4 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5 // Name:        linux/timer.h
6 // Purpose:
7 // Author:      Joachim Buermann
8 // Id:          $Id: timer.h,v 2004/11/24 10:30:11 jb Exp $
9 // Copyright:   (c) 2001 Joachim Buermann
10 // Licence:     wxWindows licence
11 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
13 /**
14    \file timer.h
15 */
17 #include <pthread.h>
19 namespace ctb {
21 /*!
22   \brief A data struct, using from class timer.
23 */
24     struct timer_control
25     {
26 	   /*!
27 		under linux, we used usec internally
28 	   */
29 	   unsigned int usecs;
30 	   /*!
31 		covers the adress of the exitflag
32 	   */
33 	   int *exitflag;
34 	   /*!
35 		covers the adress of the exit function. NULL, if
36 		there was no exit function.
37 	   */
38 	   void* (*exitfnc)(void*);
39     };
41 /*!
42   \class Timer
43   \brief A thread based timer class for handling timeouts in
44   an easier way.
46   On starting every timer instance will create it's own thread.
47   The thread makes simply nothing, until it's given time is over.
48   After that, he set a variable, refer by it's adress to one
49   and exit.
51   There are a lot of situations, which the timer class must handle.
52   The timer instance leaves his valid range (for example, the
53   timer instance is local inside a function, and the function fished)
54   BEFORE the thread was ending. In this case, the destructor must
55   terminate the thread in a correct way. (This is very different
56   between the OS. threads are a system resource like file descriptors
57   and must be deallocated after using it).
59   The thread should be asynchronously stopped. Means, under all
60   circumstance, it must be possible, to finish the timer and start
61   it again.
63   Several timer instance can be used simultanously.
64 */
65     class Timer
66     {
67     protected:
68 	   /*!
69 		control covers the time interval, the adress
70 		of the exitflag, and if not null, a function, which will
71 		be called on the end.
72 	   */
73 	   timer_control control;
74 	   /*!
75 		stopped will be set by calling the stop() method.
76 		Internaly the timer thread steadily tests the state of
77 		this variable. If stopped not zero, the thread will be
78 		finished.
79 	   */
80 	   int stopped;
81 	   /*!
82 		under linux we use the pthread library. tid covers the
83 		identifier for a separate threads.
84 	   */
85 	   pthread_t tid;
86 	   /*!
87 		here we store the time interval, whilst the timer run.
88 		This is waste!!!
89 	   */
90 	   unsigned int timer_secs;
92     public:
93 	   /*!
94 		The constructor creates an timer object with the given
95 		properties. The timer at this moment is not started. This
96 		will be done with the start() member function.
97 		\param msec time interval after that the the variable
98 		pointed by exitflag is setting to one.
99 		\param exitflag the adress of an integer, which was set
100 		to one after the given time interval.
101 		\warning The integer variable shouldn't leave it's valid
102 		range, before the timer was finished. So never take a
103 		local variable.
104 		\param exitfnc A function, which was called after msec.
105 		If you don't want this, refer a NULL pointer.
106 	   */
107 	   Timer(unsigned int msec,int* exitflag,void*(*exitfnc)(void*));
108 	   /*!
109 		the destructor. If his was called (for example by leaving the
110 		valid range of the timer object), the timer thread automaticaly
111 		will finished. The exitflag wouldn't be set, also the exitfnc
112 		wouldn't be called.
113 	   */
114 	   ~Timer();
115 	   /*!
116 		starts the timer. But now a thread will created and started.
117 		After this, the timer thread will be running until he was stopped
118 		by calling stop() or reached his given time interval.
119 	   */
120 	   int start();
121 	   /*!
122 		stops the timer and canceled the timer thread. After timer::stop() a new
123 		start() will started the timer from beginning.
124 	   */
125 	   int stop();
126     };
128 /*!
129   \brief sleepms
130   A plattform independent function, to go to sleep for the given
131   time interval.
132   \param ms time interval in milli seconds
133 */
134     void sleepms(unsigned int ms);
136 } // namespace ctb
138 #endif