1 /* summary.c
2  * Routines for capture file summary info
3  *
4  * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
5  * By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
6  * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
7  *
8  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
9  */
11 #include <config.h>
13 #include <wiretap/pcap-encap.h>
14 #include <wiretap/wtap_opttypes.h>
16 #include <epan/packet.h>
17 #include <wsutil/file_util.h>
18 #include <wsutil/wsgcrypt.h>
19 #include "cfile.h"
20 #include "ui/summary.h"
22 // Strongest to weakest
23 #define HASH_SIZE_SHA256 32
24 #define HASH_SIZE_RMD160 20
25 #define HASH_SIZE_SHA1   20
27 #define HASH_BUF_SIZE (1024 * 1024)
29 static void
tally_frame_data(frame_data * cur_frame,summary_tally * sum_tally)30 tally_frame_data(frame_data *cur_frame, summary_tally *sum_tally)
31 {
32     double cur_time;
34     sum_tally->bytes += cur_frame->pkt_len;
35     if (cur_frame->passed_dfilter){
36         sum_tally->filtered_count++;
37         sum_tally->filtered_bytes += cur_frame->pkt_len;
38     }
39     if (cur_frame->marked){
40         sum_tally->marked_count++;
41         sum_tally->marked_bytes += cur_frame->pkt_len;
42     }
43     if (cur_frame->ignored){
44         sum_tally->ignored_count++;
45     }
47     if (cur_frame->has_ts) {
48         /* This packet has a time stamp. */
49         cur_time = nstime_to_sec(&cur_frame->abs_ts);
51         sum_tally->packet_count_ts++;
52         if (cur_time < sum_tally->start_time) {
53             sum_tally->start_time = cur_time;
54         }
55         if (cur_time > sum_tally->stop_time){
56             sum_tally->stop_time = cur_time;
57         }
58         if (cur_frame->passed_dfilter){
59             sum_tally->filtered_count_ts++;
60             /*
61              * If we've seen one filtered packet, this is the first
62              * one.
63              */
64             if (sum_tally->filtered_count == 1){
65                 sum_tally->filtered_start= cur_time;
66                 sum_tally->filtered_stop = cur_time;
67             } else {
68                 if (cur_time < sum_tally->filtered_start) {
69                     sum_tally->filtered_start = cur_time;
70                 }
71                 if (cur_time > sum_tally->filtered_stop) {
72                     sum_tally->filtered_stop = cur_time;
73                 }
74             }
75         }
76         if (cur_frame->marked){
77             sum_tally->marked_count_ts++;
78             /*
79              * If we've seen one marked packet, this is the first
80              * one.
81              */
82             if (sum_tally->marked_count == 1){
83                 sum_tally->marked_start= cur_time;
84                 sum_tally->marked_stop = cur_time;
85             } else {
86                 if (cur_time < sum_tally->marked_start) {
87                     sum_tally->marked_start = cur_time;
88                 }
89                 if (cur_time > sum_tally->marked_stop) {
90                     sum_tally->marked_stop = cur_time;
91                 }
92             }
93         }
94     }
95 }
97 static void
hash_to_str(const unsigned char * hash,size_t length,char * str)98 hash_to_str(const unsigned char *hash, size_t length, char *str) {
99   int i;
101   for (i = 0; i < (int) length; i++) {
102     g_snprintf(str+(i*2), 3, "%02x", hash[i]);
103   }
104 }
106 void
summary_fill_in(capture_file * cf,summary_tally * st)107 summary_fill_in(capture_file *cf, summary_tally *st)
108 {
109     frame_data    *first_frame, *cur_frame;
110     guint32        framenum;
111     iface_summary_info iface;
112     guint i;
113     wtapng_iface_descriptions_t* idb_info;
114     wtap_block_t wtapng_if_descr;
115     wtapng_if_descr_mandatory_t *wtapng_if_descr_mand;
116     wtap_block_t if_stats;
117     guint64 isb_ifdrop;
118     char* if_string;
119     if_filter_opt_t if_filter;
121     FILE  *fh;
122     char  *hash_buf;
123     gcry_md_hd_t hd;
124     size_t hash_bytes;
126     st->packet_count_ts = 0;
127     st->start_time = 0;
128     st->stop_time = 0;
129     st->bytes = 0;
130     st->filtered_count = 0;
131     st->filtered_count_ts = 0;
132     st->filtered_start = 0;
133     st->filtered_stop = 0;
134     st->filtered_bytes = 0;
135     st->marked_count = 0;
136     st->marked_count_ts = 0;
137     st->marked_start = 0;
138     st->marked_stop = 0;
139     st->marked_bytes = 0;
140     st->ignored_count = 0;
142     /* initialize the tally */
143     if (cf->count != 0) {
144         first_frame = frame_data_sequence_find(cf->provider.frames, 1);
145         st->start_time = nstime_to_sec(&first_frame->abs_ts);
146         st->stop_time = nstime_to_sec(&first_frame->abs_ts);
148         for (framenum = 1; framenum <= cf->count; framenum++) {
149             cur_frame = frame_data_sequence_find(cf->provider.frames, framenum);
150             tally_frame_data(cur_frame, st);
151         }
152     }
154     st->filename = cf->filename;
155     st->file_length = cf->f_datalen;
156     st->file_type = cf->cd_t;
157     st->compression_type = cf->compression_type;
158     st->is_tempfile = cf->is_tempfile;
159     st->file_encap_type = cf->lnk_t;
160     st->packet_encap_types = cf->linktypes;
161     st->snap = cf->snap;
162     st->elapsed_time = nstime_to_sec(&cf->elapsed_time);
163     st->packet_count = cf->count;
164     st->drops_known = cf->drops_known;
165     st->drops = cf->drops;
166     st->dfilter = cf->dfilter;
168     st->ifaces  = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(iface_summary_info));
169     idb_info = wtap_file_get_idb_info(cf->provider.wth);
170     for (i = 0; i < idb_info->interface_data->len; i++) {
171         wtapng_if_descr = g_array_index(idb_info->interface_data, wtap_block_t, i);
172         wtapng_if_descr_mand = (wtapng_if_descr_mandatory_t*)wtap_block_get_mandatory_data(wtapng_if_descr);
173         if (wtap_block_get_if_filter_option_value(wtapng_if_descr, OPT_IDB_FILTER, &if_filter) == WTAP_OPTTYPE_SUCCESS) {
174             if (if_filter.type == if_filter_pcap) {
175                 iface.cfilter = g_strdup(if_filter.data.filter_str);
176             } else {
177                 /* Not a pcap filter string; punt for now */
178                 iface.cfilter = NULL;
179             }
180         } else {
181             iface.cfilter = NULL;
182         }
183         if (wtap_block_get_string_option_value(wtapng_if_descr, OPT_IDB_NAME, &if_string) == WTAP_OPTTYPE_SUCCESS) {
184             iface.name = g_strdup(if_string);
185         } else {
186             iface.name = NULL;
187         }
188         if (wtap_block_get_string_option_value(wtapng_if_descr, OPT_IDB_DESCRIPTION, &if_string) == WTAP_OPTTYPE_SUCCESS) {
189             iface.descr = g_strdup(if_string);
190         } else {
191             iface.descr = NULL;
192         }
193         iface.drops_known = FALSE;
194         iface.drops = 0;
195         iface.snap = wtapng_if_descr_mand->snap_len;
196         iface.encap_type = wtapng_if_descr_mand->wtap_encap;
197         iface.isb_comment = NULL;
198         if(wtapng_if_descr_mand->num_stat_entries == 1){
199             /* dumpcap only writes one ISB, only handle that for now */
200             if_stats = g_array_index(wtapng_if_descr_mand->interface_statistics, wtap_block_t, 0);
201             if (wtap_block_get_uint64_option_value(if_stats, OPT_ISB_IFDROP, &isb_ifdrop) == WTAP_OPTTYPE_SUCCESS) {
202                 iface.drops_known = TRUE;
203                 iface.drops = isb_ifdrop;
204             }
205             /* XXX: this doesn't get used, and might need to be g_strdup'ed when it does */
206             /* XXX - support multiple comments */
207             if (wtap_block_get_nth_string_option_value(if_stats, OPT_COMMENT, 0, &iface.isb_comment) != WTAP_OPTTYPE_SUCCESS) {
208                 iface.isb_comment = NULL;
209             }
210         }
211         g_array_append_val(st->ifaces, iface);
212     }
213     g_free(idb_info);
215     (void) g_strlcpy(st->file_sha256, "<unknown>", HASH_STR_SIZE);
216     (void) g_strlcpy(st->file_rmd160, "<unknown>", HASH_STR_SIZE);
217     (void) g_strlcpy(st->file_sha1, "<unknown>", HASH_STR_SIZE);
219     gcry_md_open(&hd, GCRY_MD_SHA256, 0);
220     if (hd) {
221         gcry_md_enable(hd, GCRY_MD_RMD160);
222         gcry_md_enable(hd, GCRY_MD_SHA1);
223     }
224     hash_buf = (char *)g_malloc(HASH_BUF_SIZE);
226     fh = ws_fopen(cf->filename, "rb");
227     if (fh && hash_buf && hd) {
228         while((hash_bytes = fread(hash_buf, 1, HASH_BUF_SIZE, fh)) > 0) {
229             gcry_md_write(hd, hash_buf, hash_bytes);
230         }
231         gcry_md_final(hd);
232         hash_to_str(gcry_md_read(hd, GCRY_MD_SHA256), HASH_SIZE_SHA256, st->file_sha256);
233         hash_to_str(gcry_md_read(hd, GCRY_MD_RMD160), HASH_SIZE_RMD160, st->file_rmd160);
234         hash_to_str(gcry_md_read(hd, GCRY_MD_SHA1), HASH_SIZE_SHA1, st->file_sha1);
235     }
236     if (fh) fclose(fh);
237     g_free(hash_buf);
238     gcry_md_close(hd);
239 }
241 #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP
242 void
summary_fill_in_capture(capture_file * cf,capture_options * capture_opts,summary_tally * st)243 summary_fill_in_capture(capture_file *cf,capture_options *capture_opts, summary_tally *st)
244 {
245     iface_summary_info iface;
246     interface_t *device;
247     guint i;
249     if (st->ifaces->len == 0) {
250         /*
251          * XXX - do this only if we have a live capture.
252          */
253         for (i = 0; i < capture_opts->all_ifaces->len; i++) {
254             device = &g_array_index(capture_opts->all_ifaces, interface_t, i);
255             if (!device->selected) {
256                 continue;
257             }
258             iface.cfilter = g_strdup(device->cfilter);
259             iface.name = g_strdup(device->name);
260             iface.descr = g_strdup(device->display_name);
261             iface.drops_known = cf->drops_known;
262             iface.drops = cf->drops;
263             iface.snap = device->snaplen;
264             iface.encap_type = wtap_pcap_encap_to_wtap_encap(device->active_dlt);
265             g_array_append_val(st->ifaces, iface);
266         }
267     }
268 }
269 #endif