1// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
7//    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13// limitations under the License.
15//go:generate ./COMPILE-PROTOS.sh
17// Gnostic is a tool for building better REST APIs through knowledge.
19// Gnostic reads declarative descriptions of REST APIs that conform
20// to the OpenAPI Specification, reports errors, resolves internal
21// dependencies, and puts the results in a binary form that can
22// be used in any language that is supported by the Protocol Buffer
23// tools.
25// Gnostic models are validated and typed. This allows API tool
26// developers to focus on their product and not worry about input
27// validation and type checking.
29// Gnostic calls plugins that implement a variety of API implementation
30// and support features including generation of client and server
31// support code.
32package main
34import (
35	"bytes"
36	"errors"
37	"fmt"
38	"io"
39	"os"
40	"os/exec"
41	"path/filepath"
42	"regexp"
43	"strings"
44	"time"
46	"github.com/golang/protobuf/proto"
47	"github.com/googleapis/gnostic/OpenAPIv2"
48	"github.com/googleapis/gnostic/OpenAPIv3"
49	"github.com/googleapis/gnostic/compiler"
50	"github.com/googleapis/gnostic/discovery"
51	"github.com/googleapis/gnostic/jsonwriter"
52	plugins "github.com/googleapis/gnostic/plugins"
53	surface "github.com/googleapis/gnostic/surface"
54	"gopkg.in/yaml.v2"
57const ( // Source Format
58	SourceFormatUnknown   = 0
59	SourceFormatOpenAPI2  = 2
60	SourceFormatOpenAPI3  = 3
61	SourceFormatDiscovery = 4
64// Determine the version of an OpenAPI description read from JSON or YAML.
65func getOpenAPIVersionFromInfo(info interface{}) int {
66	m, ok := compiler.UnpackMap(info)
67	if !ok {
68		return SourceFormatUnknown
69	}
70	swagger, ok := compiler.MapValueForKey(m, "swagger").(string)
71	if ok && strings.HasPrefix(swagger, "2.0") {
72		return SourceFormatOpenAPI2
73	}
74	openapi, ok := compiler.MapValueForKey(m, "openapi").(string)
75	if ok && strings.HasPrefix(openapi, "3.0") {
76		return SourceFormatOpenAPI3
77	}
78	kind, ok := compiler.MapValueForKey(m, "kind").(string)
79	if ok && kind == "discovery#restDescription" {
80		return SourceFormatDiscovery
81	}
82	return SourceFormatUnknown
85const (
86	pluginPrefix    = "gnostic-"
87	extensionPrefix = "gnostic-x-"
90type pluginCall struct {
91	Name       string
92	Invocation string
95// Invokes a plugin.
96func (p *pluginCall) perform(document proto.Message, sourceFormat int, sourceName string, timePlugins bool) ([]*plugins.Message, error) {
97	if p.Name != "" {
98		request := &plugins.Request{}
100		// Infer the name of the executable by adding the prefix.
101		executableName := pluginPrefix + p.Name
103		// Validate invocation string with regular expression.
104		invocation := p.Invocation
106		//
107		// Plugin invocations must consist of
108		// zero or more comma-separated key=value pairs followed by a path.
109		// If pairs are present, a colon separates them from the path.
110		// Keys and values must be alphanumeric strings and may contain
111		// dashes, underscores, periods, or forward slashes.
112		// A path can contain any characters other than the separators ',', ':', and '='.
113		//
114		invocationRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`^([\w-_\/\.]+=[\w-_\/\.]+(,[\w-_\/\.]+=[\w-_\/\.]+)*:)?[^,:=]+$`)
115		if !invocationRegex.Match([]byte(p.Invocation)) {
116			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid invocation of %s: %s", executableName, invocation)
117		}
119		invocationParts := strings.Split(p.Invocation, ":")
120		var outputLocation string
121		switch len(invocationParts) {
122		case 1:
123			outputLocation = invocationParts[0]
124		case 2:
125			parameters := strings.Split(invocationParts[0], ",")
126			for _, keyvalue := range parameters {
127				pair := strings.Split(keyvalue, "=")
128				if len(pair) == 2 {
129					request.Parameters = append(request.Parameters, &plugins.Parameter{Name: pair[0], Value: pair[1]})
130				}
131			}
132			outputLocation = invocationParts[1]
133		default:
134			// badly-formed request
135			outputLocation = invocationParts[len(invocationParts)-1]
136		}
138		version := &plugins.Version{}
139		version.Major = 0
140		version.Minor = 1
141		version.Patch = 0
142		request.CompilerVersion = version
144		request.OutputPath = outputLocation
146		request.SourceName = sourceName
147		switch sourceFormat {
148		case SourceFormatOpenAPI2:
149			request.AddModel("openapi.v2.Document", document)
150			// include experimental API surface model
151			surfaceModel, err := surface.NewModelFromOpenAPI2(document.(*openapi_v2.Document), sourceName)
152			if err == nil {
153				request.AddModel("surface.v1.Model", surfaceModel)
154			}
155		case SourceFormatOpenAPI3:
156			request.AddModel("openapi.v3.Document", document)
157			// include experimental API surface model
158			surfaceModel, err := surface.NewModelFromOpenAPI3(document.(*openapi_v3.Document), sourceName)
159			if err == nil {
160				request.AddModel("surface.v1.Model", surfaceModel)
161			}
162		case SourceFormatDiscovery:
163			request.AddModel("discovery.v1.Document", document)
164		default:
165		}
167		requestBytes, _ := proto.Marshal(request)
169		cmd := exec.Command(executableName, "-plugin")
170		cmd.Stdin = bytes.NewReader(requestBytes)
171		cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
172		pluginStartTime := time.Now()
173		output, err := cmd.Output()
174		pluginElapsedTime := time.Since(pluginStartTime)
175		if timePlugins {
176			fmt.Printf("> %s (%s)\n", executableName, pluginElapsedTime)
177		}
178		if err != nil {
179			return nil, err
180		}
181		response := &plugins.Response{}
182		err = proto.Unmarshal(output, response)
183		if err != nil {
184			// Gnostic expects plugins to only write the
185			// response message to stdout. Be sure that
186			// any logging messages are written to stderr only.
187			return nil, errors.New("Invalid plugin response (plugins must write log messages to stderr, not stdout).")
188		}
190		err = plugins.HandleResponse(response, outputLocation)
192		return response.Messages, err
193	}
194	return nil, nil
197func isFile(path string) bool {
198	fileInfo, err := os.Stat(path)
199	if err != nil {
200		return false
201	}
202	return !fileInfo.IsDir()
205func isDirectory(path string) bool {
206	fileInfo, err := os.Stat(path)
207	if err != nil {
208		return false
209	}
210	return fileInfo.IsDir()
213// Write bytes to a named file.
214// Certain names have special meaning:
215//   ! writes nothing
216//   - writes to stdout
217//   = writes to stderr
218// If a directory name is given, the file is written there with
219// a name derived from the source and extension arguments.
220func writeFile(name string, bytes []byte, source string, extension string) {
221	var writer io.Writer
222	if name == "!" {
223		return
224	} else if name == "-" {
225		writer = os.Stdout
226	} else if name == "=" {
227		writer = os.Stderr
228	} else if isDirectory(name) {
229		base := filepath.Base(source)
230		// Remove the original source extension.
231		base = base[0 : len(base)-len(filepath.Ext(base))]
232		// Build the path that puts the result in the passed-in directory.
233		filename := name + "/" + base + "." + extension
234		file, _ := os.Create(filename)
235		defer file.Close()
236		writer = file
237	} else {
238		file, _ := os.Create(name)
239		defer file.Close()
240		writer = file
241	}
242	writer.Write(bytes)
243	if name == "-" || name == "=" {
244		writer.Write([]byte("\n"))
245	}
248// The Gnostic structure holds global state information for gnostic.
249type Gnostic struct {
250	usage             string
251	sourceName        string
252	binaryOutputPath  string
253	textOutputPath    string
254	yamlOutputPath    string
255	jsonOutputPath    string
256	errorOutputPath   string
257	messageOutputPath string
258	resolveReferences bool
259	pluginCalls       []*pluginCall
260	extensionHandlers []compiler.ExtensionHandler
261	sourceFormat      int
262	timePlugins       bool
265// Initialize a structure to store global application state.
266func newGnostic() *Gnostic {
267	g := &Gnostic{}
268	// Option fields initialize to their default values.
269	g.usage = `
270Usage: gnostic SOURCE [OPTIONS]
271  SOURCE is the filename or URL of an API description.
273  --pb-out=PATH       Write a binary proto to the specified location.
274  --text-out=PATH     Write a text proto to the specified location.
275  --json-out=PATH     Write a json API description to the specified location.
276  --yaml-out=PATH     Write a yaml API description to the specified location.
277  --errors-out=PATH   Write compilation errors to the specified location.
278  --messages-out=PATH Write messages generated by plugins to the specified
279                      location. Messages from all plugin invocations are
280                      written to a single common file.
281  --PLUGIN-out=PATH   Run the plugin named gnostic-PLUGIN and write results
282                      to the specified location.
283  --PLUGIN            Run the plugin named gnostic-PLUGIN but don't write any
284                      results. Used for plugins that return messages only.
285                      PLUGIN must not match any other gnostic option.
286  --x-EXTENSION       Use the extension named gnostic-x-EXTENSION
287                      to process OpenAPI specification extensions.
288  --resolve-refs      Explicitly resolve $ref references.
289                      This could have problems with recursive definitions.
290  --time-plugins      Report plugin runtimes.
292	// Initialize internal structures.
293	g.pluginCalls = make([]*pluginCall, 0)
294	g.extensionHandlers = make([]compiler.ExtensionHandler, 0)
295	return g
298// Parse command-line options.
299func (g *Gnostic) readOptions() {
300	// plugin processing matches patterns of the form "--PLUGIN-out=PATH" and "--PLUGIN_out=PATH"
301	pluginRegex := regexp.MustCompile("--(.+)[-_]out=(.+)")
303	// extension processing matches patterns of the form "--x-EXTENSION"
304	extensionRegex := regexp.MustCompile("--x-(.+)")
306	for i, arg := range os.Args {
307		if i == 0 {
308			continue // skip the tool name
309		}
310		var m [][]byte
311		if m = pluginRegex.FindSubmatch([]byte(arg)); m != nil {
312			pluginName := string(m[1])
313			invocation := string(m[2])
314			switch pluginName {
315			case "pb":
316				g.binaryOutputPath = invocation
317			case "text":
318				g.textOutputPath = invocation
319			case "json":
320				g.jsonOutputPath = invocation
321			case "yaml":
322				g.yamlOutputPath = invocation
323			case "errors":
324				g.errorOutputPath = invocation
325			case "messages":
326				g.messageOutputPath = invocation
327			default:
328				p := &pluginCall{Name: pluginName, Invocation: invocation}
329				g.pluginCalls = append(g.pluginCalls, p)
330			}
331		} else if m = extensionRegex.FindSubmatch([]byte(arg)); m != nil {
332			extensionName := string(m[1])
333			extensionHandler := compiler.ExtensionHandler{Name: extensionPrefix + extensionName}
334			g.extensionHandlers = append(g.extensionHandlers, extensionHandler)
335		} else if arg == "--resolve-refs" {
336			g.resolveReferences = true
337		} else if arg == "--time-plugins" {
338			g.timePlugins = true
339		} else if arg[0] == '-' && arg[1] == '-' {
340			// try letting the option specify a plugin with no output files (or unwanted output files)
341			// this is useful for calling plugins like linters that only return messages
342			p := &pluginCall{Name: arg[2:len(arg)], Invocation: "!"}
343			g.pluginCalls = append(g.pluginCalls, p)
344		} else if arg[0] == '-' {
345			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Unknown option: %s.\n%s\n", arg, g.usage)
346			os.Exit(-1)
347		} else {
348			g.sourceName = arg
349		}
350	}
353// Validate command-line options.
354func (g *Gnostic) validateOptions() {
355	if g.binaryOutputPath == "" &&
356		g.textOutputPath == "" &&
357		g.yamlOutputPath == "" &&
358		g.jsonOutputPath == "" &&
359		g.errorOutputPath == "" &&
360		len(g.pluginCalls) == 0 {
361		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Missing output directives.\n%s\n", g.usage)
362		os.Exit(-1)
363	}
364	if g.sourceName == "" {
365		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "No input specified.\n%s\n", g.usage)
366		os.Exit(-1)
367	}
368	// If we get here and the error output is unspecified, write errors to stderr.
369	if g.errorOutputPath == "" {
370		g.errorOutputPath = "="
371	}
374// Generate an error message to be written to stderr or a file.
375func (g *Gnostic) errorBytes(err error) []byte {
376	return []byte("Errors reading " + g.sourceName + "\n" + err.Error())
379// Read an OpenAPI description from YAML or JSON.
380func (g *Gnostic) readOpenAPIText(bytes []byte) (message proto.Message, err error) {
381	info, err := compiler.ReadInfoFromBytes(g.sourceName, bytes)
382	if err != nil {
383		return nil, err
384	}
385	// Determine the OpenAPI version.
386	g.sourceFormat = getOpenAPIVersionFromInfo(info)
387	if g.sourceFormat == SourceFormatUnknown {
388		return nil, errors.New("unable to identify OpenAPI version")
389	}
390	// Compile to the proto model.
391	if g.sourceFormat == SourceFormatOpenAPI2 {
392		document, err := openapi_v2.NewDocument(info, compiler.NewContextWithExtensions("$root", nil, &g.extensionHandlers))
393		if err != nil {
394			return nil, err
395		}
396		message = document
397	} else if g.sourceFormat == SourceFormatOpenAPI3 {
398		document, err := openapi_v3.NewDocument(info, compiler.NewContextWithExtensions("$root", nil, &g.extensionHandlers))
399		if err != nil {
400			return nil, err
401		}
402		message = document
403	} else {
404		document, err := discovery_v1.NewDocument(info, compiler.NewContextWithExtensions("$root", nil, &g.extensionHandlers))
405		if err != nil {
406			return nil, err
407		}
408		message = document
409	}
410	return message, err
413// Read an OpenAPI binary file.
414func (g *Gnostic) readOpenAPIBinary(data []byte) (message proto.Message, err error) {
415	// try to read an OpenAPI v3 document
416	documentV3 := &openapi_v3.Document{}
417	err = proto.Unmarshal(data, documentV3)
418	if err == nil && strings.HasPrefix(documentV3.Openapi, "3.0") {
419		g.sourceFormat = SourceFormatOpenAPI3
420		return documentV3, nil
421	}
422	// if that failed, try to read an OpenAPI v2 document
423	documentV2 := &openapi_v2.Document{}
424	err = proto.Unmarshal(data, documentV2)
425	if err == nil && strings.HasPrefix(documentV2.Swagger, "2.0") {
426		g.sourceFormat = SourceFormatOpenAPI2
427		return documentV2, nil
428	}
429	// if that failed, try to read a Discovery Format document
430	discoveryDocument := &discovery_v1.Document{}
431	err = proto.Unmarshal(data, discoveryDocument)
432	if err == nil { // && strings.HasPrefix(documentV2.Swagger, "2.0") {
433		g.sourceFormat = SourceFormatDiscovery
434		return discoveryDocument, nil
435	}
436	return nil, err
439// Write a binary pb representation.
440func (g *Gnostic) writeBinaryOutput(message proto.Message) {
441	protoBytes, err := proto.Marshal(message)
442	if err != nil {
443		writeFile(g.errorOutputPath, g.errorBytes(err), g.sourceName, "errors")
444		defer os.Exit(-1)
445	} else {
446		writeFile(g.binaryOutputPath, protoBytes, g.sourceName, "pb")
447	}
450// Write a text pb representation.
451func (g *Gnostic) writeTextOutput(message proto.Message) {
452	bytes := []byte(proto.MarshalTextString(message))
453	writeFile(g.textOutputPath, bytes, g.sourceName, "text")
456// Write JSON/YAML OpenAPI representations.
457func (g *Gnostic) writeJSONYAMLOutput(message proto.Message) {
458	// Convert the OpenAPI document into an exportable MapSlice.
459	var rawInfo yaml.MapSlice
460	var ok bool
461	var err error
462	if g.sourceFormat == SourceFormatOpenAPI2 {
463		document := message.(*openapi_v2.Document)
464		rawInfo, ok = document.ToRawInfo().(yaml.MapSlice)
465		if !ok {
466			rawInfo = nil
467		}
468	} else if g.sourceFormat == SourceFormatOpenAPI3 {
469		document := message.(*openapi_v3.Document)
470		rawInfo, ok = document.ToRawInfo().(yaml.MapSlice)
471		if !ok {
472			rawInfo = nil
473		}
474	} else if g.sourceFormat == SourceFormatDiscovery {
475		document := message.(*discovery_v1.Document)
476		rawInfo, ok = document.ToRawInfo().(yaml.MapSlice)
477		if !ok {
478			rawInfo = nil
479		}
480	}
481	// Optionally write description in yaml format.
482	if g.yamlOutputPath != "" {
483		var bytes []byte
484		if rawInfo != nil {
485			bytes, err = yaml.Marshal(rawInfo)
486			if err != nil {
487				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error generating yaml output %s\n", err.Error())
488			}
489			writeFile(g.yamlOutputPath, bytes, g.sourceName, "yaml")
490		} else {
491			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "No yaml output available.\n")
492		}
493	}
494	// Optionally write description in json format.
495	if g.jsonOutputPath != "" {
496		var bytes []byte
497		if rawInfo != nil {
498			bytes, _ = jsonwriter.Marshal(rawInfo)
499			if err != nil {
500				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error generating json output %s\n", err.Error())
501			}
502			writeFile(g.jsonOutputPath, bytes, g.sourceName, "json")
503		} else {
504			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "No json output available.\n")
505		}
506	}
509// Write messages.
510func (g *Gnostic) writeMessagesOutput(message proto.Message) {
511	protoBytes, err := proto.Marshal(message)
512	if err != nil {
513		writeFile(g.messageOutputPath, g.errorBytes(err), g.sourceName, "errors")
514		defer os.Exit(-1)
515	} else {
516		writeFile(g.messageOutputPath, protoBytes, g.sourceName, "messages.pb")
517	}
520// Perform all actions specified in the command-line options.
521func (g *Gnostic) performActions(message proto.Message) (err error) {
522	// Optionally resolve internal references.
523	if g.resolveReferences {
524		if g.sourceFormat == SourceFormatOpenAPI2 {
525			document := message.(*openapi_v2.Document)
526			_, err = document.ResolveReferences(g.sourceName)
527		} else if g.sourceFormat == SourceFormatOpenAPI3 {
528			document := message.(*openapi_v3.Document)
529			_, err = document.ResolveReferences(g.sourceName)
530		}
531		if err != nil {
532			return err
533		}
534	}
535	// Optionally write proto in binary format.
536	if g.binaryOutputPath != "" {
537		g.writeBinaryOutput(message)
538	}
539	// Optionally write proto in text format.
540	if g.textOutputPath != "" {
541		g.writeTextOutput(message)
542	}
543	// Optionally write document in yaml and/or json formats.
544	if g.yamlOutputPath != "" || g.jsonOutputPath != "" {
545		g.writeJSONYAMLOutput(message)
546	}
547	// Call all specified plugins.
548	messages := make([]*plugins.Message, 0)
549	for _, p := range g.pluginCalls {
550		pluginMessages, err := p.perform(message, g.sourceFormat, g.sourceName, g.timePlugins)
551		if err != nil {
552			writeFile(g.errorOutputPath, g.errorBytes(err), g.sourceName, "errors")
553			defer os.Exit(-1) // run all plugins, even when some have errors
554		}
555		messages = append(messages, pluginMessages...)
556	}
557	if g.messageOutputPath != "" {
558		g.writeMessagesOutput(&plugins.Messages{Messages: messages})
559	} else {
560		// Print any messages from the plugins
561		if len(messages) > 0 {
562			for _, message := range messages {
563				fmt.Printf("%+v\n", message)
564			}
565		}
566	}
567	return nil
570func (g *Gnostic) main() {
571	var err error
572	g.readOptions()
573	g.validateOptions()
574	// Read the OpenAPI source.
575	bytes, err := compiler.ReadBytesForFile(g.sourceName)
576	if err != nil {
577		writeFile(g.errorOutputPath, g.errorBytes(err), g.sourceName, "errors")
578		os.Exit(-1)
579	}
580	extension := strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(g.sourceName))
581	var message proto.Message
582	if extension == ".json" || extension == ".yaml" {
583		// Try to read the source as JSON/YAML.
584		message, err = g.readOpenAPIText(bytes)
585		if err != nil {
586			writeFile(g.errorOutputPath, g.errorBytes(err), g.sourceName, "errors")
587			os.Exit(-1)
588		}
589	} else if extension == ".pb" {
590		// Try to read the source as a binary protocol buffer.
591		message, err = g.readOpenAPIBinary(bytes)
592		if err != nil {
593			writeFile(g.errorOutputPath, g.errorBytes(err), g.sourceName, "errors")
594			os.Exit(-1)
595		}
596	} else {
597		err = errors.New("unknown file extension. 'json', 'yaml', and 'pb' are accepted")
598		writeFile(g.errorOutputPath, g.errorBytes(err), g.sourceName, "errors")
599		os.Exit(-1)
600	}
601	// Perform actions specified by command options.
602	err = g.performActions(message)
603	if err != nil {
604		writeFile(g.errorOutputPath, g.errorBytes(err), g.sourceName, "errors")
605		os.Exit(-1)
606	}
609func main() {
610	g := newGnostic()
611	g.main()