1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2001-2003 FhG Fokus
3  * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 1&1 Internet AG
4  *
5  * This file is part of Kamailio, a free SIP server.
6  *
7  * Kamailio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10  * (at your option) any later version
11  *
12  * Kamailio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
20  */
22 /**
23  * \file lib/srdb1/db_val.h
24  * \brief Data structures that represents values in the database.
25  *
26  * This file defines data structures that represents values in the database.
27  * Several datatypes are recognized and converted by the database API.
28  * Available types: DB1_INT, DB1_DOUBLE, DB1_STRING, DB1_STR, DB1_DATETIME, DB1_BLOB and DB1_BITMAP
29  * It also provides some macros for convenient access to this values,
30  * and a function to convert a str to a value.
31  * \ingroup db1
32  */
35 #ifndef DB1_VAL_H
36 #define DB1_VAL_H
38 #include "db_con.h"
39 #include <time.h>
40 #include "../../core/str.h"
43 /**
44  * Each cell in a database table can be of a different type. To distinguish
45  * among these types, the db_type_t enumeration is used. Every value of the
46  * enumeration represents one datatype that is recognized by the database
47  * API.
48  */
49 typedef enum {
50 	DB1_INT,        /**< represents an 32 bit integer number      */
51 	DB1_BIGINT,     /**< represents an 64 bit integer number      */
52 	DB1_DOUBLE,     /**< represents a floating point number       */
53 	DB1_STRING,     /**< represents a zero terminated const char* */
54 	DB1_STR,        /**< represents a string of 'str' type        */
55 	DB1_DATETIME,   /**< represents date and time                 */
56 	DB1_BLOB,       /**< represents a large binary object         */
57 	DB1_BITMAP,     /**< an one-dimensional array of 32 flags     */
58 	DB1_UINT,       /**< represents an 32 bit unsigned int number */
59 	DB1_UBIGINT,    /**< represents an 64 bit unsigned int number */
60 	DB1_UNKNOWN     /**< represents an unknown type               */
61 } db_type_t;
64 /**
65  * This structure represents a value in the database. Several datatypes are
66  * recognized and converted by the database API. These datatypes are automaticaly
67  * recognized, converted from internal database representation and stored in the
68  * variable of corresponding type.
69  *
70  * Module that want to use this values needs to copy them to another memory
71  * location, because after the call to free_result there are not more available.
72  *
73  * If the structure holds a pointer to a string value that needs to be freed
74  * because the module allocated new memory for it then the free flag must
75  * be set to a non-zero value. A free flag of zero means that the string
76  * data must be freed internally by the database driver.
77  */
78 typedef struct {
79 	db_type_t type; /**< Type of the value                              */
80 	int nul;		/**< Means that the column in database has no value */
81 	int free;		/**< Means that the value should be freed */
82 	/** Column value structure that holds the actual data in a union.  */
83 	union {
84 		int            int_val;    /**< integer value              */
85 		long long      ll_val;     /**< long long value            */
86 		double         double_val; /**< double value               */
87 		time_t         time_val;   /**< unix time_t value          */
88 		const char*    string_val; /**< zero terminated string     */
89 		str            str_val;    /**< str type string value      */
90 		str            blob_val;   /**< binary object data         */
91 		unsigned int   bitmap_val; /**< Bitmap data type           */
92 		unsigned int   uint_val;   /**< unsigned integer value     */
93 		unsigned long long ull_val;  /**< unsigned long long value */
94 	} val;
95 } db_val_t;
98 /**
99  * Useful macros for accessing attributes of db_val structure.
100  * All macros expect a reference to a db_val_t variable as parameter.
101  */
103 /**
104  * Use this macro if you need to set/get the type of the value.
105  */
106 #define VAL_TYPE(dv)   ((dv)->type)
109 /**
110  * Use this macro if you need to set/get the null flag. A non-zero flag means that
111  * the corresponding cell in the database contains no data (a NULL value in MySQL
112  * terminology).
113  */
114 #define VAL_NULL(dv)   ((dv)->nul)
117 /**
118  * Use this macro if you need to set/ get the free flag. A non-zero flag means that
119  * the corresponding cell in the database contains data that must be freed from the
120  * DB API.
121  */
122 #define VAL_FREE(dv)   ((dv)->free)
125 /**
126  * Use this macro if you need to access the integer value in the db_val_t structure.
127  */
128 #define VAL_INT(dv)    ((dv)->val.int_val)
131 /**
132  * Use this macro if you need to access the unsigned integer value in
133  * the db_val_t structure.
134  */
135 #define VAL_UINT(dv)    ((dv)->val.uint_val)
138 /**
139  * Use this macro if you need to access the long long value in the db_val_t structure.
140  */
141 #define VAL_BIGINT(dv)    ((dv)->val.ll_val)
143 /**
144  * Use this macro if you need to access the unsigned long long value in
145  * the db_val_t structure.
146  */
147 #define VAL_UBIGINT(dv)   ((dv)->val.ull_val)
149 /**
150  * Use this macro if you need to access the double value in the db_val_t structure.
151  */
152 #define VAL_DOUBLE(dv) ((dv)->val.double_val)
155 /**
156  * Use this macro if you need to access the time_t value in the db_val_t structure.
157  */
158 #define VAL_TIME(dv)   ((dv)->val.time_val)
161 /**
162  * Use this macro if you need to access the string value in the db_val_t structure.
163  */
164 #define VAL_STRING(dv) ((dv)->val.string_val)
167 /**
168  * Use this macro if you need to access the str structure in the db_val_t structure.
169  */
170 #define VAL_STR(dv)    ((dv)->val.str_val)
173 /**
174  * Use this macro if you need to access the blob value in the db_val_t structure.
175  */
176 #define VAL_BLOB(dv)   ((dv)->val.blob_val)
179 /**
180  * Use this macro if you need to access the bitmap value in the db_val_t structure.
181  */
182 #define VAL_BITMAP(dv) ((dv)->val.bitmap_val)
185 /*!
186  * \brief Convert a str to a db value
187  *
188  * Convert a str to a db value, does not copy strings if _cpy is zero
189  * \param _t destination value type
190  * \param _v destination value
191  * \param _s source string
192  * \param _l string length
193  * \param _cpy when set to zero does not copy strings, otherwise copy strings
194  * \return 0 on success, negative on error
195  */
196 int db_str2val(const db_type_t _t, db_val_t* _v, const char* _s, const int _l,
197 		const unsigned int _cpy);
200 /*!
201  * \brief Convert a numerical value to a string
202  *
203  * Convert a numerical value to a string, used when converting result from a query.
204  * Implement common functionality needed from the databases, does parameter checking.
205  * \param _c database connection
206  * \param _v source value
207  * \param _s target string
208  * \param _len target string length
209  * \return 0 on success, negative on error, 1 if value must be converted by other means
210  */
211 int db_val2str(const db1_con_t* _c, const db_val_t* _v, char* _s, int* _len);
213 #endif /* DB1_VAL_H */