1 /**********
2 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
3 the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
4 Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
5 option) any later version. (See <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html>.)
7 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
8 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
9 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
10 more details.
12 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
13 along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
14 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
15 **********/
16 // "liveMedia"
17 // Copyright (c) 1996-2020 Live Networks, Inc.  All rights reserved.
18 // MP3 internal implementation details (Huffman encoding)
19 // Implementation
21 #include "MP3InternalsHuffman.hh"
22 #include <stdio.h>
23 #include <string.h>
24 #include <stdlib.h>
26 MP3HuffmanEncodingInfo
MP3HuffmanEncodingInfo(Boolean includeDecodedValues)27 ::MP3HuffmanEncodingInfo(Boolean includeDecodedValues) {
28   if (includeDecodedValues) {
29     decodedValues = new unsigned[(SBLIMIT*SSLIMIT + 1)*4];
30   } else {
31     decodedValues = NULL;
32   }
33 }
~MP3HuffmanEncodingInfo()35 MP3HuffmanEncodingInfo::~MP3HuffmanEncodingInfo() {
36   delete[] decodedValues;
37 }
39 // This is crufty old code that needs to be cleaned up #####
41 static unsigned debugCount = 0; /* for debugging */
43 #define TRUNC_FAVORa
updateSideInfoForHuffman(MP3SideInfo & sideInfo,Boolean isMPEG2,unsigned char const * mainDataPtr,unsigned p23L0,unsigned p23L1,unsigned & part23Length0a,unsigned & part23Length0aTruncation,unsigned & part23Length0b,unsigned & part23Length0bTruncation,unsigned & part23Length1a,unsigned & part23Length1aTruncation,unsigned & part23Length1b,unsigned & part23Length1bTruncation)45 void updateSideInfoForHuffman(MP3SideInfo& sideInfo, Boolean isMPEG2,
46 			      unsigned char const* mainDataPtr,
47 			      unsigned p23L0, unsigned p23L1,
48 			      unsigned& part23Length0a,
49 			      unsigned& part23Length0aTruncation,
50 			      unsigned& part23Length0b,
51 			      unsigned& part23Length0bTruncation,
52 			      unsigned& part23Length1a,
53 			      unsigned& part23Length1aTruncation,
54 			      unsigned& part23Length1b,
55 			      unsigned& part23Length1bTruncation) {
56   int i, j;
57   unsigned sfLength, origTotABsize, adjustment;
58   MP3SideInfo::gr_info_s_t* gr;
60   /* First, Huffman-decode each part of the segment's main data,
61      to see at which bit-boundaries the samples appear:
62    */
63   MP3HuffmanEncodingInfo hei;
65   ++debugCount;
66 #ifdef DEBUG
67   fprintf(stderr, "usifh-start: p23L0: %d, p23L1: %d\n", p23L0, p23L1);
68 #endif
70   /* Process granule 0 */
71   {
72     gr = &(sideInfo.ch[0].gr[0]);
73     origTotABsize = gr->part2_3_length;
75     MP3HuffmanDecode(gr, isMPEG2, mainDataPtr, 0, origTotABsize, sfLength, hei);
77     /* Begin by computing new sizes for parts a & b (& their truncations) */
78 #ifdef DEBUG
79     fprintf(stderr, "usifh-0: %d, %d:%d, %d:%d, %d:%d, %d:%d, %d:%d\n",
80 	    hei.numSamples,
81 	    sfLength/8, sfLength%8,
82 	    hei.reg1Start/8, hei.reg1Start%8,
83 	    hei.reg2Start/8, hei.reg2Start%8,
84 	    hei.bigvalStart/8, hei.bigvalStart%8,
85 	    origTotABsize/8, origTotABsize%8);
86 #endif
87     if (p23L0 < sfLength) {
88       /* We can't use this, so give it all to the next granule: */
89       p23L1 += p23L0;
90       p23L0 = 0;
91     }
93     part23Length0a = hei.bigvalStart;
94     part23Length0b = origTotABsize - hei.bigvalStart;
95     part23Length0aTruncation = part23Length0bTruncation = 0;
96     if (origTotABsize > p23L0) {
97       /* We need to shorten one or both of fields a & b */
98       unsigned truncation = origTotABsize - p23L0;
99 #ifdef TRUNC_FAIRLY
100       part23Length0aTruncation	= (truncation*(part23Length0a-sfLength))
101 	                          /(origTotABsize-sfLength);
102       part23Length0bTruncation = truncation - part23Length0aTruncation;
103 #endif
104 #ifdef TRUNC_FAVORa
105       part23Length0bTruncation
106 	= (truncation > part23Length0b) ? part23Length0b : truncation;
107       part23Length0aTruncation = truncation - part23Length0bTruncation;
108 #endif
109 #ifdef TRUNC_FAVORb
110       part23Length0aTruncation	= (truncation > part23Length0a-sfLength)
111 	? (part23Length0a-sfLength) : truncation;
112       part23Length0bTruncation = truncation - part23Length0aTruncation;
113 #endif
114     }
115     /* ASSERT:  part23Length0xTruncation <= part23Length0x */
116     part23Length0a -= part23Length0aTruncation;
117     part23Length0b -= part23Length0bTruncation;
118 #ifdef DEBUG
119     fprintf(stderr, "usifh-0: interim sizes: %d (%d), %d (%d)\n",
120 	    part23Length0a, part23Length0aTruncation,
121 	    part23Length0b, part23Length0bTruncation);
122 #endif
124     /* Adjust these new lengths so they end on sample bit boundaries: */
125     for (i = 0; i < (int)hei.numSamples; ++i) {
126       if (hei.allBitOffsets[i] == part23Length0a) break;
127       else if (hei.allBitOffsets[i] > part23Length0a) {--i; break;}
128     }
129     if (i < 0) { /* should happen only if we couldn't fit sfLength */
130       i = 0; adjustment = 0;
131     } else {
132       adjustment = part23Length0a - hei.allBitOffsets[i];
133     }
134 #ifdef DEBUG
135     fprintf(stderr, "%d usifh-0: adjustment 1: %d\n", debugCount, adjustment);
136 #endif
137     part23Length0a -= adjustment;
138     part23Length0aTruncation += adjustment;
139     /* Assign the bits we just shaved to field b and granule 1: */
140     if (part23Length0bTruncation < adjustment) {
141       p23L1 += (adjustment - part23Length0bTruncation);
142       adjustment = part23Length0bTruncation;
143     }
144     part23Length0b += adjustment;
145     part23Length0bTruncation -= adjustment;
146     for (j = i; j < (int)hei.numSamples; ++j) {
147       if (hei.allBitOffsets[j]
148 	  == part23Length0a + part23Length0aTruncation + part23Length0b)
149 	break;
150       else if (hei.allBitOffsets[j]
151 	  > part23Length0a + part23Length0aTruncation + part23Length0b)
152 	{--j; break;}
153     }
154     if (j < 0) { /* should happen only if we couldn't fit sfLength */
155       j = 0; adjustment = 0;
156     } else {
157       adjustment = part23Length0a+part23Length0aTruncation+part23Length0b
158                    - hei.allBitOffsets[j];
159     }
160 #ifdef DEBUG
161     fprintf(stderr, "%d usifh-0: adjustment 2: %d\n", debugCount, adjustment);
162 #endif
163     if (adjustment > part23Length0b) adjustment = part23Length0b; /*sanity*/
164     part23Length0b -= adjustment;
165     part23Length0bTruncation += adjustment;
166     /* Assign the bits we just shaved to granule 1 */
167     p23L1 += adjustment;
169     if (part23Length0aTruncation > 0) {
170       /* Change the granule's 'big_values' field to reflect the truncation */
171       gr->big_values = i;
172     }
173   }
175   /* Process granule 1 (MPEG-1 only) */
177   if (isMPEG2) {
178     part23Length1a = part23Length1b = 0;
179     part23Length1aTruncation = part23Length1bTruncation = 0;
180   } else {
181     unsigned granule1Offset
182       = origTotABsize + sideInfo.ch[1].gr[0].part2_3_length;
184     gr = &(sideInfo.ch[0].gr[1]);
185     origTotABsize = gr->part2_3_length;
187     MP3HuffmanDecode(gr, isMPEG2, mainDataPtr, granule1Offset,
188 		     origTotABsize, sfLength, hei);
190     /* Begin by computing new sizes for parts a & b (& their truncations) */
191 #ifdef DEBUG
192     fprintf(stderr, "usifh-1: %d, %d:%d, %d:%d, %d:%d, %d:%d, %d:%d\n",
193 	    hei.numSamples,
194 	    sfLength/8, sfLength%8,
195 	    hei.reg1Start/8, hei.reg1Start%8,
196 	    hei.reg2Start/8, hei.reg2Start%8,
197 	    hei.bigvalStart/8, hei.bigvalStart%8,
198 	    origTotABsize/8, origTotABsize%8);
199 #endif
200     if (p23L1 < sfLength) {
201       /* We can't use this, so give up on this granule: */
202       p23L1 = 0;
203     }
205     part23Length1a = hei.bigvalStart;
206     part23Length1b = origTotABsize - hei.bigvalStart;
207     part23Length1aTruncation = part23Length1bTruncation = 0;
208     if (origTotABsize > p23L1) {
209       /* We need to shorten one or both of fields a & b */
210       unsigned truncation = origTotABsize - p23L1;
211 #ifdef TRUNC_FAIRLY
212       part23Length1aTruncation	= (truncation*(part23Length1a-sfLength))
213 	                          /(origTotABsize-sfLength);
214       part23Length1bTruncation = truncation - part23Length1aTruncation;
215 #endif
216 #ifdef TRUNC_FAVORa
217       part23Length1bTruncation
218 	= (truncation > part23Length1b) ? part23Length1b : truncation;
219       part23Length1aTruncation = truncation - part23Length1bTruncation;
220 #endif
221 #ifdef TRUNC_FAVORb
222       part23Length1aTruncation	= (truncation > part23Length1a-sfLength)
223 	? (part23Length1a-sfLength) : truncation;
224       part23Length1bTruncation = truncation - part23Length1aTruncation;
225 #endif
226     }
227     /* ASSERT:  part23Length1xTruncation <= part23Length1x */
228     part23Length1a -= part23Length1aTruncation;
229     part23Length1b -= part23Length1bTruncation;
230 #ifdef DEBUG
231     fprintf(stderr, "usifh-1: interim sizes: %d (%d), %d (%d)\n",
232 	    part23Length1a, part23Length1aTruncation,
233 	    part23Length1b, part23Length1bTruncation);
234 #endif
236     /* Adjust these new lengths so they end on sample bit boundaries: */
237     for (i = 0; i < (int)hei.numSamples; ++i) {
238       if (hei.allBitOffsets[i] == part23Length1a) break;
239       else if (hei.allBitOffsets[i] > part23Length1a) {--i; break;}
240     }
241     if (i < 0) { /* should happen only if we couldn't fit sfLength */
242       i = 0; adjustment = 0;
243     } else {
244       adjustment = part23Length1a - hei.allBitOffsets[i];
245     }
246 #ifdef DEBUG
247     fprintf(stderr, "%d usifh-1: adjustment 0: %d\n", debugCount, adjustment);
248 #endif
249     part23Length1a -= adjustment;
250     part23Length1aTruncation += adjustment;
251     /* Assign the bits we just shaved to field b: */
252     if (part23Length1bTruncation < adjustment) {
253       adjustment = part23Length1bTruncation;
254     }
255     part23Length1b += adjustment;
256     part23Length1bTruncation -= adjustment;
257     for (j = i; j < (int)hei.numSamples; ++j) {
258       if (hei.allBitOffsets[j]
259 	  == part23Length1a + part23Length1aTruncation + part23Length1b)
260 	break;
261       else if (hei.allBitOffsets[j]
262 	  > part23Length1a + part23Length1aTruncation + part23Length1b)
263 	{--j; break;}
264     }
265     if (j < 0) { /* should happen only if we couldn't fit sfLength */
266       j = 0; adjustment = 0;
267     } else {
268       adjustment = part23Length1a+part23Length1aTruncation+part23Length1b
269                    - hei.allBitOffsets[j];
270     }
271 #ifdef DEBUG
272     fprintf(stderr, "%d usifh-1: adjustment 1: %d\n", debugCount, adjustment);
273 #endif
274     if (adjustment > part23Length1b) adjustment = part23Length1b; /*sanity*/
275     part23Length1b -= adjustment;
276     part23Length1bTruncation += adjustment;
278     if (part23Length1aTruncation > 0) {
279       /* Change the granule's 'big_values' field to reflect the truncation */
280       gr->big_values = i;
281     }
282   }
283 #ifdef DEBUG
284   fprintf(stderr, "usifh-end, new vals: %d (%d), %d (%d), %d (%d), %d (%d)\n",
285 	  part23Length0a, part23Length0aTruncation,
286 	  part23Length0b, part23Length0bTruncation,
287 	  part23Length1a, part23Length1aTruncation,
288 	  part23Length1b, part23Length1bTruncation);
289 #endif
290 }
rsf_getline(char * line,unsigned max,unsigned char ** fi)292 static void rsf_getline(char* line, unsigned max, unsigned char**fi) {
293   unsigned i;
294   for (i = 0; i < max; ++i) {
295     line[i] = *(*fi)++;
296     if (line[i] == '\n') {
297       line[i++] = '\0';
298       return;
299     }
300   }
301   line[i] = '\0';
302 }
rsfscanf(unsigned char ** fi,unsigned int * v)304 static void rsfscanf(unsigned char **fi, unsigned int* v) {
305   while (sscanf((char*)*fi, "%x", v) == 0) {
306     /* skip past the next '\0' */
307     while (*(*fi)++ != '\0') {}
308   }
310   /* skip past any white-space before the value: */
311   while (*(*fi) <= ' ') ++(*fi);
313   /* skip past the value: */
314   while (*(*fi) > ' ') ++(*fi);
315 }
317 #define HUFFBITS unsigned long int
318 #define SIZEOF_HUFFBITS 4
319 #define HTN     34
320 #define MXOFF   250
322 struct huffcodetab {
323   char tablename[3];	/*string, containing table_description	*/
324   unsigned int xlen; 	/*max. x-index+			      	*/
325   unsigned int ylen;	/*max. y-index+				*/
326   unsigned int linbits; /*number of linbits			*/
327   unsigned int linmax;	/*max number to be stored in linbits	*/
328   int ref;		/*a positive value indicates a reference*/
329   HUFFBITS *table;	/*pointer to array[xlen][ylen]		*/
330   unsigned char *hlen;	/*pointer to array[xlen][ylen]		*/
331   unsigned char(*val)[2];/*decoder tree				*/
332   unsigned int treelen;	/*length of decoder tree		*/
333 };
335 static struct huffcodetab rsf_ht[HTN]; // array of all huffcodetable headers
336 				/* 0..31 Huffman code table 0..31	*/
337 				/* 32,33 count1-tables			*/
339 /* read the huffman decoder table */
read_decoder_table(unsigned char * fi)340 static int read_decoder_table(unsigned char* fi) {
341   int n,i,nn,t;
342   unsigned int v0,v1;
343   char command[100],line[100];
344   for (n=0;n<HTN;n++) {
345     rsf_ht[n].table = NULL;
346     rsf_ht[n].hlen = NULL;
348     /* .table number treelen xlen ylen linbits */
349     do {
350       rsf_getline(line,99,&fi);
351     } while ((line[0] == '#') || (line[0] < ' '));
353     sscanf(line,"%s %s %u %u %u %u",command,rsf_ht[n].tablename,
354            &rsf_ht[n].treelen, &rsf_ht[n].xlen, &rsf_ht[n].ylen, &rsf_ht[n].linbits);
355     if (strcmp(command,".end")==0)
356       return n;
357     else if (strcmp(command,".table")!=0) {
358 #ifdef DEBUG
359       fprintf(stderr,"huffman table %u data corrupted\n",n);
360 #endif
361       return -1;
362     }
363     rsf_ht[n].linmax = (1<<rsf_ht[n].linbits)-1;
365     sscanf(rsf_ht[n].tablename,"%u",&nn);
366     if (nn != n) {
367 #ifdef DEBUG
368       fprintf(stderr,"wrong table number %u\n",n);
369 #endif
370       return(-2);
371     }
372     do {
373       rsf_getline(line,99,&fi);
374     } while ((line[0] == '#') || (line[0] < ' '));
376     sscanf(line,"%s %u",command,&t);
377     if (strcmp(command,".reference")==0) {
378       rsf_ht[n].ref   = t;
379       rsf_ht[n].val   = rsf_ht[t].val;
380       rsf_ht[n].treelen  = rsf_ht[t].treelen;
381       if ( (rsf_ht[n].xlen != rsf_ht[t].xlen) ||
382            (rsf_ht[n].ylen != rsf_ht[t].ylen)  ) {
383 #ifdef DEBUG
384         fprintf(stderr,"wrong table %u reference\n",n);
385 #endif
386         return (-3);
387       };
388       while ((line[0] == '#') || (line[0] < ' ') ) {
389         rsf_getline(line,99,&fi);
390       }
391     }
392     else if (strcmp(command,".treedata")==0) {
393       rsf_ht[n].ref  = -1;
394       rsf_ht[n].val = (unsigned char (*)[2])
395         new unsigned char[2*(rsf_ht[n].treelen)];
396       if ((rsf_ht[n].val == NULL) && ( rsf_ht[n].treelen != 0 )){
397 #ifdef DEBUG
398     	fprintf(stderr, "heaperror at table %d\n",n);
399 #endif
400 	return -1;
401       }
402       for (i=0;(unsigned)i<rsf_ht[n].treelen; i++) {
403         rsfscanf(&fi, &v0);
404         rsfscanf(&fi, &v1);
405 /*replaces        fscanf(fi,"%x %x",&v0, &v1);*/
406         rsf_ht[n].val[i][0]=(unsigned char)v0;
407         rsf_ht[n].val[i][1]=(unsigned char)v1;
408       }
409       rsf_getline(line,99,&fi); /* read the rest of the line */
410     }
411     else {
412 #ifdef DEBUG
413       fprintf(stderr,"huffman decodertable error at table %d\n",n);
414 #endif
415     }
416   }
417   return n;
418 }
initialize_huffman()420 static void initialize_huffman() {
421   static Boolean huffman_initialized = False;
423    if (huffman_initialized) return;
425    if (read_decoder_table(huffdec) != HTN) {
426 #ifdef DEBUG
427       fprintf(stderr,"decoder table read error\n");
428 #endif
429       return;
430       }
431    huffman_initialized = True;
432 }
434 static unsigned char const slen[2][16] = {
435   {0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4},
436   {0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3}
437 };
439 static unsigned char const stab[3][6][4] = {
440   { { 6, 5, 5,5 } , { 6, 5, 7,3 } , { 11,10,0,0} ,
441     { 7, 7, 7,0 } , { 6, 6, 6,3 } , {  8, 8,5,0} } ,
442   { { 9, 9, 9,9 } , { 9, 9,12,6 } , { 18,18,0,0} ,
443     {12,12,12,0 } , {12, 9, 9,6 } , { 15,12,9,0} } ,
444   { { 6, 9, 9,9 } , { 6, 9,12,6 } , { 15,18,0,0} ,
445     { 6,15,12,0 } , { 6,12, 9,6 } , {  6,18,9,0} }
446 };
rsf_get_scale_factors_1(MP3SideInfo::gr_info_s_t * gr_info)448 static unsigned rsf_get_scale_factors_1(MP3SideInfo::gr_info_s_t *gr_info) {
449    int numbits;
450    int num0 = slen[0][gr_info->scalefac_compress];
451    int num1 = slen[1][gr_info->scalefac_compress];
453     if (gr_info->block_type == 2)
454     {
455       numbits = (num0 + num1) * 18;
457       if (gr_info->mixed_block_flag) {
458          numbits -= num0; /* num0 * 17 + num1 * 18 */
459       }
460     }
461     else
462     {
463       int scfsi = gr_info->scfsi;
465       if(scfsi < 0) { /* scfsi < 0 => granule == 0 */
466          numbits = (num0 + num1) * 10 + num0;
467       }
468       else {
469         numbits = 0;
470         if(!(scfsi & 0x8)) {
471           numbits += num0 * 6;
472         }
473         else {
474         }
476         if(!(scfsi & 0x4)) {
477           numbits += num0 * 5;
478         }
479         else {
480         }
482         if(!(scfsi & 0x2)) {
483           numbits += num1 * 5;
484         }
485         else {
486         }
488         if(!(scfsi & 0x1)) {
489           numbits += num1 * 5;
490         }
491         else {
492         }
493       }
494     }
496     return numbits;
497 }
499 extern unsigned n_slen2[];
500 extern unsigned i_slen2[];
rsf_get_scale_factors_2(MP3SideInfo::gr_info_s_t * gr_info)502 static unsigned rsf_get_scale_factors_2(MP3SideInfo::gr_info_s_t *gr_info) {
503   unsigned char const* pnt;
504   int i;
505   unsigned int slen;
506   int n = 0;
507   int numbits = 0;
509   slen = n_slen2[gr_info->scalefac_compress];
511   gr_info->preflag = (slen>>15) & 0x1;
513   n = 0;
514   if( gr_info->block_type == 2 ) {
515     n++;
516     if(gr_info->mixed_block_flag)
517       n++;
518   }
520   pnt = stab[n][(slen>>12)&0x7];
522   for(i=0;i<4;i++) {
523     int num = slen & 0x7;
524     slen >>= 3;
525     numbits += pnt[i] * num;
526   }
528   return numbits;
529 }
getScaleFactorsLength(MP3SideInfo::gr_info_s_t * gr,Boolean isMPEG2)531 static unsigned getScaleFactorsLength(MP3SideInfo::gr_info_s_t* gr,
532 				      Boolean isMPEG2) {
533   return isMPEG2 ? rsf_get_scale_factors_2(gr)
534                  : rsf_get_scale_factors_1(gr);
535 }
537 static int rsf_huffman_decoder(BitVector& bv,
538 			       struct huffcodetab const* h,
539 			       int* x, int* y, int* v, int* w); // forward
MP3HuffmanDecode(MP3SideInfo::gr_info_s_t * gr,Boolean isMPEG2,unsigned char const * fromBasePtr,unsigned fromBitOffset,unsigned fromLength,unsigned & scaleFactorsLength,MP3HuffmanEncodingInfo & hei)541 void MP3HuffmanDecode(MP3SideInfo::gr_info_s_t* gr, Boolean isMPEG2,
542 		      unsigned char const* fromBasePtr,
543 		      unsigned fromBitOffset, unsigned fromLength,
544 		      unsigned& scaleFactorsLength,
545 		      MP3HuffmanEncodingInfo& hei) {
546    unsigned i;
547    int x, y, v, w;
548    struct huffcodetab *h;
549    BitVector bv((unsigned char*)fromBasePtr, fromBitOffset, fromLength);
551    /* Compute the size of the scale factors (& also advance bv): */
552    scaleFactorsLength = getScaleFactorsLength(gr, isMPEG2);
553    bv.skipBits(scaleFactorsLength);
555    initialize_huffman();
557    hei.reg1Start = hei.reg2Start = hei.numSamples = 0;
559    /* Read bigvalues area. */
560    if (gr->big_values < gr->region1start + gr->region2start) {
561      gr->big_values = gr->region1start + gr->region2start; /* sanity check */
562    }
563    for (i = 0; i < gr->big_values; ++i) {
564      if (i < gr->region1start) {
565        /* in region 0 */
566        h = &rsf_ht[gr->table_select[0]];
567      } else if (i < gr->region2start) {
568        /* in region 1 */
569        h = &rsf_ht[gr->table_select[1]];
570        if (hei.reg1Start == 0) {
571 	 hei.reg1Start = bv.curBitIndex();
572        }
573      } else {
574        /* in region 2 */
575        h = &rsf_ht[gr->table_select[2]];
576        if (hei.reg2Start == 0) {
577 	 hei.reg2Start = bv.curBitIndex();
578        }
579      }
581      hei.allBitOffsets[i] = bv.curBitIndex();
582      rsf_huffman_decoder(bv, h, &x, &y, &v, &w);
583      if (hei.decodedValues != NULL) {
584        // Record the decoded values:
585        unsigned* ptr = &hei.decodedValues[4*i];
586        ptr[0] = x; ptr[1] = y; ptr[2] = v; ptr[3] = w;
587      }
588    }
589    hei.bigvalStart = bv.curBitIndex();
591    /* Read count1 area. */
592    h = &rsf_ht[gr->count1table_select+32];
593    while (bv.curBitIndex() < bv.totNumBits() &&  i < SSLIMIT*SBLIMIT) {
594      hei.allBitOffsets[i] = bv.curBitIndex();
595      rsf_huffman_decoder(bv, h, &x, &y, &v, &w);
596      if (hei.decodedValues != NULL) {
597        // Record the decoded values:
598        unsigned* ptr = &hei.decodedValues[4*i];
599        ptr[0] = x; ptr[1] = y; ptr[2] = v; ptr[3] = w;
600      }
601      ++i;
602    }
604    hei.allBitOffsets[i] = bv.curBitIndex();
605    hei.numSamples = i;
606 }
608 HUFFBITS dmask = 1 << (SIZEOF_HUFFBITS*8-1);
609 unsigned int hs = SIZEOF_HUFFBITS*8;
611 /* do the huffman-decoding 						*/
rsf_huffman_decoder(BitVector & bv,struct huffcodetab const * h,int * x,int * y,int * v,int * w)612 static int rsf_huffman_decoder(BitVector& bv,
613 		struct huffcodetab const* h, // ptr to huffman code record
614 			/* unsigned */ int *x, // returns decoded x value
615 			/* unsigned */ int *y,  // returns decoded y value
616 			       int* v, int* w) {
617   HUFFBITS level;
618   unsigned point = 0;
619   int error = 1;
620   level     = dmask;
621   *x = *y = *v = *w = 0;
622   if (h->val == NULL) return 2;
624   /* table 0 needs no bits */
625   if (h->treelen == 0) return 0;
627   /* Lookup in Huffman table. */
629   do {
630     if (h->val[point][0]==0) {   /*end of tree*/
631       *x = h->val[point][1] >> 4;
632       *y = h->val[point][1] & 0xf;
634       error = 0;
635       break;
636     }
637     if (bv.get1Bit()) {
638       while (h->val[point][1] >= MXOFF) point += h->val[point][1];
639       point += h->val[point][1];
640     }
641     else {
642       while (h->val[point][0] >= MXOFF) point += h->val[point][0];
643       point += h->val[point][0];
644     }
645     level >>= 1;
646   } while (level  || (point < h->treelen) );
647 /////  } while (level  || (point < rsf_ht->treelen) );
649   /* Check for error. */
651   if (error) { /* set x and y to a medium value as a simple concealment */
652     printf("Illegal Huffman code in data.\n");
653     *x = ((h->xlen-1) << 1);
654     *y = ((h->ylen-1) << 1);
655   }
657   /* Process sign encodings for quadruples tables. */
659   if (h->tablename[0] == '3'
660       && (h->tablename[1] == '2' || h->tablename[1] == '3')) {
661      *v = (*y>>3) & 1;
662      *w = (*y>>2) & 1;
663      *x = (*y>>1) & 1;
664      *y = *y & 1;
666      if (*v)
667         if (bv.get1Bit() == 1) *v = -*v;
668      if (*w)
669         if (bv.get1Bit() == 1) *w = -*w;
670      if (*x)
671         if (bv.get1Bit() == 1) *x = -*x;
672      if (*y)
673         if (bv.get1Bit() == 1) *y = -*y;
674      }
676   /* Process sign and escape encodings for dual tables. */
678   else {
679      if (h->linbits)
680        if ((h->xlen-1) == (unsigned)*x)
681          *x += bv.getBits(h->linbits);
682      if (*x)
683         if (bv.get1Bit() == 1) *x = -*x;
684      if (h->linbits)
685        if ((h->ylen-1) == (unsigned)*y)
686          *y += bv.getBits(h->linbits);
687      if (*y)
688         if (bv.get1Bit() == 1) *y = -*y;
689   }
691   return error;
692 }
getNextSample(unsigned char const * & fromPtr)695 inline int getNextSample(unsigned char const*& fromPtr) {
696   int sample
698     = (fromPtr[0]<<24) | (fromPtr[1]<<16) | (fromPtr[2]<<8) | fromPtr[3];
699 #else
701     = (fromPtr[0]<<8) | fromPtr[1];
702 #else
704     = fromPtr[0];
705 #endif
706 #endif
707   fromPtr += BYTES_PER_SAMPLE_VALUE;
708   return sample;
709 }
711 static void rsf_huffman_encoder(BitVector& bv,
712 				struct huffcodetab* h,
713 				int x, int y, int v, int w); // forward
MP3HuffmanEncode(MP3SideInfo::gr_info_s_t const * gr,unsigned char const * fromPtr,unsigned char * toPtr,unsigned toBitOffset,unsigned numHuffBits)715 unsigned MP3HuffmanEncode(MP3SideInfo::gr_info_s_t const* gr,
716 			  unsigned char const* fromPtr,
717 			  unsigned char* toPtr, unsigned toBitOffset,
718 			  unsigned numHuffBits) {
719    unsigned i;
720    struct huffcodetab *h;
721    int x, y, v, w;
722    BitVector bv(toPtr, toBitOffset, numHuffBits);
724    initialize_huffman();
726    // Encode big_values area:
727    unsigned big_values = gr->big_values;
728    if (big_values < gr->region1start + gr->region2start) {
729      big_values = gr->region1start + gr->region2start; /* sanity check */
730    }
731    for (i = 0; i < big_values; ++i) {
732      if (i < gr->region1start) {
733        /* in region 0 */
734        h = &rsf_ht[gr->table_select[0]];
735      } else if (i < gr->region2start) {
736        /* in region 1 */
737        h = &rsf_ht[gr->table_select[1]];
738      } else {
739        /* in region 2 */
740        h = &rsf_ht[gr->table_select[2]];
741      }
743      x = getNextSample(fromPtr);
744      y = getNextSample(fromPtr);
745      v = getNextSample(fromPtr);
746      w = getNextSample(fromPtr);
747      rsf_huffman_encoder(bv, h, x, y, v, w);
748    }
750    // Encode count1 area:
751    h = &rsf_ht[gr->count1table_select+32];
752    while (bv.curBitIndex() < bv.totNumBits() &&  i < SSLIMIT*SBLIMIT) {
753      x = getNextSample(fromPtr);
754      y = getNextSample(fromPtr);
755      v = getNextSample(fromPtr);
756      w = getNextSample(fromPtr);
757      rsf_huffman_encoder(bv, h, x, y, v, w);
758      ++i;
759    }
761    return i;
762 }
lookupHuffmanTableEntry(struct huffcodetab const * h,HUFFBITS bits,unsigned bitsLength,unsigned char & xy)764 static Boolean lookupHuffmanTableEntry(struct huffcodetab const* h,
765 				       HUFFBITS bits, unsigned bitsLength,
766 				       unsigned char& xy) {
767   unsigned point = 0;
768   unsigned mask = 1;
769   unsigned numBitsTestedSoFar = 0;
770   do {
771     if (h->val[point][0]==0) { // end of tree
772       xy = h->val[point][1];
773       if (h->hlen[xy] == 0) { // this entry hasn't already been used
774 	h->table[xy] = bits;
775 	h->hlen[xy] = bitsLength;
776 	return True;
777       } else { // this entry has already been seen
778 	return False;
779       }
780     }
782     if (numBitsTestedSoFar++ == bitsLength) {
783       // We don't yet have enough bits for this prefix
784       return False;
785     }
786     if (bits&mask) {
787       while (h->val[point][1] >= MXOFF) point += h->val[point][1];
788       point += h->val[point][1];
789     } else {
790       while (h->val[point][0] >= MXOFF) point += h->val[point][0];
791       point += h->val[point][0];
792     }
793     mask <<= 1;
794   } while (mask || (point < h->treelen));
796   return False;
797 }
buildHuffmanEncodingTable(struct huffcodetab * h)799 static void buildHuffmanEncodingTable(struct huffcodetab* h) {
800   h->table = new unsigned long[256];
801   h->hlen = new unsigned char[256];
802   if (h->table == NULL || h->hlen == NULL) { h->table = NULL; return; }
803   for (unsigned i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
804     h->table[i] = 0; h->hlen[i] = 0;
805   }
807   // Look up entries for each possible bit sequence length:
808   unsigned maxNumEntries = h->xlen * h->ylen;
809   unsigned numEntries = 0;
810   unsigned powerOf2 = 1;
811   for (unsigned bitsLength = 1;
812        bitsLength <= 8*SIZEOF_HUFFBITS; ++bitsLength) {
813     powerOf2 *= 2;
814     for (HUFFBITS bits = 0; bits < powerOf2; ++bits) {
815       // Find the table value - if any - for 'bits' (length 'bitsLength'):
816       unsigned char xy;
817       if (lookupHuffmanTableEntry(h, bits, bitsLength, xy)) {
818 	++numEntries;
819 	if (numEntries == maxNumEntries) return; // we're done
820       }
821     }
822   }
823 #ifdef DEBUG
824   fprintf(stderr, "Didn't find enough entries!\n"); // shouldn't happen
825 #endif
826 }
lookupXYandPutBits(BitVector & bv,struct huffcodetab const * h,unsigned char xy)828 static void lookupXYandPutBits(BitVector& bv, struct huffcodetab const* h,
829 			       unsigned char xy) {
830   HUFFBITS bits = h->table[xy];
831   unsigned bitsLength = h->hlen[xy];
833   // Note that "bits" is in reverse order, so read them from right-to-left:
834   while (bitsLength-- > 0) {
835     bv.put1Bit(bits&0x00000001);
836     bits >>= 1;
837   }
838 }
putLinbits(BitVector & bv,struct huffcodetab const * h,HUFFBITS bits)840 static void putLinbits(BitVector& bv, struct huffcodetab const* h,
841 		       HUFFBITS bits) {
842   bv.putBits(bits, h->linbits);
843 }
rsf_huffman_encoder(BitVector & bv,struct huffcodetab * h,int x,int y,int v,int w)845 static void rsf_huffman_encoder(BitVector& bv,
846 				struct huffcodetab* h,
847 				int x, int y, int v, int w) {
848   if (h->val == NULL) return;
850   /* table 0 produces no bits */
851   if (h->treelen == 0) return;
853   if (h->table == NULL) {
854     // We haven't yet built the encoding array for this table; do it now:
855     buildHuffmanEncodingTable(h);
856     if (h->table == NULL) return;
857   }
859   Boolean xIsNeg = False, yIsNeg = False, vIsNeg = False, wIsNeg = False;
860   unsigned char xy;
863 #else
865   // Convert 2-byte negative numbers to their 4-byte equivalents:
866   if (x&0x8000) x |= 0xFFFF0000;
867   if (y&0x8000) y |= 0xFFFF0000;
868   if (v&0x8000) v |= 0xFFFF0000;
869   if (w&0x8000) w |= 0xFFFF0000;
870 #else
872   // Convert 1-byte negative numbers to their 4-byte equivalents:
873   if (x&0x80) x |= 0xFFFFFF00;
874   if (y&0x80) y |= 0xFFFFFF00;
875   if (v&0x80) v |= 0xFFFFFF00;
876   if (w&0x80) w |= 0xFFFFFF00;
877 #endif
878 #endif
880   if (h->tablename[0] == '3'
881       && (h->tablename[1] == '2' || h->tablename[1] == '3')) {// quad tables
882     if (x < 0) { xIsNeg = True; x = -x; }
883     if (y < 0) { yIsNeg = True; y = -y; }
884     if (v < 0) { vIsNeg = True; v = -v; }
885     if (w < 0) { wIsNeg = True; w = -w; }
887     // Sanity check: x,y,v,w must all be 0 or 1:
888     if (x>1 || y>1 || v>1 || w>1) {
889 #ifdef DEBUG
890       fprintf(stderr, "rsf_huffman_encoder quad sanity check fails: %x,%x,%x,%x\n", x, y, v, w);
891 #endif
892     }
894     xy = (v<<3)|(w<<2)|(x<<1)|y;
895     lookupXYandPutBits(bv, h, xy);
897     if (v) bv.put1Bit(vIsNeg);
898     if (w) bv.put1Bit(wIsNeg);
899     if (x) bv.put1Bit(xIsNeg);
900     if (y) bv.put1Bit(yIsNeg);
901   } else { // dual tables
902     // Sanity check: v and w must be 0:
903     if (v != 0 || w != 0) {
904 #ifdef DEBUG
905       fprintf(stderr, "rsf_huffman_encoder dual sanity check 1 fails: %x,%x,%x,%x\n", x, y, v, w);
906 #endif
907     }
909     if (x < 0) { xIsNeg = True; x = -x; }
910     if (y < 0) { yIsNeg = True; y = -y; }
912     // Sanity check: x and y must be <= 255:
913     if (x > 255 || y > 255) {
914 #ifdef DEBUG
915       fprintf(stderr, "rsf_huffman_encoder dual sanity check 2 fails: %x,%x,%x,%x\n", x, y, v, w);
916 #endif
917     }
919     int xl1 = h->xlen-1;
920     int yl1 = h->ylen-1;
921     unsigned linbitsX = 0; unsigned linbitsY = 0;
923     if (((x < xl1) || (xl1 == 0)) && (y < yl1)) {
924       // normal case
925       xy = (x<<4)|y;
926       lookupXYandPutBits(bv, h, xy);
927       if (x) bv.put1Bit(xIsNeg);
928       if (y) bv.put1Bit(yIsNeg);
929     } else if (x >= xl1) {
930       linbitsX = (unsigned)(x - xl1);
931       if (linbitsX > h->linmax) {
932 #ifdef DEBUG
933 	fprintf(stderr,"warning: Huffman X table overflow\n");
934 #endif
935 	linbitsX = h->linmax;
936       };
938       if (y >= yl1) {
939 	xy = (xl1<<4)|yl1;
940 	lookupXYandPutBits(bv, h, xy);
941 	linbitsY = (unsigned)(y - yl1);
942 	if (linbitsY > h->linmax) {
943 #ifdef DEBUG
944 	  fprintf(stderr,"warning: Huffman Y table overflow\n");
945 #endif
946 	  linbitsY = h->linmax;
947 	};
949 	if (h->linbits) putLinbits(bv, h, linbitsX);
950 	if (x) bv.put1Bit(xIsNeg);
951 	if (h->linbits) putLinbits(bv, h, linbitsY);
952 	if (y) bv.put1Bit(yIsNeg);
953       } else { /* x >= h->xlen, y < h->ylen */
954 	xy = (xl1<<4)|y;
955 	lookupXYandPutBits(bv, h, xy);
956 	if (h->linbits) putLinbits(bv, h, linbitsX);
957 	if (x) bv.put1Bit(xIsNeg);
958 	if (y) bv.put1Bit(yIsNeg);
959       }
960     } else { /* ((x < h->xlen) && (y >= h->ylen)) */
961       xy = (x<<4)|yl1;
962       lookupXYandPutBits(bv, h, xy);
963       linbitsY = y-yl1;
964       if (linbitsY > h->linmax) {
965 #ifdef DEBUG
966 	fprintf(stderr,"warning: Huffman Y table overflow\n");
967 #endif
968 	linbitsY = h->linmax;
969       };
970       if (x) bv.put1Bit(xIsNeg);
971       if (h->linbits) putLinbits(bv, h, linbitsY);
972       if (y) bv.put1Bit(yIsNeg);
973     }
974   }
975 }
976 #endif