3#  Read the zproject/README.md for information about making permanent changes. #
6module CZMQ
7  module FFI
9    # simple generic list container
10    # @note This class is 100% generated using zproject.
11    class Zlist
12      # Raised when one tries to use an instance of {Zlist} after
13      # the internal pointer to the native object has been nullified.
14      class DestroyedError < RuntimeError; end
16      # Boilerplate for self pointer, initializer, and finalizer
17      class << self
18        alias :__new :new
19      end
20      # Attaches the pointer _ptr_ to this instance and defines a finalizer for
21      # it if necessary.
22      # @param ptr [::FFI::Pointer]
23      # @param finalize [Boolean]
24      def initialize(ptr, finalize = true)
25        @ptr = ptr
26        if @ptr.null?
27          @ptr = nil # Remove null pointers so we don't have to test for them.
28        elsif finalize
29          @finalizer = self.class.create_finalizer_for @ptr
30          ObjectSpace.define_finalizer self, @finalizer
31        end
32      end
33      # @param ptr [::FFI::Pointer]
34      # @return [Proc]
35      def self.create_finalizer_for(ptr)
36        Proc.new do
37          ptr_ptr = ::FFI::MemoryPointer.new :pointer
38          ptr_ptr.write_pointer ptr
39          ::CZMQ::FFI.zlist_destroy ptr_ptr
40        end
41      end
42      # @return [Boolean]
43      def null?
44        !@ptr or @ptr.null?
45      end
46      # Return internal pointer
47      # @return [::FFI::Pointer]
48      def __ptr
49        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
50        @ptr
51      end
52      # So external Libraries can just pass the Object to a FFI function which expects a :pointer
53      alias_method :to_ptr, :__ptr
54      # Nullify internal pointer and return pointer pointer.
55      # @note This detaches the current instance from the native object
56      #   and thus makes it unusable.
57      # @return [::FFI::MemoryPointer] the pointer pointing to a pointer
58      #   pointing to the native object
59      def __ptr_give_ref
60        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
61        ptr_ptr = ::FFI::MemoryPointer.new :pointer
62        ptr_ptr.write_pointer @ptr
63        __undef_finalizer if @finalizer
64        @ptr = nil
65        ptr_ptr
66      end
67      # Undefines the finalizer for this object.
68      # @note Only use this if you need to and can guarantee that the native
69      #   object will be freed by other means.
70      # @return [void]
71      def __undef_finalizer
72        ObjectSpace.undefine_finalizer self
73        @finalizer = nil
74      end
76      # Create a new callback of the following type:
77      # Comparison function e.g. for sorting and removing.
78      #     typedef int (zlist_compare_fn) (
79      #         void *item1, void *item2);
80      #
81      # @note WARNING: If your Ruby code doesn't retain a reference to the
82      #   FFI::Function object after passing it to a C function call,
83      #   it may be garbage collected while C still holds the pointer,
84      #   potentially resulting in a segmentation fault.
85      def self.compare_fn
86        ::FFI::Function.new :int, [:pointer, :pointer], blocking: true do |item1, item2|
87          result = yield item1, item2
88          result = Integer(result)
89          result
90        end
91      end
93      # Create a new callback of the following type:
94      # Callback function for zlist_freefn method
95      #     typedef void (zlist_free_fn) (
96      #         void *data);
97      #
98      # @note WARNING: If your Ruby code doesn't retain a reference to the
99      #   FFI::Function object after passing it to a C function call,
100      #   it may be garbage collected while C still holds the pointer,
101      #   potentially resulting in a segmentation fault.
102      def self.free_fn
103        ::FFI::Function.new :void, [:pointer], blocking: true do |data|
104          result = yield data
105          result
106        end
107      end
109      # Create a new list container
110      # @return [CZMQ::Zlist]
111      def self.new()
112        ptr = ::CZMQ::FFI.zlist_new()
113        __new ptr
114      end
116      # Destroy a list container
117      #
118      # @return [void]
119      def destroy()
120        return unless @ptr
121        self_p = __ptr_give_ref
122        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zlist_destroy(self_p)
123        result
124      end
126      # Return the item at the head of list. If the list is empty, returns NULL.
127      # Leaves cursor pointing at the head item, or NULL if the list is empty.
128      #
129      # @return [::FFI::Pointer]
130      def first()
131        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
132        self_p = @ptr
133        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zlist_first(self_p)
134        result
135      end
137      # Return the next item. If the list is empty, returns NULL. To move to
138      # the start of the list call zlist_first (). Advances the cursor.
139      #
140      # @return [::FFI::Pointer]
141      def next()
142        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
143        self_p = @ptr
144        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zlist_next(self_p)
145        result
146      end
148      # Return the item at the tail of list. If the list is empty, returns NULL.
149      # Leaves cursor pointing at the tail item, or NULL if the list is empty.
150      #
151      # @return [::FFI::Pointer]
152      def last()
153        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
154        self_p = @ptr
155        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zlist_last(self_p)
156        result
157      end
159      # Return first item in the list, or null, leaves the cursor
160      #
161      # @return [::FFI::Pointer]
162      def head()
163        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
164        self_p = @ptr
165        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zlist_head(self_p)
166        result
167      end
169      # Return last item in the list, or null, leaves the cursor
170      #
171      # @return [::FFI::Pointer]
172      def tail()
173        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
174        self_p = @ptr
175        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zlist_tail(self_p)
176        result
177      end
179      # Return the current item of list. If the list is empty, returns NULL.
180      # Leaves cursor pointing at the current item, or NULL if the list is empty.
181      #
182      # @return [::FFI::Pointer]
183      def item()
184        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
185        self_p = @ptr
186        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zlist_item(self_p)
187        result
188      end
190      # Append an item to the end of the list, return 0 if OK or -1 if this
191      # failed for some reason (out of memory). Note that if a duplicator has
192      # been set, this method will also duplicate the item.
193      #
194      # @param item [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
195      # @return [Integer]
196      def append(item)
197        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
198        self_p = @ptr
199        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zlist_append(self_p, item)
200        result
201      end
203      # Push an item to the start of the list, return 0 if OK or -1 if this
204      # failed for some reason (out of memory). Note that if a duplicator has
205      # been set, this method will also duplicate the item.
206      #
207      # @param item [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
208      # @return [Integer]
209      def push(item)
210        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
211        self_p = @ptr
212        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zlist_push(self_p, item)
213        result
214      end
216      # Pop the item off the start of the list, if any
217      #
218      # @return [::FFI::Pointer]
219      def pop()
220        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
221        self_p = @ptr
222        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zlist_pop(self_p)
223        result
224      end
226      # Checks if an item already is present. Uses compare method to determine if
227      # items are equal. If the compare method is NULL the check will only compare
228      # pointers. Returns true if item is present else false.
229      #
230      # @param item [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
231      # @return [Boolean]
232      def exists(item)
233        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
234        self_p = @ptr
235        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zlist_exists(self_p, item)
236        result
237      end
239      # Remove the specified item from the list if present
240      #
241      # @param item [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
242      # @return [void]
243      def remove(item)
244        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
245        self_p = @ptr
246        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zlist_remove(self_p, item)
247        result
248      end
250      # Make a copy of list. If the list has autofree set, the copied list will
251      # duplicate all items, which must be strings. Otherwise, the list will hold
252      # pointers back to the items in the original list. If list is null, returns
253      # NULL.
254      #
255      # @return [Zlist]
256      def dup()
257        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
258        self_p = @ptr
259        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zlist_dup(self_p)
260        result = Zlist.__new result, true
261        result
262      end
264      # Purge all items from list
265      #
266      # @return [void]
267      def purge()
268        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
269        self_p = @ptr
270        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zlist_purge(self_p)
271        result
272      end
274      # Return number of items in the list
275      #
276      # @return [Integer]
277      def size()
278        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
279        self_p = @ptr
280        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zlist_size(self_p)
281        result
282      end
284      # Sort the list. If the compare function is null, sorts the list by
285      # ascending key value using a straight ASCII comparison. If you specify
286      # a compare function, this decides how items are sorted. The sort is not
287      # stable, so may reorder items with the same keys. The algorithm used is
288      # combsort, a compromise between performance and simplicity.
289      #
290      # @param compare [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
291      # @return [void]
292      def sort(compare)
293        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
294        self_p = @ptr
295        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zlist_sort(self_p, compare)
296        result
297      end
299      # Set list for automatic item destruction; item values MUST be strings.
300      # By default a list item refers to a value held elsewhere. When you set
301      # this, each time you append or push a list item, zlist will take a copy
302      # of the string value. Then, when you destroy the list, it will free all
303      # item values automatically. If you use any other technique to allocate
304      # list values, you must free them explicitly before destroying the list.
305      # The usual technique is to pop list items and destroy them, until the
306      # list is empty.
307      #
308      # @return [void]
309      def autofree()
310        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
311        self_p = @ptr
312        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zlist_autofree(self_p)
313        result
314      end
316      # Sets a compare function for this list. The function compares two items.
317      # It returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the
318      # first item is found, respectively, to be less than, to match, or be
319      # greater than the second item.
320      # This function is used for sorting, removal and exists checking.
321      #
322      # @param fn [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
323      # @return [void]
324      def comparefn(fn)
325        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
326        self_p = @ptr
327        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zlist_comparefn(self_p, fn)
328        result
329      end
331      # Set a free function for the specified list item. When the item is
332      # destroyed, the free function, if any, is called on that item.
333      # Use this when list items are dynamically allocated, to ensure that
334      # you don't have memory leaks. You can pass 'free' or NULL as a free_fn.
335      # Returns the item, or NULL if there is no such item.
336      #
337      # @param item [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
338      # @param fn [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
339      # @param at_tail [Boolean]
340      # @return [::FFI::Pointer]
341      def freefn(item, fn, at_tail)
342        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
343        self_p = @ptr
344        at_tail = !(0==at_tail||!at_tail) # boolean
345        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zlist_freefn(self_p, item, fn, at_tail)
346        result
347      end
349      # Self test of this class.
350      #
351      # @param verbose [Boolean]
352      # @return [void]
353      def self.test(verbose)
354        verbose = !(0==verbose||!verbose) # boolean
355        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zlist_test(verbose)
356        result
357      end
358    end
359  end
364#  Read the zproject/README.md for information about making permanent changes. #