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README.mdH A D17-Mar-20211 KiB149

SUMMARY.mdH A D17-Mar-2021363 1411

aleth-key.mdH A D17-Mar-202114.8 KiB300202

book.jsonH A D17-Mar-20212 11

cli_tools.mdH A D17-Mar-202113 31

cold_wallet_storage_device.mdH A D17-Mar-20216.5 KiB9867

getting_started.mdH A D17-Mar-20216.6 KiB14288

installation.mdH A D17-Mar-20211.5 KiB5238

interactive_console.mdH A D17-Mar-20219.2 KiB262215

mining.mdH A D17-Mar-20216.2 KiB9160

transaction_explorer.mdH A D17-Mar-2021533 169

whisper.mdH A D17-Mar-20211.6 KiB2217


1cpp-ethereum guide
4This book is intended as a practical user guide for the cpp-ethereum software distribution.
6cpp-ethereum is a distribution of software including a number of diverse tools. This book begins with the installation instructions, before proceeding to introductions, walk-throughs and references for the various tools that make up cpp-ethereum.
8The full software suite of cpp-ethereum includes:
10- **aleth** (`aleth`) The mainline CLI Ethereum client. Run it in the background and it will connect to the Ethereum network; you can mine, make transactions and inspect the blockchain.
11- `aleth-key` A key/wallet management tool for Ethereum keys. This lets you add, remove and change your keys as well as *cold wallet device*-friendly transaction inspection and signing.
12- `ethminer` A standalone miner. This can be used to check how fast you can mine and will mine for you in concert with `eth`, `geth` and `pyethereum`.
13- `rlp` An serialisation/deserialisation tool for the Recursive Length Prefix format.