1 /*
2 linphone
3 Copyright (C) 2017  Belledonne Communications SARL
5 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
7 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
8 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
18 */
20 #include "lime.h"
21 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
22 #include "config.h"
23 #endif
25 #ifdef HAVE_LIME
26 #include "private.h"
27 #include "bctoolbox/crypto.h"
28 #include "bctoolbox/port.h"
29 #include "bzrtp/bzrtp.h"
33 /**
34  * @brief check at runtime if LIME is available
35  *
36  * @return TRUE when Lime was fully compiled, FALSE when it wasn't
37  */
lime_is_available(void)38 bool_t lime_is_available(void) { return TRUE; }
lime_getCachedSndKeysByURI(void * cachedb,limeURIKeys_t * associatedKeys)40 int lime_getCachedSndKeysByURI(void *cachedb, limeURIKeys_t *associatedKeys) {
41 	sqlite3 *db = (sqlite3 *)cachedb;
42 	size_t keysFound = 0; /* used to detect the no key found error because of validity expired */
43 	char *stmt = NULL;
44 	int ret;
45 	sqlite3_stmt *sqlStmt = NULL;
46 	int length =0;
47 	uint8_t pvsOne[1] = {0x01}; /* used to bind this specific byte value to a blob WHERE constraint in the query */
49 	if (cachedb == NULL ) { /* there is no cache return error */
51 	}
53 	/* reset number of associated keys and their buffer */
54 	associatedKeys->associatedZIDNumber = 0;
55 	associatedKeys->peerKeys = NULL;
57 	/* query the DB: join ziduri, lime and zrtp tables : retrieve zuid(for easier key update in cache), peerZID, sndKey, sndSId, sndIndex, valid where self and peer ZIDs are matching constraint and pvs is raised */
58 	/* Note: retrieved potentially expired keys, just to be able to send a different status to caller(no keys found is not expired key found) */
59 	/* if we do not have self uri in associatedKeys, just retrieve any available key matching peer URI */
60 	if (associatedKeys->selfURI == NULL) {
61 		stmt = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT zu.zuid, zu.zid as peerZID, l.sndkey, l.sndSId, l.sndIndex, l.valid FROM ziduri as zu LEFT JOIN zrtp as z ON z.zuid=zu.zuid LEFT JOIN lime as l ON z.zuid=l.zuid WHERE zu.peeruri=? AND z.pvs=?;");
62 		ret = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, -1, &sqlStmt, NULL);
63 		sqlite3_free(stmt);
64 		if (ret != SQLITE_OK) {
65 			return LIME_INVALID_CACHE;
66 		}
67 		sqlite3_bind_text(sqlStmt, 1, associatedKeys->peerURI,-1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
68 		sqlite3_bind_blob(sqlStmt, 2, pvsOne, 1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
69 	} else { /* we have a self URI, so include it in the query */
70 		stmt = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT zu.zuid, zu.zid as peerZID, l.sndkey, l.sndSId, l.sndIndex, l.valid FROM ziduri as zu LEFT JOIN zrtp as z ON z.zuid=zu.zuid LEFT JOIN lime as l ON z.zuid=l.zuid WHERE zu.selfuri=? AND zu.peeruri=? AND z.pvs=?;");
71 		ret = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, -1, &sqlStmt, NULL);
72 		sqlite3_free(stmt);
73 		if (ret != SQLITE_OK) {
74 			return LIME_INVALID_CACHE;
75 		}
76 		sqlite3_bind_text(sqlStmt, 1, associatedKeys->selfURI,-1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
77 		sqlite3_bind_text(sqlStmt, 2, associatedKeys->peerURI,-1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
78 		sqlite3_bind_blob(sqlStmt, 3, pvsOne, 1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
79 	}
81 	/* parse all retrieved rows */
82 	while ((ret = sqlite3_step(sqlStmt)) == SQLITE_ROW) {
83 		/* allocate a new limeKey_t structure to hold the retreived keys */
84 		limeKey_t *currentPeerKey = (limeKey_t *)bctbx_malloc0(sizeof(limeKey_t));
85 		bctoolboxTimeSpec currentTimeSpec;
86 		bctoolboxTimeSpec validityTimeSpec;
87 		validityTimeSpec.tv_sec=0;
88 		validityTimeSpec.tv_nsec=0;
90 		/* get zuid from column 0 */
91 		currentPeerKey->zuid = sqlite3_column_int(sqlStmt, 0);
93 		/* retrieve values : peerZid, sndKey, sndSId, sndIndex, valid from columns 1,2,3,4,5 */
94 		length = sqlite3_column_bytes(sqlStmt, 1);
95 		if (length==12) { /* peerZID */
96 			memcpy(currentPeerKey->peerZID, sqlite3_column_blob(sqlStmt, 1), length);
97 		} else { /* something wrong with that one, skip it */
98 			continue;
99 		}
101 		length = sqlite3_column_bytes(sqlStmt, 2);
102 		if (length==32) { /* sndKey */
103 			memcpy(currentPeerKey->key, sqlite3_column_blob(sqlStmt, 2), length);
104 		} else { /* something wrong with that one, skip it */
105 			continue;
106 		}
108 		length = sqlite3_column_bytes(sqlStmt, 3);
109 		if (length==32) { /* sndSId */
110 			memcpy(currentPeerKey->sessionId, sqlite3_column_blob(sqlStmt, 3), length);
111 		} else { /* something wrong with that one, skip it */
112 			continue;
113 		}
115 		length = sqlite3_column_bytes(sqlStmt, 4);
116 		if (length==4) { /* sndIndex : 4 bytes of a uint32_t, stored as a blob in big endian */
117 			uint8_t *sessionId = (uint8_t *)sqlite3_column_blob(sqlStmt, 4);
118 			currentPeerKey->sessionIndex = ((uint32_t)(sessionId[0]))<<24 |
119 							((uint32_t)(sessionId[1]))<<16 |
120 							((uint32_t)(sessionId[2]))<<8 |
121 							((uint32_t)(sessionId[3]));
122 		} else { /* something wrong with that one, skip it */
123 			continue;
124 		}
126 		length = sqlite3_column_bytes(sqlStmt, 5);
127 		if (length==8) { /* sndIndex : 8 bytes of a int64_t, stored as a blob in big endian */
128 			uint8_t *validity = (uint8_t *)sqlite3_column_blob(sqlStmt, 5);
129 			validityTimeSpec.tv_sec = ((uint64_t)(validity[0]))<<56 |
130 							((uint64_t)(validity[1]))<<48 |
131 							((uint64_t)(validity[2]))<<40 |
132 							((uint64_t)(validity[3]))<<32 |
133 							((uint64_t)(validity[4]))<<24 |
134 							((uint64_t)(validity[5]))<<16 |
135 							((uint64_t)(validity[6]))<<8 |
136 							((uint64_t)(validity[7]));
137 		} else { /* something wrong with that one, skip it */
138 			continue;
139 		}
141 		/* count is a found even if it may be expired */
142 		keysFound++;
144 		/* check validity */
145 		bctbx_get_utc_cur_time(&currentTimeSpec);
146 		if (validityTimeSpec.tv_sec == 0 || bctbx_timespec_compare(&currentTimeSpec, &validityTimeSpec)<0) {
147 			associatedKeys->associatedZIDNumber +=1;
148 			/* extend array of pointer to limeKey_t structures to add the one we found */
149 			associatedKeys->peerKeys = (limeKey_t **)bctbx_realloc(associatedKeys->peerKeys, (associatedKeys->associatedZIDNumber)*sizeof(limeKey_t *));
151 			/* add the new entry at the end */
152 			associatedKeys->peerKeys[associatedKeys->associatedZIDNumber-1] = currentPeerKey;
153 		} else {
154 			free(currentPeerKey);
155 		}
156 	}
158 	sqlite3_finalize(sqlStmt);
160 	/* something is wrong with the cache? */
161 	if (ret!=SQLITE_DONE) {
162 		return LIME_INVALID_CACHE;
163 	}
165 	/* we're done, check what we have */
166 	if (associatedKeys->associatedZIDNumber == 0) {
167 		if (keysFound == 0) {
169 		} else {
171 		}
172 	}
173 	return 0;
175 }
lime_getCachedRcvKeyByZid(void * cachedb,limeKey_t * associatedKey,const char * selfURI,const char * peerURI)177 int lime_getCachedRcvKeyByZid(void *cachedb, limeKey_t *associatedKey, const char *selfURI, const char *peerURI) {
178 	sqlite3 *db = (sqlite3 *)cachedb;
179 	char *stmt = NULL;
180 	int ret;
181 	sqlite3_stmt *sqlStmt = NULL;
182 	int length =0;
183 	uint8_t pvsOne[1] = {0x01}; /* used to bind this specific byte value to a blob WHERE constraint in the query */
186 	if (db == NULL) { /* there is no cache return error */
187 		return LIME_INVALID_CACHE;
188 	}
190 	/* query the DB: join ziduri, lime and zrtp tables : */
191 	/* retrieve zuid(for easier key update in cache), rcvKey, rcvSId, rcvIndex where self/peer uris and peer zid are matching constraint(unique row) and pvs is raised */
192 	/* Note: retrieved potentially expired keys, just to be able to send a different status to caller(no keys found is not expired key found) */
193 	/* if we do not have self uri in associatedKeys, just retrieve any available key matching peer URI */
194 	stmt = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT zu.zuid, l.rcvkey, l.rcvSId, l.rcvIndex FROM ziduri as zu LEFT JOIN zrtp as z ON z.zuid=zu.zuid LEFT JOIN lime as l ON z.zuid=l.zuid WHERE zu.selfuri=? AND zu.peeruri=? AND zu.zid=? AND z.pvs=? LIMIT 1;");
195 	ret = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmt, -1, &sqlStmt, NULL);
196 	sqlite3_free(stmt);
197 	if (ret != SQLITE_OK) {
198 		return LIME_INVALID_CACHE;
199 	}
200 	sqlite3_bind_text(sqlStmt, 1, selfURI,-1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
201 	sqlite3_bind_text(sqlStmt, 2, peerURI,-1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
202 	sqlite3_bind_blob(sqlStmt, 3, associatedKey->peerZID, 12, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
203 	sqlite3_bind_blob(sqlStmt, 4, pvsOne, 1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
206 	if ((ret = sqlite3_step(sqlStmt)) == SQLITE_ROW) { /* we found a row */
207 		/* get zuid from column 0 */
208 		associatedKey->zuid = sqlite3_column_int(sqlStmt, 0);
210 		/* retrieve values : rcvKey, rcvSId, rcvIndex from columns 1,2,3 */
211 		length = sqlite3_column_bytes(sqlStmt, 1);
212 		if (length==32) { /* rcvKey */
213 			memcpy(associatedKey->key, sqlite3_column_blob(sqlStmt, 1), length);
214 		} else { /* something wrong */
215 			sqlite3_finalize(sqlStmt);
217 		}
219 		length = sqlite3_column_bytes(sqlStmt, 2);
220 		if (length==32) { /* rcvSId */
221 			memcpy(associatedKey->sessionId, sqlite3_column_blob(sqlStmt, 2), length);
222 		} else { /* something wrong */
223 			sqlite3_finalize(sqlStmt);
225 		}
227 		length = sqlite3_column_bytes(sqlStmt, 3);
228 		if (length==4) { /* rcvKey */
229 			uint8_t *sessionId = (uint8_t *)sqlite3_column_blob(sqlStmt, 3);
230 			associatedKey->sessionIndex = ((uint32_t)(sessionId[0]))<<24 |
231 							((uint32_t)(sessionId[1]))<<16 |
232 							((uint32_t)(sessionId[2]))<<8 |
233 							((uint32_t)(sessionId[3]));
234 		} else { /* something wrong */
235 			sqlite3_finalize(sqlStmt);
237 		}
239 		sqlite3_finalize(sqlStmt);
240 		return 0;
241 	}
243 	/* something is wrong with the cache? */
244 	if (ret!=SQLITE_DONE) {
245 		return LIME_INVALID_CACHE;
246 	}
248 	/* reach here if the query executed correctly but returned no result */
250 }
lime_setCachedKey(void * cachedb,limeKey_t * associatedKey,uint8_t role,uint64_t validityTimeSpan)252 int lime_setCachedKey(void *cachedb, limeKey_t *associatedKey, uint8_t role, uint64_t validityTimeSpan) {
253 	bctoolboxTimeSpec currentTime;
254 	/* columns to be written in cache */
255 	char *colNamesSender[] = {"sndKey", "sndSId", "sndIndex"}; /* Sender never update the validity period */
256 	char *colNamesReceiver[] = {"rcvKey", "rcvSId", "rcvIndex", "valid"};
257 	uint8_t *colValues[4];
258 	uint8_t sessionIndex[4]; /* buffer to hold the uint32_t buffer index in big endian */
259 	size_t colLength[] = {32, 32, 4, 8}; /* data length: keys and session ID : 32 bytes, Index: 4 bytes(uint32_t), validity : 8 bytes(UTC time as int64_t) */
260 	int colNums;
262 	if (cachedb == NULL  || associatedKey == NULL) { /* there is no cache return error */
263 		return LIME_INVALID_CACHE;
264 	}
266 	/* wrap values to be written */
267 	sessionIndex[0] = (associatedKey->sessionIndex>>24)&0xFF;
268 	sessionIndex[1] = (associatedKey->sessionIndex>>16)&0xFF;
269 	sessionIndex[2] = (associatedKey->sessionIndex>>8)&0xFF;
270 	sessionIndex[3] = (associatedKey->sessionIndex)&0xFF;
271 	colValues[0] = associatedKey->key;
272 	colValues[1] = associatedKey->sessionId;
273 	colValues[2] = sessionIndex;
275 	/* shall we update valid column? Enforce only when receiver, if timeSpan is 0, just ignore */
276 	if (validityTimeSpan > 0 && role == LIME_RECEIVER) {
277 		bctbx_get_utc_cur_time(&currentTime);
278 		bctbx_timespec_add(&currentTime, validityTimeSpan);
279 		/* store the int64_t in big endian in the cache(cache is not typed, all data seen as blob) */
280 		colValues[3][0] = (currentTime.tv_sec>>56)&0xFF;
281 		colValues[3][1] = (currentTime.tv_sec>>48)&0xFF;
282 		colValues[3][2] = (currentTime.tv_sec>>40)&0xFF;
283 		colValues[3][3] = (currentTime.tv_sec>>32)&0xFF;
284 		colValues[3][4] = (currentTime.tv_sec>>24)&0xFF;
285 		colValues[3][5] = (currentTime.tv_sec>>16)&0xFF;
286 		colValues[3][6] = (currentTime.tv_sec>>8)&0xFF;
287 		colValues[3][7] = (currentTime.tv_sec)&0xFF;
289 		colNums = 4;
290 	} else {
291 		colNums = 3; /* do not write the valid column*/
292 	}
294 	/* update cache */
295 	return bzrtp_cache_write(cachedb, associatedKey->zuid, "lime", role==LIME_SENDER?colNamesSender:colNamesReceiver, colValues, colLength, colNums);
296 }
298 /**
299  * @brief Derive in place the key given in parameter and increment session index
300  * Derivation is made derived Key = HMAC_SHA256(Key, 0x0000001||"MessageKey"||0x00||SessionId||SessionIndex||256)
301  *
302  * @param[in/out]	key		The structure containing the original key which will be overwritten, the sessionId and SessionIndex
303  *
304  * @return 0 on success, error code otherwise
305  */
lime_deriveKey(limeKey_t * key)306 static int lime_deriveKey(limeKey_t *key) {
307 	uint8_t inputData[55];
308 	uint8_t derivedKey[32];
310 	if (key == NULL) {
312 	}
314  	/* Derivation is made derived Key = HMAC_SHA256(Key, 0x0000001||"MessageKey"||0x00||SessionId||SessionIndex||0x00000100)*/
315 	/* total data to be hashed is       55 bytes  :           4   +      10     +   1 +     32   +   4         +   4 */
316 	inputData[0] = 0x00;
317 	inputData[1] = 0x00;
318 	inputData[2] = 0x00;
319 	inputData[3] = 0x01;
321 	memcpy(inputData+4, "MessageKey", 10);
323 	inputData[14] = 0x00;
325 	memcpy(inputData+15, key->sessionId, 32);
327 	inputData[47] = (uint8_t)((key->sessionIndex>>24)&0x000000FF);
328 	inputData[48] = (uint8_t)((key->sessionIndex>>16)&0x000000FF);
329 	inputData[49] = (uint8_t)((key->sessionIndex>>8)&0x000000FF);
330 	inputData[50] = (uint8_t)(key->sessionIndex&0x000000FF);
332 	inputData[51] = 0x00;
333 	inputData[52] = 0x00;
334 	inputData[53] = 0x01;
335 	inputData[54] = 0x00;
337 	/* derive the key in a temp buffer */
338 	bctbx_hmacSha256(key->key, 32, inputData, 55, 32, derivedKey);
340 	/* overwrite the old key with the derived one */
341 	memcpy(key->key, derivedKey, 32);
343 	/* increment the session Index */
344 	key->sessionIndex += 1;
345 	return 0;
346 }
lime_freeKeys(limeURIKeys_t * associatedKeys)348 void lime_freeKeys(limeURIKeys_t *associatedKeys) {
349 	int i;
351 	/* free all associated keys */
352 	for (i=0; i< associatedKeys->associatedZIDNumber; i++) {
353 		if (associatedKeys->peerKeys[i] != NULL) {
354 			/*shouldn't we memset to zero the content of peerKeys[i] in order clear keys?*/
355 			free(associatedKeys->peerKeys[i]);
356 			associatedKeys->peerKeys[i] = NULL;
357 		}
358 	}
360 	bctbx_free(associatedKeys->peerKeys);
361 	associatedKeys->peerKeys = NULL;
363 	/* free sipURI strings */
364 	bctbx_free(associatedKeys->selfURI);
365 	associatedKeys->selfURI = NULL;
366 	bctbx_free(associatedKeys->peerURI);
367 	associatedKeys->peerURI = NULL;
368 }
lime_encryptMessage(limeKey_t * key,const uint8_t * plainMessage,uint32_t messageLength,uint8_t selfZID[12],uint8_t * encryptedMessage)370 int lime_encryptMessage(limeKey_t *key, const uint8_t *plainMessage, uint32_t messageLength, uint8_t selfZID[12], uint8_t *encryptedMessage) {
371 	uint8_t authenticatedData[28];
372 	/* Authenticated data is senderZID(12 bytes)||receiverZID(12 bytes)||sessionIndex(4 bytes) */
373 	memcpy(authenticatedData, selfZID, 12);
374 	memcpy(authenticatedData+12, key->peerZID, 12);
375 	authenticatedData[24] = (uint8_t)((key->sessionIndex>>24)&0x000000FF);
376 	authenticatedData[25] = (uint8_t)((key->sessionIndex>>16)&0x000000FF);
377 	authenticatedData[26] = (uint8_t)((key->sessionIndex>>8)&0x000000FF);
378 	authenticatedData[27] = (uint8_t)(key->sessionIndex&0x000000FF);
380 	/* AES-GCM : key is 192 bits long, Init Vector 64 bits. 256 bits key given is AES key||IV */
381 	/* tag is 16 bytes long and is set in the 16 first bytes of the encrypted message */
382 	return bctbx_aes_gcm_encrypt_and_tag(key->key, 24,
383 			plainMessage, messageLength,
384 			authenticatedData, 28,
385 			key->key+24, 8, /* IV is at the end(last 64 bits) of the given key buffer */
386 			encryptedMessage, 16, /* the first 16 bytes of output are the authentication tag */
387 			encryptedMessage+16); /* actual encrypted message starts after 16 bytes of authentication tag */
389 	return 0;
390 }
lime_encryptFile(void ** cryptoContext,unsigned char * key,size_t length,char * plain,char * cipher)392 int lime_encryptFile(void **cryptoContext, unsigned char *key, size_t length, char *plain, char *cipher) {
393 	bctbx_aes_gcm_context_t *gcmContext;
395 	if (*cryptoContext == NULL) { /* first call to the function, allocate a crypto context and initialise it */
396 		/* key contains 192bits of key || 64 bits of Initialisation Vector, no additional data */
397 		gcmContext = bctbx_aes_gcm_context_new(key, 24, NULL, 0, key+24, 8, BCTBX_GCM_ENCRYPT);
398 		*cryptoContext = gcmContext;
399 	} else { /* this is not the first call, get the context */
400 		gcmContext = (bctbx_aes_gcm_context_t *)*cryptoContext;
401 	}
403 	if (length != 0) {
404 		bctbx_aes_gcm_process_chunk(gcmContext, (const uint8_t *)plain, length, (uint8_t *)cipher);
405 	} else { /* lenght is 0, finish the stream, no tag to be generated */
406 		bctbx_aes_gcm_finish(gcmContext, NULL, 0);
407 		*cryptoContext = NULL;
408 	}
410 	return 0;
411 }
lime_decryptFile(void ** cryptoContext,unsigned char * key,size_t length,char * plain,char * cipher)413 int lime_decryptFile(void **cryptoContext, unsigned char *key, size_t length, char *plain, char *cipher) {
414 	bctbx_aes_gcm_context_t *gcmContext;
416 	if (*cryptoContext == NULL) { /* first call to the function, allocate a crypto context and initialise it */
417 		/* key contains 192bits of key || 64 bits of Initialisation Vector, no additional data */
418 		gcmContext = bctbx_aes_gcm_context_new(key, 24, NULL, 0, key+24, 8, BCTBX_GCM_DECRYPT);
419 		*cryptoContext = gcmContext;
420 	} else { /* this is not the first call, get the context */
421 		gcmContext = (bctbx_aes_gcm_context_t *)*cryptoContext;
422 	}
424 	if (length != 0) {
425 		bctbx_aes_gcm_process_chunk(gcmContext, (const unsigned char *)cipher, length, (unsigned char *)plain);
426 	} else { /* lenght is 0, finish the stream */
427 		bctbx_aes_gcm_finish(gcmContext, NULL, 0);
428 		*cryptoContext = NULL;
429 	}
431 	return 0;
432 }
lime_decryptMessage(limeKey_t * key,uint8_t * encryptedMessage,uint32_t messageLength,uint8_t selfZID[12],uint8_t * plainMessage)435 int lime_decryptMessage(limeKey_t *key, uint8_t *encryptedMessage, uint32_t messageLength, uint8_t selfZID[12], uint8_t *plainMessage) {
436 	uint8_t authenticatedData[28];
437 	int retval;
439 	/* Authenticated data is senderZID(12 bytes)||receiverZID(12 bytes)||sessionIndex(4 bytes) */
440 	memcpy(authenticatedData, key->peerZID, 12);
441 	memcpy(authenticatedData+12, selfZID, 12);
442 	authenticatedData[24] = (uint8_t)((key->sessionIndex>>24)&0x000000FF);
443 	authenticatedData[25] = (uint8_t)((key->sessionIndex>>16)&0x000000FF);
444 	authenticatedData[26] = (uint8_t)((key->sessionIndex>>8)&0x000000FF);
445 	authenticatedData[27] = (uint8_t)(key->sessionIndex&0x000000FF);
447 	/* AES-GCM : key is 192 bits long, Init Vector 64 bits. 256 bits key given is AES key||IV */
448 	/* tag is 16 bytes long and is the 16 first bytes of the encrypted message */
449 	retval = bctbx_aes_gcm_decrypt_and_auth(key->key, 24, /* key is 192 bits long */
450 			encryptedMessage+16,  messageLength-16, /* encrypted message first 16 bytes store the authentication tag, then is the actual message */
451 			authenticatedData, 28, /* additionnal data needed for authentication */
452 			key->key+24, 8, /* last 8 bytes of key is the initialisation vector */
453 			encryptedMessage, 16, /* first 16 bytes of message is the authentication tag */
454 			plainMessage);
456 	/* add the null termination char */
457 	plainMessage[messageLength-16] = '\0';
459 	return retval;
460 }
lime_createMultipartMessage(void * cachedb,const char * contentType,uint8_t * message,const char * selfURI,const char * peerURI,uint8_t ** output)462 int lime_createMultipartMessage(void *cachedb, const char *contentType, uint8_t *message, const char *selfURI, const char *peerURI, uint8_t **output) {
463 	uint8_t selfZidHex[25];
464 	uint8_t selfZid[12]; /* same data but in byte buffer */
465 	uint32_t encryptedMessageLength;
466 	uint32_t encryptedContentTypeLength;
467 	limeURIKeys_t associatedKeys;
468 	xmlDocPtr xmlOutputMessage;
469 	xmlNodePtr rootNode;
470 	int i,ret;
471 	int xmlStringLength;
472 	xmlChar *local_output = NULL;
474 	/* retrieve selfZIDHex from cache */
475 	if (bzrtp_getSelfZID(cachedb, selfURI, selfZid, NULL) != 0) {
477 	}
479 	/* encrypted message length is plaintext + 16 for tag */
480 	encryptedMessageLength = (uint32_t)strlen((char *)message) + 16;
481 	encryptedContentTypeLength = (uint32_t)strlen((char *)contentType) + 16;
483 	/* retrieve keys associated to the peer URI */
484 	associatedKeys.peerURI = bctbx_strdup(peerURI);
485 	associatedKeys.selfURI = bctbx_strdup(selfURI);
486 	associatedKeys.associatedZIDNumber  = 0;
487 	associatedKeys.peerKeys = NULL;
489 	if ((ret = lime_getCachedSndKeysByURI(cachedb, &associatedKeys)) != 0) {
490 		lime_freeKeys(&associatedKeys);
491 		return ret;
492 	}
494 	/* create an xml doc to hold the multipart message */
495 	xmlOutputMessage = xmlNewDoc((const xmlChar *)"1.0");
496 	/* root tag is "doc" */
497 	rootNode = xmlNewDocNode(xmlOutputMessage, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"doc", NULL);
498 	xmlDocSetRootElement(xmlOutputMessage, rootNode);
499 	/* add the self ZID child, convert it to an hexa string  */
500 	bctbx_int8_to_str(selfZidHex, selfZid, 12);
501 	selfZidHex[24] = '\0'; /* add a NULL termination for libxml */
502 	xmlNewTextChild(rootNode, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"ZID", selfZidHex);
504 	/* loop on all keys found */
505 	for (i=0; i<associatedKeys.associatedZIDNumber; i++) {
506 		uint8_t peerZidHex[25];
507 		uint8_t sessionIndexHex[9];
508 		xmlNodePtr msgNode;
509 		size_t b64Size = 0;
510 		unsigned char *encryptedMessageb64;
511 		unsigned char *encryptedContentTypeb64;
513 		/* encrypt message with current key */
514 		limeKey_t *currentKey = associatedKeys.peerKeys[i];
515 		/* encrypted message include a 16 bytes tag */
516 		uint8_t *encryptedMessage = (uint8_t *)ms_malloc(encryptedMessageLength);
517 		uint8_t *encryptedContentType = (uint8_t *)ms_malloc(encryptedContentTypeLength);
518 		lime_encryptMessage(currentKey, message, (uint32_t)strlen((char *)message), selfZid, encryptedMessage);
519 		lime_encryptMessage(currentKey, (const uint8_t *)contentType, (uint32_t)strlen((char *)contentType), selfZid, encryptedContentType);
520 		/* add a "msg" node the the output message, doc node is :
521 		 * <msg>
522 		 * 		<pzid>peerZID</pzid>
523 		 * 		<index>session index</index>
524 		 * 		<text>ciphertext</text>
525 		 * 		<content-type>ciphertext</content-type>
526 		 * </msg> */
527 		msgNode = xmlNewDocNode(xmlOutputMessage, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"msg", NULL);
528 		bctbx_int8_to_str(peerZidHex, currentKey->peerZID, 12);
529 		peerZidHex[24] = '\0';
530 		bctbx_uint32_to_str(sessionIndexHex, currentKey->sessionIndex);
532 		xmlNewTextChild(msgNode, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"pzid", peerZidHex);
533 		xmlNewTextChild(msgNode, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"index", sessionIndexHex);
535 		/* convert the cipherText to base 64 */
536 		bctbx_base64_encode(NULL, &b64Size, encryptedMessage, encryptedMessageLength); /* b64Size is 0, so it is set to the requested output buffer size */
537 		encryptedMessageb64 = ms_malloc(b64Size+1); /* allocate a buffer of requested size +1 for NULL termination */
538 		bctbx_base64_encode(encryptedMessageb64, &b64Size, encryptedMessage, encryptedMessageLength); /* b64Size is 0, so it is set to the requested output buffer size */
539 		encryptedMessageb64[b64Size] = '\0'; /* libxml need a null terminated string */
540 		xmlNewTextChild(msgNode, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"text", (const xmlChar *)encryptedMessageb64);
541 		ms_free(encryptedMessage);
542 		ms_free(encryptedMessageb64);
544 		/* convert the encrypted content-type to base 64 */
545 		b64Size = 0;
546 		bctbx_base64_encode(NULL, &b64Size, encryptedContentType, encryptedContentTypeLength); /* b64Size is 0, so it is set to the requested output buffer size */
547 		encryptedContentTypeb64 = ms_malloc(b64Size+1); /* allocate a buffer of requested size +1 for NULL termination */
548 		bctbx_base64_encode(encryptedContentTypeb64, &b64Size, encryptedContentType, encryptedContentTypeLength); /* b64Size is 0, so it is set to the requested output buffer size */
549 		encryptedContentTypeb64[b64Size] = '\0'; /* libxml need a null terminated string */
550 		xmlNewTextChild(msgNode, NULL, (const xmlChar *)"content-type", (const xmlChar *)encryptedContentTypeb64);
551 		ms_free(encryptedContentType);
552 		ms_free(encryptedContentTypeb64);
554 		/* add the message Node into the doc */
555 		xmlAddChild(rootNode, msgNode);
557 		/* update the key used */
558 		lime_deriveKey(currentKey);
559 		lime_setCachedKey(cachedb, currentKey, LIME_SENDER, 0); /* never update validity when sending a message */
560 	}
562 	/* dump the whole message doc into the output */
563 	xmlDocDumpFormatMemoryEnc(xmlOutputMessage, &local_output, &xmlStringLength, "UTF-8", 0);
565 	*output = (uint8_t *)ms_malloc(xmlStringLength + 1);
566 	memcpy(*output, local_output, xmlStringLength);
567 	(*output)[xmlStringLength] = '\0';
569 	xmlFree(local_output);
570 	xmlFreeDoc(xmlOutputMessage);
571 	lime_freeKeys(&associatedKeys);
573 	return 0;
574 }
lime_decryptMultipartMessage(void * cachedb,uint8_t * message,const char * selfURI,const char * peerURI,uint8_t ** output,char ** content_type,uint64_t validityTimeSpan)576 int lime_decryptMultipartMessage(void *cachedb, uint8_t *message, const char *selfURI, const char *peerURI, uint8_t **output, char **content_type, uint64_t validityTimeSpan) {
577 	int retval = 0;
578 	uint8_t selfZidHex[25];
579 	uint8_t selfZid[12]; /* same data but in byte buffer */
580 	char xpath_str[MAX_XPATH_LENGTH];
581 	limeKey_t associatedKey;
582 	const char *peerZidHex = NULL;
583 	const char *sessionIndexHex = NULL;
584 	xmlparsing_context_t *xml_ctx;
585 	xmlXPathObjectPtr msg_object;
586 	uint8_t *encryptedMessage = NULL;
587 	size_t encryptedMessageLength = 0;
588 	uint8_t *encryptedContentType = NULL;
589 	size_t encryptedContentTypeLength = 0;
590 	uint32_t usedSessionIndex = 0;
591 	int i;
593 	if (cachedb == NULL) {
594 		return LIME_INVALID_CACHE;
595 	}
597 	/* retrieve selfZID from cache, and convert it to an Hexa buffer to easily match it against hex string containg in xml message as pzid */
598 	if (bzrtp_getSelfZID(cachedb, selfURI, selfZid, NULL) != 0) {
599 		ms_error("[LIME] Couldn't get self ZID");
601 	}
602 	bctbx_int8_to_str(selfZidHex, selfZid, 12);
603 	selfZidHex[24]='\0';
605 	xml_ctx = linphone_xmlparsing_context_new();
606 	xmlSetGenericErrorFunc(xml_ctx, linphone_xmlparsing_genericxml_error);
607 	xml_ctx->doc = xmlReadDoc((const unsigned char*)message, 0, NULL, 0);
608 	if (xml_ctx->doc == NULL) {
609 		ms_error("[LIME] XML doc is null");
611 		goto error;
612 	}
614 	if (linphone_create_xml_xpath_context(xml_ctx) < 0) {
615 		ms_error("[LIME] Couldn't create xml xpath context");
617 		goto error;
618 	}
620 	/* Retrieve the sender ZID */
621 	peerZidHex = linphone_get_xml_text_content(xml_ctx, "/doc/ZID");
622 	if (peerZidHex != NULL) {
623 		/* Convert it from hexa string to bytes string and set the result in the associatedKey structure */
624 		bctbx_str_to_uint8(associatedKey.peerZID, (const uint8_t *)peerZidHex, (uint16_t)strlen(peerZidHex));
625 		linphone_free_xml_text_content(peerZidHex);
627 		/* Get the matching key from cache */
628 		retval = lime_getCachedRcvKeyByZid(cachedb, &associatedKey, selfURI, peerURI);
629 		if (retval != 0) {
630 		ms_error("[LIME] Couldn't get cache rcv key by ZID");
631 			goto error;
632 		}
634 		/* Retrieve the portion of message which is encrypted with our key(seek for a pzid matching our) */
635 		msg_object = linphone_get_xml_xpath_object_for_node_list(xml_ctx, "/doc/msg");
636 		if ((msg_object != NULL) && (msg_object->nodesetval != NULL)) {
637 			for (i = 1; i <= msg_object->nodesetval->nodeNr; i++) {
638 				const char *currentZidHex;
639 				const char *encryptedMessageb64;
640 				const char *encryptedContentTypeb64;
641 				snprintf(xpath_str, sizeof(xpath_str), "/doc/msg[%i]/pzid", i);
642 				currentZidHex = linphone_get_xml_text_content(xml_ctx, xpath_str);
643 				if ((currentZidHex != NULL) && (strcmp(currentZidHex, (char *)selfZidHex) == 0)) {
644 					/* We found the msg node we are looking for */
645 					snprintf(xpath_str, sizeof(xpath_str), "/doc/msg[%i]/index", i);
646 					sessionIndexHex = linphone_get_xml_text_content(xml_ctx, xpath_str);
647 					if (sessionIndexHex != NULL) {
648 						usedSessionIndex = bctbx_str_to_uint32((const unsigned char *)sessionIndexHex);
649 					}
650 					snprintf(xpath_str, sizeof(xpath_str), "/doc/msg[%i]/text", i);
651 					encryptedMessageb64 = linphone_get_xml_text_content(xml_ctx, xpath_str);
652 					if (encryptedMessageb64 != NULL) {
653 						bctbx_base64_decode(NULL, &encryptedMessageLength, (const unsigned char *)encryptedMessageb64, strlen(encryptedMessageb64)); /* encryptedMessageLength is 0, so it will be set to the requested buffer length */
654 						encryptedMessage = (uint8_t *)ms_malloc(encryptedMessageLength);
655 						bctbx_base64_decode(encryptedMessage, &encryptedMessageLength, (const unsigned char *)encryptedMessageb64, strlen(encryptedMessageb64));
656 						linphone_free_xml_text_content(encryptedMessageb64);
657 					}
658 					snprintf(xpath_str, sizeof(xpath_str), "/doc/msg[%i]/content-type", i);
659 					encryptedContentTypeb64 = linphone_get_xml_text_content(xml_ctx, xpath_str);
660 					if (encryptedContentTypeb64 != NULL) {
661 						bctbx_base64_decode(NULL, &encryptedContentTypeLength, (const unsigned char *)encryptedContentTypeb64, strlen(encryptedContentTypeb64)); /* encryptedContentTypeLength is 0, so it will be set to the requested buffer length */
662 						encryptedContentType = (uint8_t *)ms_malloc(encryptedContentTypeLength);
663 						bctbx_base64_decode(encryptedContentType, &encryptedContentTypeLength, (const unsigned char *)encryptedContentTypeb64, strlen(encryptedContentTypeb64));
664 						linphone_free_xml_text_content(encryptedContentTypeb64);
665 					}
666 					break;
667 				}
668 				if (currentZidHex != NULL) linphone_free_xml_text_content(currentZidHex);
669 			}
670 		}
671 	}
673 	/* do we have retrieved correctly all the needed data */
674 	if (encryptedMessage == NULL) {
675 		ms_error("[LIME] Encrypted message is null, something went wrong...");
677 		goto error;
678 	}
680 	/* shall we derive our key before going for decryption */
681 	if (usedSessionIndex < associatedKey.sessionIndex) {
682 		/* something wen't wrong with the cache, this shall never happen */
683 		uint8_t associatedKeyIndexHex[9];
684 		bctbx_uint32_to_str(associatedKeyIndexHex, associatedKey.sessionIndex);
685 		ms_error("[LIME] Session index [%s] < associated key's session index [%s], should not happen !", sessionIndexHex, associatedKeyIndexHex);
686 		ms_free(encryptedMessage);
688 		goto error;
689 	}
691 	if ((usedSessionIndex - associatedKey.sessionIndex > MAX_DERIVATION_NUMBER) ) {
692 		/* we missed to many messages, ask for a cache reset via a ZRTP call */
693 		ms_error("[LIME] Too many messages missed (%i), cache should be reset by ZRTP call", usedSessionIndex - associatedKey.sessionIndex);
694 		ms_free(encryptedMessage);
696 		goto error;
697 	}
699 	if (associatedKey.sessionIndex != usedSessionIndex) {
700 		uint8_t associatedKeyIndexHex[9];
701 		bctbx_uint32_to_str(associatedKeyIndexHex, associatedKey.sessionIndex);
702 		ms_warning("LIME] unexpected session index [%s] received from [%s] (expected [%s]), [%i] messages will be discarded",
703 			sessionIndexHex, peerURI, associatedKeyIndexHex, usedSessionIndex-associatedKey.sessionIndex);
704 	}
706 	while (usedSessionIndex>associatedKey.sessionIndex) {
707 		lime_deriveKey(&associatedKey);
708 	}
710 	/* Decrypt the message */
711 	*output = (uint8_t *)ms_malloc(encryptedMessageLength - 16 + 1); /* plain message is same length than encrypted one with 16 bytes less for the tag + 1 to add the null termination char */
712 	retval = lime_decryptMessage(&associatedKey, encryptedMessage, (uint32_t)encryptedMessageLength, selfZid, *output);
713 	ms_free(encryptedMessage);
714 	if (retval != 0) {
715 		ms_free(*output);
716 		*output = NULL;
717 		ms_error("[LIME] Couldn't decrypt message");
719 		goto error;
720 	}
722 	/* Decrypt the content-type */
723 	if (encryptedContentType != NULL) {
724 		*content_type = (char *)ms_malloc(encryptedContentTypeLength - 16 + 1); /* content-type is same length than encrypted one with 16 bytes less for the tag + 1 to add the null termination char */
725 		retval = lime_decryptMessage(&associatedKey, encryptedContentType, (uint32_t)encryptedContentTypeLength, selfZid, *((uint8_t **)content_type));
726 		ms_free(encryptedContentType);
727 		if (retval != 0) {
728 			ms_free(*content_type);
729 			*content_type = NULL;
730 			ms_error("[LIME] Couldn't decrypt content type");
732 			goto error;
733 		}
734 	}
736 	/* update used key */
737 	lime_deriveKey(&associatedKey);
738 	lime_setCachedKey(cachedb, &associatedKey, LIME_RECEIVER, validityTimeSpan);
740 error:
741 	if (sessionIndexHex != NULL) {
742 		linphone_free_xml_text_content(sessionIndexHex);
743 	}
744 	linphone_xmlparsing_context_destroy(xml_ctx);
745 	return retval;
746 }
linphone_chat_room_lime_available(LinphoneChatRoom * cr)748 bool_t linphone_chat_room_lime_available(LinphoneChatRoom *cr) {
749 	if (cr) {
750 		switch (linphone_core_lime_enabled(cr->lc)) {
751 			case LinphoneLimeDisabled: return FALSE;
752 			case LinphoneLimeMandatory:
753 			case LinphoneLimePreferred: {
754 				void *zrtp_cache_db = linphone_core_get_zrtp_cache_db(cr->lc);
755 				if (zrtp_cache_db != NULL) {
756 					bool_t res;
757 					limeURIKeys_t associatedKeys;
758 					char *peer = linphone_address_as_string_uri_only(linphone_chat_room_get_peer_address(cr));
760 					/* retrieve keys associated to the peer URI */
761 					associatedKeys.peerURI = bctbx_strdup(peer);
762 					associatedKeys.selfURI = NULL; /* TODO : there is no sender associated to chatroom so check for any local URI available, shall we add sender to chatroom? */
763 					associatedKeys.associatedZIDNumber  = 0;
764 					associatedKeys.peerKeys = NULL;
765 					/* with NULL is selfURI, just retrieve keys for any local uri found in cache, shall we use a dedicated function which would
766 					return the list of possible uris and store the selected one in the chatroom ? */
767 					res = (lime_getCachedSndKeysByURI(zrtp_cache_db, &associatedKeys) == 0);
768 					lime_freeKeys(&associatedKeys);
769 					return res;
770 				}
771 			}
772 		}
773 	}
774 	return FALSE;
775 }
lime_im_encryption_engine_process_incoming_message_cb(LinphoneImEncryptionEngine * engine,LinphoneChatRoom * room,LinphoneChatMessage * msg)777 int lime_im_encryption_engine_process_incoming_message_cb(LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *engine, LinphoneChatRoom *room, LinphoneChatMessage *msg) {
778 	LinphoneCore *lc = linphone_im_encryption_engine_get_core(engine);
779 	int errcode = -1;
780 	/* check if we have a xml/cipher message to be decrypted */
781 	if (msg->content_type && (strcmp("xml/cipher", msg->content_type) == 0 || strcmp("application/cipher.vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml", msg->content_type) == 0)) {
782 		errcode = 0;
783 		int retval;
784 		void *zrtp_cache_db = NULL; /* use a void * instead of sqlite3 * to avoid problems and ifdef when SQLITE is not available(the get function shall return NULL in that case) */
785 		uint8_t *decrypted_body = NULL;
786 		char *decrypted_content_type = NULL;
787 		char *peerUri = NULL;
788 		char *selfUri = NULL;
790 		zrtp_cache_db = linphone_core_get_zrtp_cache_db(lc);
791 		if (zrtp_cache_db == NULL) {
792 			ms_warning("Unable to load content of ZRTP ZID cache to decrypt message");
793 			errcode = 500;
794 			return errcode;
795 		}
796 		peerUri = linphone_address_as_string_uri_only(msg->from);
797 		selfUri = linphone_address_as_string_uri_only(msg->to);
798 		retval = lime_decryptMultipartMessage(zrtp_cache_db, (uint8_t *)msg->message, selfUri, peerUri, &decrypted_body, &decrypted_content_type, bctbx_time_string_to_sec(lp_config_get_string(lc->config, "sip", "lime_key_validity", "0")));
799 		if (retval != 0) {
800 			ms_warning("Unable to decrypt message, reason : %s", lime_error_code_to_string(retval));
801 			if (decrypted_body) ms_free(decrypted_body);
802 			errcode = 488;
803 			return errcode;
804 		} else {
805 			/* swap encrypted message with plain text message */
806 			if (msg->message) {
807 				ms_free(msg->message);
808 			}
809 			msg->message = (char *)decrypted_body;
810 			if (decrypted_content_type != NULL) {
811 				linphone_chat_message_set_content_type(msg, decrypted_content_type);
812 			} else {
813 				if (strcmp("application/cipher.vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml", msg->content_type) == 0) {
814 					linphone_chat_message_set_content_type(msg, "application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml");
815 				} else {
816 					linphone_chat_message_set_content_type(msg, "text/plain");
817 				}
818 			}
819 		}
820 	}
821 	return errcode;
822 }
lime_im_encryption_engine_process_outgoing_message_cb(LinphoneImEncryptionEngine * engine,LinphoneChatRoom * room,LinphoneChatMessage * msg)824 int lime_im_encryption_engine_process_outgoing_message_cb(LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *engine, LinphoneChatRoom *room, LinphoneChatMessage *msg) {
825 	LinphoneCore *lc = linphone_im_encryption_engine_get_core(engine);
826 	int errcode = -1;
827 	char *new_content_type = "xml/cipher";
828 	if(linphone_core_lime_enabled(room->lc)) {
829 		if (linphone_chat_room_lime_available(room)) {
830 			void *zrtp_cache_db = NULL; /* use a void * instead of sqlite3 * to avoid problems and ifdef when SQLITE is not available(the get function shall return NULL in that case) */
831 			if (msg->content_type) {
832 				if (strcmp(msg->content_type, "application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml") == 0) {
833 					/* It's a file transfer, content type shall be set to application/cipher.vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml
834 					   TODO: As of january 2017, the content type is now included in the encrypted body, this
835 					   application/cipher.vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml is kept for compatibility with previous versions,
836 					   but may be dropped in the future to use xml/cipher instead. */
837 					new_content_type = "application/cipher.vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml";
838 				} else if (strcmp(msg->content_type, "application/im-iscomposing+xml") == 0) {
839 					/* We don't encrypt composing messages */
840 					return errcode;
841 				}
842 			}
844 			/* access the zrtp cache to get keys needed to cipher the message */
845 			zrtp_cache_db = linphone_core_get_zrtp_cache_db(lc);
846 			errcode = 0;
847 			if (zrtp_cache_db == NULL) {
848 				ms_warning("Unable to access ZRTP ZID cache to encrypt message");
849 				errcode = 488;
850 			} else {
851 				int retval;
852 				uint8_t *crypted_body = NULL;
853 				char *selfUri = linphone_address_as_string_uri_only(msg->from);
854 				char *peerUri = linphone_address_as_string_uri_only(linphone_chat_room_get_peer_address(room));
856 				retval = lime_createMultipartMessage(zrtp_cache_db, msg->content_type, (uint8_t *)msg->message, selfUri, peerUri, &crypted_body);
857 				if (retval != 0) { /* fail to encrypt */
858 					ms_warning("Unable to encrypt message for %s : %s", room->peer, lime_error_code_to_string(retval));
859 					if (crypted_body) ms_free(crypted_body);
860 					errcode = 488;
861 				} else { /* encryption ok, swap plain text message body by encrypted one */
862 					if (msg->message) {
863 						ms_free(msg->message);
864 					}
865 					msg->message = (char *)crypted_body;
866 					msg->content_type = ms_strdup(new_content_type);
867 				}
868 				ms_free(peerUri);
869 				ms_free(selfUri);
870 			}
871 		} else {
872 			if (linphone_core_lime_enabled(lc) == LinphoneLimeMandatory) {
873 				ms_warning("Unable to access ZRTP ZID cache to encrypt message");
874 				errcode = 488;
875 			}
876 		}
877 	}
878 	return errcode;
879 }
lime_im_encryption_engine_process_downloading_file_cb(LinphoneImEncryptionEngine * engine,LinphoneChatMessage * msg,size_t offset,const uint8_t * buffer,size_t size,uint8_t * decrypted_buffer)881 int lime_im_encryption_engine_process_downloading_file_cb(LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *engine, LinphoneChatMessage *msg, size_t offset, const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size, uint8_t *decrypted_buffer) {
882 	if (linphone_content_get_key(msg->file_transfer_information) == NULL) return -1;
884 	if (buffer == NULL || size == 0) {
885 		return lime_decryptFile(linphone_content_get_cryptoContext_address(msg->file_transfer_information), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
886 	}
888 	return lime_decryptFile(linphone_content_get_cryptoContext_address(msg->file_transfer_information),
889 						 (unsigned char *)linphone_content_get_key(msg->file_transfer_information), size, (char *)decrypted_buffer,
890 						 (char *)buffer);
891 }
lime_im_encryption_engine_process_uploading_file_cb(LinphoneImEncryptionEngine * engine,LinphoneChatMessage * msg,size_t offset,const uint8_t * buffer,size_t * size,uint8_t * encrypted_buffer)893 int lime_im_encryption_engine_process_uploading_file_cb(LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *engine, LinphoneChatMessage *msg, size_t offset, const uint8_t *buffer, size_t *size, uint8_t *encrypted_buffer) {
894 	size_t file_size = linphone_content_get_size(msg->file_transfer_information);
895 	if (linphone_content_get_key(msg->file_transfer_information) == NULL) return -1;
897 	if (buffer == NULL || *size == 0) {
898 		return lime_encryptFile(linphone_content_get_cryptoContext_address(msg->file_transfer_information), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
899 	}
901 	if (file_size == 0) {
902 		ms_warning("File size has not been set, encryption will fail if not done in one step (if file is larger than 16K)");
903 	} else if (offset + *size < file_size) {
904 		*size -= (*size % 16);
905 	}
907 	return lime_encryptFile(linphone_content_get_cryptoContext_address(msg->file_transfer_information),
908 					(unsigned char *)linphone_content_get_key(msg->file_transfer_information), *size,
909 					(char *)buffer, (char *)encrypted_buffer);
910 }
lime_im_encryption_engine_is_file_encryption_enabled_cb(LinphoneImEncryptionEngine * engine,LinphoneChatRoom * room)912 bool_t lime_im_encryption_engine_is_file_encryption_enabled_cb(LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *engine, LinphoneChatRoom *room) {
913 	LinphoneCore *lc = linphone_im_encryption_engine_get_core(engine);
914 	return linphone_chat_room_lime_available(room) && linphone_core_lime_for_file_sharing_enabled(lc);
915 }
lime_im_encryption_engine_generate_file_transfer_key_cb(LinphoneImEncryptionEngine * engine,LinphoneChatRoom * room,LinphoneChatMessage * msg)917 void lime_im_encryption_engine_generate_file_transfer_key_cb(LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *engine, LinphoneChatRoom *room, LinphoneChatMessage *msg) {
918 	char keyBuffer [FILE_TRANSFER_KEY_SIZE]; /* temporary storage of generated key: 192 bits of key + 64 bits of initial vector */
919 	/* generate a random 192 bits key + 64 bits of initial vector and store it into the
920 		* file_transfer_information->key field of the msg */
921 	sal_get_random_bytes((unsigned char *)keyBuffer, FILE_TRANSFER_KEY_SIZE);
922 	linphone_content_set_key(msg->file_transfer_information, keyBuffer, FILE_TRANSFER_KEY_SIZE); /* key is duplicated in the content private structure */
923 }
925 #else /* HAVE_LIME */
lime_is_available()927 bool_t lime_is_available() { return FALSE; }
lime_decryptFile(void ** cryptoContext,unsigned char * key,size_t length,char * plain,char * cipher)928 int lime_decryptFile(void **cryptoContext, unsigned char *key, size_t length, char *plain, char *cipher) { return LIME_NOT_ENABLED;}
lime_decryptMultipartMessage(void * cachedb,uint8_t * message,const char * selfURI,const char * peerURI,uint8_t ** output,char ** content_type,uint64_t validityTimeSpan)929 int lime_decryptMultipartMessage(void *cachedb, uint8_t *message, const char *selfURI, const char *peerURI, uint8_t **output, char **content_type, uint64_t validityTimeSpan) { return LIME_NOT_ENABLED;}
lime_createMultipartMessage(void * cachedb,const char * contentType,uint8_t * message,const char * selfURI,const char * peerURI,uint8_t ** output)930 int lime_createMultipartMessage(void *cachedb, const char *contentType, uint8_t *message, const char *selfURI, const char *peerURI, uint8_t **output) { return LIME_NOT_ENABLED;}
lime_encryptFile(void ** cryptoContext,unsigned char * key,size_t length,char * plain,char * cipher)931 int lime_encryptFile(void **cryptoContext, unsigned char *key, size_t length, char *plain, char *cipher) {return LIME_NOT_ENABLED;}
lime_freeKeys(limeURIKeys_t * associatedKeys)932 void lime_freeKeys(limeURIKeys_t *associatedKeys){
933 }
lime_getCachedSndKeysByURI(void * cachedb,limeURIKeys_t * associatedKeys)934 int lime_getCachedSndKeysByURI(void *cachedb, limeURIKeys_t *associatedKeys){
935 	return LIME_NOT_ENABLED;
936 }
lime_encryptMessage(limeKey_t * key,const uint8_t * plainMessage,uint32_t messageLength,uint8_t selfZID[12],uint8_t * encryptedMessage)937 int lime_encryptMessage(limeKey_t *key, const uint8_t *plainMessage, uint32_t messageLength, uint8_t selfZID[12], uint8_t *encryptedMessage) {
938 	return LIME_NOT_ENABLED;
939 }
lime_setCachedKey(void * cacheDb,limeKey_t * associatedKey,uint8_t role,uint64_t validityTimeSpan)940 int lime_setCachedKey(void * cacheDb, limeKey_t *associatedKey, uint8_t role, uint64_t validityTimeSpan) {
941 	return LIME_NOT_ENABLED;
942 }
lime_getCachedRcvKeyByZid(void * cacheDb,limeKey_t * associatedKey,const char * selfURI,const char * peerURI)943 int lime_getCachedRcvKeyByZid(void * cacheDb, limeKey_t *associatedKey, const char *selfURI, const char *peerURI) {
944 	return LIME_NOT_ENABLED;
945 }
lime_decryptMessage(limeKey_t * key,uint8_t * encryptedMessage,uint32_t messageLength,uint8_t selfZID[12],uint8_t * plainMessage)946 int lime_decryptMessage(limeKey_t *key, uint8_t *encryptedMessage, uint32_t messageLength, uint8_t selfZID[12], uint8_t *plainMessage) {
947 	return LIME_NOT_ENABLED;
948 }
linphone_chat_room_lime_available(LinphoneChatRoom * cr)949 bool_t linphone_chat_room_lime_available(LinphoneChatRoom *cr) {
950 	return FALSE;
951 }
lime_im_encryption_engine_process_incoming_message_cb(LinphoneImEncryptionEngine * engine,LinphoneChatRoom * room,LinphoneChatMessage * msg)952 int lime_im_encryption_engine_process_incoming_message_cb(LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *engine, LinphoneChatRoom *room, LinphoneChatMessage *msg) {
953 	return 500;
954 }
lime_im_encryption_engine_process_outgoing_message_cb(LinphoneImEncryptionEngine * engine,LinphoneChatRoom * room,LinphoneChatMessage * msg)955 int lime_im_encryption_engine_process_outgoing_message_cb(LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *engine, LinphoneChatRoom *room, LinphoneChatMessage *msg) {
956 	return 500;
957 }
lime_im_encryption_engine_process_downloading_file_cb(LinphoneImEncryptionEngine * engine,LinphoneChatMessage * msg,size_t offset,const uint8_t * buffer,size_t size,uint8_t * decrypted_buffer)958 int lime_im_encryption_engine_process_downloading_file_cb(LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *engine, LinphoneChatMessage *msg, size_t offset, const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size, uint8_t *decrypted_buffer) {
959 	return 500;
960 }
lime_im_encryption_engine_process_uploading_file_cb(LinphoneImEncryptionEngine * engine,LinphoneChatMessage * msg,size_t offset,const uint8_t * buffer,size_t * size,uint8_t * encrypted_buffer)961 int lime_im_encryption_engine_process_uploading_file_cb(LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *engine, LinphoneChatMessage *msg, size_t offset, const uint8_t *buffer, size_t *size, uint8_t *encrypted_buffer) {
962 	return 500;
963 }
lime_im_encryption_engine_is_file_encryption_enabled_cb(LinphoneImEncryptionEngine * engine,LinphoneChatRoom * room)964 bool_t lime_im_encryption_engine_is_file_encryption_enabled_cb(LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *engine, LinphoneChatRoom *room) {
965 	return FALSE;
966 }
lime_im_encryption_engine_generate_file_transfer_key_cb(LinphoneImEncryptionEngine * engine,LinphoneChatRoom * room,LinphoneChatMessage * msg)967 void lime_im_encryption_engine_generate_file_transfer_key_cb(LinphoneImEncryptionEngine *engine, LinphoneChatRoom *room, LinphoneChatMessage *msg) {
969 }
970 #endif /* HAVE_LIME */
lime_error_code_to_string(int errorCode)972 char *lime_error_code_to_string(int errorCode) {
973 	switch (errorCode) {
974 		case LIME_INVALID_CACHE: return "Invalid ZRTP cache";
975 		case LIME_UNABLE_TO_DERIVE_KEY: return "Unable to derive Key";
976 		case LIME_UNABLE_TO_ENCRYPT_MESSAGE: return "Unable to encrypt message";
977 		case LIME_UNABLE_TO_DECRYPT_MESSAGE: return "Unable to decrypt message";
978 		case LIME_NO_VALID_KEY_FOUND_FOR_PEER: return "No valid key found";
979 		case LIME_PEER_KEY_HAS_EXPIRED: return "Any key matching peer Uri has expired";
980 		case LIME_INVALID_ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE: return "Invalid encrypted message";
981 		case LIME_NOT_ENABLED: return "Lime not enabled at build";
982 	}
983 	return "Unknow error";
985 }