1package seelog
3import (
4	"fmt"
5	"io"
6	"os"
7	"path/filepath"
8	"sync"
11// File and directory permitions.
12const (
13	defaultFilePermissions      = 0666
14	defaultDirectoryPermissions = 0767
17const (
18	// Max number of directories can be read asynchronously.
19	maxDirNumberReadAsync = 1000
22type cannotOpenFileError struct {
23	baseError
26func newCannotOpenFileError(fname string) *cannotOpenFileError {
27	return &cannotOpenFileError{baseError{message: "Cannot open file: " + fname}}
30type notDirectoryError struct {
31	baseError
34func newNotDirectoryError(dname string) *notDirectoryError {
35	return &notDirectoryError{baseError{message: dname + " is not directory"}}
38// fileFilter is a filtering criteria function for '*os.File'.
39// Must return 'false' to set aside the given file.
40type fileFilter func(os.FileInfo, *os.File) bool
42// filePathFilter is a filtering creteria function for file path.
43// Must return 'false' to set aside the given file.
44type filePathFilter func(filePath string) bool
46// GetSubdirNames returns a list of directories found in
47// the given one with dirPath.
48func getSubdirNames(dirPath string) ([]string, error) {
49	fi, err := os.Stat(dirPath)
50	if err != nil {
51		return nil, err
52	}
53	if !fi.IsDir() {
54		return nil, newNotDirectoryError(dirPath)
55	}
56	dd, err := os.Open(dirPath)
57	// Cannot open file.
58	if err != nil {
59		if dd != nil {
60			dd.Close()
61		}
62		return nil, err
63	}
64	defer dd.Close()
65	// TODO: Improve performance by buffering reading.
66	allEntities, err := dd.Readdir(-1)
67	if err != nil {
68		return nil, err
69	}
70	subDirs := []string{}
71	for _, entity := range allEntities {
72		if entity.IsDir() {
73			subDirs = append(subDirs, entity.Name())
74		}
75	}
76	return subDirs, nil
79// getSubdirAbsPaths recursively visit all the subdirectories
80// starting from the given directory and returns absolute paths for them.
81func getAllSubdirAbsPaths(dirPath string) (res []string, err error) {
82	dps, err := getSubdirAbsPaths(dirPath)
83	if err != nil {
84		res = []string{}
85		return
86	}
87	res = append(res, dps...)
88	for _, dp := range dps {
89		sdps, err := getAllSubdirAbsPaths(dp)
90		if err != nil {
91			return []string{}, err
92		}
93		res = append(res, sdps...)
94	}
95	return
98// getSubdirAbsPaths supplies absolute paths for all subdirectiries in a given directory.
99// Input: (I1) dirPath - absolute path of a directory in question.
100// Out: (O1) - slice of subdir asbolute paths; (O2) - error of the operation.
101// Remark: If error (O2) is non-nil then (O1) is nil and vice versa.
102func getSubdirAbsPaths(dirPath string) ([]string, error) {
103	sdns, err := getSubdirNames(dirPath)
104	if err != nil {
105		return nil, err
106	}
107	rsdns := []string{}
108	for _, sdn := range sdns {
109		rsdns = append(rsdns, filepath.Join(dirPath, sdn))
110	}
111	return rsdns, nil
114// getOpenFilesInDir supplies a slice of os.File pointers to files located in the directory.
115// Remark: Ignores files for which fileFilter returns false
116func getOpenFilesInDir(dirPath string, fFilter fileFilter) ([]*os.File, error) {
117	dfi, err := os.Open(dirPath)
118	if err != nil {
119		return nil, newCannotOpenFileError("Cannot open directory " + dirPath)
120	}
121	defer dfi.Close()
122	// Size of read buffer (i.e. chunk of items read at a time).
123	rbs := 64
124	resFiles := []*os.File{}
126	for {
127		// Read directory entities by reasonable chuncks
128		// to prevent overflows on big number of files.
129		fis, e := dfi.Readdir(rbs)
130		switch e {
131		// It's OK.
132		case nil:
133		// Do nothing, just continue cycle.
134		case io.EOF:
135			break L
136		// Something went wrong.
137		default:
138			return nil, e
139		}
140		// THINK: Maybe, use async running.
141		for _, fi := range fis {
142			// NB: On Linux this could be a problem as
143			// there are lots of file types available.
144			if !fi.IsDir() {
145				f, e := os.Open(filepath.Join(dirPath, fi.Name()))
146				if e != nil {
147					if f != nil {
148						f.Close()
149					}
150					// THINK: Add nil as indicator that a problem occurred.
151					resFiles = append(resFiles, nil)
152					continue
153				}
154				// Check filter condition.
155				if fFilter != nil && !fFilter(fi, f) {
156					continue
157				}
158				resFiles = append(resFiles, f)
159			}
160		}
161	}
162	return resFiles, nil
165func isRegular(m os.FileMode) bool {
166	return m&os.ModeType == 0
169// getDirFilePaths return full paths of the files located in the directory.
170// Remark: Ignores files for which fileFilter returns false.
171func getDirFilePaths(dirPath string, fpFilter filePathFilter, pathIsName bool) ([]string, error) {
172	dfi, err := os.Open(dirPath)
173	if err != nil {
174		return nil, newCannotOpenFileError("Cannot open directory " + dirPath)
175	}
176	defer dfi.Close()
178	var absDirPath string
179	if !filepath.IsAbs(dirPath) {
180		absDirPath, err = filepath.Abs(dirPath)
181		if err != nil {
182			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot get absolute path of directory: %s", err.Error())
183		}
184	} else {
185		absDirPath = dirPath
186	}
188	// TODO: check if dirPath is really directory.
189	// Size of read buffer (i.e. chunk of items read at a time).
190	rbs := 2 << 5
191	filePaths := []string{}
193	var fp string
195	for {
196		// Read directory entities by reasonable chuncks
197		// to prevent overflows on big number of files.
198		fis, e := dfi.Readdir(rbs)
199		switch e {
200		// It's OK.
201		case nil:
202		// Do nothing, just continue cycle.
203		case io.EOF:
204			break L
205		// Indicate that something went wrong.
206		default:
207			return nil, e
208		}
209		// THINK: Maybe, use async running.
210		for _, fi := range fis {
211			// NB: Should work on every Windows and non-Windows OS.
212			if isRegular(fi.Mode()) {
213				if pathIsName {
214					fp = fi.Name()
215				} else {
216					// Build full path of a file.
217					fp = filepath.Join(absDirPath, fi.Name())
218				}
219				// Check filter condition.
220				if fpFilter != nil && !fpFilter(fp) {
221					continue
222				}
223				filePaths = append(filePaths, fp)
224			}
225		}
226	}
227	return filePaths, nil
230// getOpenFilesByDirectoryAsync runs async reading directories 'dirPaths' and inserts pairs
231// in map 'filesInDirMap': Key - directory name, value - *os.File slice.
232func getOpenFilesByDirectoryAsync(
233	dirPaths []string,
234	fFilter fileFilter,
235	filesInDirMap map[string][]*os.File,
236) error {
237	n := len(dirPaths)
238	if n > maxDirNumberReadAsync {
239		return fmt.Errorf("number of input directories to be read exceeded max value %d", maxDirNumberReadAsync)
240	}
241	type filesInDirResult struct {
242		DirName string
243		Files   []*os.File
244		Error   error
245	}
246	dirFilesChan := make(chan *filesInDirResult, n)
247	var wg sync.WaitGroup
248	// Register n goroutines which are going to do work.
249	wg.Add(n)
250	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
251		// Launch asynchronously the piece of work.
252		go func(dirPath string) {
253			fs, e := getOpenFilesInDir(dirPath, fFilter)
254			dirFilesChan <- &filesInDirResult{filepath.Base(dirPath), fs, e}
255			// Mark the current goroutine as finished (work is done).
256			wg.Done()
257		}(dirPaths[i])
258	}
259	// Wait for all goroutines to finish their work.
260	wg.Wait()
261	// Close the error channel to let for-range clause
262	// get all the buffered values without blocking and quit in the end.
263	close(dirFilesChan)
264	for fidr := range dirFilesChan {
265		if fidr.Error == nil {
266			// THINK: What will happen if the key is already present?
267			filesInDirMap[fidr.DirName] = fidr.Files
268		} else {
269			return fidr.Error
270		}
271	}
272	return nil
275// fileExists return flag whether a given file exists
276// and operation error if an unclassified failure occurs.
277func fileExists(path string) (bool, error) {
278	_, err := os.Stat(path)
279	if err != nil {
280		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
281			return false, nil
282		}
283		return false, err
284	}
285	return true, nil
288// createDirectory makes directory with a given name
289// making all parent directories if necessary.
290func createDirectory(dirPath string) error {
291	var dPath string
292	var err error
293	if !filepath.IsAbs(dirPath) {
294		dPath, err = filepath.Abs(dirPath)
295		if err != nil {
296			return err
297		}
298	} else {
299		dPath = dirPath
300	}
301	exists, err := fileExists(dPath)
302	if err != nil {
303		return err
304	}
305	if exists {
306		return nil
307	}
308	return os.MkdirAll(dPath, os.ModeDir)
311// tryRemoveFile gives a try removing the file
312// only ignoring an error when the file does not exist.
313func tryRemoveFile(filePath string) (err error) {
314	err = os.Remove(filePath)
315	if os.IsNotExist(err) {
316		err = nil
317		return
318	}
319	return