1{"tickets": [{
2  "status": "open-fixed",
3  "reported_by_id": "4f74b61d71b75b397a006f01",
4  "related_artifacts": [],
5  "attachments": [],
6  "reported_by": "zcougar",
7  "assigned_to": "bortz",
8  "labels": [],
9  "discussion_disabled": false,
10  "assigned_to_id": "4f3540db0594ca2bc0000b32",
11  "private": false,
12  "summary": "RPM spec file",
13  "description": "I made RPM spec file for echoping. It would be nice if\r\nyou can put this file into the package. Then it will be\r\nvery easy to make RPM from source \\(rpm -ta\r\nechoping-x.x.x.tar.gz\\).\r\n\r\nBoth SRPM and RPM built on SuSE 9.0 are available also:\r\n\r\nhttp://www.version6.net/rpm/ecmh-20040110-1.src.rpm\r\nhttp://www.version6.net/rpm/ecmh-20040110-1.i586.rpm\r\n\r\n\\-- \r\nCougar\r\n",
14  "discussion_thread": {
15    "_id": "7bc6a80d",
16    "posts": [
17      {
18        "text": "echoping RPM spec file",
19        "attachments": [
20          {
21            "url": "http://sourceforge.net/p/echoping/patches/_discuss/thread/7bc6a80d/fac2/attachment/echoping.spec",
22            "bytes": 1116
23          }
24        ],
25        "author": "zcougar",
26        "timestamp": "2004-06-30 17:52:52",
27        "last_edited": null,
28        "slug": "fac2",
29        "subject": "#1 RPM spec file"
30      },
31      {
32        "text": "Logged In: YES \nuser\\_id=25865\nOriginator: NO\n\nOK, downloaded the right :-\\) \".src.rpm\" from rhttp://www.version6.net/rpm, \"rpm2cpio echoping.src.rpm | cpio -idv\"\r\n\r\nBut the echoping.spec is not much better than the one already in echoping distribution. I merged the two files, committed in Subversion \\(r. 358\\) testing on a RPM-enabled machine is now needed.\r\n",
33        "attachments": [],
34        "author": "bortz",
35        "timestamp": "2007-03-07 21:37:47",
36        "last_edited": null,
37        "slug": "0956",
38        "subject": "#1 RPM spec file"
39      },
40      {
41        "text": "- **assigned_to**: nobody --> bortz\n- **status**: open --> open-fixed",
42        "attachments": [],
43        "author": "bortz",
44        "timestamp": "2007-03-07 21:37:47",
45        "last_edited": null,
46        "slug": "b62c",
47        "subject": "#1 RPM spec file"
48      }
49    ],
50    "discussion_id": "518aabb45fcbc979b923a2dd",
51    "subject": ""
52  },
53  "mod_date": "2007-03-07 21:37:47",
54  "votes_down": 0,
55  "votes_up": 0,
56  "_id": "518aabb45fcbc979b923a2e8",
57  "discussion_thread_url": "http://sourceforge.net/rest/p/echoping/patches/_discuss/thread/7bc6a80d/",
58  "ticket_num": 1,
59  "custom_fields": {
60    "_priority": "5"
61  },
62  "created_date": "2004-06-30 17:52:51"
64  "status": "closed-fixed",
65  "reported_by_id": null,
66  "related_artifacts": [],
67  "attachments": [],
68  "reported_by": "*anonymous",
69  "assigned_to": "bortz",
70  "labels": [],
71  "discussion_disabled": false,
72  "assigned_to_id": "4f3540db0594ca2bc0000b32",
73  "private": false,
74  "summary": "add WHOIS support and fix duplicate write to server",
75  "description": "This patch adds whois support to echoping. It also\r\nremoves a\r\nproblem that caused the \"sendline\" to be sent to the\r\nserver twice. This problem causes the SMTP-checker to\r\nsend QUIT twice, which is not so important, but it\r\nactually broke the WHOIS check against some servers.\r\n\r\nTo use WHOIS, do this:\r\nechoping -W example.com hostname\r\n\r\nThe reading/writing seems to be a bit shaky, it fails\r\nwith some servers. I'm not sure why, could be something\r\nis not completely correct in the patch.\r\n\r\nKetil Froyn <ketil@froyn.name>",
76  "discussion_thread": {
77    "_id": "c0518af1",
78    "posts": [
79      {
80        "text": "Patch to add WHOIS support to echoping and remove duplicate write",
81        "attachments": [
82          {
83            "url": "http://sourceforge.net/p/echoping/patches/_discuss/thread/c0518af1/72e0/attachment/echoping_add_whois.diff",
84            "bytes": 6038
85          }
86        ],
87        "author": "nobody",
88        "timestamp": "2004-08-12 16:28:03",
89        "last_edited": null,
90        "slug": "72e0",
91        "subject": "#2 add WHOIS support and fix duplicate write to server"
92      },
93      {
94        "text": "Logged In: NO \n\nThis is the kind of error I get:\r\n\r\nreadline error: 1 bytes read, 13 bytes requested \\(Illegal seek\\)\r\n\r\nI haven't debugged the reason for this, it works for me for now.\r\n\r\nKetil Froyn <ketil@froyn.name>",
95        "attachments": [],
96        "author": "nobody",
97        "timestamp": "2004-08-12 16:30:53",
98        "last_edited": null,
99        "slug": "fbfb",
100        "subject": "#2 add WHOIS support and fix duplicate write to server"
101      },
102      {
103        "text": "Logged In: YES \nuser\\_id=25865\nOriginator: NO\n\nThanks for the patch and report.\r\n\r\nBut, sorry, but the whois patch will not be used. The next version of echoping will use a system of plugins so every new request for a new protocol will be handled by \"Develop a plugin, Luke\" \\(there is already one for whois\\).\r\n\r\nYou can try the next version at ftp://ftp.internatif.org/pub/unix/echoping/echoping-6.0-BETA.tar.gz\r\n",
104        "attachments": [],
105        "author": "bortz",
106        "timestamp": "2007-03-07 15:37:23",
107        "last_edited": null,
108        "slug": "890f",
109        "subject": "#2 add WHOIS support and fix duplicate write to server"
110      },
111      {
112        "text": "- **assigned_to**: nobody --> bortz\n- **status**: open --> open-wont-fix",
113        "attachments": [],
114        "author": "bortz",
115        "timestamp": "2007-03-07 15:37:23",
116        "last_edited": null,
117        "slug": "1bcc",
118        "subject": "#2 add WHOIS support and fix duplicate write to server"
119      },
120      {
121        "text": "Logged In: YES \nuser\\_id=25865\nOriginator: NO\n\nI cannot reproduce the \"two QUIT\" problem, sorry.\\(Checked with Wireshark.\\)\r\n",
122        "attachments": [],
123        "author": "bortz",
124        "timestamp": "2007-03-07 15:47:19",
125        "last_edited": null,
126        "slug": "24be",
127        "subject": "#2 add WHOIS support and fix duplicate write to server"
128      },
129      {
130        "text": "Logged In: YES \nuser\\_id=25865\nOriginator: NO\n\nechoping 6 released, with the whois plugin",
131        "attachments": [],
132        "author": "bortz",
133        "timestamp": "2007-03-26 20:59:52",
134        "last_edited": null,
135        "slug": "77f4",
136        "subject": "#2 add WHOIS support and fix duplicate write to server"
137      },
138      {
139        "text": "- **status**: open-wont-fix --> closed-fixed",
140        "attachments": [],
141        "author": "bortz",
142        "timestamp": "2007-03-26 20:59:52",
143        "last_edited": null,
144        "slug": "9214",
145        "subject": "#2 add WHOIS support and fix duplicate write to server"
146      }
147    ],
148    "discussion_id": "518aabb45fcbc979b923a2dd",
149    "subject": ""
150  },
151  "mod_date": "2007-03-26 20:59:52",
152  "votes_down": 0,
153  "votes_up": 0,
154  "_id": "518aabb55fcbc979b923a304",
155  "discussion_thread_url": "http://sourceforge.net/rest/p/echoping/patches/_discuss/thread/c0518af1/",
156  "ticket_num": 2,
157  "custom_fields": {
158    "_priority": "5"
159  },
160  "created_date": "2004-08-12 16:28:03"
162  "status": "closed-duplicate",
163  "reported_by_id": null,
164  "related_artifacts": [],
165  "attachments": [],
166  "reported_by": "*anonymous",
167  "assigned_to": "bortz",
168  "labels": [],
169  "discussion_disabled": false,
170  "assigned_to_id": "4f3540db0594ca2bc0000b32",
171  "private": false,
172  "summary": "improved:add WHOIS support and fix duplicate write to server",
173  "description": "Usage:\r\nechoping -W example.com whois.crsnic.net\r\n\r\nTested like this:\r\npatch -p1 < echoping\\_add\\_whois.diff\r\naclocal && automake --add-missing && autoconf &&\r\n./configure --without-libidn\r\nmake\r\n./echoping -W example.com whois.crsnic.net\r\n\r\nI haven't experienced any more problems after this rewrite.\r\n\r\nKetil Froyn <ketil@froyn.name>\r\n\r\n",
174  "discussion_thread": {
175    "_id": "2bdac84c",
176    "posts": [
177      {
178        "text": "WHOIS support for echoping",
179        "attachments": [
180          {
181            "url": "http://sourceforge.net/p/echoping/patches/_discuss/thread/2bdac84c/f246/attachment/echoping_add_whois.diff",
182            "bytes": 8605
183          }
184        ],
185        "author": "nobody",
186        "timestamp": "2004-08-13 11:44:10",
187        "last_edited": null,
188        "slug": "f246",
189        "subject": "#3 improved:add WHOIS support and fix duplicate write to server"
190      },
191      {
192        "text": "Logged In: YES \nuser\\_id=25865\nOriginator: NO\n\nSee the discussion in \\#1008066",
193        "attachments": [],
194        "author": "bortz",
195        "timestamp": "2007-03-07 15:40:52",
196        "last_edited": null,
197        "slug": "074b",
198        "subject": "#3 improved:add WHOIS support and fix duplicate write to server"
199      },
200      {
201        "text": "- **assigned_to**: nobody --> bortz\n- **status**: open --> open-duplicate",
202        "attachments": [],
203        "author": "bortz",
204        "timestamp": "2007-03-07 15:40:52",
205        "last_edited": null,
206        "slug": "29e7",
207        "subject": "#3 improved:add WHOIS support and fix duplicate write to server"
208      },
209      {
210        "text": "Logged In: YES \nuser\\_id=25865\nOriginator: NO\n\nechoping 6 released and should be OK.",
211        "attachments": [],
212        "author": "bortz",
213        "timestamp": "2007-03-26 21:01:16",
214        "last_edited": null,
215        "slug": "3b87",
216        "subject": "#3 improved:add WHOIS support and fix duplicate write to server"
217      },
218      {
219        "text": "- **status**: open-duplicate --> closed-duplicate",
220        "attachments": [],
221        "author": "bortz",
222        "timestamp": "2007-03-26 21:01:16",
223        "last_edited": null,
224        "slug": "5bb8",
225        "subject": "#3 improved:add WHOIS support and fix duplicate write to server"
226      }
227    ],
228    "discussion_id": "518aabb45fcbc979b923a2dd",
229    "subject": ""
230  },
231  "mod_date": "2007-03-26 21:01:16",
232  "votes_down": 0,
233  "votes_up": 0,
234  "_id": "518aabb85fcbc979b923a333",
235  "discussion_thread_url": "http://sourceforge.net/rest/p/echoping/patches/_discuss/thread/2bdac84c/",
236  "ticket_num": 3,
237  "custom_fields": {
238    "_priority": "5"
239  },
240  "created_date": "2004-08-13 11:44:10"
242  "status": "closed-out-of-date",
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244  "related_artifacts": [],
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246  "reported_by": "afm",
247  "assigned_to": "bortz",
248  "labels": [],
249  "discussion_disabled": false,
250  "assigned_to_id": "4f3540db0594ca2bc0000b32",
251  "private": false,
252  "summary": "Fix for incorrect Host: header and memory leak",
253  "description": "The attached patch takes care not to include a port in the Host: \r\nheader of the HTTP request if the port is not set \\(i.e. = 0\\) as \r\nargument to make\\_http\\_sendline.\r\n\r\nFurthermore, it fixes the memory leak caused by the fact that \r\nhostname is not freed when HTTP10 is defined.",
254  "discussion_thread": {
255    "_id": "c9820fce",
256    "posts": [
257      {
258        "text": "Logged In: YES \nuser\\_id=25865\nOriginator: NO\n\nIt seems there is no patch attached \\(same problem for \\#1282749\\)\r\n",
259        "attachments": [],
260        "author": "bortz",
261        "timestamp": "2007-03-07 15:48:52",
262        "last_edited": null,
263        "slug": "0000",
264        "subject": "#4 Fix for incorrect Host: header and memory leak"
265      },
266      {
267        "text": "- **assigned_to**: nobody --> bortz",
268        "attachments": [],
269        "author": "bortz",
270        "timestamp": "2007-03-07 15:48:52",
271        "last_edited": null,
272        "slug": "0d1d",
273        "subject": "#4 Fix for incorrect Host: header and memory leak"
274      },
275      {
276        "text": "Logged In: YES \nuser\\_id=25865\nOriginator: NO\n\nSeems OK with the release of echoping 6. Feel free to reopen if not OK.\r\n",
277        "attachments": [],
278        "author": "bortz",
279        "timestamp": "2007-03-26 21:03:09",
280        "last_edited": null,
281        "slug": "e6e3",
282        "subject": "#4 Fix for incorrect Host: header and memory leak"
283      },
284      {
285        "text": "- **status**: open --> closed-out-of-date",
286        "attachments": [],
287        "author": "bortz",
288        "timestamp": "2007-03-26 21:03:09",
289        "last_edited": null,
290        "slug": "b2fc",
291        "subject": "#4 Fix for incorrect Host: header and memory leak"
292      }
293    ],
294    "discussion_id": "518aabb45fcbc979b923a2dd",
295    "subject": ""
296  },
297  "mod_date": "2007-03-26 21:03:09",
298  "votes_down": 0,
299  "votes_up": 0,
300  "_id": "518aabba5fcbc979b923a358",
301  "discussion_thread_url": "http://sourceforge.net/rest/p/echoping/patches/_discuss/thread/c9820fce/",
302  "ticket_num": 4,
303  "custom_fields": {
304    "_priority": "5"
305  },
306  "created_date": "2005-09-06 08:46:48"
308  "status": "closed-duplicate",
309  "reported_by_id": "51840af32718467ad6898df9",
310  "related_artifacts": [],
311  "attachments": [],
312  "reported_by": "afm",
313  "assigned_to": "bortz",
314  "labels": [],
315  "discussion_disabled": false,
316  "assigned_to_id": "4f3540db0594ca2bc0000b32",
317  "private": false,
318  "summary": "Fix for incorrect Host: header and memory leak",
319  "description": "The attached patch takes care not to include a port in the Host: \r\nheader of the HTTP request if the port is not set \\(i.e. = 0\\) as \r\nargument to make\\_http\\_sendline.\r\n\r\nFurthermore, it fixes the memory leak caused by the fact that \r\nhostname is not freed when HTTP10 is defined.",
320  "discussion_thread": {
321    "_id": "224c2394",
322    "posts": [
323      {
324        "text": "Logged In: YES \nuser\\_id=25865\nOriginator: NO\n\nSee \\#1282748",
325        "attachments": [],
326        "author": "bortz",
327        "timestamp": "2007-03-07 15:49:22",
328        "last_edited": null,
329        "slug": "ab70",
330        "subject": "#5 Fix for incorrect Host: header and memory leak"
331      },
332      {
333        "text": "- **assigned_to**: nobody --> bortz\n- **status**: open --> open-duplicate",
334        "attachments": [],
335        "author": "bortz",
336        "timestamp": "2007-03-07 15:49:22",
337        "last_edited": null,
338        "slug": "6af3",
339        "subject": "#5 Fix for incorrect Host: header and memory leak"
340      },
341      {
342        "text": "Logged In: YES \nuser\\_id=25865\nOriginator: NO\n\nShould be obsolete with the release of 6.0.0",
343        "attachments": [],
344        "author": "bortz",
345        "timestamp": "2007-03-26 21:04:56",
346        "last_edited": null,
347        "slug": "42f8",
348        "subject": "#5 Fix for incorrect Host: header and memory leak"
349      },
350      {
351        "text": "- **status**: open-duplicate --> closed-duplicate",
352        "attachments": [],
353        "author": "bortz",
354        "timestamp": "2007-03-26 21:04:56",
355        "last_edited": null,
356        "slug": "f1c6",
357        "subject": "#5 Fix for incorrect Host: header and memory leak"
358      }
359    ],
360    "discussion_id": "518aabb45fcbc979b923a2dd",
361    "subject": ""
362  },
363  "mod_date": "2007-03-26 21:04:56",
364  "votes_down": 0,
365  "votes_up": 0,
366  "_id": "518aabbb5fcbc979b923a373",
367  "discussion_thread_url": "http://sourceforge.net/rest/p/echoping/patches/_discuss/thread/224c2394/",
368  "ticket_num": 5,
369  "custom_fields": {
370    "_priority": "5"
371  },
372  "created_date": "2005-09-06 08:46:49"
374  "status": "closed-fixed",
375  "reported_by_id": "4f3540db0594ca2bc0000b32",
376  "related_artifacts": [],
377  "attachments": [],
378  "reported_by": "bortz",
379  "assigned_to": "bortz",
380  "labels": [],
381  "discussion_disabled": false,
382  "assigned_to_id": "4f3540db0594ca2bc0000b32",
383  "private": false,
384  "summary": "Stats enhancement from Andy Juniper",
385  "description": "\r\nAttached is a patch which addresses the following\r\nissues/enhancements in\r\nechoping-6.0-BETA:\r\n\r\n\\* add a -D command line option to measure latency\r\nover data transfer\r\ntime only, for TCP connections this excludes the\r\nconnection setup \r\nand teardown which can take a long time if DNS and\r\nARP are involved\r\n\\* fix underflow in the standard deviation\r\ncalculation routine, where\r\nif the deviations were small \\(microseconds\\) then\r\nthe standard\r\ndeviation would report as 0 due to performing the\r\nsquare/square\r\nroot operations on integers; the whole of the SD\r\ncalculation is\r\nnow performed using doubles.\r\n\\* add a -N <number> command line option to\r\noptionally additionally\r\nreport a recalculated average which excludes\r\nvalues which are   \r\nfurther than +/- N\\*standard deviation from the\r\naverage; this means\r\nthat values which are a long way off the average\r\nget removed from \r\nthe recalculated average.  See                   \r\n\r\n\r\nhttp://www.statsoft.com/textbook/stbasic.html\\#Correlationse\r\nfor\r\ndetails of why I've done this.\r\n\r\nPlease feel free to incorporate these changes into your\r\ncode\\!\r\n\r\nAndy Juniper\r\n",
386  "discussion_thread": {
387    "_id": "02ec69da",
388    "posts": [
389      {
390        "text": "Logged In: YES \nuser\\_id=25865\nOriginator: YES\n\nUnfortunately, there is no patch attached :-\\(\r\n",
391        "attachments": [],
392        "author": "bortz",
393        "timestamp": "2007-03-07 15:51:17",
394        "last_edited": null,
395        "slug": "864f",
396        "subject": "#6 Stats enhancement from Andy Juniper"
397      },
398      {
399        "text": "",
400        "attachments": [
401          {
402            "url": "http://sourceforge.net/p/echoping/patches/_discuss/thread/02ec69da/0f8a/attachment/echoping.patch",
403            "bytes": 8673
404          }
405        ],
406        "author": "bortz",
407        "timestamp": "2007-03-07 15:53:26",
408        "last_edited": null,
409        "slug": "0f8a",
410        "subject": "#6 Stats enhancement from Andy Juniper"
411      },
412      {
413        "text": "Logged In: YES \nuser\\_id=25865\nOriginator: YES\n\nPatch attached, this time\nFile Added: echoping.patch",
414        "attachments": [],
415        "author": "bortz",
416        "timestamp": "2007-03-07 15:53:26",
417        "last_edited": null,
418        "slug": "a50b",
419        "subject": "#6 Stats enhancement from Andy Juniper"
420      },
421      {
422        "text": "Logged In: YES \nuser\\_id=25865\nOriginator: YES\n\nCommitted in Subversion, r356.",
423        "attachments": [],
424        "author": "bortz",
425        "timestamp": "2007-03-07 21:02:43",
426        "last_edited": null,
427        "slug": "0e90",
428        "subject": "#6 Stats enhancement from Andy Juniper"
429      },
430      {
431        "text": "Logged In: YES \nuser\\_id=25865\nOriginator: YES\n\nAnd documented and credited.\r\n",
432        "attachments": [],
433        "author": "bortz",
434        "timestamp": "2007-03-07 21:21:37",
435        "last_edited": null,
436        "slug": "e0e4",
437        "subject": "#6 Stats enhancement from Andy Juniper"
438      },
439      {
440        "text": "- **status**: open --> open-fixed",
441        "attachments": [],
442        "author": "bortz",
443        "timestamp": "2007-03-07 21:21:37",
444        "last_edited": null,
445        "slug": "59d9",
446        "subject": "#6 Stats enhancement from Andy Juniper"
447      },
448      {
449        "text": "Logged In: YES \nuser\\_id=25865\nOriginator: YES\n\nShipped with echoping 6",
450        "attachments": [],
451        "author": "bortz",
452        "timestamp": "2007-03-26 21:07:42",
453        "last_edited": null,
454        "slug": "9680",
455        "subject": "#6 Stats enhancement from Andy Juniper"
456      },
457      {
458        "text": "- **status**: open-fixed --> closed-fixed",
459        "attachments": [],
460        "author": "bortz",
461        "timestamp": "2007-03-26 21:07:42",
462        "last_edited": null,
463        "slug": "ebb2",
464        "subject": "#6 Stats enhancement from Andy Juniper"
465      },
466      {
467        "text": "Wonderful blog\\! Do you have any suggestions for aspiring writers? I'm hoping to start my own website soon but I'm a little lost on everything. Would you advise starting with a free platform like Wordpress or go for a paid option? There are so many choices out there that I'm completely overwhelmed .. Any suggestions? Bless you\\!\r\nnorth face jackets on sale http://rmngnwbxvw.wallinside.com/",
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469        "author": "nobody",
470        "timestamp": "2012-11-11 23:53:33",
471        "last_edited": null,
472        "slug": "a2a1",
473        "subject": "#6 Stats enhancement from Andy Juniper"
474      },
475      {
476        "text": "Greetings from Carolina\\! I'm bored to death at work so I decided to check out your blog on my iphone during lunch break. I really like the information you provide here and can't wait to take a look when I get home. I'm amazed at how fast your blog loaded on my phone .. I'm not even using WIFI, just 3G .. Anyways, fantastic site\\!\r\nnorth face jackets for women http://ltfcjmwhsw.blinkweb.com/new-blog.html",
477        "attachments": [],
478        "author": "nobody",
479        "timestamp": "2012-11-16 12:49:26",
480        "last_edited": null,
481        "slug": "31d3",
482        "subject": "#6 Stats enhancement from Andy Juniper"
483      },
484      {
485        "text": "Do you mind if I quote a couple of your articles as long as I provide credit and sources back to your weblog? My blog site is in the exact same area of interest as yours and my visitors would really benefit from a lot of the information you present here. Please let me know if this alright with you. Regards\\!\r\nnorth face jackets on sale http://vzbeclxtke.jimdo.com/2012/11/15/cheap-north-face-jackets-whether-you-are-wearing-a-dress-or-a-pantsuit/",
486        "attachments": [],
487        "author": "nobody",
488        "timestamp": "2012-11-17 13:20:27",
489        "last_edited": null,
490        "slug": "1521",
491        "subject": "#6 Stats enhancement from Andy Juniper"
492      }
493    ],
494    "discussion_id": "518aabb45fcbc979b923a2dd",
495    "subject": ""
496  },
497  "mod_date": "2007-03-26 21:07:42",
498  "votes_down": 0,
499  "votes_up": 0,
500  "_id": "518aabbb5fcbc979b923a38e",
501  "discussion_thread_url": "http://sourceforge.net/rest/p/echoping/patches/_discuss/thread/02ec69da/",
502  "ticket_num": 6,
503  "custom_fields": {
504    "_priority": "5"
505  },
506  "created_date": "2006-04-12 07:50:38"
508  "status": "open-later",
509  "reported_by_id": "514b78ad34309d5f016e9029",
510  "related_artifacts": [],
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512  "reported_by": "dawn_guy",
513  "assigned_to": "bortz",
514  "labels": [],
515  "discussion_disabled": false,
516  "assigned_to_id": "4f3540db0594ca2bc0000b32",
517  "private": false,
518  "summary": "SMTP enhancement from Dawn Keenan",
519  "description": "The attached patch makes echoping more friendly towards\r\nSMTP servers as well as more accurate with respect to\r\nreal time response.  Wait for the greeting before\r\nsending HELO to the mail server and then provide the\r\nstart of an email conversation in a way that isn't\r\nlikely to generate spurious warnings in the probed\r\nhost's syslog.",
520  "discussion_thread": {
521    "_id": "884a274b",
522    "posts": [
523      {
524        "text": "echoping.c context diff",
525        "attachments": [
526          {
527            "url": "http://sourceforge.net/p/echoping/patches/_discuss/thread/884a274b/21ba/attachment/echoping.c.diff",
528            "bytes": 1259
529          }
530        ],
531        "author": "dawn_guy",
532        "timestamp": "2006-06-26 14:53:45",
533        "last_edited": null,
534        "slug": "21ba",
535        "subject": "#7 SMTP enhancement from Dawn Keenan"
536      },
537      {
538        "text": "Logged In: YES \nuser\\_id=25865\nOriginator: NO\n\nI don't think that sending \"HELO echoping\" is a good idea.\r\n\r\n1\\) It is not a legal host name and, today, with the spam problem, many sites test that\r\n\r\n2\\) Even if it were \\(HELO echoping.sourceforge.net\\), various anti-spam techniques would do more aggressive testing and probably reject.\r\n\r\nThe issue stays open. I agree with your goals but there is no simple solution.\r\n",
539        "attachments": [],
540        "author": "bortz",
541        "timestamp": "2007-03-08 10:28:35",
542        "last_edited": null,
543        "slug": "4a6f",
544        "subject": "#7 SMTP enhancement from Dawn Keenan"
545      },
546      {
547        "text": "- **assigned_to**: nobody --> bortz",
548        "attachments": [],
549        "author": "bortz",
550        "timestamp": "2007-03-08 10:28:35",
551        "last_edited": null,
552        "slug": "316a",
553        "subject": "#7 SMTP enhancement from Dawn Keenan"
554      },
555      {
556        "text": "Logged In: YES \nuser\\_id=25865\nOriginator: NO\n\n> Wait for the greeting before\r\n> sending HELO to the mail server\r\n\r\nThis is a very good idea. Committed in Subversion, r 359.\r\n",
557        "attachments": [],
558        "author": "bortz",
559        "timestamp": "2007-03-08 10:34:34",
560        "last_edited": null,
561        "slug": "38af",
562        "subject": "#7 SMTP enhancement from Dawn Keenan"
563      },
564      {
565        "text": "Logged In: YES \nuser\\_id=25865\nOriginator: NO\n\nThe patch to wait the greeting has been shipped with echoping 6.\r\n\r\nThe idea to add a HELO is good but postponed.\r\n",
566        "attachments": [],
567        "author": "bortz",
568        "timestamp": "2007-03-26 21:32:39",
569        "last_edited": null,
570        "slug": "7035",
571        "subject": "#7 SMTP enhancement from Dawn Keenan"
572      },
573      {
574        "text": "- **status**: open --> open-later",
575        "attachments": [],
576        "author": "bortz",
577        "timestamp": "2007-03-26 21:32:39",
578        "last_edited": null,
579        "slug": "c711",
580        "subject": "#7 SMTP enhancement from Dawn Keenan"
581      },
582      {
583        "text": "Logged In: YES \nuser\\_id=25865\nOriginator: NO\n\nSee \\#1692780",
584        "attachments": [],
585        "author": "bortz",
586        "timestamp": "2007-04-02 10:27:50",
587        "last_edited": null,
588        "slug": "29c2",
589        "subject": "#7 SMTP enhancement from Dawn Keenan"
590      }
591    ],
592    "discussion_id": "518aabb45fcbc979b923a2dd",
593    "subject": ""
594  },
595  "mod_date": "2007-03-26 21:32:39",
596  "votes_down": 0,
597  "votes_up": 0,
598  "_id": "518aabbf5fcbc979b923a3d1",
599  "discussion_thread_url": "http://sourceforge.net/rest/p/echoping/patches/_discuss/thread/884a274b/",
600  "ticket_num": 7,
601  "custom_fields": {
602    "_priority": "5"
603  },
604  "created_date": "2006-06-26 14:53:45"
606  "status": "open",
607  "reported_by_id": "4f3540db0594ca2bc0000b32",
608  "related_artifacts": [],
609  "attachments": [],
610  "reported_by": "bortz",
611  "assigned_to": "bortz",
612  "labels": [],
613  "discussion_disabled": false,
614  "assigned_to_id": "4f3540db0594ca2bc0000b32",
615  "private": false,
616  "summary": "Hanging fgets if the server is down",
617  "description": "Sent from \"Moelaert, J.P. \\(Johan\\)\" <J.P.Moelaert@utwente.nl>. Not confirmed with echoping 6.\r\n\r\n\r\nI've been using echoping for a month to test if a proxyserver.\r\nSince yesterday I wanted tio use it to test if a webhare server was\r\nrunning.\r\nThe command used was:\r\n\r\nechoping -t1 -h https://webhare.utwente.nl weblx030.civ.utwente.nl:80\r\n\r\nIt seemed to work.\r\nBut when the website was down the command seemed to hang in its fgets\r\ncall.\r\nExport help refered me to\r\n\r\nhttp://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.development.system/browse\\_f\r\nrm/thread/20118509359c9292/19bd5388e468c1fa?lnk=st&q=SIGALRM+fgets&rnum=\r\n12&hl=en\\#19bd5388e468c1fa\r\n<http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.development.system/browse\\_\r\nfrm/thread/20118509359c9292/19bd5388e468c1fa?lnk=st&q=SIGALRM+fgets&rnum\r\n=12&hl=en\\#19bd5388e468c1fa>\r\n\r\nThis describes a similar problem with fgets.\r\nI added the following to readline.c in the function readline\r\n\r\nfd\\_set rfds;\r\nstruct timeval tv;\r\nint retval, fd= fileno\\(fs\\);\r\n\r\n/\\* watch fildescriptor to see when it has input. \\*/\r\nFD\\_ZERO\\(&rfds\\);\r\nFD\\_SET\\(fd, &rfds\\);\r\n/\\* wait up to number of seconds indicated by timeout \\*/\r\ntv.tv\\_sec = timeout;\r\ntv.tv\\_usec = 0;\r\n/\\* use select to determine readability \\*/\r\nretval = select\\( fd, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv \\);\r\n\r\n/\\* let's see what we got \\*/\r\nif \\( retval == -1 \\) \\{\r\nperror\\(\"select\\(\\)\"\\);\r\nreturn \\(-1\\);\r\n\\} else if \\( retval == 0 \\) \\{\r\n/\\* timeout reached \\*/\r\nreturn \\(-1\\);         \r\n\\}\r\n/\\* passed the select; start reading from a valid stream \\*/\r\n\r\nI also brought the timeout in main from echoping.c to global level.\r\nThis was then declared as external in readline.c\r\n\r\nThis solved my problem with a hanging fgets.\r\n",
618  "discussion_thread": {
619    "_id": "48ab69c7",
620    "posts": [
621      {
622        "text": "k6WEof  <a href=\"http://gosjohgbbzhk.com/\">gosjohgbbzhk</a>, \\[url=http://ufkdhpznjmpw.com/\\]ufkdhpznjmpw\\[/url\\], \\[link=http://nhafrpxtcgyw.com/\\]nhafrpxtcgyw\\[/link\\], http://tvuxugxrdfgj.com/",
623        "attachments": [],
624        "author": "nobody",
625        "timestamp": "2013-04-15 07:48:11",
626        "last_edited": null,
627        "slug": "521f",
628        "subject": "#8 Hanging fgets if the server is down"
629      }
630    ],
631    "discussion_id": "518aabb45fcbc979b923a2dd",
632    "subject": ""
633  },
634  "mod_date": "2007-03-26 21:09:01",
635  "votes_down": 0,
636  "votes_up": 0,
637  "_id": "518aabc05fcbc979b923a402",
638  "discussion_thread_url": "http://sourceforge.net/rest/p/echoping/patches/_discuss/thread/48ab69c7/",
639  "ticket_num": 8,
640  "custom_fields": {
641    "_priority": "5"
642  },
643  "created_date": "2007-03-26 21:09:01"
645  "status": "open",
646  "reported_by_id": "518aabc15fcbc979b923a410",
647  "related_artifacts": [],
648  "attachments": [],
649  "reported_by": "zu2",
650  "assigned_to": null,
651  "labels": [],
652  "discussion_disabled": false,
653  "assigned_to_id": null,
654  "private": false,
655  "summary": "'Cannot load \".so\"' patch on CentOS 5.4",
656  "description": "When running echoping 6.0.2 on the CentOS 5.4 with option \"-m\", it becomes an error. \r\n\r\nThe same variable is used at line 476 in echoping.c , as the destination and the argument of sprintf.\r\n\r\nI think that is reason for 'Cannot load \".so\"'.\r\n\r\nI wrote a patch here. \r\n\r\nthanks.",
657  "discussion_thread": {
658    "_id": "feaaf7e8",
659    "posts": [
660      {
661        "text": "",
662        "attachments": [
663          {
664            "url": "http://sourceforge.net/p/echoping/patches/_discuss/thread/feaaf7e8/d995/attachment/echoping.patch.txt",
665            "bytes": 652
666          }
667        ],
668        "author": "zu2",
669        "timestamp": "2010-01-21 12:19:35",
670        "last_edited": null,
671        "slug": "d995",
672        "subject": "#9 'Cannot load \".so\"' patch on CentOS 5.4"
673      },
674      {
675        "text": "\\# ./echoping -m dns\r\nCannot load \".so\" \\(I tried the short name, then the complete name in \"/usr/lib/echoping\"\\): /usr/lib/echoping/.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory\r\n\\#\r\n",
676        "attachments": [],
677        "author": "zu2",
678        "timestamp": "2010-01-21 12:20:22",
679        "last_edited": null,
680        "slug": "b050",
681        "subject": "#9 'Cannot load \".so\"' patch on CentOS 5.4"
682      },
683      {
684        "text": "g3VkG7  <a href=\"http://owhoajeejjei.com/\">owhoajeejjei</a>, \\[url=http://qsyegjeevmkc.com/\\]qsyegjeevmkc\\[/url\\], \\[link=http://rirzyefjjvhb.com/\\]rirzyefjjvhb\\[/link\\], http://rhwqixzbyfza.com/",
685        "attachments": [],
686        "author": "nobody",
687        "timestamp": "2013-04-15 20:16:36",
688        "last_edited": null,
689        "slug": "c13b",
690        "subject": "#9 'Cannot load \".so\"' patch on CentOS 5.4"
691      }
692    ],
693    "discussion_id": "518aabb45fcbc979b923a2dd",
694    "subject": ""
695  },
696  "mod_date": "2010-01-21 12:19:35",
697  "votes_down": 0,
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700  "discussion_thread_url": "http://sourceforge.net/rest/p/echoping/patches/_discuss/thread/feaaf7e8/",
701  "ticket_num": 9,
702  "custom_fields": {
703    "_priority": "5"
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