1<schemalist gettext-domain="@GETTEXT_PACKAGE@">
2  <enum id="org.mate.weather.TemperatureUnit">
3    <value nick="Invalid" value="0"/>
4    <value nick="Default" value="1"/>
5    <value nick="Kelvin" value="2"/>
6    <value nick="Centigrade" value="3"/>
7    <value nick="Fahrenheit" value="4"/>
8  </enum>
9  <enum id="org.mate.weather.SpeedUnit">
10    <value nick="Invalid" value="0"/>
11    <value nick="Default" value="1"/>
12    <value nick="m/s" value="2"/>
13    <value nick="km/h" value="3"/>
14    <value nick="mph" value="4"/>
15    <value nick="knots" value="5"/>
16    <value nick="Beaufort scale" value="6"/>
17  </enum>
18  <enum id="org.mate.weather.PressureUnit">
19    <value nick="Invalid" value="0"/>
20    <value nick="Default" value="1"/>
21    <value nick="kPa" value="2"/>
22    <value nick="hPa" value="3"/>
23    <value nick="mb" value="4"/>
24    <value nick="mmHg" value="5"/>
25    <value nick="inHg" value="6"/>
26    <value nick="atm" value="7"/>
27  </enum>
28  <enum id="org.mate.weather.DistanceUnit">
29    <value nick="Invalid" value="0"/>
30    <value nick="Default" value="1"/>
31    <value nick="meters" value="2"/>
32    <value nick="km" value="3"/>
33    <value nick="miles" value="4"/>
34  </enum>
35  <schema id="org.mate.weather">
36    <key name="show-notifications" type="b">
37      <default>false</default>
38      <summary>Show notifications</summary>
39      <description>Determines whether the applet shows a notification on each update.</description>
40    </key>
41    <key name="auto-update" type="b">
42      <default>true</default>
43      <summary>Update the data automatically</summary>
44      <description>Determines whether the applet automatically updates its weather statistics or not.</description>
45    </key>
46    <key name="auto-update-interval" type="i">
47      <default>1800</default>
48      <summary>Update interval</summary>
49      <description>The interval, in seconds, between automatic updates.</description>
50    </key>
51    <key name="enable-metric" type="b">
52      <default>false</default>
53      <summary>Use metric units</summary>
54      <description>Use metric units instead of english units.</description>
55    </key>
56    <key name="distance-unit" enum="org.mate.weather.DistanceUnit">
57      <!-- TRANSLATORS: pick a default distance unit for your locale, see key description
58      for valid values; values must be quoted -->
59      <default l10n="messages">'miles'</default>
60      <summary>Distance unit</summary>
61      <description>The unit to use for visibility. Values: 'meters', 'km' ,'miles'.</description>
62    </key>
63    <key name="pressure-unit" enum="org.mate.weather.PressureUnit">
64      <!-- TRANSLATORS: pick a default pressure unit for your locale, see key description
65      for valid values; values must be quoted -->
66      <default l10n="messages">'inHg'</default>
67      <summary>Pressure unit</summary>
68      <description>The unit to use for pressure. Values: 'kPa', 'hPa', 'mb', 'mmHg', 'inHg', 'atm'.</description>
69    </key>
70    <key name="speed-unit" enum="org.mate.weather.SpeedUnit">
71      <!-- TRANSLATORS: pick a default speed unit for your locale, see key description
72      for valid values; values must be quoted -->
73      <default l10n="messages">'knots'</default>
74      <summary>Speed unit</summary>
75      <description>The unit to use for wind speed. Values: 'm/s', 'km/h, 'mph', 'knots', 'Beaufort scale'.</description>
76    </key>
77    <key name="temperature-unit" enum="org.mate.weather.TemperatureUnit">
78      <!-- TRANSLATORS: pick a temperature unit that should be used by default in your
79      locale, see key description for valid values; values must be quoted -->
80      <default l10n="messages">'Fahrenheit'</default>
81      <summary>Temperature unit</summary>
82      <description>The unit to use for temperature. Values: 'Kelvin', 'Centigrade', 'Fahrenheit'.</description>
83    </key>
84    <key name="enable-detailed-forecast" type="b">
85      <default>false</default>
86      <summary>Not used anymore</summary>
87    </key>
88    <key name="enable-radar-map" type="b">
89      <default>false</default>
90      <summary>Display radar map</summary>
91      <description>Fetch a radar map on each update.</description>
92    </key>
93    <key name="location0" type="s">
94      <!-- TRANSLATORS: Change this to the default location name, used
95      when you first start the Weather Applet. This is the common
96      localised name that corresponds to the location code
97      (DEFAULT_CODE) you will put on the next message. For example, for
98      the Greek locale, we set this to "Athens", the capital city and we
99      write it in Greek. It's important to translate this name. If you
100      do not require a DEFAULT_LOCATION, set this to
101      "DEFAULT_LOCATION". -->
102      <default l10n="messages">'DEFAULT_LOCATION'</default>
103      <summary>Weather location information</summary>
104      <description>Weather location information.</description>
105    </key>
106    <key name="location1" type="s">
107      <!-- TRANSLATORS: Change this to the code of your default location
108      that corresponds to the DEFAULT_LOCATION name you put above. This
109      is normally a four-letter (ICAO) code and can be found in
110      https://github.com/mate-desktop/libmateweather/blob/master/data/Locations.xml.in.
111      NB. The web page is over 1.7MB in size. Pick a default location
112      like a capital city so that it would be ok for more of your users.
113      For example, for Greek, we use "LGAV" for the capital city, Athens.
114      If you do not require a DEFAULT_CODE, set this to "DEFAULT_CODE". -->
115      <default l10n="messages">'DEFAULT_CODE'</default>
116      <summary>Nearby city</summary>
117      <description>Nearby major zone, such as a capital city, as found from https://raw.github.com/mate-desktop/libmateweather/master/data/Locations.xml.in</description>
118    </key>
119    <key name="location2" type="s">
120      <!-- TRANSLATORS: Change this to the zone of your default location
121      that corresponds to the DEFAULT_LOCATION and DEFAULT_CODE you put
122      above. Normally, US and Canada locations have zones while the rest
123      do not. Check
124      https://github.com/mate-desktop/libmateweather/blob/master/data/Locations.xml.in
125      as any zone you put here must also be present in the Locations.xml
126      file. If your default location does not have a zone, set this to
127      "DEFAULT_ZONE". -->
128      <default l10n="messages">'DEFAULT_ZONE'</default>
129      <summary>Zone location</summary>
130      <description>A unique zone for the city, as found from https://raw.github.com/mate-desktop/libmateweather/master/data/Locations.xml.in</description>
131    </key>
132    <key name="location3" type="s">
133      <!-- TRANSLATORS: Change this to the radar of your default location
134      that corresponds to the DEFAULT_LOCATION and DEFAULT_CODE you put
135      above. Normally, US and Canada locations have radar names while the
136      rest do not. Check
137      https://github.com/mate-desktop/libmateweather/blob/master/data/Locations.xml.in
138      as any radar you put here must also be present in the Locations.xml
139      file. If your default location does not have a radar, set this to
140      " " (or space).
141      If you do not have a default location, set this to DEFAULT_RADAR. -->
142      <default l10n="messages">'DEFAULT_RADAR'</default>
143      <summary>Radar location</summary>
144      <description>A three-digit-long code for retrieving radar maps from weather.com, found from https://raw.github.com/mate-desktop/libmateweather/master/data/Locations.xml.in</description>
145    </key>
146    <key name="location4" type="s">
147      <default l10n="messages">'DEFAULT_LOCATION'</default>
148      <summary>Weather for a city</summary>
149      <description>The city that mateweather displays information for.</description>
150    </key>
151    <key name="coordinates" type="s">
152      <!-- TRANSLATORS: Change this to the coordinates of your default
153      location that corresponds to the DEFAULT_LOCATION and DEFAULT_CODE
154      you put above. Check
155      https://github.com/mate-desktop/libmateweather/blob/master/data/Locations.xml.in
156      as any coordinates you put here must also be present in the
157      Locations.xml file. If your default location does not have known
158      coordinates, set this to " " (or space). If you do not have a
159      default location, set this to DEFAULT_COORDINATES. -->
160      <default l10n="messages">'DEFAULT_COORDINATES'</default>
161      <summary>Location coordinates</summary>
162      <description>Latitude and longitude of your location expressed in DD-MM-SS[NS] DD-MM-SS[EW].</description>
163    </key>
164    <key name="use-custom-radar-url" type="b">
165      <default>false</default>
166      <summary>Use custom url for the radar map</summary>
167      <description>If true, then retrieve a radar map from a location specified by the "radar" key.</description>
168    </key>
169    <key name="radar" type="s">
170      <default>''</default>
171      <summary>Url for the radar map</summary>
172      <description>The custom url from where to retrieve a radar map.</description>
173    </key>
174  </schema>