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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


Makefile.amH A D10-Nov-2011386 152

Makefile.inH A D08-Oct-201217.6 KiB595512

READMEH A D22-Oct-2008746 1612

debabort.cH A D13-Dec-2011466 2312

lefthandles.cH A D13-Dec-2011622 2918


1This directory contains programs that are expected to fail in some way.
2They should be run manually to check the response of the MPI implementation
3to these failures.
5The programs are:
7debabort: This is a simple program that passes inconsistent parameters to
8MPI_Allreduce and should cause a run-time error.  This may be used to see
9if a debugger can regain control of an MPI program when such an error, which
10will normally cause an Abort, occurs.
12lefthandles: This program allocates several MPI objects that are not freed.
13An MPI implmentation is not required to report this or fail in this case,
14but an MPI implementation that is striving to report storage leaks caused by
15user programs should report allocated and unfreed MPI objects.