1To do:
2before 1.0:
3- charset conversion
4- linelength > 255 in FILES.BBS
5- extract & use FILE_ID.DIZ / lsm, order TIC / DIZ / LSM configurable
6- forward requests to uplinks
7- Remote maintenance (area create etc.)
8  - list of all areas with connected users
9- %From
10- write netmail on errors (with definable level)
11- set files in filebase to date in TIC or of file in inbound (if not in TIC)
12- check size (compare size in TIC with real size of file)
14after 1.0:
15- split up into several small programs (one for Hatch, one for Toss, one for
16  Pack, ...)
17- FidoConfig
18- User-Defaults
19- %Info
20- Notify
21- write magics from TIC to a configurable file (add/replace appropriate line)
22- areaname masks like "BBS-*" for all BBSNet-Areas
23  (<one AKA, multiple groups>-problem)
24- NewFilesHatch: Exclude
25- all responses in one msg
26- Templates
27- Purging
28- reformat descriptions
29- ReScan
30- FileFind-System
31- language file
32- execute script after single files / each file