1package probeservices
3// Metadata contains metadata about a probe. This message is
4// included into a bunch of messages sent to orchestra.
5type Metadata struct {
6	AvailableBandwidth string   `json:"available_bandwidth,omitempty"`
7	DeviceToken        string   `json:"device_token,omitempty"`
8	Language           string   `json:"language,omitempty"`
9	NetworkType        string   `json:"network_type,omitempty"`
10	Platform           string   `json:"platform"`
11	ProbeASN           string   `json:"probe_asn"`
12	ProbeCC            string   `json:"probe_cc"`
13	ProbeFamily        string   `json:"probe_family,omitempty"`
14	ProbeTimezone      string   `json:"probe_timezone,omitempty"`
15	SoftwareName       string   `json:"software_name"`
16	SoftwareVersion    string   `json:"software_version"`
17	SupportedTests     []string `json:"supported_tests"`
20// Valid returns true if metadata is valid, false otherwise. Metadata is
21// considered valid if all the mandatory fields are not empty. If a field
22// is marked `json:",omitempty"` in the structure definition, then it's
23// for sure mandatory. The "device_token" field is mandatory only if the
24// platform is "ios" or "android", because there's currently no device
25// token that we know of for desktop devices.
26func (m Metadata) Valid() bool {
27	if m.ProbeCC == "" {
28		return false
29	}
30	if m.ProbeASN == "" {
31		return false
32	}
33	if m.Platform == "" {
34		return false
35	}
36	if m.SoftwareName == "" {
37		return false
38	}
39	if m.SoftwareVersion == "" {
40		return false
41	}
42	if len(m.SupportedTests) < 1 {
43		return false
44	}
45	switch m.Platform {
46	case "ios", "android":
47		if m.DeviceToken == "" {
48			return false
49		}
50	}
51	return true