2  "swagger": "2.0",
3  "info": {
4    "version": "1.0.0",
5    "title": "Swagger Petstore",
6    "description": "A sample API that uses a petstore as an example to demonstrate features in the swagger-2.0 specification",
7    "termsOfService": "http://swagger.io/terms/",
8    "contact": {
9      "name": "Swagger API Team"
10    },
11    "license": {
12      "name": "MIT"
13    }
14  },
15  "host": "petstore.swagger.io",
16  "basePath": "/api",
17  "schemes": [
18    "http"
19  ],
20  "consumes": [
21    "application/json"
22  ],
23  "produces": [
24    "application/json"
25  ],
26  "paths": {
27    "/pets": {
28      "get": {
29        "description": "Returns all pets from the system that the user has access to",
30        "produces": [
31          "application/json"
32        ],
33        "responses": {
34          "200": {
35            "description": "A list of pets.",
36            "schema": {
37              "type": "array",
38              "items": {
39                "$ref": "#/definitions/Pet"
40              }
41            }
42          }
43        }
44      }
45    }
46  },
47  "definitions": {
48    "Pet": {
49      "type": "object",
50      "required": [
51        "id",
52        "name"
53      ],
54      "properties": {
55        "id": {
56          "type": "integer",
57          "format": "int64"
58        },
59        "name": {
60          "type": "string"
61        },
62        "tag": {
63          "type": "string"
64        }
65      }
66    }
67  }