening port list."
9537       ::= { securityDhcpServerScreen 1 }
9539	-- filterDHCPServer Table
9541	filterDHCPServerTable OBJECT-TYPE
9542	   SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF FilterDHCPServerEntry
9543	   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
9544	   STATUS      current
9546	      "A table to control filter DHCP Server for the entire
9547	       switch or for each interface in the switch."
9548	   ::= { securityDhcpServerScreen 2 }
9550	filterDHCPServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
9551	   SYNTAX      FilterDHCPServerEntry
9552	   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
9553	   STATUS      current
9555	       "An entry appears in this table for each interface
9556	        in the system."
9557	   INDEX { filterDHCPServerIpAddr, filterDHCPServerClientMacAddr }
9558	   ::= { filterDHCPServerTable 1 }
9560	FilterDHCPServerEntry ::=
9561	   SEQUENCE {
9562	      filterDHCPServerIpAddr
9563	         IpAddress,
9564	      filterDHCPServerClientMacAddr
9565	         MacAddress,
9566	      filterDHCPServerPortList
9567	         PortList,
9568	      filterDHCPServerRowStatus
9569	         RowStatus
9570	   }
9573	filterDHCPServerIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
9574	   SYNTAX      IpAddress
9575	   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
9576	   STATUS      current
9578	       "Specifies either the Network or Host address from which the switch
9579	        can be managed.
9580	        An address indicates 'Any Manager'."
9581	   ::= { filterDHCPServerEntry 1 }
9584	filterDHCPServerClientMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE
9585	   SYNTAX      MacAddress
9586	   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
9587	   STATUS      current
9589	      "Ethernet Mac Address."
9591	   DEFVAL  { '000102030405'h }
9592	   ::= { filterDHCPServerEntry 2 }
9594	filterDHCPServerPortList OBJECT-TYPE
9595	   SYNTAX       PortList
9596	   MAX-ACCESS   read-write
9597	   STATUS       current
9599	       "Specifies the port numbers through which the authorized manager can
9600	        access the switch.
9602	        By default the authorized manager is allowed to access the switch
9603	        through all the ports.
9605	        If a set of ports are configured in the 'PortList', the manager can
9606	        access the switch only through the configured ports."
9607	   ::= { filterDHCPServerEntry 3 }
9609	filterDHCPServerRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
9610	   SYNTAX      RowStatus
9611	   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
9612	   STATUS      current
9614	      "This object indicates the status of this entry."
9615	   ::= { filterDHCPServerEntry 4 }
9616    securityTrafficSeg                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companySecurity 9}
9619    --
9620    -- Port Map Table
9621    --
9623    trafficSegTable  OBJECT-TYPE
9624        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF TrafficSegEntry
9625        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
9626        STATUS     current
9627        DESCRIPTION
9628           "A Port-channel is created through ifMain table.
9629           After the creation of the port-channel, corresponding logical
9630           interface will be created in the ifMain table.
9631           This Port-channel table is indexed through Key values and allows to
9632           configure link selection policy and the Mac address for
9633           the port-channel. All other objects in this table displays
9634           the details of the port-channel"
9636        ::= { securityTrafficSeg 1 }
9638    trafficSegEntry OBJECT-TYPE
9639        SYNTAX     TrafficSegEntry
9640        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
9641        STATUS     current
9642        DESCRIPTION
9643              "There is one entry in this table for each created
9644               port-channel port"
9646        INDEX { trafficSegIfIndex }
9647        ::= { trafficSegTable 1 }
9649    TrafficSegEntry ::=
9650            SEQUENCE {
9651              trafficSegIfIndex                InterfaceIndex,
9652              trafficSegMemberList             PortList
9653              }
9655    trafficSegIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
9656        SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
9657        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
9658        STATUS      current
9659        DESCRIPTION
9660              "The ifIndex of the port-channel(Aggregator's
9661               interface index). "
9662        ::= { trafficSegEntry 1 }
9664  	trafficSegMemberList OBJECT-TYPE
9665	   SYNTAX       PortList
9666	   MAX-ACCESS   read-write
9667	   STATUS       current
9669	       "Port list of port channel."
9670	   ::= { trafficSegEntry 2 }
9674 -- ----------------------------------------------------------
9675 -- The companySecurity Groups
9676 -- ----------------------------------------------------------
9677    securityAAC                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companySecurity 10 }
9679-- -------------------------------------------------------------
9680-- Authentication Policy and Parameter Settings
9681-- -------------------------------------------------------------
9682    aacAuthenAdminState OBJECT-TYPE
9683	    SYNTAX  INTEGER {
9684	                enabled(1),
9685	                disabled(2)
9686	            }
9687	    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
9688	    STATUS  current
9690	        "This object indicates the Access Authentication is enable or
9691	        disable."
9692	    ::= { securityAAC 1}
9695	aacAuthParamResponseTimeout  OBJECT-TYPE
9696		    SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..255)
9697		    MAX-ACCESS read-write
9698		    STATUS     current
9700		        "Timeout in second for login authentication response."
9701		    ::= { securityAAC 2 }
9703	aacAuthParamAttempt  OBJECT-TYPE
9704		    SYNTAX     INTEGER (1..255)
9705		    MAX-ACCESS read-write
9706		    STATUS     current
9708		        "The amount for login authentication, if login failure exceed,
9709		         connection or access would be locked."
9710		    ::= { securityAAC 3 }
9712-- -------------------------------------------------------------
9713-- Application Authentication Settings
9714-- -------------------------------------------------------------
9716    aacAPAuthMethodGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { securityAAC 4 }
9718	aacAPLoginMethod OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { aacAPAuthMethodGroup 1 }
9719	aacAPEnableMethod OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { aacAPAuthMethodGroup 2 }
9721	aacAPConsoleLoginMethod OBJECT-TYPE
9722	    SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8)
9723	    MAX-ACCESS read-write
9724	    STATUS current
9726	        "Specify the way which has to execute authentication while login the
9727	        system and the method for authentication.Access system via local
9728	        console"
9730	    ::= { aacAPLoginMethod 1 }
9732	aacAPTelnetLoginMethod OBJECT-TYPE
9733	    SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8)
9734	    MAX-ACCESS read-write
9735	    STATUS current
9737	        "Specify the way which has to execute authentication while login the
9738	        system and the method for authentication.Access system via telnet."
9740	    ::= { aacAPLoginMethod 2 }
9742	aacAPSSHLoginMethod OBJECT-TYPE
9743	    SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8)
9744	    MAX-ACCESS read-write
9745	    STATUS current
9747	        "Specify the way which has to execute authentication while login the
9748	        system and the method for authentication.Access system via SSH."
9750	    ::= { aacAPLoginMethod 3 }
9752	aacAPHttpLoginMethod OBJECT-TYPE
9753	    SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8)
9754	    MAX-ACCESS read-write
9755	    STATUS current
9757	        "Specify the way which has to execute authentication while login the
9758	        system and the method for authentication.Access system via HTTP."
9760	    ::= { aacAPLoginMethod 4 }
9762	aacAPConsoleEnableMethod OBJECT-TYPE
9763	    SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8)
9764	    MAX-ACCESS read-write
9765	    STATUS current
9767	        "Specify the way which has to execute authentication while login the
9768	        system and the method for authentication.Access system via local
9769	        console."
9770	    ::= { aacAPEnableMethod 1 }
9772	aacAPTelnetEnableMethod OBJECT-TYPE
9773	    SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8)
9774	    MAX-ACCESS read-write
9775	    STATUS current
9777	        "Specify the way which has to execute authentication while login the
9778	        system and the method for authentication.Access system via telnet."
9780	    ::= { aacAPEnableMethod 2 }
9782	aacAPSSHEnableMethod OBJECT-TYPE
9783	    SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8)
9784	    MAX-ACCESS read-write
9785	    STATUS current
9787	        "Specify the way which has to execute authentication while login the
9788	        system and the method for authentication.Access system via SSH."
9790	    ::= { aacAPEnableMethod 3 }
9792	aacAPHttpEnableMethod OBJECT-TYPE
9793	    SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8)
9794	    MAX-ACCESS read-write
9795	    STATUS current
9797	        "Specify the way which has to execute authentication while login the
9798	        system and the method for authentication.Access system via HTTP."
9800	    ::= { aacAPEnableMethod 4 }
9803-- -------------------------------------------------------------
9804-- Authentication Server Group setting
9805-- -------------------------------------------------------------
9806	aacServerGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE
9807	    SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AacServerGroupEntry
9808	    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
9809	    STATUS current
9811	        "A table that contains informations about server group."
9812	    ::= { securityAAC 5 }
9814	aacServerGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE
9815	    SYNTAX AacServerGroupEntry
9816	    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
9817	    STATUS current
9819	        "A list of the group including servers."
9820	    INDEX { aacServerGroupIndex }
9821	    ::= { aacServerGroupTable 1 }
9823	AacServerGroupEntry ::=
9824	    SEQUENCE {
9825	    	aacServerGroupIndex
9826				INTEGER,
9827	        aacServerGroupName
9828	            OCTET STRING,
9829			aacServersInGroup
9830				BITS,
9831            aacServerGroupRowStatus
9832	            RowStatus
9833	    }
9835	aacServerGroupIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
9836	    SYNTAX     INTEGER (2..9)
9837	    MAX-ACCESS read-only
9838	    STATUS     current
9840	        "A value that uniquely identifies this SwAACServerGroupEntry ."
9842	    ::= { aacServerGroupEntry 1 }
9844	aacServerGroupName OBJECT-TYPE
9845	    SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..15))
9846	    MAX-ACCESS read-write
9847	    STATUS current
9849	        "A human-readable text string of the method group.
9850	         The name is writable only if Group is new created,
9851	         which the value of aacServerGroupRowStatus is 'notReady'."
9853	    ::= { aacServerGroupEntry 2 }
9856	aacServersInGroup OBJECT-TYPE
9857	    SYNTAX      BITS {
9858	        id_1(0),
9859            id_2(1),
9860            id_3(2),
9861            id_4(3),
9862            id_5(4),
9863            id_6(5),
9864            id_7(6),
9865            id_8(7),
9866            id_9(8),
9867            id_10(9),
9868            id_11(10),
9869            id_12(11),
9870            id_13(12),
9871            id_14(13),
9872            id_15(14),
9873            id_16(15)
9874        }
9875	    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
9876	    STATUS      current
9878	        "The list of servers in the group, each bit indicates a specified server ID.
9879	         The server must be created before including it."
9881	    ::= { aacServerGroupEntry 3 }
9883	aacServerGroupRowStatus	OBJECT-TYPE
9884	    SYNTAX      RowStatus
9885	    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
9886	    STATUS      current
9888	        "This object indicates the status of this entry. An entry is
9889            created in this table when this object is SET to 'createAndWait'.
9890            The entry in this table is used when the status of this object
9891            is SET 'active'. The entry in this table is not used when this
9892            object is SET 'notInService'. An entry created in this table is
9893            be deleted when this object is SET 'destroy'."
9895	    ::= { aacServerGroupEntry 4 }
9898-- -------------------------------------------------------------
9899-- Authentication Server host setting
9900-- -------------------------------------------------------------
9902	aacServerInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE
9903	    SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AacServerInfoEntry
9904	    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
9905	    STATUS current
9907	        "A table that contains information about severs."
9908	    ::= { securityAAC 6 }
9910	aacServerInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE
9911	    SYNTAX AacServerInfoEntry
9912	    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
9913	    STATUS current
9915	        "A list of the information of server ."
9916	    INDEX { aacServerIndex }
9917	    ::= { aacServerInfoTable 1 }
9919	AacServerInfoEntry ::=
9920	    SEQUENCE {
9921	        aacServerIndex
9922	        	INTEGER,
9923			aacServerIPAddr
9924				IpAddress,
9925			aacServerAuthProtocol
9926				INTEGER,
9927			aacServerAuthPort
9928				INTEGER,
9929			aacServerAuthKey
9931	        aacServerTimeout
9932	            INTEGER,
9933	        aacServerRetryCount
9934	            INTEGER,
9935	        aacServerRowStatus
9936	            RowStatus
9937	    }
9939    aacServerIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
9940	    SYNTAX     INTEGER (1..16)
9941	    MAX-ACCESS read-only
9942	    STATUS     current
9944	        "A value that uniquely identifies this SwAACServerGroupEntry."
9946	    ::= { aacServerInfoEntry 1 }
9948	aacServerIPAddr OBJECT-TYPE
9949	    SYNTAX      IpAddress
9950	    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
9951	    STATUS      current
9953	        "The IP address of Server"
9954	    ::= { aacServerInfoEntry 2 }
9956	aacServerAuthProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
9957	    SYNTAX      INTEGER{
9958	                    tacacs-plus(1)
9959	                    ,radius(2)
9960	                }
9961	    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
9962	    STATUS      current
9964	        "The authentication protocol provided by the Server."
9965	    ::= { aacServerInfoEntry 3 }
9967	aacServerAuthPort OBJECT-TYPE
9968	    SYNTAX      INTEGER(1..65535)
9969	    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
9970	    STATUS      current
9972	        "The TCP/IP port ."
9973	    ::= { aacServerInfoEntry 4 }
9975	aacServerAuthKey OBJECT-TYPE
9976	    SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..254))
9977	    MAX-ACCESS read-write
9978	    STATUS current
9980	        "The key used while authentication process."
9982	    ::= { aacServerInfoEntry 5 }
9984	aacServerTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
9985	    SYNTAX      INTEGER(1..255)
9986	    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
9987	    STATUS      current
9989	        "Server response timeout ."
9990	    ::= { aacServerInfoEntry 6 }
9992	aacServerRetryCount OBJECT-TYPE
9993	    SYNTAX      INTEGER(1..255)
9994	    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
9995	    STATUS      current
9997	        "The client retry count ."
9998	    ::= { aacServerInfoEntry 7 }
10000	aacServerRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
10001	    SYNTAX      RowStatus
10002	    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
10003	    STATUS      current
10005	        "This object indicates the status of this entry. An entry is
10006            created in this table when this object is SET to 'createAndWait'.
10007            The entry in this table is used when the status of this object
10008            is SET 'active'. The entry in this table is not used when this
10009            object is SET 'notInService'. An entry created in this table is
10010            be deleted when this object is SET 'destroy'."
10012	    ::= { aacServerInfoEntry 8 }
10014-- -------------------------------------------------------------
10015-- Login Method list table
10016-- -------------------------------------------------------------
10018	aacLoginMethodListTable OBJECT-TYPE
10019	    SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AacLoginMethodListEntry
10020	    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
10021	    STATUS current
10023	        "A table that contains information about Login authentication method
10024	        lists."
10026	    ::= { securityAAC 7 }
10028	aacLoginMethodListEntry OBJECT-TYPE
10029	    SYNTAX AacLoginMethodListEntry
10030	    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
10031	    STATUS current
10033	        "A list of the Authentication methods."
10034	    INDEX { aacLoginMethodListIndex }
10036	    ::= { aacLoginMethodListTable 1 }
10038	AacLoginMethodListEntry ::=
10039	    SEQUENCE {
10040	    	aacLoginMethodListIndex
10041				INTEGER,
10042	        aacLoginMethodListName
10043	            OCTET STRING,
10044	        aacLoginMethod1
10045	        	INTEGER,
10046	        aacLoginMethod2
10047	        	INTEGER,
10048	        aacLoginMethod3
10049	        	INTEGER,
10050	        aacLoginMethod4
10051	        	INTEGER,
10052			aacLoginMethodListRowStatus
10053				RowStatus
10055	    }
10057	aacLoginMethodListIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
10058	    SYNTAX     INTEGER (1..8)
10059	    MAX-ACCESS read-only
10060	    STATUS     current
10062	        "A value that identifies this method list."
10064	    ::= { aacLoginMethodListEntry 1 }
10066	aacLoginMethodListName OBJECT-TYPE
10067	    SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..15))
10068	    MAX-ACCESS read-write
10069	    STATUS current
10071	        "A human-readable text string of the method list."
10073	    ::= { aacLoginMethodListEntry 2 }
10075	aacLoginMethod1 OBJECT-TYPE
10076	    SYNTAX INTEGER {
10077	                none(-1),
10078                    local(0)
10079                    ,tacacs-plus(1)
10080	                ,radius(2)
10081	            }
10082	    MAX-ACCESS read-write
10083	    STATUS current
10085	        "The type of Login method list. Besides the pre-defined type, it
10086	         also allow to be set user-defined group by aacServerGroupIndex."
10088	    ::= { aacLoginMethodListEntry 3 }
10090	aacLoginMethod2 OBJECT-TYPE
10091	    SYNTAX INTEGER {
10092	                none(-1),
10093                    local(0)
10094                    ,tacacs-plus(1)
10095	                ,radius(2)
10096	            }
10097	    MAX-ACCESS read-write
10098	    STATUS current
10100	        "The type of Login method list. Besides the pre-defined type, it
10101	         also allow to be set user-defined group by aacServerGroupIndex."
10103	    ::= { aacLoginMethodListEntry 4 }
10105	aacLoginMethod3 OBJECT-TYPE
10106	    SYNTAX INTEGER {
10107	                none(-1),
10108                    local(0)
10109                    ,tacacs-plus(1)
10110	                ,radius(2)
10111	            }
10112	    MAX-ACCESS read-write
10113	    STATUS current
10115	        "The type of Login method list. Besides the pre-defined type, it
10116	         also allow to be set user-defined group by aacServerGroupIndex."
10118	    ::= { aacLoginMethodListEntry 5 }
10120	aacLoginMethod4 OBJECT-TYPE
10121	    SYNTAX INTEGER {
10122	                none(-1),
10123                    local(0)
10124                    ,tacacs-plus(1)
10125	                ,radius(2)
10126	            }
10127	    MAX-ACCESS read-write
10128	    STATUS current
10130	        "The type of Login method list. Besides the pre-defined type, it
10131	         also allow to be set user-defined group by aacServerGroupIndex."
10133	    ::= { aacLoginMethodListEntry 6 }
10135	aacLoginMethodListRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
10136	    SYNTAX      RowStatus
10137	    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
10138	    STATUS      current
10140	        "This object indicates the status of this entry. An entry is
10141            created in this table when this object is SET to 'createAndWait'.
10142            The entry in this table is used when the status of this object
10143            is SET 'active'. The entry in this table is not used when this
10144            object is SET 'notInService'. An entry created in this table is
10145            be deleted when this object is SET 'destroy'."
10147	    ::= { aacLoginMethodListEntry 7 }
10149-- -------------------------------------------------------------
10150-- Enable Method table
10151-- -------------------------------------------------------------
10152	aacEnableMethodListTable OBJECT-TYPE
10153	    SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AacEnableMethodListEntry
10154	    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
10155	    STATUS current
10157	        "A table that contains information about Enable authentication method
10158	        lists."
10160	    ::= { securityAAC 8 }
10162	aacEnableMethodListEntry OBJECT-TYPE
10163	    SYNTAX AacEnableMethodListEntry
10164	    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
10165	    STATUS current
10167	        "A list of the Authentication methods."
10168	    INDEX { aacEnableMethodListIndex }
10170	    ::= { aacEnableMethodListTable 1 }
10172	AacEnableMethodListEntry ::=
10173	    SEQUENCE {
10174	    	aacEnableMethodListIndex
10175				INTEGER,
10176	        aacEnableMethodListName
10177	            OCTET STRING,
10178	        aacEnableMethod1
10179	        	INTEGER,
10180	        aacEnableMethod2
10181	        	INTEGER,
10182	        aacEnableMethod3
10183	        	INTEGER,
10184	        aacEnableMethod4
10185	        	INTEGER,
10186			aacEnableMethodListRowStatus
10187				RowStatus
10188	    }
10190	aacEnableMethodListIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
10191	    SYNTAX     INTEGER (1..8)
10192	    MAX-ACCESS read-only
10193	    STATUS     current
10195	        "A value that identifies this method list."
10197	    ::= { aacEnableMethodListEntry 1 }
10199	aacEnableMethodListName OBJECT-TYPE
10200	    SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..15))
10201	    MAX-ACCESS read-write
10202	    STATUS current
10204	        "A human-readable text string of the method list."
10206	    ::= { aacEnableMethodListEntry 2 }
10208	aacEnableMethod1 OBJECT-TYPE
10209	    SYNTAX INTEGER {
10210	                none(-1),
10211                    local(0)
10212                    ,tacacs-plus(1)
10213	                ,radius(2)
10214	            }
10215	    MAX-ACCESS read-write
10216	    STATUS current
10218	        "The type of Login method list. Besides the pre-defined type, it
10219	         also allow to be set user-defined group by aacServerGroupIndex."
10221	    ::= { aacEnableMethodListEntry 3 }
10223	aacEnableMethod2 OBJECT-TYPE
10224	    SYNTAX INTEGER {
10225	                none(-1),
10226                    local(0)
10227                    ,tacacs-plus(1)
10228	                ,radius(2)
10229	            }
10230	    MAX-ACCESS read-write
10231	    STATUS current
10233	        "The type of Login method list. Besides the pre-defined type, it
10234	         also allow to be set user-defined group by aacServerGroupIndex."
10236	    ::= { aacEnableMethodListEntry 4 }
10238	aacEnableMethod3 OBJECT-TYPE
10239	    SYNTAX INTEGER {
10240	                none(-1),
10241                    local(0)
10242                    ,tacacs-plus(1)
10243	                ,radius(2)
10244	            }
10245	    MAX-ACCESS read-write
10246	    STATUS current
10248	        "The type of Login method list. Besides the pre-defined type, it
10249	         also allow to be set user-defined group by aacServerGroupIndex."
10251	    ::= { aacEnableMethodListEntry 5 }
10253	aacEnableMethod4 OBJECT-TYPE
10254	    SYNTAX INTEGER {
10255	                none(-1),
10256                    local(0)
10257                    ,tacacs-plus(1)
10258	                ,radius(2)
10259	            }
10260	    MAX-ACCESS read-write
10261	    STATUS current
10263	        "The type of Login method list. Besides the pre-defined type, it
10264	         also allow to be set user-defined group by aacServerGroupIndex."
10266	    ::= { aacEnableMethodListEntry 6 }
10268	aacEnableMethodListRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
10269	    SYNTAX      RowStatus
10270	    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
10271	    STATUS      current
10273	        "This object indicates the status of this entry. An entry is
10274            created in this table when this object is SET to 'createAndWait'.
10275            The entry in this table is used when the status of this object
10276            is SET 'active'. The entry in this table is not used when this
10277            object is SET 'notInService'. An entry created in this table is
10278            be deleted when this object is SET 'destroy'."
10280	    ::= { aacEnableMethodListEntry 7 }
10282-- -------------------------------------------------------------
10283-- Local Enable Password
10284-- -------------------------------------------------------------
10285   aacLocalEnablePassword  OBJECT-TYPE
10286   SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE(1..15))
10287   MAX-ACCESS  read-write
10288   STATUS      current
10290      "This object is used to set Local Enable Password."
10291   ::= { securityAAC 9 }
10293    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
10294    -- The SMTP Group
10295    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
10297      smtpState OBJECT-TYPE
10298           SYNTAX      INTEGER {  disabled(0),enabled(1) }
10299           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
10300           STATUS      current
10301           DESCRIPTION
10302               "Enable or Disable SMTP function."
10304           ::= { companySMTP 1 }
10306      smtpServerAddr  OBJECT-TYPE
10307           SYNTAX      IpAddress
10308           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
10309           STATUS      current
10310           DESCRIPTION
10311              "SMTP Server's IP Address"
10312            ::= { companySMTP 2 }
10314      smtpServerPort OBJECT-TYPE
10315            SYNTAX INTEGER
10316            MAX-ACCESS read-write
10317            STATUS current
10318            DESCRIPTION
10319                "SMTP Server's port"
10320            ::= { companySMTP 3}
10322      smtpSelfMailAddr OBJECT-TYPE
10323            SYNTAX      OCTET STRING
10324            MAX-ACCESS  read-write
10325            STATUS      current
10326            DESCRIPTION
10327                "The sender's (DUT) mail address ."
10328            ::= { companySMTP  4 }
10332    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
10333    -- smtpRecvMailAddrTable
10334    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
10336    smtpRecvMailAddrTable  OBJECT-TYPE
10337        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF SmtpRecvMailAddrEntry
10338        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
10339        STATUS     current
10340        DESCRIPTION
10341           "Receivers' mail address table."
10343        ::= { companySMTP 5 }
10345    smtpRecvMailAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
10346        SYNTAX     SmtpRecvMailAddrEntry
10347        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
10348        STATUS     current
10349        DESCRIPTION
10350              "Receivers' mail address entry."
10352        INDEX { smtpRecvMailAddrIndex }
10353        ::= { smtpRecvMailAddrTable 1 }
10355    SmtpRecvMailAddrEntry  ::=
10356            SEQUENCE {
10357              smtpRecvMailAddrIndex          INTEGER,
10358              smtpRecvMailAddr               OCTET STRING,
10359              smtpRecvMailAddrStatus         RowStatus
10360              }
10362    smtpRecvMailAddrIndex OBJECT-TYPE
10363       SYNTAX       INTEGER
10364       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
10365       STATUS       current
10366       DESCRIPTION
10367         "Receivers' mail address index (1~8)."
10368        ::= { smtpRecvMailAddrEntry  1 }
10370    smtpRecvMailAddr OBJECT-TYPE
10371        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING
10372        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
10373        STATUS      current
10374        DESCRIPTION
10375              "Receivers' mail address."
10376        ::= { smtpRecvMailAddrEntry  2 }
10378    smtpRecvMailAddrStatus OBJECT-TYPE
10379       SYNTAX RowStatus
10380       MAX-ACCESS read-write
10381       STATUS current
10382       DESCRIPTION
10383         "Rowstatus of the receiver's mail address."
10384       ::= { smtpRecvMailAddrEntry 3 }
10386    igmpMulticastVlanStatus OBJECT-TYPE
10387           SYNTAX      INTEGER {
10388                          enabled(1),
10389                          disabled(2)
10390                       }
10391           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
10392           STATUS      current
10393           DESCRIPTION
10394               "Enable/Disable IGMP Multicast Vlan function."
10396           DEFVAL  { disabled }
10397           ::= { companyISMVLAN 1 }
10399     -- ----------------------------------------------------------
10400     -- igmpMulticastVlanTable Table
10401     -- ----------------------------------------------------------
10403     igmpMulticastVlanTable OBJECT-TYPE
10404        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF IgmpMulticastVlanEntry
10405        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
10406        STATUS  current
10407        DESCRIPTION
10408            "Information about the IGMP snooping multicast VLAN table."
10409        ::= { companyISMVLAN 2 }
10411     igmpMulticastVlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE
10412        SYNTAX  IgmpMulticastVlanEntry
10413        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
10414        STATUS  current
10415        DESCRIPTION
10416            "The entry of igmpMulticastVlanTable."
10417        INDEX  { igmpMulticastVlanid}
10418        ::= { igmpMulticastVlanTable 1 }
10420    IgmpMulticastVlanEntry ::=
10421        SEQUENCE {
10422            igmpMulticastVlanid
10423                INTEGER,
10424            igmpMulticastVlanName
10425                DisplayString,
10426            igmpMulticastVlanSourcePort
10427                PortList,
10428            igmpMulticastVlanMemberPort
10429                PortList,
10430            igmpMulticastVlanTagMemberPort
10431            	PortList,
10432            igmpMulticastVlanState
10433            	INTEGER,
10434            igmpMulticastVlanReplaceSourceIp
10435            	IpAddress,
10436            igmpMulticastVlanRowStatus
10437                RowStatus
10438        }
10440    igmpMulticastVlanid OBJECT-TYPE
10441        SYNTAX  INTEGER (2..4094)
10442        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
10443        STATUS  current
10444        DESCRIPTION
10445            "This object indicates the VLAN ID of the IGMP snooping multicast
10446             VLAN entry."
10447        ::= { igmpMulticastVlanEntry 1 }
10449    igmpMulticastVlanName OBJECT-TYPE
10450        SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..32))
10451        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
10452        STATUS  current
10453        DESCRIPTION
10454            "This object indicates the VLAN name of the IGMP snooping multicast
10455             VLAN entry."
10456        ::= { igmpMulticastVlanEntry 2 }
10458    igmpMulticastVlanSourcePort OBJECT-TYPE
10459        SYNTAX  PortList
10460        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
10461        STATUS  current
10462        DESCRIPTION
10463            "This object indicates the port list of the source ports of the IGMP
10464             snooping multicast VLAN. The source ports will be set as tag ports
10465             of the VLAN entry and the IGMP control messages received from the
10466             member ports will be forwarded to the source ports."
10467        ::= { igmpMulticastVlanEntry 3 }
10469    igmpMulticastVlanMemberPort OBJECT-TYPE
10470        SYNTAX  PortList
10471        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
10472        STATUS  current
10473        DESCRIPTION
10474            "This object indicates the port list of the member ports of the IGMP
10475             snooping multicast VLAN. The source ports will be set as untagged ports
10476             of the VLAN entry and the IGMP control messages received from the
10477             member ports will be forwarded to the source ports."
10478        ::= { igmpMulticastVlanEntry 4 }
10480    igmpMulticastVlanTagMemberPort OBJECT-TYPE
10481        SYNTAX  PortList
10482        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
10483        STATUS  current
10484        DESCRIPTION
10485            "This object indicates the port list of the tag member ports of the IGMP
10486             snooping multicast VLAN."
10487        ::= { igmpMulticastVlanEntry 5 }
10489    igmpMulticastVlanState OBJECT-TYPE
10490        SYNTAX  INTEGER{
10491        	enabled(1),
10492        	disabled(2)
10493        	}
10494        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
10495        STATUS  current
10496        DESCRIPTION
10497            "This object can be used to enable or disable the IGMP snooping multicast VLAN."
10498        ::= { igmpMulticastVlanEntry 6 }
10500    igmpMulticastVlanReplaceSourceIp OBJECT-TYPE
10501    	SYNTAX  IpAddress
10502        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
10503        STATUS  current
10504        DESCRIPTION
10505            "The replacement source IP of this multicast VLAN."
10506        ::= { igmpMulticastVlanEntry 7 }
10508    igmpMulticastVlanRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
10509        SYNTAX  RowStatus
10510        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
10511        STATUS  current
10512        DESCRIPTION
10513            "This object indicates the status of this entry."
10514        ::= { igmpMulticastVlanEntry 8 }
10516    -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
10517    --  igmpMulticastVlanGroupTable
10518    -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
10519    igmpMulticastVlanGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE
10520        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF IgmpMulticastVlanGroupEntry
10521        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
10522        STATUS  current
10523        DESCRIPTION
10524            "The table containing the IGMP snooping multicast VLAN group information"
10525        ::= { companyISMVLAN 3 }
10527    igmpMulticastVlanGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE
10528        SYNTAX  IgmpMulticastVlanGroupEntry
10529        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
10530        STATUS  current
10531        DESCRIPTION
10532            "Information about the current IGMP snooping multicast VLAN group."
10533        INDEX  { igmpMulticastVlanGroupVid, igmpMulticastVlanGroupFromIp, igmpMulticastVlanGroupToIp }
10534        ::= { igmpMulticastVlanGroupTable 1 }
10536    IgmpMulticastVlanGroupEntry ::=
10537        SEQUENCE {
10538            igmpMulticastVlanGroupVid
10539                INTEGER,
10540            igmpMulticastVlanGroupFromIp
10541                IpAddress,
10542            igmpMulticastVlanGroupToIp
10543                IpAddress,
10544            igmpMulticastVlanGroupStatus
10545                RowStatus
10546        }
10548    igmpMulticastVlanGroupVid	OBJECT-TYPE
10549	SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..4094)
10550        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
10551        STATUS  current
10552        DESCRIPTION
10553            "This object indicates the VID of the IGMP snooping multicast VLAN group."
10554        ::= { igmpMulticastVlanGroupEntry 1 }
10556    igmpMulticastVlanGroupFromIp	OBJECT-TYPE
10557    	SYNTAX      IpAddress
10558    	MAX-ACCESS  read-only
10559    	STATUS      current
10561       		"Specifies the multicast address list for this VLAN."
10562    	::= { igmpMulticastVlanGroupEntry 2  }
10564    igmpMulticastVlanGroupToIp	OBJECT-TYPE
10565    	SYNTAX      IpAddress
10566    	MAX-ACCESS  read-only
10567    	STATUS      current
10569       		"Specifies the multicast address list for this VLAN."
10570    	::= { igmpMulticastVlanGroupEntry 3  }
10572    igmpMulticastVlanGroupStatus	OBJECT-TYPE
10573        SYNTAX   RowStatus
10574        MAX-ACCESS read-create
10575        STATUS   current
10576        DESCRIPTION
10577        	"This object indicates the status of this entry."
10578        ::= { igmpMulticastVlanGroupEntry 4 }
10581        -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
10582        -- The RMON group
10583        -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
10584      rmonGlobalState OBJECT-TYPE
10585           SYNTAX      INTEGER {
10586                          enabled(1),
10587                          disabled(2)
10588                       }
10589           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
10590           STATUS      current
10591           DESCRIPTION
10592               "This object is for enabling or disabling RMON function."
10594           ::= { companyRMON 1 }
10596     rmonStatistics        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyRMON 2 }
10597     rmonHistory           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyRMON 3 }
10598     rmonAlarm             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyRMON 4 }
10599     rmonEvent             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { companyRMON 5 }
10601-- The Ethernet Statistics Group
10602 --
10603 -- Implementation of the Ethernet Statistics group is optional.
10604 -- Consult the MODULE-COMPLIANCE macro for the authoritative
10605 -- conformance information for this MIB.
10606 --
10607 -- The ethernet statistics group contains statistics measured by the
10608 -- probe for each monitored interface on this device.  These
10609 -- statistics take the form of free running counters that start from
10610 -- zero when a valid entry is created.
10611 --
10612 -- This group currently has statistics defined only for
10613 -- Ethernet interfaces.  Each etherStatsEntry contains statistics
10614 -- for one Ethernet interface.  The probe must create one
10615 -- etherStats entry for each monitored Ethernet interface
10616 -- on the device.
10618 rmonStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
10619     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF RmonStatsEntry
10620     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
10621     STATUS     current
10623         "A list of Ethernet statistics entries."
10624     ::= { rmonStatistics 1 }
10626 rmonStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
10627     SYNTAX     RmonStatsEntry
10628     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
10629     STATUS     current
10631         "A collection of statistics kept for a particular
10632         Ethernet interface.  As an example, an instance of the
10633         etherStatsPkts object might be named etherStatsPkts.1"
10634     INDEX { rmonStatsIndex }
10635     ::= { rmonStatsTable 1 }
10637 RmonStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
10638     rmonStatsIndex                    Integer32,
10639     rmonStatsDataSource               OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
10640     rmonStatsOwner                    OwnerString,
10641     rmonStatsStatus                   RmonStatus
10642 }
10644 rmonStatsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
10645     SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
10646     MAX-ACCESS read-only
10647     STATUS     current
10649         "The value of this object uniquely identifies this
10650         etherStats entry."
10651     ::= { rmonStatsEntry 1 }
10653 rmonStatsDataSource OBJECT-TYPE
10655     MAX-ACCESS read-create
10656     STATUS     current
10658         "This object identifies the source of the data that
10659         this etherStats entry is configured to analyze.  This
10660         source can be any ethernet interface on this device.
10661         In order to identify a particular interface, this object
10662         shall identify the instance of the ifIndex object,
10663         defined in RFC 2233 [17], for the desired interface.
10664         For example, if an entry were to receive data from
10665         interface #1, this object would be set to ifIndex.1.
10667         The statistics in this group reflect all packets
10668         on the local network segment attached to the identified
10669         interface.
10671         An agent may or may not be able to tell if fundamental
10672         changes to the media of the interface have occurred and
10673         necessitate an invalidation of this entry.  For example, a
10674         hot-pluggable ethernet card could be pulled out and replaced
10675         by a token-ring card.  In such a case, if the agent has such
10676         knowledge of the change, it is recommended that it
10677         invalidate this entry.
10679         This object may not be modified if the associated
10680         etherStatsStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
10681     ::= { rmonStatsEntry 2 }
10683 rmonStatsOwner OBJECT-TYPE
10684     SYNTAX     OwnerString
10685     MAX-ACCESS read-create
10686     STATUS     current
10688         "The entity that configured this entry and is therefore
10689         using the resources assigned to it."
10690     ::= { rmonStatsEntry 3 }
10692 rmonStatsStatus OBJECT-TYPE
10693     SYNTAX     RmonStatus
10694     MAX-ACCESS read-create
10695     STATUS     current
10697         "The status of this etherStats entry."
10698     ::= { rmonStatsEntry 4 }
10701 -- The History Control Group
10703 -- Implementation of the History Control group is optional.
10704 -- Consult the MODULE-COMPLIANCE macro for the authoritative
10705 -- conformance information for this MIB.
10706 --
10707 -- The history control group controls the periodic statistical
10708 -- sampling of data from various types of networks.  The
10709 -- historyControlTable stores configuration entries that each
10710 -- define an interface, polling period, and other parameters.
10711 -- Once samples are taken, their data is stored in an entry
10712 -- in a media-specific table.  Each such entry defines one
10713 -- sample, and is associated with the historyControlEntry that
10714 -- caused the sample to be taken.  Each counter in the
10715 -- etherHistoryEntry counts the same event as its similarly-named
10716 -- counterpart in the etherStatsEntry, except that each value here
10717 -- is a cumulative sum during a sampling period.
10718 --
10719 -- If the probe keeps track of the time of day, it should start
10720 -- the first sample of the history at a time such that
10721 -- when the next hour of the day begins, a sample is
10722 -- started at that instant.  This tends to make more
10723 -- user-friendly reports, and enables comparison of reports
10724 -- from different probes that have relatively accurate time
10725 -- of day.
10726 --
10727 -- The probe is encouraged to add two history control entries
10728 -- per monitored interface upon initialization that describe a short
10729 -- term and a long term polling period.  Suggested parameters are 30
10730 -- seconds for the short term polling period and 30 minutes for
10731 -- the long term period.
10733 rmonHistoryTable OBJECT-TYPE
10734     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF RmonHistoryEntry
10735     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
10736     STATUS     current
10738         "A list of history control entries."
10739     ::= { rmonHistory 1 }
10741 rmonHistoryEntry OBJECT-TYPE
10742     SYNTAX     RmonHistoryEntry
10743     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
10744     STATUS     current
10746         "A list of parameters that set up a periodic sampling of
10747         statistics.  As an example, an instance of the
10748         historyControlInterval object might be named
10749         historyControlInterval.2"
10750     INDEX { rmonHistoryIndex }
10751     ::= { rmonHistoryTable 1 }
10753 RmonHistoryEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
10754     rmonHistoryIndex             Integer32,
10755     rmonHistoryDataSource        OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
10756     rmonHistoryBucketsRequested  Integer32,
10757     rmonHistoryInterval          Integer32,
10758     rmonHistoryOwner             OwnerString,
10759     rmonHistoryStatus            RmonStatus
10760 }
10762 rmonHistoryIndex OBJECT-TYPE
10763     SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
10764     MAX-ACCESS read-only
10765     STATUS     current
10767         "An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the
10768         historyControl table.  Each such entry defines a
10769         set of samples at a particular interval for an
10770         interface on the device."
10771     ::= { rmonHistoryEntry 1 }
10773 rmonHistoryDataSource OBJECT-TYPE
10775     MAX-ACCESS read-create
10776     STATUS     current
10778         "This object identifies the source of the data for
10779         which historical data was collected and
10780         placed in a media-specific table on behalf of this
10781         historyControlEntry.  This source can be any
10782         interface on this device.  In order to identify
10784         a particular interface, this object shall identify
10785         the instance of the ifIndex object, defined
10786         in  RFC 2233 [17], for the desired interface.
10787         For example, if an entry were to receive data from
10788         interface #1, this object would be set to ifIndex.1.
10790         The statistics in this group reflect all packets
10791         on the local network segment attached to the identified
10792         interface.
10794         An agent may or may not be able to tell if fundamental
10795         changes to the media of the interface have occurred and
10796         necessitate an invalidation of this entry.  For example, a
10797         hot-pluggable ethernet card could be pulled out and replaced
10798         by a token-ring card.  In such a case, if the agent has such
10799         knowledge of the change, it is recommended that it
10800         invalidate this entry.
10802         This object may not be modified if the associated
10803         historyControlStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
10804     ::= { rmonHistoryEntry 2 }
10806 rmonHistoryBucketsRequested OBJECT-TYPE
10807     SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
10808     MAX-ACCESS read-create
10809     STATUS     current
10811         "The requested number of discrete time intervals
10812         over which data is to be saved in the part of the
10813         media-specific table associated with this
10814         historyControlEntry.
10816         When this object is created or modified, the probe
10817         should set historyControlBucketsGranted as closely to
10818         this object as is possible for the particular probe
10819         implementation and available resources."
10820     DEFVAL { 50 }
10821     ::= { rmonHistoryEntry 3 }
10823 rmonHistoryInterval OBJECT-TYPE
10824     SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..3600)
10825     UNITS      "Seconds"
10826     MAX-ACCESS read-create
10827     STATUS     current
10829         "The interval in seconds over which the data is
10830         sampled for each bucket in the part of the
10831         media-specific table associated with this
10832         historyControlEntry.  This interval can
10833         be set to any number of seconds between 1 and
10834         3600 (1 hour).
10836         Because the counters in a bucket may overflow at their
10838         maximum value with no indication, a prudent manager will
10839         take into account the possibility of overflow in any of
10840         the associated counters.  It is important to consider the
10841         minimum time in which any counter could overflow on a
10842         particular media type and set the historyControlInterval
10843         object to a value less than this interval.  This is
10844         typically most important for the 'octets' counter in any
10845         media-specific table.  For example, on an Ethernet
10846         network, the etherHistoryOctets counter could overflow
10847         in about one hour at the Ethernet's maximum
10848         utilization.
10850         This object may not be modified if the associated
10851         historyControlStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
10852     DEFVAL { 1800 }
10853     ::= { rmonHistoryEntry 4 }
10855 rmonHistoryOwner OBJECT-TYPE
10856     SYNTAX     OwnerString
10857     MAX-ACCESS read-create
10858     STATUS     current
10860         "The entity that configured this entry and is therefore
10861         using the resources assigned to it."
10862     ::= { rmonHistoryEntry 5 }
10864 rmonHistoryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
10865     SYNTAX     RmonStatus
10866     MAX-ACCESS read-create
10867     STATUS     current
10869         "The status of this historyControl entry.
10871         Each instance of the media-specific table associated
10872         with this historyControlEntry will be deleted by the agent
10873         if this historyControlEntry is not equal to valid(1)."
10874     ::= { rmonHistoryEntry 6 }
10877 -- The Alarm Group
10879 -- Implementation of the Alarm group is optional. The Alarm Group
10880 -- requires the implementation of the Event group.
10881 -- Consult the MODULE-COMPLIANCE macro for the authoritative
10882 -- conformance information for this MIB.
10883 --
10884 -- The Alarm group periodically takes statistical samples from
10885 -- variables in the probe and compares them to thresholds that have
10886 -- been configured.  The alarm table stores configuration
10887 -- entries that each define a variable, polling period, and
10888 -- threshold parameters.  If a sample is found to cross the
10889 -- threshold values, an event is generated.  Only variables that
10890 -- resolve to an ASN.1 primitive type of INTEGER (INTEGER, Integer32,
10891 -- Counter32, Counter64, Gauge32, or TimeTicks) may be monitored in
10892 -- this way.
10893 --
10895 -- This function has a hysteresis mechanism to limit the generation
10896 -- of events.  This mechanism generates one event as a threshold
10897 -- is crossed in the appropriate direction.  No more events are
10898 -- generated for that threshold until the opposite threshold is
10899 -- crossed.
10900 --
10901 -- In the case of a sampling a deltaValue, a probe may implement
10902 -- this mechanism with more precision if it takes a delta sample
10903 -- twice per period, each time comparing the sum of the latest two
10904 -- samples to the threshold.  This allows the detection of threshold
10905 -- crossings that span the sampling boundary.  Note that this does
10906 -- not require any special configuration of the threshold value.
10907 -- It is suggested that probes implement this more precise algorithm.
10909 rmonAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE
10910     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF RmonAlarmEntry
10911     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
10912     STATUS     current
10914         "A list of alarm entries."
10915     ::= { rmonAlarm 1 }
10917 rmonAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE
10918     SYNTAX     RmonAlarmEntry
10919     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
10920     STATUS     current
10922         "A list of parameters that set up a periodic checking
10923         for alarm conditions.  For example, an instance of the
10924         alarmValue object might be named alarmValue.8"
10925     INDEX { rmonAlarmIndex }
10926     ::= { rmonAlarmTable 1 }
10928 RmonAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
10929     rmonAlarmIndex                    Integer32,
10930     rmonAlarmInterval                 Integer32,
10931     rmonAlarmVariable                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
10932     rmonAlarmSampleType               INTEGER,
10933     rmonAlarmRisingThreshold          Integer32,
10934     rmonAlarmFallingThreshold         Integer32,
10935     rmonAlarmRisingEventIndex         Integer32,
10936     rmonAlarmFallingEventIndex        Integer32,
10937     rmonAlarmOwner                    OwnerString,
10938     rmonAlarmStatus                   RmonStatus
10941 rmonAlarmIndex OBJECT-TYPE
10942     SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
10943     MAX-ACCESS read-only
10944     STATUS     current
10946         "An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the
10947         alarm table.  Each such entry defines a
10948         diagnostic sample at a particular interval
10949         for an object on the device."
10950     ::= { rmonAlarmEntry 1 }
10952 rmonAlarmInterval OBJECT-TYPE
10953     SYNTAX     Integer32
10954     UNITS      "Seconds"
10955     MAX-ACCESS read-create
10956     STATUS     current
10958         "The interval in seconds over which the data is
10959         sampled and compared with the rising and falling
10960         thresholds.  When setting this variable, care
10961         should be taken in the case of deltaValue
10962         sampling - the interval should be set short enough
10963         that the sampled variable is very unlikely to
10964         increase or decrease by more than 2^31 - 1 during
10965         a single sampling interval.
10967         This object may not be modified if the associated
10968         alarmStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
10969     ::= { rmonAlarmEntry 2 }
10971 rmonAlarmVariable OBJECT-TYPE
10973     MAX-ACCESS read-create
10974     STATUS     current
10976         "The object identifier of the particular variable to be
10977         sampled.  Only variables that resolve to an ASN.1 primitive
10978         type of INTEGER (INTEGER, Integer32, Counter32, Counter64,
10979         Gauge, or TimeTicks) may be sampled.
10981         Because SNMP access control is articulated entirely
10982         in terms of the contents of MIB views, no access
10983         control mechanism exists that can restrict the value of
10984         this object to identify only those objects that exist
10985         in a particular MIB view.  Because there is thus no
10986         acceptable means of restricting the read access that
10987         could be obtained through the alarm mechanism, the
10988         probe must only grant write access to this object in
10990         those views that have read access to all objects on
10991         the probe.
10993         During a set operation, if the supplied variable name is
10994         not available in the selected MIB view, a badValue error
10995         must be returned.  If at any time the variable name of
10996         an established alarmEntry is no longer available in the
10997         selected MIB view, the probe must change the status of
10998         this alarmEntry to invalid(4).
11000         This object may not be modified if the associated
11001         alarmStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
11002     ::= { rmonAlarmEntry 3 }
11004 rmonAlarmSampleType OBJECT-TYPE
11005     SYNTAX     INTEGER {
11006                  absoluteValue(1),
11007                  deltaValue(2)
11008                }
11009     MAX-ACCESS read-create
11010     STATUS     current
11012         "The method of sampling the selected variable and
11013         calculating the value to be compared against the
11014         thresholds.  If the value of this object is
11015         absoluteValue(1), the value of the selected variable
11016         will be compared directly with the thresholds at the
11017         end of the sampling interval.  If the value of this
11018         object is deltaValue(2), the value of the selected
11019         variable at the last sample will be subtracted from
11020         the current value, and the difference compared with
11021         the thresholds.
11023         This object may not be modified if the associated
11024         alarmStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
11025     ::= { rmonAlarmEntry 4 }
11027 rmonAlarmRisingThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
11028     SYNTAX     Integer32
11029     MAX-ACCESS read-create
11030     STATUS     current
11032         "A threshold for the sampled statistic.  When the current
11033         sampled value is greater than or equal to this threshold,
11034         and the value at the last sampling interval was less than
11035         this threshold, a single event will be generated.
11036         A single event will also be generated if the first
11037         sample after this entry becomes valid is greater than or
11038         equal to this threshold and the associated
11039         alarmStartupAlarm is equal to risingAlarm(1) or
11040         risingOrFallingAlarm(3).
11042         After a rising event is generated, another such event
11044         will not be generated until the sampled value
11045         falls below this threshold and reaches the
11046         alarmFallingThreshold.
11048         This object may not be modified if the associated
11049         alarmStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
11050     ::= { rmonAlarmEntry 5 }
11052 rmonAlarmFallingThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
11053     SYNTAX     Integer32
11054     MAX-ACCESS read-create
11055     STATUS     current
11057         "A threshold for the sampled statistic.  When the current
11058         sampled value is less than or equal to this threshold,
11059         and the value at the last sampling interval was greater than
11060         this threshold, a single event will be generated.
11061         A single event will also be generated if the first
11062         sample after this entry becomes valid is less than or
11063         equal to this threshold and the associated
11064         alarmStartupAlarm is equal to fallingAlarm(2) or
11065         risingOrFallingAlarm(3).
11067         After a falling event is generated, another such event
11068         will not be generated until the sampled value
11069         rises above this threshold and reaches the
11070         alarmRisingThreshold.
11072         This object may not be modified if the associated
11073         alarmStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
11074     ::= { rmonAlarmEntry 6 }
11076 rmonAlarmRisingEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
11077     SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
11078     MAX-ACCESS read-create
11079     STATUS     current
11081         "The index of the eventEntry that is
11082         used when a rising threshold is crossed.  The
11083         eventEntry identified by a particular value of
11084         this index is the same as identified by the same value
11085         of the eventIndex object.  If there is no
11086         corresponding entry in the eventTable, then
11087         no association exists.  In particular, if this value
11088         is zero, no associated event will be generated, as
11089         zero is not a valid event index.
11091         This object may not be modified if the associated
11093         alarmStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
11094     ::= { rmonAlarmEntry 7 }
11096 rmonAlarmFallingEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
11097     SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
11098     MAX-ACCESS read-create
11099     STATUS     current
11101         "The index of the eventEntry that is
11102         used when a falling threshold is crossed.  The
11103         eventEntry identified by a particular value of
11104         this index is the same as identified by the same value
11105         of the eventIndex object.  If there is no
11106         corresponding entry in the eventTable, then
11107         no association exists.  In particular, if this value
11108         is zero, no associated event will be generated, as
11109         zero is not a valid event index.
11111         This object may not be modified if the associated
11112         alarmStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
11113     ::= { rmonAlarmEntry 8 }
11115 rmonAlarmOwner OBJECT-TYPE
11116     SYNTAX     OwnerString
11117     MAX-ACCESS read-create
11118     STATUS     current
11120         "The entity that configured this entry and is therefore
11121         using the resources assigned to it."
11122     ::= { rmonAlarmEntry 9 }
11124 rmonAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE
11125     SYNTAX     RmonStatus
11126     MAX-ACCESS read-create
11127     STATUS     current
11129         "The status of this alarm entry."
11130     ::= { rmonAlarmEntry 10 }
11132 -- The Event Group
11134 -- Implementation of the Event group is optional.
11135 -- Consult the MODULE-COMPLIANCE macro for the authoritative
11136 -- conformance information for this MIB.
11137 --
11138 -- The Event group controls the generation and notification
11139 -- of events from this device.  Each entry in the eventTable
11140 -- describes the parameters of the event that can be triggered.
11141 -- Each event entry is fired by an associated condition located
11142 -- elsewhere in the MIB.  An event entry may also be associated
11143 -- with a function elsewhere in the MIB that will be executed
11144 -- when the event is generated.  For example, a channel may
11145 -- be turned on or off by the firing of an event.
11146 --
11147 -- Each eventEntry may optionally specify that a log entry
11148 -- be created on its behalf whenever the event occurs.
11149 -- Each entry may also specify that notification should
11150 -- occur by way of SNMP trap messages.  In this case, the
11151 -- community for the trap message is given in the associated
11152 -- eventCommunity object.  The enterprise and specific trap
11153 -- fields of the trap are determined by the condition that
11154 -- triggered the event.  Two traps are defined: risingAlarm and
11155 -- fallingAlarm.  If the eventTable is triggered by a condition
11156 -- specified elsewhere, the enterprise and specific trap fields
11157 -- must be specified for traps generated for that condition.
11159 rmonEventTable OBJECT-TYPE
11160     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF RmonEventEntry
11161     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
11162     STATUS     current
11164         "A list of events to be generated."
11165     ::= { rmonEvent 1 }
11167 rmonEventEntry OBJECT-TYPE
11168     SYNTAX     RmonEventEntry
11169     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
11170     STATUS     current
11172         "A set of parameters that describe an event to be generated
11173         when certain conditions are met.  As an example, an instance
11174         of the eventLastTimeSent object might be named
11175         eventLastTimeSent.6"
11176     INDEX { rmonEventIndex }
11177     ::= { rmonEventTable 1 }
11179 RmonEventEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
11180     rmonEventIndex          Integer32,
11181     rmonEventDescription    DisplayString,
11182     rmonEventType           INTEGER,
11183     rmonEventCommunity      OCTET STRING,
11184     rmonEventOwner          OwnerString,
11185     rmonEventStatus         RmonStatus
11186 }
11188 rmonEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
11189     SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
11190     MAX-ACCESS read-only
11191     STATUS     current
11193         "An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the
11194         event table.  Each such entry defines one event that
11195         is to be generated when the appropriate conditions
11196         occur."
11197     ::= { rmonEventEntry 1 }
11199 rmonEventDescription OBJECT-TYPE
11200     SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE (0..127))
11201     MAX-ACCESS read-create
11202     STATUS     current
11204         "A comment describing this event entry."
11205     ::= { rmonEventEntry 2 }
11207 rmonEventType OBJECT-TYPE
11208     SYNTAX     INTEGER {
11209                  none(1),
11210                  log(2),
11211                  snmptrap(3),    -- send an SNMP trap
11212                  logandtrap(4)
11213                }
11214     MAX-ACCESS read-create
11215     STATUS     current
11217         "The type of notification that the probe will make
11218         about this event.  In the case of log, an entry is
11219         made in the log table for each event.  In the case of
11220         snmp-trap, an SNMP trap is sent to one or more
11221         management stations."
11222     ::= { rmonEventEntry 3 }
11224 rmonEventCommunity OBJECT-TYPE
11225     SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..127))
11226     MAX-ACCESS read-create
11227     STATUS     current
11229         "If an SNMP trap is to be sent, it will be sent to
11230         the SNMP community specified by this octet string."
11231     ::= { rmonEventEntry 4 }
11233 rmonEventOwner OBJECT-TYPE
11234     SYNTAX     OwnerString
11235     MAX-ACCESS read-create
11236     STATUS     current
11238         "The entity that configured this entry and is therefore
11239         using the resources assigned to it.
11241         If this object contains a string starting with 'monitor'
11242         and has associated entries in the log table, all connected
11243         management stations should retrieve those log entries,
11244         as they may have significance to all management stations
11245         connected to this device"
11246     ::= { rmonEventEntry 5 }
11248 rmonEventStatus OBJECT-TYPE
11249     SYNTAX     RmonStatus
11250     MAX-ACCESS read-create
11251     STATUS     current
11253         "The status of this event entry.
11255         If this object is not equal to valid(1), all associated
11256         log entries shall be deleted by the agent."
11257     ::= { rmonEventEntry 6 }
11260		-- *****************************************************************
11261		--
11262		--  Enterprise Trap group
11263		--
11264		-- *****************************************************************
11266		bridgeGeneral TRAP-TYPE
11267			ENTERPRISE des-1210-28ax
11268		        DESCRIPTION
11269		           "AST_BRG_GEN_TRAP_VAL."
11270		        ::= 1
11272		bridgeError TRAP-TYPE
11273			ENTERPRISE des-1210-28ax
11274		        DESCRIPTION
11275		           "AST_BRG_ERR_TRAP_VAL."
11276		        ::= 2
11278		stpNewRoot TRAP-TYPE
11279			ENTERPRISE des-1210-28ax
11280		        DESCRIPTION
11281		           "AST_NEW_ROOT_TRAP_VAL."
11282		        ::= 3
11284		topologyChange TRAP-TYPE
11285			ENTERPRISE des-1210-28ax
11286		        DESCRIPTION
11287		           "AST_TOPOLOGY_CHG_TRAP_VAL."
11288		        ::= 4
11290		protocolMigration TRAP-TYPE
11291			ENTERPRISE des-1210-28ax
11292		        DESCRIPTION
11294		        ::= 5
11296		iivalidBpduRxd TRAP-TYPE
11297			ENTERPRISE des-1210-28ax
11298		        DESCRIPTION
11299		           "AST_INVALID_BPDU_RXD_TRAP_VAL."
11300		        ::= 6
11302		newPortRole TRAP-TYPE
11303			ENTERPRISE des-1210-28ax
11304		        DESCRIPTION
11305		           "AST_NEW_PORTROLE_TRAP_VAL."
11306		        ::= 7
11311		firmwareUpgradeSuccess TRAP-TYPE
11312			ENTERPRISE des-1210-28ax
11313		        DESCRIPTION
11314		           "SNMP_FIRMUPGRADE_SUCC."
11315		        ::= 8
11317		firmwareUpgradeFailure TRAP-TYPE
11318			ENTERPRISE des-1210-28ax
11319		        DESCRIPTION
11320		           "SNMP_FIRMUPGRADE_FAIL."
11321		        ::= 9
11323		firmwareIllegalFile TRAP-TYPE
11324			ENTERPRISE des-1210-28ax
11325		        DESCRIPTION
11326		           "SNMP_FIRMUPGRADE_FAIL2."
11327		        ::= 10
11329		firmwareTransferError TRAP-TYPE
11330			ENTERPRISE des-1210-28ax
11331		        DESCRIPTION
11332		           "SNMP_FIRMUPGRADE_FAIL1."
11333		        ::= 11
11335		firmwareChecksumError TRAP-TYPE
11336			ENTERPRISE des-1210-28ax
11337		        DESCRIPTION
11338		           "SNMP_FIRMUPGRADE_FAIL3."
11339		        ::= 12
11341                stormOccurred TRAP-TYPE
11342                        ENTERPRISE des-1210-28ax
11343                        DESCRIPTION
11344                           "Storm Occurred."
11345                        ::= 20
11347                stormCleared TRAP-TYPE
11348                        ENTERPRISE des-1210-28ax
11349                        DESCRIPTION
11350                           "Storm Cleared."
11351                        ::= 21
11353		macNotification TRAP-TYPE
11354			ENTERPRISE des-1210-28ax
11355		        DESCRIPTION
11356		           "Learning Mac Notification."
11357		        ::= 22
11360        impbMacBlocked TRAP-TYPE
11361                ENTERPRISE des-1210-28ax
11362                DESCRIPTION
11363                   "Storm Occurred."
11364                ::= 23