1 // Copyright 2015 The Servo Project Developers. See the
2 // COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution.
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
5 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
6 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
7 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
8 // except according to those terms.
10 //! This crate implements the [Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm][tr9] for display of mixed
11 //! right-to-left and left-to-right text.  It is written in safe Rust, compatible with the
12 //! current stable release.
13 //!
14 //! ## Example
15 //!
16 //! ```rust
17 //! use unicode_bidi::BidiInfo;
18 //!
19 //! // This example text is defined using `concat!` because some browsers
20 //! // and text editors have trouble displaying bidi strings.
21 //! let text = concat![
22 //!   "א",
23 //!   "ב",
24 //!   "ג",
25 //!   "a",
26 //!   "b",
27 //!   "c",
28 //! ];
29 //!
30 //! // Resolve embedding levels within the text.  Pass `None` to detect the
31 //! // paragraph level automatically.
32 //! let bidi_info = BidiInfo::new(&text, None);
33 //!
34 //! // This paragraph has embedding level 1 because its first strong character is RTL.
35 //! assert_eq!(bidi_info.paragraphs.len(), 1);
36 //! let para = &bidi_info.paragraphs[0];
37 //! assert_eq!(para.level.number(), 1);
38 //! assert_eq!(para.level.is_rtl(), true);
39 //!
40 //! // Re-ordering is done after wrapping each paragraph into a sequence of
41 //! // lines. For this example, I'll just use a single line that spans the
42 //! // entire paragraph.
43 //! let line = para.range.clone();
44 //!
45 //! let display = bidi_info.reorder_line(para, line);
46 //! assert_eq!(display, concat![
47 //!   "a",
48 //!   "b",
49 //!   "c",
50 //!   "ג",
51 //!   "ב",
52 //!   "א",
53 //! ]);
54 //! ```
55 //!
56 //! # Features
57 //!
58 //! - `std`: Enabled by default, but can be disabled to make `unicode_bidi`
59 //!   `#![no_std]` + `alloc` compatible.
60 //! - `serde`: Adds [`serde::Serialize`] and [`serde::Deserialize`]
61 //!   implementations to relevant types.
62 //!
63 //! [tr9]: <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/>
65 #![forbid(unsafe_code)]
67 #![no_std]
68 // We need to link to std to make doc tests work on older Rust versions
69 #![cfg(feature = "std")]
70 extern crate std;
71 #[macro_use]
72 extern crate alloc;
74 pub mod deprecated;
75 pub mod format_chars;
76 pub mod level;
78 mod char_data;
79 mod explicit;
80 mod implicit;
81 mod prepare;
83 pub use crate::char_data::{BidiClass, bidi_class, UNICODE_VERSION};
84 pub use crate::level::{Level, LTR_LEVEL, RTL_LEVEL};
85 pub use crate::prepare::LevelRun;
87 use alloc::borrow::Cow;
88 use alloc::vec::Vec;
89 use alloc::string::String;
90 use core::cmp::{max, min};
91 use core::iter::repeat;
92 use core::ops::Range;
94 use crate::BidiClass::*;
95 use crate::format_chars as chars;
97 /// Bidi information about a single paragraph
98 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
99 pub struct ParagraphInfo {
100     /// The paragraphs boundaries within the text, as byte indices.
101     ///
102     /// TODO: Shrink this to only include the starting index?
103     pub range: Range<usize>,
105     /// The paragraph embedding level.
106     ///
107     /// <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/#BD4>
108     pub level: Level,
109 }
111 /// Initial bidi information of the text.
112 ///
113 /// Contains the text paragraphs and `BidiClass` of its characters.
114 #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
115 pub struct InitialInfo<'text> {
116     /// The text
117     pub text: &'text str,
119     /// The BidiClass of the character at each byte in the text.
120     /// If a character is multiple bytes, its class will appear multiple times in the vector.
121     pub original_classes: Vec<BidiClass>,
123     /// The boundaries and level of each paragraph within the text.
124     pub paragraphs: Vec<ParagraphInfo>,
125 }
127 impl<'text> InitialInfo<'text> {
128     /// Find the paragraphs and BidiClasses in a string of text.
129     ///
130     /// <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/#The_Paragraph_Level>
131     ///
132     /// Also sets the class for each First Strong Isolate initiator (FSI) to LRI or RLI if a strong
133     /// character is found before the matching PDI.  If no strong character is found, the class will
134     /// remain FSI, and it's up to later stages to treat these as LRI when needed.
135     #[cfg_attr(feature = "flame_it", flamer::flame)]
new(text: &str, default_para_level: Option<Level>) -> InitialInfo<'_>136     pub fn new(text: &str, default_para_level: Option<Level>) -> InitialInfo<'_> {
137         let mut original_classes = Vec::with_capacity(text.len());
139         // The stack contains the starting byte index for each nested isolate we're inside.
140         let mut isolate_stack = Vec::new();
141         let mut paragraphs = Vec::new();
143         let mut para_start = 0;
144         let mut para_level = default_para_level;
146         #[cfg(feature = "flame_it")] flame::start("InitialInfo::new(): iter text.char_indices()");
148         for (i, c) in text.char_indices() {
149             let class = bidi_class(c);
151             #[cfg(feature = "flame_it")] flame::start("original_classes.extend()");
153             original_classes.extend(repeat(class).take(c.len_utf8()));
155             #[cfg(feature = "flame_it")] flame::end("original_classes.extend()");
157             match class {
159                 B => {
160                     // P1. Split the text into separate paragraphs. The paragraph separator is kept
161                     // with the previous paragraph.
162                     let para_end = i + c.len_utf8();
163                     paragraphs.push(ParagraphInfo {
164                         range: para_start..para_end,
165                         // P3. If no character is found in p2, set the paragraph level to zero.
166                         level: para_level.unwrap_or(LTR_LEVEL),
167                     });
168                     // Reset state for the start of the next paragraph.
169                     para_start = para_end;
170                     // TODO: Support defaulting to direction of previous paragraph
171                     //
172                     // <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/#HL1>
173                     para_level = default_para_level;
174                     isolate_stack.clear();
175                 }
177                 L | R | AL => {
178                     match isolate_stack.last() {
179                         Some(&start) => {
180                             if original_classes[start] == FSI {
181                                 // X5c. If the first strong character between FSI and its matching
182                                 // PDI is R or AL, treat it as RLI. Otherwise, treat it as LRI.
183                                 for j in 0..chars::FSI.len_utf8() {
184                                     original_classes[start + j] =
185                                         if class == L { LRI } else { RLI };
186                                 }
187                             }
188                         }
190                         None => {
191                             if para_level.is_none() {
192                                 // P2. Find the first character of type L, AL, or R, while skipping
193                                 // any characters between an isolate initiator and its matching
194                                 // PDI.
195                                 para_level = Some(if class != L { RTL_LEVEL } else { LTR_LEVEL });
196                             }
197                         }
198                     }
199                 }
201                 RLI | LRI | FSI => {
202                     isolate_stack.push(i);
203                 }
205                 PDI => {
206                     isolate_stack.pop();
207                 }
209                 _ => {}
210             }
211         }
212         if para_start < text.len() {
213             paragraphs.push(ParagraphInfo {
214                 range: para_start..text.len(),
215                 level: para_level.unwrap_or(LTR_LEVEL),
216             });
217         }
218         assert_eq!(original_classes.len(), text.len());
220         #[cfg(feature = "flame_it")] flame::end("InitialInfo::new(): iter text.char_indices()");
222         InitialInfo {
223             text,
224             original_classes,
225             paragraphs,
226         }
227     }
228 }
230 /// Bidi information of the text.
231 ///
232 /// The `original_classes` and `levels` vectors are indexed by byte offsets into the text.  If a
233 /// character is multiple bytes wide, then its class and level will appear multiple times in these
234 /// vectors.
235 // TODO: Impl `struct StringProperty<T> { values: Vec<T> }` and use instead of Vec<T>
236 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
237 pub struct BidiInfo<'text> {
238     /// The text
239     pub text: &'text str,
241     /// The BidiClass of the character at each byte in the text.
242     pub original_classes: Vec<BidiClass>,
244     /// The directional embedding level of each byte in the text.
245     pub levels: Vec<Level>,
247     /// The boundaries and paragraph embedding level of each paragraph within the text.
248     ///
249     /// TODO: Use SmallVec or similar to avoid overhead when there are only one or two paragraphs?
250     /// Or just don't include the first paragraph, which always starts at 0?
251     pub paragraphs: Vec<ParagraphInfo>,
252 }
254 impl<'text> BidiInfo<'text> {
255     /// Split the text into paragraphs and determine the bidi embedding levels for each paragraph.
256     ///
257     /// TODO: In early steps, check for special cases that allow later steps to be skipped. like
258     /// text that is entirely LTR.  See the `nsBidi` class from Gecko for comparison.
259     ///
260     /// TODO: Support auto-RTL base direction
261     #[cfg_attr(feature = "flame_it", flamer::flame)]
new(text: &str, default_para_level: Option<Level>) -> BidiInfo<'_>262     pub fn new(text: &str, default_para_level: Option<Level>) -> BidiInfo<'_> {
263         let InitialInfo {
264             original_classes,
265             paragraphs,
266             ..
267         } = InitialInfo::new(text, default_para_level);
269         let mut levels = Vec::<Level>::with_capacity(text.len());
270         let mut processing_classes = original_classes.clone();
272         for para in &paragraphs {
273             let text = &text[para.range.clone()];
274             let original_classes = &original_classes[para.range.clone()];
275             let processing_classes = &mut processing_classes[para.range.clone()];
277             let new_len = levels.len() + para.range.len();
278             levels.resize(new_len, para.level);
279             let levels = &mut levels[para.range.clone()];
281             explicit::compute(
282                 text,
283                 para.level,
284                 original_classes,
285                 levels,
286                 processing_classes,
287             );
289             let sequences = prepare::isolating_run_sequences(para.level, original_classes, levels);
290             for sequence in &sequences {
291                 implicit::resolve_weak(sequence, processing_classes);
292                 implicit::resolve_neutral(sequence, levels, processing_classes);
293             }
294             implicit::resolve_levels(processing_classes, levels);
296             assign_levels_to_removed_chars(para.level, original_classes, levels);
297         }
299         BidiInfo {
300             text,
301             original_classes,
302             paragraphs,
303             levels,
304         }
305     }
307     /// Re-order a line based on resolved levels and return only the embedding levels, one `Level`
308     /// per *byte*.
309     #[cfg_attr(feature = "flame_it", flamer::flame)]
reordered_levels(&self, para: &ParagraphInfo, line: Range<usize>) -> Vec<Level>310     pub fn reordered_levels(&self, para: &ParagraphInfo, line: Range<usize>) -> Vec<Level> {
311         let (levels, _) = self.visual_runs(para, line);
312         levels
313     }
315     /// Re-order a line based on resolved levels and return only the embedding levels, one `Level`
316     /// per *character*.
317     #[cfg_attr(feature = "flame_it", flamer::flame)]
reordered_levels_per_char( &self, para: &ParagraphInfo, line: Range<usize>, ) -> Vec<Level>318     pub fn reordered_levels_per_char(
319         &self,
320         para: &ParagraphInfo,
321         line: Range<usize>,
322     ) -> Vec<Level> {
323         let levels = self.reordered_levels(para, line);
324         self.text.char_indices().map(|(i, _)| levels[i]).collect()
325     }
328     /// Re-order a line based on resolved levels and return the line in display order.
329     #[cfg_attr(feature = "flame_it", flamer::flame)]
reorder_line(&self, para: &ParagraphInfo, line: Range<usize>) -> Cow<'text, str>330     pub fn reorder_line(&self, para: &ParagraphInfo, line: Range<usize>) -> Cow<'text, str> {
331         let (levels, runs) = self.visual_runs(para, line.clone());
333         // If all isolating run sequences are LTR, no reordering is needed
334         if runs.iter().all(|run| levels[run.start].is_ltr()) {
335             return self.text[line].into();
336         }
338         let mut result = String::with_capacity(line.len());
339         for run in runs {
340             if levels[run.start].is_rtl() {
341                 result.extend(self.text[run].chars().rev());
342             } else {
343                 result.push_str(&self.text[run]);
344             }
345         }
346         result.into()
347     }
349     /// Find the level runs within a line and return them in visual order.
350     ///
351     /// `line` is a range of bytes indices within `levels`.
352     ///
353     /// <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/#Reordering_Resolved_Levels>
354     #[cfg_attr(feature = "flame_it", flamer::flame)]
visual_runs( &self, para: &ParagraphInfo, line: Range<usize>, ) -> (Vec<Level>, Vec<LevelRun>)355     pub fn visual_runs(
356         &self,
357         para: &ParagraphInfo,
358         line: Range<usize>,
359     ) -> (Vec<Level>, Vec<LevelRun>) {
360         assert!(line.start <= self.levels.len());
361         assert!(line.end <= self.levels.len());
363         let mut levels = self.levels.clone();
364         let line_classes = &self.original_classes[line.clone()];
365         let line_levels = &mut levels[line.clone()];
367         // Reset some whitespace chars to paragraph level.
368         // <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/#L1>
369         let line_str: &str = &self.text[line.clone()];
370         let mut reset_from: Option<usize> = Some(0);
371         let mut reset_to: Option<usize> = None;
372         for (i, c) in line_str.char_indices() {
373             match line_classes[i] {
374                 // Ignored by X9
375                 RLE | LRE | RLO | LRO | PDF | BN => {}
376                 // Segment separator, Paragraph separator
377                 B | S => {
378                     assert_eq!(reset_to, None);
379                     reset_to = Some(i + c.len_utf8());
380                     if reset_from == None {
381                         reset_from = Some(i);
382                     }
383                 }
384                 // Whitespace, isolate formatting
385                 WS | FSI | LRI | RLI | PDI => {
386                     if reset_from == None {
387                         reset_from = Some(i);
388                     }
389                 }
390                 _ => {
391                     reset_from = None;
392                 }
393             }
394             if let (Some(from), Some(to)) = (reset_from, reset_to) {
395                 for level in &mut line_levels[from..to] {
396                     *level = para.level;
397                 }
398                 reset_from = None;
399                 reset_to = None;
400             }
401         }
402         if let Some(from) = reset_from {
403             for level in &mut line_levels[from..] {
404                 *level = para.level;
405             }
406         }
408         // Find consecutive level runs.
409         let mut runs = Vec::new();
410         let mut start = line.start;
411         let mut run_level = levels[start];
412         let mut min_level = run_level;
413         let mut max_level = run_level;
415         for (i, &new_level) in levels.iter().enumerate().take(line.end).skip(start + 1) {
416             if new_level != run_level {
417                 // End of the previous run, start of a new one.
418                 runs.push(start..i);
419                 start = i;
420                 run_level = new_level;
421                 min_level = min(run_level, min_level);
422                 max_level = max(run_level, max_level);
423             }
424         }
425         runs.push(start..line.end);
427         let run_count = runs.len();
429         // Re-order the odd runs.
430         // <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/#L2>
432         // Stop at the lowest *odd* level.
433         min_level = min_level.new_lowest_ge_rtl().expect("Level error");
435         while max_level >= min_level {
436             // Look for the start of a sequence of consecutive runs of max_level or higher.
437             let mut seq_start = 0;
438             while seq_start < run_count {
439                 if self.levels[runs[seq_start].start] < max_level {
440                     seq_start += 1;
441                     continue;
442                 }
444                 // Found the start of a sequence. Now find the end.
445                 let mut seq_end = seq_start + 1;
446                 while seq_end < run_count {
447                     if self.levels[runs[seq_end].start] < max_level {
448                         break;
449                     }
450                     seq_end += 1;
451                 }
453                 // Reverse the runs within this sequence.
454                 runs[seq_start..seq_end].reverse();
456                 seq_start = seq_end;
457             }
458             max_level.lower(1).expect(
459                 "Lowering embedding level below zero",
460             );
461         }
463         (levels, runs)
464     }
466     /// If processed text has any computed RTL levels
467     ///
468     /// This information is usually used to skip re-ordering of text when no RTL level is present
469     #[inline]
has_rtl(&self) -> bool470     pub fn has_rtl(&self) -> bool {
471         level::has_rtl(&self.levels)
472     }
473 }
475 /// Assign levels to characters removed by rule X9.
476 ///
477 /// The levels assigned to these characters are not specified by the algorithm.  This function
478 /// assigns each one the level of the previous character, to avoid breaking level runs.
479 #[cfg_attr(feature = "flame_it", flamer::flame)]
assign_levels_to_removed_chars(para_level: Level, classes: &[BidiClass], levels: &mut [Level])480 fn assign_levels_to_removed_chars(para_level: Level, classes: &[BidiClass], levels: &mut [Level]) {
481     for i in 0..levels.len() {
482         if prepare::removed_by_x9(classes[i]) {
483             levels[i] = if i > 0 { levels[i - 1] } else { para_level };
484         }
485     }
486 }
489 #[cfg(test)]
490 mod tests {
491     use super::*;
493     #[test]
test_initial_text_info()494     fn test_initial_text_info() {
495         let text = "a1";
496         assert_eq!(
497             InitialInfo::new(text, None),
498             InitialInfo {
499                 text,
500                 original_classes: vec![L, EN],
501                 paragraphs: vec![
502                     ParagraphInfo {
503                         range: 0..2,
504                         level: LTR_LEVEL,
505                     },
506                 ],
507             }
508         );
510         let text = "غ א";
511         assert_eq!(
512             InitialInfo::new(text, None),
513             InitialInfo {
514                 text,
515                 original_classes: vec![AL, AL, WS, R, R],
516                 paragraphs: vec![
517                     ParagraphInfo {
518                         range: 0..5,
519                         level: RTL_LEVEL,
520                     },
521                 ],
522             }
523         );
525         let text = "a\u{2029}b";
526         assert_eq!(
527             InitialInfo::new(text, None),
528             InitialInfo {
529                 text,
530                 original_classes: vec![L, B, B, B, L],
531                 paragraphs: vec![
532                     ParagraphInfo {
533                         range: 0..4,
534                         level: LTR_LEVEL,
535                     },
536                     ParagraphInfo {
537                         range: 4..5,
538                         level: LTR_LEVEL,
539                     },
540                 ],
541             }
542         );
544         let text = format!("{}א{}a", chars::FSI, chars::PDI);
545         assert_eq!(
546             InitialInfo::new(&text, None),
547             InitialInfo {
548                 text: &text,
549                 original_classes: vec![RLI, RLI, RLI, R, R, PDI, PDI, PDI, L],
550                 paragraphs: vec![
551                     ParagraphInfo {
552                         range: 0..9,
553                         level: LTR_LEVEL,
554                     },
555                 ],
556             }
557         );
558     }
560     #[test]
test_process_text()561     fn test_process_text() {
562         let text = "abc123";
563         assert_eq!(
564             BidiInfo::new(text, Some(LTR_LEVEL)),
565             BidiInfo {
566                 text,
567                 levels: Level::vec(&[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
568                 original_classes: vec![L, L, L, EN, EN, EN],
569                 paragraphs: vec![
570                     ParagraphInfo {
571                         range: 0..6,
572                         level: LTR_LEVEL,
573                     },
574                 ],
575             }
576         );
578         let text = "abc אבג";
579         assert_eq!(
580             BidiInfo::new(text, Some(LTR_LEVEL)),
581             BidiInfo {
582                 text,
583                 levels: Level::vec(&[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]),
584                 original_classes: vec![L, L, L, WS, R, R, R, R, R, R],
585                 paragraphs: vec![
586                     ParagraphInfo {
587                         range: 0..10,
588                         level: LTR_LEVEL,
589                     },
590                 ],
591             }
592         );
593         assert_eq!(
594             BidiInfo::new(text, Some(RTL_LEVEL)),
595             BidiInfo {
596                 text,
597                 levels: Level::vec(&[2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]),
598                 original_classes: vec![L, L, L, WS, R, R, R, R, R, R],
599                 paragraphs: vec![
600                     ParagraphInfo {
601                         range: 0..10,
602                         level: RTL_LEVEL,
603                     },
604                 ],
605             }
606         );
608         let text = "אבג abc";
609         assert_eq!(
610             BidiInfo::new(text, Some(LTR_LEVEL)),
611             BidiInfo {
612                 text,
613                 levels: Level::vec(&[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
614                 original_classes: vec![R, R, R, R, R, R, WS, L, L, L],
615                 paragraphs: vec![
616                     ParagraphInfo {
617                         range: 0..10,
618                         level: LTR_LEVEL,
619                     },
620                 ],
621             }
622         );
623         assert_eq!(
624             BidiInfo::new(text, None),
625             BidiInfo {
626                 text,
627                 levels: Level::vec(&[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]),
628                 original_classes: vec![R, R, R, R, R, R, WS, L, L, L],
629                 paragraphs: vec![
630                     ParagraphInfo {
631                         range: 0..10,
632                         level: RTL_LEVEL,
633                     },
634                 ],
635             }
636         );
638         let text = "غ2ظ א2ג";
639         assert_eq!(
640             BidiInfo::new(text, Some(LTR_LEVEL)),
641             BidiInfo {
642                 text,
643                 levels: Level::vec(&[1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1]),
644                 original_classes: vec![AL, AL, EN, AL, AL, WS, R, R, EN, R, R],
645                 paragraphs: vec![
646                     ParagraphInfo {
647                         range: 0..11,
648                         level: LTR_LEVEL,
649                     },
650                 ],
651             }
652         );
654         let text = "a א.\nג";
655         assert_eq!(
656             BidiInfo::new(text, None),
657             BidiInfo {
658                 text,
659                 original_classes: vec![L, WS, R, R, CS, B, R, R],
660                 levels: Level::vec(&[0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1]),
661                 paragraphs: vec![
662                     ParagraphInfo {
663                         range: 0..6,
664                         level: LTR_LEVEL,
665                     },
666                     ParagraphInfo {
667                         range: 6..8,
668                         level: RTL_LEVEL,
669                     },
670                 ],
671             }
672         );
674         // BidiTest:69635 (AL ET EN)
675         let bidi_info = BidiInfo::new("\u{060B}\u{20CF}\u{06F9}", None);
676         assert_eq!(bidi_info.original_classes, vec![AL, AL, ET, ET, ET, EN, EN]);
677     }
679     #[test]
test_bidi_info_has_rtl()680     fn test_bidi_info_has_rtl() {
681         // ASCII only
682         assert_eq!(BidiInfo::new("123", None).has_rtl(), false);
683         assert_eq!(BidiInfo::new("123", Some(LTR_LEVEL)).has_rtl(), false);
684         assert_eq!(BidiInfo::new("123", Some(RTL_LEVEL)).has_rtl(), false);
685         assert_eq!(BidiInfo::new("abc", None).has_rtl(), false);
686         assert_eq!(BidiInfo::new("abc", Some(LTR_LEVEL)).has_rtl(), false);
687         assert_eq!(BidiInfo::new("abc", Some(RTL_LEVEL)).has_rtl(), false);
688         assert_eq!(BidiInfo::new("abc 123", None).has_rtl(), false);
689         assert_eq!(BidiInfo::new("abc\n123", None).has_rtl(), false);
691         // With Hebrew
692         assert_eq!(BidiInfo::new("אבּג", None).has_rtl(), true);
693         assert_eq!(BidiInfo::new("אבּג", Some(LTR_LEVEL)).has_rtl(), true);
694         assert_eq!(BidiInfo::new("אבּג", Some(RTL_LEVEL)).has_rtl(), true);
695         assert_eq!(BidiInfo::new("abc אבּג", None).has_rtl(), true);
696         assert_eq!(BidiInfo::new("abc\nאבּג", None).has_rtl(), true);
697         assert_eq!(BidiInfo::new("אבּג abc", None).has_rtl(), true);
698         assert_eq!(BidiInfo::new("אבּג\nabc", None).has_rtl(), true);
699         assert_eq!(BidiInfo::new("אבּג 123", None).has_rtl(), true);
700         assert_eq!(BidiInfo::new("אבּג\n123", None).has_rtl(), true);
701     }
reorder_paras(text: &str) -> Vec<Cow<'_, str>>703     fn reorder_paras(text: &str) -> Vec<Cow<'_, str>> {
704         let bidi_info = BidiInfo::new(text, None);
705         bidi_info
706             .paragraphs
707             .iter()
708             .map(|para| bidi_info.reorder_line(para, para.range.clone()))
709             .collect()
710     }
712     #[test]
test_reorder_line()713     fn test_reorder_line() {
714         // Bidi_Class: L L L B L L L B L L L
715         assert_eq!(
716             reorder_paras("abc\ndef\nghi"),
717             vec!["abc\n", "def\n", "ghi"]
718         );
720         // Bidi_Class: L L EN B L L EN B L L EN
721         assert_eq!(
722             reorder_paras("ab1\nde2\ngh3"),
723             vec!["ab1\n", "de2\n", "gh3"]
724         );
726         // Bidi_Class: L L L B AL AL AL
727         assert_eq!(reorder_paras("abc\nابج"), vec!["abc\n", "جبا"]);
729         // Bidi_Class: AL AL AL B L L L
730         assert_eq!(reorder_paras("ابج\nabc"), vec!["\nجبا", "abc"]);
732         assert_eq!(reorder_paras("1.-2"), vec!["1.-2"]);
733         assert_eq!(reorder_paras("1-.2"), vec!["1-.2"]);
734         assert_eq!(reorder_paras("abc אבג"), vec!["abc גבא"]);
736         // Numbers being weak LTR characters, cannot reorder strong RTL
737         assert_eq!(reorder_paras("123 אבג"), vec!["גבא 123"]);
739         assert_eq!(reorder_paras("abc\u{202A}def"), vec!["abc\u{202A}def"]);
741         assert_eq!(
742             reorder_paras("abc\u{202A}def\u{202C}ghi"),
743             vec!["abc\u{202A}def\u{202C}ghi"]
744         );
746         assert_eq!(
747             reorder_paras("abc\u{2066}def\u{2069}ghi"),
748             vec!["abc\u{2066}def\u{2069}ghi"]
749         );
751         // Testing for RLE Character
752         assert_eq!(
753             reorder_paras("\u{202B}abc אבג\u{202C}"),
754             vec!["\u{202B}\u{202C}גבא abc"]
755         );
757         // Testing neutral characters
758         assert_eq!(reorder_paras("אבג? אבג"), vec!["גבא ?גבא"]);
760         // Testing neutral characters with special case
761         assert_eq!(reorder_paras("A אבג?"), vec!["A גבא?"]);
763         // Testing neutral characters with Implicit RTL Marker
764         assert_eq!(
765             reorder_paras("A אבג?\u{200F}"),
766             vec!["A \u{200F}?גבא"]
767         );
768         assert_eq!(reorder_paras("אבג abc"), vec!["abc גבא"]);
769         assert_eq!(
770             reorder_paras("abc\u{2067}.-\u{2069}ghi"),
771             vec!["abc\u{2067}-.\u{2069}ghi"]
772         );
774         assert_eq!(
775             reorder_paras("Hello, \u{2068}\u{202E}world\u{202C}\u{2069}!"),
776             vec!["Hello, \u{2068}\u{202E}\u{202C}dlrow\u{2069}!"]
777         );
779         // With mirrorable characters in RTL run
780         assert_eq!(reorder_paras("א(ב)ג."), vec![".ג)ב(א"]);
782         // With mirrorable characters on level boundry
783         assert_eq!(
784             reorder_paras("אב(גד[&ef].)gh"),
785             vec!["ef].)gh&[דג(בא"]
786         );
787     }
reordered_levels_for_paras(text: &str) -> Vec<Vec<Level>>789     fn reordered_levels_for_paras(text: &str) -> Vec<Vec<Level>> {
790         let bidi_info = BidiInfo::new(text, None);
791         bidi_info
792             .paragraphs
793             .iter()
794             .map(|para| bidi_info.reordered_levels(para, para.range.clone()))
795             .collect()
796     }
reordered_levels_per_char_for_paras(text: &str) -> Vec<Vec<Level>>798     fn reordered_levels_per_char_for_paras(text: &str) -> Vec<Vec<Level>> {
799         let bidi_info = BidiInfo::new(text, None);
800         bidi_info
801             .paragraphs
802             .iter()
803             .map(|para| {
804                 bidi_info.reordered_levels_per_char(para, para.range.clone())
805             })
806             .collect()
807     }
809     #[test]
test_reordered_levels()810     fn test_reordered_levels() {
812         // BidiTest:946 (LRI PDI)
813         let text = "\u{2067}\u{2069}";
814         assert_eq!(
815             reordered_levels_for_paras(text),
816             vec![Level::vec(&[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])]
817         );
818         assert_eq!(
819             reordered_levels_per_char_for_paras(text),
820             vec![Level::vec(&[0, 0])]
821         );
823         let text = "aa טֶ";
824         let bidi_info = BidiInfo::new(text, None);
825         assert_eq!(
826             bidi_info.reordered_levels(&bidi_info.paragraphs[0], 3..7),
827             Level::vec(&[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]),
828         )
830         /* TODO
831         /// BidiTest:69635 (AL ET EN)
832         let text = "\u{060B}\u{20CF}\u{06F9}";
833         assert_eq!(
834             reordered_levels_for_paras(text),
835             vec![Level::vec(&[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2])]
836         );
837         assert_eq!(
838             reordered_levels_per_char_for_paras(text),
839             vec![Level::vec(&[1, 1, 2])]
840         );
841          */
843         /* TODO
844         // BidiTest:291284 (AN RLI PDF R)
845         assert_eq!(
846             reordered_levels_per_char_for_paras("\u{0605}\u{2067}\u{202C}\u{0590}"),
847             vec![&["2", "0", "x", "1"]]
848         );
849          */
850     }
851 }
854 #[cfg(all(feature = "serde", test))]
855 mod serde_tests {
856     use serde_test::{Token, assert_tokens};
857     use super::*;
859     #[test]
test_levels()860     fn test_levels() {
861         let text = "abc אבג";
862         let bidi_info = BidiInfo::new(text, None);
863         let levels = bidi_info.levels;
864         assert_eq!(text.as_bytes().len(), 10);
865         assert_eq!(levels.len(), 10);
866         assert_tokens(
867             &levels,
868             &[
869                 Token::Seq { len: Some(10) },
870                 Token::NewtypeStruct { name: "Level" },
871                 Token::U8(0),
872                 Token::NewtypeStruct { name: "Level" },
873                 Token::U8(0),
874                 Token::NewtypeStruct { name: "Level" },
875                 Token::U8(0),
876                 Token::NewtypeStruct { name: "Level" },
877                 Token::U8(0),
878                 Token::NewtypeStruct { name: "Level" },
879                 Token::U8(1),
880                 Token::NewtypeStruct { name: "Level" },
881                 Token::U8(1),
882                 Token::NewtypeStruct { name: "Level" },
883                 Token::U8(1),
884                 Token::NewtypeStruct { name: "Level" },
885                 Token::U8(1),
886                 Token::NewtypeStruct { name: "Level" },
887                 Token::U8(1),
888                 Token::NewtypeStruct { name: "Level" },
889                 Token::U8(1),
890                 Token::SeqEnd,
891             ],
892         );
893     }
894 }