1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) by Argonne National Laboratory
3  *     See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory
4  *
5  * This file automatically created by extracterrmsgs
7  */
9 typedef struct msgpair {
10         const unsigned int sentinal1;
11         const char *short_name, *long_name;
12         const unsigned int sentinal2; } msgpair;
13 #endif
16 static const char *classToMsg[] = {
17 "No MPI error", /* 0  **success */
18 "Invalid buffer pointer", /* 1  **buffer */
19 "Invalid count", /* 2  **count */
20 "Invalid datatype", /* 3  **dtype */
21 "Invalid tag", /* 4  **tag */
22 "Invalid communicator", /* 5  **comm */
23 "Invalid rank", /* 6  **rank */
24 "Invalid root", /* 7  **root */
25 "Invalid group", /* 8  **group */
26 "Invalid MPI_Op", /* 9  **op */
27 "Invalid topology", /* 10  **topology */
28 "Invalid dimension argument", /* 11  **dims */
29 "Invalid argument", /* 12  **arg */
30 "Unknown error.  Please file a bug report.", /* 13  **unknown */
31 "Message truncated", /* 14  **truncate */
32 "Other MPI error", /* 15  **other */
33 "Internal MPI error!", /* 16  **intern */
34 "See the MPI_ERROR field in MPI_Status for the error code", /* 17  **instatus */
35 "Pending request (no error)", /* 18  **inpending */
36 "Request pending due to failure", /* 19  **failure_pending */
37 "Access denied to file", /* 20  **fileaccess */
38 "Invalid amode value in MPI_File_open ", /* 21  **fileamode */
39 "Invalid file name", /* 22  **filename */
40 "An error occurred in a user-defined data conversion function", /* 23  **conversion */
41 "The requested datarep name has already been specified to MPI_REGISTER_DATAREP", /* 24  **datarepused */
42 "File exists", /* 25  **fileexist */
43 "File in use by some process", /* 26  **fileinuse */
44 "Invalid MPI_File", /* 27  **file */
45 "Invalid MPI_Info", /* 28  **info */
46 "Invalid key for MPI_Info ", /* 29  **infokey */
47 "Invalid MPI_Info value ", /* 30  **infoval */
48 "MPI_Info key is not defined ", /* 31  **infonokey */
49 "Other I/O error ", /* 32  **io */
50 "Invalid service name (see MPI_Publish_name)", /* 33  **nameservice */
51 "Unable to allocate memory for MPI_Alloc_mem", /* 34  **allocmem */
52 "Inconsistent arguments to collective routine ", /* 35  **notsame */
53 "Not enough space for file ", /* 36  **filenospace */
54 "File does not exist", /* 37  **filenoexist */
55 "Invalid port", /* 38  **port */
56 "Quota exceeded for files", /* 39  **filequota */
57 "Read-only file or filesystem name", /* 40  **filerdonly */
58 "Attempt to lookup an unknown service name ", /* 41  **servicename */
59 "Error in spawn call", /* 42  **spawn */
60 "Unsupported datarep passed to MPI_File_set_view ", /* 43  **datarepunsupported */
61 "Unsupported file operation ", /* 44  **fileopunsupported */
62 "Invalid MPI_Win", /* 45  **win */
63 "Invalid base address", /* 46  **base */
64 "Invalid lock type", /* 47  **locktype */
65 "Invalid keyval", /* 48  **keyval */
66 "Conflicting accesses to window ", /* 49  **rmaconflict */
67 "Wrong synchronization of RMA calls ", /* 50  **rmasync */
68 "Invalid size argument in RMA call", /* 51  **rmasize */
69 "Invalid displacement argument in RMA call ", /* 52  **rmadisp */
70 "Invalid assert argument", /* 53  **assert */
71 "Process failed", /* 54  **proc_failed */
72 "Target memory is not contained within the window", /* 55  **rmarange */
73 "Memory cannot be attached", /* 56  **rmaattach */
74 "Memory cannot be shared", /* 57  **rmashared */
75 "Incorrect window flavor", /* 58  **rmaflavor */
76 "Communication object revoked", /* 59  **revoked */
77 "Operation could not be issued (EAGAIN)", /* 60  **eagain */
78 "failure occurred while allocating memory for a request object", /* 61  **nomemreq */
79 0 };
80 #endif /* MSG_CLASS */
82 /* The names are in sorted order, allowing the use of a simple
83   linear search or bisection algorithm to find the message corresponding to
84   a particular message */
85 static const char short_gen0[] = "**afinetinvalid";
86 static const char long_gen0[]  = "Network type AF_INET invalid in call to inet_pton";
87 static const char short_gen1[] = "**alloc_shar_mem";
88 static const char long_gen1[]  = "unable to allocate shared memory";
89 static const char short_gen2[] = "**allocmem";
90 static const char long_gen2[]  = "Unable to allocate memory for MPI_Alloc_mem";
91 static const char short_gen3[] = "**arg";
92 static const char long_gen3[]  = "Invalid argument";
93 static const char short_gen4[] = "**argarrayneg";
94 static const char long_gen4[]  = "Negative value in array ";
95 static const char short_gen5[] = "**argerrcode";
96 static const char long_gen5[]  = "Invalid error code";
97 static const char short_gen6[] = "**argneg";
98 static const char long_gen6[]  = "Invalid argument; must be non-negative";
99 static const char short_gen7[] = "**argnonpos";
100 static const char long_gen7[]  = "Invalid argument; must be positive";
101 static const char short_gen8[] = "**argpackbuf";
102 static const char long_gen8[]  = "Pack buffer is too small for data";
103 static const char short_gen9[] = "**argposneg";
104 static const char long_gen9[]  = "Value of position must be nonnegative";
105 static const char short_gen10[] = "**argrange";
106 static const char long_gen10[]  = "Argument is not within valid range";
107 static const char short_gen11[] = "**argstr_hostd";
108 static const char long_gen11[]  = "no space for the host description";
109 static const char short_gen12[] = "**argstr_missinghost";
110 static const char long_gen12[]  = "Missing hostname or invalid host/port description in business card";
111 static const char short_gen13[] = "**argstr_missingifname";
112 static const char long_gen13[]  = "Missing ifname or invalid host/port description in business card";
113 static const char short_gen14[] = "**argstr_missingport";
114 static const char long_gen14[]  = "Missing port or invalid host/port description in business card";
115 static const char short_gen15[] = "**argstr_no_port_name_tag";
116 static const char long_gen15[]  = "no port_name tag in MPI port.  Make sure that port was created with MPI_Open_port";
117 static const char short_gen16[] = "**argstr_port";
118 static const char long_gen16[]  = "no space for the listener port";
119 static const char short_gen17[] = "**argstr_port_name_tag";
120 static const char long_gen17[]  = "no space for port_name tag";
121 static const char short_gen18[] = "**argtoosmall";
122 static const char long_gen18[]  = "Invalid argument; value is too small";
123 static const char short_gen19[] = "**assert";
124 static const char long_gen19[]  = "Invalid assert argument";
125 static const char short_gen20[] = "**attach_shar_mem";
126 static const char long_gen20[]  = "unable to attach to shared memory";
127 static const char short_gen21[] = "**attrsentinal";
128 static const char long_gen21[]  = "Internal fields in an attribute have been overwritten; possible errors in using the attribute value in user code.";
129 static const char short_gen22[] = "**badcase";
130 static const char long_gen22[]  = "INTERNAL ERROR: unexpected value in case statement";
131 static const char short_gen23[] = "**badgputype";
132 static const char long_gen23[]  = "Bad GPU type specified";
133 static const char short_gen24[] = "**badportrange";
134 static const char long_gen24[]  = "MPICH_PORT_RANGE - invalid range specified";
135 static const char short_gen25[] = "**base";
136 static const char long_gen25[]  = "Invalid base address";
137 static const char short_gen26[] = "**blcr_mod";
138 static const char long_gen26[]  = "BLCR kernel module not present";
139 static const char short_gen27[] = "**bsendbufsmall";
140 static const char long_gen27[]  = "Buffer size is smaller than MPI_BSEND_OVERHEAD";
141 static const char short_gen28[] = "**bsendpending";
142 static const char long_gen28[]  = "Internal error - completion of Bsend requests that were deferred because of resource limits is not implemented";
143 static const char short_gen29[] = "**buf_inplace";
144 static const char long_gen29[]  = "buffer cannot be MPI_IN_PLACE";
145 static const char short_gen30[] = "**bufalias";
146 static const char long_gen30[]  = "Buffers must not be aliased";
147 static const char short_gen31[] = "**bufbsend";
148 static const char long_gen31[]  = "Insufficient space in Bsend buffer";
149 static const char short_gen32[] = "**bufexists";
150 static const char long_gen32[]  = "Buffer already attached with MPI_BUFFER_ATTACH.";
151 static const char short_gen33[] = "**buffer";
152 static const char long_gen33[]  = "Invalid buffer pointer";
153 static const char short_gen34[] = "**bufnull";
154 static const char long_gen34[]  = "Null buffer pointer";
155 static const char short_gen35[] = "**buscard";
156 static const char long_gen35[]  = "unable to create a business card";
157 static const char short_gen36[] = "**buscard_len";
158 static const char long_gen36[]  = "no space left in the business card to add a parameter";
159 static const char short_gen37[] = "**business_card";
160 static const char long_gen37[]  = "Invalid business card";
161 static const char short_gen38[] = "**cancelunknown";
162 static const char long_gen38[]  = "Attempt to cancel an unknown type of request";
163 static const char short_gen39[] = "**cartcoordinvalid";
164 static const char long_gen39[]  = "Cartesian coordinate is invalid (not in range)";
165 static const char short_gen40[] = "**cartdim";
166 static const char long_gen40[]  = "Size of Cartesian grid is larger than the size of the communicator";
167 static const char short_gen41[] = "**catindex";
168 static const char long_gen41[]  = " Category index is invalid";
169 static const char short_gen42[] = "**ch3|badmsgtype";
170 static const char long_gen42[]  = "request contained an invalid message type";
171 static const char short_gen43[] = "**ch3|badreqtype";
172 static const char long_gen43[]  = "request contained an invalid request type";
173 static const char short_gen44[] = "**ch3|cancelreq";
174 static const char long_gen44[]  = "failure occurred while sending remote cancellation request packet";
175 static const char short_gen45[] = "**ch3|cancelresp";
176 static const char long_gen45[]  = "failure occurred while attempting to send cancel response packet";
177 static const char short_gen46[] = "**ch3|cancelrndv";
178 static const char long_gen46[]  = "failure occurred while performing local cancellation of a rendezvous message";
179 static const char short_gen47[] = "**ch3|ch3_init";
180 static const char long_gen47[]  = "channel initialization failed";
181 static const char short_gen48[] = "**ch3|close_progress";
182 static const char long_gen48[]  = "an error occurred while the device was waiting for all open connections to close";
183 static const char short_gen49[] = "**ch3|conn_parent";
184 static const char long_gen49[]  = "spawned process group was unable to connect back to the parent";
185 static const char short_gen50[] = "**ch3|conntimeout";
186 static const char long_gen50[]  = "Connection timed out";
187 static const char short_gen51[] = "**ch3|ctspkt";
188 static const char long_gen51[]  = "failure occurred while attempting to send CTS packet";
189 static const char short_gen52[] = "**ch3|eagermsg";
190 static const char long_gen52[]  = "failure occurred while attempting to send an eager message";
191 static const char short_gen53[] = "**ch3|get_parent_port";
192 static const char long_gen53[]  = "spawn process group was unable to obtain parent port name from the channel";
193 static const char short_gen54[] = "**ch3|loadrecviov";
194 static const char long_gen54[]  = "failure occurred while loading the receive I/O vector";
195 static const char short_gen55[] = "**ch3|loadsendiov";
196 static const char long_gen55[]  = "failure occurred while loading the send I/O vector";
197 static const char short_gen56[] = "**ch3|nopktcontainermem";
198 static const char long_gen56[]  = "failed to allocate memory for a packet reorder container";
199 static const char short_gen57[] = "**ch3|ooocancelreq";
200 static const char long_gen57[]  = "UNIMPLEMENTED: unable to process out-of-order cancellation requests";
201 static const char short_gen58[] = "**ch3|pktarraytoosmall";
202 static const char long_gen58[]  = " Size of the array of packet handlers is too small";
203 static const char short_gen59[] = "**ch3|pktordered";
204 static const char long_gen59[]  = "failure occurred while processing a reordered packet";
205 static const char short_gen60[] = "**ch3|portclose";
206 static const char long_gen60[]  = "Port is unexpectedly closed";
207 static const char short_gen61[] = "**ch3|postrecv";
208 static const char long_gen61[]  = "failure occurred while posting a receive for message data";
209 static const char short_gen62[] = "**ch3|rma_msg";
210 static const char long_gen62[]  = "RMA message operation failed";
211 static const char short_gen63[] = "**ch3|rmamsg";
212 static const char long_gen63[]  = "failure occurred while attempting to send an RMA message";
213 static const char short_gen64[] = "**ch3|rtspkt";
214 static const char long_gen64[]  = "failure occurred while attempting to send RTS packet";
215 static const char short_gen65[] = "**ch3|send_close_ack";
216 static const char long_gen65[]  = "an error occurred when the device attempted to acknowledge the closing of a connection";
217 static const char short_gen66[] = "**ch3|senddata";
218 static const char long_gen66[]  = "failure occurred while attempting to send message data";
219 static const char short_gen67[] = "**ch3|sock|accept";
220 static const char long_gen67[]  = "[ch3:sock] accepting a new connection failed";
221 static const char short_gen68[] = "**ch3|sock|addrinuse";
222 static const char long_gen68[]  = "[ch3:sock] tcp port already in use";
223 static const char short_gen69[] = "**ch3|sock|badhost";
224 static const char long_gen69[]  = "[ch3:soc] invalid host description";
225 static const char short_gen70[] = "**ch3|sock|badpacket";
226 static const char long_gen70[]  = "[ch3:sock] received packet of unknow type";
227 static const char short_gen71[] = "**ch3|sock|badsock";
228 static const char long_gen71[]  = "[ch3:sock] internal error - bad sock";
229 static const char short_gen72[] = "**ch3|sock|connalloc";
230 static const char long_gen72[]  = "[ch3:sock] unable to allocate an internal connection structure";
231 static const char short_gen73[] = "**ch3|sock|connclose";
232 static const char long_gen73[]  = "[ch3:sock] active connection unexpectedly closed";
233 static const char short_gen74[] = "**ch3|sock|connectionfailed";
234 static const char long_gen74[]  = "Connection failed for virtual channel";
235 static const char short_gen75[] = "**ch3|sock|connfailed";
236 static const char long_gen75[]  = "[ch3:sock] failed to connnect to remote process";
237 static const char short_gen76[] = "**ch3|sock|connrefused";
238 static const char long_gen76[]  = "[ch3:sock] connection refused";
239 static const char short_gen77[] = "**ch3|sock|connterm";
240 static const char long_gen77[]  = "[ch3:sock] active connection unexpectedly terminated";
241 static const char short_gen78[] = "**ch3|sock|failure";
242 static const char long_gen78[]  = "[ch3:sock] unknown failure";
243 static const char short_gen79[] = "**ch3|sock|handle_sock_event";
244 static const char long_gen79[]  = "an error occurred while handling an event returned by MPIDI_CH3I_Sock_Wait()";
245 static const char short_gen80[] = "**ch3|sock|hostlookup";
246 static const char long_gen80[]  = "[ch3:sock] hostname lookup failed";
247 static const char short_gen81[] = "**ch3|sock|immedread";
248 static const char long_gen81[]  = "immediate read operation failed";
249 static const char short_gen82[] = "**ch3|sock|immedwrite";
250 static const char long_gen82[]  = "immediate write operation failed";
251 static const char short_gen83[] = "**ch3|sock|open_lrecv_data";
252 static const char long_gen83[]  = "[ch3:sock] failed to handle open lrecv data packet";
253 static const char short_gen84[] = "**ch3|sock|openlsend";
254 static const char long_gen84[]  = "[ch3:sock] failed to handle open lsend packet";
255 static const char short_gen85[] = "**ch3|sock|postconnect";
256 static const char long_gen85[]  = "[ch3:sock] post connect failed";
257 static const char short_gen86[] = "**ch3|sock|postread";
258 static const char long_gen86[]  = "attempt to post a read operation failed";
259 static const char short_gen87[] = "**ch3|sock|postwrite";
260 static const char long_gen87[]  = "attempt to post a write operation failed";
261 static const char short_gen88[] = "**ch3|sock|scconnaccept";
262 static const char long_gen88[]  = "[ch3:sock] failed to handle connection accept packet";
263 static const char short_gen89[] = "**ch3|sock|scopenresp";
264 static const char long_gen89[]  = "[ch3:sock] failed to handle open response packet";
265 static const char short_gen90[] = "**ch3|sock|writefailed";
266 static const char long_gen90[]  = "Write to socket failed";
267 static const char short_gen91[] = "**ch3|syncack";
268 static const char long_gen91[]  = "failure occurred while attempting to send eager synchronization packet";
269 static const char short_gen92[] = "**ch3|unhandled_connection_state";
270 static const char long_gen92[]  = "encountered an unexpected connection state";
271 static const char short_gen93[] = "**ch4|badreqtype";
272 static const char long_gen93[]  = "request contained an invalid request type";
273 static const char short_gen94[] = "**ch4|invalid_mt_model";
274 static const char long_gen94[]  = "Invalid multi-threading model";
275 static const char short_gen95[] = "**ch4|invalid_shm_posix_eager";
276 static const char long_gen95[]  = "Invalid shm posix eager module specified";
277 static const char short_gen96[] = "**ch4|too_many_ranks";
278 static const char long_gen96[]  = "User requested number of ranks unsupported";
279 static const char short_gen97[] = "**ckptpkt";
280 static const char long_gen97[]  = "Failed to send checkpoint marker packet";
281 static const char short_gen98[] = "**close";
282 static const char long_gen98[]  = "close of socket failed";
283 static const char short_gen99[] = "**closesocket";
284 static const char long_gen99[]  = "closesocket failed";
285 static const char short_gen100[] = "**coll_fail";
286 static const char long_gen100[]  = "Failure during collective";
287 static const char short_gen101[] = "**collalgo";
288 static const char long_gen101[]  = "User set collective algorithm is not usable for the provided arguments";
289 static const char short_gen102[] = "**collective_size_mismatch";
290 static const char long_gen102[]  = "message sizes do not match across processes in the collective routine";
291 static const char short_gen103[] = "**comm";
292 static const char long_gen103[]  = "Invalid communicator";
293 static const char short_gen104[] = "**comm_fail";
294 static const char long_gen104[]  = "Communication error";
295 static const char short_gen105[] = "**comm_fail_conn";
296 static const char long_gen105[]  = "Communication error during connect sequence";
297 static const char short_gen106[] = "**commnotinter";
298 static const char long_gen106[]  = "An intercommunicator is required but an intracommunicator was provided.";
299 static const char short_gen107[] = "**commnotintra";
300 static const char long_gen107[]  = "An intracommunicator is required but an intercommunicator was provided.";
301 static const char short_gen108[] = "**commnull";
302 static const char long_gen108[]  = "Null communicator";
303 static const char short_gen109[] = "**commperm";
304 static const char long_gen109[]  = "Cannot free permanent communicator";
305 static const char short_gen110[] = "**contentspredef";
306 static const char long_gen110[]  = "Named predefined datatypes are not permitted in MPI_Type_get_contents";
307 static const char short_gen111[] = "**conversion";
308 static const char long_gen111[]  = "An error occurred in a user-defined data conversion function";
309 static const char short_gen112[] = "**cookiepkt";
310 static const char long_gen112[]  = "failure occurred while attempting to send COOKIE packet";
311 static const char short_gen113[] = "**count";
312 static const char long_gen113[]  = "Invalid count";
313 static const char short_gen114[] = "**countneg";
314 static const char long_gen114[]  = "Negative count";
315 static const char short_gen115[] = "**ctspkt";
316 static const char long_gen115[]  = "failure occurred while attempting to send CTS packet";
317 static const char short_gen116[] = "**cvar_val";
318 static const char long_gen116[]  = "Invalid CVAR value";
319 static const char short_gen117[] = "**cvarhandle";
320 static const char long_gen117[]  = " Control variable handle is invalid";
321 static const char short_gen118[] = "**cvarhandlenull";
322 static const char long_gen118[]  = " Control variable handle is NULL";
323 static const char short_gen119[] = "**cvarindex";
324 static const char long_gen119[]  = " Control variable index is invalid";
325 static const char short_gen120[] = "**darrayblock";
326 static const char long_gen120[]  = "Value of m must be positive for block(m) distribution";
327 static const char short_gen121[] = "**darrayblock2";
328 static const char long_gen121[]  = "m * nprocs is less than array_size and is not valid for block(m) distribution (optional arguments: {m*nprocs}, {array_size} (int))";
329 static const char short_gen122[] = "**darraycyclic";
330 static const char long_gen122[]  = "Value of m must be positive for a cyclic(m) distribution";
331 static const char short_gen123[] = "**darraydist";
332 static const char long_gen123[]  = "For MPI_DISTRIBUTE_NONE, the number of processes in that dimension of the grid must be 1";
333 static const char short_gen124[] = "**darrayoverflow";
334 static const char long_gen124[]  = "Cannot use an array of this size unless the MPI implementation defines a 64-bit MPI_Aint";
335 static const char short_gen125[] = "**darrayunknown";
336 static const char long_gen125[]  = "Unknown distribution type ";
337 static const char short_gen126[] = "**datarepextent";
338 static const char long_gen126[]  = "Invalid extent callback";
339 static const char short_gen127[] = "**datarepname";
340 static const char long_gen127[]  = "Invalid datarep name";
341 static const char short_gen128[] = "**datarepunsupported";
342 static const char long_gen128[]  = "Unsupported datarep passed to MPI_File_set_view ";
343 static const char short_gen129[] = "**datarepused";
344 static const char long_gen129[]  = "The requested datarep name has already been specified to MPI_REGISTER_DATAREP";
345 static const char short_gen130[] = "**detach_shar_mem";
346 static const char long_gen130[]  = "unable to detach shared memory";
347 static const char short_gen131[] = "**dev|pg_create";
348 static const char long_gen131[]  = "unable to create a new process group";
349 static const char short_gen132[] = "**dev|pg_finalize|list_not_empty";
350 static const char long_gen132[]  = "process group list was not empty";
351 static const char short_gen133[] = "**dev|pg_init";
352 static const char long_gen133[]  = "unable to initialize the process group management module";
353 static const char short_gen134[] = "**dev|pg_not_found";
354 static const char long_gen134[]  = "the specified process group object could not be located";
355 static const char short_gen135[] = "**dev|selfsenddeadlock";
356 static const char long_gen135[]  = "DEADLOCK: attempting to send a message to the local process without a prior matching receive";
357 static const char short_gen136[] = "**dev|vcrt_create";
358 static const char long_gen136[]  = "failed to a create VCRT";
359 static const char short_gen137[] = "**dims";
360 static const char long_gen137[]  = "Invalid dimension argument";
361 static const char short_gen138[] = "**dimsmany";
362 static const char long_gen138[]  = "Number of dimensions is too large ";
363 static const char short_gen139[] = "**dimspartition";
364 static const char long_gen139[]  = "Cannot partition nodes as requested ";
365 static const char short_gen140[] = "**dimszero";
366 static const char long_gen140[]  = "Communicator associated with zero-dimensional cartesian topology";
367 static const char short_gen141[] = "**donepkt";
368 static const char long_gen141[]  = "failure occurred while attempting to send DONE packet";
369 static const char short_gen142[] = "**drconvnotsupported";
370 static const char long_gen142[]  = "Read and Write datarep conversions are currently not supported by MPI-IO";
371 static const char short_gen143[] = "**dtype";
372 static const char long_gen143[]  = "Invalid datatype";
373 static const char short_gen144[] = "**dtypecommit";
374 static const char long_gen144[]  = "Datatype has not been committed ";
375 static const char short_gen145[] = "**dtypemismatch";
376 static const char long_gen145[]  = "Receiving data with a datatype whose signature does not match that of the sending datatype.";
377 static const char short_gen146[] = "**dtypenull";
378 static const char long_gen146[]  = "Null datatype";
379 static const char short_gen147[] = "**dtypeperm";
380 static const char long_gen147[]  = "Cannot free permanent data type ";
381 static const char short_gen148[] = "**dupprocesses";
382 static const char long_gen148[]  = "Local and remote groups in MPI_Intercomm_create must not contain the same processes";
383 static const char short_gen149[] = "**dynamic_node_ids";
384 static const char long_gen149[]  = " Node information for dynamic processes currently is not implemented";
385 static const char short_gen150[] = "**eagain";
386 static const char long_gen150[]  = "Operation could not be issued (EAGAIN)";
387 static const char short_gen151[] = "**edgeoutrange";
388 static const char long_gen151[]  = "Edge index in graph topology is out of range";
389 static const char short_gen152[] = "**enumhandle";
390 static const char long_gen152[]  = " Enum handle is invalid";
391 static const char short_gen153[] = "**enumhandlenull";
392 static const char long_gen153[]  = " Enum handle is NULL";
393 static const char short_gen154[] = "**envvarparse";
394 static const char long_gen154[]  = "Unable to parse environment variable";
395 static const char short_gen155[] = "**errhandler";
396 static const char long_gen155[]  = "Invalid errhandler";
397 static const char short_gen156[] = "**errhandlernull";
398 static const char long_gen156[]  = "Null errhandler ";
399 static const char short_gen157[] = "**errhandnotfile";
400 static const char long_gen157[]  = "Error handler is not a file error handler";
401 static const char short_gen158[] = "**errhandnotwin";
402 static const char long_gen158[]  = "Error handler is not a win error handler";
403 static const char short_gen159[] = "**exceeded_connect_tries";
404 static const char long_gen159[]  = "Unable to establish connection to process";
405 static const char short_gen160[] = "**f90typecomplexnone";
406 static const char long_gen160[]  = " No complex type with the requested range and/or precision is available";
407 static const char short_gen161[] = "**f90typeintnone";
408 static const char long_gen161[]  = " No integer type with the requested range is available";
409 static const char short_gen162[] = "**f90typerealnone";
410 static const char long_gen162[]  = " No real type with the requested range and/or precision is available";
411 static const char short_gen163[] = "**f90typetoomany";
412 static const char long_gen163[]  = "Too many requests for unnamed, predefined f90 types";
413 static const char short_gen164[] = "**fail";
414 static const char long_gen164[]  = "";
415 static const char short_gen165[] = "**failure_pending";
416 static const char long_gen165[]  = "Request pending due to failure";
417 static const char short_gen166[] = "**file";
418 static const char long_gen166[]  = "Invalid MPI_File";
419 static const char short_gen167[] = "**fileaccess";
420 static const char long_gen167[]  = "Access denied to file";
421 static const char short_gen168[] = "**fileamode";
422 static const char long_gen168[]  = "Invalid amode value in MPI_File_open ";
423 static const char short_gen169[] = "**fileamodediff";
424 static const char long_gen169[]  = "amode must be the same on all processors";
425 static const char short_gen170[] = "**fileamodeone";
426 static const char long_gen170[]  = "Exactly one of MPI_MODE_RDONLY, MPI_MODE_WRONLY, or MPI_MODE_RDWR must be specified";
427 static const char short_gen171[] = "**fileamoderead";
428 static const char long_gen171[]  = "Cannot use MPI_MODE_CREATE or MPI_MODE_EXCL with MPI_MODE_RDONLY ";
429 static const char short_gen172[] = "**fileamodeseq";
430 static const char long_gen172[]  = "Cannot specify MPI_MODE_SEQUENTIAL with MPI_MODE_RDWR";
431 static const char short_gen173[] = "**fileexist";
432 static const char long_gen173[]  = "File exists";
433 static const char short_gen174[] = "**fileinuse";
434 static const char long_gen174[]  = "File in use by some process";
435 static const char short_gen175[] = "**filename";
436 static const char long_gen175[]  = "Invalid file name";
437 static const char short_gen176[] = "**filenamedir";
438 static const char long_gen176[]  = "Invalid or missing directory";
439 static const char short_gen177[] = "**filenamelong";
440 static const char long_gen177[]  = "Pathname too long";
441 static const char short_gen178[] = "**filenoexist";
442 static const char long_gen178[]  = "File does not exist";
443 static const char short_gen179[] = "**filenospace";
444 static const char long_gen179[]  = "Not enough space for file ";
445 static const char short_gen180[] = "**fileopunsupported";
446 static const char long_gen180[]  = "Unsupported file operation ";
447 static const char short_gen181[] = "**filequota";
448 static const char long_gen181[]  = "Quota exceeded for files";
449 static const char short_gen182[] = "**filerdonly";
450 static const char long_gen182[]  = "Read-only file or filesystem name";
451 static const char short_gen183[] = "**flag";
452 static const char long_gen183[]  = "invalid flag parameter";
453 static const char short_gen184[] = "**gethostbyname";
454 static const char long_gen184[]  = "gethostbyname failed";
455 static const char short_gen185[] = "**getsockname";
456 static const char long_gen185[]  = "getsockname failed";
457 static const char short_gen186[] = "**gpu_finalize";
458 static const char long_gen186[]  = " gpu_finalize failed";
459 static const char short_gen187[] = "**gpu_get_buffer_info";
460 static const char long_gen187[]  = " gpu_get_buffer_info failed";
461 static const char short_gen188[] = "**gpu_get_dev_count";
462 static const char long_gen188[]  = " gpu_get_dev_count failed";
463 static const char short_gen189[] = "**gpu_get_global_dev_ids";
464 static const char long_gen189[]  = " gpu_get_global_dev_ids failed";
465 static const char short_gen190[] = "**gpu_init";
466 static const char long_gen190[]  = " gpu_init failed";
467 static const char short_gen191[] = "**gpu_ipc_handle_create";
468 static const char long_gen191[]  = " gpu_ipc_handle_create failed";
469 static const char short_gen192[] = "**gpu_ipc_handle_map";
470 static const char long_gen192[]  = " gpu_ipc_handle_map failed";
471 static const char short_gen193[] = "**gpu_ipc_handle_unmap";
472 static const char long_gen193[]  = " gpu_ipc_handle_unmap failed";
473 static const char short_gen194[] = "**gpu_query_ptr";
474 static const char long_gen194[]  = " gpu_query_pointer_attr failed";
475 static const char short_gen195[] = "**graphnnodes";
476 static const char long_gen195[]  = "Number of graph nodes exceeds size of communicator.";
477 static const char short_gen196[] = "**group";
478 static const char long_gen196[]  = "Invalid group";
479 static const char short_gen197[] = "**groupnotincomm";
480 static const char long_gen197[]  = "Specified group is not within the communicator";
481 static const char short_gen198[] = "**groupnull";
482 static const char long_gen198[]  = "Null group";
483 static const char short_gen199[] = "**groupperm";
484 static const char long_gen199[]  = "Cannot free permanent group";
485 static const char short_gen200[] = "**hcoll_wrong_arg";
486 static const char long_gen200[]  = "Error in hcolrte api: wrong null argument";
487 static const char short_gen201[] = "**iface_notfound";
488 static const char long_gen201[]  = "The network interface specified in MPIR_CVAR_CH3_NETWORK_IFACE was not found.";
489 static const char short_gen202[] = "**ifname_and_hostname";
490 static const char long_gen202[]  = "Only one of MPIR_CVAR_CH3_INTERFACE_HOSTNAME and MPIR_CVAR_CH3_NETWORK_IFACE environment variables are allowed, but both were set.";
491 static const char short_gen203[] = "**ifnameinvalid";
492 static const char long_gen203[]  = "Interface name was invalid in call to inet_pton";
493 static const char short_gen204[] = "**indexneg";
494 static const char long_gen204[]  = "Index value in graph topology must be nonnegative";
495 static const char short_gen205[] = "**indexnonmonotone";
496 static const char long_gen205[]  = "Index values in graph topology must be monotone nondecreasing";
497 static const char short_gen206[] = "**info";
498 static const char long_gen206[]  = "Invalid MPI_Info";
499 static const char short_gen207[] = "**infokey";
500 static const char long_gen207[]  = "Invalid key for MPI_Info ";
501 static const char short_gen208[] = "**infokeyempty";
502 static const char long_gen208[]  = "Empty or blank key ";
503 static const char short_gen209[] = "**infokeylong";
504 static const char long_gen209[]  = "Key is too long";
505 static const char short_gen210[] = "**infokeynull";
506 static const char long_gen210[]  = "Null key";
507 static const char short_gen211[] = "**infonkey";
508 static const char long_gen211[]  = "Requested nth key does not exist";
509 static const char short_gen212[] = "**infonokey";
510 static const char long_gen212[]  = "MPI_Info key is not defined ";
511 static const char short_gen213[] = "**infonull";
512 static const char long_gen213[]  = "Null MPI_Info ";
513 static const char short_gen214[] = "**infoval";
514 static const char long_gen214[]  = "Invalid MPI_Info value ";
515 static const char short_gen215[] = "**infovallong";
516 static const char long_gen215[]  = "Value is too long ";
517 static const char short_gen216[] = "**infovalnull";
518 static const char long_gen216[]  = "Null value";
519 static const char short_gen217[] = "**init_buscard";
520 static const char long_gen217[]  = "failed to get my business card";
521 static const char short_gen218[] = "**init_progress";
522 static const char long_gen218[]  = "progress_init failed";
523 static const char short_gen219[] = "**init_vcrt";
524 static const char long_gen219[]  = "failed to create VCRT";
525 static const char short_gen220[] = "**initialized";
526 static const char long_gen220[]  = "MPI not initialized. Call MPI_Init or MPI_Init_thread first";
527 static const char short_gen221[] = "**inittwice";
528 static const char long_gen221[]  = "Cannot call MPI_INIT or MPI_INIT_THREAD more than once";
529 static const char short_gen222[] = "**inpending";
530 static const char long_gen222[]  = "Pending request (no error)";
531 static const char short_gen223[] = "**instatus";
532 static const char long_gen223[]  = "See the MPI_ERROR field in MPI_Status for the error code";
533 static const char short_gen224[] = "**intern";
534 static const char long_gen224[]  = "Internal MPI error!";
535 static const char short_gen225[] = "**inttoosmall";
536 static const char long_gen225[]  = "An address does not fit into a Fortran INTEGER.  Use MPI_Get_address instead";
537 static const char short_gen226[] = "**invalid_handle";
538 static const char long_gen226[]  = "invalid handle";
539 static const char short_gen227[] = "**invalid_netmod";
540 static const char long_gen227[]  = "Invalid netmod specified";
541 static const char short_gen228[] = "**invalid_refcount";
542 static const char long_gen228[]  = "invalid reference count";
543 static const char short_gen229[] = "**invalidmembind";
544 static const char long_gen229[]  = " Invalid bind object identifier.";
545 static const char short_gen230[] = "**invalidpkt";
546 static const char long_gen230[]  = " Invalid packet type";
547 static const char short_gen231[] = "**io";
548 static const char long_gen231[]  = "Other I/O error ";
549 static const char short_gen232[] = "**ioRMWrdwr";
550 static const char long_gen232[]  = "Must open file with MPI_MODE_RDWR for read-modify-write";
551 static const char short_gen233[] = "**ioagnomatch";
552 static const char long_gen233[]  = "No aggregators match";
553 static const char short_gen234[] = "**ioamodeseq";
554 static const char long_gen234[]  = "Cannot use this function when the file is opened with amode MPI_MODE_SEQUENTIAL ";
555 static const char short_gen235[] = "**iobadcount";
556 static const char long_gen235[]  = "Invalid count argument";
557 static const char short_gen236[] = "**iobaddisp";
558 static const char long_gen236[]  = "Invalid displacement argument";
559 static const char short_gen237[] = "**iobadfh";
560 static const char long_gen237[]  = "Invalid file handle";
561 static const char short_gen238[] = "**iobadoffset";
562 static const char long_gen238[]  = "Invalid offset argument";
563 static const char short_gen239[] = "**iobadoverlap";
564 static const char long_gen239[]  = " write voilates monotonically non-decreasing";
565 static const char short_gen240[] = "**iobadsize";
566 static const char long_gen240[]  = "Invalid size argument";
567 static const char short_gen241[] = "**iobadwhence";
568 static const char long_gen241[]  = "Invalid whence argument";
569 static const char short_gen242[] = "**iodatarepnomem";
570 static const char long_gen242[]  = "User must allocate memory for datarep";
571 static const char short_gen243[] = "**iodispifseq";
572 static const char long_gen243[]  = "disp must be set to MPI_DISPLACEMENT_CURRENT since file was opened with MPI_MODE_SEQUENTIAL";
573 static const char short_gen244[] = "**ioetype";
574 static const char long_gen244[]  = "Only an integral number of etypes can be accessed";
575 static const char short_gen245[] = "**iofiletype";
576 static const char long_gen245[]  = "Filetype must be constructed out of one or more etypes";
577 static const char short_gen246[] = "**iofstypeunsupported";
578 static const char long_gen246[]  = "Specified filesystem is not available";
579 static const char short_gen247[] = "**ioneedrd";
580 static const char long_gen247[]  = "Read access is required to this file";
581 static const char short_gen248[] = "**ionegoffset";
582 static const char long_gen248[]  = "Negative offset argument";
583 static const char short_gen249[] = "**iopreallocrdwr";
584 static const char long_gen249[]  = "Must open file with MPI_MODE_RDWR to preallocate disk space";
585 static const char short_gen250[] = "**iordonly";
586 static const char long_gen250[]  = "Cannot write to a file opened with amode MPI_MODE_RDONLY";
587 static const char short_gen251[] = "**iorsrc";
588 static const char long_gen251[]  = "Unable to read from the file as part of a strided read operation";
589 static const char short_gen252[] = "**iosequnsupported";
590 static const char long_gen252[]  = "MPI_MODE_SEQUENTIAL not supported on this file system";
591 static const char short_gen253[] = "**iosharedfailed";
592 static const char long_gen253[]  = "Could not access shared file pointer";
593 static const char short_gen254[] = "**iosharedunsupported";
594 static const char long_gen254[]  = "Shared file pointers not supported";
595 static const char short_gen255[] = "**iosplitcoll";
596 static const char long_gen255[]  = "Only one active split collective I/O operation is allowed per file handle";
597 static const char short_gen256[] = "**iosplitcollnone";
598 static const char long_gen256[]  = "No split collective I/O operation is active";
599 static const char short_gen257[] = "**iowronly";
600 static const char long_gen257[]  = "Cannot read from a file opened with amode MPI_MODE_WRONLY";
601 static const char short_gen258[] = "**iowsrc";
602 static const char long_gen258[]  = "Unable to read from the file as part of a strided write operation";
603 static const char short_gen259[] = "**iowswc";
604 static const char long_gen259[]  = "Unable to write to the file as part of a strided write operation";
605 static const char short_gen260[] = "**itemindex";
606 static const char long_gen260[]  = " Enum item index is invalid";
607 static const char short_gen261[] = "**join_portname";
608 static const char long_gen261[]  = "local and remote port names are the same";
609 static const char short_gen262[] = "**join_recv";
610 static const char long_gen262[]  = "recv from the socket failed";
611 static const char short_gen263[] = "**join_send";
612 static const char long_gen263[]  = "send on the socket failed";
613 static const char short_gen264[] = "**keyval";
614 static const char long_gen264[]  = "Invalid keyval";
615 static const char short_gen265[] = "**keyvalinvalid";
616 static const char long_gen265[]  = "Attribute key was MPI_KEYVAL_INVALID";
617 static const char short_gen266[] = "**keyvalobj";
618 static const char long_gen266[]  = "Keyval was not defined for the supplied object";
619 static const char short_gen267[] = "**listen";
620 static const char long_gen267[]  = "listen failed";
621 static const char short_gen268[] = "**lockassertval";
622 static const char long_gen268[]  = "Invalid assert argument passed to MPI_Win_lock";
623 static const char short_gen269[] = "**locktype";
624 static const char long_gen269[]  = "Invalid lock type";
625 static const char short_gen270[] = "**memcpyalias";
626 static const char long_gen270[]  = "memcpy arguments alias each other";
627 static const char short_gen271[] = "**mpi_abort";
628 static const char long_gen271[]  = "MPI_Abort failed";
629 static const char short_gen272[] = "**mpi_accumulate";
630 static const char long_gen272[]  = "MPI_Accumulate failed";
631 static const char short_gen273[] = "**mpi_add_error_class";
632 static const char long_gen273[]  = "MPI_Add_error_class failed";
633 static const char short_gen274[] = "**mpi_add_error_code";
634 static const char long_gen274[]  = "MPI_Add_error_code failed";
635 static const char short_gen275[] = "**mpi_add_error_string";
636 static const char long_gen275[]  = "MPI_Add_error_string failed";
637 static const char short_gen276[] = "**mpi_address";
638 static const char long_gen276[]  = "MPI_Address failed";
639 static const char short_gen277[] = "**mpi_allgather";
640 static const char long_gen277[]  = "MPI_Allgather failed";
641 static const char short_gen278[] = "**mpi_allgatherv";
642 static const char long_gen278[]  = "MPI_Allgatherv failed";
643 static const char short_gen279[] = "**mpi_alloc_mem";
644 static const char long_gen279[]  = "MPI_Alloc_mem failed";
645 static const char short_gen280[] = "**mpi_allreduce";
646 static const char long_gen280[]  = "MPI_Allreduce failed";
647 static const char short_gen281[] = "**mpi_alltoall";
648 static const char long_gen281[]  = "MPI_Alltoall failed";
649 static const char short_gen282[] = "**mpi_alltoallv";
650 static const char long_gen282[]  = "MPI_Alltoallv failed";
651 static const char short_gen283[] = "**mpi_alltoallw";
652 static const char long_gen283[]  = "MPI_Alltoallw failed";
653 static const char short_gen284[] = "**mpi_attr_delete";
654 static const char long_gen284[]  = "MPI_Attr_delete failed";
655 static const char short_gen285[] = "**mpi_attr_get";
656 static const char long_gen285[]  = "MPI_Attr_get failed";
657 static const char short_gen286[] = "**mpi_attr_put";
658 static const char long_gen286[]  = "MPI_Attr_put failed";
659 static const char short_gen287[] = "**mpi_barrier";
660 static const char long_gen287[]  = "MPI_Barrier failed";
661 static const char short_gen288[] = "**mpi_bcast";
662 static const char long_gen288[]  = "MPI_Bcast failed";
663 static const char short_gen289[] = "**mpi_bsend";
664 static const char long_gen289[]  = "MPI_Bsend failed";
665 static const char short_gen290[] = "**mpi_bsend_init";
666 static const char long_gen290[]  = "MPI_Bsend_init failed";
667 static const char short_gen291[] = "**mpi_buffer_attach";
668 static const char long_gen291[]  = "MPI_Buffer_attach failed";
669 static const char short_gen292[] = "**mpi_buffer_detach";
670 static const char long_gen292[]  = "MPI_Buffer_detach failed";
671 static const char short_gen293[] = "**mpi_cancel";
672 static const char long_gen293[]  = "MPI_Cancel failed";
673 static const char short_gen294[] = "**mpi_cart_coords";
674 static const char long_gen294[]  = "MPI_Cart_coords failed";
675 static const char short_gen295[] = "**mpi_cart_create";
676 static const char long_gen295[]  = "MPI_Cart_create failed";
677 static const char short_gen296[] = "**mpi_cart_get";
678 static const char long_gen296[]  = "MPI_Cart_get failed";
679 static const char short_gen297[] = "**mpi_cart_map";
680 static const char long_gen297[]  = "MPI_Cart_map failed";
681 static const char short_gen298[] = "**mpi_cart_rank";
682 static const char long_gen298[]  = "MPI_Cart_rank failed";
683 static const char short_gen299[] = "**mpi_cart_shift";
684 static const char long_gen299[]  = "MPI_Cart_shift failed";
685 static const char short_gen300[] = "**mpi_cart_sub";
686 static const char long_gen300[]  = "MPI_Cart_sub failed";
687 static const char short_gen301[] = "**mpi_cartdim_get";
688 static const char long_gen301[]  = "MPI_Cartdim_get failed";
689 static const char short_gen302[] = "**mpi_close_port";
690 static const char long_gen302[]  = "MPI_Close_port failed";
691 static const char short_gen303[] = "**mpi_comm_accept";
692 static const char long_gen303[]  = "MPI_Comm_accept failed";
693 static const char short_gen304[] = "**mpi_comm_call_errhandler";
694 static const char long_gen304[]  = "MPI_Comm_call_errhandler failed";
695 static const char short_gen305[] = "**mpi_comm_compare";
696 static const char long_gen305[]  = "MPI_Comm_compare failed";
697 static const char short_gen306[] = "**mpi_comm_connect";
698 static const char long_gen306[]  = "MPI_Comm_connect failed";
699 static const char short_gen307[] = "**mpi_comm_create";
700 static const char long_gen307[]  = "MPI_Comm_create failed";
701 static const char short_gen308[] = "**mpi_comm_create_errhandler";
702 static const char long_gen308[]  = "MPI_Comm_create_errhandler failed";
703 static const char short_gen309[] = "**mpi_comm_create_group";
704 static const char long_gen309[]  = "MPI_Comm_create_group failed";
705 static const char short_gen310[] = "**mpi_comm_create_keyval";
706 static const char long_gen310[]  = "MPI_Comm_create_keyval failed";
707 static const char short_gen311[] = "**mpi_comm_delete_attr";
708 static const char long_gen311[]  = "MPI_Comm_delete_attr failed";
709 static const char short_gen312[] = "**mpi_comm_disconnect";
710 static const char long_gen312[]  = "MPI_Comm_disconnect failed";
711 static const char short_gen313[] = "**mpi_comm_dup";
712 static const char long_gen313[]  = "MPI_Comm_dup failed";
713 static const char short_gen314[] = "**mpi_comm_dup_with_info";
714 static const char long_gen314[]  = "MPI_Comm_dup_with_info failed";
715 static const char short_gen315[] = "**mpi_comm_free";
716 static const char long_gen315[]  = "MPI_Comm_free failed";
717 static const char short_gen316[] = "**mpi_comm_free_keyval";
718 static const char long_gen316[]  = "MPI_Comm_free_keyval failed";
719 static const char short_gen317[] = "**mpi_comm_get_attr";
720 static const char long_gen317[]  = "MPI_Comm_get_attr failed";
721 static const char short_gen318[] = "**mpi_comm_get_errhandler";
722 static const char long_gen318[]  = "MPI_Comm_get_errhandler failed";
723 static const char short_gen319[] = "**mpi_comm_get_info";
724 static const char long_gen319[]  = "MPI_Comm_get_info failed";
725 static const char short_gen320[] = "**mpi_comm_get_name";
726 static const char long_gen320[]  = "MPI_Comm_get_name failed";
727 static const char short_gen321[] = "**mpi_comm_get_parent";
728 static const char long_gen321[]  = "MPI_Comm_get_parent failed";
729 static const char short_gen322[] = "**mpi_comm_group";
730 static const char long_gen322[]  = "MPI_Comm_group failed";
731 static const char short_gen323[] = "**mpi_comm_idup";
732 static const char long_gen323[]  = " MPI_Comm_idup failed";
733 static const char short_gen324[] = "**mpi_comm_join";
734 static const char long_gen324[]  = "MPI_Comm_join failed";
735 static const char short_gen325[] = "**mpi_comm_rank";
736 static const char long_gen325[]  = "MPI_Comm_rank failed";
737 static const char short_gen326[] = "**mpi_comm_remote_group";
738 static const char long_gen326[]  = "MPI_Comm_remote_group failed";
739 static const char short_gen327[] = "**mpi_comm_remote_size";
740 static const char long_gen327[]  = "MPI_Comm_remote_size failed";
741 static const char short_gen328[] = "**mpi_comm_set_attr";
742 static const char long_gen328[]  = "MPI_Comm_set_attr failed";
743 static const char short_gen329[] = "**mpi_comm_set_errhandler";
744 static const char long_gen329[]  = "MPI_Comm_set_errhandler failed";
745 static const char short_gen330[] = "**mpi_comm_set_info";
746 static const char long_gen330[]  = "MPI_Comm_set_info failed";
747 static const char short_gen331[] = "**mpi_comm_set_name";
748 static const char long_gen331[]  = "MPI_Comm_set_name failed";
749 static const char short_gen332[] = "**mpi_comm_size";
750 static const char long_gen332[]  = "MPI_Comm_size failed";
751 static const char short_gen333[] = "**mpi_comm_spawn";
752 static const char long_gen333[]  = "MPI_Comm_spawn failed";
753 static const char short_gen334[] = "**mpi_comm_spawn_multiple";
754 static const char long_gen334[]  = "MPI_Comm_spawn_multiple failed";
755 static const char short_gen335[] = "**mpi_comm_split";
756 static const char long_gen335[]  = "MPI_Comm_split failed";
757 static const char short_gen336[] = "**mpi_comm_test_inter";
758 static const char long_gen336[]  = "MPI_Comm_test_inter failed";
759 static const char short_gen337[] = "**mpi_compare_and_swap";
760 static const char long_gen337[]  = " MPI_Compare_and_swap failed";
761 static const char short_gen338[] = "**mpi_dims_create";
762 static const char long_gen338[]  = "MPI_Dims_create failed";
763 static const char short_gen339[] = "**mpi_dist_graph_create";
764 static const char long_gen339[]  = " MPI_Dist_graph_create failed";
765 static const char short_gen340[] = "**mpi_dist_graph_create_adjacent";
766 static const char long_gen340[]  = " MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent failed";
767 static const char short_gen341[] = "**mpi_dist_graph_neighbors";
768 static const char long_gen341[]  = " MPI_Dist_graph_neighbors failed";
769 static const char short_gen342[] = "**mpi_dist_graph_neighbors_count";
770 static const char long_gen342[]  = " MPI_Dist_graph_neighbors_count failed";
771 static const char short_gen343[] = "**mpi_errhandler_create";
772 static const char long_gen343[]  = "MPI_Errhandler_create failed";
773 static const char short_gen344[] = "**mpi_errhandler_free";
774 static const char long_gen344[]  = "MPI_Errhandler_free failed";
775 static const char short_gen345[] = "**mpi_errhandler_get";
776 static const char long_gen345[]  = "MPI_Errhandler_get failed";
777 static const char short_gen346[] = "**mpi_errhandler_set";
778 static const char long_gen346[]  = "MPI_Errhandler_set failed";
779 static const char short_gen347[] = "**mpi_error_class";
780 static const char long_gen347[]  = "MPI_Error_class failed";
781 static const char short_gen348[] = "**mpi_error_string";
782 static const char long_gen348[]  = "MPI_Error_string failed";
783 static const char short_gen349[] = "**mpi_exscan";
784 static const char long_gen349[]  = "MPI_Exscan failed";
785 static const char short_gen350[] = "**mpi_fetch_and_op";
786 static const char long_gen350[]  = "MPI_Fetch_and_op failed";
787 static const char short_gen351[] = "**mpi_file_create_errhandler";
788 static const char long_gen351[]  = "MPI_File_create_errhandler failed";
789 static const char short_gen352[] = "**mpi_file_get_errhandler";
790 static const char long_gen352[]  = "MPI_File_get_errhandler failed";
791 static const char short_gen353[] = "**mpi_file_set_errhandler";
792 static const char long_gen353[]  = "MPI_File_set_errhandler failed";
793 static const char short_gen354[] = "**mpi_finalize";
794 static const char long_gen354[]  = "MPI_Finalize failed";
795 static const char short_gen355[] = "**mpi_finalized";
796 static const char long_gen355[]  = "MPI_Finalized failed";
797 static const char short_gen356[] = "**mpi_free_mem";
798 static const char long_gen356[]  = "MPI_Free_mem failed";
799 static const char short_gen357[] = "**mpi_gather";
800 static const char long_gen357[]  = "MPI_Gather failed";
801 static const char short_gen358[] = "**mpi_gatherv";
802 static const char long_gen358[]  = "MPI_Gatherv failed";
803 static const char short_gen359[] = "**mpi_get";
804 static const char long_gen359[]  = "MPI_Get failed";
805 static const char short_gen360[] = "**mpi_get_accumulate";
806 static const char long_gen360[]  = "MPI_Get_accumulate failed";
807 static const char short_gen361[] = "**mpi_get_address";
808 static const char long_gen361[]  = "MPI_Get_address failed";
809 static const char short_gen362[] = "**mpi_get_count";
810 static const char long_gen362[]  = "MPI_Get_count failed";
811 static const char short_gen363[] = "**mpi_get_elements";
812 static const char long_gen363[]  = "MPI_Get_elements failed";
813 static const char short_gen364[] = "**mpi_get_elements_x";
814 static const char long_gen364[]  = " MPI_Get_elements_x failed";
815 static const char short_gen365[] = "**mpi_get_library_version";
816 static const char long_gen365[]  = "MPI_Get_library_version failed";
817 static const char short_gen366[] = "**mpi_get_processor_name";
818 static const char long_gen366[]  = "MPI_Get_processor_name failed";
819 static const char short_gen367[] = "**mpi_get_version";
820 static const char long_gen367[]  = "MPI_Get_version failed";
821 static const char short_gen368[] = "**mpi_graph_create";
822 static const char long_gen368[]  = "MPI_Graph_create failed";
823 static const char short_gen369[] = "**mpi_graph_get";
824 static const char long_gen369[]  = "MPI_Graph_get failed";
825 static const char short_gen370[] = "**mpi_graph_map";
826 static const char long_gen370[]  = "MPI_Graph_map failed";
827 static const char short_gen371[] = "**mpi_graph_neighbors";
828 static const char long_gen371[]  = "MPI_Graph_neighbors failed";
829 static const char short_gen372[] = "**mpi_graph_neighbors_count";
830 static const char long_gen372[]  = "MPI_Graph_neighbors_count failed";
831 static const char short_gen373[] = "**mpi_graphdims_get";
832 static const char long_gen373[]  = "MPI_Graphdims_get failed";
833 static const char short_gen374[] = "**mpi_grequest_complete";
834 static const char long_gen374[]  = "MPI_Grequest_complete failed";
835 static const char short_gen375[] = "**mpi_grequest_start";
836 static const char long_gen375[]  = "MPI_Grequest_start failed";
837 static const char short_gen376[] = "**mpi_group_compare";
838 static const char long_gen376[]  = "MPI_Group_compare failed";
839 static const char short_gen377[] = "**mpi_group_difference";
840 static const char long_gen377[]  = "MPI_Group_difference failed";
841 static const char short_gen378[] = "**mpi_group_excl";
842 static const char long_gen378[]  = "MPI_Group_excl failed";
843 static const char short_gen379[] = "**mpi_group_free";
844 static const char long_gen379[]  = "MPI_Group_free failed";
845 static const char short_gen380[] = "**mpi_group_incl";
846 static const char long_gen380[]  = "MPI_Group_incl failed";
847 static const char short_gen381[] = "**mpi_group_intersection";
848 static const char long_gen381[]  = "MPI_Group_intersection failed";
849 static const char short_gen382[] = "**mpi_group_range_excl";
850 static const char long_gen382[]  = "MPI_Group_range_excl failed";
851 static const char short_gen383[] = "**mpi_group_range_incl";
852 static const char long_gen383[]  = "MPI_Group_range_incl failed";
853 static const char short_gen384[] = "**mpi_group_rank";
854 static const char long_gen384[]  = "MPI_Group_rank failed";
855 static const char short_gen385[] = "**mpi_group_size";
856 static const char long_gen385[]  = "MPI_Group_size failed";
857 static const char short_gen386[] = "**mpi_group_translate_ranks";
858 static const char long_gen386[]  = "MPI_Group_translate_ranks failed";
859 static const char short_gen387[] = "**mpi_group_union";
860 static const char long_gen387[]  = "MPI_Group_union failed";
861 static const char short_gen388[] = "**mpi_iallgather";
862 static const char long_gen388[]  = " MPI_Iallgather failed";
863 static const char short_gen389[] = "**mpi_iallgatherv";
864 static const char long_gen389[]  = " MPI_Iallgatherv failed";
865 static const char short_gen390[] = "**mpi_iallreduce";
866 static const char long_gen390[]  = " MPI_Iallreduce failed";
867 static const char short_gen391[] = "**mpi_ialltoall";
868 static const char long_gen391[]  = " MPI_Ialltoall failed";
869 static const char short_gen392[] = "**mpi_ialltoallv";
870 static const char long_gen392[]  = " MPI_Ialltoallv failed";
871 static const char short_gen393[] = "**mpi_ialltoallw";
872 static const char long_gen393[]  = " MPI_Ialltoallw failed";
873 static const char short_gen394[] = "**mpi_ibarrier";
874 static const char long_gen394[]  = " MPI_Ibarrier failed";
875 static const char short_gen395[] = "**mpi_ibcast";
876 static const char long_gen395[]  = " MPI_Ibcast failed";
877 static const char short_gen396[] = "**mpi_ibsend";
878 static const char long_gen396[]  = "MPI_Ibsend failed";
879 static const char short_gen397[] = "**mpi_iexscan";
880 static const char long_gen397[]  = " MPI_Iexscan failed";
881 static const char short_gen398[] = "**mpi_igather";
882 static const char long_gen398[]  = " MPI_Igather failed";
883 static const char short_gen399[] = "**mpi_igatherv";
884 static const char long_gen399[]  = " MPI_Igatherv failed";
885 static const char short_gen400[] = "**mpi_improbe";
886 static const char long_gen400[]  = " MPI_Improbe failed";
887 static const char short_gen401[] = "**mpi_imrecv";
888 static const char long_gen401[]  = " MPI_Imrecv failed";
889 static const char short_gen402[] = "**mpi_ineighbor_allgather";
890 static const char long_gen402[]  = " MPI_Ineighbor_allgather failed";
891 static const char short_gen403[] = "**mpi_ineighbor_allgatherv";
892 static const char long_gen403[]  = " MPI_Ineighbor_allgatherv failed";
893 static const char short_gen404[] = "**mpi_ineighbor_alltoall";
894 static const char long_gen404[]  = " MPI_Ineighbor_alltoall failed";
895 static const char short_gen405[] = "**mpi_ineighbor_alltoallv";
896 static const char long_gen405[]  = " MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallv failed";
897 static const char short_gen406[] = "**mpi_ineighbor_alltoallw";
898 static const char long_gen406[]  = " MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallw failed";
899 static const char short_gen407[] = "**mpi_info_create";
900 static const char long_gen407[]  = "MPI_Info_create failed";
901 static const char short_gen408[] = "**mpi_info_delete";
902 static const char long_gen408[]  = "MPI_Info_delete failed";
903 static const char short_gen409[] = "**mpi_info_dup";
904 static const char long_gen409[]  = "MPI_Info_dup failed";
905 static const char short_gen410[] = "**mpi_info_free";
906 static const char long_gen410[]  = "MPI_Info_free failed";
907 static const char short_gen411[] = "**mpi_info_get";
908 static const char long_gen411[]  = "MPI_Info_get failed";
909 static const char short_gen412[] = "**mpi_info_get_nkeys";
910 static const char long_gen412[]  = "MPI_Info_get_nkeys failed";
911 static const char short_gen413[] = "**mpi_info_get_nthkey";
912 static const char long_gen413[]  = "MPI_Info_get_nthkey failed";
913 static const char short_gen414[] = "**mpi_info_get_valuelen";
914 static const char long_gen414[]  = "MPI_Info_get_valuelen failed";
915 static const char short_gen415[] = "**mpi_info_set";
916 static const char long_gen415[]  = "MPI_Info_set failed";
917 static const char short_gen416[] = "**mpi_init";
918 static const char long_gen416[]  = "MPI_Init failed";
919 static const char short_gen417[] = "**mpi_init_thread";
920 static const char long_gen417[]  = "MPI_Init_thread failed";
921 static const char short_gen418[] = "**mpi_initialized";
922 static const char long_gen418[]  = "MPI_Initialized failed";
923 static const char short_gen419[] = "**mpi_intercomm_create";
924 static const char long_gen419[]  = "MPI_Intercomm_create failed";
925 static const char short_gen420[] = "**mpi_intercomm_merge";
926 static const char long_gen420[]  = "MPI_Intercomm_merge failed";
927 static const char short_gen421[] = "**mpi_iprobe";
928 static const char long_gen421[]  = "MPI_Iprobe failed";
929 static const char short_gen422[] = "**mpi_irecv";
930 static const char long_gen422[]  = "MPI_Irecv failed";
931 static const char short_gen423[] = "**mpi_ireduce";
932 static const char long_gen423[]  = " MPI_Ireduce failed";
933 static const char short_gen424[] = "**mpi_ireduce_scatter";
934 static const char long_gen424[]  = " MPI_Ireduce_scatter failed";
935 static const char short_gen425[] = "**mpi_ireduce_scatter_block";
936 static const char long_gen425[]  = " MPI_Ireduce_scatter_block failed";
937 static const char short_gen426[] = "**mpi_irsend";
938 static const char long_gen426[]  = "MPI_Irsend failed";
939 static const char short_gen427[] = "**mpi_is_thread_main";
940 static const char long_gen427[]  = "MPI_Is_thread_main failed";
941 static const char short_gen428[] = "**mpi_iscan";
942 static const char long_gen428[]  = " MPI_Iscan failed";
943 static const char short_gen429[] = "**mpi_iscatter";
944 static const char long_gen429[]  = " MPI_Iscatter failed";
945 static const char short_gen430[] = "**mpi_iscatterv";
946 static const char long_gen430[]  = " MPI_Iscatterv failed";
947 static const char short_gen431[] = "**mpi_isend";
948 static const char long_gen431[]  = "MPI_Isend failed";
949 static const char short_gen432[] = "**mpi_issend";
950 static const char long_gen432[]  = "MPI_Issend failed";
951 static const char short_gen433[] = "**mpi_keyval_create";
952 static const char long_gen433[]  = "MPI_Keyval_create failed";
953 static const char short_gen434[] = "**mpi_keyval_free";
954 static const char long_gen434[]  = "MPI_Keyval_free failed";
955 static const char short_gen435[] = "**mpi_lookup_name";
956 static const char long_gen435[]  = "MPI_Lookup_name failed";
957 static const char short_gen436[] = "**mpi_mprobe";
958 static const char long_gen436[]  = " MPI_Mprobe failed";
959 static const char short_gen437[] = "**mpi_mrecv";
960 static const char long_gen437[]  = " MPI_Mrecv failed";
961 static const char short_gen438[] = "**mpi_neighbor_allgather";
962 static const char long_gen438[]  = " MPI_Neighbor_allgather failed";
963 static const char short_gen439[] = "**mpi_neighbor_allgatherv";
964 static const char long_gen439[]  = " MPI_Neighbor_allgatherv failed";
965 static const char short_gen440[] = "**mpi_neighbor_alltoall";
966 static const char long_gen440[]  = " MPI_Neighbor_alltoall failed";
967 static const char short_gen441[] = "**mpi_neighbor_alltoallv";
968 static const char long_gen441[]  = " MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv failed";
969 static const char short_gen442[] = "**mpi_neighbor_alltoallw";
970 static const char long_gen442[]  = " MPI_Neighbor_alltoallw failed";
971 static const char short_gen443[] = "**mpi_op_commutative";
972 static const char long_gen443[]  = "MPI_Op_commutative failed";
973 static const char short_gen444[] = "**mpi_op_create";
974 static const char long_gen444[]  = "MPI_Op_create failed";
975 static const char short_gen445[] = "**mpi_op_free";
976 static const char long_gen445[]  = "MPI_Op_free failed";
977 static const char short_gen446[] = "**mpi_open_port";
978 static const char long_gen446[]  = "MPI_Open_port failed";
979 static const char short_gen447[] = "**mpi_pack";
980 static const char long_gen447[]  = "MPI_Pack failed";
981 static const char short_gen448[] = "**mpi_pack_external";
982 static const char long_gen448[]  = "MPI_Pack_external failed";
983 static const char short_gen449[] = "**mpi_pack_external_size";
984 static const char long_gen449[]  = "MPI_Pack_external_size failed";
985 static const char short_gen450[] = "**mpi_pack_size";
986 static const char long_gen450[]  = "MPI_Pack_size failed";
987 static const char short_gen451[] = "**mpi_probe";
988 static const char long_gen451[]  = "MPI_Probe failed";
989 static const char short_gen452[] = "**mpi_publish_name";
990 static const char long_gen452[]  = "MPI_Publish_name failed";
991 static const char short_gen453[] = "**mpi_put";
992 static const char long_gen453[]  = "MPI_Put failed";
993 static const char short_gen454[] = "**mpi_query_thread";
994 static const char long_gen454[]  = "MPI_Query_thread failed";
995 static const char short_gen455[] = "**mpi_raccumulate";
996 static const char long_gen455[]  = "MPI_Raccumulate failed";
997 static const char short_gen456[] = "**mpi_recv";
998 static const char long_gen456[]  = "MPI_Recv failed";
999 static const char short_gen457[] = "**mpi_recv_init";
1000 static const char long_gen457[]  = "MPI_Recv_init failed";
1001 static const char short_gen458[] = "**mpi_reduce";
1002 static const char long_gen458[]  = "MPI_Reduce failed";
1003 static const char short_gen459[] = "**mpi_reduce_local";
1004 static const char long_gen459[]  = "MPI_Reduce_local failed";
1005 static const char short_gen460[] = "**mpi_reduce_scatter";
1006 static const char long_gen460[]  = "MPI_Reduce_scatter failed";
1007 static const char short_gen461[] = "**mpi_reduce_scatter_block";
1008 static const char long_gen461[]  = "MPI_Reduce_scatter_block failed";
1009 static const char short_gen462[] = "**mpi_register_datarep";
1010 static const char long_gen462[]  = "MPI_Register_datarep failed";
1011 static const char short_gen463[] = "**mpi_request_free";
1012 static const char long_gen463[]  = "MPI_Request_free failed";
1013 static const char short_gen464[] = "**mpi_request_get_status";
1014 static const char long_gen464[]  = "MPI_Request_get_status failed";
1015 static const char short_gen465[] = "**mpi_rget";
1016 static const char long_gen465[]  = "MPI_Rget failed";
1017 static const char short_gen466[] = "**mpi_rget_accumulate";
1018 static const char long_gen466[]  = "MPI_Rget_accumulate failed";
1019 static const char short_gen467[] = "**mpi_rput";
1020 static const char long_gen467[]  = "MPI_Rput failed";
1021 static const char short_gen468[] = "**mpi_rsend";
1022 static const char long_gen468[]  = "MPI_Rsend failed";
1023 static const char short_gen469[] = "**mpi_rsend_init";
1024 static const char long_gen469[]  = "MPI_Rsend_init failed";
1025 static const char short_gen470[] = "**mpi_scan";
1026 static const char long_gen470[]  = "MPI_Scan failed";
1027 static const char short_gen471[] = "**mpi_scatter";
1028 static const char long_gen471[]  = "MPI_Scatter failed";
1029 static const char short_gen472[] = "**mpi_scatterv";
1030 static const char long_gen472[]  = "MPI_Scatterv failed";
1031 static const char short_gen473[] = "**mpi_send";
1032 static const char long_gen473[]  = "MPI_Send failed";
1033 static const char short_gen474[] = "**mpi_send_init";
1034 static const char long_gen474[]  = "MPI_Send_init failed";
1035 static const char short_gen475[] = "**mpi_sendrecv";
1036 static const char long_gen475[]  = "MPI_Sendrecv failed";
1037 static const char short_gen476[] = "**mpi_sendrecv_replace";
1038 static const char long_gen476[]  = "MPI_Sendrecv_replace failed";
1039 static const char short_gen477[] = "**mpi_ssend";
1040 static const char long_gen477[]  = "MPI_Ssend failed";
1041 static const char short_gen478[] = "**mpi_ssend_init";
1042 static const char long_gen478[]  = "MPI_Ssend_init failed";
1043 static const char short_gen479[] = "**mpi_start";
1044 static const char long_gen479[]  = "MPI_Start failed";
1045 static const char short_gen480[] = "**mpi_startall";
1046 static const char long_gen480[]  = "MPI_Start_all failed";
1047 static const char short_gen481[] = "**mpi_status_set_cancelled";
1048 static const char long_gen481[]  = "MPI_Status_set_cancelled failed";
1049 static const char short_gen482[] = "**mpi_status_set_elements";
1050 static const char long_gen482[]  = "MPI_Status_set_elements failed";
1051 static const char short_gen483[] = "**mpi_status_set_elements_x";
1052 static const char long_gen483[]  = " MPI_Status_set_elements_x failed";
1053 static const char short_gen484[] = "**mpi_t_category_changed";
1054 static const char long_gen484[]  = " MPI_T_category_changed failed";
1055 static const char short_gen485[] = "**mpi_t_category_get_categories";
1056 static const char long_gen485[]  = " MPI_T_category_get_categories failed";
1057 static const char short_gen486[] = "**mpi_t_category_get_cvars";
1058 static const char long_gen486[]  = " MPI_T_category_get_cvars failed";
1059 static const char short_gen487[] = "**mpi_t_category_get_info";
1060 static const char long_gen487[]  = " MPI_T_category_get_info failed";
1061 static const char short_gen488[] = "**mpi_t_category_get_num";
1062 static const char long_gen488[]  = " MPI_T_category_get_num failed";
1063 static const char short_gen489[] = "**mpi_t_category_get_pvars";
1064 static const char long_gen489[]  = " MPI_T_category_get_pvars failed";
1065 static const char short_gen490[] = "**mpi_t_cvar_get_info";
1066 static const char long_gen490[]  = " MPI_T_cvar_get_info failed";
1067 static const char short_gen491[] = "**mpi_t_cvar_get_num";
1068 static const char long_gen491[]  = " MPI_T_cvar_get_num failed";
1069 static const char short_gen492[] = "**mpi_t_cvar_handle_alloc";
1070 static const char long_gen492[]  = " MPI_T_cvar_handle_alloc failed";
1071 static const char short_gen493[] = "**mpi_t_cvar_handle_free";
1072 static const char long_gen493[]  = " MPI_T_cvar_handle_free failed";
1073 static const char short_gen494[] = "**mpi_t_cvar_read";
1074 static const char long_gen494[]  = " MPI_T_cvar_read failed";
1075 static const char short_gen495[] = "**mpi_t_cvar_write";
1076 static const char long_gen495[]  = " MPI_T_cvar_write failed";
1077 static const char short_gen496[] = "**mpi_t_enum_get_info";
1078 static const char long_gen496[]  = " MPI_T_enum_get_info failed";
1079 static const char short_gen497[] = "**mpi_t_enum_get_item";
1080 static const char long_gen497[]  = " MPI_T_enum_get_item failed";
1081 static const char short_gen498[] = "**mpi_t_finalize";
1082 static const char long_gen498[]  = " MPI_T_finalize failed";
1083 static const char short_gen499[] = "**mpi_t_pvar_get_info";
1084 static const char long_gen499[]  = " MPI_T_pvar_get_info failed";
1085 static const char short_gen500[] = "**mpi_t_pvar_get_num";
1086 static const char long_gen500[]  = " MPI_T_pvar_get_num failed";
1087 static const char short_gen501[] = "**mpi_t_pvar_handle_alloc";
1088 static const char long_gen501[]  = " MPI_T_pvar_handle_alloc failed";
1089 static const char short_gen502[] = "**mpi_t_pvar_handle_free";
1090 static const char long_gen502[]  = " MPI_T_pvar_handle_free failed";
1091 static const char short_gen503[] = "**mpi_t_pvar_read";
1092 static const char long_gen503[]  = " MPI_T_pvar_read failed";
1093 static const char short_gen504[] = "**mpi_t_pvar_readreset";
1094 static const char long_gen504[]  = " MPI_T_pvar_readreset failed";
1095 static const char short_gen505[] = "**mpi_t_pvar_reset";
1096 static const char long_gen505[]  = " MPI_T_pvar_reset failed";
1097 static const char short_gen506[] = "**mpi_t_pvar_session_create";
1098 static const char long_gen506[]  = " MPI_T_pvar_session_create failed";
1099 static const char short_gen507[] = "**mpi_t_pvar_session_free";
1100 static const char long_gen507[]  = " MPI_T_pvar_session_free failed";
1101 static const char short_gen508[] = "**mpi_t_pvar_start";
1102 static const char long_gen508[]  = " MPI_T_pvar_start failed";
1103 static const char short_gen509[] = "**mpi_t_pvar_stop";
1104 static const char long_gen509[]  = " MPI_T_pvar_stop failed";
1105 static const char short_gen510[] = "**mpi_t_pvar_write";
1106 static const char long_gen510[]  = " MPI_T_pvar_write failed";
1107 static const char short_gen511[] = "**mpi_test";
1108 static const char long_gen511[]  = "MPI_Test failed";
1109 static const char short_gen512[] = "**mpi_test_cancelled";
1110 static const char long_gen512[]  = "MPI_Test_cancelled failed";
1111 static const char short_gen513[] = "**mpi_testall";
1112 static const char long_gen513[]  = "MPI_Testall failed";
1113 static const char short_gen514[] = "**mpi_testany";
1114 static const char long_gen514[]  = "MPI_Testany failed";
1115 static const char short_gen515[] = "**mpi_testsome";
1116 static const char long_gen515[]  = "MPI_Testsome failed";
1117 static const char short_gen516[] = "**mpi_topo_test";
1118 static const char long_gen516[]  = "MPI_Topo_test failed";
1119 static const char short_gen517[] = "**mpi_type_commit";
1120 static const char long_gen517[]  = "MPI_Type_commit failed";
1121 static const char short_gen518[] = "**mpi_type_contiguous";
1122 static const char long_gen518[]  = "MPI_Type_continuous failed";
1123 static const char short_gen519[] = "**mpi_type_create_darray";
1124 static const char long_gen519[]  = "MPI_Type_create_darray failed";
1125 static const char short_gen520[] = "**mpi_type_create_f90_complex";
1126 static const char long_gen520[]  = "MPI_Type_create_f90_complex failed";
1127 static const char short_gen521[] = "**mpi_type_create_f90_int";
1128 static const char long_gen521[]  = "MPI_Type_create_f90_int failed";
1129 static const char short_gen522[] = "**mpi_type_create_f90_real";
1130 static const char long_gen522[]  = "MPI_Type_create_f90_real failed";
1131 static const char short_gen523[] = "**mpi_type_create_hindexed";
1132 static const char long_gen523[]  = "MPI_Type_create_hindexed failed";
1133 static const char short_gen524[] = "**mpi_type_create_hindexed_block";
1134 static const char long_gen524[]  = "MPI_Type_create_hindexed_block failed";
1135 static const char short_gen525[] = "**mpi_type_create_hvector";
1136 static const char long_gen525[]  = "MPI_Type_create_hvector failed";
1137 static const char short_gen526[] = "**mpi_type_create_indexed_block";
1138 static const char long_gen526[]  = "MPI_Type_create_indexed_block failed";
1139 static const char short_gen527[] = "**mpi_type_create_keyval";
1140 static const char long_gen527[]  = "MPI_Type_create_keyval failed";
1141 static const char short_gen528[] = "**mpi_type_create_resized";
1142 static const char long_gen528[]  = "MPI_Type_create_resized failed";
1143 static const char short_gen529[] = "**mpi_type_create_struct";
1144 static const char long_gen529[]  = "MPI_Type_create_struct failed";
1145 static const char short_gen530[] = "**mpi_type_create_subarray";
1146 static const char long_gen530[]  = "MPI_Type_create_subarray failed";
1147 static const char short_gen531[] = "**mpi_type_delete_attr";
1148 static const char long_gen531[]  = "MPI_Type_delete_attr failed";
1149 static const char short_gen532[] = "**mpi_type_dup";
1150 static const char long_gen532[]  = "MPI_Type_dup failed";
1151 static const char short_gen533[] = "**mpi_type_extent";
1152 static const char long_gen533[]  = "MPI_Type_extent failed";
1153 static const char short_gen534[] = "**mpi_type_free";
1154 static const char long_gen534[]  = "MPI_Type_free failed";
1155 static const char short_gen535[] = "**mpi_type_free_keyval";
1156 static const char long_gen535[]  = "MPI_Type_free_keyval failed";
1157 static const char short_gen536[] = "**mpi_type_get_attr";
1158 static const char long_gen536[]  = "MPI_Type_get_attr failed";
1159 static const char short_gen537[] = "**mpi_type_get_contents";
1160 static const char long_gen537[]  = "MPI_Type_get_contents failed";
1161 static const char short_gen538[] = "**mpi_type_get_envelope";
1162 static const char long_gen538[]  = "MPI_Type_get_envelope failed";
1163 static const char short_gen539[] = "**mpi_type_get_extent";
1164 static const char long_gen539[]  = "MPI_Type_get_extent failed";
1165 static const char short_gen540[] = "**mpi_type_get_extent_x";
1166 static const char long_gen540[]  = " MPI_Type_get_extent_x failed";
1167 static const char short_gen541[] = "**mpi_type_get_name";
1168 static const char long_gen541[]  = "MPI_Type_get_name failed";
1169 static const char short_gen542[] = "**mpi_type_get_true_extent";
1170 static const char long_gen542[]  = "MPI_Type_get_true_extent failed";
1171 static const char short_gen543[] = "**mpi_type_get_true_extent_x";
1172 static const char long_gen543[]  = " MPI_Type_get_true_extent_x failed";
1173 static const char short_gen544[] = "**mpi_type_hindexed";
1174 static const char long_gen544[]  = "MPI_Type_hindexed failed";
1175 static const char short_gen545[] = "**mpi_type_hvector";
1176 static const char long_gen545[]  = "MPI_Type_hvector failed";
1177 static const char short_gen546[] = "**mpi_type_indexed";
1178 static const char long_gen546[]  = "MPI_Type_indexed failed";
1179 static const char short_gen547[] = "**mpi_type_lb";
1180 static const char long_gen547[]  = "MPI_Type_lb failed";
1181 static const char short_gen548[] = "**mpi_type_match_size";
1182 static const char long_gen548[]  = "MPI_Type_match_size failed";
1183 static const char short_gen549[] = "**mpi_type_set_attr";
1184 static const char long_gen549[]  = "MPI_Type_set_attr failed";
1185 static const char short_gen550[] = "**mpi_type_set_name";
1186 static const char long_gen550[]  = "MPI_Type_set_name failed";
1187 static const char short_gen551[] = "**mpi_type_size";
1188 static const char long_gen551[]  = "MPI_Type_size failed";
1189 static const char short_gen552[] = "**mpi_type_size_x";
1190 static const char long_gen552[]  = " MPI_Type_size_x failed";
1191 static const char short_gen553[] = "**mpi_type_struct";
1192 static const char long_gen553[]  = "MPI_Type_struct failed";
1193 static const char short_gen554[] = "**mpi_type_ub";
1194 static const char long_gen554[]  = "MPI_Type_ub failed";
1195 static const char short_gen555[] = "**mpi_type_vector";
1196 static const char long_gen555[]  = "MPI_Type_vector failed";
1197 static const char short_gen556[] = "**mpi_unpack";
1198 static const char long_gen556[]  = "MPI_Unpack failed";
1199 static const char short_gen557[] = "**mpi_unpack_external";
1200 static const char long_gen557[]  = "MPI_Unpack_external failed";
1201 static const char short_gen558[] = "**mpi_unpublish_name";
1202 static const char long_gen558[]  = "MPI_Unpublish_name failed";
1203 static const char short_gen559[] = "**mpi_wait";
1204 static const char long_gen559[]  = "MPI_Wait failed";
1205 static const char short_gen560[] = "**mpi_waitall";
1206 static const char long_gen560[]  = "MPI_Waitall failed";
1207 static const char short_gen561[] = "**mpi_waitany";
1208 static const char long_gen561[]  = "MPI_Waitany failed";
1209 static const char short_gen562[] = "**mpi_waitsome";
1210 static const char long_gen562[]  = "MPI_Waitsome failed";
1211 static const char short_gen563[] = "**mpi_win_allocate";
1212 static const char long_gen563[]  = "MPI_Win_allocate failed";
1213 static const char short_gen564[] = "**mpi_win_allocate_shared";
1214 static const char long_gen564[]  = "MPI_Win_allocate_shared failed";
1215 static const char short_gen565[] = "**mpi_win_attach";
1216 static const char long_gen565[]  = "MPI_Win_attach failed";
1217 static const char short_gen566[] = "**mpi_win_call_errhandler";
1218 static const char long_gen566[]  = "MPI_Win_call_errhandler failed";
1219 static const char short_gen567[] = "**mpi_win_complete";
1220 static const char long_gen567[]  = "MPI_Win_complete failed";
1221 static const char short_gen568[] = "**mpi_win_create";
1222 static const char long_gen568[]  = "MPI_Win_create failed";
1223 static const char short_gen569[] = "**mpi_win_create_dynamic";
1224 static const char long_gen569[]  = "MPI_Win_create_dynamic failed";
1225 static const char short_gen570[] = "**mpi_win_create_errhandler";
1226 static const char long_gen570[]  = "MPI_Win_create_errhandler failed";
1227 static const char short_gen571[] = "**mpi_win_create_keyval";
1228 static const char long_gen571[]  = "MPI_Win_create_keyval failed";
1229 static const char short_gen572[] = "**mpi_win_delete_attr";
1230 static const char long_gen572[]  = "MPI_Win_delete_attr failed";
1231 static const char short_gen573[] = "**mpi_win_detach";
1232 static const char long_gen573[]  = "MPI_Win_detach failed";
1233 static const char short_gen574[] = "**mpi_win_fence";
1234 static const char long_gen574[]  = "MPI_Win_fence failed";
1235 static const char short_gen575[] = "**mpi_win_flush";
1236 static const char long_gen575[]  = "MPI_Win_flush failed";
1237 static const char short_gen576[] = "**mpi_win_flush_all";
1238 static const char long_gen576[]  = "MPI_Win_flush_all failed";
1239 static const char short_gen577[] = "**mpi_win_flush_local";
1240 static const char long_gen577[]  = "MPI_Win_flush_local failed";
1241 static const char short_gen578[] = "**mpi_win_flush_local_all";
1242 static const char long_gen578[]  = "MPI_Win_flush_local_all failed";
1243 static const char short_gen579[] = "**mpi_win_free";
1244 static const char long_gen579[]  = "MPI_Win_free failed";
1245 static const char short_gen580[] = "**mpi_win_free_keyval";
1246 static const char long_gen580[]  = "MPI_Win_free_keyval failed";
1247 static const char short_gen581[] = "**mpi_win_get_attr";
1248 static const char long_gen581[]  = "MPI_Win_get_attr failed";
1249 static const char short_gen582[] = "**mpi_win_get_errhandler";
1250 static const char long_gen582[]  = "MPI_Win_get_errhandler failed";
1251 static const char short_gen583[] = "**mpi_win_get_group";
1252 static const char long_gen583[]  = "MPI_Win_get_group failed";
1253 static const char short_gen584[] = "**mpi_win_get_info";
1254 static const char long_gen584[]  = "MPI_Win_get_info failed";
1255 static const char short_gen585[] = "**mpi_win_get_name";
1256 static const char long_gen585[]  = "MPI_Win_get_name failed";
1257 static const char short_gen586[] = "**mpi_win_lock";
1258 static const char long_gen586[]  = "MPI_Win_lock failed";
1259 static const char short_gen587[] = "**mpi_win_lock_all";
1260 static const char long_gen587[]  = "MPI_Win_lock_all failed";
1261 static const char short_gen588[] = "**mpi_win_post";
1262 static const char long_gen588[]  = "MPI_Win_post failed";
1263 static const char short_gen589[] = "**mpi_win_set_attr";
1264 static const char long_gen589[]  = "MPI_Win_set_attr failed";
1265 static const char short_gen590[] = "**mpi_win_set_errhandler";
1266 static const char long_gen590[]  = "MPI_Win_set_errhandler failed";
1267 static const char short_gen591[] = "**mpi_win_set_info";
1268 static const char long_gen591[]  = "MPI_Win_set_info failed";
1269 static const char short_gen592[] = "**mpi_win_set_name";
1270 static const char long_gen592[]  = "MPI_Win_set_name failed";
1271 static const char short_gen593[] = "**mpi_win_shared_query";
1272 static const char long_gen593[]  = "MPI_Win_shared_query failed";
1273 static const char short_gen594[] = "**mpi_win_start";
1274 static const char long_gen594[]  = "MPI_Win_start failed";
1275 static const char short_gen595[] = "**mpi_win_sync";
1276 static const char long_gen595[]  = "MPI_Win_sync failed";
1277 static const char short_gen596[] = "**mpi_win_test";
1278 static const char long_gen596[]  = "MPI_Win_test failed";
1279 static const char short_gen597[] = "**mpi_win_unlock";
1280 static const char long_gen597[]  = "MPI_Win_unlock failed";
1281 static const char short_gen598[] = "**mpi_win_unlock_all";
1282 static const char long_gen598[]  = "MPI_Win_unlock_all failed";
1283 static const char short_gen599[] = "**mpi_win_wait";
1284 static const char long_gen599[]  = "MPI_Win_wait failed";
1285 static const char short_gen600[] = "**mpir_comm_get_attr";
1286 static const char long_gen600[]  = "MPIR_Comm_get_attr failed";
1287 static const char short_gen601[] = "**mpir_type_get_attr";
1288 static const char long_gen601[]  = "MPIR_Type_get_attr failed";
1289 static const char short_gen602[] = "**mpir_wingetattr";
1290 static const char long_gen602[]  = "MPII_Win_get_attr failed";
1291 static const char short_gen603[] = "**mpitinit";
1292 static const char long_gen603[]  = " MPI tool information interface is not initialized";
1293 static const char short_gen604[] = "**mpix_comm_agree";
1294 static const char long_gen604[]  = "MPIX_Comm_agree failed";
1295 static const char short_gen605[] = "**mpix_comm_failure_ack";
1296 static const char long_gen605[]  = "MPIX_Comm_failure_ack failed";
1297 static const char short_gen606[] = "**mpix_comm_failure_get_acked";
1298 static const char long_gen606[]  = "MPIX_Comm_failure_get_acked failed";
1299 static const char short_gen607[] = "**mpix_comm_revoke";
1300 static const char long_gen607[]  = "MPIX_Comm_revoke failed";
1301 static const char short_gen608[] = "**mpix_comm_shrink";
1302 static const char long_gen608[]  = "MPIX_Comm_shrink failed";
1303 static const char short_gen609[] = "**mpix_grequest_class_create";
1304 static const char long_gen609[]  = " MPIX_Grequest_class_create failed";
1305 static const char short_gen610[] = "**mpl_gavl_create";
1306 static const char long_gen610[]  = " mpl_gavl_create failed";
1307 static const char short_gen611[] = "**mpl_gavl_delete_range";
1308 static const char long_gen611[]  = " mpl_gavl_delete_range failed";
1309 static const char short_gen612[] = "**mpl_gavl_delete_start_addr";
1310 static const char long_gen612[]  = " mpl_gavl_delete_start_addr failed";
1311 static const char short_gen613[] = "**mpl_gavl_insert";
1312 static const char long_gen613[]  = " mpl_gavl_insert failed";
1313 static const char short_gen614[] = "**mpl_gavl_search";
1314 static const char long_gen614[]  = " mpl_gavl_search failed";
1315 static const char short_gen615[] = "**msgnotreq";
1316 static const char long_gen615[]  = " Invalid MPI_Request (MPI_Message passed)";
1317 static const char short_gen616[] = "**mutex_create";
1318 static const char long_gen616[]  = "MPID_Thread_mutex_create failed";
1319 static const char short_gen617[] = "**namepubfile";
1320 static const char long_gen617[]  = "Unable to publish service name";
1321 static const char short_gen618[] = "**namepubnotfound";
1322 static const char long_gen618[]  = "Lookup failed for service name";
1323 static const char short_gen619[] = "**namepubnotpub";
1324 static const char long_gen619[]  = "Lookup failed for service name ";
1325 static const char short_gen620[] = "**namepubnotunpub";
1326 static const char long_gen620[]  = "Failed to unpublish service name";
1327 static const char short_gen621[] = "**nameservice";
1328 static const char long_gen621[]  = "Invalid service name (see MPI_Publish_name)";
1329 static const char short_gen622[] = "**netloc_endpoint_mismatch";
1330 static const char long_gen622[]  = "Netloc topology does not contain the node";
1331 static const char short_gen623[] = "**netloc_topo_load";
1332 static const char long_gen623[]  = "Error loading netloc topology";
1333 static const char short_gen624[] = "**noConnInfoToString";
1334 static const char long_gen624[]  = "No ConnInfoToString routine defined for this process group";
1335 static const char short_gen625[] = "**noerrclasses";
1336 static const char long_gen625[]  = "No more user-defined error classes";
1337 static const char short_gen626[] = "**noerrcodes";
1338 static const char long_gen626[]  = "No more user-defined error codes";
1339 static const char short_gen627[] = "**nomem";
1340 static const char long_gen627[]  = "Out of memory";
1341 static const char short_gen628[] = "**nomem2";
1342 static const char long_gen628[]  = "Unable to allocate memory (probably out of memory)";
1343 static const char short_gen629[] = "**nomembind";
1344 static const char long_gen629[]  = " hwloc_set_area_membind() is not available";
1345 static const char short_gen630[] = "**nomemreq";
1346 static const char long_gen630[]  = "failure occurred while allocating memory for a request object";
1347 static const char short_gen631[] = "**nonamepub";
1348 static const char long_gen631[]  = "No name publishing service available";
1349 static const char short_gen632[] = "**notcarttopo";
1350 static const char long_gen632[]  = "No Cartesian topology associated with this communicator";
1351 static const char short_gen633[] = "**notcstatignore";
1352 static const char long_gen633[]  = "MPI_STATUS_IGNORE cannot be passed to MPI_Status_c2f()";
1353 static const char short_gen634[] = "**notdistgraphtopo";
1354 static const char long_gen634[]  = "No Distributed Graph topology associated with this communicator";
1355 static const char short_gen635[] = "**notfstatignore";
1356 static const char long_gen635[]  = "MPI_STATUS_IGNORE cannot be passed to MPI_Status_f2c()";
1357 static const char short_gen636[] = "**notgenreq";
1358 static const char long_gen636[]  = "Attempt to complete a request with MPI_GREQUEST_COMPLETE that was not started with MPI_GREQUEST_START";
1359 static const char short_gen637[] = "**notgraphtopo";
1360 static const char long_gen637[]  = "No Graph topology associated with this communicator";
1361 static const char short_gen638[] = "**notimpl";
1362 static const char long_gen638[]  = "Function not implemented";
1363 static const char short_gen639[] = "**notopology";
1364 static const char long_gen639[]  = "No topology associated with this communicator";
1365 static const char short_gen640[] = "**notsame";
1366 static const char long_gen640[]  = "Inconsistent arguments to collective routine ";
1367 static const char short_gen641[] = "**null_buff_ptr";
1368 static const char long_gen641[]  = "Error in hcolrte api: buffer pointer is NULL for non DTE_ZERO INLINE data representation";
1369 static const char short_gen642[] = "**nullptr";
1370 static const char long_gen642[]  = "Null pointer";
1371 static const char short_gen643[] = "**nullptrtype";
1372 static const char long_gen643[]  = "Null pointer";
1373 static const char short_gen644[] = "**ofi_avclose";
1374 static const char long_gen644[]  = "OFI av close failed";
1375 static const char short_gen645[] = "**ofi_avmap";
1376 static const char long_gen645[]  = "OFI get address vector map failed";
1377 static const char short_gen646[] = "**ofi_avopen";
1378 static const char long_gen646[]  = "OFI address vector open failed";
1379 static const char short_gen647[] = "**ofi_bind";
1380 static const char long_gen647[]  = "OFI resource bind failure";
1381 static const char short_gen648[] = "**ofi_cancel";
1382 static const char long_gen648[]  = "OFI cancel failed";
1383 static const char short_gen649[] = "**ofi_cqclose";
1384 static const char long_gen649[]  = "OFI cq close failed";
1385 static const char short_gen650[] = "**ofi_domainclose";
1386 static const char long_gen650[]  = "OFI domain close failed";
1387 static const char short_gen651[] = "**ofi_ep_enable";
1388 static const char long_gen651[]  = "OFI endpoint enable failed";
1389 static const char short_gen652[] = "**ofi_epclose";
1390 static const char long_gen652[]  = "OFI endpoint close failed";
1391 static const char short_gen653[] = "**ofi_fabricclose";
1392 static const char long_gen653[]  = "OFI fabric close failed";
1393 static const char short_gen654[] = "**ofi_getinfo";
1394 static const char long_gen654[]  = "OFI getinfo() failed";
1395 static const char short_gen655[] = "**ofi_getname";
1396 static const char long_gen655[]  = "OFI get endpoint name failed";
1397 static const char short_gen656[] = "**ofi_opencq";
1398 static const char long_gen656[]  = "OFI event queue create failure";
1399 static const char short_gen657[] = "**ofi_opendomain";
1400 static const char long_gen657[]  = "OFI domain open failure";
1401 static const char short_gen658[] = "**ofi_openep";
1402 static const char long_gen658[]  = "OFI endpoint open failed";
1403 static const char short_gen659[] = "**ofi_openfabric";
1404 static const char long_gen659[]  = "OFI fabric open failure";
1405 static const char short_gen660[] = "**ofi_peek";
1406 static const char long_gen660[]  = "OFI peek failed";
1407 static const char short_gen661[] = "**ofi_poll";
1408 static const char long_gen661[]  = "OFI poll failed";
1409 static const char short_gen662[] = "**ofi_provider_mismatch";
1410 static const char long_gen662[]  = "OFI Provider name does not match configure-time provider name";
1411 static const char short_gen663[] = "**ofi_trecv";
1412 static const char long_gen663[]  = "OFI tagged recvfrom failed";
1413 static const char short_gen664[] = "**ofi_tsend";
1414 static const char long_gen664[]  = "OFI tagged sendto failed";
1415 static const char short_gen665[] = "**ofid_alias";
1416 static const char long_gen665[]  = "OFI cq alias failed";
1417 static const char short_gen666[] = "**ofid_avclose";
1418 static const char long_gen666[]  = "OFI av close failed";
1419 static const char short_gen667[] = "**ofid_avlookup";
1420 static const char long_gen667[]  = "OFI get address vector lookup failed";
1421 static const char short_gen668[] = "**ofid_avmap";
1422 static const char long_gen668[]  = "OFI get address vector map failed";
1423 static const char short_gen669[] = "**ofid_avopen";
1424 static const char long_gen669[]  = "OFI address vector open failed";
1425 static const char short_gen670[] = "**ofid_avsync";
1426 static const char long_gen670[]  = "OFI get address vector sync failed";
1427 static const char short_gen671[] = "**ofid_bind";
1428 static const char long_gen671[]  = "OFI resource bind failure";
1429 static const char short_gen672[] = "**ofid_cancel";
1430 static const char long_gen672[]  = "OFI cancel failed";
1431 static const char short_gen673[] = "**ofid_cntr_wait";
1432 static const char long_gen673[]  = "OFI Counter wait failed";
1433 static const char short_gen674[] = "**ofid_cqclose";
1434 static const char long_gen674[]  = "OFI cq close failed";
1435 static const char short_gen675[] = "**ofid_ctrlcancel";
1436 static const char long_gen675[]  = "OFI Control cancel failed";
1437 static const char short_gen676[] = "**ofid_domainclose";
1438 static const char long_gen676[]  = "OFI domain close failed";
1439 static const char short_gen677[] = "**ofid_ep";
1440 static const char long_gen677[]  = "OFI endpoint open failed";
1441 static const char short_gen678[] = "**ofid_ep_enable";
1442 static const char long_gen678[]  = "OFI EP enable failure";
1443 static const char short_gen679[] = "**ofid_epclose";
1444 static const char long_gen679[]  = "OFI endpoint close failed";
1445 static const char short_gen680[] = "**ofid_epsync";
1446 static const char long_gen680[]  = "OFI synchronization failed";
1447 static const char short_gen681[] = "**ofid_fabric";
1448 static const char long_gen681[]  = "OFI fi_fabric failure";
1449 static const char short_gen682[] = "**ofid_getinfo";
1450 static const char long_gen682[]  = "OFI fi_getinfo() failure";
1451 static const char short_gen683[] = "**ofid_getname";
1452 static const char long_gen683[]  = "OFI get endpoint name failed";
1453 static const char short_gen684[] = "**ofid_getopt";
1454 static const char long_gen684[]  = "OFI getopt failed";
1455 static const char short_gen685[] = "**ofid_inject";
1456 static const char long_gen685[]  = "OFI inject failed";
1457 static const char short_gen686[] = "**ofid_mr_reg";
1458 static const char long_gen686[]  = "OFI memory registration failed";
1459 static const char short_gen687[] = "**ofid_mr_unreg";
1460 static const char long_gen687[]  = "OFI memory deregistration failed";
1461 static const char short_gen688[] = "**ofid_opencq";
1462 static const char long_gen688[]  = "OFI event queue create failure";
1463 static const char short_gen689[] = "**ofid_openct";
1464 static const char long_gen689[]  = "OFI event counter create failure";
1465 static const char short_gen690[] = "**ofid_opendomain";
1466 static const char long_gen690[]  = "OFI fi_open domain failure";
1467 static const char short_gen691[] = "**ofid_peek";
1468 static const char long_gen691[]  = "OFI peek failed";
1469 static const char short_gen692[] = "**ofid_pmi";
1470 static const char long_gen692[]  = "PMI_Init() failure";
1471 static const char short_gen693[] = "**ofid_poll";
1472 static const char long_gen693[]  = "OFI poll failed";
1473 static const char short_gen694[] = "**ofid_prepost";
1474 static const char long_gen694[]  = "OFI preposting receives failed";
1475 static const char short_gen695[] = "**ofid_rdma_atomicto";
1476 static const char long_gen695[]  = "OFI rdma atomicto failed";
1477 static const char short_gen696[] = "**ofid_rdma_cswap";
1478 static const char long_gen696[]  = "OFI rdma cswap failed";
1479 static const char short_gen697[] = "**ofid_rdma_inject_write";
1480 static const char long_gen697[]  = "OFI rdma write immediatefailed";
1481 static const char short_gen698[] = "**ofid_rdma_readfrom";
1482 static const char long_gen698[]  = "OFI rdma read failed";
1483 static const char short_gen699[] = "**ofid_rdma_write";
1484 static const char long_gen699[]  = "OFI rdma write failed";
1485 static const char short_gen700[] = "**ofid_send";
1486 static const char long_gen700[]  = "OFI send failed";
1487 static const char short_gen701[] = "**ofid_setopt";
1488 static const char long_gen701[]  = "OFI setopt failed";
1489 static const char short_gen702[] = "**ofid_tinject";
1490 static const char long_gen702[]  = "OFI tagged inject failed";
1491 static const char short_gen703[] = "**ofid_trecv";
1492 static const char long_gen703[]  = "OFI tagged recv failed";
1493 static const char short_gen704[] = "**ofid_trecvsync";
1494 static const char long_gen704[]  = "OFI tagged recv sync failed";
1495 static const char short_gen705[] = "**ofid_tsend";
1496 static const char long_gen705[]  = "OFI tagged send failed";
1497 static const char short_gen706[] = "**ofid_tsendsync";
1498 static const char long_gen706[]  = "OFI tagged send sync failed";
1499 static const char short_gen707[] = "**op";
1500 static const char long_gen707[]  = "Invalid MPI_Op";
1501 static const char short_gen708[] = "**openportfailed";
1502 static const char long_gen708[]  = "Unable to establish a port";
1503 static const char short_gen709[] = "**opnotallowed";
1504 static const char long_gen709[]  = "MPI_Op operation is not allowed in this routine";
1505 static const char short_gen710[] = "**opnotpredefined";
1506 static const char long_gen710[]  = "only predefined ops are valid";
1507 static const char short_gen711[] = "**opnull";
1508 static const char long_gen711[]  = "Null MPI_Op";
1509 static const char short_gen712[] = "**opundefined";
1510 static const char long_gen712[]  = "MPI_Op operation not defined for this datatype ";
1511 static const char short_gen713[] = "**oremote_fail";
1512 static const char long_gen713[]  = "open failed on a remote node";
1513 static const char short_gen714[] = "**other";
1514 static const char long_gen714[]  = "Other MPI error";
1515 static const char short_gen715[] = "**packextunsupport";
1516 static const char long_gen715[]  = "Unsupported datatypes encountered";
1517 static const char short_gen716[] = "**permattr";
1518 static const char long_gen716[]  = "Cannot set permanent attribute";
1519 static const char short_gen717[] = "**permop";
1520 static const char long_gen717[]  = "Cannot free permanent MPI_Op ";
1521 static const char short_gen718[] = "**pglookup";
1522 static const char long_gen718[]  = "unable to find the process group structure";
1523 static const char short_gen719[] = "**pmi2_info_getjobattr";
1524 static const char long_gen719[]  = " PMI2_Info_GetJobAttr failed";
1525 static const char short_gen720[] = "**pmi_barrier";
1526 static const char long_gen720[]  = "PMI_Barrier failed";
1527 static const char short_gen721[] = "**pmi_get_appnum";
1528 static const char long_gen721[]  = "PMI_Get_appnum failed";
1529 static const char short_gen722[] = "**pmi_get_id_length_max";
1530 static const char long_gen722[]  = "PMI_Get_id_length_max failed";
1531 static const char short_gen723[] = "**pmi_get_rank";
1532 static const char long_gen723[]  = "PMI_Get_rank failed";
1533 static const char short_gen724[] = "**pmi_get_size";
1534 static const char long_gen724[]  = "PMI_Get_size failed";
1535 static const char short_gen725[] = "**pmi_get_universe_size";
1536 static const char long_gen725[]  = "PMI_Get_universe_size failed";
1537 static const char short_gen726[] = "**pmi_getjobattr";
1538 static const char long_gen726[]  = " PMI2 GetJobAttr failed";
1539 static const char short_gen727[] = "**pmi_getnodeattr";
1540 static const char long_gen727[]  = " PMI2 GetNodeAttr failed";
1541 static const char short_gen728[] = "**pmi_init";
1542 static const char long_gen728[]  = "PMI_Init failed";
1543 static const char short_gen729[] = "**pmi_job_getid";
1544 static const char long_gen729[]  = "PMI2_Job_GetId failed";
1545 static const char short_gen730[] = "**pmi_kvs_commit";
1546 static const char long_gen730[]  = "PMI_KVS_Commit failed";
1547 static const char short_gen731[] = "**pmi_kvs_get";
1548 static const char long_gen731[]  = "PMI_KVS_Get failed";
1549 static const char short_gen732[] = "**pmi_kvs_get_key_length_max";
1550 static const char long_gen732[]  = "PMI_KVS_Get_key_length_max failed";
1551 static const char short_gen733[] = "**pmi_kvs_get_my_name";
1552 static const char long_gen733[]  = "PMI_KVS_Get_my_name failed";
1553 static const char short_gen734[] = "**pmi_kvs_get_name_length_max";
1554 static const char long_gen734[]  = "PMI_KVS_Get_name_length_max failed";
1555 static const char short_gen735[] = "**pmi_kvs_get_value_length_max";
1556 static const char long_gen735[]  = "PMI_KVS_Get_value_length_max failed";
1557 static const char short_gen736[] = "**pmi_kvs_put";
1558 static const char long_gen736[]  = "PMI_KVS_Put failed";
1559 static const char short_gen737[] = "**pmi_kvsfence";
1560 static const char long_gen737[]  = " PMI2 KVS_Fence failed";
1561 static const char short_gen738[] = "**pmi_kvsget";
1562 static const char long_gen738[]  = " PMI2 KVS_Get failed";
1563 static const char short_gen739[] = "**pmi_kvsput";
1564 static const char long_gen739[]  = " PMI2 KVS_Put failed";
1565 static const char short_gen740[] = "**pmi_putnodeattr";
1566 static const char long_gen740[]  = " PMI2 PutNodeAttr failed";
1567 static const char short_gen741[] = "**pmi_spawn_multiple";
1568 static const char long_gen741[]  = "PMI_Spawn_multiple failed";
1569 static const char short_gen742[] = "**pmix_commit";
1570 static const char long_gen742[]  = "PMIx_Commit failed";
1571 static const char short_gen743[] = "**pmix_fence";
1572 static const char long_gen743[]  = "PMIx_Fence failed";
1573 static const char short_gen744[] = "**pmix_get";
1574 static const char long_gen744[]  = "PMIx_Get failed";
1575 static const char short_gen745[] = "**pmix_init";
1576 static const char long_gen745[]  = "PMIX_Init failed";
1577 static const char short_gen746[] = "**pmix_put";
1578 static const char long_gen746[]  = "PMIx_Put failed";
1579 static const char short_gen747[] = "**pmix_resolve_nodes";
1580 static const char long_gen747[]  = " PMIx_Resolve_nodes failed";
1581 static const char short_gen748[] = "**pmix_resolve_peers";
1582 static const char long_gen748[]  = " PMIx_Resolve_peers failed";
1583 static const char short_gen749[] = "**poll";
1584 static const char long_gen749[]  = "poll of socket fds failed";
1585 static const char short_gen750[] = "**port";
1586 static const char long_gen750[]  = "Invalid port";
1587 static const char short_gen751[] = "**portexist";
1588 static const char long_gen751[]  = "Named port does not exist";
1589 static const char short_gen752[] = "**proc_failed";
1590 static const char long_gen752[]  = "Process failed";
1591 static const char short_gen753[] = "**procnamefailed";
1592 static const char long_gen753[]  = "Failed to get processor name";
1593 static const char short_gen754[] = "**progress_sock_wait";
1594 static const char long_gen754[]  = "sock_wait failed";
1595 static const char short_gen755[] = "**progresshookstoomany";
1596 static const char long_gen755[]  = " too many progress hooks are registered";
1597 static const char short_gen756[] = "**pthread_lock";
1598 static const char long_gen756[]  = "pthread_lock failed";
1599 static const char short_gen757[] = "**pthread_mutex";
1600 static const char long_gen757[]  = "pthread mutex routine failed";
1601 static const char short_gen758[] = "**pthread_unlock";
1602 static const char long_gen758[]  = "pthread_unlock failed";
1603 static const char short_gen759[] = "**putenv";
1604 static const char long_gen759[]  = "putenv failed";
1605 static const char short_gen760[] = "**pvarhandle";
1606 static const char long_gen760[]  = " Performance variable handle is invalid";
1607 static const char short_gen761[] = "**pvarhandlenull";
1608 static const char long_gen761[]  = " Performance variable handle is NULL";
1609 static const char short_gen762[] = "**pvarindex";
1610 static const char long_gen762[]  = " Performance variable index is invalid";
1611 static const char short_gen763[] = "**pvarsession";
1612 static const char long_gen763[]  = " Performance variable session is invalid";
1613 static const char short_gen764[] = "**pvarsessionnull";
1614 static const char long_gen764[]  = " Performance variable session is NULL";
1615 static const char short_gen765[] = "**rangedup";
1616 static const char long_gen765[]  = "The range array specifies duplicate entries";
1617 static const char short_gen766[] = "**rangeendinvalid";
1618 static const char long_gen766[]  = "Some element of a range array is either negative or too large";
1619 static const char short_gen767[] = "**rangestartinvalid";
1620 static const char long_gen767[]  = "Some element of a range array is either negative or too large";
1621 static const char short_gen768[] = "**rank";
1622 static const char long_gen768[]  = "Invalid rank";
1623 static const char short_gen769[] = "**rankarray";
1624 static const char long_gen769[]  = "Invalid rank in rank array";
1625 static const char short_gen770[] = "**rankdup";
1626 static const char long_gen770[]  = "Duplicate ranks in rank array ";
1627 static const char short_gen771[] = "**ranklocal";
1628 static const char long_gen771[]  = "Error specifying local_leader ";
1629 static const char short_gen772[] = "**rankremote";
1630 static const char long_gen772[]  = "Error specifying remote_leader ";
1631 static const char short_gen773[] = "**ranksdistinct";
1632 static const char long_gen773[]  = "Local and remote leaders must be different processes";
1633 static const char short_gen774[] = "**read";
1634 static const char long_gen774[]  = "read from socket failed";
1635 static const char short_gen775[] = "**recvbuf_inplace";
1636 static const char long_gen775[]  = "recvbuf cannot be MPI_IN_PLACE";
1637 static const char short_gen776[] = "**remove_shar_mem";
1638 static const char long_gen776[]  = "unable to remove shared memory";
1639 static const char short_gen777[] = "**reqnotmsg";
1640 static const char long_gen777[]  = " Invalid MPI_Message (MPI_Request passed)";
1641 static const char short_gen778[] = "**request";
1642 static const char long_gen778[]  = "Invalid MPI_Request";
1643 static const char short_gen779[] = "**request_invalid_kind";
1644 static const char long_gen779[]  = "The supplied request was invalid";
1645 static const char short_gen780[] = "**requestnotpersist";
1646 static const char long_gen780[]  = "Request is not persistent in MPI_Start or MPI_Startall.";
1647 static const char short_gen781[] = "**requestnull";
1648 static const char long_gen781[]  = "Null MPI_Request ";
1649 static const char short_gen782[] = "**requestpersistactive";
1650 static const char long_gen782[]  = "Persistent request passed to MPI_Start or MPI_Startall is already active.";
1651 static const char short_gen783[] = "**revoked";
1652 static const char long_gen783[]  = "Communication object revoked";
1653 static const char short_gen784[] = "**rmaattach";
1654 static const char long_gen784[]  = "Memory cannot be attached";
1655 static const char short_gen785[] = "**rmaconflict";
1656 static const char long_gen785[]  = "Conflicting accesses to window ";
1657 static const char short_gen786[] = "**rmadisp";
1658 static const char long_gen786[]  = "Invalid displacement argument in RMA call ";
1659 static const char short_gen787[] = "**rmaflavor";
1660 static const char long_gen787[]  = "Incorrect window flavor";
1661 static const char short_gen788[] = "**rmarange";
1662 static const char long_gen788[]  = "Target memory is not contained within the window";
1663 static const char short_gen789[] = "**rmashared";
1664 static const char long_gen789[]  = "Memory cannot be shared";
1665 static const char short_gen790[] = "**rmasize";
1666 static const char long_gen790[]  = "Invalid size argument in RMA call";
1667 static const char short_gen791[] = "**rmasync";
1668 static const char long_gen791[]  = "Wrong synchronization of RMA calls ";
1669 static const char short_gen792[] = "**rmatypenotatomic";
1670 static const char long_gen792[]  = " Datatype not permitted for atomic operations";
1671 static const char short_gen793[] = "**root";
1672 static const char long_gen793[]  = "Invalid root";
1673 static const char short_gen794[] = "**rsendnomatch";
1674 static const char long_gen794[]  = "Ready send had no matching receive ";
1675 static const char short_gen795[] = "**rtspkt";
1676 static const char long_gen795[]  = "failure occurred while attempting to send RTS packet";
1677 static const char short_gen796[] = "**sem_destroy";
1678 static const char long_gen796[]  = "sem_destroy() failed";
1679 static const char short_gen797[] = "**sem_init";
1680 static const char long_gen797[]  = "sem_init() failed";
1681 static const char short_gen798[] = "**sem_post";
1682 static const char long_gen798[]  = "sem_post() failed";
1683 static const char short_gen799[] = "**sem_wait";
1684 static const char long_gen799[]  = "sem_wait() failed";
1685 static const char short_gen800[] = "**sendbuf_inplace";
1686 static const char long_gen800[]  = "sendbuf cannot be MPI_IN_PLACE";
1687 static const char short_gen801[] = "**servicename";
1688 static const char long_gen801[]  = "Attempt to lookup an unknown service name ";
1689 static const char short_gen802[] = "**signal";
1690 static const char long_gen802[]  = "signal() failed";
1691 static const char short_gen803[] = "**snprintf";
1692 static const char long_gen803[]  = "snprintf returned an invalid number";
1693 static const char short_gen804[] = "**sock_accept";
1694 static const char long_gen804[]  = "accept of socket fd failed";
1695 static const char short_gen805[] = "**sock_closed";
1696 static const char long_gen805[]  = "socket closed";
1697 static const char short_gen806[] = "**sock_connect";
1698 static const char long_gen806[]  = "connect failed";
1699 static const char short_gen807[] = "**sock_create";
1700 static const char long_gen807[]  = "unable to create a socket";
1701 static const char short_gen808[] = "**sock_gethost";
1702 static const char long_gen808[]  = "gethostname failed";
1703 static const char short_gen809[] = "**sock_post_close";
1704 static const char long_gen809[]  = "posting a close of the socket failed";
1705 static const char short_gen810[] = "**sockaddrfailed";
1706 static const char long_gen810[]  = " MPL_get_sockaddr failed";
1707 static const char short_gen811[] = "**sock|badbuf";
1708 static const char long_gen811[]  = "the supplied buffer contains invalid memory";
1709 static const char short_gen812[] = "**sock|badhandle";
1710 static const char long_gen812[]  = "sock contains an invalid handle";
1711 static const char short_gen813[] = "**sock|badhdbuf";
1712 static const char long_gen813[]  = "a memory fault occurred while accessing the host description string";
1713 static const char short_gen814[] = "**sock|badhdlen";
1714 static const char long_gen814[]  = "host description string to small to store description";
1715 static const char short_gen815[] = "**sock|badhdmax";
1716 static const char long_gen815[]  = "the length of the host description string must be non-negative";
1717 static const char short_gen816[] = "**sock|badiovn";
1718 static const char long_gen816[]  = "size of iov is invalid";
1719 static const char short_gen817[] = "**sock|badlen";
1720 static const char long_gen817[]  = "bad length parameter(s)";
1721 static const char short_gen818[] = "**sock|badport";
1722 static const char long_gen818[]  = "port number is out of range";
1723 static const char short_gen819[] = "**sock|badsock";
1724 static const char long_gen819[]  = "supplied sock is corrupt";
1725 static const char short_gen820[] = "**sock|closing";
1726 static const char long_gen820[]  = "sock is in the process of being closed locally";
1727 static const char short_gen821[] = "**sock|closing_already";
1728 static const char long_gen821[]  = "a close operation is already posted";
1729 static const char short_gen822[] = "**sock|connclosed";
1730 static const char long_gen822[]  = "connection closed by peer";
1731 static const char short_gen823[] = "**sock|connfailed";
1732 static const char long_gen823[]  = "connection failure";
1733 static const char short_gen824[] = "**sock|connrefused";
1734 static const char long_gen824[]  = "connection refused";
1735 static const char short_gen825[] = "**sock|listener_bad_sock";
1736 static const char long_gen825[]  = "supplied sock is not a listener";
1737 static const char short_gen826[] = "**sock|listener_bad_state";
1738 static const char long_gen826[]  = "supplied listener sock is in a bad state";
1739 static const char short_gen827[] = "**sock|listener_read";
1740 static const char long_gen827[]  = "read operation not allowed on a listener";
1741 static const char short_gen828[] = "**sock|listener_write";
1742 static const char long_gen828[]  = "write operation not allowed on a listener";
1743 static const char short_gen829[] = "**sock|nosock";
1744 static const char long_gen829[]  = "no new sock was available to accept";
1745 static const char short_gen830[] = "**sock|notconnected";
1746 static const char long_gen830[]  = "sock is not connected";
1747 static const char short_gen831[] = "**sock|oserror";
1748 static const char long_gen831[]  = "unexpected operating system error";
1749 static const char short_gen832[] = "**sock|osnomem";
1750 static const char long_gen832[]  = "operating system routine failed due to lack of memory";
1751 static const char short_gen833[] = "**sock|poll|accept";
1752 static const char long_gen833[]  = "accept failed to acquire a new socket";
1753 static const char short_gen834[] = "**sock|poll|bind";
1754 static const char long_gen834[]  = "unable to bind socket to port";
1755 static const char short_gen835[] = "**sock|poll|eqfail";
1756 static const char long_gen835[]  = "fatal error: failed to enqueue an event; event was lost";
1757 static const char short_gen836[] = "**sock|poll|eqmalloc";
1758 static const char long_gen836[]  = "MPL_malloc failed to allocate memory for an event queue structure";
1759 static const char short_gen837[] = "**sock|poll|listen";
1760 static const char long_gen837[]  = "listen() failed";
1761 static const char short_gen838[] = "**sock|poll|nodelay";
1762 static const char long_gen838[]  = "unable to set TCP no delay attribute on socket";
1763 static const char short_gen839[] = "**sock|poll|nonblock";
1764 static const char long_gen839[]  = "unable to set socket to nonblocking";
1765 static const char short_gen840[] = "**sock|poll|pipe";
1766 static const char long_gen840[]  = "unable to allocate pipe to wakeup a blocking poll()";
1767 static const char short_gen841[] = "**sock|poll|pipenonblock";
1768 static const char long_gen841[]  = "unable to set wakeup pipe to nonblocking";
1769 static const char short_gen842[] = "**sock|poll|reuseaddr";
1770 static const char long_gen842[]  = "unable to set reuseaddr attribute on socket";
1771 static const char short_gen843[] = "**sock|poll|setrcvbufsz";
1772 static const char long_gen843[]  = " unable to set the receive socket buffer size";
1773 static const char short_gen844[] = "**sock|poll|setsndbufsz";
1774 static const char long_gen844[]  = " unable to set the send socket buffer size";
1775 static const char short_gen845[] = "**sock|poll|socket";
1776 static const char long_gen845[]  = "unable to obtain new socket";
1777 static const char short_gen846[] = "**sock|poll|unhandledstate";
1778 static const char long_gen846[]  = "encountered an unexpected state";
1779 static const char short_gen847[] = "**sock|poll|unhandledtype";
1780 static const char long_gen847[]  = "encountered an unexpected sock type";
1781 static const char short_gen848[] = "**sock|reads";
1782 static const char long_gen848[]  = "attempt to perform multiple simultaneous reads";
1783 static const char short_gen849[] = "**sock|setalloc";
1784 static const char long_gen849[]  = "unable to allocate a new sock set object";
1785 static const char short_gen850[] = "**sock|sockalloc";
1786 static const char long_gen850[]  = "unable to allocate a new sock object";
1787 static const char short_gen851[] = "**sock|uninit";
1788 static const char long_gen851[]  = "Sock library has not been initialized";
1789 static const char short_gen852[] = "**sock|writes";
1790 static const char long_gen852[]  = "attempt to perform multiple simultaneous writes";
1791 static const char short_gen853[] = "**spawn";
1792 static const char long_gen853[]  = "Error in spawn call";
1793 static const char short_gen854[] = "**stride";
1794 static const char long_gen854[]  = "Range does not terminate";
1795 static const char short_gen855[] = "**stridezero";
1796 static const char long_gen855[]  = "Zero stride is invalid";
1797 static const char short_gen856[] = "**subarrayoflow";
1798 static const char long_gen856[]  = "Cannot use an array of this size unless the MPI implementation defines a 64-bit MPI_Aint";
1799 static const char short_gen857[] = "**success";
1800 static const char long_gen857[]  = "No MPI error";
1801 static const char short_gen858[] = "**tag";
1802 static const char long_gen858[]  = "Invalid tag";
1803 static const char short_gen859[] = "**tcp_cleanup_fail";
1804 static const char long_gen859[]  = "Error while cleaning up failed connection";
1805 static const char short_gen860[] = "**tmpvc_connect_fail";
1806 static const char long_gen860[]  = "Failure during connection protocol";
1807 static const char short_gen861[] = "**toomanycomm";
1808 static const char long_gen861[]  = "Too many communicators";
1809 static const char short_gen862[] = "**toomanycommfrag";
1810 static const char long_gen862[]  = " Cannot allocate context ID because of fragmentation";
1811 static const char short_gen863[] = "**toomanynbc";
1812 static const char long_gen863[]  = " too many outstanding nonblocking collectives detected";
1813 static const char short_gen864[] = "**topology";
1814 static const char long_gen864[]  = "Invalid topology";
1815 static const char short_gen865[] = "**topotoolarge";
1816 static const char long_gen865[]  = "Topology size is greater than communicator size";
1817 static const char short_gen866[] = "**treetype";
1818 static const char long_gen866[]  = " Invalid tree type used for initializing Tree algorithms";
1819 static const char short_gen867[] = "**truncate";
1820 static const char long_gen867[]  = "Message truncated";
1821 static const char short_gen868[] = "**typeinitbadmem";
1822 static const char long_gen868[]  = "builtin datatype handle references invalid memory";
1823 static const char short_gen869[] = "**typematchnoclass";
1824 static const char long_gen869[]  = "The value of typeclass is not one of MPI_TYPECLASS_REAL, MPI_TYPECLASS_INTEGER, or MPI_TYPECLASS_COMPLEX";
1825 static const char short_gen870[] = "**typematchsize";
1826 static const char long_gen870[]  = "No MPI datatype available for the given typeclass and size";
1827 static const char short_gen871[] = "**typenamelen";
1828 static const char long_gen871[]  = "Specified datatype name is too long";
1829 static const char short_gen872[] = "**typenotpredefined";
1830 static const char long_gen872[]  = " Datatype must be predefined";
1831 static const char short_gen873[] = "**ucx_nm_notsupported";
1832 static const char long_gen873[]  = "The function is currently not supported with ucx netmod";
1833 static const char short_gen874[] = "**ucx_nm_rq_error";
1834 static const char long_gen874[]  = " return failed request in UCX netmod";
1835 static const char short_gen875[] = "**ucx_nm_status";
1836 static const char long_gen875[]  = " ucx function returned with failed status";
1837 static const char short_gen876[] = "**unknown";
1838 static const char long_gen876[]  = "Unknown error.  Please file a bug report.";
1839 static const char short_gen877[] = "**unknowngpid";
1840 static const char long_gen877[]  = "Internal MPI error: Unknown gpid";
1841 static const char short_gen878[] = "**unsupporteddatarep";
1842 static const char long_gen878[]  = "Only native data representation currently supported";
1843 static const char short_gen879[] = "**unweightedboth";
1844 static const char long_gen879[]  = "Must specify MPI_UNWEIGHTED for both or neither weight arguments";
1845 static const char short_gen880[] = "**user";
1846 static const char long_gen880[]  = "user defined function returned an error code";
1847 static const char short_gen881[] = "**vc_in_error_state";
1848 static const char long_gen881[]  = "Connection is in error state";
1849 static const char short_gen882[] = "**win";
1850 static const char long_gen882[]  = "Invalid MPI_Win";
1851 static const char short_gen883[] = "**winInvalidOp";
1852 static const char long_gen883[]  = " Invalid RMA operation";
1853 static const char short_gen884[] = "**windows_mutex";
1854 static const char long_gen884[]  = "Windows mutex routine failed";
1855 static const char short_gen885[] = "**winflavor";
1856 static const char long_gen885[]  = " Window flavor is not compatible with the given operation";
1857 static const char short_gen886[] = "**winnoprogress";
1858 static const char long_gen886[]  = " Detected an error while in progress wait for RMA messages";
1859 static const char short_gen887[] = "**winnull";
1860 static const char long_gen887[]  = "Null MPI_Win";
1861 static const char short_gen888[] = "**write";
1862 static const char long_gen888[]  = "write failed";
1863 static const char short_gen889[] = "**writev";
1864 static const char long_gen889[]  = "writev failed";
1865 static const char short_gen890[] = "**xpmem_attach";
1866 static const char long_gen890[]  = " xpmem_attach failed";
1867 static const char short_gen891[] = "**xpmem_get";
1868 static const char long_gen891[]  = " xpmem_get failed";
1869 static const char short_gen892[] = "**xpmem_make";
1870 static const char long_gen892[]  = " xpmem_make failed";
1871 static const char short_gen893[] = "**xpmem_release";
1872 static const char long_gen893[]  = " xpmem_release failed";
1873 static const char short_gen894[] = "**xpmem_remove";
1874 static const char long_gen894[]  = " xpmem_remove failed";
1875 static const char short_gen895[] = "**xpmem_segid";
1876 static const char long_gen895[]  = " xpmem remote segid is unset";
1877 static const char short_gen896[] = "**xpmem_segtree_init";
1878 static const char long_gen896[]  = " xpmem_segtree_init failed";
1879 static const char short_gen897[] = "**yaksa";
1880 static const char long_gen897[]  = "Yaksa library returned an error";
1882 static const int generic_msgs_len = 898;
1883 static const msgpair generic_err_msgs[] = {
1884 { 0xacebad03, short_gen0, long_gen0, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1885 { 0xacebad03, short_gen1, long_gen1, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1886 { 0xacebad03, short_gen2, long_gen2, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1887 { 0xacebad03, short_gen3, long_gen3, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1888 { 0xacebad03, short_gen4, long_gen4, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1889 { 0xacebad03, short_gen5, long_gen5, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1890 { 0xacebad03, short_gen6, long_gen6, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1891 { 0xacebad03, short_gen7, long_gen7, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1892 { 0xacebad03, short_gen8, long_gen8, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1893 { 0xacebad03, short_gen9, long_gen9, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1894 { 0xacebad03, short_gen10, long_gen10, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1895 { 0xacebad03, short_gen11, long_gen11, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1896 { 0xacebad03, short_gen12, long_gen12, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1897 { 0xacebad03, short_gen13, long_gen13, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1898 { 0xacebad03, short_gen14, long_gen14, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1899 { 0xacebad03, short_gen15, long_gen15, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1900 { 0xacebad03, short_gen16, long_gen16, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1901 { 0xacebad03, short_gen17, long_gen17, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1902 { 0xacebad03, short_gen18, long_gen18, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1903 { 0xacebad03, short_gen19, long_gen19, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1904 { 0xacebad03, short_gen20, long_gen20, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1905 { 0xacebad03, short_gen21, long_gen21, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1906 { 0xacebad03, short_gen22, long_gen22, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1907 { 0xacebad03, short_gen23, long_gen23, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1908 { 0xacebad03, short_gen24, long_gen24, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1909 { 0xacebad03, short_gen25, long_gen25, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1910 { 0xacebad03, short_gen26, long_gen26, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1911 { 0xacebad03, short_gen27, long_gen27, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1912 { 0xacebad03, short_gen28, long_gen28, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1913 { 0xacebad03, short_gen29, long_gen29, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1914 { 0xacebad03, short_gen30, long_gen30, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1915 { 0xacebad03, short_gen31, long_gen31, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1916 { 0xacebad03, short_gen32, long_gen32, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1917 { 0xacebad03, short_gen33, long_gen33, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1918 { 0xacebad03, short_gen34, long_gen34, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1919 { 0xacebad03, short_gen35, long_gen35, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1920 { 0xacebad03, short_gen36, long_gen36, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1921 { 0xacebad03, short_gen37, long_gen37, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1922 { 0xacebad03, short_gen38, long_gen38, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1923 { 0xacebad03, short_gen39, long_gen39, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1924 { 0xacebad03, short_gen40, long_gen40, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1925 { 0xacebad03, short_gen41, long_gen41, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1926 { 0xacebad03, short_gen42, long_gen42, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1927 { 0xacebad03, short_gen43, long_gen43, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1928 { 0xacebad03, short_gen44, long_gen44, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1929 { 0xacebad03, short_gen45, long_gen45, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1930 { 0xacebad03, short_gen46, long_gen46, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1931 { 0xacebad03, short_gen47, long_gen47, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1932 { 0xacebad03, short_gen48, long_gen48, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1933 { 0xacebad03, short_gen49, long_gen49, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1934 { 0xacebad03, short_gen50, long_gen50, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1935 { 0xacebad03, short_gen51, long_gen51, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1936 { 0xacebad03, short_gen52, long_gen52, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1937 { 0xacebad03, short_gen53, long_gen53, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1938 { 0xacebad03, short_gen54, long_gen54, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1939 { 0xacebad03, short_gen55, long_gen55, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1940 { 0xacebad03, short_gen56, long_gen56, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1941 { 0xacebad03, short_gen57, long_gen57, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1942 { 0xacebad03, short_gen58, long_gen58, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1943 { 0xacebad03, short_gen59, long_gen59, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1944 { 0xacebad03, short_gen60, long_gen60, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1945 { 0xacebad03, short_gen61, long_gen61, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1946 { 0xacebad03, short_gen62, long_gen62, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1947 { 0xacebad03, short_gen63, long_gen63, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1948 { 0xacebad03, short_gen64, long_gen64, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1949 { 0xacebad03, short_gen65, long_gen65, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1950 { 0xacebad03, short_gen66, long_gen66, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1951 { 0xacebad03, short_gen67, long_gen67, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1952 { 0xacebad03, short_gen68, long_gen68, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1953 { 0xacebad03, short_gen69, long_gen69, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1954 { 0xacebad03, short_gen70, long_gen70, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1955 { 0xacebad03, short_gen71, long_gen71, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1956 { 0xacebad03, short_gen72, long_gen72, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1957 { 0xacebad03, short_gen73, long_gen73, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1958 { 0xacebad03, short_gen74, long_gen74, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1959 { 0xacebad03, short_gen75, long_gen75, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1960 { 0xacebad03, short_gen76, long_gen76, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1961 { 0xacebad03, short_gen77, long_gen77, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1962 { 0xacebad03, short_gen78, long_gen78, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1963 { 0xacebad03, short_gen79, long_gen79, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1964 { 0xacebad03, short_gen80, long_gen80, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1965 { 0xacebad03, short_gen81, long_gen81, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1966 { 0xacebad03, short_gen82, long_gen82, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1967 { 0xacebad03, short_gen83, long_gen83, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1968 { 0xacebad03, short_gen84, long_gen84, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1969 { 0xacebad03, short_gen85, long_gen85, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1970 { 0xacebad03, short_gen86, long_gen86, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1971 { 0xacebad03, short_gen87, long_gen87, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1972 { 0xacebad03, short_gen88, long_gen88, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1973 { 0xacebad03, short_gen89, long_gen89, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1974 { 0xacebad03, short_gen90, long_gen90, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1975 { 0xacebad03, short_gen91, long_gen91, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1976 { 0xacebad03, short_gen92, long_gen92, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1977 { 0xacebad03, short_gen93, long_gen93, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1978 { 0xacebad03, short_gen94, long_gen94, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1979 { 0xacebad03, short_gen95, long_gen95, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1980 { 0xacebad03, short_gen96, long_gen96, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1981 { 0xacebad03, short_gen97, long_gen97, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1982 { 0xacebad03, short_gen98, long_gen98, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1983 { 0xacebad03, short_gen99, long_gen99, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1984 { 0xacebad03, short_gen100, long_gen100, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1985 { 0xacebad03, short_gen101, long_gen101, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1986 { 0xacebad03, short_gen102, long_gen102, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1987 { 0xacebad03, short_gen103, long_gen103, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1988 { 0xacebad03, short_gen104, long_gen104, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1989 { 0xacebad03, short_gen105, long_gen105, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1990 { 0xacebad03, short_gen106, long_gen106, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1991 { 0xacebad03, short_gen107, long_gen107, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1992 { 0xacebad03, short_gen108, long_gen108, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1993 { 0xacebad03, short_gen109, long_gen109, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1994 { 0xacebad03, short_gen110, long_gen110, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1995 { 0xacebad03, short_gen111, long_gen111, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1996 { 0xacebad03, short_gen112, long_gen112, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1997 { 0xacebad03, short_gen113, long_gen113, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1998 { 0xacebad03, short_gen114, long_gen114, 0xcb0bfa11 },
1999 { 0xacebad03, short_gen115, long_gen115, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2000 { 0xacebad03, short_gen116, long_gen116, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2001 { 0xacebad03, short_gen117, long_gen117, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2002 { 0xacebad03, short_gen118, long_gen118, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2003 { 0xacebad03, short_gen119, long_gen119, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2004 { 0xacebad03, short_gen120, long_gen120, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2005 { 0xacebad03, short_gen121, long_gen121, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2006 { 0xacebad03, short_gen122, long_gen122, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2007 { 0xacebad03, short_gen123, long_gen123, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2008 { 0xacebad03, short_gen124, long_gen124, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2009 { 0xacebad03, short_gen125, long_gen125, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2010 { 0xacebad03, short_gen126, long_gen126, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2011 { 0xacebad03, short_gen127, long_gen127, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2012 { 0xacebad03, short_gen128, long_gen128, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2013 { 0xacebad03, short_gen129, long_gen129, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2014 { 0xacebad03, short_gen130, long_gen130, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2015 { 0xacebad03, short_gen131, long_gen131, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2016 { 0xacebad03, short_gen132, long_gen132, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2017 { 0xacebad03, short_gen133, long_gen133, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2018 { 0xacebad03, short_gen134, long_gen134, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2019 { 0xacebad03, short_gen135, long_gen135, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2020 { 0xacebad03, short_gen136, long_gen136, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2021 { 0xacebad03, short_gen137, long_gen137, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2022 { 0xacebad03, short_gen138, long_gen138, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2023 { 0xacebad03, short_gen139, long_gen139, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2024 { 0xacebad03, short_gen140, long_gen140, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2025 { 0xacebad03, short_gen141, long_gen141, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2026 { 0xacebad03, short_gen142, long_gen142, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2027 { 0xacebad03, short_gen143, long_gen143, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2028 { 0xacebad03, short_gen144, long_gen144, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2029 { 0xacebad03, short_gen145, long_gen145, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2030 { 0xacebad03, short_gen146, long_gen146, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2031 { 0xacebad03, short_gen147, long_gen147, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2032 { 0xacebad03, short_gen148, long_gen148, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2033 { 0xacebad03, short_gen149, long_gen149, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2034 { 0xacebad03, short_gen150, long_gen150, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2035 { 0xacebad03, short_gen151, long_gen151, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2036 { 0xacebad03, short_gen152, long_gen152, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2037 { 0xacebad03, short_gen153, long_gen153, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2038 { 0xacebad03, short_gen154, long_gen154, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2039 { 0xacebad03, short_gen155, long_gen155, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2040 { 0xacebad03, short_gen156, long_gen156, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2041 { 0xacebad03, short_gen157, long_gen157, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2042 { 0xacebad03, short_gen158, long_gen158, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2043 { 0xacebad03, short_gen159, long_gen159, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2044 { 0xacebad03, short_gen160, long_gen160, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2045 { 0xacebad03, short_gen161, long_gen161, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2046 { 0xacebad03, short_gen162, long_gen162, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2047 { 0xacebad03, short_gen163, long_gen163, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2048 { 0xacebad03, short_gen164, long_gen164, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2049 { 0xacebad03, short_gen165, long_gen165, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2050 { 0xacebad03, short_gen166, long_gen166, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2051 { 0xacebad03, short_gen167, long_gen167, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2052 { 0xacebad03, short_gen168, long_gen168, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2053 { 0xacebad03, short_gen169, long_gen169, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2054 { 0xacebad03, short_gen170, long_gen170, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2055 { 0xacebad03, short_gen171, long_gen171, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2056 { 0xacebad03, short_gen172, long_gen172, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2057 { 0xacebad03, short_gen173, long_gen173, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2058 { 0xacebad03, short_gen174, long_gen174, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2059 { 0xacebad03, short_gen175, long_gen175, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2060 { 0xacebad03, short_gen176, long_gen176, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2061 { 0xacebad03, short_gen177, long_gen177, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2062 { 0xacebad03, short_gen178, long_gen178, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2063 { 0xacebad03, short_gen179, long_gen179, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2064 { 0xacebad03, short_gen180, long_gen180, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2065 { 0xacebad03, short_gen181, long_gen181, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2066 { 0xacebad03, short_gen182, long_gen182, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2067 { 0xacebad03, short_gen183, long_gen183, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2068 { 0xacebad03, short_gen184, long_gen184, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2069 { 0xacebad03, short_gen185, long_gen185, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2070 { 0xacebad03, short_gen186, long_gen186, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2071 { 0xacebad03, short_gen187, long_gen187, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2072 { 0xacebad03, short_gen188, long_gen188, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2073 { 0xacebad03, short_gen189, long_gen189, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2074 { 0xacebad03, short_gen190, long_gen190, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2075 { 0xacebad03, short_gen191, long_gen191, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2076 { 0xacebad03, short_gen192, long_gen192, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2077 { 0xacebad03, short_gen193, long_gen193, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2078 { 0xacebad03, short_gen194, long_gen194, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2079 { 0xacebad03, short_gen195, long_gen195, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2080 { 0xacebad03, short_gen196, long_gen196, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2081 { 0xacebad03, short_gen197, long_gen197, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2082 { 0xacebad03, short_gen198, long_gen198, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2083 { 0xacebad03, short_gen199, long_gen199, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2084 { 0xacebad03, short_gen200, long_gen200, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2085 { 0xacebad03, short_gen201, long_gen201, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2086 { 0xacebad03, short_gen202, long_gen202, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2087 { 0xacebad03, short_gen203, long_gen203, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2088 { 0xacebad03, short_gen204, long_gen204, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2089 { 0xacebad03, short_gen205, long_gen205, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2090 { 0xacebad03, short_gen206, long_gen206, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2091 { 0xacebad03, short_gen207, long_gen207, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2092 { 0xacebad03, short_gen208, long_gen208, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2093 { 0xacebad03, short_gen209, long_gen209, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2094 { 0xacebad03, short_gen210, long_gen210, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2095 { 0xacebad03, short_gen211, long_gen211, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2096 { 0xacebad03, short_gen212, long_gen212, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2097 { 0xacebad03, short_gen213, long_gen213, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2098 { 0xacebad03, short_gen214, long_gen214, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2099 { 0xacebad03, short_gen215, long_gen215, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2100 { 0xacebad03, short_gen216, long_gen216, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2101 { 0xacebad03, short_gen217, long_gen217, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2102 { 0xacebad03, short_gen218, long_gen218, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2103 { 0xacebad03, short_gen219, long_gen219, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2104 { 0xacebad03, short_gen220, long_gen220, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2105 { 0xacebad03, short_gen221, long_gen221, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2106 { 0xacebad03, short_gen222, long_gen222, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2107 { 0xacebad03, short_gen223, long_gen223, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2108 { 0xacebad03, short_gen224, long_gen224, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2109 { 0xacebad03, short_gen225, long_gen225, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2110 { 0xacebad03, short_gen226, long_gen226, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2111 { 0xacebad03, short_gen227, long_gen227, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2112 { 0xacebad03, short_gen228, long_gen228, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2113 { 0xacebad03, short_gen229, long_gen229, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2114 { 0xacebad03, short_gen230, long_gen230, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2115 { 0xacebad03, short_gen231, long_gen231, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2116 { 0xacebad03, short_gen232, long_gen232, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2117 { 0xacebad03, short_gen233, long_gen233, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2118 { 0xacebad03, short_gen234, long_gen234, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2119 { 0xacebad03, short_gen235, long_gen235, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2120 { 0xacebad03, short_gen236, long_gen236, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2121 { 0xacebad03, short_gen237, long_gen237, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2122 { 0xacebad03, short_gen238, long_gen238, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2123 { 0xacebad03, short_gen239, long_gen239, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2124 { 0xacebad03, short_gen240, long_gen240, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2125 { 0xacebad03, short_gen241, long_gen241, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2126 { 0xacebad03, short_gen242, long_gen242, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2127 { 0xacebad03, short_gen243, long_gen243, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2128 { 0xacebad03, short_gen244, long_gen244, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2129 { 0xacebad03, short_gen245, long_gen245, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2130 { 0xacebad03, short_gen246, long_gen246, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2131 { 0xacebad03, short_gen247, long_gen247, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2132 { 0xacebad03, short_gen248, long_gen248, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2133 { 0xacebad03, short_gen249, long_gen249, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2134 { 0xacebad03, short_gen250, long_gen250, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2135 { 0xacebad03, short_gen251, long_gen251, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2136 { 0xacebad03, short_gen252, long_gen252, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2137 { 0xacebad03, short_gen253, long_gen253, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2138 { 0xacebad03, short_gen254, long_gen254, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2139 { 0xacebad03, short_gen255, long_gen255, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2140 { 0xacebad03, short_gen256, long_gen256, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2141 { 0xacebad03, short_gen257, long_gen257, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2142 { 0xacebad03, short_gen258, long_gen258, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2143 { 0xacebad03, short_gen259, long_gen259, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2144 { 0xacebad03, short_gen260, long_gen260, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2145 { 0xacebad03, short_gen261, long_gen261, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2146 { 0xacebad03, short_gen262, long_gen262, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2147 { 0xacebad03, short_gen263, long_gen263, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2148 { 0xacebad03, short_gen264, long_gen264, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2149 { 0xacebad03, short_gen265, long_gen265, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2150 { 0xacebad03, short_gen266, long_gen266, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2151 { 0xacebad03, short_gen267, long_gen267, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2152 { 0xacebad03, short_gen268, long_gen268, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2153 { 0xacebad03, short_gen269, long_gen269, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2154 { 0xacebad03, short_gen270, long_gen270, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2155 { 0xacebad03, short_gen271, long_gen271, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2156 { 0xacebad03, short_gen272, long_gen272, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2157 { 0xacebad03, short_gen273, long_gen273, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2158 { 0xacebad03, short_gen274, long_gen274, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2159 { 0xacebad03, short_gen275, long_gen275, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2160 { 0xacebad03, short_gen276, long_gen276, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2161 { 0xacebad03, short_gen277, long_gen277, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2162 { 0xacebad03, short_gen278, long_gen278, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2163 { 0xacebad03, short_gen279, long_gen279, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2164 { 0xacebad03, short_gen280, long_gen280, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2165 { 0xacebad03, short_gen281, long_gen281, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2166 { 0xacebad03, short_gen282, long_gen282, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2167 { 0xacebad03, short_gen283, long_gen283, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2168 { 0xacebad03, short_gen284, long_gen284, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2169 { 0xacebad03, short_gen285, long_gen285, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2170 { 0xacebad03, short_gen286, long_gen286, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2171 { 0xacebad03, short_gen287, long_gen287, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2172 { 0xacebad03, short_gen288, long_gen288, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2173 { 0xacebad03, short_gen289, long_gen289, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2174 { 0xacebad03, short_gen290, long_gen290, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2175 { 0xacebad03, short_gen291, long_gen291, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2176 { 0xacebad03, short_gen292, long_gen292, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2177 { 0xacebad03, short_gen293, long_gen293, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2178 { 0xacebad03, short_gen294, long_gen294, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2179 { 0xacebad03, short_gen295, long_gen295, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2180 { 0xacebad03, short_gen296, long_gen296, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2181 { 0xacebad03, short_gen297, long_gen297, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2182 { 0xacebad03, short_gen298, long_gen298, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2183 { 0xacebad03, short_gen299, long_gen299, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2184 { 0xacebad03, short_gen300, long_gen300, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2185 { 0xacebad03, short_gen301, long_gen301, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2186 { 0xacebad03, short_gen302, long_gen302, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2187 { 0xacebad03, short_gen303, long_gen303, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2188 { 0xacebad03, short_gen304, long_gen304, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2189 { 0xacebad03, short_gen305, long_gen305, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2190 { 0xacebad03, short_gen306, long_gen306, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2191 { 0xacebad03, short_gen307, long_gen307, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2192 { 0xacebad03, short_gen308, long_gen308, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2193 { 0xacebad03, short_gen309, long_gen309, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2194 { 0xacebad03, short_gen310, long_gen310, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2195 { 0xacebad03, short_gen311, long_gen311, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2196 { 0xacebad03, short_gen312, long_gen312, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2197 { 0xacebad03, short_gen313, long_gen313, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2198 { 0xacebad03, short_gen314, long_gen314, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2199 { 0xacebad03, short_gen315, long_gen315, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2200 { 0xacebad03, short_gen316, long_gen316, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2201 { 0xacebad03, short_gen317, long_gen317, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2202 { 0xacebad03, short_gen318, long_gen318, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2203 { 0xacebad03, short_gen319, long_gen319, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2204 { 0xacebad03, short_gen320, long_gen320, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2205 { 0xacebad03, short_gen321, long_gen321, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2206 { 0xacebad03, short_gen322, long_gen322, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2207 { 0xacebad03, short_gen323, long_gen323, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2208 { 0xacebad03, short_gen324, long_gen324, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2209 { 0xacebad03, short_gen325, long_gen325, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2210 { 0xacebad03, short_gen326, long_gen326, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2211 { 0xacebad03, short_gen327, long_gen327, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2212 { 0xacebad03, short_gen328, long_gen328, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2213 { 0xacebad03, short_gen329, long_gen329, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2214 { 0xacebad03, short_gen330, long_gen330, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2215 { 0xacebad03, short_gen331, long_gen331, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2216 { 0xacebad03, short_gen332, long_gen332, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2217 { 0xacebad03, short_gen333, long_gen333, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2218 { 0xacebad03, short_gen334, long_gen334, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2219 { 0xacebad03, short_gen335, long_gen335, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2220 { 0xacebad03, short_gen336, long_gen336, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2221 { 0xacebad03, short_gen337, long_gen337, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2222 { 0xacebad03, short_gen338, long_gen338, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2223 { 0xacebad03, short_gen339, long_gen339, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2224 { 0xacebad03, short_gen340, long_gen340, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2225 { 0xacebad03, short_gen341, long_gen341, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2226 { 0xacebad03, short_gen342, long_gen342, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2227 { 0xacebad03, short_gen343, long_gen343, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2228 { 0xacebad03, short_gen344, long_gen344, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2229 { 0xacebad03, short_gen345, long_gen345, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2230 { 0xacebad03, short_gen346, long_gen346, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2231 { 0xacebad03, short_gen347, long_gen347, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2232 { 0xacebad03, short_gen348, long_gen348, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2233 { 0xacebad03, short_gen349, long_gen349, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2234 { 0xacebad03, short_gen350, long_gen350, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2235 { 0xacebad03, short_gen351, long_gen351, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2236 { 0xacebad03, short_gen352, long_gen352, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2237 { 0xacebad03, short_gen353, long_gen353, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2238 { 0xacebad03, short_gen354, long_gen354, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2239 { 0xacebad03, short_gen355, long_gen355, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2240 { 0xacebad03, short_gen356, long_gen356, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2241 { 0xacebad03, short_gen357, long_gen357, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2242 { 0xacebad03, short_gen358, long_gen358, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2243 { 0xacebad03, short_gen359, long_gen359, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2244 { 0xacebad03, short_gen360, long_gen360, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2245 { 0xacebad03, short_gen361, long_gen361, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2246 { 0xacebad03, short_gen362, long_gen362, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2247 { 0xacebad03, short_gen363, long_gen363, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2248 { 0xacebad03, short_gen364, long_gen364, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2249 { 0xacebad03, short_gen365, long_gen365, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2250 { 0xacebad03, short_gen366, long_gen366, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2251 { 0xacebad03, short_gen367, long_gen367, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2252 { 0xacebad03, short_gen368, long_gen368, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2253 { 0xacebad03, short_gen369, long_gen369, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2254 { 0xacebad03, short_gen370, long_gen370, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2255 { 0xacebad03, short_gen371, long_gen371, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2256 { 0xacebad03, short_gen372, long_gen372, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2257 { 0xacebad03, short_gen373, long_gen373, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2258 { 0xacebad03, short_gen374, long_gen374, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2259 { 0xacebad03, short_gen375, long_gen375, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2260 { 0xacebad03, short_gen376, long_gen376, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2261 { 0xacebad03, short_gen377, long_gen377, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2262 { 0xacebad03, short_gen378, long_gen378, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2263 { 0xacebad03, short_gen379, long_gen379, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2264 { 0xacebad03, short_gen380, long_gen380, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2265 { 0xacebad03, short_gen381, long_gen381, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2266 { 0xacebad03, short_gen382, long_gen382, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2267 { 0xacebad03, short_gen383, long_gen383, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2268 { 0xacebad03, short_gen384, long_gen384, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2269 { 0xacebad03, short_gen385, long_gen385, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2270 { 0xacebad03, short_gen386, long_gen386, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2271 { 0xacebad03, short_gen387, long_gen387, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2272 { 0xacebad03, short_gen388, long_gen388, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2273 { 0xacebad03, short_gen389, long_gen389, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2274 { 0xacebad03, short_gen390, long_gen390, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2275 { 0xacebad03, short_gen391, long_gen391, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2276 { 0xacebad03, short_gen392, long_gen392, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2277 { 0xacebad03, short_gen393, long_gen393, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2278 { 0xacebad03, short_gen394, long_gen394, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2279 { 0xacebad03, short_gen395, long_gen395, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2280 { 0xacebad03, short_gen396, long_gen396, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2281 { 0xacebad03, short_gen397, long_gen397, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2282 { 0xacebad03, short_gen398, long_gen398, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2283 { 0xacebad03, short_gen399, long_gen399, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2284 { 0xacebad03, short_gen400, long_gen400, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2285 { 0xacebad03, short_gen401, long_gen401, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2286 { 0xacebad03, short_gen402, long_gen402, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2287 { 0xacebad03, short_gen403, long_gen403, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2288 { 0xacebad03, short_gen404, long_gen404, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2289 { 0xacebad03, short_gen405, long_gen405, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2290 { 0xacebad03, short_gen406, long_gen406, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2291 { 0xacebad03, short_gen407, long_gen407, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2292 { 0xacebad03, short_gen408, long_gen408, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2293 { 0xacebad03, short_gen409, long_gen409, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2294 { 0xacebad03, short_gen410, long_gen410, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2295 { 0xacebad03, short_gen411, long_gen411, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2296 { 0xacebad03, short_gen412, long_gen412, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2297 { 0xacebad03, short_gen413, long_gen413, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2298 { 0xacebad03, short_gen414, long_gen414, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2299 { 0xacebad03, short_gen415, long_gen415, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2300 { 0xacebad03, short_gen416, long_gen416, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2301 { 0xacebad03, short_gen417, long_gen417, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2302 { 0xacebad03, short_gen418, long_gen418, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2303 { 0xacebad03, short_gen419, long_gen419, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2304 { 0xacebad03, short_gen420, long_gen420, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2305 { 0xacebad03, short_gen421, long_gen421, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2306 { 0xacebad03, short_gen422, long_gen422, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2307 { 0xacebad03, short_gen423, long_gen423, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2308 { 0xacebad03, short_gen424, long_gen424, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2309 { 0xacebad03, short_gen425, long_gen425, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2310 { 0xacebad03, short_gen426, long_gen426, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2311 { 0xacebad03, short_gen427, long_gen427, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2312 { 0xacebad03, short_gen428, long_gen428, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2313 { 0xacebad03, short_gen429, long_gen429, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2314 { 0xacebad03, short_gen430, long_gen430, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2315 { 0xacebad03, short_gen431, long_gen431, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2316 { 0xacebad03, short_gen432, long_gen432, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2317 { 0xacebad03, short_gen433, long_gen433, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2318 { 0xacebad03, short_gen434, long_gen434, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2319 { 0xacebad03, short_gen435, long_gen435, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2320 { 0xacebad03, short_gen436, long_gen436, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2321 { 0xacebad03, short_gen437, long_gen437, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2322 { 0xacebad03, short_gen438, long_gen438, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2323 { 0xacebad03, short_gen439, long_gen439, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2324 { 0xacebad03, short_gen440, long_gen440, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2325 { 0xacebad03, short_gen441, long_gen441, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2326 { 0xacebad03, short_gen442, long_gen442, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2327 { 0xacebad03, short_gen443, long_gen443, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2328 { 0xacebad03, short_gen444, long_gen444, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2329 { 0xacebad03, short_gen445, long_gen445, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2330 { 0xacebad03, short_gen446, long_gen446, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2331 { 0xacebad03, short_gen447, long_gen447, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2332 { 0xacebad03, short_gen448, long_gen448, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2333 { 0xacebad03, short_gen449, long_gen449, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2334 { 0xacebad03, short_gen450, long_gen450, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2335 { 0xacebad03, short_gen451, long_gen451, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2336 { 0xacebad03, short_gen452, long_gen452, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2337 { 0xacebad03, short_gen453, long_gen453, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2338 { 0xacebad03, short_gen454, long_gen454, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2339 { 0xacebad03, short_gen455, long_gen455, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2340 { 0xacebad03, short_gen456, long_gen456, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2341 { 0xacebad03, short_gen457, long_gen457, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2342 { 0xacebad03, short_gen458, long_gen458, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2343 { 0xacebad03, short_gen459, long_gen459, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2344 { 0xacebad03, short_gen460, long_gen460, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2345 { 0xacebad03, short_gen461, long_gen461, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2346 { 0xacebad03, short_gen462, long_gen462, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2347 { 0xacebad03, short_gen463, long_gen463, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2348 { 0xacebad03, short_gen464, long_gen464, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2349 { 0xacebad03, short_gen465, long_gen465, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2350 { 0xacebad03, short_gen466, long_gen466, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2351 { 0xacebad03, short_gen467, long_gen467, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2352 { 0xacebad03, short_gen468, long_gen468, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2353 { 0xacebad03, short_gen469, long_gen469, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2354 { 0xacebad03, short_gen470, long_gen470, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2355 { 0xacebad03, short_gen471, long_gen471, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2356 { 0xacebad03, short_gen472, long_gen472, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2357 { 0xacebad03, short_gen473, long_gen473, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2358 { 0xacebad03, short_gen474, long_gen474, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2359 { 0xacebad03, short_gen475, long_gen475, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2360 { 0xacebad03, short_gen476, long_gen476, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2361 { 0xacebad03, short_gen477, long_gen477, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2362 { 0xacebad03, short_gen478, long_gen478, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2363 { 0xacebad03, short_gen479, long_gen479, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2364 { 0xacebad03, short_gen480, long_gen480, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2365 { 0xacebad03, short_gen481, long_gen481, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2366 { 0xacebad03, short_gen482, long_gen482, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2367 { 0xacebad03, short_gen483, long_gen483, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2368 { 0xacebad03, short_gen484, long_gen484, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2369 { 0xacebad03, short_gen485, long_gen485, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2370 { 0xacebad03, short_gen486, long_gen486, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2371 { 0xacebad03, short_gen487, long_gen487, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2372 { 0xacebad03, short_gen488, long_gen488, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2373 { 0xacebad03, short_gen489, long_gen489, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2374 { 0xacebad03, short_gen490, long_gen490, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2375 { 0xacebad03, short_gen491, long_gen491, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2376 { 0xacebad03, short_gen492, long_gen492, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2377 { 0xacebad03, short_gen493, long_gen493, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2378 { 0xacebad03, short_gen494, long_gen494, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2379 { 0xacebad03, short_gen495, long_gen495, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2380 { 0xacebad03, short_gen496, long_gen496, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2381 { 0xacebad03, short_gen497, long_gen497, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2382 { 0xacebad03, short_gen498, long_gen498, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2383 { 0xacebad03, short_gen499, long_gen499, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2384 { 0xacebad03, short_gen500, long_gen500, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2385 { 0xacebad03, short_gen501, long_gen501, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2386 { 0xacebad03, short_gen502, long_gen502, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2387 { 0xacebad03, short_gen503, long_gen503, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2388 { 0xacebad03, short_gen504, long_gen504, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2389 { 0xacebad03, short_gen505, long_gen505, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2390 { 0xacebad03, short_gen506, long_gen506, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2391 { 0xacebad03, short_gen507, long_gen507, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2392 { 0xacebad03, short_gen508, long_gen508, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2393 { 0xacebad03, short_gen509, long_gen509, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2394 { 0xacebad03, short_gen510, long_gen510, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2395 { 0xacebad03, short_gen511, long_gen511, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2396 { 0xacebad03, short_gen512, long_gen512, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2397 { 0xacebad03, short_gen513, long_gen513, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2398 { 0xacebad03, short_gen514, long_gen514, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2399 { 0xacebad03, short_gen515, long_gen515, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2400 { 0xacebad03, short_gen516, long_gen516, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2401 { 0xacebad03, short_gen517, long_gen517, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2402 { 0xacebad03, short_gen518, long_gen518, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2403 { 0xacebad03, short_gen519, long_gen519, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2404 { 0xacebad03, short_gen520, long_gen520, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2405 { 0xacebad03, short_gen521, long_gen521, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2406 { 0xacebad03, short_gen522, long_gen522, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2407 { 0xacebad03, short_gen523, long_gen523, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2408 { 0xacebad03, short_gen524, long_gen524, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2409 { 0xacebad03, short_gen525, long_gen525, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2410 { 0xacebad03, short_gen526, long_gen526, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2411 { 0xacebad03, short_gen527, long_gen527, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2412 { 0xacebad03, short_gen528, long_gen528, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2413 { 0xacebad03, short_gen529, long_gen529, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2414 { 0xacebad03, short_gen530, long_gen530, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2415 { 0xacebad03, short_gen531, long_gen531, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2416 { 0xacebad03, short_gen532, long_gen532, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2417 { 0xacebad03, short_gen533, long_gen533, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2418 { 0xacebad03, short_gen534, long_gen534, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2419 { 0xacebad03, short_gen535, long_gen535, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2420 { 0xacebad03, short_gen536, long_gen536, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2421 { 0xacebad03, short_gen537, long_gen537, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2422 { 0xacebad03, short_gen538, long_gen538, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2423 { 0xacebad03, short_gen539, long_gen539, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2424 { 0xacebad03, short_gen540, long_gen540, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2425 { 0xacebad03, short_gen541, long_gen541, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2426 { 0xacebad03, short_gen542, long_gen542, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2427 { 0xacebad03, short_gen543, long_gen543, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2428 { 0xacebad03, short_gen544, long_gen544, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2429 { 0xacebad03, short_gen545, long_gen545, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2430 { 0xacebad03, short_gen546, long_gen546, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2431 { 0xacebad03, short_gen547, long_gen547, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2432 { 0xacebad03, short_gen548, long_gen548, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2433 { 0xacebad03, short_gen549, long_gen549, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2434 { 0xacebad03, short_gen550, long_gen550, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2435 { 0xacebad03, short_gen551, long_gen551, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2436 { 0xacebad03, short_gen552, long_gen552, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2437 { 0xacebad03, short_gen553, long_gen553, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2438 { 0xacebad03, short_gen554, long_gen554, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2439 { 0xacebad03, short_gen555, long_gen555, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2440 { 0xacebad03, short_gen556, long_gen556, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2441 { 0xacebad03, short_gen557, long_gen557, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2442 { 0xacebad03, short_gen558, long_gen558, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2443 { 0xacebad03, short_gen559, long_gen559, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2444 { 0xacebad03, short_gen560, long_gen560, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2445 { 0xacebad03, short_gen561, long_gen561, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2446 { 0xacebad03, short_gen562, long_gen562, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2447 { 0xacebad03, short_gen563, long_gen563, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2448 { 0xacebad03, short_gen564, long_gen564, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2449 { 0xacebad03, short_gen565, long_gen565, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2450 { 0xacebad03, short_gen566, long_gen566, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2451 { 0xacebad03, short_gen567, long_gen567, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2452 { 0xacebad03, short_gen568, long_gen568, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2453 { 0xacebad03, short_gen569, long_gen569, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2454 { 0xacebad03, short_gen570, long_gen570, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2455 { 0xacebad03, short_gen571, long_gen571, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2456 { 0xacebad03, short_gen572, long_gen572, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2457 { 0xacebad03, short_gen573, long_gen573, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2458 { 0xacebad03, short_gen574, long_gen574, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2459 { 0xacebad03, short_gen575, long_gen575, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2460 { 0xacebad03, short_gen576, long_gen576, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2461 { 0xacebad03, short_gen577, long_gen577, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2462 { 0xacebad03, short_gen578, long_gen578, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2463 { 0xacebad03, short_gen579, long_gen579, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2464 { 0xacebad03, short_gen580, long_gen580, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2465 { 0xacebad03, short_gen581, long_gen581, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2466 { 0xacebad03, short_gen582, long_gen582, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2467 { 0xacebad03, short_gen583, long_gen583, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2468 { 0xacebad03, short_gen584, long_gen584, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2469 { 0xacebad03, short_gen585, long_gen585, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2470 { 0xacebad03, short_gen586, long_gen586, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2471 { 0xacebad03, short_gen587, long_gen587, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2472 { 0xacebad03, short_gen588, long_gen588, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2473 { 0xacebad03, short_gen589, long_gen589, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2474 { 0xacebad03, short_gen590, long_gen590, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2475 { 0xacebad03, short_gen591, long_gen591, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2476 { 0xacebad03, short_gen592, long_gen592, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2477 { 0xacebad03, short_gen593, long_gen593, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2478 { 0xacebad03, short_gen594, long_gen594, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2479 { 0xacebad03, short_gen595, long_gen595, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2480 { 0xacebad03, short_gen596, long_gen596, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2481 { 0xacebad03, short_gen597, long_gen597, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2482 { 0xacebad03, short_gen598, long_gen598, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2483 { 0xacebad03, short_gen599, long_gen599, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2484 { 0xacebad03, short_gen600, long_gen600, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2485 { 0xacebad03, short_gen601, long_gen601, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2486 { 0xacebad03, short_gen602, long_gen602, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2487 { 0xacebad03, short_gen603, long_gen603, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2488 { 0xacebad03, short_gen604, long_gen604, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2489 { 0xacebad03, short_gen605, long_gen605, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2490 { 0xacebad03, short_gen606, long_gen606, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2491 { 0xacebad03, short_gen607, long_gen607, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2492 { 0xacebad03, short_gen608, long_gen608, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2493 { 0xacebad03, short_gen609, long_gen609, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2494 { 0xacebad03, short_gen610, long_gen610, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2495 { 0xacebad03, short_gen611, long_gen611, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2496 { 0xacebad03, short_gen612, long_gen612, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2497 { 0xacebad03, short_gen613, long_gen613, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2498 { 0xacebad03, short_gen614, long_gen614, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2499 { 0xacebad03, short_gen615, long_gen615, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2500 { 0xacebad03, short_gen616, long_gen616, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2501 { 0xacebad03, short_gen617, long_gen617, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2502 { 0xacebad03, short_gen618, long_gen618, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2503 { 0xacebad03, short_gen619, long_gen619, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2504 { 0xacebad03, short_gen620, long_gen620, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2505 { 0xacebad03, short_gen621, long_gen621, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2506 { 0xacebad03, short_gen622, long_gen622, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2507 { 0xacebad03, short_gen623, long_gen623, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2508 { 0xacebad03, short_gen624, long_gen624, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2509 { 0xacebad03, short_gen625, long_gen625, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2510 { 0xacebad03, short_gen626, long_gen626, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2511 { 0xacebad03, short_gen627, long_gen627, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2512 { 0xacebad03, short_gen628, long_gen628, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2513 { 0xacebad03, short_gen629, long_gen629, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2514 { 0xacebad03, short_gen630, long_gen630, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2515 { 0xacebad03, short_gen631, long_gen631, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2516 { 0xacebad03, short_gen632, long_gen632, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2517 { 0xacebad03, short_gen633, long_gen633, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2518 { 0xacebad03, short_gen634, long_gen634, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2519 { 0xacebad03, short_gen635, long_gen635, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2520 { 0xacebad03, short_gen636, long_gen636, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2521 { 0xacebad03, short_gen637, long_gen637, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2522 { 0xacebad03, short_gen638, long_gen638, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2523 { 0xacebad03, short_gen639, long_gen639, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2524 { 0xacebad03, short_gen640, long_gen640, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2525 { 0xacebad03, short_gen641, long_gen641, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2526 { 0xacebad03, short_gen642, long_gen642, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2527 { 0xacebad03, short_gen643, long_gen643, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2528 { 0xacebad03, short_gen644, long_gen644, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2529 { 0xacebad03, short_gen645, long_gen645, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2530 { 0xacebad03, short_gen646, long_gen646, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2531 { 0xacebad03, short_gen647, long_gen647, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2532 { 0xacebad03, short_gen648, long_gen648, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2533 { 0xacebad03, short_gen649, long_gen649, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2534 { 0xacebad03, short_gen650, long_gen650, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2535 { 0xacebad03, short_gen651, long_gen651, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2536 { 0xacebad03, short_gen652, long_gen652, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2537 { 0xacebad03, short_gen653, long_gen653, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2538 { 0xacebad03, short_gen654, long_gen654, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2539 { 0xacebad03, short_gen655, long_gen655, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2540 { 0xacebad03, short_gen656, long_gen656, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2541 { 0xacebad03, short_gen657, long_gen657, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2542 { 0xacebad03, short_gen658, long_gen658, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2543 { 0xacebad03, short_gen659, long_gen659, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2544 { 0xacebad03, short_gen660, long_gen660, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2545 { 0xacebad03, short_gen661, long_gen661, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2546 { 0xacebad03, short_gen662, long_gen662, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2547 { 0xacebad03, short_gen663, long_gen663, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2548 { 0xacebad03, short_gen664, long_gen664, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2549 { 0xacebad03, short_gen665, long_gen665, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2550 { 0xacebad03, short_gen666, long_gen666, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2551 { 0xacebad03, short_gen667, long_gen667, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2552 { 0xacebad03, short_gen668, long_gen668, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2553 { 0xacebad03, short_gen669, long_gen669, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2554 { 0xacebad03, short_gen670, long_gen670, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2555 { 0xacebad03, short_gen671, long_gen671, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2556 { 0xacebad03, short_gen672, long_gen672, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2557 { 0xacebad03, short_gen673, long_gen673, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2558 { 0xacebad03, short_gen674, long_gen674, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2559 { 0xacebad03, short_gen675, long_gen675, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2560 { 0xacebad03, short_gen676, long_gen676, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2561 { 0xacebad03, short_gen677, long_gen677, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2562 { 0xacebad03, short_gen678, long_gen678, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2563 { 0xacebad03, short_gen679, long_gen679, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2564 { 0xacebad03, short_gen680, long_gen680, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2565 { 0xacebad03, short_gen681, long_gen681, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2566 { 0xacebad03, short_gen682, long_gen682, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2567 { 0xacebad03, short_gen683, long_gen683, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2568 { 0xacebad03, short_gen684, long_gen684, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2569 { 0xacebad03, short_gen685, long_gen685, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2570 { 0xacebad03, short_gen686, long_gen686, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2571 { 0xacebad03, short_gen687, long_gen687, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2572 { 0xacebad03, short_gen688, long_gen688, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2573 { 0xacebad03, short_gen689, long_gen689, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2574 { 0xacebad03, short_gen690, long_gen690, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2575 { 0xacebad03, short_gen691, long_gen691, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2576 { 0xacebad03, short_gen692, long_gen692, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2577 { 0xacebad03, short_gen693, long_gen693, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2578 { 0xacebad03, short_gen694, long_gen694, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2579 { 0xacebad03, short_gen695, long_gen695, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2580 { 0xacebad03, short_gen696, long_gen696, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2581 { 0xacebad03, short_gen697, long_gen697, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2582 { 0xacebad03, short_gen698, long_gen698, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2583 { 0xacebad03, short_gen699, long_gen699, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2584 { 0xacebad03, short_gen700, long_gen700, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2585 { 0xacebad03, short_gen701, long_gen701, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2586 { 0xacebad03, short_gen702, long_gen702, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2587 { 0xacebad03, short_gen703, long_gen703, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2588 { 0xacebad03, short_gen704, long_gen704, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2589 { 0xacebad03, short_gen705, long_gen705, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2590 { 0xacebad03, short_gen706, long_gen706, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2591 { 0xacebad03, short_gen707, long_gen707, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2592 { 0xacebad03, short_gen708, long_gen708, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2593 { 0xacebad03, short_gen709, long_gen709, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2594 { 0xacebad03, short_gen710, long_gen710, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2595 { 0xacebad03, short_gen711, long_gen711, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2596 { 0xacebad03, short_gen712, long_gen712, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2597 { 0xacebad03, short_gen713, long_gen713, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2598 { 0xacebad03, short_gen714, long_gen714, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2599 { 0xacebad03, short_gen715, long_gen715, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2600 { 0xacebad03, short_gen716, long_gen716, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2601 { 0xacebad03, short_gen717, long_gen717, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2602 { 0xacebad03, short_gen718, long_gen718, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2603 { 0xacebad03, short_gen719, long_gen719, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2604 { 0xacebad03, short_gen720, long_gen720, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2605 { 0xacebad03, short_gen721, long_gen721, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2606 { 0xacebad03, short_gen722, long_gen722, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2607 { 0xacebad03, short_gen723, long_gen723, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2608 { 0xacebad03, short_gen724, long_gen724, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2609 { 0xacebad03, short_gen725, long_gen725, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2610 { 0xacebad03, short_gen726, long_gen726, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2611 { 0xacebad03, short_gen727, long_gen727, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2612 { 0xacebad03, short_gen728, long_gen728, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2613 { 0xacebad03, short_gen729, long_gen729, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2614 { 0xacebad03, short_gen730, long_gen730, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2615 { 0xacebad03, short_gen731, long_gen731, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2616 { 0xacebad03, short_gen732, long_gen732, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2617 { 0xacebad03, short_gen733, long_gen733, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2618 { 0xacebad03, short_gen734, long_gen734, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2619 { 0xacebad03, short_gen735, long_gen735, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2620 { 0xacebad03, short_gen736, long_gen736, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2621 { 0xacebad03, short_gen737, long_gen737, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2622 { 0xacebad03, short_gen738, long_gen738, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2623 { 0xacebad03, short_gen739, long_gen739, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2624 { 0xacebad03, short_gen740, long_gen740, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2625 { 0xacebad03, short_gen741, long_gen741, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2626 { 0xacebad03, short_gen742, long_gen742, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2627 { 0xacebad03, short_gen743, long_gen743, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2628 { 0xacebad03, short_gen744, long_gen744, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2629 { 0xacebad03, short_gen745, long_gen745, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2630 { 0xacebad03, short_gen746, long_gen746, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2631 { 0xacebad03, short_gen747, long_gen747, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2632 { 0xacebad03, short_gen748, long_gen748, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2633 { 0xacebad03, short_gen749, long_gen749, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2634 { 0xacebad03, short_gen750, long_gen750, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2635 { 0xacebad03, short_gen751, long_gen751, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2636 { 0xacebad03, short_gen752, long_gen752, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2637 { 0xacebad03, short_gen753, long_gen753, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2638 { 0xacebad03, short_gen754, long_gen754, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2639 { 0xacebad03, short_gen755, long_gen755, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2640 { 0xacebad03, short_gen756, long_gen756, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2641 { 0xacebad03, short_gen757, long_gen757, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2642 { 0xacebad03, short_gen758, long_gen758, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2643 { 0xacebad03, short_gen759, long_gen759, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2644 { 0xacebad03, short_gen760, long_gen760, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2645 { 0xacebad03, short_gen761, long_gen761, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2646 { 0xacebad03, short_gen762, long_gen762, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2647 { 0xacebad03, short_gen763, long_gen763, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2648 { 0xacebad03, short_gen764, long_gen764, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2649 { 0xacebad03, short_gen765, long_gen765, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2650 { 0xacebad03, short_gen766, long_gen766, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2651 { 0xacebad03, short_gen767, long_gen767, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2652 { 0xacebad03, short_gen768, long_gen768, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2653 { 0xacebad03, short_gen769, long_gen769, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2654 { 0xacebad03, short_gen770, long_gen770, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2655 { 0xacebad03, short_gen771, long_gen771, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2656 { 0xacebad03, short_gen772, long_gen772, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2657 { 0xacebad03, short_gen773, long_gen773, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2658 { 0xacebad03, short_gen774, long_gen774, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2659 { 0xacebad03, short_gen775, long_gen775, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2660 { 0xacebad03, short_gen776, long_gen776, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2661 { 0xacebad03, short_gen777, long_gen777, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2662 { 0xacebad03, short_gen778, long_gen778, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2663 { 0xacebad03, short_gen779, long_gen779, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2664 { 0xacebad03, short_gen780, long_gen780, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2665 { 0xacebad03, short_gen781, long_gen781, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2666 { 0xacebad03, short_gen782, long_gen782, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2667 { 0xacebad03, short_gen783, long_gen783, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2668 { 0xacebad03, short_gen784, long_gen784, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2669 { 0xacebad03, short_gen785, long_gen785, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2670 { 0xacebad03, short_gen786, long_gen786, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2671 { 0xacebad03, short_gen787, long_gen787, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2672 { 0xacebad03, short_gen788, long_gen788, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2673 { 0xacebad03, short_gen789, long_gen789, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2674 { 0xacebad03, short_gen790, long_gen790, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2675 { 0xacebad03, short_gen791, long_gen791, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2676 { 0xacebad03, short_gen792, long_gen792, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2677 { 0xacebad03, short_gen793, long_gen793, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2678 { 0xacebad03, short_gen794, long_gen794, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2679 { 0xacebad03, short_gen795, long_gen795, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2680 { 0xacebad03, short_gen796, long_gen796, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2681 { 0xacebad03, short_gen797, long_gen797, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2682 { 0xacebad03, short_gen798, long_gen798, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2683 { 0xacebad03, short_gen799, long_gen799, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2684 { 0xacebad03, short_gen800, long_gen800, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2685 { 0xacebad03, short_gen801, long_gen801, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2686 { 0xacebad03, short_gen802, long_gen802, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2687 { 0xacebad03, short_gen803, long_gen803, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2688 { 0xacebad03, short_gen804, long_gen804, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2689 { 0xacebad03, short_gen805, long_gen805, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2690 { 0xacebad03, short_gen806, long_gen806, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2691 { 0xacebad03, short_gen807, long_gen807, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2692 { 0xacebad03, short_gen808, long_gen808, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2693 { 0xacebad03, short_gen809, long_gen809, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2694 { 0xacebad03, short_gen810, long_gen810, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2695 { 0xacebad03, short_gen811, long_gen811, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2696 { 0xacebad03, short_gen812, long_gen812, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2697 { 0xacebad03, short_gen813, long_gen813, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2698 { 0xacebad03, short_gen814, long_gen814, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2699 { 0xacebad03, short_gen815, long_gen815, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2700 { 0xacebad03, short_gen816, long_gen816, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2701 { 0xacebad03, short_gen817, long_gen817, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2702 { 0xacebad03, short_gen818, long_gen818, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2703 { 0xacebad03, short_gen819, long_gen819, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2704 { 0xacebad03, short_gen820, long_gen820, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2705 { 0xacebad03, short_gen821, long_gen821, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2706 { 0xacebad03, short_gen822, long_gen822, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2707 { 0xacebad03, short_gen823, long_gen823, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2708 { 0xacebad03, short_gen824, long_gen824, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2709 { 0xacebad03, short_gen825, long_gen825, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2710 { 0xacebad03, short_gen826, long_gen826, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2711 { 0xacebad03, short_gen827, long_gen827, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2712 { 0xacebad03, short_gen828, long_gen828, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2713 { 0xacebad03, short_gen829, long_gen829, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2714 { 0xacebad03, short_gen830, long_gen830, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2715 { 0xacebad03, short_gen831, long_gen831, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2716 { 0xacebad03, short_gen832, long_gen832, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2717 { 0xacebad03, short_gen833, long_gen833, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2718 { 0xacebad03, short_gen834, long_gen834, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2719 { 0xacebad03, short_gen835, long_gen835, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2720 { 0xacebad03, short_gen836, long_gen836, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2721 { 0xacebad03, short_gen837, long_gen837, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2722 { 0xacebad03, short_gen838, long_gen838, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2723 { 0xacebad03, short_gen839, long_gen839, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2724 { 0xacebad03, short_gen840, long_gen840, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2725 { 0xacebad03, short_gen841, long_gen841, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2726 { 0xacebad03, short_gen842, long_gen842, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2727 { 0xacebad03, short_gen843, long_gen843, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2728 { 0xacebad03, short_gen844, long_gen844, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2729 { 0xacebad03, short_gen845, long_gen845, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2730 { 0xacebad03, short_gen846, long_gen846, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2731 { 0xacebad03, short_gen847, long_gen847, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2732 { 0xacebad03, short_gen848, long_gen848, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2733 { 0xacebad03, short_gen849, long_gen849, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2734 { 0xacebad03, short_gen850, long_gen850, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2735 { 0xacebad03, short_gen851, long_gen851, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2736 { 0xacebad03, short_gen852, long_gen852, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2737 { 0xacebad03, short_gen853, long_gen853, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2738 { 0xacebad03, short_gen854, long_gen854, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2739 { 0xacebad03, short_gen855, long_gen855, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2740 { 0xacebad03, short_gen856, long_gen856, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2741 { 0xacebad03, short_gen857, long_gen857, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2742 { 0xacebad03, short_gen858, long_gen858, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2743 { 0xacebad03, short_gen859, long_gen859, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2744 { 0xacebad03, short_gen860, long_gen860, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2745 { 0xacebad03, short_gen861, long_gen861, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2746 { 0xacebad03, short_gen862, long_gen862, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2747 { 0xacebad03, short_gen863, long_gen863, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2748 { 0xacebad03, short_gen864, long_gen864, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2749 { 0xacebad03, short_gen865, long_gen865, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2750 { 0xacebad03, short_gen866, long_gen866, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2751 { 0xacebad03, short_gen867, long_gen867, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2752 { 0xacebad03, short_gen868, long_gen868, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2753 { 0xacebad03, short_gen869, long_gen869, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2754 { 0xacebad03, short_gen870, long_gen870, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2755 { 0xacebad03, short_gen871, long_gen871, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2756 { 0xacebad03, short_gen872, long_gen872, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2757 { 0xacebad03, short_gen873, long_gen873, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2758 { 0xacebad03, short_gen874, long_gen874, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2759 { 0xacebad03, short_gen875, long_gen875, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2760 { 0xacebad03, short_gen876, long_gen876, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2761 { 0xacebad03, short_gen877, long_gen877, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2762 { 0xacebad03, short_gen878, long_gen878, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2763 { 0xacebad03, short_gen879, long_gen879, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2764 { 0xacebad03, short_gen880, long_gen880, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2765 { 0xacebad03, short_gen881, long_gen881, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2766 { 0xacebad03, short_gen882, long_gen882, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2767 { 0xacebad03, short_gen883, long_gen883, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2768 { 0xacebad03, short_gen884, long_gen884, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2769 { 0xacebad03, short_gen885, long_gen885, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2770 { 0xacebad03, short_gen886, long_gen886, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2771 { 0xacebad03, short_gen887, long_gen887, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2772 { 0xacebad03, short_gen888, long_gen888, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2773 { 0xacebad03, short_gen889, long_gen889, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2774 { 0xacebad03, short_gen890, long_gen890, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2775 { 0xacebad03, short_gen891, long_gen891, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2776 { 0xacebad03, short_gen892, long_gen892, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2777 { 0xacebad03, short_gen893, long_gen893, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2778 { 0xacebad03, short_gen894, long_gen894, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2779 { 0xacebad03, short_gen895, long_gen895, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2780 { 0xacebad03, short_gen896, long_gen896, 0xcb0bfa11 },
2781 { 0xacebad03, short_gen897, long_gen897, 0xcb0bfa11 }
2782 };
2783 #endif
2786 static const char short_spc0[] = "**arg %s";
2787 static const char long_spc0[]  = "Invalid argument %s";
2788 static const char short_spc1[] = "**argarrayneg %s %d %d";
2789 static const char long_spc1[]  = "Negative value in array %s[%d] (value is %d)";
2790 static const char short_spc2[] = "**argerrcode %d";
2791 static const char long_spc2[]  = "Invalid error code %d";
2792 static const char short_spc3[] = "**argneg %s %d";
2793 static const char long_spc3[]  = "Invalid value for %s, must be non-negative but is %d";
2794 static const char short_spc4[] = "**argnonpos %s %d";
2795 static const char long_spc4[]  = "Invalid value for %s; must be positive but is %d";
2796 static const char short_spc5[] = "**argpackbuf %d %d";
2797 static const char long_spc5[]  = "Size of data to pack (%d bytes) is larger than remaining space in pack buffer (%d bytes)";
2798 static const char short_spc6[] = "**argposneg %d";
2799 static const char long_spc6[]  = "Value of position is %d but must be nonnegative";
2800 static const char short_spc7[] = "**argrange %s %d %d";
2801 static const char long_spc7[]  = "Argument %s has value %d but must be within [0,%d]";
2802 static const char short_spc8[] = "**argtoosmall %s %d %d";
2803 static const char long_spc8[]  = "Invalid argument for %s: value is %d but must be at least %d";
2804 static const char short_spc9[] = "**badcase %d";
2805 static const char long_spc9[]  = "INTERNAL ERROR: unexpected value in case statement (value=%d)";
2806 static const char short_spc10[] = "**bsendbufsmall %d %d";
2807 static const char long_spc10[]  = "Buffer size of %d is smaller than MPI_BSEND_OVERHEAD (%d)";
2808 static const char short_spc11[] = "**buf_inplace %s";
2809 static const char long_spc11[]  = "buffer '%s' cannot be MPI_IN_PLACE";
2810 static const char short_spc12[] = "**bufbsend %d %d";
2811 static const char long_spc12[]  = "Insufficient space in Bsend buffer; requested %d; total buffer size is %d";
2812 static const char short_spc13[] = "**cartcoordinvalid %d %d %d";
2813 static const char long_spc13[]  = "Cartesian coordinate for the %d coordinate is %d but must be between 0 and %d";
2814 static const char short_spc14[] = "**cartdim %d %d";
2815 static const char long_spc14[]  = "Size of the communicator (%d) is smaller than the size of the Cartesian topology (%d)";
2816 static const char short_spc15[] = "**ch3|badmsgtype %d";
2817 static const char long_spc15[]  = "request contained an invalid message type (%d)";
2818 static const char short_spc16[] = "**ch3|badreqtype %d";
2819 static const char long_spc16[]  = "request contained an invalid request type (%d)";
2820 static const char short_spc17[] = "**ch3|conn_parent %s";
2821 static const char long_spc17[]  = "spawned process group was unable to connect back to the parent on port <%s>";
2822 static const char short_spc18[] = "**ch3|conntimeout %d";
2823 static const char long_spc18[]  = "Connection timed out in %d seconds";
2824 static const char short_spc19[] = "**ch3|postrecv %s";
2825 static const char long_spc19[]  = "failure occurred while posting a receive for message data (%s)";
2826 static const char short_spc20[] = "**ch3|sock|badhost %s %d %s";
2827 static const char long_spc20[]  = "[ch3:sock] invalid host description, %s:%d (%s)";
2828 static const char short_spc21[] = "**ch3|sock|badpacket %d";
2829 static const char long_spc21[]  = "[ch3:sock] received packet of unknown type (%d)";
2830 static const char short_spc22[] = "**ch3|sock|connrefused %s %d %s";
2831 static const char long_spc22[]  = "[ch3:sock] failed to connect to process %s:%d (%s)";
2832 static const char short_spc23[] = "**ch3|sock|failure %d";
2833 static const char long_spc23[]  = "[ch3:sock] unknown failure, sock_errno=%d";
2834 static const char short_spc24[] = "**ch3|sock|postconnect %d %d %s";
2835 static const char long_spc24[]  = "[ch3:sock] rank %d unable to connect to rank %d using business card <%s>";
2836 static const char short_spc25[] = "**ch3|sock|writefailed %d";
2837 static const char long_spc25[]  = "Write to socket failed with code %d";
2838 static const char short_spc26[] = "**ch3|unhandled_connection_state %p %d";
2839 static const char long_spc26[]  = "encountered an unexpected connection state (vc=%p, state=%d)";
2840 static const char short_spc27[] = "**ch4|badreqtype %d";
2841 static const char long_spc27[]  = "request contained an invalid request type (%d)";
2842 static const char short_spc28[] = "**ch4|invalid_mt_model %s";
2843 static const char long_spc28[]  = "Invalid multi-threading model (%s)";
2844 static const char short_spc29[] = "**ch4|invalid_shm_posix_eager %s";
2845 static const char long_spc29[]  = "Invalid shm posix eager module specified (%s)";
2846 static const char short_spc30[] = "**close %s";
2847 static const char long_spc30[]  = "close of socket failed - %s";
2848 static const char short_spc31[] = "**closesocket %s %d";
2849 static const char long_spc31[]  = "closesocket failed, %s (errno %d)";
2850 static const char short_spc32[] = "**collective_size_mismatch %d %d";
2851 static const char long_spc32[]  = "message sizes do not match across processes in the collective routine: Received %d but expected %d";
2852 static const char short_spc33[] = "**comm_fail %d";
2853 static const char long_spc33[]  = "Communication error with rank %d";
2854 static const char short_spc34[] = "**comm_fail %d %s";
2855 static const char long_spc34[]  = "Communication error with rank %d: %s";
2856 static const char short_spc35[] = "**comm_fail_conn %s %s";
2857 static const char long_spc35[]  = "Communication error during connect sequence (state=%s): %s";
2858 static const char short_spc36[] = "**commperm %s";
2859 static const char long_spc36[]  = "Cannot free permanent communicator %s";
2860 static const char short_spc37[] = "**countneg %d";
2861 static const char long_spc37[]  = "Negative count, value is %d";
2862 static const char short_spc38[] = "**cvar_val";
2863 static const char long_spc38[]  = "Invalid CVAR value";
2864 static const char short_spc39[] = "**darrayblock %d";
2865 static const char long_spc39[]  = "Value of m in block(m) distribution is %d must must be positive";
2866 static const char short_spc40[] = "**darrayblock2 %d %d";
2867 static const char long_spc40[]  = "m * nprocs is %d but must equal the array size %d and is not valid for block(m) distribution";
2868 static const char short_spc41[] = "**darraycyclic %d";
2869 static const char long_spc41[]  = "Value of m is %d but must be positive for a cyclic(m) distribution";
2870 static const char short_spc42[] = "**darraydist %d %d";
2871 static const char long_spc42[]  = "For MPI_DISTRIBUTE_NONE, the value of array_of_psizes[%d] is %d but must have value 1";
2872 static const char short_spc43[] = "**darrayoverflow %L";
2873 static const char long_spc43[]  = "Total size of array_of_gsizes[] is %L which requires the MPI implementation to use a 64-bit MPI_Aint";
2874 static const char short_spc44[] = "**datarepused %s";
2875 static const char long_spc44[]  = "The requested datarep name %s has already been specified to MPI_REGISTER_DATAREP";
2876 static const char short_spc45[] = "**dev|pg_not_found %p";
2877 static const char long_spc45[]  = "the specified process group object could not be located (pg=%p)";
2878 static const char short_spc46[] = "**dev|vcrt_create %s";
2879 static const char long_spc46[]  = "failed to create VCRT for %s";
2880 static const char short_spc47[] = "**dims %d";
2881 static const char long_spc47[]  = "Invalid dimension argument (value is %d)";
2882 static const char short_spc48[] = "**dimsmany %d %d";
2883 static const char long_spc48[]  = "Number of dimensions %d is too large (maximum is %d)";
2884 static const char short_spc49[] = "**dtypenull %s";
2885 static const char long_spc49[]  = "Datatype for argument %s is a null datatype";
2886 static const char short_spc50[] = "**dupprocesses %d";
2887 static const char long_spc50[]  = "Local and remote groups in MPI_Intercomm_create must not contain the same processes; both contain process %d";
2888 static const char short_spc51[] = "**edgeoutrange %d %d %d";
2889 static const char long_spc51[]  = "Edge index edges[%d] is %d but must be nonnegative and less than %d";
2890 static const char short_spc52[] = "**envvarparse";
2891 static const char long_spc52[]  = "Unable to parse environment variable";
2892 static const char short_spc53[] = "**exceeded_connect_tries %d";
2893 static const char long_spc53[]  = "Unable to establish connection to rank %d";
2894 static const char short_spc54[] = "**f90typecomplexnone %d %d";
2895 static const char long_spc54[]  = " No complex type with both %d digits of precision and an exponent range of %d is available";
2896 static const char short_spc55[] = "**f90typeintnone %d";
2897 static const char long_spc55[]  = " No integer type with %d digits of range is available";
2898 static const char short_spc56[] = "**f90typerealnone %d %d";
2899 static const char long_spc56[]  = " No real type with both %d digits of precision and an exponent range of %d is available";
2900 static const char short_spc57[] = "**fail %d";
2901 static const char long_spc57[]  = "generic failure with errno = %d";
2902 static const char short_spc58[] = "**fail %s %d";
2903 static const char long_spc58[]  = "%s (errno %d)";
2904 static const char short_spc59[] = "**fileaccess %s";
2905 static const char long_spc59[]  = "Access denied to file %s";
2906 static const char short_spc60[] = "**filename %s";
2907 static const char long_spc60[]  = "Invalid file name %s";
2908 static const char short_spc61[] = "**filenamedir %s";
2909 static const char long_spc61[]  = "Invalid or missing directory %s";
2910 static const char short_spc62[] = "**filenamelong %s %d";
2911 static const char long_spc62[]  = "Pathname %s too long (%d characters)";
2912 static const char short_spc63[] = "**filenoexist %s";
2913 static const char long_spc63[]  = "File %s does not exist";
2914 static const char short_spc64[] = "**flag %d";
2915 static const char long_spc64[]  = "invalid flag parameter (flag = %d)";
2916 static const char short_spc65[] = "**gethostbyname %s %d";
2917 static const char long_spc65[]  = "gethostbyname failed, %s (errno %d)";
2918 static const char short_spc66[] = "**getsockname %s";
2919 static const char long_spc66[]  = "getsockname failed - %s";
2920 static const char short_spc67[] = "**groupnotincomm %d";
2921 static const char long_spc67[]  = "Rank %d of the specified group is not a member of this communicator";
2922 static const char short_spc68[] = "**hcoll_wrong_arg %p %d";
2923 static const char long_spc68[]  = "Error in hcolrte api: wrong null argument (ec_h.handle = %p, ec_h.rank = %d)";
2924 static const char short_spc69[] = "**iface_notfound %s";
2925 static const char long_spc69[]  = "The network interface, \"%s\", specified in MPIR_CVAR_CH3_NETWORK_IFACE was not found.";
2926 static const char short_spc70[] = "**indexneg %d %d";
2927 static const char long_spc70[]  = "Index value for index[%d] is %d but must be nonnegative";
2928 static const char short_spc71[] = "**indexnonmonotone %d %d %d";
2929 static const char long_spc71[]  = "Index values in graph topology must be monotone nondecreasing but index[%d] is %d but the next index value is %d";
2930 static const char short_spc72[] = "**infonkey %d %d";
2931 static const char long_spc72[]  = "Requested key %d but this MPI_Info only has %d keys";
2932 static const char short_spc73[] = "**infonokey %s";
2933 static const char long_spc73[]  = "MPI_Info key %s is not defined ";
2934 static const char short_spc74[] = "**intern %s";
2935 static const char long_spc74[]  = "Internal MPI error!  %s";
2936 static const char short_spc75[] = "**invalid_handle %d";
2937 static const char long_spc75[]  = "invalid handle (%d)";
2938 static const char short_spc76[] = "**invalid_netmod %s";
2939 static const char long_spc76[]  = "Invalid netmod specified (%s)";
2940 static const char short_spc77[] = "**invalid_refcount %d";
2941 static const char long_spc77[]  = "invalid reference count (%d)";
2942 static const char short_spc78[] = "**invalidmembind %d";
2943 static const char long_spc78[]  = " cannot bind memory to object (%d). A memory object id was expected but a non-memory object id was passed instead";
2944 static const char short_spc79[] = "**invalidpkt %d";
2945 static const char long_spc79[]  = " Invalid packet type (%d)";
2946 static const char short_spc80[] = "**io %s";
2947 static const char long_spc80[]  = "Other I/O error %s";
2948 static const char short_spc81[] = "**join_portname %s %s";
2949 static const char long_spc81[]  = "local %s, remote %s";
2950 static const char short_spc82[] = "**join_recv %d";
2951 static const char long_spc82[]  = "recv from the socket failed (errno %d)";
2952 static const char short_spc83[] = "**join_send %d";
2953 static const char long_spc83[]  = "send on the socket failed (errno %d)";
2954 static const char short_spc84[] = "**keyvalobj %s";
2955 static const char long_spc84[]  = "Keyval was not defined for %s objects";
2956 static const char short_spc85[] = "**listen %s %d";
2957 static const char long_spc85[]  = "listen failed, %s (errno %d)";
2958 static const char short_spc86[] = "**lockassertval %d";
2959 static const char long_spc86[]  = " Invalid assert argument (%d) passed to MPI_Win_lock";
2960 static const char short_spc87[] = "**memcpyalias %p %p %L";
2961 static const char long_spc87[]  = "memcpy arguments alias each other, dst=%p src=%p len=%L";
2962 static const char short_spc88[] = "**mpi_abort %C %d";
2963 static const char long_spc88[]  = "MPI_Abort(%C, errorcode=%d) failed";
2964 static const char short_spc89[] = "**mpi_accumulate %p %d %D %d %d %d %D %O %W";
2965 static const char long_spc89[]  = "MPI_Accumulate(origin_addr=%p, origin_count=%d, %D, target_rank=%d, target_disp=%d, target_count=%d, %D, %O, %W) failed";
2966 static const char short_spc90[] = "**mpi_add_error_class %p";
2967 static const char long_spc90[]  = "MPI_Add_error_class(errorclass=%p) failed";
2968 static const char short_spc91[] = "**mpi_add_error_code %d %p";
2969 static const char long_spc91[]  = "MPI_Add_error_code(errorclass=%d, errorcode=%p) failed";
2970 static const char short_spc92[] = "**mpi_add_error_string %d %s";
2971 static const char long_spc92[]  = "MPI_Add_error_string(code=%d, str=\"%s\") failed";
2972 static const char short_spc93[] = "**mpi_address %p %p";
2973 static const char long_spc93[]  = "MPI_Address(location=%p, address=%p) failed";
2974 static const char short_spc94[] = "**mpi_allgather %p %d %D %p %d %D %C";
2975 static const char long_spc94[]  = "MPI_Allgather(sbuf=%p, scount=%d, %D, rbuf=%p, rcount=%d, datatype=%D, comm=%C) failed";
2976 static const char short_spc95[] = "**mpi_allgatherv %p %d %D %p %p %p %D %C";
2977 static const char long_spc95[]  = "MPI_Allgatherv(sbuf=%p, scount=%d, %D, rbuf=%p, rcounts=%p, displs=%p, datatype=%D, comm=%C) failed";
2978 static const char short_spc96[] = "**mpi_alloc_mem %d %I %p";
2979 static const char long_spc96[]  = "MPI_Alloc_mem(size=%d, %I, baseptr=%p) failed";
2980 static const char short_spc97[] = "**mpi_allreduce %p %p %d %D %O %C";
2981 static const char long_spc97[]  = "MPI_Allreduce(sbuf=%p, rbuf=%p, count=%d, datatype=%D, op=%O, comm=%C) failed";
2982 static const char short_spc98[] = "**mpi_alltoall %p %d %D %p %d %D %C";
2983 static const char long_spc98[]  = "MPI_Alltoall(sbuf=%p, scount=%d, %D, rbuf=%p, rcount=%d, datatype=%D, comm=%C) failed";
2984 static const char short_spc99[] = "**mpi_alltoallv %p %p %p %D %p %p %p %D %C";
2985 static const char long_spc99[]  = "MPI_Alltoallv(sbuf=%p, scnts=%p, sdispls=%p, %D, rbuf=%p, rcnts=%p, rdispls=%p, datatype=%D, comm=%C) failed";
2986 static const char short_spc100[] = "**mpi_alltoallw %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %C";
2987 static const char long_spc100[]  = "MPI_Alltoallw(sbuf=%p, scnts=%p, sdispls=%p, stypes=%p, rbuf=%p, rcnts=%p, rdispls=%p, rtypes=%p, %C) failed";
2988 static const char short_spc101[] = "**mpi_attr_delete %C %d";
2989 static const char long_spc101[]  = "MPI_Attr_delete(%C, keyval=%d) failed";
2990 static const char short_spc102[] = "**mpi_attr_get %C %d %p %p";
2991 static const char long_spc102[]  = "MPI_Attr_get(%C, keyval=%d, attr_value=%p, flag=%p) failed";
2992 static const char short_spc103[] = "**mpi_attr_put %C %d %p";
2993 static const char long_spc103[]  = "MPI_Attr_put(%C, keyval=%d, attr_value=%p) failed";
2994 static const char short_spc104[] = "**mpi_barrier %C";
2995 static const char long_spc104[]  = "MPI_Barrier(comm=%C) failed";
2996 static const char short_spc105[] = "**mpi_bcast %p %d %D %d %C";
2997 static const char long_spc105[]  = "MPI_Bcast(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, root=%d, comm=%C) failed";
2998 static const char short_spc106[] = "**mpi_bsend %p %d %D %i %t %C";
2999 static const char long_spc106[]  = "MPI_Bsend(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, dest=%i, tag=%t, %C) failed";
3000 static const char short_spc107[] = "**mpi_bsend_init %p %d %D %i %t %C %p";
3001 static const char long_spc107[]  = "MPI_Bsend_init(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, dest=%i, tag=%t, %C, request=%p) failed";
3002 static const char short_spc108[] = "**mpi_buffer_attach %p %d";
3003 static const char long_spc108[]  = "MPI_Buffer_attach(buf=%p, size=%d) failed";
3004 static const char short_spc109[] = "**mpi_buffer_detach %p %p";
3005 static const char long_spc109[]  = "MPI_Buffer_detach(buf=%p, size=%p) failed";
3006 static const char short_spc110[] = "**mpi_cancel %p";
3007 static const char long_spc110[]  = "MPI_Cancel(request=%p) failed";
3008 static const char short_spc111[] = "**mpi_cart_coords %C %d %d %p";
3009 static const char long_spc111[]  = "MPI_Cart_coords(%C, rank=%d, maxdims=%d, coords=%p) failed";
3010 static const char short_spc112[] = "**mpi_cart_create %C %d %p %p %d %p";
3011 static const char long_spc112[]  = "MPI_Cart_create(%C, ndims=%d, dims=%p, periods=%p, reorder=%d, comm_cart=%p) failed";
3012 static const char short_spc113[] = "**mpi_cart_get %C %d %p %p %p";
3013 static const char long_spc113[]  = "MPI_Cart_get(%C, maxdims=%d, dims=%p, periods=%p, coords=%p) failed";
3014 static const char short_spc114[] = "**mpi_cart_map %C %d %p %p %p";
3015 static const char long_spc114[]  = "MPI_Cart_map(%C, ndims=%d, dims=%p, periods=%p, newrank=%p) failed";
3016 static const char short_spc115[] = "**mpi_cart_rank %C %p %p";
3017 static const char long_spc115[]  = "MPI_Cart_rank(%C, coords=%p, rank=%p) failed";
3018 static const char short_spc116[] = "**mpi_cart_shift %C %d %d %p %p";
3019 static const char long_spc116[]  = "MPI_Cart_shift(%C, direction=%d, displ=%d, source=%p, dest=%p) failed";
3020 static const char short_spc117[] = "**mpi_cart_sub %C %p %p";
3021 static const char long_spc117[]  = "MPI_Cart_sub(%C, remain_dims=%p, comm_new=%p) failed";
3022 static const char short_spc118[] = "**mpi_cartdim_get %C %p";
3023 static const char long_spc118[]  = "MPI_Cartdim_get(%C, ndims=%p) failed";
3024 static const char short_spc119[] = "**mpi_close_port %s";
3025 static const char long_spc119[]  = "MPI_Close_port(port=\"%s\") failed";
3026 static const char short_spc120[] = "**mpi_comm_accept %s %I %d %C %p";
3027 static const char long_spc120[]  = "MPI_Comm_accept(port=\"%s\", %I, root=%d, %C, newcomm=%p) failed";
3028 static const char short_spc121[] = "**mpi_comm_call_errhandler %C %d";
3029 static const char long_spc121[]  = "MPI_Comm_call_errhandler(%C, errorcode=%d) failed";
3030 static const char short_spc122[] = "**mpi_comm_compare %C %C %p";
3031 static const char long_spc122[]  = "MPI_Comm_compare(%C, %C, result=%p) failed";
3032 static const char short_spc123[] = "**mpi_comm_connect %s %I %d %C %p";
3033 static const char long_spc123[]  = "MPI_Comm_connect(port=\"%s\", %I, root=%d, %C, newcomm=%p) failed";
3034 static const char short_spc124[] = "**mpi_comm_create %C %G %p";
3035 static const char long_spc124[]  = "MPI_Comm_create(%C, %G, new_comm=%p) failed";
3036 static const char short_spc125[] = "**mpi_comm_create_errhandler %p %p";
3037 static const char long_spc125[]  = "MPI_Comm_create_errhandler(function=%p, errhandler=%p) failed";
3038 static const char short_spc126[] = "**mpi_comm_create_group %C %G %d %p";
3039 static const char long_spc126[]  = "MPI_Comm_create_group(%C, %G, %d, new_comm=%p) failed";
3040 static const char short_spc127[] = "**mpi_comm_create_keyval %p %p %p %p";
3041 static const char long_spc127[]  = "MPI_Comm_create_keyval(comm_copy_attr_fn=%p, comm_delete_attr_fn=%p, comm_keyval=%p, extra_state=%p) failed";
3042 static const char short_spc128[] = "**mpi_comm_delete_attr %C %d";
3043 static const char long_spc128[]  = "MPI_Comm_delete_attr(%C, comm_keyval=%d) failed";
3044 static const char short_spc129[] = "**mpi_comm_disconnect %C";
3045 static const char long_spc129[]  = "MPI_Comm_disconnect(comm=%C) failed";
3046 static const char short_spc130[] = "**mpi_comm_dup %C %p";
3047 static const char long_spc130[]  = "MPI_Comm_dup(%C, new_comm=%p) failed";
3048 static const char short_spc131[] = "**mpi_comm_dup_with_info %C %I %p";
3049 static const char long_spc131[]  = "MPI_Comm_dup(%C, %I, new_comm=%p) failed";
3050 static const char short_spc132[] = "**mpi_comm_free %p";
3051 static const char long_spc132[]  = "MPI_Comm_free(comm=%p) failed";
3052 static const char short_spc133[] = "**mpi_comm_free_keyval %p";
3053 static const char long_spc133[]  = "MPI_Comm_free_keyval(comm_keyval=%p) failed";
3054 static const char short_spc134[] = "**mpi_comm_get_attr %C %d %p %p";
3055 static const char long_spc134[]  = "MPI_Comm_get_attr(%C, comm_keyval=%d, attribute_val=%p, flag=%p) failed";
3056 static const char short_spc135[] = "**mpi_comm_get_errhandler %C %p";
3057 static const char long_spc135[]  = "MPI_Comm_get_errhandler(%C, errhandler=%p) failed";
3058 static const char short_spc136[] = "**mpi_comm_get_info %W %p";
3059 static const char long_spc136[]  = "MPI_Comm_get_info(comm=%C, info_used=%p) failed";
3060 static const char short_spc137[] = "**mpi_comm_get_name %C %p %p";
3061 static const char long_spc137[]  = "MPI_Comm_get_name(%C, comm_name=%p, resultlen=%p) failed";
3062 static const char short_spc138[] = "**mpi_comm_get_parent %p";
3063 static const char long_spc138[]  = "MPI_Comm_get_parent(comm=%p) failed";
3064 static const char short_spc139[] = "**mpi_comm_group %C %p";
3065 static const char long_spc139[]  = "MPI_Comm_group(%C, group=%p) failed";
3066 static const char short_spc140[] = "**mpi_comm_idup %C %p %p";
3067 static const char long_spc140[]  = " MPI_Comm_idup(comm=%C, newcomm=%p, request=%p)";
3068 static const char short_spc141[] = "**mpi_comm_join %d %p";
3069 static const char long_spc141[]  = "MPI_Comm_join(fd=%d, intercomm=%p) failed";
3070 static const char short_spc142[] = "**mpi_comm_rank %C %p";
3071 static const char long_spc142[]  = "MPI_Comm_rank(%C, rank=%p) failed";
3072 static const char short_spc143[] = "**mpi_comm_remote_group %C %p";
3073 static const char long_spc143[]  = "MPI_Comm_remote_group(%C, group=%p) failed";
3074 static const char short_spc144[] = "**mpi_comm_remote_size %C %p";
3075 static const char long_spc144[]  = "MPI_Comm_remote_size(%C, size=%p) failed";
3076 static const char short_spc145[] = "**mpi_comm_set_attr %C %d %p";
3077 static const char long_spc145[]  = "MPI_Comm_set_attr(%C, comm_keyval=%d, attribute_val=%p) failed";
3078 static const char short_spc146[] = "**mpi_comm_set_errhandler %C %E";
3079 static const char long_spc146[]  = "MPI_Comm_set_errhandler(%C, %E) failed";
3080 static const char short_spc147[] = "**mpi_comm_set_info %W %p";
3081 static const char long_spc147[]  = "MPI_Comm_set_info(comm=%C, info=%p) failed";
3082 static const char short_spc148[] = "**mpi_comm_set_name %C %s";
3083 static const char long_spc148[]  = "MPI_Comm_set_name(%C, comm_name=%s) failed";
3084 static const char short_spc149[] = "**mpi_comm_size %C %p";
3085 static const char long_spc149[]  = "MPI_Comm_size(%C, size=%p) failed";
3086 static const char short_spc150[] = "**mpi_comm_spawn %s %p %d %I %d %C %p %p";
3087 static const char long_spc150[]  = "MPI_Comm_spawn(cmd=\"%s\", argv=%p, maxprocs=%d, %I, root=%d, %C, intercomm=%p, errors=%p) failed";
3088 static const char short_spc151[] = "**mpi_comm_spawn_multiple %d %p %p %p %p %d %C %p %p";
3089 static const char long_spc151[]  = "MPI_Comm_spawn_multiple(count=%d, cmds=%p, argvs=%p, maxprocs=%p, infos=%p, root=%d, %C, intercomm=%p, errors=%p) failed";
3090 static const char short_spc152[] = "**mpi_comm_split %C %d %d %p";
3091 static const char long_spc152[]  = "MPI_Comm_split(%C, color=%d, key=%d, new_comm=%p) failed";
3092 static const char short_spc153[] = "**mpi_comm_test_inter %C %p";
3093 static const char long_spc153[]  = "MPI_Comm_test_inter(%C, flag=%p) failed";
3094 static const char short_spc154[] = "**mpi_compare_and_swap %p %p %p %D %d %d %W";
3095 static const char long_spc154[]  = "MPI_Compare_and_swap(origin_addr=%p, compare_addr=%p, result_addr=%p, %D, target_rank=%d, target_disp=%d, %W) failed";
3096 static const char short_spc155[] = "**mpi_dims_create %d %d %p";
3097 static const char long_spc155[]  = "MPI_Dims_create(nnodes=%d, ndims=%d, dims=%p) failed";
3098 static const char short_spc156[] = "**mpi_dist_graph_create %C %d %p %p %p %p %I %d %p";
3099 static const char long_spc156[]  = " MPI_Dist_graph_create(%C, n=%d, sources=%p, degrees=%p, destinations=%p, weights=%p, info=%I, reorder=%d, comm_dist_graph=%p) failed";
3100 static const char short_spc157[] = "**mpi_dist_graph_create_adjacent %C %d %p %p %d %p %p %I %d %p";
3101 static const char long_spc157[]  = " MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent(%C, indegree=%d, sources=%p, sourceweights=%p, outdegree=%d, destinations=%p, destweights=%p, %I, %d, comm_dist_graph=%p) failed";
3102 static const char short_spc158[] = "**mpi_dist_graph_neighbors %C %d %p %p %d %p %p";
3103 static const char long_spc158[]  = " MPI_Dist_graph_neighbors(%C, maxindegree=%d, sources=%p, sourceweights=%p, maxoutdegree=%d, destinations=%p, destweights=%p) failed";
3104 static const char short_spc159[] = "**mpi_dist_graph_neighbors_count %C %p %p %p";
3105 static const char long_spc159[]  = " MPI_Dist_graph_neighbors_count(%C, indegree=%p, outdegree=%p, weighted=%p) failed";
3106 static const char short_spc160[] = "**mpi_errhandler_create %p %p";
3107 static const char long_spc160[]  = "MPI_Errhandler_create(function=%p, errhandler=%p) failed";
3108 static const char short_spc161[] = "**mpi_errhandler_free %p";
3109 static const char long_spc161[]  = "MPI_Errhandler_free(errhandler=%p) failed";
3110 static const char short_spc162[] = "**mpi_errhandler_get %C %p";
3111 static const char long_spc162[]  = "MPI_Errhandler_get(%C, errhandler=%p) failed";
3112 static const char short_spc163[] = "**mpi_errhandler_set %C %E";
3113 static const char long_spc163[]  = "MPI_Errhandler_set(%C, %E) failed";
3114 static const char short_spc164[] = "**mpi_error_class %d %p";
3115 static const char long_spc164[]  = "MPI_Error_class(errorcode=%d, errorclass=%p) failed";
3116 static const char short_spc165[] = "**mpi_error_string %d %s %p";
3117 static const char long_spc165[]  = "MPI_Error_string(errorcode=%d, string=%s, resultlen=%p) failed";
3118 static const char short_spc166[] = "**mpi_exscan %p %p %d %D %O %C";
3119 static const char long_spc166[]  = "MPI_Exscan(sbuf=%p, rbuf=%p, count=%d, %D, %O, %C) failed";
3120 static const char short_spc167[] = "**mpi_fetch_and_op %p %p %D %d %d %O %W";
3121 static const char long_spc167[]  = "MPI_Fetch_and_op(origin_addr=%p, result_addr=%p, %D, target_rank=%d, target_disp=%d, %O, %W) failed";
3122 static const char short_spc168[] = "**mpi_file_create_errhandler %p %p";
3123 static const char long_spc168[]  = "MPI_File_create_errhandler(function=%p, errhandler=%p) failed";
3124 static const char short_spc169[] = "**mpi_file_get_errhandler %F %p";
3125 static const char long_spc169[]  = "MPI_File_get_errhandler(%F, errhandler=%p) failed";
3126 static const char short_spc170[] = "**mpi_file_set_errhandler %F %E";
3127 static const char long_spc170[]  = "MPI_File_set_errhandler(%F, %E) failed";
3128 static const char short_spc171[] = "**mpi_finalized %p";
3129 static const char long_spc171[]  = "MPI_Finalized(flag=%p) failed";
3130 static const char short_spc172[] = "**mpi_free_mem %p";
3131 static const char long_spc172[]  = "MPI_Free_mem(base=%p) failed";
3132 static const char short_spc173[] = "**mpi_gather %p %d %D %p %d %D %d %C";
3133 static const char long_spc173[]  = "MPI_Gather(sbuf=%p, scount=%d, %D, rbuf=%p, rcount=%d, %D, root=%d, comm=%C) failed";
3134 static const char short_spc174[] = "**mpi_gatherv %p %d %D %p %p %p %D %d %C";
3135 static const char long_spc174[]  = "MPI_Gatherv failed(sbuf=%p, scount=%d, %D, rbuf=%p, rcnts=%p, displs=%p, datatype=%D, root=%d, comm=%C) failed";
3136 static const char short_spc175[] = "**mpi_get %p %d %D %d %d %d %D %W";
3137 static const char long_spc175[]  = "MPI_Get(origin_addr=%p, origin_count=%d, %D, target_rank=%d, target_disp=%d, target_count=%d, %D, %W) failed";
3138 static const char short_spc176[] = "**mpi_get_accumulate %p %d %D %p %d %D %d %d %d %D %O %W";
3139 static const char long_spc176[]  = "MPI_Get_accumulate(origin_addr=%p, origin_count=%d, %D, result_addr=%p, result_count=%d, %D, target_rank=%d, target_disp=%d, target_count=%d, %D, %O, %W) failed";
3140 static const char short_spc177[] = "**mpi_get_address %p %p";
3141 static const char long_spc177[]  = "MPI_Get_address(location=%p, address=%p) failed";
3142 static const char short_spc178[] = "**mpi_get_count %p %D %p";
3143 static const char long_spc178[]  = "MPI_Get_count(status=%p, %D, count=%p) failed";
3144 static const char short_spc179[] = "**mpi_get_elements %p %D %p";
3145 static const char long_spc179[]  = "MPI_Get_elements(status=%p, %D, elements=%p) failed";
3146 static const char short_spc180[] = "**mpi_get_elements_x %p %D %p";
3147 static const char long_spc180[]  = " MPI_Get_elements_x(status=%p, datatype=%D, count=%p)";
3148 static const char short_spc181[] = "**mpi_get_library_version %p %p";
3149 static const char long_spc181[]  = "MPI_Get_library_version(version=%p, resultlen=%p) failed";
3150 static const char short_spc182[] = "**mpi_get_processor_name %p %p";
3151 static const char long_spc182[]  = "MPI_Get_processor_name(name=%p, resultlen=%p) failed";
3152 static const char short_spc183[] = "**mpi_get_version %p %p";
3153 static const char long_spc183[]  = "MPI_Get_version(version=%p, subversion=%p) failed";
3154 static const char short_spc184[] = "**mpi_graph_create %C %d %p %p %d %p";
3155 static const char long_spc184[]  = "MPI_Graph_create(%C, nnodes=%d, index=%p, edges=%p, reorder=%d, comm_graph=%p) failed";
3156 static const char short_spc185[] = "**mpi_graph_get %C %d %d %p %p";
3157 static const char long_spc185[]  = "MPI_Graph_get(%C, maxindex=%d, maxedges=%d, index=%p, edges=%p) failed";
3158 static const char short_spc186[] = "**mpi_graph_map %C %d %p %p %p";
3159 static const char long_spc186[]  = "MPI_Graph_map(%C, nnodes=%d, index=%p, edges=%p, newrank=%p) failed";
3160 static const char short_spc187[] = "**mpi_graph_neighbors %C %d %d %p";
3161 static const char long_spc187[]  = "MPI_Graph_neighbors(%C, rank=%d, maxneighbors=%d, neighbors=%p) failed";
3162 static const char short_spc188[] = "**mpi_graph_neighbors_count %C %d %p";
3163 static const char long_spc188[]  = "MPI_Graph_neighbors_count(%C, rank=%d, nneighbors=%p) failed";
3164 static const char short_spc189[] = "**mpi_graphdims_get %C %p %p";
3165 static const char long_spc189[]  = "MPI_Graphdims_get(%C, nnodes=%p, nedges=%p) failed";
3166 static const char short_spc190[] = "**mpi_grequest_complete %R";
3167 static const char long_spc190[]  = "MPI_Grequest_complete(%R) failed";
3168 static const char short_spc191[] = "**mpi_grequest_start %p %p %p %p %p";
3169 static const char long_spc191[]  = "MPI_Grequest_start(query_fn=%p, free_fn=%p, cancel_fn=%p, extra_state=%p, request=%p) failed";
3170 static const char short_spc192[] = "**mpi_group_compare %G %G %p";
3171 static const char long_spc192[]  = "MPI_Group_compare(%G, %G, result=%p) failed";
3172 static const char short_spc193[] = "**mpi_group_difference %G %G %p";
3173 static const char long_spc193[]  = "MPI_Group_difference(%G, %G, new_group=%p) failed";
3174 static const char short_spc194[] = "**mpi_group_excl %G %d %p %p";
3175 static const char long_spc194[]  = "MPI_Group_excl(%G, n=%d, ranks=%p, new_group=%p) failed";
3176 static const char short_spc195[] = "**mpi_group_free %p";
3177 static const char long_spc195[]  = "MPI_Group_free(group=%p) failed";
3178 static const char short_spc196[] = "**mpi_group_incl %G %d %p %p";
3179 static const char long_spc196[]  = "MPI_Group_incl(%G, n=%d, ranks=%p, new_group=%p) failed";
3180 static const char short_spc197[] = "**mpi_group_intersection %G %G %p";
3181 static const char long_spc197[]  = "MPI_Group_intersection(%G, %G, new_group=%p) failed";
3182 static const char short_spc198[] = "**mpi_group_range_excl %G %d %p %p";
3183 static const char long_spc198[]  = "MPI_Group_range_excl(%G, n=%d, ranges=%p, new_group=%p) failed";
3184 static const char short_spc199[] = "**mpi_group_range_incl %G %d %p %p";
3185 static const char long_spc199[]  = "MPI_Group_range_incl(%G, n=%d, ranges=%p, new_group=%p) failed";
3186 static const char short_spc200[] = "**mpi_group_rank %G %p";
3187 static const char long_spc200[]  = "MPI_Group_rank(%G, rank=%p) failed";
3188 static const char short_spc201[] = "**mpi_group_size %G %p";
3189 static const char long_spc201[]  = "MPI_Group_size(%G, size=%p) failed";
3190 static const char short_spc202[] = "**mpi_group_translate_ranks %G %d %p %G %p";
3191 static const char long_spc202[]  = "MPI_Group_translate_ranks(%G, n=%d, ranks1=%p, %G, ranks2=%p) failed";
3192 static const char short_spc203[] = "**mpi_group_union %G %G %p";
3193 static const char long_spc203[]  = "MPI_Group_union(%G, %G, new_group=%p) failed";
3194 static const char short_spc204[] = "**mpi_iallgather %p %d %D %p %d %D %C %p";
3195 static const char long_spc204[]  = " MPI_Iallgather(sendbuf=%p, sendcount=%d, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcount=%d, recvtype=%D, comm=%C, request=%p)";
3196 static const char short_spc205[] = "**mpi_iallgatherv %p %d %D %p %p %p %D %C %p";
3197 static const char long_spc205[]  = " MPI_Iallgatherv(sendbuf=%p, sendcount=%d, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcounts=%p, displs=%p, recvtype=%D, comm=%C, request=%p)";
3198 static const char short_spc206[] = "**mpi_iallreduce %p %p %d %D %O %C %p";
3199 static const char long_spc206[]  = " MPI_Iallreduce(sendbuf=%p, recvbuf=%p, count=%d, datatype=%D, op=%O, comm=%C, request=%p)";
3200 static const char short_spc207[] = "**mpi_ialltoall %p %d %D %p %d %D %C %p";
3201 static const char long_spc207[]  = " MPI_Ialltoall(sendbuf=%p, sendcount=%d, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcount=%d, recvtype=%D, comm=%C, request=%p)";
3202 static const char short_spc208[] = "**mpi_ialltoallv %p %p %p %D %p %p %p %D %C %p";
3203 static const char long_spc208[]  = " MPI_Ialltoallv(sendbuf=%p, sendcounts=%p, sdispls=%p, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcounts=%p, rdispls=%p, recvtype=%D, comm=%C, request=%p)";
3204 static const char short_spc209[] = "**mpi_ialltoallw %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %C %p";
3205 static const char long_spc209[]  = " MPI_Ialltoallw(sendbuf=%p, sendcounts=%p, sdispls=%p, sendtypes=%p, recvbuf=%p, recvcounts=%p, rdispls=%p, recvtypes=%p, comm=%C, request=%p)";
3206 static const char short_spc210[] = "**mpi_ibarrier %C %p";
3207 static const char long_spc210[]  = " MPI_Ibarrier(comm=%C, request=%p)";
3208 static const char short_spc211[] = "**mpi_ibcast %p %d %D %C %p";
3209 static const char long_spc211[]  = " MPI_Ibcast(buffer=%p, count=%d, datatype=%D, comm=%C, request=%p)";
3210 static const char short_spc212[] = "**mpi_ibsend %p %d %D %i %t %C %p";
3211 static const char long_spc212[]  = "MPI_Ibsend(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, dest=%i, tag=%t, %C, request=%p) failed";
3212 static const char short_spc213[] = "**mpi_iexscan %p %p %d %D %O %C %p";
3213 static const char long_spc213[]  = " MPI_Iexscan(sendbuf=%p, recvbuf=%p, count=%d, datatype=%D, op=%O, comm=%C, request=%p)";
3214 static const char short_spc214[] = "**mpi_igather %p %d %D %p %d %D %d %C %p";
3215 static const char long_spc214[]  = " MPI_Igather(sendbuf=%p, sendcount=%d, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcount=%d, recvtype=%D, root=%d, comm=%C, request=%p)";
3216 static const char short_spc215[] = "**mpi_igatherv %p %d %D %p %p %p %D %d %C %p";
3217 static const char long_spc215[]  = " MPI_Igatherv(sendbuf=%p, sendcount=%d, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcounts=%p, displs=%p, recvtype=%D, root=%d, comm=%C, request=%p)";
3218 static const char short_spc216[] = "**mpi_improbe %d %d %C %p %p %p";
3219 static const char long_spc216[]  = " MPI_Improbe(source=%d, tag=%d, comm=%C, flag=%p, message=%p, status=%p)";
3220 static const char short_spc217[] = "**mpi_imrecv %p %d %D %p %p";
3221 static const char long_spc217[]  = " MPI_Imrecv(buf=%p, count=%d, datatype=%D, message=%p, request=%p)";
3222 static const char short_spc218[] = "**mpi_ineighbor_allgather %p %d %D %p %d %D %C %p";
3223 static const char long_spc218[]  = " MPI_Ineighbor_allgather(sendbuf=%p, sendcount=%d, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcount=%d, recvtype=%D, comm=%C, request=%p)";
3224 static const char short_spc219[] = "**mpi_ineighbor_allgatherv %p %d %D %p %p %p %D %C %p";
3225 static const char long_spc219[]  = " MPI_Ineighbor_allgatherv(sendbuf=%p, sendcount=%d, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcounts=%p, displs=%p, recvtype=%D, comm=%C, request=%p)";
3226 static const char short_spc220[] = "**mpi_ineighbor_alltoall %p %d %D %p %d %D %C %p";
3227 static const char long_spc220[]  = " MPI_Ineighbor_alltoall(sendbuf=%p, sendcount=%d, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcount=%d, recvtype=%D, comm=%C, request=%p)";
3228 static const char short_spc221[] = "**mpi_ineighbor_alltoallv %p %p %p %D %p %p %p %D %C %p";
3229 static const char long_spc221[]  = " MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallv(sendbuf=%p, sendcounts=%p, sdispls=%p, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcounts=%p, rdispls=%p, recvtype=%D, comm=%C, request=%p)";
3230 static const char short_spc222[] = "**mpi_ineighbor_alltoallw %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %C %p";
3231 static const char long_spc222[]  = " MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallw(sendbuf=%p, sendcounts=%p, sdispls=%p, sendtypes=%p, recvbuf=%p, recvcounts=%p, rdispls=%p, recvtypes=%p, comm=%C, request=%p)";
3232 static const char short_spc223[] = "**mpi_info_create %p";
3233 static const char long_spc223[]  = "MPI_Info_create(info=%p) failed";
3234 static const char short_spc224[] = "**mpi_info_delete %I %s";
3235 static const char long_spc224[]  = "MPI_Info_delete(%I, key=%s) failed";
3236 static const char short_spc225[] = "**mpi_info_dup %I %p";
3237 static const char long_spc225[]  = "MPI_Info_dup(%I, newinfo=%p) failed";
3238 static const char short_spc226[] = "**mpi_info_free %p";
3239 static const char long_spc226[]  = "MPI_Info_free(info=%p) failed";
3240 static const char short_spc227[] = "**mpi_info_get %I %s %d %p %p";
3241 static const char long_spc227[]  = "MPI_Info_get(%I, key=%s, valuelen=%d, value=%p, flag=%p) failed";
3242 static const char short_spc228[] = "**mpi_info_get_nkeys %I %p";
3243 static const char long_spc228[]  = "MPI_Info_get_nkeys(%I, nkeys=%p) failed";
3244 static const char short_spc229[] = "**mpi_info_get_nthkey %I %d %p";
3245 static const char long_spc229[]  = "MPI_Info_get_nthkey(%I, n=%d, key=%p) failed";
3246 static const char short_spc230[] = "**mpi_info_get_valuelen %I %s %p %p";
3247 static const char long_spc230[]  = "MPI_Info_get_valuelen(%I, key=%s, valuelen=%p, flag=%p) failed";
3248 static const char short_spc231[] = "**mpi_info_set %I %s %s";
3249 static const char long_spc231[]  = "MPI_Info_set(%I, key=%s, value=%s) failed";
3250 static const char short_spc232[] = "**mpi_init %p %p";
3251 static const char long_spc232[]  = "MPI_Init(argc_p=%p, argv_p=%p) failed";
3252 static const char short_spc233[] = "**mpi_init_thread %p %p %d %p";
3253 static const char long_spc233[]  = "MPI_Init_thread(argc_p=%p, argv_p=%p, required=%d, provided=%p)";
3254 static const char short_spc234[] = "**mpi_initialized %p";
3255 static const char long_spc234[]  = "MPI_Initialized(flag=%p) failed";
3256 static const char short_spc235[] = "**mpi_intercomm_create %C %d %C %d %d %p";
3257 static const char long_spc235[]  = "MPI_Intercomm_create(%C, local_leader=%d, %C, remote_leader=%d, tag=%d, newintercomm=%p) failed";
3258 static const char short_spc236[] = "**mpi_intercomm_merge %C %d %p";
3259 static const char long_spc236[]  = "MPI_Intercomm_merge(%C, high=%d, newintracomm=%p) failed";
3260 static const char short_spc237[] = "**mpi_iprobe %i %t %C %p %p";
3261 static const char long_spc237[]  = "MPI_Iprobe(src=%i, tag=%t, %C, flag=%p, status=%p) failed";
3262 static const char short_spc238[] = "**mpi_irecv %p %d %D %i %t %C %p";
3263 static const char long_spc238[]  = "MPI_Irecv(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, src=%i, tag=%t, %C, request=%p) failed";
3264 static const char short_spc239[] = "**mpi_ireduce %p %p %d %D %O %d %C %p";
3265 static const char long_spc239[]  = " MPI_Ireduce(sendbuf=%p, recvbuf=%p, count=%d, datatype=%D, op=%O, root=%d, comm=%C, request=%p)";
3266 static const char short_spc240[] = "**mpi_ireduce_scatter %p %p %p %D %O %C %p";
3267 static const char long_spc240[]  = " MPI_Ireduce_scatter(sendbuf=%p, recvbuf=%p, recvcounts=%p, datatype=%D, op=%O, comm=%C, request=%p)";
3268 static const char short_spc241[] = "**mpi_ireduce_scatter_block %p %p %d %D %O %C %p";
3269 static const char long_spc241[]  = " MPI_Ireduce_scatter_block(sendbuf=%p, recvbuf=%p, recvcount=%d, datatype=%D, op=%O, comm=%C, request=%p)";
3270 static const char short_spc242[] = "**mpi_irsend %p %d %D %i %t %C %p";
3271 static const char long_spc242[]  = "MPI_Irsend(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, dest=%i, tag=%t, %C, request=%p) failed";
3272 static const char short_spc243[] = "**mpi_is_thread_main %p";
3273 static const char long_spc243[]  = "MPI_Is_thread_main(flag=%p) failed";
3274 static const char short_spc244[] = "**mpi_iscan %p %p %d %D %O %C %p";
3275 static const char long_spc244[]  = " MPI_Iscan(sendbuf=%p, recvbuf=%p, count=%d, datatype=%D, op=%O, comm=%C, request=%p)";
3276 static const char short_spc245[] = "**mpi_iscatter %p %d %D %p %d %D %d %C %p";
3277 static const char long_spc245[]  = " MPI_Iscatter(sendbuf=%p, sendcount=%d, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcount=%d, recvtype=%D, root=%d, comm=%C, request=%p)";
3278 static const char short_spc246[] = "**mpi_iscatterv %p %p %p %D %p %d %D %d %C %p";
3279 static const char long_spc246[]  = " MPI_Iscatterv(sendbuf=%p, sendcounts=%p, displs=%p, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcount=%d, recvtype=%D, root=%d, comm=%C, request=%p)";
3280 static const char short_spc247[] = "**mpi_isend %p %d %D %i %t %C %p";
3281 static const char long_spc247[]  = "MPI_Isend(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, dest=%i, tag=%t, %C, request=%p) failed";
3282 static const char short_spc248[] = "**mpi_issend %p %d %D %i %t %C %p";
3283 static const char long_spc248[]  = "MPI_Issend(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, dest=%i, tag=%t, %C, request=%p) failed";
3284 static const char short_spc249[] = "**mpi_keyval_create %p %p %p %p";
3285 static const char long_spc249[]  = "MPI_Keyval_create(copy_fn=%p, del_fn=%p, keyval=%p, extra=%p) failed";
3286 static const char short_spc250[] = "**mpi_keyval_free %p";
3287 static const char long_spc250[]  = "MPI_Keyval_free(keyval=%p) failed";
3288 static const char short_spc251[] = "**mpi_lookup_name %s %I";
3289 static const char long_spc251[]  = "MPI_Lookup_name(service=\"%s\", %I) failed";
3290 static const char short_spc252[] = "**mpi_mprobe %d %d %C %p %p";
3291 static const char long_spc252[]  = " MPI_Mprobe(source=%d, tag=%d, comm=%C, message=%p, status=%p)";
3292 static const char short_spc253[] = "**mpi_mrecv %p %d %D %p %p";
3293 static const char long_spc253[]  = " MPI_Mrecv(buf=%p, count=%d, datatype=%D, message=%p, status=%p)";
3294 static const char short_spc254[] = "**mpi_neighbor_allgather %p %d %D %p %d %D %C";
3295 static const char long_spc254[]  = " MPI_Neighbor_allgather(sendbuf=%p, sendcount=%d, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcount=%d, recvtype=%D, comm=%C)";
3296 static const char short_spc255[] = "**mpi_neighbor_allgatherv %p %d %D %p %p %p %D %C";
3297 static const char long_spc255[]  = " MPI_Neighbor_allgatherv(sendbuf=%p, sendcount=%d, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcounts=%p, displs=%p, recvtype=%D, comm=%C)";
3298 static const char short_spc256[] = "**mpi_neighbor_alltoall %p %d %D %p %d %D %C";
3299 static const char long_spc256[]  = " MPI_Neighbor_alltoall(sendbuf=%p, sendcount=%d, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcount=%d, recvtype=%D, comm=%C)";
3300 static const char short_spc257[] = "**mpi_neighbor_alltoallv %p %p %p %D %p %p %p %D %C";
3301 static const char long_spc257[]  = " MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv(sendbuf=%p, sendcounts=%p, sdispls=%p, sendtype=%D, recvbuf=%p, recvcounts=%p, rdispls=%p, recvtype=%D, comm=%C)";
3302 static const char short_spc258[] = "**mpi_neighbor_alltoallw %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %C";
3303 static const char long_spc258[]  = " MPI_Neighbor_alltoallw(sendbuf=%p, sendcounts=%p, sdispls=%p, sendtypes=%p, recvbuf=%p, recvcounts=%p, rdispls=%p, recvtypes=%p, comm=%C)";
3304 static const char short_spc259[] = "**mpi_op_commutative %O %p";
3305 static const char long_spc259[]  = "MPI_Op_commutative(op=%O, commute=%p) failed";
3306 static const char short_spc260[] = "**mpi_op_create %p %d %p";
3307 static const char long_spc260[]  = "MPI_Op_create(fn=%p, commute=%d, op=%p) failed";
3308 static const char short_spc261[] = "**mpi_op_free %p";
3309 static const char long_spc261[]  = "MPI_Op_free(op=%p) failed";
3310 static const char short_spc262[] = "**mpi_open_port %I %p";
3311 static const char long_spc262[]  = "MPI_Open_port(%I, port=%p) failed";
3312 static const char short_spc263[] = "**mpi_pack %p %d %D %p %d %p %C";
3313 static const char long_spc263[]  = "MPI_Pack(inbuf=%p, incount=%d, %D, outbuf=%p, outcount=%d, position=%p, %C) failed";
3314 static const char short_spc264[] = "**mpi_pack_external %s %p %d %D %p %d %p";
3315 static const char long_spc264[]  = "MPI_Pack_external(datarep=%s, inbuf=%p, incount=%d, %D, outbuf=%p, outcount=%d, position=%p) failed";
3316 static const char short_spc265[] = "**mpi_pack_external_size %s %d %D %p";
3317 static const char long_spc265[]  = "MPI_Pack_external_size(datarep=%s, incount=%d, %D, size=%p) failed";
3318 static const char short_spc266[] = "**mpi_pack_size %d %D %C %p";
3319 static const char long_spc266[]  = "MPI_Pack_size(count=%d, %D, %C, size=%p) failed";
3320 static const char short_spc267[] = "**mpi_probe %i %t %C %p";
3321 static const char long_spc267[]  = "MPI_Probe(src=%i, tag=%t, %C, status=%p) failed";
3322 static const char short_spc268[] = "**mpi_publish_name %s %I %s";
3323 static const char long_spc268[]  = "MPI_Publish_name(service=\"%s\", %I, port=\"%s\") failed";
3324 static const char short_spc269[] = "**mpi_put %p %d %D %d %d %d %D %W";
3325 static const char long_spc269[]  = "MPI_Put(origin_addr=%p, origin_count=%d, %D, target_rank=%d, target_disp=%d, target_count=%d, %D, %W) failed";
3326 static const char short_spc270[] = "**mpi_query_thread %p";
3327 static const char long_spc270[]  = "MPI_Query_thread(provided=%p) failed";
3328 static const char short_spc271[] = "**mpi_raccumulate %p %d %D %d %d %d %D %O %W %p";
3329 static const char long_spc271[]  = "MPI_Raccumulate(origin_addr=%p, origin_count=%d, %D, target_rank=%d, target_disp=%d, target_count=%d, %D, %O, %W, request=%p) failed";
3330 static const char short_spc272[] = "**mpi_recv %p %d %D %i %t %C %p";
3331 static const char long_spc272[]  = "MPI_Recv(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, src=%i, tag=%t, %C, status=%p) failed";
3332 static const char short_spc273[] = "**mpi_recv_init %p %d %D %i %t %C %p";
3333 static const char long_spc273[]  = "MPI_Recv_init(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, src=%i, tag=%t, %C, request=%p) failed";
3334 static const char short_spc274[] = "**mpi_reduce %p %p %d %D %O %d %C";
3335 static const char long_spc274[]  = "MPI_Reduce(sbuf=%p, rbuf=%p, count=%d, datatype=%D, op=%O, root=%d, comm=%C) failed";
3336 static const char short_spc275[] = "**mpi_reduce_local %p %p %d %D %O";
3337 static const char long_spc275[]  = "MPI_Reduce_local(inbuf=%p, inoutbuf=%p, count=%d, datatype=%D, op=%O) failed";
3338 static const char short_spc276[] = "**mpi_reduce_scatter %p %p %p %D %O %C";
3339 static const char long_spc276[]  = "MPI_Reduce_scatter(sbuf=%p, rbuf=%p, rcnts=%p, datatype=%D, op=%O, comm=%C) failed";
3340 static const char short_spc277[] = "**mpi_reduce_scatter_block %p %p %d %D %O %C";
3341 static const char long_spc277[]  = "MPI_Reduce_scatter_block(sbuf=%p, rbuf=%p, recvcount=%d, datatype=%D, op=%O, comm=%C) failed";
3342 static const char short_spc278[] = "**mpi_register_datarep %s %p %p %p %p";
3343 static const char long_spc278[]  = "MPI_Register_datarep(datarep=%s, read_conversion_fn=%p, write_conversion_fn=%p, dtype_file_extent_fn=%p, extra_state=%p) failed";
3344 static const char short_spc279[] = "**mpi_request_free %p";
3345 static const char long_spc279[]  = "MPI_Request_free(request=%p) failed";
3346 static const char short_spc280[] = "**mpi_request_get_status %R %p %p";
3347 static const char long_spc280[]  = "MPI_Request_get_status(%R, flag=%p, status=%p) failed";
3348 static const char short_spc281[] = "**mpi_rget %p %d %D %d %d %d %D %W %p";
3349 static const char long_spc281[]  = "MPI_Rget(origin_addr=%p, origin_count=%d, %D, target_rank=%d, target_disp=%d, target_count=%d, %D, %W, request=%p) failed";
3350 static const char short_spc282[] = "**mpi_rget_accumulate %p %d %D %p %d %D %d %d %d %D %O %W %p";
3351 static const char long_spc282[]  = "MPI_Rget_accumulate(origin_addr=%p, origin_count=%d, %D, result_addr=%p, result_count=%d, %D, target_rank=%d, target_disp=%d, target_count=%d, %D, %O, %W, %p) failed";
3352 static const char short_spc283[] = "**mpi_rput %p %d %D %d %d %d %D %W %p";
3353 static const char long_spc283[]  = "MPI_Rput(origin_addr=%p, origin_count=%d, %D, target_rank=%d, target_disp=%d, target_count=%d, %D, %W, request=%p) failed";
3354 static const char short_spc284[] = "**mpi_rsend %p %d %D %i %t %C";
3355 static const char long_spc284[]  = "MPI_Rsend(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, src=%i, tag=%t, %C) failed";
3356 static const char short_spc285[] = "**mpi_rsend_init %p %d %D %i %t %C %p";
3357 static const char long_spc285[]  = "MPI_Rsend_init(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, dest=%i, tag=%t, %C, request=%p) failed";
3358 static const char short_spc286[] = "**mpi_scan %p %p %d %D %O %C";
3359 static const char long_spc286[]  = "MPI_Scan(sbuf=%p, rbuf=%p, count=%d, datatype=%D, op=%O, comm=%C) failed";
3360 static const char short_spc287[] = "**mpi_scatter %p %d %D %p %d %D %d %C";
3361 static const char long_spc287[]  = "MPI_Scatter(sbuf=%p, scount=%d, %D, rbuf=%p, rcount=%d, %D, root=%d, comm=%C) failed";
3362 static const char short_spc288[] = "**mpi_scatterv %p %p %p %D %p %d %D %d %C";
3363 static const char long_spc288[]  = "MPI_Scatterv(sbuf=%p, scnts=%p, displs=%p, %D, rbuf=%p, rcount=%d, %D, root=%d, comm=%C) failed";
3364 static const char short_spc289[] = "**mpi_send %p %d %D %i %t %C";
3365 static const char long_spc289[]  = "MPI_Send(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, dest=%i, tag=%t, %C) failed";
3366 static const char short_spc290[] = "**mpi_send_init %p %d %D %i %t %C %p";
3367 static const char long_spc290[]  = "MPI_Send_init(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, dest=%i, tag=%t, %C, request=%p) failed";
3368 static const char short_spc291[] = "**mpi_sendrecv %p %d %D %i %t %p %d %D %i %t %C %p";
3369 static const char long_spc291[]  = "MPI_Sendrecv(sbuf=%p, scount=%d, %D, dest=%i, stag=%t, rbuf=%p, rcount=%d, %D, src=%i, rtag=%t, %C, status=%p) failed";
3370 static const char short_spc292[] = "**mpi_sendrecv_replace %p %d %D %i %t %i %t %C %p";
3371 static const char long_spc292[]  = "MPI_Sendrecv_replace(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, dest=%i, stag=%t, src=%i, rtag=%t, %C, status=%p) failed";
3372 static const char short_spc293[] = "**mpi_ssend %p %d %D %i %t %C";
3373 static const char long_spc293[]  = "MPI_Ssend(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, dest=%i, tag=%t, %C) failed";
3374 static const char short_spc294[] = "**mpi_ssend_init %p %d %D %i %t %C %p";
3375 static const char long_spc294[]  = "MPI_Ssend_init(buf=%p, count=%d, %D, dest=%i, tag=%t, %C, request=%p) failed";
3376 static const char short_spc295[] = "**mpi_start %p";
3377 static const char long_spc295[]  = "MPI_Start(request=%p) failed";
3378 static const char short_spc296[] = "**mpi_startall %d %p";
3379 static const char long_spc296[]  = "MPI_Startall(count=%d, req_array=%p) failed";
3380 static const char short_spc297[] = "**mpi_status_set_cancelled %p %d";
3381 static const char long_spc297[]  = "MPI_Status_set_cancelled(status=%p, flag=%d) failed";
3382 static const char short_spc298[] = "**mpi_status_set_elements %p %D %d";
3383 static const char long_spc298[]  = "MPI_Status_set_elements(status=%p, %D, count=%d) failed";
3384 static const char short_spc299[] = "**mpi_status_set_elements_x %p %D %c";
3385 static const char long_spc299[]  = " MPI_Status_set_elements_x(status=%p, datatype=%D, count=%c)";
3386 static const char short_spc300[] = "**mpi_t_category_changed %p";
3387 static const char long_spc300[]  = " MPI_T_category_changed(stamp=%p)";
3388 static const char short_spc301[] = "**mpi_t_category_get_categories %d %d %p";
3389 static const char long_spc301[]  = " MPI_T_category_get_categories(cat_index=%d, len=%d, indices=%p)";
3390 static const char short_spc302[] = "**mpi_t_category_get_cvars %d %d %p";
3391 static const char long_spc302[]  = " MPI_T_category_get_cvars(cat_index=%d, len=%d, indices=%p)";
3392 static const char short_spc303[] = "**mpi_t_category_get_info %d %p %p %p %p %p %p %p";
3393 static const char long_spc303[]  = " MPI_T_category_get_info(cat_index=%d, name=%p, name_len=%p, desc=%p, desc_len=%p, num_controlvars=%p, num_pvars=%p, num_categories=%p)";
3394 static const char short_spc304[] = "**mpi_t_category_get_num %p";
3395 static const char long_spc304[]  = " MPI_T_category_get_num(num_cat=%p)";
3396 static const char short_spc305[] = "**mpi_t_category_get_pvars %d %d %p";
3397 static const char long_spc305[]  = " MPI_T_category_get_pvars(cat_index=%d, len=%d, indices=%p)";
3398 static const char short_spc306[] = "**mpi_t_cvar_get_info %d %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p";
3399 static const char long_spc306[]  = " MPI_T_cvar_get_info(cvar_index=%d, name=%p, name_len=%p, verbosity=%p, datatype=%p, enumtype=%p, desc=%p, desc_len=%p, bind=%p, scope=%p)";
3400 static const char short_spc307[] = "**mpi_t_cvar_get_num %p";
3401 static const char long_spc307[]  = " MPI_T_cvar_get_num(num_cvar=%p)";
3402 static const char short_spc308[] = "**mpi_t_cvar_handle_alloc %d %p %p %p";
3403 static const char long_spc308[]  = " MPI_T_cvar_handle_alloc(cvar_index=%d, obj_handle=%p, handle=%p, count=%p)";
3404 static const char short_spc309[] = "**mpi_t_cvar_handle_free %p";
3405 static const char long_spc309[]  = " MPI_T_cvar_handle_free(handle=%p)";
3406 static const char short_spc310[] = "**mpi_t_cvar_read %p %p";
3407 static const char long_spc310[]  = " MPI_T_cvar_read(handle=%p, buf=%p)";
3408 static const char short_spc311[] = "**mpi_t_cvar_write %p %p";
3409 static const char long_spc311[]  = " MPI_T_cvar_write(handle=%p, buf=%p)";
3410 static const char short_spc312[] = "**mpi_t_enum_get_info %p %p %p %p";
3411 static const char long_spc312[]  = " MPI_T_enum_get_info(enumtype=%p, num=%p, name=%p, name_len=%p)";
3412 static const char short_spc313[] = "**mpi_t_enum_get_item %p %d %p %p %p";
3413 static const char long_spc313[]  = " MPI_T_enum_get_item(enumtype=%p, num=%d, value=%p, name=%p, name_len=%p)";
3414 static const char short_spc314[] = "**mpi_t_pvar_get_info %d %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p";
3415 static const char long_spc314[]  = " MPI_T_pvar_get_info(pvar_index=%d, name=%p, name_len=%p, verbosity=%p, var_class=%p, datatype=%p, enumtype=%p, desc=%p, desc_len=%p, bind=%p, readonly=%p, continuous=%p, atomic=%p)";
3416 static const char short_spc315[] = "**mpi_t_pvar_get_num %p";
3417 static const char long_spc315[]  = " MPI_T_pvar_get_num(num_pvar=%p)";
3418 static const char short_spc316[] = "**mpi_t_pvar_handle_alloc %p %d %p %p %p";
3419 static const char long_spc316[]  = " MPI_T_pvar_handle_alloc(session=%p, pvar_index=%d, obj_handle=%p, handle=%p, count=%p)";
3420 static const char short_spc317[] = "**mpi_t_pvar_handle_free %p %p";
3421 static const char long_spc317[]  = " MPI_T_pvar_handle_free(session=%p, handle=%p)";
3422 static const char short_spc318[] = "**mpi_t_pvar_read %p %p %p";
3423 static const char long_spc318[]  = " MPI_T_pvar_read(session=%p, handle=%p, buf=%p)";
3424 static const char short_spc319[] = "**mpi_t_pvar_readreset %p %p %p";
3425 static const char long_spc319[]  = " MPI_T_pvar_readreset(session=%p, handle=%p, buf=%p)";
3426 static const char short_spc320[] = "**mpi_t_pvar_reset %p %p";
3427 static const char long_spc320[]  = " MPI_T_pvar_reset(session=%p, handle=%p)";
3428 static const char short_spc321[] = "**mpi_t_pvar_session_create %p";
3429 static const char long_spc321[]  = " MPI_T_pvar_session_create(session=%p)";
3430 static const char short_spc322[] = "**mpi_t_pvar_session_free %p";
3431 static const char long_spc322[]  = " MPI_T_pvar_session_free(session=%p)";
3432 static const char short_spc323[] = "**mpi_t_pvar_start %p %p";
3433 static const char long_spc323[]  = " MPI_T_pvar_start(session=%p, handle=%p)";
3434 static const char short_spc324[] = "**mpi_t_pvar_stop %p %p";
3435 static const char long_spc324[]  = " MPI_T_pvar_stop(session=%p, handle=%p)";
3436 static const char short_spc325[] = "**mpi_t_pvar_write %p %p %p";
3437 static const char long_spc325[]  = " MPI_T_pvar_write(session=%p, handle=%p, buf=%p)";
3438 static const char short_spc326[] = "**mpi_test %p %p %p";
3439 static const char long_spc326[]  = "MPI_Test(request=%p, flag=%p, status=%p) failed";
3440 static const char short_spc327[] = "**mpi_test_cancelled %p %p";
3441 static const char long_spc327[]  = "MPI_Test_cancelled(status=%p, flag=%p) failed";
3442 static const char short_spc328[] = "**mpi_testall %d %p %p %p";
3443 static const char long_spc328[]  = "MPI_Testall(count=%d, req_array=%p, flag=%p, status_array=%p) failed";
3444 static const char short_spc329[] = "**mpi_testany %d %p %p %p %p";
3445 static const char long_spc329[]  = "MPI_Testany(count=%d, req_array=%p, index=%p, flag=%p, status=%p) failed";
3446 static const char short_spc330[] = "**mpi_testsome %d %p %p %p %p";
3447 static const char long_spc330[]  = "MPI_Testsome(count=%d, req_array=%p, out_count=%p, indices=%p, status_array=%p) failed";
3448 static const char short_spc331[] = "**mpi_topo_test %C %p";
3449 static const char long_spc331[]  = "MPI_Topo_test(%C, topo_type=%p) failed";
3450 static const char short_spc332[] = "**mpi_type_commit %p";
3451 static const char long_spc332[]  = "MPI_Type_commit(datatype_p=%p) failed";
3452 static const char short_spc333[] = "**mpi_type_contiguous %d %D %p";
3453 static const char long_spc333[]  = "MPI_Type_contiguous(count=%d, %D, new_type_p=%p) failed";
3454 static const char short_spc334[] = "**mpi_type_create_darray %d %d %d %p %p %p %p %d %D %p";
3455 static const char long_spc334[]  = "MPI_Type_create_darray(size=%d, rank=%d, ndims=%d, array_of_gsizes=%p, array_of_distribs=%p, array_of_dargs=%p, array_of_psizes=%p, order=%d, %D, newtype=%p) failed";
3456 static const char short_spc335[] = "**mpi_type_create_f90_complex %d %d";
3457 static const char long_spc335[]  = "MPI_Type_create_f90_complex (precision=%d, range=%d) failed";
3458 static const char short_spc336[] = "**mpi_type_create_f90_int %d";
3459 static const char long_spc336[]  = " MPI_Type_create_f90_int (range=%d) failed";
3460 static const char short_spc337[] = "**mpi_type_create_f90_real %d %d";
3461 static const char long_spc337[]  = "MPI_Type_create_f90_real (precision=%d, range=%d) failed";
3462 static const char short_spc338[] = "**mpi_type_create_hindexed %d %p %p %D %p";
3463 static const char long_spc338[]  = "MPI_Type_create_hindexed(count=%d, array_of_blocklengths=%p, array_of_displacements=%p, %D, newtype=%p) failed";
3464 static const char short_spc339[] = "**mpi_type_create_hindexed_block %d %d %p %D %p";
3465 static const char long_spc339[]  = "MPI_Type_create_hindexed_block(count=%d, blocklength=%d, array_of_displacements=%p, %D, newtype=%p) failed";
3466 static const char short_spc340[] = "**mpi_type_create_hvector %d %d %d %D %p";
3467 static const char long_spc340[]  = "MPI_Type_create_hvector(count=%d, blocklength=%d, stride=%d, %D, newtype=%p) failed";
3468 static const char short_spc341[] = "**mpi_type_create_indexed_block %d %d %p %D %p";
3469 static const char long_spc341[]  = "MPI_Type_create_indexed_block(count=%d, blocklength=%d, array_of_displacements=%p, %D, newtype=%p) failed";
3470 static const char short_spc342[] = "**mpi_type_create_keyval %p %p %p %p";
3471 static const char long_spc342[]  = "MPI_Type_create_keyval(type_copy_attr_fn=%p, type_delete_attr_fn=%p, type_keyval=%p, extra_state=%p) failed";
3472 static const char short_spc343[] = "**mpi_type_create_resized %D %L %L %p";
3473 static const char long_spc343[]  = "MPI_Type_create_resized(%D, lb=%L, extent=%L, newtype=%p) failed";
3474 static const char short_spc344[] = "**mpi_type_create_struct %d %p %p %p %p";
3475 static const char long_spc344[]  = "MPI_Type_create_struct(count=%d, array_of_blocklengths=%p, array_of_displacements=%p, array_of_types=%p, newtype=%p) failed";
3476 static const char short_spc345[] = "**mpi_type_create_subarray %d %p %p %p %d %D %p";
3477 static const char long_spc345[]  = "MPI_Type_create_subarray(ndims=%d, array_of_sizes=%p, array_of_subsizes=%p, array_of_starts=%p, order=%d, %D, newtype=%p) failed";
3478 static const char short_spc346[] = "**mpi_type_delete_attr %D %d";
3479 static const char long_spc346[]  = "MPI_Type_delete_attr(%D, type_keyval=%d) failed";
3480 static const char short_spc347[] = "**mpi_type_dup %D %p";
3481 static const char long_spc347[]  = "MPI_Type_dup(%D, newtype=%p) failed";
3482 static const char short_spc348[] = "**mpi_type_extent %D %p";
3483 static const char long_spc348[]  = "MPI_Type_extent(%D, extent=%p) failed";
3484 static const char short_spc349[] = "**mpi_type_free %p";
3485 static const char long_spc349[]  = "MPI_Type_free(datatype_p=%p) failed";
3486 static const char short_spc350[] = "**mpi_type_free_keyval %p";
3487 static const char long_spc350[]  = "MPI_Type_free_keyval(type_keyval=%p) failed";
3488 static const char short_spc351[] = "**mpi_type_get_attr %D %d %p %p";
3489 static const char long_spc351[]  = "MPI_Type_get_attr(%D, type_keyval=%d, attribute_val=%p, flag=%p) failed";
3490 static const char short_spc352[] = "**mpi_type_get_contents %D %d %d %d %p %p %p";
3491 static const char long_spc352[]  = "MPI_Type_get_contents(%D, max_integers=%d, max_addresses=%d, max_datatypes=%d, array_of_integers=%p, array_of_addresses=%p, array_of_datatypes=%p) failed";
3492 static const char short_spc353[] = "**mpi_type_get_envelope %D %p %p %p %p";
3493 static const char long_spc353[]  = "MPI_Type_get_envelope(%D, num_integers=%p, num_addresses=%p, num_datatypes=%p, combiner=%p) failed";
3494 static const char short_spc354[] = "**mpi_type_get_extent %D %p %p";
3495 static const char long_spc354[]  = "MPI_Type_get_extent(%D, lb=%p, extent=%p) failed";
3496 static const char short_spc355[] = "**mpi_type_get_extent_x %D %p %p";
3497 static const char long_spc355[]  = " MPI_Type_get_extent_x(datatype=%D, lb=%p, extent=%p)";
3498 static const char short_spc356[] = "**mpi_type_get_name %D %p %p";
3499 static const char long_spc356[]  = "MPI_Type_get_name(%D, type_name=%p, resultlen=%p) failed";
3500 static const char short_spc357[] = "**mpi_type_get_true_extent %D %p %p";
3501 static const char long_spc357[]  = "MPI_Type_get_true_extent(%D, lb=%p, true_extent=%p) failed";
3502 static const char short_spc358[] = "**mpi_type_get_true_extent_x %D %p %p";
3503 static const char long_spc358[]  = " MPI_Type_get_true_extent_x(datatype=%D, lb=%p, extent=%p)";
3504 static const char short_spc359[] = "**mpi_type_hindexed %d %p %p %D %p";
3505 static const char long_spc359[]  = "MPI_Type_hindexed(count=%d, blocklens=%p, indices=%p, %D, new_type_p=%p) failed";
3506 static const char short_spc360[] = "**mpi_type_hvector %d %d %d %D %p";
3507 static const char long_spc360[]  = "MPI_Type_hvector(count=%d, blocklen=%d, stride=%d, %D, new_type_p=%p) failed";
3508 static const char short_spc361[] = "**mpi_type_indexed %d %p %p %D %p";
3509 static const char long_spc361[]  = "MPI_Type_indexed(count=%d, blocklens=%p, indices=%p, %D, new_type_p=%p) failed";
3510 static const char short_spc362[] = "**mpi_type_lb %D %p";
3511 static const char long_spc362[]  = "MPI_Type_lb(%D, displacement=%p) failed";
3512 static const char short_spc363[] = "**mpi_type_match_size %d %d %p";
3513 static const char long_spc363[]  = "MPI_Type_match_size(typeclass=%d, size=%d, datatype=%p) failed";
3514 static const char short_spc364[] = "**mpi_type_set_attr %D %d %p";
3515 static const char long_spc364[]  = "MPI_Type_set_attr(%D, type_keyval=%d, attribute_val=%p) failed";
3516 static const char short_spc365[] = "**mpi_type_set_name %D %s";
3517 static const char long_spc365[]  = "MPI_Type_set_name(%D, type_name=%s) failed";
3518 static const char short_spc366[] = "**mpi_type_size %D %p";
3519 static const char long_spc366[]  = "MPI_Type_size(%D) failed";
3520 static const char short_spc367[] = "**mpi_type_size_x %D %p";
3521 static const char long_spc367[]  = " MPI_Type_size_x(datatype=%D, size=%p)";
3522 static const char short_spc368[] = "**mpi_type_struct %d %p %p %p %p";
3523 static const char long_spc368[]  = "MPI_Type_struct(count=%d, blocklens=%p, indices=%p, old_types=%p, new_type_p=%p) failed";
3524 static const char short_spc369[] = "**mpi_type_ub %D %p";
3525 static const char long_spc369[]  = "MPI_Type_ub(%D, displacement=%p) failed";
3526 static const char short_spc370[] = "**mpi_type_vector %d %d %d %D %p";
3527 static const char long_spc370[]  = "MPI_Type_vector(count=%d, blocklength=%d, stride=%d, %D, new_type_p=%p) failed";
3528 static const char short_spc371[] = "**mpi_unpack %p %d %p %p %d %D %C";
3529 static const char long_spc371[]  = "MPI_Unpack(inbuf=%p, insize=%d, position=%p, outbuf=%p, outcount=%d, %D, %C) failed";
3530 static const char short_spc372[] = "**mpi_unpack_external %s %p %d %p %p %d %D";
3531 static const char long_spc372[]  = "MPI_Unpack_external(datarep=%s, inbuf=%p, insize=%d, position=%p, outbuf=%p, outcount=%d, %D) failed";
3532 static const char short_spc373[] = "**mpi_unpublish_name %s %I %s";
3533 static const char long_spc373[]  = "MPI_Unpublish_name(service=\"%s\", %I, port=\"%s\") failed";
3534 static const char short_spc374[] = "**mpi_wait %p %p";
3535 static const char long_spc374[]  = "MPI_Wait(request=%p, status=%p) failed";
3536 static const char short_spc375[] = "**mpi_waitall %d %p %p";
3537 static const char long_spc375[]  = "MPI_Waitall(count=%d, req_array=%p, status_array=%p) failed";
3538 static const char short_spc376[] = "**mpi_waitany %d %p %p %p";
3539 static const char long_spc376[]  = "MPI_Waitany(count=%d, req_array=%p, index=%p, status=%p) failed";
3540 static const char short_spc377[] = "**mpi_waitsome %d %p %p %p %p";
3541 static const char long_spc377[]  = "MPI_Waitsome(count=%d, req_array=%p, out_count=%p, indices=%p, status_array=%p) failed";
3542 static const char short_spc378[] = "**mpi_win_allocate %d %d %I %C %p %p";
3543 static const char long_spc378[]  = "MPI_Win_allocate(size=%d, disp_unit=%d, %I, %C, base=%p, win=%p) failed";
3544 static const char short_spc379[] = "**mpi_win_allocate_shared %d %I %C %p %p";
3545 static const char long_spc379[]  = "MPI_Win_allocate_shared(size=%d, %I, %C, baseptr=%p, win=%p) failed";
3546 static const char short_spc380[] = "**mpi_win_attach %W %p %d";
3547 static const char long_spc380[]  = "MPI_Win_attach(%W, base=%p, size=%d) failed";
3548 static const char short_spc381[] = "**mpi_win_call_errhandler %W %d";
3549 static const char long_spc381[]  = "MPI_Win_call_errhandler(%W, errorcode=%d) failed";
3550 static const char short_spc382[] = "**mpi_win_complete %W";
3551 static const char long_spc382[]  = "MPI_Win_complete(%W) failed";
3552 static const char short_spc383[] = "**mpi_win_create %p %d %d %I %C %p";
3553 static const char long_spc383[]  = "MPI_Win_create(base=%p, size=%d, disp_unit=%d, %I, %C, win=%p) failed";
3554 static const char short_spc384[] = "**mpi_win_create_dynamic %I %C %p";
3555 static const char long_spc384[]  = "MPI_Win_create_dynamic(%I, %C, win=%p) failed";
3556 static const char short_spc385[] = "**mpi_win_create_errhandler %p %p";
3557 static const char long_spc385[]  = "MPI_Win_create_errhandler(function=%p, errhandler=%p) failed";
3558 static const char short_spc386[] = "**mpi_win_create_keyval %p %p %p %p";
3559 static const char long_spc386[]  = "MPI_Win_create_keyval(win_copy_attr_fn=%p, win_delete_attr_fn=%p, win_keyval=%p, extra_state=%p) failed";
3560 static const char short_spc387[] = "**mpi_win_delete_attr %W %d";
3561 static const char long_spc387[]  = "MPI_Win_delete_attr(%W, win_keyval=%d) failed";
3562 static const char short_spc388[] = "**mpi_win_detach %W %p";
3563 static const char long_spc388[]  = "MPI_Win_detach(%W, base=%p) failed";
3564 static const char short_spc389[] = "**mpi_win_fence %A %W";
3565 static const char long_spc389[]  = "MPI_Win_fence(%A, %W) failed";
3566 static const char short_spc390[] = "**mpi_win_flush %d %W";
3567 static const char long_spc390[]  = "MPI_Win_flush(target_rank=%d, %W) failed";
3568 static const char short_spc391[] = "**mpi_win_flush_all %W";
3569 static const char long_spc391[]  = "MPI_Win_flush_all(%W) failed";
3570 static const char short_spc392[] = "**mpi_win_flush_local %d %W";
3571 static const char long_spc392[]  = "MPI_Win_flush_local(target_rank=%d, %W) failed";
3572 static const char short_spc393[] = "**mpi_win_flush_local_all %W";
3573 static const char long_spc393[]  = "MPI_Win_flush_local_all(%W) failed";
3574 static const char short_spc394[] = "**mpi_win_free %p";
3575 static const char long_spc394[]  = "MPI_Win_free(win=%p) failed";
3576 static const char short_spc395[] = "**mpi_win_free_keyval %p";
3577 static const char long_spc395[]  = "MPI_Win_free_keyval(win_keyval=%p) failed";
3578 static const char short_spc396[] = "**mpi_win_get_attr %W %d %p %p";
3579 static const char long_spc396[]  = "MPI_Win_get_attr(%W, win_keyval=%d, attribute_val=%p, flag=%p) failed";
3580 static const char short_spc397[] = "**mpi_win_get_errhandler %W %p";
3581 static const char long_spc397[]  = "MPI_Win_get_errhandler(%W, errhandler=%p) failed";
3582 static const char short_spc398[] = "**mpi_win_get_group %W %p";
3583 static const char long_spc398[]  = "MPI_Win_get_group(%W, group=%p) failed";
3584 static const char short_spc399[] = "**mpi_win_get_info %W %p";
3585 static const char long_spc399[]  = "MPI_Win_get_info(win=%W, info_used=%p) failed";
3586 static const char short_spc400[] = "**mpi_win_get_name %W %p %p";
3587 static const char long_spc400[]  = "MPI_Win_get_name(%W, win_name=%p, resultlen=%p) failed";
3588 static const char short_spc401[] = "**mpi_win_lock %d %d %A %W";
3589 static const char long_spc401[]  = "MPI_Win_lock(lock_type=%d, rank=%d, %A, %W) failed";
3590 static const char short_spc402[] = "**mpi_win_lock_all %A %W";
3591 static const char long_spc402[]  = "MPI_Win_lock_all(%A, %W) failed";
3592 static const char short_spc403[] = "**mpi_win_post %G %A %W";
3593 static const char long_spc403[]  = "MPI_Win_post(%G, %A, %W) failed";
3594 static const char short_spc404[] = "**mpi_win_set_attr %W %d %p";
3595 static const char long_spc404[]  = "MPI_Win_set_attr(%W, win_keyval=%d, attribute_val=%p) failed";
3596 static const char short_spc405[] = "**mpi_win_set_errhandler %W %E";
3597 static const char long_spc405[]  = "MPI_Win_set_errhandler(%W, %E) failed";
3598 static const char short_spc406[] = "**mpi_win_set_info %W %I";
3599 static const char long_spc406[]  = "MPI_Win_set_info(win=%W, info=%I) failed";
3600 static const char short_spc407[] = "**mpi_win_set_name %W %s";
3601 static const char long_spc407[]  = "MPI_Win_set_name(%W, win_name=%s) failed";
3602 static const char short_spc408[] = "**mpi_win_shared_query %W %d %p %p";
3603 static const char long_spc408[]  = "MPI_Win_shared_query(win=%W, rank=%d, size=%p, baseptr=%p) failed";
3604 static const char short_spc409[] = "**mpi_win_start %G %A %W";
3605 static const char long_spc409[]  = "MPI_Win_start(%G, %A, %W) failed";
3606 static const char short_spc410[] = "**mpi_win_sync %W";
3607 static const char long_spc410[]  = "MPI_Win_sync(%W) failed";
3608 static const char short_spc411[] = "**mpi_win_test %W %p";
3609 static const char long_spc411[]  = "MPI_Win_test(%W, flag=%p) failed";
3610 static const char short_spc412[] = "**mpi_win_unlock %d %W";
3611 static const char long_spc412[]  = "MPI_Win_unlock(rank=%d, %W) failed";
3612 static const char short_spc413[] = "**mpi_win_unlock_all %W";
3613 static const char long_spc413[]  = "MPI_Win_unlock_all(%W) failed";
3614 static const char short_spc414[] = "**mpi_win_wait %W";
3615 static const char long_spc414[]  = "MPI_Win_wait(%W) failed";
3616 static const char short_spc415[] = "**mpir_comm_get_attr %C %d %p %p";
3617 static const char long_spc415[]  = "MPIR_Comm_get_attr(%C, comm_keyval=%d, attribute_val=%p, flag=%p) failed";
3618 static const char short_spc416[] = "**mpir_type_get_attr %D %d %p %p";
3619 static const char long_spc416[]  = "MPIR_Type_get_attr(%D, type_keyval=%d, attribute_val=%p, flag=%p) failed";
3620 static const char short_spc417[] = "**mpir_wingetattr %W %d %p %p";
3621 static const char long_spc417[]  = "MPII_Win_get_attr(%W, win_keyval=%d, attribute_val=%p, flag=%p) failed";
3622 static const char short_spc418[] = "**mpix_comm_agree %C";
3623 static const char long_spc418[]  = "MPIX_Comm_agree(%C) failed";
3624 static const char short_spc419[] = "**mpix_comm_failure_ack %C";
3625 static const char long_spc419[]  = "MPIX_Comm_failure_ack(%C) failed";
3626 static const char short_spc420[] = "**mpix_comm_failure_get_acked %C %p";
3627 static const char long_spc420[]  = "MPIX_Comm_failure_get_acked(%C, group=%p) failed";
3628 static const char short_spc421[] = "**mpix_comm_revoke %C";
3629 static const char long_spc421[]  = "MPIX_Comm_revoke(%C) failed";
3630 static const char short_spc422[] = "**mpix_comm_shrink %C %p";
3631 static const char long_spc422[]  = "MPIX_Comm_shrink(%C, new_comm=%p) failed";
3632 static const char short_spc423[] = "**mpix_grequest_class_create %p %p %p %p %p";
3633 static const char long_spc423[]  = "MPIX_Grequest_class_create(query_fn=%p, free_fn=%p, cancel_fn=%p, %poll_fn=%p, wait_fn=%p) failed";
3634 static const char short_spc424[] = "**msgnotreq %d";
3635 static const char long_spc424[]  = " Invalid MPI_Request at array index %d (MPI_Message passed)";
3636 static const char short_spc425[] = "**mutex_create %s";
3637 static const char long_spc425[]  = "MPID_Thread_mutex_create failed: %s";
3638 static const char short_spc426[] = "**namepubfile %s %s %s";
3639 static const char long_spc426[]  = "Unable to publish service name %s using file %s for reason %s";
3640 static const char short_spc427[] = "**namepubnotfound %s";
3641 static const char long_spc427[]  = "Lookup failed for service name %s";
3642 static const char short_spc428[] = "**namepubnotpub %s";
3643 static const char long_spc428[]  = "Lookup failed for service name %s";
3644 static const char short_spc429[] = "**namepubnotunpub %s";
3645 static const char long_spc429[]  = "Failed to unpublish service name %s";
3646 static const char short_spc430[] = "**nomem %d";
3647 static const char long_spc430[]  = "Out of memory (unable to allocate %d bytes)";
3648 static const char short_spc431[] = "**nomem %s";
3649 static const char long_spc431[]  = "Out of memory (unable to allocate a '%s')";
3650 static const char short_spc432[] = "**nomem %s %d";
3651 static const char long_spc432[]  = "Out of memory (unable to allocate a '%s' of size %d)";
3652 static const char short_spc433[] = "**nomem2 %d %s";
3653 static const char long_spc433[]  = "Unable to allocate %d bytes of memory for %s (probably out of memory)";
3654 static const char short_spc434[] = "**nomemuereq %d";
3655 static const char long_spc434[]  = "Failed to allocate memory for an unexpected message. %d unexpected messages queued.";
3656 static const char short_spc435[] = "**notimpl %s";
3657 static const char long_spc435[]  = "Function %s not implemented";
3658 static const char short_spc436[] = "**notsame %s %s";
3659 static const char long_spc436[]  = "Inconsistent arguments %s to collective routine %s";
3660 static const char short_spc437[] = "**nullptr %s";
3661 static const char long_spc437[]  = "Null pointer in parameter %s";
3662 static const char short_spc438[] = "**nullptrtype %s";
3663 static const char long_spc438[]  = "Null %s pointer";
3664 static const char short_spc439[] = "**ofi_avclose %s %d %s %s";
3665 static const char long_spc439[]  = "OFI av close failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3666 static const char short_spc440[] = "**ofi_avmap %s %d %s %s";
3667 static const char long_spc440[]  = "OFI address vector map failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3668 static const char short_spc441[] = "**ofi_avopen %s %d %s %s";
3669 static const char long_spc441[]  = "OFI address vector open failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3670 static const char short_spc442[] = "**ofi_bind %s %d %s %s";
3671 static const char long_spc442[]  = "OFI resource bind failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3672 static const char short_spc443[] = "**ofi_cancel %s %d %s %s";
3673 static const char long_spc443[]  = "OFI cancel failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3674 static const char short_spc444[] = "**ofi_cqclose %s %d %s %s";
3675 static const char long_spc444[]  = "OFI cq close failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3676 static const char short_spc445[] = "**ofi_domainclose %s %d %s %s";
3677 static const char long_spc445[]  = "OFI domain close failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3678 static const char short_spc446[] = "**ofi_ep_enable %s %d %s %s";
3679 static const char long_spc446[]  = "OFI endpoint enable failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3680 static const char short_spc447[] = "**ofi_epclose %s %d %s %s";
3681 static const char long_spc447[]  = "OFI endpoint close failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3682 static const char short_spc448[] = "**ofi_fabricclose %s %d %s %s";
3683 static const char long_spc448[]  = "OFI fabric close failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3684 static const char short_spc449[] = "**ofi_getinfo %s %d %s %s";
3685 static const char long_spc449[]  = "OFI getinfo() failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3686 static const char short_spc450[] = "**ofi_getname %s %d %s %s";
3687 static const char long_spc450[]  = "OFI get endpoint name failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3688 static const char short_spc451[] = "**ofi_opencq %s %d %s %s";
3689 static const char long_spc451[]  = "OFI event queue create failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3690 static const char short_spc452[] = "**ofi_opendomain %s %d %s %s";
3691 static const char long_spc452[]  = "OFI domain open failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3692 static const char short_spc453[] = "**ofi_openep %s %d %s %s";
3693 static const char long_spc453[]  = "OFI endpoint open failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3694 static const char short_spc454[] = "**ofi_openfabric %s %d %s %s";
3695 static const char long_spc454[]  = "OFI fabric open failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3696 static const char short_spc455[] = "**ofi_peek %s %d %s %s";
3697 static const char long_spc455[]  = "OFI peek failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3698 static const char short_spc456[] = "**ofi_poll %s %d %s %s";
3699 static const char long_spc456[]  = "OFI poll failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3700 static const char short_spc457[] = "**ofi_trecv %s %d %s %s";
3701 static const char long_spc457[]  = "OFI tagged recvfrom failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3702 static const char short_spc458[] = "**ofi_tsend %s %d %s %s";
3703 static const char long_spc458[]  = "OFI tagged sendto failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3704 static const char short_spc459[] = "**ofid_alias %s %d %s %s";
3705 static const char long_spc459[]  = "OFI cq alias failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3706 static const char short_spc460[] = "**ofid_avclose %s %d %s %s";
3707 static const char long_spc460[]  = "OFI av close failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3708 static const char short_spc461[] = "**ofid_avlookup %s %d %s %s";
3709 static const char long_spc461[]  = "OFI address vector lookup failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3710 static const char short_spc462[] = "**ofid_avmap %s %d %s %s";
3711 static const char long_spc462[]  = "OFI address vector map failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3712 static const char short_spc463[] = "**ofid_avopen %s %d %s %s";
3713 static const char long_spc463[]  = "OFI address vector open failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3714 static const char short_spc464[] = "**ofid_avsync %s %d %s %s";
3715 static const char long_spc464[]  = "OFI address vector sync failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3716 static const char short_spc465[] = "**ofid_bind %s %d %s %s";
3717 static const char long_spc465[]  = "OFI resource bind failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3718 static const char short_spc466[] = "**ofid_cancel %s %d %s %s";
3719 static const char long_spc466[]  = "OFI cancel failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3720 static const char short_spc467[] = "**ofid_cntr_wait %s %d %s %s";
3721 static const char long_spc467[]  = "OFI OFI Counter wait failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3722 static const char short_spc468[] = "**ofid_cqclose %s %d %s %s";
3723 static const char long_spc468[]  = "OFI cq close failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3724 static const char short_spc469[] = "**ofid_ctrlcancel %s %d %s %s";
3725 static const char long_spc469[]  = "OFI control cancel failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3726 static const char short_spc470[] = "**ofid_domainclose %s %d %s %s";
3727 static const char long_spc470[]  = "OFI domain close failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3728 static const char short_spc471[] = "**ofid_ep %s %d %s %s";
3729 static const char long_spc471[]  = "OFI endpoint open failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3730 static const char short_spc472[] = "**ofid_ep_enable %s %d %s %s";
3731 static const char long_spc472[]  = "OFI EP enable failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3732 static const char short_spc473[] = "**ofid_epclose %s %d %s %s";
3733 static const char long_spc473[]  = "OFI endpoint close failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3734 static const char short_spc474[] = "**ofid_epsync %s %d %s %s";
3735 static const char long_spc474[]  = "OFI endpoint synchronization failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3736 static const char short_spc475[] = "**ofid_fabric %s %d %s %s";
3737 static const char long_spc475[]  = "OFI fi_fabric failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3738 static const char short_spc476[] = "**ofid_getinfo %s %d %s %s";
3739 static const char long_spc476[]  = "OFI fi_getinfo() failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3740 static const char short_spc477[] = "**ofid_getname %s %d %s %s";
3741 static const char long_spc477[]  = "OFI get endpoint name failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3742 static const char short_spc478[] = "**ofid_getopt %s %d %s %s";
3743 static const char long_spc478[]  = "OFI getopt failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3744 static const char short_spc479[] = "**ofid_inject %s %d %s %s";
3745 static const char long_spc479[]  = "OFI inject failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3746 static const char short_spc480[] = "**ofid_mr_reg %s %d %s %s";
3747 static const char long_spc480[]  = "OFI memory registration failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3748 static const char short_spc481[] = "**ofid_mr_unreg %s %d %s %s";
3749 static const char long_spc481[]  = "OFI memory deregistration failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3750 static const char short_spc482[] = "**ofid_opencq %s %d %s %s";
3751 static const char long_spc482[]  = "OFI event queue create failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3752 static const char short_spc483[] = "**ofid_openct %s %d %s %s";
3753 static const char long_spc483[]  = "OFI event counter create failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3754 static const char short_spc484[] = "**ofid_opendomain %s %d %s %s";
3755 static const char long_spc484[]  = "OFI fi_open domain failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3756 static const char short_spc485[] = "**ofid_peek %s %d %s %s";
3757 static const char long_spc485[]  = "OFI peek failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3758 static const char short_spc486[] = "**ofid_pmi %s %d %s %s";
3759 static const char long_spc486[]  = "pmi failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3760 static const char short_spc487[] = "**ofid_poll %s %d %s %s";
3761 static const char long_spc487[]  = "OFI poll failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3762 static const char short_spc488[] = "**ofid_prepost %s %d %s %s";
3763 static const char long_spc488[]  = "OFI preposting receives failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3764 static const char short_spc489[] = "**ofid_rdma_atomicto %s %d %s %s";
3765 static const char long_spc489[]  = "OFI rdma atomicto failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3766 static const char short_spc490[] = "**ofid_rdma_cswap %s %d %s %s";
3767 static const char long_spc490[]  = "OFI rdma cswap failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3768 static const char short_spc491[] = "**ofid_rdma_inject_write %s %d %s %s";
3769 static const char long_spc491[]  = "OFI rdma write immediate failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3770 static const char short_spc492[] = "**ofid_rdma_readfrom %s %d %s %s";
3771 static const char long_spc492[]  = "OFI read failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3772 static const char short_spc493[] = "**ofid_rdma_write %s %d %s %s";
3773 static const char long_spc493[]  = "OFI rdma write failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3774 static const char short_spc494[] = "**ofid_send %s %d %s %s";
3775 static const char long_spc494[]  = "OFI send failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3776 static const char short_spc495[] = "**ofid_setopt %s %d %s %s";
3777 static const char long_spc495[]  = "OFI setopt failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3778 static const char short_spc496[] = "**ofid_tinject %s %d %s %s";
3779 static const char long_spc496[]  = "OFI tagged inject failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3780 static const char short_spc497[] = "**ofid_trecv %s %d %s %s";
3781 static const char long_spc497[]  = "OFI tagged recv failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3782 static const char short_spc498[] = "**ofid_trecvsync %s %d %s %s";
3783 static const char long_spc498[]  = "OFI tagged recv sync failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3784 static const char short_spc499[] = "**ofid_tsend %s %d %s %s";
3785 static const char long_spc499[]  = "OFI tagged send failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3786 static const char short_spc500[] = "**ofid_tsendsync %s %d %s %s";
3787 static const char long_spc500[]  = "OFI tagged send sync failed (%s:%d:%s:%s)";
3788 static const char short_spc501[] = "**opnotpredefined %d";
3789 static const char long_spc501[]  = "only predefined ops are valid (op = %d)";
3790 static const char short_spc502[] = "**opundefined %s";
3791 static const char long_spc502[]  = "MPI_Op %s operation not defined for this datatype ";
3792 static const char short_spc503[] = "**pglookup %s";
3793 static const char long_spc503[]  = "unable to find the process group structure with id <%s>";
3794 static const char short_spc504[] = "**pmi2_info_getjobattr %d";
3795 static const char long_spc504[]  = " PMI2_Info_GetJobAttr returned %d";
3796 static const char short_spc505[] = "**pmi_barrier %d";
3797 static const char long_spc505[]  = "PMI_Barrier returned %d";
3798 static const char short_spc506[] = "**pmi_get_appnum %d";
3799 static const char long_spc506[]  = "PMI_Get_appnum returned %d";
3800 static const char short_spc507[] = "**pmi_get_id_length_max %d";
3801 static const char long_spc507[]  = "PMI_Get_id_length_max returned %d";
3802 static const char short_spc508[] = "**pmi_get_rank %d";
3803 static const char long_spc508[]  = "PMI_Get_rank returned %d";
3804 static const char short_spc509[] = "**pmi_get_size %d";
3805 static const char long_spc509[]  = "PMI_Get_size returned %d";
3806 static const char short_spc510[] = "**pmi_get_universe_size %d";
3807 static const char long_spc510[]  = "PMI_Get_universe_size returned %d";
3808 static const char short_spc511[] = "**pmi_getjobattr %d";
3809 static const char long_spc511[]  = " PMI2 GetJobAttr failed: %d";
3810 static const char short_spc512[] = "**pmi_init %d";
3811 static const char long_spc512[]  = "PMI_Init returned %d";
3812 static const char short_spc513[] = "**pmi_job_getid %d";
3813 static const char long_spc513[]  = "PMI2_Job_GetId returned %d";
3814 static const char short_spc514[] = "**pmi_kvs_commit %d";
3815 static const char long_spc514[]  = "PMI_KVS_Commit returned %d";
3816 static const char short_spc515[] = "**pmi_kvs_get %d";
3817 static const char long_spc515[]  = "PMI_KVS_Get returned %d";
3818 static const char short_spc516[] = "**pmi_kvs_get_key_length_max %d";
3819 static const char long_spc516[]  = "PMI_KVS_Get_key_length_max returned %d";
3820 static const char short_spc517[] = "**pmi_kvs_get_my_name %d";
3821 static const char long_spc517[]  = "PMI_KVS_Get_my_name returned %d";
3822 static const char short_spc518[] = "**pmi_kvs_get_name_length_max %d";
3823 static const char long_spc518[]  = "PMI_KVS_Get_name_length_max returned %d";
3824 static const char short_spc519[] = "**pmi_kvs_get_value_length_max %d";
3825 static const char long_spc519[]  = "PMI_KVS_Get_value_length_max returned %d";
3826 static const char short_spc520[] = "**pmi_kvs_put %d";
3827 static const char long_spc520[]  = "PMI_KVS_Put returned %d";
3828 static const char short_spc521[] = "**pmi_kvsfence %d";
3829 static const char long_spc521[]  = " PMI2 KVS_Fence failed: %d";
3830 static const char short_spc522[] = "**pmi_kvsget %d";
3831 static const char long_spc522[]  = " PMI2 KVS_Get failed: %d";
3832 static const char short_spc523[] = "**pmi_kvsget %s";
3833 static const char long_spc523[]  = " PMI2 KVS_Get failed: %s";
3834 static const char short_spc524[] = "**pmi_kvsput %d";
3835 static const char long_spc524[]  = " PMI2 KVS_Put failed: %d";
3836 static const char short_spc525[] = "**pmi_spawn_multiple %d";
3837 static const char long_spc525[]  = "PMI_Spawn_multiple returned %d";
3838 static const char short_spc526[] = "**pmix_commit %d";
3839 static const char long_spc526[]  = "PMIx_Commit returned %d";
3840 static const char short_spc527[] = "**pmix_fence %d";
3841 static const char long_spc527[]  = "PMIx_Fence returned %d";
3842 static const char short_spc528[] = "**pmix_get %d";
3843 static const char long_spc528[]  = "PMIx_Get returned %d";
3844 static const char short_spc529[] = "**pmix_init %d";
3845 static const char long_spc529[]  = "PMIX_Init returned %d";
3846 static const char short_spc530[] = "**pmix_put %d";
3847 static const char long_spc530[]  = "PMIx_Put returned %d";
3848 static const char short_spc531[] = "**pmix_resolve_nodes %d";
3849 static const char long_spc531[]  = " PMIx_Resolve_nodes returned %d";
3850 static const char short_spc532[] = "**pmix_resolve_peers %d";
3851 static const char long_spc532[]  = " PMIx_Resolve_peers returned %d";
3852 static const char short_spc533[] = "**poll %s";
3853 static const char long_spc533[]  = "poll of socket fds failed - %s";
3854 static const char short_spc534[] = "**portexist %s";
3855 static const char long_spc534[]  = "Named port %s does not exist";
3856 static const char short_spc535[] = "**pthread_lock %s";
3857 static const char long_spc535[]  = "pthread_lock failed (%s)";
3858 static const char short_spc536[] = "**pthread_mutex %s";
3859 static const char long_spc536[]  = "pthread mutex routine failed (%s)";
3860 static const char short_spc537[] = "**pthread_unlock %s";
3861 static const char long_spc537[]  = "pthread_unlock failed (%s)";
3862 static const char short_spc538[] = "**rangedup %d %d %d";
3863 static const char long_spc538[]  = "The range array specifies duplicate entries; process %d specified in range array %d was previously specified in range array %d";
3864 static const char short_spc539[] = "**rangeendinvalid %d %d %d";
3865 static const char long_spc539[]  = "The %dth element of a range array ends at %d but must be nonnegative and less than %d";
3866 static const char short_spc540[] = "**rangestartinvalid %d %d %d";
3867 static const char long_spc540[]  = "The %dth element of a range array starts at %d but must be nonnegative and less than %d";
3868 static const char short_spc541[] = "**rank %d %d";
3869 static const char long_spc541[]  = "Invalid rank has value %d but must be nonnegative and less than %d";
3870 static const char short_spc542[] = "**rankarray %d %d %d";
3871 static const char long_spc542[]  = "Invalid rank in rank array at index %d; value is %d but must be in the range 0 to %d";
3872 static const char short_spc543[] = "**rankdup %d %d %d";
3873 static const char long_spc543[]  = "Duplicate ranks in rank array at index %d, has value %d which is also the value at index %d";
3874 static const char short_spc544[] = "**ranklocal %d %d";
3875 static const char long_spc544[]  = "Error specifying local_leader; rank given was %d but must be in the range 0 to %d";
3876 static const char short_spc545[] = "**rankremote %d %d";
3877 static const char long_spc545[]  = "Error specifying remote_leader; rank given was %d but must be in the range 0 to %d";
3878 static const char short_spc546[] = "**read %d %s";
3879 static const char long_spc546[]  = "read from socket failed - nread=%d %s";
3880 static const char short_spc547[] = "**read %s";
3881 static const char long_spc547[]  = "read from socket failed - %s";
3882 static const char short_spc548[] = "**request %d";
3883 static const char long_spc548[]  = "Invalid MPI_Request in array element %d (from 0)";
3884 static const char short_spc549[] = "**request_invalid_kind %d";
3885 static const char long_spc549[]  = "The supplied request was invalid (kind=%d)";
3886 static const char short_spc550[] = "**request_invalid_kind %d %d";
3887 static const char long_spc550[]  = "The supplied request in array element %d was invalid (kind=%d)";
3888 static const char short_spc551[] = "**rmasize %d";
3889 static const char long_spc551[]  = "Invalid size argument in RMA call (value is %d)";
3890 static const char short_spc552[] = "**rmatypenotatomic %D";
3891 static const char long_spc552[]  = " Datatype (%D) not permitted for atomic operations";
3892 static const char short_spc553[] = "**root %d";
3893 static const char long_spc553[]  = "Invalid root (value given was %d)";
3894 static const char short_spc554[] = "**rsendnomatch %d %d";
3895 static const char long_spc554[]  = "Ready send from source %d and with tag %d had no matching receive";
3896 static const char short_spc555[] = "**sem_destroy %s";
3897 static const char long_spc555[]  = "sem_destroy() failed %s";
3898 static const char short_spc556[] = "**sem_init %s";
3899 static const char long_spc556[]  = "sem_init() failed %s";
3900 static const char short_spc557[] = "**sem_post %s";
3901 static const char long_spc557[]  = "sem_post() failed %s";
3902 static const char short_spc558[] = "**sem_wait %s";
3903 static const char long_spc558[]  = "sem_wait() failed %s";
3904 static const char short_spc559[] = "**signal %s";
3905 static const char long_spc559[]  = "signal() failed: %s";
3906 static const char short_spc560[] = "**snprintf %d";
3907 static const char long_spc560[]  = "snprintf returned %d";
3908 static const char short_spc561[] = "**sock_accept %s";
3909 static const char long_spc561[]  = "accept of socket fd failed - %s";
3910 static const char short_spc562[] = "**sock_connect %d %s";
3911 static const char long_spc562[]  = "connect failed - %s (errno %d)";
3912 static const char short_spc563[] = "**sock_create %s %d";
3913 static const char long_spc563[]  = "unable to create a socket, %s (errno %d)";
3914 static const char short_spc564[] = "**sock_gethost %s %d";
3915 static const char long_spc564[]  = "gethostname failed, %s (errno %d)";
3916 static const char short_spc565[] = "**sock|badiovn %d %d %d";
3917 static const char long_spc565[]  = "size of iov is invalid (set=%d,sock=%d,iov_n=%d)";
3918 static const char short_spc566[] = "**sock|badlen %d %d %d %d";
3919 static const char long_spc566[]  = "bad length parameter(s) (set=%d,sock=%d,min=%d,max=%d)";
3920 static const char short_spc567[] = "**sock|badport %d";
3921 static const char long_spc567[]  = "port number is out of range (sock=%d)";
3922 static const char short_spc568[] = "**sock|closing %d %d";
3923 static const char long_spc568[]  = "sock is in the process of being closed locally (set=%d,sock=%d)";
3924 static const char short_spc569[] = "**sock|closing_already %d %d";
3925 static const char long_spc569[]  = "a close operation is already post (set=%d,sock=%d)";
3926 static const char short_spc570[] = "**sock|connclosed %d %d";
3927 static const char long_spc570[]  = "connection closed by peer (set=%d,sock=%d)";
3928 static const char short_spc571[] = "**sock|listener_bad_sock %d %d";
3929 static const char long_spc571[]  = "supplied sock is not a listener (set=%d,sock=%d)";
3930 static const char short_spc572[] = "**sock|listener_bad_state %d %d %d";
3931 static const char long_spc572[]  = "supplied listener sock is in a bad state (set=%d,sock=%d,state=%d)";
3932 static const char short_spc573[] = "**sock|listener_read %d %d";
3933 static const char long_spc573[]  = "read operation not allowed on a listener (set=%d,sock=%d)";
3934 static const char short_spc574[] = "**sock|listener_write %d %d";
3935 static const char long_spc574[]  = "write operation not allowed on a listener (set=%d,sock=%d)";
3936 static const char short_spc575[] = "**sock|notconnected %d %d";
3937 static const char long_spc575[]  = "sock is not connected (set=%d,sock=%d)";
3938 static const char short_spc576[] = "**sock|osnomem %s %d %d";
3939 static const char long_spc576[]  = "operating system routine %s failed due to lack of memory (set=%d,sock=%d)";
3940 static const char short_spc577[] = "**sock|poll|accept %d %s";
3941 static const char long_spc577[]  = "accept failed to acquire a new socket (errno=%d:%s)";
3942 static const char short_spc578[] = "**sock|poll|badbuf %d %d %d %s";
3943 static const char long_spc578[]  = "the supplied buffer contains invalid memory (set=%d,sock=%d,errno=%d:%s)";
3944 static const char short_spc579[] = "**sock|poll|badhandle %d %d %d";
3945 static const char long_spc579[]  = "sock contains an invalid file descriptor (set=%d,sock=%d,fd=%d)";
3946 static const char short_spc580[] = "**sock|poll|badhandle %d %d %d %d";
3947 static const char long_spc580[]  = "sock contains an invalid file descriptor (set=%d,sock=%d,fd=%d:%d)";
3948 static const char short_spc581[] = "**sock|poll|bind %d %d %s";
3949 static const char long_spc581[]  = "unable to bind socket to port (port=%d,errno=%d:%s)";
3950 static const char short_spc582[] = "**sock|poll|connclosed %d %d %d %s";
3951 static const char long_spc582[]  = "connection closed by peer (set=%d,sock=%d,errno=%d:%s)";
3952 static const char short_spc583[] = "**sock|poll|connfailed %d %d %d %s";
3953 static const char long_spc583[]  = "connection failure (set=%d,sock=%d,errno=%d:%s)";
3954 static const char short_spc584[] = "**sock|poll|connrefused %d %d %s";
3955 static const char long_spc584[]  = "connection refused (set=%d,sock=%d,host=%s)";
3956 static const char short_spc585[] = "**sock|poll|eqfail %d %d %d";
3957 static const char long_spc585[]  = "fatal error: failed to enqueue an event; event was lost (set=%d,sock=%d,op=%d)";
3958 static const char short_spc586[] = "**sock|poll|listen %d %s";
3959 static const char long_spc586[]  = "listen() failed (errno=%d:%s)";
3960 static const char short_spc587[] = "**sock|poll|nodelay %d %s";
3961 static const char long_spc587[]  = "unable to set TCP no delay attribute on socket (errno=%d:%s)";
3962 static const char short_spc588[] = "**sock|poll|nonblock %d %s";
3963 static const char long_spc588[]  = "unable to set socket to nonblocking (errno=%d:%s)";
3964 static const char short_spc589[] = "**sock|poll|oserror %d %d %d %s";
3965 static const char long_spc589[]  = "unexpected operating system error (set=%d,sock=%d,errno=%d:%s)";
3966 static const char short_spc590[] = "**sock|poll|oserror %d %s";
3967 static const char long_spc590[]  = "unexpected operating system error (errno=%d:%s)";
3968 static const char short_spc591[] = "**sock|poll|oserror %s %d %d %d %s";
3969 static const char long_spc591[]  = "unpected operating system error from %s (set=%d,sock=%d,errno=%d:%s)";
3970 static const char short_spc592[] = "**sock|poll|osnomem %d %d %d %s";
3971 static const char long_spc592[]  = "operating system routine failed due to lack of memory (set=%d,sock=%d,errno=%d:%s)";
3972 static const char short_spc593[] = "**sock|poll|pipe %d %s";
3973 static const char long_spc593[]  = "unable to allocate pipe to wakeup a blocking poll() (errno=%d:%s)";
3974 static const char short_spc594[] = "**sock|poll|pipenonblock %d %s";
3975 static const char long_spc594[]  = "unable to set wakeup pipe to nonblocking (errno=%d:%s)";
3976 static const char short_spc595[] = "**sock|poll|reuseaddr %d %s";
3977 static const char long_spc595[]  = "unable to set reuseaddr attribute on socket (errno=%d:%s)";
3978 static const char short_spc596[] = "**sock|poll|setrcvbufsz %d %d %s";
3979 static const char long_spc596[]  = " unable to set the receive socket buffer size (size=%d,errno=%d:%s)";
3980 static const char short_spc597[] = "**sock|poll|setsndbufsz %d %d %s";
3981 static const char long_spc597[]  = " unable to set the send socket buffer size (size=%d,errno=%d:%s)";
3982 static const char short_spc598[] = "**sock|poll|socket %d %s";
3983 static const char long_spc598[]  = "unable to obtain new socket (errno=%d:%s)";
3984 static const char short_spc599[] = "**sock|poll|unhandledstate %d";
3985 static const char long_spc599[]  = "encountered an unexpected state (%d)";
3986 static const char short_spc600[] = "**sock|poll|unhandledtype %d";
3987 static const char long_spc600[]  = "encountered an unexpected sock type (%d)";
3988 static const char short_spc601[] = "**sock|reads %d %d";
3989 static const char long_spc601[]  = "attempt to perform multiple simultaneous reads (set=%d,sock=%d)";
3990 static const char short_spc602[] = "**sock|writes %d %d";
3991 static const char long_spc602[]  = "attempt to perform multiple simultaneous writes (set=%d,sock=%d)";
3992 static const char short_spc603[] = "**stride %d %d %d";
3993 static const char long_spc603[]  = "Range (start = %d, end = %d, stride = %d) does not terminate";
3994 static const char short_spc604[] = "**subarrayoflow %L";
3995 static const char long_spc604[]  = "Total size of array_of_sizes[] is %L which requires the MPI implementation to use a 64-bit MPI_Aint";
3996 static const char short_spc605[] = "**tag %d";
3997 static const char long_spc605[]  = "Invalid tag, value is %d";
3998 static const char short_spc606[] = "**toomanycomm %d %d %d";
3999 static const char long_spc606[]  = "Too many communicators (%d/%d free on this process; ignore_id=%d)";
4000 static const char short_spc607[] = "**toomanycommfrag %d %d %d";
4001 static const char long_spc607[]  = " Cannot allocate context ID because of fragmentation (%d/%d free on this process; ignore_id=%d)";
4002 static const char short_spc608[] = "**topotoolarge %d %d";
4003 static const char long_spc608[]  = "Topology size %d is larger than communicator size (%d)";
4004 static const char short_spc609[] = "**treetype %d";
4005 static const char long_spc609[]  = " Invalid tree type (%d) used for initializing Tree algorithms";
4006 static const char short_spc610[] = "**truncate %d %d";
4007 static const char long_spc610[]  = "Message truncated; %d bytes received but buffer size is %d";
4008 static const char short_spc611[] = "**truncate %d %d %d %d";
4009 static const char long_spc611[]  = "Message from rank %d and tag %d truncated; %d bytes received but buffer size is %d";
4010 static const char short_spc612[] = "**typeinitbadmem %d";
4011 static const char long_spc612[]  = "%dth builtin datatype handle references invalid memory";
4012 static const char short_spc613[] = "**typematchsize %s %d";
4013 static const char long_spc613[]  = "No MPI datatype available for typeclass %s and size %d";
4014 static const char short_spc614[] = "**typenamelen %d";
4015 static const char long_spc614[]  = "Specified datatype name is too long (%d characters)";
4016 static const char short_spc615[] = "**ucx_nm_rq_error %s %d %s %s";
4017 static const char long_spc615[]  = " returned failed request in UCX netmod(%s %d %s %s)";
4018 static const char short_spc616[] = "**ucx_nm_status %s %d %s %s";
4019 static const char long_spc616[]  = " ucx function returned with failed status(%s %d %s %s)";
4020 static const char short_spc617[] = "**unknowngpid %d %d";
4021 static const char long_spc617[]  = "Internal MPI error: Unknown gpid (%d)%d";
4022 static const char short_spc618[] = "**usercancel %d";
4023 static const char long_spc618[]  = "user request cancel function returned error code %d";
4024 static const char short_spc619[] = "**usercopy %d";
4025 static const char long_spc619[]  = "user copy function returned error code %d";
4026 static const char short_spc620[] = "**userdel %d";
4027 static const char long_spc620[]  = "user delete function returned error code %d";
4028 static const char short_spc621[] = "**userfree %d";
4029 static const char long_spc621[]  = "user request free function returned error code %d";
4030 static const char short_spc622[] = "**userquery %d";
4031 static const char long_spc622[]  = "user request query function returned error code %d";
4032 static const char short_spc623[] = "**windows_mutex %s";
4033 static const char long_spc623[]  = "Windows mutex routine failed (%s)";
4034 static const char short_spc624[] = "**winflavor %s";
4035 static const char long_spc624[]  = " Window flavor is not compatible with the given operation (expected %s)";
4036 static const char short_spc625[] = "**write %s";
4037 static const char long_spc625[]  = "write to socket failed - %s";
4038 static const char short_spc626[] = "**writev %s";
4039 static const char long_spc626[]  = "writev to socket failed - %s";
4041 static const int specific_msgs_len = 627;
4042 static const msgpair specific_err_msgs[] = {
4043 { 0xacebad03, short_spc0, long_spc0, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4044 { 0xacebad03, short_spc1, long_spc1, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4045 { 0xacebad03, short_spc2, long_spc2, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4046 { 0xacebad03, short_spc3, long_spc3, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4047 { 0xacebad03, short_spc4, long_spc4, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4048 { 0xacebad03, short_spc5, long_spc5, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4049 { 0xacebad03, short_spc6, long_spc6, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4050 { 0xacebad03, short_spc7, long_spc7, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4051 { 0xacebad03, short_spc8, long_spc8, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4052 { 0xacebad03, short_spc9, long_spc9, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4053 { 0xacebad03, short_spc10, long_spc10, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4054 { 0xacebad03, short_spc11, long_spc11, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4055 { 0xacebad03, short_spc12, long_spc12, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4056 { 0xacebad03, short_spc13, long_spc13, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4057 { 0xacebad03, short_spc14, long_spc14, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4058 { 0xacebad03, short_spc15, long_spc15, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4059 { 0xacebad03, short_spc16, long_spc16, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4060 { 0xacebad03, short_spc17, long_spc17, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4061 { 0xacebad03, short_spc18, long_spc18, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4062 { 0xacebad03, short_spc19, long_spc19, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4063 { 0xacebad03, short_spc20, long_spc20, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4064 { 0xacebad03, short_spc21, long_spc21, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4065 { 0xacebad03, short_spc22, long_spc22, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4066 { 0xacebad03, short_spc23, long_spc23, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4067 { 0xacebad03, short_spc24, long_spc24, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4068 { 0xacebad03, short_spc25, long_spc25, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4069 { 0xacebad03, short_spc26, long_spc26, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4070 { 0xacebad03, short_spc27, long_spc27, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4071 { 0xacebad03, short_spc28, long_spc28, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4072 { 0xacebad03, short_spc29, long_spc29, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4073 { 0xacebad03, short_spc30, long_spc30, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4074 { 0xacebad03, short_spc31, long_spc31, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4075 { 0xacebad03, short_spc32, long_spc32, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4076 { 0xacebad03, short_spc33, long_spc33, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4077 { 0xacebad03, short_spc34, long_spc34, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4078 { 0xacebad03, short_spc35, long_spc35, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4079 { 0xacebad03, short_spc36, long_spc36, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4080 { 0xacebad03, short_spc37, long_spc37, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4081 { 0xacebad03, short_spc38, long_spc38, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4082 { 0xacebad03, short_spc39, long_spc39, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4083 { 0xacebad03, short_spc40, long_spc40, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4084 { 0xacebad03, short_spc41, long_spc41, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4085 { 0xacebad03, short_spc42, long_spc42, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4086 { 0xacebad03, short_spc43, long_spc43, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4087 { 0xacebad03, short_spc44, long_spc44, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4088 { 0xacebad03, short_spc45, long_spc45, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4089 { 0xacebad03, short_spc46, long_spc46, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4090 { 0xacebad03, short_spc47, long_spc47, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4091 { 0xacebad03, short_spc48, long_spc48, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4092 { 0xacebad03, short_spc49, long_spc49, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4093 { 0xacebad03, short_spc50, long_spc50, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4094 { 0xacebad03, short_spc51, long_spc51, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4095 { 0xacebad03, short_spc52, long_spc52, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4096 { 0xacebad03, short_spc53, long_spc53, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4097 { 0xacebad03, short_spc54, long_spc54, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4098 { 0xacebad03, short_spc55, long_spc55, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4099 { 0xacebad03, short_spc56, long_spc56, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4100 { 0xacebad03, short_spc57, long_spc57, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4101 { 0xacebad03, short_spc58, long_spc58, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4102 { 0xacebad03, short_spc59, long_spc59, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4103 { 0xacebad03, short_spc60, long_spc60, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4104 { 0xacebad03, short_spc61, long_spc61, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4105 { 0xacebad03, short_spc62, long_spc62, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4106 { 0xacebad03, short_spc63, long_spc63, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4107 { 0xacebad03, short_spc64, long_spc64, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4108 { 0xacebad03, short_spc65, long_spc65, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4109 { 0xacebad03, short_spc66, long_spc66, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4110 { 0xacebad03, short_spc67, long_spc67, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4111 { 0xacebad03, short_spc68, long_spc68, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4112 { 0xacebad03, short_spc69, long_spc69, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4113 { 0xacebad03, short_spc70, long_spc70, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4114 { 0xacebad03, short_spc71, long_spc71, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4115 { 0xacebad03, short_spc72, long_spc72, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4116 { 0xacebad03, short_spc73, long_spc73, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4117 { 0xacebad03, short_spc74, long_spc74, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4118 { 0xacebad03, short_spc75, long_spc75, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4119 { 0xacebad03, short_spc76, long_spc76, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4120 { 0xacebad03, short_spc77, long_spc77, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4121 { 0xacebad03, short_spc78, long_spc78, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4122 { 0xacebad03, short_spc79, long_spc79, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4123 { 0xacebad03, short_spc80, long_spc80, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4124 { 0xacebad03, short_spc81, long_spc81, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4125 { 0xacebad03, short_spc82, long_spc82, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4126 { 0xacebad03, short_spc83, long_spc83, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4127 { 0xacebad03, short_spc84, long_spc84, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4128 { 0xacebad03, short_spc85, long_spc85, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4129 { 0xacebad03, short_spc86, long_spc86, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4130 { 0xacebad03, short_spc87, long_spc87, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4131 { 0xacebad03, short_spc88, long_spc88, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4132 { 0xacebad03, short_spc89, long_spc89, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4133 { 0xacebad03, short_spc90, long_spc90, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4134 { 0xacebad03, short_spc91, long_spc91, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4135 { 0xacebad03, short_spc92, long_spc92, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4136 { 0xacebad03, short_spc93, long_spc93, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4137 { 0xacebad03, short_spc94, long_spc94, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4138 { 0xacebad03, short_spc95, long_spc95, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4139 { 0xacebad03, short_spc96, long_spc96, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4140 { 0xacebad03, short_spc97, long_spc97, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4141 { 0xacebad03, short_spc98, long_spc98, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4142 { 0xacebad03, short_spc99, long_spc99, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4143 { 0xacebad03, short_spc100, long_spc100, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4144 { 0xacebad03, short_spc101, long_spc101, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4145 { 0xacebad03, short_spc102, long_spc102, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4146 { 0xacebad03, short_spc103, long_spc103, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4147 { 0xacebad03, short_spc104, long_spc104, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4148 { 0xacebad03, short_spc105, long_spc105, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4149 { 0xacebad03, short_spc106, long_spc106, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4150 { 0xacebad03, short_spc107, long_spc107, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4151 { 0xacebad03, short_spc108, long_spc108, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4152 { 0xacebad03, short_spc109, long_spc109, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4153 { 0xacebad03, short_spc110, long_spc110, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4154 { 0xacebad03, short_spc111, long_spc111, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4155 { 0xacebad03, short_spc112, long_spc112, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4156 { 0xacebad03, short_spc113, long_spc113, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4157 { 0xacebad03, short_spc114, long_spc114, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4158 { 0xacebad03, short_spc115, long_spc115, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4159 { 0xacebad03, short_spc116, long_spc116, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4160 { 0xacebad03, short_spc117, long_spc117, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4161 { 0xacebad03, short_spc118, long_spc118, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4162 { 0xacebad03, short_spc119, long_spc119, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4163 { 0xacebad03, short_spc120, long_spc120, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4164 { 0xacebad03, short_spc121, long_spc121, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4165 { 0xacebad03, short_spc122, long_spc122, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4166 { 0xacebad03, short_spc123, long_spc123, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4167 { 0xacebad03, short_spc124, long_spc124, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4168 { 0xacebad03, short_spc125, long_spc125, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4169 { 0xacebad03, short_spc126, long_spc126, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4170 { 0xacebad03, short_spc127, long_spc127, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4171 { 0xacebad03, short_spc128, long_spc128, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4172 { 0xacebad03, short_spc129, long_spc129, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4173 { 0xacebad03, short_spc130, long_spc130, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4174 { 0xacebad03, short_spc131, long_spc131, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4175 { 0xacebad03, short_spc132, long_spc132, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4176 { 0xacebad03, short_spc133, long_spc133, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4177 { 0xacebad03, short_spc134, long_spc134, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4178 { 0xacebad03, short_spc135, long_spc135, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4179 { 0xacebad03, short_spc136, long_spc136, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4180 { 0xacebad03, short_spc137, long_spc137, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4181 { 0xacebad03, short_spc138, long_spc138, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4182 { 0xacebad03, short_spc139, long_spc139, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4183 { 0xacebad03, short_spc140, long_spc140, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4184 { 0xacebad03, short_spc141, long_spc141, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4185 { 0xacebad03, short_spc142, long_spc142, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4186 { 0xacebad03, short_spc143, long_spc143, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4187 { 0xacebad03, short_spc144, long_spc144, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4188 { 0xacebad03, short_spc145, long_spc145, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4189 { 0xacebad03, short_spc146, long_spc146, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4190 { 0xacebad03, short_spc147, long_spc147, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4191 { 0xacebad03, short_spc148, long_spc148, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4192 { 0xacebad03, short_spc149, long_spc149, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4193 { 0xacebad03, short_spc150, long_spc150, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4194 { 0xacebad03, short_spc151, long_spc151, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4195 { 0xacebad03, short_spc152, long_spc152, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4196 { 0xacebad03, short_spc153, long_spc153, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4197 { 0xacebad03, short_spc154, long_spc154, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4198 { 0xacebad03, short_spc155, long_spc155, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4199 { 0xacebad03, short_spc156, long_spc156, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4200 { 0xacebad03, short_spc157, long_spc157, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4201 { 0xacebad03, short_spc158, long_spc158, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4202 { 0xacebad03, short_spc159, long_spc159, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4203 { 0xacebad03, short_spc160, long_spc160, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4204 { 0xacebad03, short_spc161, long_spc161, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4205 { 0xacebad03, short_spc162, long_spc162, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4206 { 0xacebad03, short_spc163, long_spc163, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4207 { 0xacebad03, short_spc164, long_spc164, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4208 { 0xacebad03, short_spc165, long_spc165, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4209 { 0xacebad03, short_spc166, long_spc166, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4210 { 0xacebad03, short_spc167, long_spc167, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4211 { 0xacebad03, short_spc168, long_spc168, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4212 { 0xacebad03, short_spc169, long_spc169, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4213 { 0xacebad03, short_spc170, long_spc170, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4214 { 0xacebad03, short_spc171, long_spc171, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4215 { 0xacebad03, short_spc172, long_spc172, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4216 { 0xacebad03, short_spc173, long_spc173, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4217 { 0xacebad03, short_spc174, long_spc174, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4218 { 0xacebad03, short_spc175, long_spc175, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4219 { 0xacebad03, short_spc176, long_spc176, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4220 { 0xacebad03, short_spc177, long_spc177, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4221 { 0xacebad03, short_spc178, long_spc178, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4222 { 0xacebad03, short_spc179, long_spc179, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4223 { 0xacebad03, short_spc180, long_spc180, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4224 { 0xacebad03, short_spc181, long_spc181, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4225 { 0xacebad03, short_spc182, long_spc182, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4226 { 0xacebad03, short_spc183, long_spc183, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4227 { 0xacebad03, short_spc184, long_spc184, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4228 { 0xacebad03, short_spc185, long_spc185, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4229 { 0xacebad03, short_spc186, long_spc186, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4230 { 0xacebad03, short_spc187, long_spc187, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4231 { 0xacebad03, short_spc188, long_spc188, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4232 { 0xacebad03, short_spc189, long_spc189, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4233 { 0xacebad03, short_spc190, long_spc190, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4234 { 0xacebad03, short_spc191, long_spc191, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4235 { 0xacebad03, short_spc192, long_spc192, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4236 { 0xacebad03, short_spc193, long_spc193, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4237 { 0xacebad03, short_spc194, long_spc194, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4238 { 0xacebad03, short_spc195, long_spc195, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4239 { 0xacebad03, short_spc196, long_spc196, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4240 { 0xacebad03, short_spc197, long_spc197, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4241 { 0xacebad03, short_spc198, long_spc198, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4242 { 0xacebad03, short_spc199, long_spc199, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4243 { 0xacebad03, short_spc200, long_spc200, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4244 { 0xacebad03, short_spc201, long_spc201, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4245 { 0xacebad03, short_spc202, long_spc202, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4246 { 0xacebad03, short_spc203, long_spc203, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4247 { 0xacebad03, short_spc204, long_spc204, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4248 { 0xacebad03, short_spc205, long_spc205, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4249 { 0xacebad03, short_spc206, long_spc206, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4250 { 0xacebad03, short_spc207, long_spc207, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4251 { 0xacebad03, short_spc208, long_spc208, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4252 { 0xacebad03, short_spc209, long_spc209, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4253 { 0xacebad03, short_spc210, long_spc210, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4254 { 0xacebad03, short_spc211, long_spc211, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4255 { 0xacebad03, short_spc212, long_spc212, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4256 { 0xacebad03, short_spc213, long_spc213, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4257 { 0xacebad03, short_spc214, long_spc214, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4258 { 0xacebad03, short_spc215, long_spc215, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4259 { 0xacebad03, short_spc216, long_spc216, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4260 { 0xacebad03, short_spc217, long_spc217, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4261 { 0xacebad03, short_spc218, long_spc218, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4262 { 0xacebad03, short_spc219, long_spc219, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4263 { 0xacebad03, short_spc220, long_spc220, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4264 { 0xacebad03, short_spc221, long_spc221, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4265 { 0xacebad03, short_spc222, long_spc222, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4266 { 0xacebad03, short_spc223, long_spc223, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4267 { 0xacebad03, short_spc224, long_spc224, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4268 { 0xacebad03, short_spc225, long_spc225, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4269 { 0xacebad03, short_spc226, long_spc226, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4270 { 0xacebad03, short_spc227, long_spc227, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4271 { 0xacebad03, short_spc228, long_spc228, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4272 { 0xacebad03, short_spc229, long_spc229, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4273 { 0xacebad03, short_spc230, long_spc230, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4274 { 0xacebad03, short_spc231, long_spc231, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4275 { 0xacebad03, short_spc232, long_spc232, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4276 { 0xacebad03, short_spc233, long_spc233, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4277 { 0xacebad03, short_spc234, long_spc234, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4278 { 0xacebad03, short_spc235, long_spc235, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4279 { 0xacebad03, short_spc236, long_spc236, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4280 { 0xacebad03, short_spc237, long_spc237, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4281 { 0xacebad03, short_spc238, long_spc238, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4282 { 0xacebad03, short_spc239, long_spc239, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4283 { 0xacebad03, short_spc240, long_spc240, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4284 { 0xacebad03, short_spc241, long_spc241, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4285 { 0xacebad03, short_spc242, long_spc242, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4286 { 0xacebad03, short_spc243, long_spc243, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4287 { 0xacebad03, short_spc244, long_spc244, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4288 { 0xacebad03, short_spc245, long_spc245, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4289 { 0xacebad03, short_spc246, long_spc246, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4290 { 0xacebad03, short_spc247, long_spc247, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4291 { 0xacebad03, short_spc248, long_spc248, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4292 { 0xacebad03, short_spc249, long_spc249, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4293 { 0xacebad03, short_spc250, long_spc250, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4294 { 0xacebad03, short_spc251, long_spc251, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4295 { 0xacebad03, short_spc252, long_spc252, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4296 { 0xacebad03, short_spc253, long_spc253, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4297 { 0xacebad03, short_spc254, long_spc254, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4298 { 0xacebad03, short_spc255, long_spc255, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4299 { 0xacebad03, short_spc256, long_spc256, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4300 { 0xacebad03, short_spc257, long_spc257, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4301 { 0xacebad03, short_spc258, long_spc258, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4302 { 0xacebad03, short_spc259, long_spc259, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4303 { 0xacebad03, short_spc260, long_spc260, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4304 { 0xacebad03, short_spc261, long_spc261, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4305 { 0xacebad03, short_spc262, long_spc262, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4306 { 0xacebad03, short_spc263, long_spc263, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4307 { 0xacebad03, short_spc264, long_spc264, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4308 { 0xacebad03, short_spc265, long_spc265, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4309 { 0xacebad03, short_spc266, long_spc266, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4310 { 0xacebad03, short_spc267, long_spc267, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4311 { 0xacebad03, short_spc268, long_spc268, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4312 { 0xacebad03, short_spc269, long_spc269, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4313 { 0xacebad03, short_spc270, long_spc270, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4314 { 0xacebad03, short_spc271, long_spc271, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4315 { 0xacebad03, short_spc272, long_spc272, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4316 { 0xacebad03, short_spc273, long_spc273, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4317 { 0xacebad03, short_spc274, long_spc274, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4318 { 0xacebad03, short_spc275, long_spc275, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4319 { 0xacebad03, short_spc276, long_spc276, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4320 { 0xacebad03, short_spc277, long_spc277, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4321 { 0xacebad03, short_spc278, long_spc278, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4322 { 0xacebad03, short_spc279, long_spc279, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4323 { 0xacebad03, short_spc280, long_spc280, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4324 { 0xacebad03, short_spc281, long_spc281, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4325 { 0xacebad03, short_spc282, long_spc282, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4326 { 0xacebad03, short_spc283, long_spc283, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4327 { 0xacebad03, short_spc284, long_spc284, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4328 { 0xacebad03, short_spc285, long_spc285, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4329 { 0xacebad03, short_spc286, long_spc286, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4330 { 0xacebad03, short_spc287, long_spc287, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4331 { 0xacebad03, short_spc288, long_spc288, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4332 { 0xacebad03, short_spc289, long_spc289, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4333 { 0xacebad03, short_spc290, long_spc290, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4334 { 0xacebad03, short_spc291, long_spc291, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4335 { 0xacebad03, short_spc292, long_spc292, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4336 { 0xacebad03, short_spc293, long_spc293, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4337 { 0xacebad03, short_spc294, long_spc294, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4338 { 0xacebad03, short_spc295, long_spc295, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4339 { 0xacebad03, short_spc296, long_spc296, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4340 { 0xacebad03, short_spc297, long_spc297, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4341 { 0xacebad03, short_spc298, long_spc298, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4342 { 0xacebad03, short_spc299, long_spc299, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4343 { 0xacebad03, short_spc300, long_spc300, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4344 { 0xacebad03, short_spc301, long_spc301, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4345 { 0xacebad03, short_spc302, long_spc302, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4346 { 0xacebad03, short_spc303, long_spc303, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4347 { 0xacebad03, short_spc304, long_spc304, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4348 { 0xacebad03, short_spc305, long_spc305, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4349 { 0xacebad03, short_spc306, long_spc306, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4350 { 0xacebad03, short_spc307, long_spc307, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4351 { 0xacebad03, short_spc308, long_spc308, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4352 { 0xacebad03, short_spc309, long_spc309, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4353 { 0xacebad03, short_spc310, long_spc310, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4354 { 0xacebad03, short_spc311, long_spc311, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4355 { 0xacebad03, short_spc312, long_spc312, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4356 { 0xacebad03, short_spc313, long_spc313, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4357 { 0xacebad03, short_spc314, long_spc314, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4358 { 0xacebad03, short_spc315, long_spc315, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4359 { 0xacebad03, short_spc316, long_spc316, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4360 { 0xacebad03, short_spc317, long_spc317, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4361 { 0xacebad03, short_spc318, long_spc318, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4362 { 0xacebad03, short_spc319, long_spc319, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4363 { 0xacebad03, short_spc320, long_spc320, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4364 { 0xacebad03, short_spc321, long_spc321, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4365 { 0xacebad03, short_spc322, long_spc322, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4366 { 0xacebad03, short_spc323, long_spc323, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4367 { 0xacebad03, short_spc324, long_spc324, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4368 { 0xacebad03, short_spc325, long_spc325, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4369 { 0xacebad03, short_spc326, long_spc326, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4370 { 0xacebad03, short_spc327, long_spc327, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4371 { 0xacebad03, short_spc328, long_spc328, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4372 { 0xacebad03, short_spc329, long_spc329, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4373 { 0xacebad03, short_spc330, long_spc330, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4374 { 0xacebad03, short_spc331, long_spc331, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4375 { 0xacebad03, short_spc332, long_spc332, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4376 { 0xacebad03, short_spc333, long_spc333, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4377 { 0xacebad03, short_spc334, long_spc334, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4378 { 0xacebad03, short_spc335, long_spc335, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4379 { 0xacebad03, short_spc336, long_spc336, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4380 { 0xacebad03, short_spc337, long_spc337, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4381 { 0xacebad03, short_spc338, long_spc338, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4382 { 0xacebad03, short_spc339, long_spc339, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4383 { 0xacebad03, short_spc340, long_spc340, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4384 { 0xacebad03, short_spc341, long_spc341, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4385 { 0xacebad03, short_spc342, long_spc342, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4386 { 0xacebad03, short_spc343, long_spc343, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4387 { 0xacebad03, short_spc344, long_spc344, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4388 { 0xacebad03, short_spc345, long_spc345, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4389 { 0xacebad03, short_spc346, long_spc346, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4390 { 0xacebad03, short_spc347, long_spc347, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4391 { 0xacebad03, short_spc348, long_spc348, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4392 { 0xacebad03, short_spc349, long_spc349, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4393 { 0xacebad03, short_spc350, long_spc350, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4394 { 0xacebad03, short_spc351, long_spc351, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4395 { 0xacebad03, short_spc352, long_spc352, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4396 { 0xacebad03, short_spc353, long_spc353, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4397 { 0xacebad03, short_spc354, long_spc354, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4398 { 0xacebad03, short_spc355, long_spc355, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4399 { 0xacebad03, short_spc356, long_spc356, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4400 { 0xacebad03, short_spc357, long_spc357, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4401 { 0xacebad03, short_spc358, long_spc358, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4402 { 0xacebad03, short_spc359, long_spc359, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4403 { 0xacebad03, short_spc360, long_spc360, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4404 { 0xacebad03, short_spc361, long_spc361, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4405 { 0xacebad03, short_spc362, long_spc362, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4406 { 0xacebad03, short_spc363, long_spc363, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4407 { 0xacebad03, short_spc364, long_spc364, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4408 { 0xacebad03, short_spc365, long_spc365, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4409 { 0xacebad03, short_spc366, long_spc366, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4410 { 0xacebad03, short_spc367, long_spc367, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4411 { 0xacebad03, short_spc368, long_spc368, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4412 { 0xacebad03, short_spc369, long_spc369, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4413 { 0xacebad03, short_spc370, long_spc370, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4414 { 0xacebad03, short_spc371, long_spc371, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4415 { 0xacebad03, short_spc372, long_spc372, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4416 { 0xacebad03, short_spc373, long_spc373, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4417 { 0xacebad03, short_spc374, long_spc374, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4418 { 0xacebad03, short_spc375, long_spc375, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4419 { 0xacebad03, short_spc376, long_spc376, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4420 { 0xacebad03, short_spc377, long_spc377, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4421 { 0xacebad03, short_spc378, long_spc378, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4422 { 0xacebad03, short_spc379, long_spc379, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4423 { 0xacebad03, short_spc380, long_spc380, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4424 { 0xacebad03, short_spc381, long_spc381, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4425 { 0xacebad03, short_spc382, long_spc382, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4426 { 0xacebad03, short_spc383, long_spc383, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4427 { 0xacebad03, short_spc384, long_spc384, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4428 { 0xacebad03, short_spc385, long_spc385, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4429 { 0xacebad03, short_spc386, long_spc386, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4430 { 0xacebad03, short_spc387, long_spc387, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4431 { 0xacebad03, short_spc388, long_spc388, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4432 { 0xacebad03, short_spc389, long_spc389, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4433 { 0xacebad03, short_spc390, long_spc390, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4434 { 0xacebad03, short_spc391, long_spc391, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4435 { 0xacebad03, short_spc392, long_spc392, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4436 { 0xacebad03, short_spc393, long_spc393, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4437 { 0xacebad03, short_spc394, long_spc394, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4438 { 0xacebad03, short_spc395, long_spc395, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4439 { 0xacebad03, short_spc396, long_spc396, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4440 { 0xacebad03, short_spc397, long_spc397, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4441 { 0xacebad03, short_spc398, long_spc398, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4442 { 0xacebad03, short_spc399, long_spc399, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4443 { 0xacebad03, short_spc400, long_spc400, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4444 { 0xacebad03, short_spc401, long_spc401, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4445 { 0xacebad03, short_spc402, long_spc402, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4446 { 0xacebad03, short_spc403, long_spc403, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4447 { 0xacebad03, short_spc404, long_spc404, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4448 { 0xacebad03, short_spc405, long_spc405, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4449 { 0xacebad03, short_spc406, long_spc406, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4450 { 0xacebad03, short_spc407, long_spc407, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4451 { 0xacebad03, short_spc408, long_spc408, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4452 { 0xacebad03, short_spc409, long_spc409, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4453 { 0xacebad03, short_spc410, long_spc410, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4454 { 0xacebad03, short_spc411, long_spc411, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4455 { 0xacebad03, short_spc412, long_spc412, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4456 { 0xacebad03, short_spc413, long_spc413, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4457 { 0xacebad03, short_spc414, long_spc414, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4458 { 0xacebad03, short_spc415, long_spc415, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4459 { 0xacebad03, short_spc416, long_spc416, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4460 { 0xacebad03, short_spc417, long_spc417, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4461 { 0xacebad03, short_spc418, long_spc418, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4462 { 0xacebad03, short_spc419, long_spc419, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4463 { 0xacebad03, short_spc420, long_spc420, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4464 { 0xacebad03, short_spc421, long_spc421, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4465 { 0xacebad03, short_spc422, long_spc422, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4466 { 0xacebad03, short_spc423, long_spc423, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4467 { 0xacebad03, short_spc424, long_spc424, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4468 { 0xacebad03, short_spc425, long_spc425, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4469 { 0xacebad03, short_spc426, long_spc426, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4470 { 0xacebad03, short_spc427, long_spc427, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4471 { 0xacebad03, short_spc428, long_spc428, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4472 { 0xacebad03, short_spc429, long_spc429, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4473 { 0xacebad03, short_spc430, long_spc430, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4474 { 0xacebad03, short_spc431, long_spc431, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4475 { 0xacebad03, short_spc432, long_spc432, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4476 { 0xacebad03, short_spc433, long_spc433, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4477 { 0xacebad03, short_spc434, long_spc434, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4478 { 0xacebad03, short_spc435, long_spc435, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4479 { 0xacebad03, short_spc436, long_spc436, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4480 { 0xacebad03, short_spc437, long_spc437, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4481 { 0xacebad03, short_spc438, long_spc438, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4482 { 0xacebad03, short_spc439, long_spc439, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4483 { 0xacebad03, short_spc440, long_spc440, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4484 { 0xacebad03, short_spc441, long_spc441, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4485 { 0xacebad03, short_spc442, long_spc442, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4486 { 0xacebad03, short_spc443, long_spc443, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4487 { 0xacebad03, short_spc444, long_spc444, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4488 { 0xacebad03, short_spc445, long_spc445, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4489 { 0xacebad03, short_spc446, long_spc446, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4490 { 0xacebad03, short_spc447, long_spc447, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4491 { 0xacebad03, short_spc448, long_spc448, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4492 { 0xacebad03, short_spc449, long_spc449, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4493 { 0xacebad03, short_spc450, long_spc450, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4494 { 0xacebad03, short_spc451, long_spc451, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4495 { 0xacebad03, short_spc452, long_spc452, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4496 { 0xacebad03, short_spc453, long_spc453, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4497 { 0xacebad03, short_spc454, long_spc454, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4498 { 0xacebad03, short_spc455, long_spc455, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4499 { 0xacebad03, short_spc456, long_spc456, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4500 { 0xacebad03, short_spc457, long_spc457, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4501 { 0xacebad03, short_spc458, long_spc458, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4502 { 0xacebad03, short_spc459, long_spc459, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4503 { 0xacebad03, short_spc460, long_spc460, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4504 { 0xacebad03, short_spc461, long_spc461, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4505 { 0xacebad03, short_spc462, long_spc462, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4506 { 0xacebad03, short_spc463, long_spc463, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4507 { 0xacebad03, short_spc464, long_spc464, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4508 { 0xacebad03, short_spc465, long_spc465, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4509 { 0xacebad03, short_spc466, long_spc466, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4510 { 0xacebad03, short_spc467, long_spc467, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4511 { 0xacebad03, short_spc468, long_spc468, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4512 { 0xacebad03, short_spc469, long_spc469, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4513 { 0xacebad03, short_spc470, long_spc470, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4514 { 0xacebad03, short_spc471, long_spc471, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4515 { 0xacebad03, short_spc472, long_spc472, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4516 { 0xacebad03, short_spc473, long_spc473, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4517 { 0xacebad03, short_spc474, long_spc474, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4518 { 0xacebad03, short_spc475, long_spc475, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4519 { 0xacebad03, short_spc476, long_spc476, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4520 { 0xacebad03, short_spc477, long_spc477, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4521 { 0xacebad03, short_spc478, long_spc478, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4522 { 0xacebad03, short_spc479, long_spc479, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4523 { 0xacebad03, short_spc480, long_spc480, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4524 { 0xacebad03, short_spc481, long_spc481, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4525 { 0xacebad03, short_spc482, long_spc482, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4526 { 0xacebad03, short_spc483, long_spc483, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4527 { 0xacebad03, short_spc484, long_spc484, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4528 { 0xacebad03, short_spc485, long_spc485, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4529 { 0xacebad03, short_spc486, long_spc486, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4530 { 0xacebad03, short_spc487, long_spc487, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4531 { 0xacebad03, short_spc488, long_spc488, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4532 { 0xacebad03, short_spc489, long_spc489, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4533 { 0xacebad03, short_spc490, long_spc490, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4534 { 0xacebad03, short_spc491, long_spc491, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4535 { 0xacebad03, short_spc492, long_spc492, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4536 { 0xacebad03, short_spc493, long_spc493, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4537 { 0xacebad03, short_spc494, long_spc494, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4538 { 0xacebad03, short_spc495, long_spc495, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4539 { 0xacebad03, short_spc496, long_spc496, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4540 { 0xacebad03, short_spc497, long_spc497, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4541 { 0xacebad03, short_spc498, long_spc498, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4542 { 0xacebad03, short_spc499, long_spc499, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4543 { 0xacebad03, short_spc500, long_spc500, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4544 { 0xacebad03, short_spc501, long_spc501, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4545 { 0xacebad03, short_spc502, long_spc502, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4546 { 0xacebad03, short_spc503, long_spc503, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4547 { 0xacebad03, short_spc504, long_spc504, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4548 { 0xacebad03, short_spc505, long_spc505, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4549 { 0xacebad03, short_spc506, long_spc506, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4550 { 0xacebad03, short_spc507, long_spc507, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4551 { 0xacebad03, short_spc508, long_spc508, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4552 { 0xacebad03, short_spc509, long_spc509, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4553 { 0xacebad03, short_spc510, long_spc510, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4554 { 0xacebad03, short_spc511, long_spc511, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4555 { 0xacebad03, short_spc512, long_spc512, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4556 { 0xacebad03, short_spc513, long_spc513, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4557 { 0xacebad03, short_spc514, long_spc514, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4558 { 0xacebad03, short_spc515, long_spc515, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4559 { 0xacebad03, short_spc516, long_spc516, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4560 { 0xacebad03, short_spc517, long_spc517, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4561 { 0xacebad03, short_spc518, long_spc518, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4562 { 0xacebad03, short_spc519, long_spc519, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4563 { 0xacebad03, short_spc520, long_spc520, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4564 { 0xacebad03, short_spc521, long_spc521, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4565 { 0xacebad03, short_spc522, long_spc522, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4566 { 0xacebad03, short_spc523, long_spc523, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4567 { 0xacebad03, short_spc524, long_spc524, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4568 { 0xacebad03, short_spc525, long_spc525, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4569 { 0xacebad03, short_spc526, long_spc526, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4570 { 0xacebad03, short_spc527, long_spc527, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4571 { 0xacebad03, short_spc528, long_spc528, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4572 { 0xacebad03, short_spc529, long_spc529, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4573 { 0xacebad03, short_spc530, long_spc530, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4574 { 0xacebad03, short_spc531, long_spc531, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4575 { 0xacebad03, short_spc532, long_spc532, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4576 { 0xacebad03, short_spc533, long_spc533, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4577 { 0xacebad03, short_spc534, long_spc534, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4578 { 0xacebad03, short_spc535, long_spc535, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4579 { 0xacebad03, short_spc536, long_spc536, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4580 { 0xacebad03, short_spc537, long_spc537, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4581 { 0xacebad03, short_spc538, long_spc538, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4582 { 0xacebad03, short_spc539, long_spc539, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4583 { 0xacebad03, short_spc540, long_spc540, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4584 { 0xacebad03, short_spc541, long_spc541, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4585 { 0xacebad03, short_spc542, long_spc542, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4586 { 0xacebad03, short_spc543, long_spc543, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4587 { 0xacebad03, short_spc544, long_spc544, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4588 { 0xacebad03, short_spc545, long_spc545, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4589 { 0xacebad03, short_spc546, long_spc546, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4590 { 0xacebad03, short_spc547, long_spc547, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4591 { 0xacebad03, short_spc548, long_spc548, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4592 { 0xacebad03, short_spc549, long_spc549, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4593 { 0xacebad03, short_spc550, long_spc550, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4594 { 0xacebad03, short_spc551, long_spc551, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4595 { 0xacebad03, short_spc552, long_spc552, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4596 { 0xacebad03, short_spc553, long_spc553, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4597 { 0xacebad03, short_spc554, long_spc554, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4598 { 0xacebad03, short_spc555, long_spc555, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4599 { 0xacebad03, short_spc556, long_spc556, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4600 { 0xacebad03, short_spc557, long_spc557, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4601 { 0xacebad03, short_spc558, long_spc558, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4602 { 0xacebad03, short_spc559, long_spc559, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4603 { 0xacebad03, short_spc560, long_spc560, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4604 { 0xacebad03, short_spc561, long_spc561, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4605 { 0xacebad03, short_spc562, long_spc562, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4606 { 0xacebad03, short_spc563, long_spc563, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4607 { 0xacebad03, short_spc564, long_spc564, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4608 { 0xacebad03, short_spc565, long_spc565, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4609 { 0xacebad03, short_spc566, long_spc566, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4610 { 0xacebad03, short_spc567, long_spc567, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4611 { 0xacebad03, short_spc568, long_spc568, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4612 { 0xacebad03, short_spc569, long_spc569, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4613 { 0xacebad03, short_spc570, long_spc570, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4614 { 0xacebad03, short_spc571, long_spc571, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4615 { 0xacebad03, short_spc572, long_spc572, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4616 { 0xacebad03, short_spc573, long_spc573, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4617 { 0xacebad03, short_spc574, long_spc574, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4618 { 0xacebad03, short_spc575, long_spc575, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4619 { 0xacebad03, short_spc576, long_spc576, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4620 { 0xacebad03, short_spc577, long_spc577, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4621 { 0xacebad03, short_spc578, long_spc578, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4622 { 0xacebad03, short_spc579, long_spc579, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4623 { 0xacebad03, short_spc580, long_spc580, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4624 { 0xacebad03, short_spc581, long_spc581, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4625 { 0xacebad03, short_spc582, long_spc582, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4626 { 0xacebad03, short_spc583, long_spc583, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4627 { 0xacebad03, short_spc584, long_spc584, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4628 { 0xacebad03, short_spc585, long_spc585, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4629 { 0xacebad03, short_spc586, long_spc586, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4630 { 0xacebad03, short_spc587, long_spc587, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4631 { 0xacebad03, short_spc588, long_spc588, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4632 { 0xacebad03, short_spc589, long_spc589, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4633 { 0xacebad03, short_spc590, long_spc590, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4634 { 0xacebad03, short_spc591, long_spc591, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4635 { 0xacebad03, short_spc592, long_spc592, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4636 { 0xacebad03, short_spc593, long_spc593, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4637 { 0xacebad03, short_spc594, long_spc594, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4638 { 0xacebad03, short_spc595, long_spc595, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4639 { 0xacebad03, short_spc596, long_spc596, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4640 { 0xacebad03, short_spc597, long_spc597, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4641 { 0xacebad03, short_spc598, long_spc598, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4642 { 0xacebad03, short_spc599, long_spc599, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4643 { 0xacebad03, short_spc600, long_spc600, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4644 { 0xacebad03, short_spc601, long_spc601, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4645 { 0xacebad03, short_spc602, long_spc602, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4646 { 0xacebad03, short_spc603, long_spc603, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4647 { 0xacebad03, short_spc604, long_spc604, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4648 { 0xacebad03, short_spc605, long_spc605, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4649 { 0xacebad03, short_spc606, long_spc606, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4650 { 0xacebad03, short_spc607, long_spc607, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4651 { 0xacebad03, short_spc608, long_spc608, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4652 { 0xacebad03, short_spc609, long_spc609, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4653 { 0xacebad03, short_spc610, long_spc610, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4654 { 0xacebad03, short_spc611, long_spc611, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4655 { 0xacebad03, short_spc612, long_spc612, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4656 { 0xacebad03, short_spc613, long_spc613, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4657 { 0xacebad03, short_spc614, long_spc614, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4658 { 0xacebad03, short_spc615, long_spc615, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4659 { 0xacebad03, short_spc616, long_spc616, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4660 { 0xacebad03, short_spc617, long_spc617, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4661 { 0xacebad03, short_spc618, long_spc618, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4662 { 0xacebad03, short_spc619, long_spc619, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4663 { 0xacebad03, short_spc620, long_spc620, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4664 { 0xacebad03, short_spc621, long_spc621, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4665 { 0xacebad03, short_spc622, long_spc622, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4666 { 0xacebad03, short_spc623, long_spc623, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4667 { 0xacebad03, short_spc624, long_spc624, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4668 { 0xacebad03, short_spc625, long_spc625, 0xcb0bfa11 },
4669 { 0xacebad03, short_spc626, long_spc626, 0xcb0bfa11 }
4670 };
4671 #endif
4675 static int class_to_index[] = {
4676 857,33,113,143,858,103,768,793,196,707,
4677 864,137,3,876,867,714,224,223,222,165,
4678 167,168,175,111,129,173,174,166,206,207,
4679 214,212,231,621,2,640,179,178,750,181,
4680 182,801,853,128,180,882,25,269,264,785,
4681 791,790,786,19,752,788,784,789,787,783,
4682 150,630};
4683 #endif