1 /* ldapsync.c -- LDAP Content Sync Routines */
2 /* $OpenLDAP$ */
3 /* This work is part of OpenLDAP Software <http://www.openldap.org/>.
4  *
5  * Copyright 2003-2021 The OpenLDAP Foundation.
6  * Portions Copyright 2003 IBM Corporation.
7  * All rights reserved.
8  *
9  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
10  * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
11  * Public License.
12  *
13  * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
14  * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
15  * <http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html>.
16  */
18 #include "portable.h"
20 #include <stdio.h>
22 #include <ac/string.h>
23 #include <ac/socket.h>
25 #include "lutil.h"
26 #include "slap.h"
27 #include "../../libraries/liblber/lber-int.h" /* get ber_strndup() */
28 #include "lutil_ldap.h"
30 struct slap_sync_cookie_s slap_sync_cookie =
31 	LDAP_STAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER( slap_sync_cookie );
33 void
slap_compose_sync_cookie(Operation * op,struct berval * cookie,BerVarray csn,int rid,int sid,struct berval * delcsn)34 slap_compose_sync_cookie(
35 	Operation *op,
36 	struct berval *cookie,
37 	BerVarray csn,
38 	int rid,
39 	int sid,
40 	struct berval *delcsn )
41 {
42 	int len, numcsn = 0;
44 	if ( csn ) {
45 		for (; !BER_BVISNULL( &csn[numcsn] ); numcsn++);
46 	}
48 	if ( numcsn == 0 || rid == -1 ) {
49 		char cookiestr[ LDAP_PVT_CSNSTR_BUFSIZE + 20 ];
50 		if ( rid == -1 ) {
51 			cookiestr[0] = '\0';
52 			len = 0;
53 		} else {
54 			len = snprintf( cookiestr, sizeof( cookiestr ),
55 					"rid=%03d", rid );
56 			if ( sid >= 0 ) {
57 				len += sprintf( cookiestr+len, ",sid=%03x", sid );
58 			}
59 		}
60 		ber_str2bv_x( cookiestr, len, 1, cookie,
61 			op ? op->o_tmpmemctx : NULL );
62 	} else {
63 		char *ptr;
64 		int i;
66 		len = 0;
67 		for ( i=0; i<numcsn; i++)
68 			len += csn[i].bv_len + 1;
69 		if ( delcsn && !BER_BVISEMPTY(delcsn) )
70 			len += STRLENOF(",delcsn=") + delcsn->bv_len;
72 		len += STRLENOF("rid=123,csn=");
73 		if ( sid >= 0 )
74 			len += STRLENOF("sid=xxx,");
76 		cookie->bv_val = slap_sl_malloc( len, op ? op->o_tmpmemctx : NULL );
78 		len = sprintf( cookie->bv_val, "rid=%03d,", rid );
79 		ptr = cookie->bv_val + len;
80 		if ( sid >= 0 ) {
81 			ptr += sprintf( ptr, "sid=%03x,", sid );
82 		}
83 		ptr = lutil_strcopy( ptr, "csn=" );
84 		for ( i=0; i<numcsn; i++) {
85 			ptr = lutil_strncopy( ptr, csn[i].bv_val, csn[i].bv_len );
86 			*ptr++ = ';';
87 		}
88 		ptr--;
89 		if ( delcsn && !BER_BVISEMPTY(delcsn) ) {
90 			ptr = lutil_strcopy( ptr, ",delcsn=" );
91 			ptr = lutil_strncopy( ptr, delcsn->bv_val, delcsn->bv_len );
92 		}
93 		*ptr = '\0';
94 		cookie->bv_len = ptr - cookie->bv_val;
95 	}
96 }
98 void
slap_sync_cookie_free(struct sync_cookie * cookie,int free_cookie)99 slap_sync_cookie_free(
100 	struct sync_cookie *cookie,
101 	int free_cookie
102 )
103 {
104 	if ( cookie == NULL )
105 		return;
107 	if ( cookie->sids ) {
108 		ch_free( cookie->sids );
109 		cookie->sids = NULL;
110 	}
112 	if ( cookie->ctxcsn ) {
113 		ber_bvarray_free( cookie->ctxcsn );
114 		cookie->ctxcsn = NULL;
115 	}
116 	cookie->numcsns = 0;
117 	if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &cookie->octet_str )) {
118 		ch_free( cookie->octet_str.bv_val );
119 		BER_BVZERO( &cookie->octet_str );
120 	}
122 	if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &cookie->delcsn )) {
123 		ch_free( cookie->delcsn.bv_val );
124 		BER_BVZERO( &cookie->delcsn );
125 	}
127 	if ( free_cookie ) {
128 		ch_free( cookie );
129 	}
131 	return;
132 }
134 int
slap_parse_csn_sid(struct berval * csnp)135 slap_parse_csn_sid( struct berval *csnp )
136 {
137 	char *p, *q;
138 	struct berval csn = *csnp;
139 	int i;
141 	p = ber_bvchr( &csn, '#' );
142 	if ( !p )
143 		return -1;
144 	p++;
145 	csn.bv_len -= p - csn.bv_val;
146 	csn.bv_val = p;
148 	p = ber_bvchr( &csn, '#' );
149 	if ( !p )
150 		return -1;
151 	p++;
152 	csn.bv_len -= p - csn.bv_val;
153 	csn.bv_val = p;
155 	q = ber_bvchr( &csn, '#' );
156 	if ( !q )
157 		return -1;
159 	csn.bv_len = q - p;
161 	i = strtol( p, &q, 16 );
162 	if ( p == q || q != p + csn.bv_len || i < 0 || i > SLAP_SYNC_SID_MAX ) {
163 		i = -1;
164 	}
166 	return i;
167 }
169 int *
slap_parse_csn_sids(BerVarray csns,int numcsns,void * memctx)170 slap_parse_csn_sids( BerVarray csns, int numcsns, void *memctx )
171 {
172 	int i, *ret;
174 	ret = slap_sl_malloc( numcsns * sizeof(int), memctx );
175 	for ( i=0; i<numcsns; i++ ) {
176 		ret[i] = slap_parse_csn_sid( &csns[i] );
177 	}
178 	return ret;
179 }
181 static slap_mr_match_func sidsort_cmp;
183 static const MatchingRule sidsort_mr = {
184 	{ 0 },
185 	NULL,
186 	{ 0 },
187 	{ 0 },
188 	0,
189 	NULL, NULL, NULL, sidsort_cmp
190 };
191 static const AttributeType sidsort_at = {
192 	{ 0 },
193 	{ 0 },
194 	NULL, NULL, (MatchingRule *)&sidsort_mr,
196 };
197 static const AttributeDescription sidsort_ad = {
198 	NULL,
199 	(AttributeType *)&sidsort_at
200 };
202 static int
sidsort_cmp(int * matchp,slap_mask_t flags,Syntax * syntax,MatchingRule * mr,struct berval * b1,void * v2)203 sidsort_cmp(
204 	int *matchp,
205 	slap_mask_t flags,
206 	Syntax *syntax,
207 	MatchingRule *mr,
208 	struct berval *b1,
209 	void *v2 )
210 {
211 	struct berval *b2 = v2;
212 	*matchp = b1->bv_len - b2->bv_len;
213 	return LDAP_SUCCESS;
214 }
216 /* sort CSNs by SID. Use a fake Attribute with our own
217  * syntax and matching rule, which sorts the nvals by
218  * bv_len order. Stuff our sids into the bv_len.
219  */
220 int
slap_sort_csn_sids(BerVarray csns,int * sids,int numcsns,void * memctx)221 slap_sort_csn_sids( BerVarray csns, int *sids, int numcsns, void *memctx )
222 {
223 	Attribute a;
224 	const char *text;
225 	int i, rc;
227 	a.a_desc = (AttributeDescription *)&sidsort_ad;
228 	a.a_nvals = slap_sl_malloc( numcsns * sizeof(struct berval), memctx );
229 	for ( i=0; i<numcsns; i++ ) {
230 		a.a_nvals[i].bv_len = sids[i];
231 		a.a_nvals[i].bv_val = NULL;
232 	}
233 	a.a_vals = csns;
234 	a.a_numvals = numcsns;
235 	a.a_flags = 0;
236 	rc = slap_sort_vals( (Modifications *)&a, &text, &i, memctx );
237 	for ( i=0; i<numcsns; i++ )
238 		sids[i] = a.a_nvals[i].bv_len;
239 	slap_sl_free( a.a_nvals, memctx );
240 	return rc;
241 }
243 void
slap_insert_csn_sids(struct sync_cookie * ck,int pos,int sid,struct berval * csn)244 slap_insert_csn_sids(
245 	struct sync_cookie *ck,
246 	int pos,
247 	int sid,
248 	struct berval *csn
249 )
250 {
251 	int i;
252 	ck->numcsns++;
253 	ck->ctxcsn = ch_realloc( ck->ctxcsn,
254 		(ck->numcsns+1) * sizeof(struct berval));
255 	BER_BVZERO( &ck->ctxcsn[ck->numcsns] );
256 	ck->sids = ch_realloc( ck->sids, ck->numcsns * sizeof(int));
257 	for ( i = ck->numcsns-1; i > pos; i-- ) {
258 		ck->ctxcsn[i] = ck->ctxcsn[i-1];
259 		ck->sids[i] = ck->sids[i-1];
260 	}
261 	ck->sids[i] = sid;
262 	ber_dupbv( &ck->ctxcsn[i], csn );
263 }
265 int
slap_parse_sync_cookie(struct sync_cookie * cookie,void * memctx)266 slap_parse_sync_cookie(
267 	struct sync_cookie *cookie,
268 	void *memctx
269 )
270 {
271 	char *csn_ptr;
272 	char *csn_str;
273 	char *cval;
274 	char *next, *end;
275 	AttributeDescription *ad = slap_schema.si_ad_entryCSN;
277 	if ( cookie == NULL )
278 		return -1;
280 	if ( cookie->octet_str.bv_len <= STRLENOF( "rid=" ) )
281 		return -1;
283 	cookie->rid = -1;
284 	cookie->sid = -1;
285 	cookie->ctxcsn = NULL;
286 	cookie->sids = NULL;
287 	cookie->numcsns = 0;
288 	BER_BVZERO( &cookie->delcsn );
290 	end = cookie->octet_str.bv_val + cookie->octet_str.bv_len;
292 	for ( next=cookie->octet_str.bv_val; next < end; ) {
293 		if ( !strncmp( next, "rid=", STRLENOF("rid=") )) {
294 			char *rid_ptr = next;
295 			cookie->rid = strtol( &rid_ptr[ STRLENOF( "rid=" ) ], &next, 10 );
296 			if ( next == rid_ptr ||
297 				next > end ||
298 				( *next && *next != ',' ) ||
299 				cookie->rid < 0 ||
300 				cookie->rid > SLAP_SYNC_RID_MAX )
301 			{
302 				return -1;
303 			}
304 			if ( *next == ',' ) {
305 				next++;
306 			}
307 			if ( !ad ) {
308 				break;
309 			}
310 			continue;
311 		}
312 		if ( !strncmp( next, "sid=", STRLENOF("sid=") )) {
313 			char *sid_ptr = next;
314 			sid_ptr = next;
315 			cookie->sid = strtol( &sid_ptr[ STRLENOF( "sid=" ) ], &next, 16 );
316 			if ( next == sid_ptr ||
317 				next > end ||
318 				( *next && *next != ',' ) ||
319 				cookie->sid < 0 ||
320 				cookie->sid > SLAP_SYNC_SID_MAX )
321 			{
322 				return -1;
323 			}
324 			if ( *next == ',' ) {
325 				next++;
326 			}
327 			continue;
328 		}
329 		if ( !strncmp( next, "csn=", STRLENOF("csn=") )) {
330 			struct berval stamp;
332 			next += STRLENOF("csn=");
333 			while ( next < end ) {
334 				csn_str = next;
335 				csn_ptr = strchr( csn_str, '#' );
336 				if ( !csn_ptr || csn_ptr > end )
337 					break;
338 				/* ad will be NULL when called from main. we just
339 				 * want to parse the rid then. But we still iterate
340 				 * through the string to find the end.
341 				 */
342 				cval = strchr( csn_ptr, ';' );
343 				if ( !cval )
344 					cval = strchr(csn_ptr, ',' );
345 				if ( cval )
346 					stamp.bv_len = cval - csn_str;
347 				else
348 					stamp.bv_len = end - csn_str;
349 				if ( ad ) {
350 					struct berval bv;
351 					stamp.bv_val = csn_str;
352 					if ( ad->ad_type->sat_syntax->ssyn_validate(
353 						ad->ad_type->sat_syntax, &stamp ) != LDAP_SUCCESS )
354 						break;
355 					if ( ad->ad_type->sat_equality->smr_normalize(
357 						ad->ad_type->sat_syntax,
358 						ad->ad_type->sat_equality,
359 						&stamp, &bv, memctx ) != LDAP_SUCCESS )
360 						break;
361 					ber_bvarray_add_x( &cookie->ctxcsn, &bv, memctx );
362 					cookie->numcsns++;
363 				}
364 				if ( cval ) {
365 					next = cval + 1;
366 					if ( *cval != ';' )
367 						break;
368 				} else {
369 					next = end;
370 					break;
371 				}
372 			}
373 			continue;
374 		}
375 		if ( !strncmp( next, "delcsn=", STRLENOF("delcsn=") )) {
376 			struct berval stamp;
378 			next += STRLENOF("delcsn=");
379 			while ( next < end ) {
380 				csn_str = next;
381 				csn_ptr = strchr( csn_str, '#' );
382 				if ( !csn_ptr || csn_ptr > end )
383 					break;
384 				/* ad will be NULL when called from main. we just
385 				 * want to parse the rid then. But we still iterate
386 				 * through the string to find the end.
387 				 */
388 				cval = strchr( csn_ptr, ';' );
389 				if ( !cval )
390 					cval = strchr(csn_ptr, ',' );
391 				if ( cval )
392 					stamp.bv_len = cval - csn_str;
393 				else
394 					stamp.bv_len = end - csn_str;
395 				if ( ad ) {
396 					struct berval bv;
397 					stamp.bv_val = csn_str;
398 					if ( ad->ad_type->sat_syntax->ssyn_validate(
399 						ad->ad_type->sat_syntax, &stamp ) != LDAP_SUCCESS )
400 						break;
401 					if ( ad->ad_type->sat_equality->smr_normalize(
403 						ad->ad_type->sat_syntax,
404 						ad->ad_type->sat_equality,
405 						&stamp, &bv, memctx ) != LDAP_SUCCESS )
406 						break;
407 					cookie->delcsn = bv;
408 				}
409 				if ( cval ) {
410 					next = cval + 1;
411 				} else {
412 					next = end;
413 				}
414 				break;
415 			}
416 			continue;
417 		}
418 		next++;
419 	}
420 	if ( cookie->numcsns ) {
421 		cookie->sids = slap_parse_csn_sids( cookie->ctxcsn, cookie->numcsns,
422 			memctx );
423 		if ( cookie->numcsns > 1 )
424 			slap_sort_csn_sids( cookie->ctxcsn, cookie->sids, cookie->numcsns, memctx );
425 	}
426 	return 0;
427 }
429 /* count the numcsns and regenerate the list of SIDs in a recomposed cookie */
430 void
slap_reparse_sync_cookie(struct sync_cookie * cookie,void * memctx)431 slap_reparse_sync_cookie(
432 	struct sync_cookie *cookie,
433 	void *memctx )
434 {
435 	if ( cookie->ctxcsn ) {
436 		for (; !BER_BVISNULL( &cookie->ctxcsn[cookie->numcsns] ); cookie->numcsns++);
437 	}
438 	if ( cookie->numcsns ) {
439 		cookie->sids = slap_parse_csn_sids( cookie->ctxcsn, cookie->numcsns, NULL );
440 		if ( cookie->numcsns > 1 )
441 			slap_sort_csn_sids( cookie->ctxcsn, cookie->sids, cookie->numcsns, memctx );
442 	}
443 }
445 int
slap_init_sync_cookie_ctxcsn(struct sync_cookie * cookie)446 slap_init_sync_cookie_ctxcsn(
447 	struct sync_cookie *cookie
448 )
449 {
450 	char csnbuf[ LDAP_PVT_CSNSTR_BUFSIZE + 4 ];
451 	struct berval octet_str = BER_BVNULL;
452 	struct berval ctxcsn = BER_BVNULL;
454 	if ( cookie == NULL )
455 		return -1;
457 	octet_str.bv_len = snprintf( csnbuf, LDAP_PVT_CSNSTR_BUFSIZE + 4,
458 					"csn=%4d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dZ#%06x#%02x#%06x",
459 					1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
460 	octet_str.bv_val = csnbuf;
461 	ch_free( cookie->octet_str.bv_val );
462 	ber_dupbv( &cookie->octet_str, &octet_str );
464 	ctxcsn.bv_val = octet_str.bv_val + 4;
465 	ctxcsn.bv_len = octet_str.bv_len - 4;
466 	cookie->ctxcsn = NULL;
467 	value_add_one( &cookie->ctxcsn, &ctxcsn );
468 	cookie->numcsns = 1;
469 	cookie->sid = -1;
470 	BER_BVZERO( &cookie->delcsn );
472 	return 0;
473 }
475 struct sync_cookie *
slap_dup_sync_cookie(struct sync_cookie * dst,struct sync_cookie * src)476 slap_dup_sync_cookie(
477 	struct sync_cookie *dst,
478 	struct sync_cookie *src
479 )
480 {
481 	struct sync_cookie *new;
482 	int i;
484 	if ( src == NULL )
485 		return NULL;
487 	if ( dst ) {
488 		ber_bvarray_free( dst->ctxcsn );
489 		dst->ctxcsn = NULL;
490 		dst->sids = NULL;
491 		ch_free( dst->octet_str.bv_val );
492 		BER_BVZERO( &dst->octet_str );
493 		new = dst;
494 	} else {
495 		new = ( struct sync_cookie * )
496 				ch_calloc( 1, sizeof( struct sync_cookie ));
497 	}
499 	new->rid = src->rid;
500 	new->sid = src->sid;
501 	new->numcsns = src->numcsns;
503 	if ( src->numcsns ) {
504 		if ( ber_bvarray_dup_x( &new->ctxcsn, src->ctxcsn, NULL )) {
505 			if ( !dst ) {
506 				ch_free( new );
507 			}
508 			return NULL;
509 		}
510 		new->sids = ch_malloc( src->numcsns * sizeof(int) );
511 		for (i=0; i<src->numcsns; i++)
512 			new->sids[i] = src->sids[i];
513 	}
515 	if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &src->delcsn )) {
516 		ber_dupbv( &new->delcsn, &src->delcsn );
517 	}
519 	if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &src->octet_str )) {
520 		ber_dupbv( &new->octet_str, &src->octet_str );
521 	}
523 	return new;
524 }