1 /* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2008 INRIA
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation;
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
17  *
18  * Author: Mathieu Lacage <mathieu.lacage@sophia.inria.fr>
19  */
21 #ifndef WIFI_MAC_H
22 #define WIFI_MAC_H
24 #include "ns3/net-device.h"
25 #include "wifi-standards.h"
26 #include "wifi-remote-station-manager.h"
27 #include "qos-utils.h"
29 namespace ns3 {
31 class Ssid;
32 class Txop;
33 class HtConfiguration;
34 class VhtConfiguration;
35 class HeConfiguration;
37 /**
38  * Enumeration for type of station
39  */
40 enum TypeOfStation
41 {
42   STA,
43   AP,
45   MESH,
46   OCB
47 };
49 /**
50  * \ingroup wifi
51   * \enum WifiMacDropReason
52   * \brief The reason why an MPDU was dropped
53   */
54 enum WifiMacDropReason : uint8_t
55 {
60 };
62 /**
63  * \brief base class for all MAC-level wifi objects.
64  * \ingroup wifi
65  *
66  * This class encapsulates all the low-level MAC functionality
67  * DCA, EDCA, etc) and all the high-level MAC functionality
68  * (association/disassociation state machines).
69  *
70  */
71 class WifiMac : public Object
72 {
73 public:
74   virtual void DoDispose ();
76   /**
77    * \brief Get the type ID.
78    * \return the object TypeId
79    */
80   static TypeId GetTypeId (void);
82   /**
83    * Sets the device this PHY is associated with.
84    *
85    * \param device the device this PHY is associated with
86    */
87   void SetDevice (const Ptr<NetDevice> device);
88   /**
89    * Return the device this PHY is associated with
90    *
91    * \return the device this PHY is associated with
92    */
93   Ptr<NetDevice> GetDevice (void) const;
95    /**
96    * This method is invoked by a subclass to specify what type of
97    * station it is implementing. This is something that the channel
98    * access functions need to know.
99    *
100    * \param type the type of station.
101    */
102   virtual void SetTypeOfStation (TypeOfStation type) = 0;
103   /**
104    * Return the type of station.
105    *
106    * \return the type of station.
107    */
108   virtual TypeOfStation GetTypeOfStation (void) const = 0;
110  /**
111    * \param ssid the current SSID of this MAC layer.
112    */
113   virtual void SetSsid (Ssid ssid) = 0;
114   /**
115    * Enable or disable short slot time feature.
116    *
117    * \param enable true if short slot time is to be supported,
118    *               false otherwise
119    */
120   virtual void SetShortSlotTimeSupported (bool enable) = 0;
121   /**
122    * \brief Sets the interface in promiscuous mode.
123    *
124    * Enables promiscuous mode on the interface. Note that any further
125    * filtering on the incoming frame path may affect the overall
126    * behavior.
127    */
128   virtual void SetPromisc (void) = 0;
130   /**
131    * \return the MAC address associated to this MAC layer.
132    */
133   virtual Mac48Address GetAddress (void) const = 0;
134   /**
135    * \return the SSID which this MAC layer is going to try to stay in.
136    */
137   virtual Ssid GetSsid (void) const = 0;
138   /**
139    * \param address the current address of this MAC layer.
140    */
141   virtual void SetAddress (Mac48Address address) = 0;
142   /**
143    * \return the BSSID of the network this device belongs to.
144    */
145   virtual Mac48Address GetBssid (void) const = 0;
146   /**
147    * \return whether the device supports short slot time capability.
148    */
149   virtual bool GetShortSlotTimeSupported (void) const = 0;
151   /**
152    * \param packet the packet to send.
153    * \param to the address to which the packet should be sent.
154    * \param from the address from which the packet should be sent.
155    *
156    * The packet should be enqueued in a TX queue, and should be
157    * dequeued as soon as the DCF function determines that
158    * access it granted to this MAC. The extra parameter "from" allows
159    * this device to operate in a bridged mode, forwarding received
160    * frames without altering the source address.
161    */
162   virtual void Enqueue (Ptr<Packet> packet, Mac48Address to, Mac48Address from) = 0;
163   /**
164    * \param packet the packet to send.
165    * \param to the address to which the packet should be sent.
166    *
167    * The packet should be enqueued in a TX queue, and should be
168    * dequeued as soon as the DCF function determines that
169    * access it granted to this MAC.
170    */
171   virtual void Enqueue (Ptr<Packet> packet, Mac48Address to) = 0;
172   /**
173    * \return if this MAC supports sending from arbitrary address.
174    *
175    * The interface may or may not support sending from arbitrary address.
176    * This function returns true if sending from arbitrary address is supported,
177    * false otherwise.
178    */
179   virtual bool SupportsSendFrom (void) const = 0;
180   /**
181    * \param phy the physical layer attached to this MAC.
182    */
183   virtual void SetWifiPhy (Ptr<WifiPhy> phy) = 0;
184   /**
185    * \return the physical layer attached to this MAC
186    */
187   virtual Ptr<WifiPhy> GetWifiPhy (void) const = 0;
188   /**
189    * Remove currently attached WifiPhy device from this MAC.
190    */
191   virtual void ResetWifiPhy (void) = 0;
192   /**
193    * \param stationManager the station manager attached to this MAC.
194    */
195   virtual void SetWifiRemoteStationManager (Ptr<WifiRemoteStationManager> stationManager) = 0;
196   /**
197    * \return the station manager attached to this MAC.
198    */
199   virtual Ptr<WifiRemoteStationManager> GetWifiRemoteStationManager (void) const = 0;
201   /**
202    * This type defines the callback of a higher layer that a
203    * WifiMac(-derived) object invokes to pass a packet up the stack.
204    *
205    * \param packet the packet that has been received.
206    * \param from the MAC address of the device that sent the packet.
207    * \param to the MAC address of the device that the packet is destined for.
208    */
209   typedef Callback<void, Ptr<const Packet>, Mac48Address, Mac48Address> ForwardUpCallback;
211   /**
212    * \param upCallback the callback to invoke when a packet must be
213    *        forwarded up the stack.
214    */
215   virtual void SetForwardUpCallback (ForwardUpCallback upCallback) = 0;
216   /**
217    * \param linkUp the callback to invoke when the link becomes up.
218    */
219   virtual void SetLinkUpCallback (Callback<void> linkUp) = 0;
220   /**
221    * \param linkDown the callback to invoke when the link becomes down.
222    */
223   virtual void SetLinkDownCallback (Callback<void> linkDown) = 0;
224   /* Next functions are not pure virtual so non QoS WifiMacs are not
225    * forced to implement them.
226    */
228   /**
229    * \param packet the packet being enqueued
230    *
231    * Public method used to fire a MacTx trace. Implemented for encapsulation purposes.
232    * Note this trace indicates that the packet was accepted by the device only.
233    * The packet may be dropped later (e.g. if the queue is full).
234    */
235   void NotifyTx (Ptr<const Packet> packet);
236   /**
237    * \param packet the packet being dropped
238    *
239    * Public method used to fire a MacTxDrop trace.
240    * This trace indicates that the packet was dropped before it was queued for
241    * transmission (e.g. when a STA is not associated with an AP).
242    */
243   void NotifyTxDrop (Ptr<const Packet> packet);
244   /**
245    * \param packet the packet we received
246    *
247    * Public method used to fire a MacRx trace. Implemented for encapsulation purposes.
248    */
249   void NotifyRx (Ptr<const Packet> packet);
250   /**
251    * \param packet the packet we received promiscuously
252    *
253    * Public method used to fire a MacPromiscRx trace. Implemented for encapsulation purposes.
254    */
255   void NotifyPromiscRx (Ptr<const Packet> packet);
256   /**
257    * \param packet the packet we received but is not destined for us
258    *
259    * Public method used to fire a MacRxDrop trace. Implemented for encapsulation purposes.
260    */
261   void NotifyRxDrop (Ptr<const Packet> packet);
263   /**
264    * \param standard the wifi standard to be configured
265    *
266    * This method completes the configuration process for a requested PHY standard.
267    * Subclasses should implement this method to configure their DCF queues
268    * according to the requested standard.
269    */
270   virtual void ConfigureStandard (WifiStandard standard) = 0;
272   /**
273    * \return pointer to HtConfiguration if it exists
274    */
275   Ptr<HtConfiguration> GetHtConfiguration (void) const;
276   /**
277    * \return pointer to VhtConfiguration if it exists
278    */
279   Ptr<VhtConfiguration> GetVhtConfiguration (void) const;
280   /**
281    * \return pointer to HeConfiguration if it exists
282    */
283   Ptr<HeConfiguration> GetHeConfiguration (void) const;
286 protected:
287   /**
288    * \param dcf the DCF to be configured
289    * \param cwmin the minimum contention window for the DCF
290    * \param cwmax the maximum contention window for the DCF
291    * \param isDsss flag to indicate whether PHY is DSSS or HR/DSSS
292    * \param ac the access category for the DCF
293    *
294    * Configure the DCF with appropriate values depending on the given access category.
295    */
296   void ConfigureDcf (Ptr<Txop> dcf, uint32_t cwmin, uint32_t cwmax, bool isDsss, AcIndex ac);
299 private:
300   Ptr<NetDevice> m_device;    ///< Pointer to the device
302   /**
303    * The trace source fired when packets come into the "top" of the device
304    * at the L3/L2 transition, before being queued for transmission.
305    *
306    * \see class CallBackTraceSource
307    */
308   TracedCallback<Ptr<const Packet> > m_macTxTrace;
309   /**
310    * The trace source fired when packets coming into the "top" of the device
311    * are dropped at the MAC layer before being queued for transmission.
312    *
313    * \see class CallBackTraceSource
314    */
315   TracedCallback<Ptr<const Packet> > m_macTxDropTrace;
316   /**
317    * The trace source fired for packets successfully received by the device
318    * immediately before being forwarded up to higher layers (at the L2/L3
319    * transition).  This is a promiscuous trace.
320    *
321    * \see class CallBackTraceSource
322    */
323   TracedCallback<Ptr<const Packet> > m_macPromiscRxTrace;
324   /**
325    * The trace source fired for packets successfully received by the device
326    * immediately before being forwarded up to higher layers (at the L2/L3
327    * transition).  This is a non- promiscuous trace.
328    *
329    * \see class CallBackTraceSource
330    */
331   TracedCallback<Ptr<const Packet> > m_macRxTrace;
332   /**
333    * The trace source fired when packets coming into the "top" of the device
334    * are dropped at the MAC layer during reception.
335    *
336    * \see class CallBackTraceSource
337    */
338   TracedCallback<Ptr<const Packet> > m_macRxDropTrace;
339 };
341 } //namespace ns3
343 #endif /* WIFI_MAC_H */