1 /* Copyright 2010 IPB, INRIA & CNRS
2 **
3 ** This file originally comes from the Scotch software package for
4 ** static mapping, graph partitioning and sparse matrix ordering.
5 **
6 ** This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law
7 ** and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can
8 ** use, modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the
9 ** CeCILL-B license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
10 ** URL: "http://www.cecill.info".
11 **
12 ** As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
13 ** modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided
14 ** only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of
15 ** the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
16 ** liability.
17 **
18 ** In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
19 ** with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
20 ** software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
21 ** that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
22 ** therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
23 ** professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
24 ** encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards
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28 **
29 ** The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
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31 */
32 /************************************************************/
33 /**                                                        **/
34 /**   NAME       : fibo.h                                  **/
35 /**                                                        **/
36 /**   AUTHOR     : Francois PELLEGRINI                     **/
37 /**                                                        **/
38 /**   FUNCTION   : This module contains the definitions of **/
39 /**                the generic Fibonacci trees.            **/
40 /**                                                        **/
41 /**   DATES      : # Version 1.0  : from : 01 may 2010     **/
42 /**                                 to     12 may 2010     **/
43 /**                                                        **/
44 /**   NOTES      : # Since this module has originally been **/
45 /**                  designed as a gain keeping data       **/
46 /**                  structure for local optimization      **/
47 /**                  algorithms, the computation of the    **/
48 /**                  best node is only done when actually  **/
49 /**                  searching for it.                     **/
50 /**                  This is most useful when many         **/
51 /**                  insertions and deletions can take     **/
52 /**                  place in the mean time. This is why   **/
53 /**                  this data structure does not keep     **/
54 /**                  track of the best node, unlike most   **/
55 /**                  implementations do.                   **/
56 /**                                                        **/
57 /************************************************************/
59 /*
60 **  The type and structure definitions.
61 */
63 /* The doubly linked list structure. */
65 typedef struct FiboLink_ {
66   struct FiboNode_ *        prevptr;              /*+ Pointer to previous sibling element +*/
67   struct FiboNode_ *        nextptr;              /*+ Pointer to next sibling element     +*/
68 } FiboLink;
70 /* The tree node data structure. The deflval
71    variable merges degree and flag variables.
72    The degree of a node is smaller than
73    "bitsizeof (INT)", so it can hold on an
74    "int". The flag value is stored in the
75    lowest bit of the value.                   */
78 typedef struct FiboNode_ {
79   struct FiboNode_ *        pareptr;              /*+ Pointer to parent element, if any                +*/
80   struct FiboNode_ *        chldptr;              /*+ Pointer to first child element, if any           +*/
81   FiboLink                  linkdat;              /*+ Pointers to sibling elements                     +*/
82   int                       deflval;              /*+ Lowest bit: flag value; other bits: degree value +*/
83 } FiboNode;
85 /* The tree data structure. The fake dummy node aims
86    at handling root node insertion without any test.
87    This is important as many insertions have to be
88    performed.                                        */
90 typedef struct FiboTree_ {
91   FiboNode                  rootdat;              /*+ Dummy node for fast root insertion                      +*/
92   FiboNode ** restrict      degrtab;              /*+ Consolidation array of size "bitsizeof (INT)"           +*/
93   int                    (* cmpfptr) (const FiboNode * const, const FiboNode * const); /*+ Comparison routine +*/
94 } FiboTree;
96 /*
97 **  The marco definitions.
98 */
100 /* This is the core of the module. All of
101    the algorithms have been de-recursived
102    and written as macros.                 */
104 #define fiboTreeLinkAfter(o,n)      do {                              \
105                                       FiboNode *        nextptr;      \
106                                       nextptr = (o)->linkdat.nextptr; \
107                                       (n)->linkdat.nextptr = nextptr; \
108                                       (n)->linkdat.prevptr = (o);     \
109                                       nextptr->linkdat.prevptr = (n); \
110                                       (o)->linkdat.nextptr = (n);     \
111                                     } while (0)
113 #define fiboTreeUnlink(n)           do {                                                            \
114                                       (n)->linkdat.prevptr->linkdat.nextptr = (n)->linkdat.nextptr; \
115                                       (n)->linkdat.nextptr->linkdat.prevptr = (n)->linkdat.prevptr; \
116                                     } while (0)
118 #define fiboTreeAddMacro(t,n)       do {                                        \
119                                       (n)->pareptr = NULL;                      \
120                                       (n)->chldptr = NULL;                      \
121                                       (n)->deflval = 0;                         \
122                                       fiboTreeLinkAfter (&((t)->rootdat), (n)); \
123   } while (0)
125 #define fiboTreeMinMacro(t)         (fiboTreeConsolidate (t))
127 #define fiboTreeCutChildren(t,n)    do {                                                \
128                                       FiboNode *        chldptr;                        \
129                                       chldptr = (n)->chldptr;                           \
130                                       if (chldptr != NULL) {                            \
131                                         FiboNode *        cendptr;                      \
132                                         cendptr = chldptr;                              \
133                                         do {                                            \
134                                           FiboNode *        nextptr;                    \
135                                           nextptr = chldptr->linkdat.nextptr;           \
136                                           chldptr->pareptr = NULL;                      \
137                                           fiboTreeLinkAfter (&((t)->rootdat), chldptr); \
138                                           chldptr = nextptr;                            \
139                                         } while (chldptr != cendptr);                   \
140                                       }                                                 \
141                                     } while (0)
143 #define fiboTreeDelMacro(t,n)       do {                                                    \
144                                       FiboNode *        pareptr;                            \
145                                       FiboNode *        rghtptr;                            \
146                                       pareptr = (n)->pareptr;                               \
147                                       fiboTreeUnlink (n);                                   \
148                                       fiboTreeCutChildren ((t), (n));                       \
149                                       if (pareptr == NULL)                                  \
150                                         break;                                              \
151                                       rghtptr = (n)->linkdat.nextptr;                       \
152                                       while (1) {                                           \
153                                         FiboNode *        gdpaptr;                          \
154                                         int               deflval;                          \
155                                         deflval = pareptr->deflval - 2;                     \
156                                         pareptr->deflval = deflval | 1;                     \
157                                         gdpaptr = pareptr->pareptr;                         \
158                                         pareptr->chldptr = (deflval <= 1) ? NULL : rghtptr; \
159                                         if (((deflval & 1) == 0) || (gdpaptr == NULL))      \
160                                           break;                                            \
161                                         rghtptr = pareptr->linkdat.nextptr;                 \
162                                         fiboTreeUnlink (pareptr);                           \
163                                         pareptr->pareptr = NULL;                            \
164                                         fiboTreeLinkAfter (&((t)->rootdat), pareptr);       \
165                                         pareptr = gdpaptr;                                  \
166                                       }                                                     \
167                                     } while (0)
169 /*
170 **  The function prototypes.
171 */
173 /* This set of definitions allows the user
174    to specify whether he prefers to use
175    the fibonacci routines as macros or as
176    regular functions, for instance for
177    debugging.                             */
179 #define fiboTreeAdd                 fiboTreeAddMacro
180 /* #define fiboTreeDel              fiboTreeDelMacro */
181 /* #define fiboTreeMin              fiboTreeMinMacro */
183 #ifndef FIBO
184 #define static
185 #endif
187 int                         fiboTreeInit        (FiboTree * const, int (*) (const FiboNode * const, const FiboNode * const));
188 void                        fiboTreeExit        (FiboTree * const);
189 void                        fiboTreeFree        (FiboTree * const);
190 FiboNode *                  fiboTreeConsolidate (FiboTree * const);
191 #ifndef fiboTreeAdd
192 void                        fiboTreeAdd         (FiboTree * const, FiboNode * const);
193 #endif /* fiboTreeAdd */
194 #ifndef fiboTreeDel
195 void                        fiboTreeDel         (FiboTree * const, FiboNode * const);
196 #endif /* fiboTreeDel */
197 #ifndef fiboTreeMin
198 FiboNode *                  fiboTreeMin         (FiboTree * const);
199 #endif /* fiboTreeMin */
200 #ifdef FIBO_DEBUG
201 int                         fiboTreeCheck       (const FiboTree * const);
202 static int                  fiboTreeCheck2      (const FiboNode * const);
203 #endif /* FIBO_DEBUG */
205 #undef static