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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


README.mdH A D05-Oct-2021273 65

interface.goH A D05-Oct-20213.3 KiB9743

openmetricslex.lH A D05-Oct-20212.9 KiB8151

openmetricslex.l.goH A D05-Oct-202111.4 KiB763672

openmetricsparse.goH A D05-Oct-202112.7 KiB482364

openmetricsparse_test.goH A D05-Oct-202114.8 KiB613573

promlex.lH A D05-Oct-20212.9 KiB10167

promlex.l.goH A D05-Oct-20218.7 KiB554485

promparse.goH A D05-Oct-202110 KiB427326

promparse_test.goH A D05-Oct-202112.4 KiB522457


1# Making changes to textparse lexers
2In the rare case that you need to update the textparse lexers, edit promlex.l or openmetricslex.l and then run the following command:
3`golex -o=promlex.l.go promlex.l`
5Note that you need golex installed:
6`go get -u modernc.org/golex`