2//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
3//  The Goldware Library. Copyright (C) Odinn Sorensen.
4//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
5//  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6//  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
7//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8//  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10//  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13//  Library General Public License for more details.
15//  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
16//  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
17//  Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
19//  $Id: gcfg.all,v 1.7 2009/12/16 13:18:20 rampitec Exp $
20//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
21//  Master build file.
22//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
25// Msgbase area configuration.
26gedacfg  cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
28// AREAFILE readers.
29gxareas  cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
30gxcrash  cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
31gxdb     cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
32gxdutch  cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
33gxezy102 cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
34gxezy110 cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
35gxfd     cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
36gxfecho4 cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
37gxfecho5 cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
38gxfecho6 cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
39gxfidpcb cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
40gxfm092  cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
41gxfm100  cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
42gxfm116  cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
43gxgecho  cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
44gxhpt    cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
45gximail4 cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
46gximail5 cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
47gximail6 cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
48gxinter  cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
49gxlora   cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
50gxmax3   cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
51gxme2    cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
52gxopus   cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
53gxpcb    cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
54gxportal cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
55gxprobrd cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
56gxqfront cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
57gxqecho  cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
58gxquick  cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
59gxra     cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
60gxraecho cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
61gxspace  cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
62gxsquish cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
63gxsuper  cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
64gxsync   cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
65gxtimed  cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
66gxtmail  cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
67gxts     cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
68gxwmail  cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
69gxwtr    cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
70gxxbbs   cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
71gxxmail  cpp     all ovl bcd bco bcx wcn wco wcx lnx emx djg rsx cyg be sun osx
73// Msgbase area configuration.
74gedacfg    h     all
76// AREAFILE structures.
77gs_db      h     all
78gs_ez102   h     all
79gs_ez110   h     all
80gs_fd      h     all
81gs_fech1   h     all
82gs_fech2   h     all
83gs_fech4   h     all
84gs_fech5   h     all
85gs_fech6   h     all
86gs_fm092   h     all
87gs_fm098   h     all
88gs_fm10g   h     all
89gs_fm116   h     all
90gs_ge100   h     all
91gs_ge102   h     all
92gs_ge110   h     all
93gs_ge120   h     all
94gs_im100   h     all
95gs_im120   h     all
96gs_im130   h     all
97gs_im140   h     all
98gs_im143   h     all
99gs_im150   h     all
100gs_im160   h     all
101gs_im171   h     all
102gs_im175   h     all
103gs_im185   h     all
104gs_im187   h     all
105gs_inter   h     all
106gs_lo233   h     all
107gs_lo240   h     all
108gs_max     h     all
109gs_max3    h     all
110gs_opus    h     all
111gs_pb200   h     all
112gs_pcb     h     all
113gs_pop     h     all
114gs_qbbs    h     all
115gs_qfrnt   h     all
116gs_qwk     h     all
117gs_ra      h     all
118gs_ra2     h     all
119gs_recho   h     all
120gs_sbbs    h     all
121gs_ts      h     all
122gs_wmail   h     all
123gs_wtr     h     all
124gs_xbbs    h     all
125gs_xmail   h     all
127// Makefiles etc.
128Makefile   .     all
129bldbcc   mak     all
130bldgnu   mak     all
131bldwcc   mak     all
132gcfg     all     all
133ChangeLog  .     all
136//  ------------------------------------------------------------------