1 /* $Id$ */
2 /*****************************************************************************
3  * HPT --- FTN NetMail/EchoMail Tosser
4  *****************************************************************************
5  * Copyright (C) 1997-1999
6  *
7  * Matthias Tichy
8  *
9  * Fido:     2:2433/1245 2:2433/1247 2:2432/605.14
10  * Internet: mtt@tichy.de
11  *
12  * Grimmestr. 12         Buchholzer Weg 4
13  * 33098 Paderborn       40472 Duesseldorf
14  * Germany               Germany
15  *
16  * This file is part of HPT.
17  *
18  * HPT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
19  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
20  * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
21  * later version.
22  *
23  * HPT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
24  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
26  * General Public License for more details.
27  *
28  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
29  * along with HPT; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
30  * Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
31  *****************************************************************************/
32 #ifndef _PKT_H
33 #define _PKT_H
35 #include <time.h>
36 #include <stdio.h>
38 #include <fidoconf/fidoconf.h>
39 #include <fcommon.h>
41 #define HPT_PRODCODE_LOWBYTE 0xff
44 /* note that 128K - work buffer, not the max text length */
45 #if !defined(__FLAT__) && defined(__DOS__)
46 /* under ms-dos without extenders message will be stripped to 30K */
47 #define TEXTBUFFERSIZE 60*1024     /*  for Dose */
48 #define BUFFERSIZE 30*1024         /*  work buffer for msg text in pktread */
49 #else
50 #define TEXTBUFFERSIZE 512*1024    /*  for real os */
51 #define BUFFERSIZE 512*1024        /*  work buffer for msg text in pktread */
52 #endif
54 FILE        *createPkt(char *filename, s_pktHeader *header);
55 /*DOC
56   Input:  filename is the name of the pkt.
57           header contains information about writing the pkt header
58   Output: createPkt returns NULL if the pkt could not be created
59           else the pointer to a open FILE is returned.
60   FZ:     createPkt creates the pkt and writes the header in a way conforming to
61           FSC0039 (2+)
62 */
64 int         writeMsgToPkt(FILE *pkt, s_message msg);
65 /*DOC
66   Input:  pkt is a pointer to a file opened by createPkt
67           msg contains the message to be written.
68   Output: writeMsgToPkt return 0 if all is ok, else 1 is returned.
69   FZ:     writeMsgToPkt appends the message to the pkt file.
70 */
72 int         closeCreatedPkt(FILE *pkt);
73 /*DOC
74   Input:  pkt is a pointer to a file opened by createPkt
75   OutPut: closeCreatedPkt returns 0 if all is ok, else 1 is returned.
76   FZ:     closeCreatedPkt appends \0\0 to the pkt and closes the file.
77 */
78 FILE        *openPktForAppending(char *fileName, s_pktHeader *header);
79 /*DOC
80   Input:  fileName is the name of the pkt which should be opened.
81           header: If the pkt does not exist, header is used as pktHeader.
82   Output: openPktForAppending returns a file stream opened for writing.
83   FZ:     if the fileName does exist the pkt is opened using openPkt and
84           the file position indicator is set to the \0\0  to allow appending
85           to the pkt. If the file does not exist it is created using
86           createPkt and te param header.
87 */
89 s_pktHeader *openPkt(FILE *pkt);
90 /*DOC
91   Input:  pkt is a pointer to a FILE which is already open.
92           openPkt will read from the current position of the filepointer
93   Output: openPkt returns a pointer to a s_pktHeader struct or NULL if
94           pkt is not a PKT which conforms to FSC0039 (2+)
95   FZ:     openPkt reads the pkt and transforms the binary data to the struct.
96           it reads the data as an 2+ packet.
97 */
99 int readMsgFromPkt(FILE *pkt, s_pktHeader *header, s_message **message);
100 /*DOC
101   Input:  pkt is a pointer to a FILE which is already open.
102           readMsgFromPkt will read from the current position of the filepointer
103           header, when in a netmail no intl kludge is found, header will be used
104           to assume intl kludge
105 		  message from pkt reading into *message structure, NULL if no msg
106   Output: number of msg was read (1 or 0), or 2 if error while reading
107   FZ:     readMsgFromPkt reads a message out of the pkt and transforms the data
108           to the struct.
109 */
112 int correctDateTime(char *datetime);
114 typedef unsigned long flag_t;  /* for at least 32 bit flags */
115 #define FTSC_FLAWY  1           /* FTSC field has correctable errors */
116 #define FTSC_BROKEN 2           /* FTSC field can't even be parsed   */
117 #define FTSC_SEADOG 16          /* Seadog style string in the FTSC   */
118 #define FTSC_TS_BROKEN 128      /* Only timestamp broken, date is OK */
120 flag_t parse_ftsc_date(struct tm * ptm, char *pdatestr);
121 void make_ftsc_date(char *pdate, const struct tm *ptm);
123 #define INTL_FOUND 1
124 #define FMPT_FOUND 2
125 #define TOPT_FOUND 4
126 int parseINTL(char *msgtxt, hs_addr *from, hs_addr *to);
127 /*DOC
128   Input:  msgtxt is a pointer to message text in which
129           parseINTL will try to find INTL, FMPT and TOPT kludges,
130 		  parse them and store result in from and to structures.
131           from and to may be initialized by default values, if
132           particular kludges aren't found or can't be parsed
133           these values will stay intact.
134   Output: bitmask constructed from INTL_FOUND, FMPT_FOUND and TOPT_FOUND
135           values. If kludge was found and successfully parsed
136           then appropriate bit is set.
137   FZ:     parseINTL searches for INTL, FMPT and TOPT kludges and
138           transforms the data to the structs.
139 */
141 #endif