1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2# Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
4# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6# You may obtain a copy of the License at
8#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14# limitations under the License.
15"""Shared utility methods for manipulating metadata of requests and resources."""
17from __future__ import absolute_import
18from __future__ import print_function
19from __future__ import division
20from __future__ import unicode_literals
22import six
23from gslib.third_party.storage_apitools import storage_v1_messages as apitools_messages
26def AddAcceptEncodingGzipIfNeeded(headers_dict, compressed_encoding=False):
27  if compressed_encoding:
28    # If we send accept-encoding: gzip with a range request, the service
29    # may respond with the whole object, which would be bad for resuming.
30    # So only accept gzip encoding if the object we are downloading has
31    # a gzip content encoding.
32    # TODO: If we want to support compressive transcoding fully in the client,
33    # condition on whether we are requesting the entire range of the object.
34    # In this case, we can accept the first bytes of the object compressively
35    # transcoded, but we must perform data integrity checking on bytes after
36    # they are decompressed on-the-fly, and any connection break must be
37    # resumed without compressive transcoding since we cannot specify an
38    # offset. We would also need to ensure that hashes for downloaded data
39    # from objects stored with content-encoding:gzip continue to be calculated
40    # prior to our own on-the-fly decompression so they match the stored hashes.
41    headers_dict['accept-encoding'] = 'gzip'
44def CreateCustomMetadata(entries=None, custom_metadata=None):
45  """Creates a custom MetadataValue object.
47  Inserts the key/value pairs in entries.
49  Args:
50    entries: (Dict[str, Any] or None) The dictionary containing key/value pairs
51        to insert into metadata. Both the key and value must be able to be
52        casted to a string type.
53    custom_metadata (apitools_messages.Object.MetadataValue or None): A
54        pre-existing custom metadata object to add to. If one is not provided,
55        a new one will be constructed.
57  Returns:
58    An apitools_messages.Object.MetadataValue.
59  """
60  if custom_metadata is None:
61    custom_metadata = apitools_messages.Object.MetadataValue(
62        additionalProperties=[])
63  if entries is None:
64    entries = {}
65  for key, value in six.iteritems(entries):
66    custom_metadata.additionalProperties.append(
67        apitools_messages.Object.MetadataValue.AdditionalProperty(
68            key=str(key), value=str(value)))
69  return custom_metadata
72def GetValueFromObjectCustomMetadata(obj_metadata,
73                                     search_key,
74                                     default_value=None):
75  """Filters a specific element out of an object's custom metadata.
77  Args:
78    obj_metadata: (apitools_messages.Object) The metadata for an object.
79    search_key: (str) The custom metadata key to search for.
80    default_value: (Any) The default value to use for the key if it cannot be
81        found.
83  Returns:
84    (Tuple(bool, Any)) A tuple indicating if the value could be found in
85    metadata and a value corresponding to search_key (the value at the specified
86    key in custom metadata, or the default value if the specified key does not
87    exist in the custom metadata).
88  """
89  try:
90    value = next((attr.value
91                  for attr in obj_metadata.metadata.additionalProperties
92                  if attr.key == search_key), None)
93    if value is None:
94      return False, default_value
95    return True, value
96  except AttributeError:
97    return False, default_value
100def IsCustomMetadataHeader(header):
101  """Returns true if header (which must be lowercase) is a custom header."""
102  return header.startswith('x-goog-meta-') or header.startswith('x-amz-meta-')
105def ObjectIsGzipEncoded(obj_metadata):
106  """Returns true if the apitools_messages.Object has gzip content-encoding."""
107  return (obj_metadata.contentEncoding and
108          obj_metadata.contentEncoding.lower().endswith('gzip'))