1 /* Copyright (C) 1989, 2000 artofcode LLC.  All rights reserved.
3   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
4   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
5   Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
6   option) any later version.
8   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
9   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11   General Public License for more details.
13   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
14   with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
15   59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA, 02111-1307.
17 */
19 /*$Id: gxfill.c,v 2003/01/17 00:49:03 giles Exp $ */
20 /* Lower-level path filling procedures */
21 #include "gx.h"
22 #include "gserrors.h"
23 #include "gsstruct.h"
24 #include "gxfixed.h"
25 #include "gxdevice.h"
26 #include "gzpath.h"
27 #include "gzcpath.h"
28 #include "gxdcolor.h"
29 #include "gxhttile.h"
30 #include "gxistate.h"
31 #include "gxpaint.h"		/* for prototypes */
32 #include "gsptype2.h"
34 /*
35  * Define which fill algorithm(s) to use.  At least one of the following
36  * two #defines must be included (not commented out).
37  */
38 #define FILL_SCAN_LINES
40 /*
41  * Define whether to sample curves when using the scan line algorithm
42  * rather than flattening them.  This produces more accurate output, at
43  * some cost in time.
44  */
45 #define FILL_CURVES
47 /* ---------------- Statistics ---------------- */
49 #ifdef DEBUG
50 struct stats_fill_s {
51     long
52 	fill, fill_alloc, y_up, y_down, horiz, x_step, slow_x, iter, find_y,
53 	band, band_step, band_fill, afill, slant, slant_shallow, sfill,
54 	mq_cross, cross_slow, cross_low, order, slow_order;
55 } stats_fill;
57 #  define INCR(x) (++(stats_fill.x))
58 #  define INCR_EXPR(x) INCR(x)
59 #  define INCR_BY(x,n) (stats_fill.x += (n))
60 #else
61 #  define INCR(x) DO_NOTHING
62 #  define INCR_EXPR(x) discard(0)
63 #  define INCR_BY(x,n) DO_NOTHING
64 #endif
66 /* ---------------- Active line management ---------------- */
68 /* Define the structure for keeping track of active lines. */
69 typedef struct active_line_s active_line;
70 struct active_line_s {
71     gs_fixed_point start;	/* x,y where line starts */
72     gs_fixed_point end;		/* x,y where line ends */
73     gs_fixed_point diff;	/* end - start */
74 #define AL_DX(alp) ((alp)->diff.x)
75 #define AL_DY(alp) ((alp)->diff.y)
76     fixed y_fast_max;		/* can do x_at_y in fixed point */
77 				/* if y <= y_fast_max */
78     fixed num_adjust;		/* 0 if diff.x >= 0, -diff.y + epsilon if */
79 				/* diff.x < 0 and division truncates */
81     /* neg/pos truncates, we must bias the numberator. */
82 #  define SET_NUM_ADJUST(alp) \
83     (alp)->num_adjust =\
84       ((alp)->diff.x >= 0 ? 0 : -(alp)->diff.y + fixed_epsilon)
85 #  define ADD_NUM_ADJUST(num, alp) ((num) + (alp)->num_adjust)
86 #  define MAX_MINUS_NUM_ADJUST(alp) ADD_NUM_ADJUST(max_fixed, alp)
87 #else
88     /* neg/pos takes the floor, no special action is needed. */
89 #  define SET_NUM_ADJUST(alp) DO_NOTHING
90 #  define ADD_NUM_ADJUST(num, alp) (num)
91 #  define MAX_MINUS_NUM_ADJUST(alp) max_fixed
92 #endif
93 #define SET_AL_POINTS(alp, startp, endp)\
94   BEGIN\
95     (alp)->diff.y = (endp).y - (startp).y;\
96     (alp)->diff.x = (endp).x - (startp).x;\
97     SET_NUM_ADJUST(alp);\
98     (alp)->y_fast_max = MAX_MINUS_NUM_ADJUST(alp) /\
99       (((alp)->diff.x >= 0 ? (alp)->diff.x : -(alp)->diff.x) | 1) +\
100       (startp).y;\
101     (alp)->start = startp, (alp)->end = endp;\
102   END
103     /*
104      * We know that alp->start.y <= yv <= alp->end.y, because the fill loop
105      * guarantees that the only lines being considered are those with this
106      * property.
107      */
108 #define AL_X_AT_Y(alp, yv)\
109   ((yv) == (alp)->end.y ? (alp)->end.x :\
110    ((yv) <= (alp)->y_fast_max ?\
111     ADD_NUM_ADJUST(((yv) - (alp)->start.y) * AL_DX(alp), alp) / AL_DY(alp) :\
112     (INCR_EXPR(slow_x),\
113      fixed_mult_quo(AL_DX(alp), (yv) - (alp)->start.y, AL_DY(alp)))) +\
114    (alp)->start.x)
115     fixed x_current;		/* current x position */
116     fixed x_next;		/* x position at end of band */
117     const segment *pseg;	/* endpoint of this line */
118     int direction;		/* direction of line segment */
119 #define DIR_UP 1
120 #define DIR_HORIZONTAL 0	/* (these are handled specially) */
121 #define DIR_DOWN (-1)
122     int curve_k;		/* # of subdivisions for curves,-1 for lines */
123     curve_cursor cursor;	/* cursor for curves, unused for lines */
124 /*
125  * "Pending" lines (not reached in the Y ordering yet) use next and prev
126  * to order lines by increasing starting Y.  "Active" lines (being scanned)
127  * use next and prev to order lines by increasing current X, or if the
128  * current Xs are equal, by increasing final X.
129  */
130     active_line *prev, *next;
131 /* Link together active_lines allocated individually */
132     active_line *alloc_next;
133 };
135 /*
136  * Define the ordering criterion for active lines that overlap in Y.
137  * Return -1, 0, or 1 if lp1 precedes, coincides with, or follows lp2.
138  *
139  * The lines' x_current values are correct for some Y value that crosses
140  * both of them and that is not both the start of one and the end of the
141  * other.  (Neither line is horizontal.)  We want the ordering at this
142  * Y value, or, of the x_current values are equal, greater Y values
143  * (if any: this Y value might be the end of both lines).
144  */
145 private int
x_order(const active_line * lp1,const active_line * lp2)146 x_order(const active_line *lp1, const active_line *lp2)
147 {
148     bool s1;
150     INCR(order);
151     if (lp1->x_current < lp2->x_current)
152 	return -1;
153     else if (lp1->x_current > lp2->x_current)
154 	return 1;
155     /*
156      * We need to compare the slopes of the lines.  Start by
157      * checking one fast case, where the slopes have opposite signs.
158      */
159     if ((s1 = lp1->start.x < lp1->end.x) != (lp2->start.x < lp2->end.x))
160 	return (s1 ? 1 : -1);
161     /*
162      * We really do have to compare the slopes.  Fortunately, this isn't
163      * needed very often.  We want the sign of the comparison
164      * dx1/dy1 - dx2/dy2, or (since we know dy1 and dy2 are positive)
165      * dx1 * dy2 - dx2 * dy1.  In principle, we can't simply do this using
166      * doubles, since we need complete accuracy and doubles don't have
167      * enough fraction bits.  However, with the usual 20+12-bit fixeds and
168      * 64-bit doubles, both of the factors would have to exceed 2^15
169      * device space pixels for the result to be inaccurate, so we
170      * simply disregard this possibility.  ****** FIX SOMEDAY ******
171      */
172     INCR(slow_order);
173     {
174 	fixed dx1 = lp1->end.x - lp1->start.x,
175 	    dy1 = lp1->end.y - lp1->start.y;
176 	fixed dx2 = lp2->end.x - lp2->start.x,
177 	    dy2 = lp2->end.y - lp2->start.y;
178 	double diff = (double)dx1 * dy2 - (double)dx2 * dy1;
180 	return (diff < 0 ? -1 : diff > 0 ? 1 : 0);
181     }
182 }
184 /*
185  * The active_line structure isn't really simple, but since its instances
186  * only exist temporarily during a fill operation, we don't have to
187  * worry about a garbage collection occurring.
188  */
189 gs_private_st_simple(st_active_line, active_line, "active_line");
191 #ifdef DEBUG
192 /* Internal procedures for printing and checking active lines. */
193 private void
print_active_line(const char * label,const active_line * alp)194 print_active_line(const char *label, const active_line * alp)
195 {
196     dlprintf5("[f]%s 0x%lx(%d): x_current=%f x_next=%f\n",
197 	      label, (ulong) alp, alp->direction,
198 	      fixed2float(alp->x_current), fixed2float(alp->x_next));
199     dlprintf5("    start=(%f,%f) pt_end=0x%lx(%f,%f)\n",
200 	      fixed2float(alp->start.x), fixed2float(alp->start.y),
201 	      (ulong) alp->pseg,
202 	      fixed2float(alp->end.x), fixed2float(alp->end.y));
203     dlprintf2("    prev=0x%lx next=0x%lx\n",
204 	      (ulong) alp->prev, (ulong) alp->next);
205 }
206 private void
print_line_list(const active_line * flp)207 print_line_list(const active_line * flp)
208 {
209     const active_line *lp;
211     for (lp = flp; lp != 0; lp = lp->next) {
212 	fixed xc = lp->x_current, xn = lp->x_next;
214 	dlprintf3("[f]0x%lx(%d): x_current/next=%g",
215 		  (ulong) lp, lp->direction,
216 		  fixed2float(xc));
217 	if (xn != xc)
218 	    dprintf1("/%g", fixed2float(xn));
219 	dputc('\n');
220     }
221 }
222 inline private void
print_al(const char * label,const active_line * alp)223 print_al(const char *label, const active_line * alp)
224 {
225     if (gs_debug_c('F'))
226 	print_active_line(label, alp);
227 }
228 private int
check_line_list(const active_line * flp)229 check_line_list(const active_line * flp)
230 {
231     const active_line *alp;
233     if (flp != 0)
234 	for (alp = flp->prev->next; alp != 0; alp = alp->next)
235 	    if (alp->next != 0 && alp->next->x_current < alp->x_current) {
236 		lprintf("[f]Lines out of order!\n");
237 		print_active_line("   1:", alp);
238 		print_active_line("   2:", alp->next);
239 		return_error(gs_error_Fatal);
240 	    }
241     return 0;
242 }
243 #else
244 #define print_al(label,alp) DO_NOTHING
245 #endif
247 /* Line list structure */
248 struct line_list_s {
249     gs_memory_t *memory;
250     active_line *active_area;	/* allocated active_line list */
251     active_line *next_active;	/* next allocation slot */
252     active_line *limit;		/* limit of local allocation */
253     int close_count;		/* # of added closing lines */
254     active_line *y_list;	/* Y-sorted list of pending lines */
255     active_line *y_line;	/* most recently inserted line */
256     active_line x_head;		/* X-sorted list of active lines */
257 #define x_list x_head.next
258     /* Put the arrays last so the scalars will have */
259     /* small displacements. */
260     /* Allocate a few active_lines locally */
261     /* to avoid round trips through the allocator. */
262 #if arch_small_memory
263 #  define MAX_LOCAL_ACTIVE 6	/* don't overburden the stack */
264 #else
265 #  define MAX_LOCAL_ACTIVE 20
266 #endif
267     active_line local_active[MAX_LOCAL_ACTIVE];
268 };
269 typedef struct line_list_s line_list;
270 typedef line_list *ll_ptr;
272 /* Forward declarations */
273 private void init_line_list(P2(ll_ptr, gs_memory_t *));
274 private void unclose_path(P2(gx_path *, int));
275 private void free_line_list(P1(ll_ptr));
276 private int add_y_list(P5(gx_path *, ll_ptr, fixed, fixed,
277 			  const gs_fixed_rect *));
278 private int add_y_line(P4(const segment *, const segment *, int, ll_ptr));
279 private void insert_x_new(P2(active_line *, ll_ptr));
280 private bool end_x_line(P2(active_line *, bool));
282 #define FILL_LOOP_PROC(proc)\
283 int proc(P11(ll_ptr, gx_device *,\
284   const gx_fill_params *, const gx_device_color *, gs_logical_operation_t,\
285   const gs_fixed_rect *, fixed, fixed, fixed, fixed, fixed))
286 private FILL_LOOP_PROC(fill_loop_by_scan_lines);
287 private FILL_LOOP_PROC(fill_loop_by_trapezoids);
289 /*
290  * This is the general path filling algorithm.
291  * It uses the center-of-pixel rule for filling.
292  * We can implement Microsoft's upper-left-corner-of-pixel rule
293  * by subtracting (0.5, 0.5) from all the coordinates in the path.
294  *
295  * The adjust parameters are a hack for keeping regions
296  * from coming out too faint: they specify an amount by which to expand
297  * the sides of every filled region.
298  * Setting adjust = fixed_half is supposed to produce the effect of Adobe's
299  * any-part-of-pixel rule, but it doesn't quite, because of the
300  * closed/open interval rule for regions.  We detect this as a special case
301  * and do the slightly ugly things necessary to make it work.
302  */
304 /*
305  * Tweak the fill adjustment if necessary so that (nearly) empty
306  * rectangles are guaranteed to produce some output.  This is a hack
307  * to work around a bug in the Microsoft Windows PostScript driver,
308  * which draws thin lines by filling zero-width rectangles, and in
309  * some other drivers that try to fill epsilon-width rectangles.
310  */
311 void
gx_adjust_if_empty(const gs_fixed_rect * pbox,gs_fixed_point * adjust)312 gx_adjust_if_empty(const gs_fixed_rect * pbox, gs_fixed_point * adjust)
313 {
314     /*
315      * For extremely large coordinates, the obvious subtractions could
316      * overflow.  We can work around this easily by noting that since
317      * we know q.{x,y} >= p.{x,y}, the subtraction overflows iff the
318      * result is negative.
319      */
320     const fixed
321           dx = pbox->q.x - pbox->p.x, dy = pbox->q.y - pbox->p.y;
323     if (dx < fixed_half && dx > 0 && (dy >= int2fixed(2) || dy < 0)) {
324 	adjust->x = arith_rshift_1(fixed_1 + fixed_epsilon - dx);
325 	if_debug1('f', "[f]thin adjust_x=%g\n",
326 		  fixed2float(adjust->x));
327     } else if (dy < fixed_half && dy > 0 && (dx >= int2fixed(2) || dx < 0)) {
328 	adjust->y = arith_rshift_1(fixed_1 + fixed_epsilon - dy);
329 	if_debug1('f', "[f]thin adjust_y=%g\n",
330 		  fixed2float(adjust->y));
331     }
332 }
334 /*
335  * The general fill  path algorithm.
336  */
337 private int
gx_general_fill_path(gx_device * pdev,const gs_imager_state * pis,gx_path * ppath,const gx_fill_params * params,const gx_device_color * pdevc,const gx_clip_path * pcpath)338 gx_general_fill_path(gx_device * pdev, const gs_imager_state * pis,
339 		     gx_path * ppath, const gx_fill_params * params,
340 		 const gx_device_color * pdevc, const gx_clip_path * pcpath)
341 {
342     gs_fixed_point adjust;
343     gs_logical_operation_t lop = pis->log_op;
344     gs_fixed_rect ibox, bbox;
345     gx_device_clip cdev;
346     gx_device *dev = pdev;
347     gx_device *save_dev = dev;
348     gx_path ffpath;
349     gx_path *pfpath;
350     int code;
351     fixed adjust_left, adjust_right, adjust_below, adjust_above;
352     int max_fill_band = dev->max_fill_band;
353 #define NO_BAND_MASK ((fixed)(-1) << (sizeof(fixed) * 8 - 1))
354     bool fill_by_trapezoids;
355     line_list lst;
357     adjust = params->adjust;
358     /*
359      * Compute the bounding box before we flatten the path.
360      * This can save a lot of time if the path has curves.
361      * If the path is neither fully within nor fully outside
362      * the quick-check boxes, we could recompute the bounding box
363      * and make the checks again after flattening the path,
364      * but right now we don't bother.
365      */
366     gx_path_bbox(ppath, &ibox);
367     if (params->fill_zero_width)
368 	gx_adjust_if_empty(&ibox, &adjust);
369     /* Check the bounding boxes. */
370     if_debug6('f', "[f]adjust=%g,%g bbox=(%g,%g),(%g,%g)\n",
371 	      fixed2float(adjust.x), fixed2float(adjust.y),
372 	      fixed2float(ibox.p.x), fixed2float(ibox.p.y),
373 	      fixed2float(ibox.q.x), fixed2float(ibox.q.y));
374     if (pcpath)
375 	gx_cpath_inner_box(pcpath, &bbox);
376     else
377 	(*dev_proc(dev, get_clipping_box)) (dev, &bbox);
378     if (!rect_within(ibox, bbox)) {
379 	/*
380 	 * Intersect the path box and the clip bounding box.
381 	 * If the intersection is empty, this fill is a no-op.
382 	 */
383 	if (pcpath)
384 	    gx_cpath_outer_box(pcpath, &bbox);
385 	if_debug4('f', "   outer_box=(%g,%g),(%g,%g)\n",
386 		  fixed2float(bbox.p.x), fixed2float(bbox.p.y),
387 		  fixed2float(bbox.q.x), fixed2float(bbox.q.y));
388 	rect_intersect(ibox, bbox);
389 	if (ibox.p.x - adjust.x >= ibox.q.x + adjust.x ||
390 	    ibox.p.y - adjust.y >= ibox.q.y + adjust.y
391 	    ) {			/* Intersection of boxes is empty! */
392 	    return 0;
393 	}
394 	/*
395 	 * The path is neither entirely inside the inner clip box
396 	 * nor entirely outside the outer clip box.
397 	 * If we had to flatten the path, this is where we would
398 	 * recompute its bbox and make the tests again,
399 	 * but we don't bother right now.
400 	 *
401 	 * If there is a clipping path, set up a clipping device.
402 	 */
403 	if (pcpath) {
404 	    dev = (gx_device *) & cdev;
405 	    gx_make_clip_device(&cdev, gx_cpath_list(pcpath));
406 	    cdev.target = save_dev;
407 	    cdev.max_fill_band = save_dev->max_fill_band;
408 	    (*dev_proc(dev, open_device)) (dev);
409 	}
410     }
411     /*
412      * Compute the proper adjustment values.
413      * To get the effect of the any-part-of-pixel rule,
414      * we may have to tweak them slightly.
415      * NOTE: We changed the adjust_right/above value from 0.5+epsilon
416      * to 0.5 in release 5.01; even though this does the right thing
417      * in every case we could imagine, we aren't confident that it's
418      * correct.  (The old values were definitely incorrect, since they
419      * caused 1-pixel-wide/high objects to color 2 pixels even if
420      * they fell exactly on pixel boundaries.)
421      */
422     if (adjust.x == fixed_half)
423 	adjust_left = fixed_half - fixed_epsilon,
424 	    adjust_right = fixed_half /* + fixed_epsilon */ ;	/* see above */
425     else
426 	adjust_left = adjust_right = adjust.x;
427     if (adjust.y == fixed_half)
428 	adjust_below = fixed_half - fixed_epsilon,
429 	    adjust_above = fixed_half /* + fixed_epsilon */ ;	/* see above */
430     else
431 	adjust_below = adjust_above = adjust.y;
432     /* Initialize the active line list. */
433     init_line_list(&lst, ppath->memory);
434     /*
435      * We have a choice of two different filling algorithms:
436      * scan-line-based and trapezoid-based.  They compare as follows:
437      *
438      *      Scan    Trap
439      *      ----    ----
440      *       skip   +draw   0-height horizontal lines
441      *       slow   +fast   rectangles
442      *      +fast    slow   curves
443      *      +yes     no     write pixels at most once when adjust != 0
444      *
445      * Normally we use the scan line algorithm for characters, where curve
446      * speed is important, and for non-idempotent RasterOps, where double
447      * pixel writing must be avoided, and the trapezoid algorithm otherwise.
448      * However, we always use the trapezoid algorithm for rectangles.
449      */
450 #define DOUBLE_WRITE_OK() lop_is_idempotent(lop)
451 #ifdef FILL_SCAN_LINES
452 #  ifdef FILL_TRAPEZOIDS
453     fill_by_trapezoids =
454 	(!gx_path_has_curves(ppath) || params->flatness >= 1.0);
455 #  else
456     fill_by_trapezoids = false;
457 #  endif
458 #else
459     fill_by_trapezoids = true;
460 #endif
462     if (fill_by_trapezoids && !DOUBLE_WRITE_OK()) {
463 	/* Avoid filling rectangles by scan line. */
464 	gs_fixed_rect rbox;
466 	if (gx_path_is_rectangular(ppath, &rbox)) {
467 	    int x0 = fixed2int_pixround(rbox.p.x - adjust_left);
468 	    int y0 = fixed2int_pixround(rbox.p.y - adjust_below);
469 	    int x1 = fixed2int_pixround(rbox.q.x + adjust_right);
470 	    int y1 = fixed2int_pixround(rbox.q.y + adjust_above);
472 	    return gx_fill_rectangle_device_rop(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0,
473 						pdevc, dev, lop);
474 	}
475 	fill_by_trapezoids = false; /* avoid double write */
476     }
477 #endif
478 #undef DOUBLE_WRITE_OK
479     /*
480      * Pre-process curves.  When filling by trapezoids, we need to
481      * flatten the path completely; when filling by scan lines, we only
482      * need to monotonize it, unless FILL_CURVES is undefined.
483      */
484     gx_path_init_local(&ffpath, ppath->memory);
485     if (!gx_path_has_curves(ppath))	/* don't need to flatten */
486 	pfpath = ppath;
487     else
488 #if defined(FILL_CURVES) && defined(FILL_SCAN_LINES)
489 	/* Filling curves is possible. */
490 #  ifdef FILL_TRAPEZOIDS
491 	/* Not filling curves is also possible. */
492     if (fill_by_trapezoids)
493 #  endif
494 #endif
495 #if !defined(FILL_CURVES) || defined(FILL_TRAPEZOIDS)
496 	/* Not filling curves is possible. */
497 	{
498 	    gx_path_init_local(&ffpath, ppath->memory);
499 	    code = gx_path_add_flattened_accurate(ppath, &ffpath,
500 						  params->flatness,
501 						  pis->accurate_curves);
502 	    if (code < 0)
503 		return code;
504 	    pfpath = &ffpath;
505 	}
506 #endif
507 #if defined(FILL_CURVES) && defined(FILL_SCAN_LINES)
508     /* Filling curves is possible. */
509 #  ifdef FILL_TRAPEZOIDS
510     /* Not filling curves is also possible. */
511     else
512 #  endif
513     if (gx_path_is_monotonic(ppath))
514 	pfpath = ppath;
515     else {
516 	gx_path_init_local(&ffpath, ppath->memory);
517 	code = gx_path_add_monotonized(ppath, &ffpath);
518 	if (code < 0)
519 	    return code;
520 	pfpath = &ffpath;
521     }
522 #endif
523     if ((code = add_y_list(pfpath, &lst, adjust_below, adjust_above, &ibox)) < 0)
524 	goto nope;
525     {
526 	FILL_LOOP_PROC((*fill_loop));
528 	/* Some short-sighted compilers won't allow a conditional here.... */
529 	if (fill_by_trapezoids)
530 	    fill_loop = fill_loop_by_trapezoids;
531 	else
532 	    fill_loop = fill_loop_by_scan_lines;
533 	code = (*fill_loop)
534 	    (&lst, dev, params, pdevc, lop, &ibox,
535 	     adjust_left, adjust_right, adjust_below, adjust_above,
536 	   (max_fill_band == 0 ? NO_BAND_MASK : int2fixed(-max_fill_band)));
537     }
538   nope:if (lst.close_count != 0)
539 	unclose_path(pfpath, lst.close_count);
540     free_line_list(&lst);
541     if (pfpath != ppath)	/* had to flatten */
542 	gx_path_free(pfpath, "gx_default_fill_path(flattened path)");
543 #ifdef DEBUG
544     if (gs_debug_c('f')) {
545 	dlputs("[f]  # alloc    up  down horiz step slowx  iter  find  band bstep bfill\n");
546 	dlprintf5(" %5ld %5ld %5ld %5ld %5ld",
547 		  stats_fill.fill, stats_fill.fill_alloc,
548 		  stats_fill.y_up, stats_fill.y_down,
549 		  stats_fill.horiz);
550 	dlprintf4(" %5ld %5ld %5ld %5ld",
551 		  stats_fill.x_step, stats_fill.slow_x,
552 		  stats_fill.iter, stats_fill.find_y);
553 	dlprintf3(" %5ld %5ld %5ld\n",
554 		  stats_fill.band, stats_fill.band_step,
555 		  stats_fill.band_fill);
556 	dlputs("[f]    afill slant shall sfill mqcrs order slowo\n");
557 	dlprintf7("       %5ld %5ld %5ld %5ld %5ld %5ld %5ld\n",
558 		  stats_fill.afill, stats_fill.slant,
559 		  stats_fill.slant_shallow, stats_fill.sfill,
560 		  stats_fill.mq_cross, stats_fill.order,
561 		  stats_fill.slow_order);
562     }
563 #endif
564     return code;
565 }
567 /*
568  * Fill a path.  This is the default implementation of the driver
569  * fill_path procedure.
570  */
571 int
gx_default_fill_path(gx_device * pdev,const gs_imager_state * pis,gx_path * ppath,const gx_fill_params * params,const gx_device_color * pdevc,const gx_clip_path * pcpath)572 gx_default_fill_path(gx_device * pdev, const gs_imager_state * pis,
573 		     gx_path * ppath, const gx_fill_params * params,
574 		 const gx_device_color * pdevc, const gx_clip_path * pcpath)
575 {
576     if (gx_dc_is_pattern2_color(pdevc)) {
577 	/*  Optimization for shading fill :
578 	    The general path filling algorithm subdivides fill region with
579 	    trapezoid or rectangle subregions and then paints each subregion
580 	    with given color. If the color is shading, each subregion to be
581 	    subdivided into areas of constant color. But with radial
582 	    shading each area is a high order polygon, being
583 	    subdivided into smaller subregions, so as total number of
584 	    subregions grows huge. Faster processing is done here by changing
585 	    the order of subdivision cycles : we first subdivide the shading into
586 	    areas of constant color, then apply the general path filling algorithm
587 	    (i.e. subdivide each area into trapezoids or rectangles), using the
588 	    filling path as clip mask.
589 	*/
591 	gx_clip_path cpath_intersection;
592 	gx_path path_intersection;
593 	int code;
595 	/*  Shading fill algorithm uses "current path" parameter of the general
596 	    path filling algorithm as boundary of constant color area,
597 	    so we need to intersect the filling path with the clip path now,
598 	    reducing the number of pathes passed to it :
599 	*/
600 	gx_path_init_local(&path_intersection, pdev->memory);
601 	gx_cpath_init_local_shared(&cpath_intersection, pcpath, pdev->memory);
602 	if ((code = gx_cpath_intersect(&cpath_intersection, ppath, params->rule, (gs_imager_state *)pis)) >= 0)
603 	    code = gx_cpath_to_path(&cpath_intersection, &path_intersection);
605 	/* Do fill : */
606 	if (code >= 0)
607             code = gx_dc_pattern2_fill_path_adjusted(pdevc, &path_intersection, NULL,  pdev);
609 	/* Destruct local data and return :*/
610 	gx_path_free(&path_intersection, "shading_fill_path_intersection");
611 	gx_cpath_free(&cpath_intersection, "shading_fill_cpath_intersection");
612 	return code;
613     }
614     return gx_general_fill_path(pdev, pis, ppath, params, pdevc, pcpath);
615 }
617 /* Initialize the line list for a path. */
618 private void
init_line_list(ll_ptr ll,gs_memory_t * mem)619 init_line_list(ll_ptr ll, gs_memory_t * mem)
620 {
621     ll->memory = mem;
622     ll->active_area = 0;
623     ll->next_active = ll->local_active;
624     ll->limit = ll->next_active + MAX_LOCAL_ACTIVE;
625     ll->close_count = 0;
626     ll->y_list = 0;
627     ll->y_line = 0;
628     INCR(fill);
629 }
631 /* Unlink any line_close segments added temporarily. */
632 private void
unclose_path(gx_path * ppath,int count)633 unclose_path(gx_path * ppath, int count)
634 {
635     subpath *psub;
637     for (psub = ppath->first_subpath; count != 0;
638 	 psub = (subpath *) psub->last->next
639 	)
640 	if (psub->last == (segment *) & psub->closer) {
641 	    segment *prev = psub->closer.prev, *next = psub->closer.next;
643 	    prev->next = next;
644 	    if (next)
645 		next->prev = prev;
646 	    psub->last = prev;
647 	    count--;
648 	}
649 }
651 /* Free the line list. */
652 private void
free_line_list(ll_ptr ll)653 free_line_list(ll_ptr ll)
654 {
655     /* Free any individually allocated active_lines. */
656     gs_memory_t *mem = ll->memory;
657     active_line *alp;
659     while ((alp = ll->active_area) != 0) {
660 	active_line *next = alp->alloc_next;
662 	gs_free_object(mem, alp, "active line");
663 	ll->active_area = next;
664     }
665 }
667 /*
668  * Construct a Y-sorted list of segments for rasterizing a path.  We assume
669  * the path is non-empty.  Only include non-horizontal lines or (monotonic)
670  * curve segments where one endpoint is locally Y-minimal, and horizontal
671  * lines that might color some additional pixels.
672  */
673 private int
add_y_list(gx_path * ppath,ll_ptr ll,fixed adjust_below,fixed adjust_above,const gs_fixed_rect * pbox)674 add_y_list(gx_path * ppath, ll_ptr ll, fixed adjust_below, fixed adjust_above,
675 	   const gs_fixed_rect * pbox)
676 {
677     segment *pseg = (segment *) ppath->first_subpath;
678     int close_count = 0;
679     /* fixed xmin = pbox->p.x; *//* not currently used */
680     fixed ymin = pbox->p.y;
681     /* fixed xmax = pbox->q.x; *//* not currently used */
682     fixed ymax = pbox->q.y;
683     int code;
685     while (pseg) {
686 	/* We know that pseg points to a subpath head (s_start). */
687 	subpath *psub = (subpath *) pseg;
688 	segment *plast = psub->last;
689 	int dir = 2;		/* hack to skip first segment */
690 	int first_dir, prev_dir;
691 	segment *prev;
693 	if (plast->type != s_line_close) {
694 	    /* Create a fake s_line_close */
695 	    line_close_segment *lp = &psub->closer;
696 	    segment *next = plast->next;
698 	    lp->next = next;
699 	    lp->prev = plast;
700 	    plast->next = (segment *) lp;
701 	    if (next)
702 		next->prev = (segment *) lp;
703 	    lp->type = s_line_close;
704 	    lp->pt = psub->pt;
705 	    lp->sub = psub;
706 	    psub->last = plast = (segment *) lp;
707 	    ll->close_count++;
708 	}
709 	while ((prev_dir = dir, prev = pseg,
710 		(pseg = pseg->next) != 0 && pseg->type != s_start)
711 	    ) {
712 	    /* This element is either a line or a monotonic curve segment. */
713 	    fixed iy = pseg->pt.y;
714 	    fixed py = prev->pt.y;
716 	    /*
717 	     * Segments falling entirely outside the ibox in Y
718 	     * are treated as though they were horizontal, *
719 	     * i.e., they are never put on the list.
720 	     */
721 #define COMPUTE_DIR(xo, xe, yo, ye)\
722   (ye > yo ? (ye <= ymin || yo >= ymax ? 0 : DIR_UP) :\
723    ye < yo ? (yo <= ymin || ye >= ymax ? 0 : DIR_DOWN) :\
724    2)
725 #define ADD_DIR_LINES(prev2, prev, this, pdir, dir)\
726   BEGIN\
727     if (pdir)\
728       { if ((code = add_y_line(prev2, prev, pdir, ll)) < 0) return code; }\
729     if (dir)\
730       { if ((code = add_y_line(prev, this, dir, ll)) < 0) return code; }\
731   END
732 	    dir = COMPUTE_DIR(prev->pt.x, pseg->pt.x, py, iy);
733 	    if (dir == 2) {	/* Put horizontal lines on the list */
734 		/* if they would color any pixels. */
735 		if (fixed2int_pixround(iy - adjust_below) <
736 		    fixed2int_pixround(iy + adjust_above)
737 		    ) {
738 		    INCR(horiz);
739 		    if ((code = add_y_line(prev, pseg,
740 					   DIR_HORIZONTAL, ll)) < 0
741 			)
742 			return code;
743 		}
744 		dir = 0;
745 	    }
746 	    if (dir > prev_dir) {
747 		ADD_DIR_LINES(prev->prev, prev, pseg, prev_dir, dir);
748 	    } else if (prev_dir == 2)	/* first segment */
749 		first_dir = dir;
750 	    if (pseg == plast) {
751 		/*
752 		 * We skipped the first segment of the subpath, so the last
753 		 * segment must receive special consideration.  Note that we
754 		 * have `closed' all subpaths.
755 		 */
756 		if (first_dir > dir) {
757 		    ADD_DIR_LINES(prev, pseg, psub->next, dir, first_dir);
758 		}
759 	    }
760 	}
761 #undef COMPUTE_DIR
762 #undef ADD_DIR_LINES
763     }
764     return close_count;
765 }
766 /*
767  * Internal routine to test a segment and add it to the pending list if
768  * appropriate.
769  */
770 private int
add_y_line(const segment * prev_lp,const segment * lp,int dir,ll_ptr ll)771 add_y_line(const segment * prev_lp, const segment * lp, int dir, ll_ptr ll)
772 {
773     gs_fixed_point this, prev;
774     active_line *alp = ll->next_active;
775     fixed y_start;
777     if (alp == ll->limit) {	/* Allocate separately */
778 	alp = gs_alloc_struct(ll->memory, active_line,
779 			      &st_active_line, "active line");
780 	if (alp == 0)
781 	    return_error(gs_error_VMerror);
782 	alp->alloc_next = ll->active_area;
783 	ll->active_area = alp;
784 	INCR(fill_alloc);
785     } else
786 	ll->next_active++;
787     this.x = lp->pt.x;
788     this.y = lp->pt.y;
789     prev.x = prev_lp->pt.x;
790     prev.y = prev_lp->pt.y;
791     switch ((alp->direction = dir)) {
792 	case DIR_UP:
793 	    y_start = prev.y;
794 	    SET_AL_POINTS(alp, prev, this);
795 	    alp->pseg = lp;
796 	    break;
797 	case DIR_DOWN:
798 	    y_start = this.y;
799 	    SET_AL_POINTS(alp, this, prev);
800 	    alp->pseg = prev_lp;
801 	    break;
803 	    y_start = this.y;	/* = prev.y */
804 	    alp->start = prev;
805 	    alp->end = this;
806 	    /* Don't need to set dx or y_fast_max */
807 	    alp->pseg = prev_lp;	/* may not need this either */
808 	    break;
809 	default:		/* can't happen */
810 	    return_error(gs_error_unregistered);
811     }
812     /* Insert the new line in the Y ordering */
813     {
814 	active_line *yp = ll->y_line;
815 	active_line *nyp;
817 	if (yp == 0) {
818 	    alp->next = alp->prev = 0;
819 	    ll->y_list = alp;
820 	} else if (y_start >= yp->start.y) {	/* Insert the new line after y_line */
821 	    while (INCR_EXPR(y_up),
822 		   ((nyp = yp->next) != NULL &&
823 		    y_start > nyp->start.y)
824 		)
825 		yp = nyp;
826 	    alp->next = nyp;
827 	    alp->prev = yp;
828 	    yp->next = alp;
829 	    if (nyp)
830 		nyp->prev = alp;
831 	} else {		/* Insert the new line before y_line */
832 	    while (INCR_EXPR(y_down),
833 		   ((nyp = yp->prev) != NULL &&
834 		    y_start < nyp->start.y)
835 		)
836 		yp = nyp;
837 	    alp->prev = nyp;
838 	    alp->next = yp;
839 	    yp->prev = alp;
840 	    if (nyp)
841 		nyp->next = alp;
842 	    else
843 		ll->y_list = alp;
844 	}
845     }
846     ll->y_line = alp;
847     print_al("add ", alp);
848     return 0;
849 }
851 /* ---------------- Filling loop utilities ---------------- */
853 /* Insert a newly active line in the X ordering. */
854 private void
insert_x_new(active_line * alp,ll_ptr ll)855 insert_x_new(active_line * alp, ll_ptr ll)
856 {
857     active_line *next;
858     active_line *prev = &ll->x_head;
860     alp->x_current = alp->start.x;
861     while (INCR_EXPR(x_step),
862 	   (next = prev->next) != 0 && x_order(next, alp) < 0
863 	)
864 	prev = next;
865     alp->next = next;
866     alp->prev = prev;
867     if (next != 0)
868 	next->prev = alp;
869     prev->next = alp;
870 }
872 /*
873  * Handle a line segment that just ended.  Return true iff this was
874  * the end of a line sequence.
875  */
876 private bool
end_x_line(active_line * alp,bool update)877 end_x_line(active_line *alp, bool update)
878 {
879     const segment *pseg = alp->pseg;
880     /*
881      * The computation of next relies on the fact that
882      * all subpaths have been closed.  When we cycle
883      * around to the other end of a subpath, we must be
884      * sure not to process the start/end point twice.
885      */
886     const segment *next =
887 	(alp->direction == DIR_UP ?
888 	 (			/* Upward line, go forward along path. */
889 	  pseg->type == s_line_close ?	/* end of subpath */
890 	  ((const line_close_segment *)pseg)->sub->next :
891 	  pseg->next) :
892 	 (			/* Downward line, go backward along path. */
893 	  pseg->type == s_start ?	/* start of subpath */
894 	  ((const subpath *)pseg)->last->prev :
895 	  pseg->prev)
896 	);
897     gs_fixed_point npt;
899     npt.y = next->pt.y;
900     if (!update)
901 	return npt.y <= pseg->pt.y;
902     if_debug5('F', "[F]ended 0x%lx: pseg=0x%lx y=%f next=0x%lx npt.y=%f\n",
903 	      (ulong) alp, (ulong) pseg, fixed2float(pseg->pt.y),
904 	      (ulong) next, fixed2float(npt.y));
905     if (npt.y <= pseg->pt.y) {	/* End of a line sequence */
906 	active_line *nlp = alp->next;
908 	alp->prev->next = nlp;
909 	if (nlp)
910 	    nlp->prev = alp->prev;
911 	if_debug1('F', "[F]drop 0x%lx\n", (ulong) alp);
912 	return true;
913     }
914     alp->pseg = next;
915     npt.x = next->pt.x;
916     SET_AL_POINTS(alp, alp->end, npt);
917     print_al("repl", alp);
918     return false;
919 }
921 #define LOOP_FILL_RECTANGLE(x, y, w, h)\
922   gx_fill_rectangle_device_rop(x, y, w, h, pdevc, dev, lop)
923 #define LOOP_FILL_RECTANGLE_DIRECT(x, y, w, h)\
924   (fill_direct ?\
925    (*fill_rect)(dev, x, y, w, h, cindex) :\
926    gx_fill_rectangle_device_rop(x, y, w, h, pdevc, dev, lop))
928 /* ---------------- Trapezoid filling loop ---------------- */
930 /* Forward references */
931 private int fill_slant_adjust(P12(fixed, fixed, fixed, fixed, fixed,
932 				  fixed, fixed, fixed, const gs_fixed_rect *,
933 	     const gx_device_color *, gx_device *, gs_logical_operation_t));
934 private void resort_x_line(P1(active_line *));
936 /****** PATCH ******/
937 #define LOOP_FILL_TRAPEZOID_FIXED(fx0, fw0, fy0, fx1, fw1, fh)\
938   loop_fill_trap(dev, fx0, fw0, fy0, fx1, fw1, fh, pbox, pdevc, lop)
939 private int
loop_fill_trap(gx_device * dev,fixed fx0,fixed fw0,fixed fy0,fixed fx1,fixed fw1,fixed fh,const gs_fixed_rect * pbox,const gx_device_color * pdevc,gs_logical_operation_t lop)940 loop_fill_trap(gx_device * dev, fixed fx0, fixed fw0, fixed fy0,
941 	       fixed fx1, fixed fw1, fixed fh, const gs_fixed_rect * pbox,
942 	       const gx_device_color * pdevc, gs_logical_operation_t lop)
943 {
944     fixed fy1 = fy0 + fh;
945     fixed ybot = max(fy0, pbox->p.y);
946     fixed ytop = min(fy1, pbox->q.y);
947     gs_fixed_edge left, right;
949     if (ybot >= ytop)
950 	return 0;
951     left.start.y = right.start.y = fy0;
952     left.end.y = right.end.y = fy1;
953     right.start.x = (left.start.x = fx0) + fw0;
954     right.end.x = (left.end.x = fx1) + fw1;
955     return (*dev_proc(dev, fill_trapezoid))
956 	(dev, &left, &right, ybot, ytop, false, pdevc, lop);
957 }
958 /****** END PATCH ******/
960 /* Main filling loop.  Takes lines off of y_list and adds them to */
961 /* x_list as needed.  band_mask limits the size of each band, */
962 /* by requiring that ((y1 - 1) & band_mask) == (y0 & band_mask). */
963 private int
fill_loop_by_trapezoids(ll_ptr ll,gx_device * dev,const gx_fill_params * params,const gx_device_color * pdevc,gs_logical_operation_t lop,const gs_fixed_rect * pbox,fixed adjust_left,fixed adjust_right,fixed adjust_below,fixed adjust_above,fixed band_mask)964 fill_loop_by_trapezoids(ll_ptr ll, gx_device * dev,
965 	       const gx_fill_params * params, const gx_device_color * pdevc,
966 		     gs_logical_operation_t lop, const gs_fixed_rect * pbox,
967 			fixed adjust_left, fixed adjust_right,
968 		    fixed adjust_below, fixed adjust_above, fixed band_mask)
969 {
970     int rule = params->rule;
971     const fixed y_limit = pbox->q.y;
972     active_line *yll = ll->y_list;
973     fixed y;
974     int code;
975     bool fill_direct = color_writes_pure(pdevc, lop);
976     gx_color_index cindex;
978     dev_proc_fill_rectangle((*fill_rect));
979 /*
980  * Define a faster test for
981  *      fixed2int_pixround(y - below) != fixed2int_pixround(y + above)
982  * where we know
983  *      0 <= below <= _fixed_pixround_v,
984  *      0 <= above <= min(fixed_half, fixed_1 - below).
985  * Subtracting out the integer parts, this is equivalent to
986  *      fixed2int_pixround(fixed_fraction(y) - below) !=
987  *        fixed2int_pixround(fixed_fraction(y) + above)
988  * or to
989  *      fixed2int(fixed_fraction(y) + _fixed_pixround_v - below) !=
990  *        fixed2int(fixed_fraction(y) + _fixed_pixround_v + above)
991  * Letting A = _fixed_pixround_v - below and B = _fixed_pixround_v + above,
992  * we can rewrite this as
993  *      fixed2int(fixed_fraction(y) + A) != fixed2int(fixed_fraction(y) + B)
994  * Because of the range constraints given above, this is true precisely when
995  *      fixed_fraction(y) + A < fixed_1 && fixed_fraction(y) + B >= fixed_1
996  * or equivalently
997  *      fixed_fraction(y + B) < B - A.
998  * i.e.
999  *      fixed_fraction(y + _fixed_pixround_v + above) < below + above
1000  */
1001     fixed y_span_delta = _fixed_pixround_v + adjust_above;
1002     fixed y_span_limit = adjust_below + adjust_above;
1004 #define ADJUSTED_Y_SPANS_PIXEL(y)\
1005   (fixed_fraction((y) + y_span_delta) < y_span_limit)
1007     if (yll == 0)
1008 	return 0;		/* empty list */
1009     if (fill_direct)
1010 	cindex = pdevc->colors.pure,
1011 	    fill_rect = dev_proc(dev, fill_rectangle);
1012     y = yll->start.y;		/* first Y value */
1013     ll->x_list = 0;
1014     ll->x_head.x_current = min_fixed;	/* stop backward scan */
1015     while (1) {
1016 	fixed y1;
1017 	active_line *endp, *alp, *stopx;
1018 	fixed x;
1019 	int draw;
1021 	INCR(iter);
1022 	/* Move newly active lines from y to x list. */
1023 	while (yll != 0 && yll->start.y == y) {
1024 	    active_line *ynext = yll->next;	/* insert smashes next/prev links */
1026 	    if (yll->direction == DIR_HORIZONTAL) {
1027 		/*
1028 		 * This is a hack to make sure that isolated horizontal
1029 		 * lines get stroked.
1030 		 */
1031 		int yi = fixed2int_pixround(y - adjust_below);
1032 		int xi, wi;
1034 		if (yll->start.x <= yll->end.x)
1035 		    xi = fixed2int_pixround(yll->start.x -
1036 					    adjust_left),
1037 			wi = fixed2int_pixround(yll->end.x +
1038 						adjust_right) - xi;
1039 		else
1040 		    xi = fixed2int_pixround(yll->end.x -
1041 					    adjust_left),
1042 			wi = fixed2int_pixround(yll->start.x +
1043 						adjust_right) - xi;
1044 		code = LOOP_FILL_RECTANGLE_DIRECT(xi, yi, wi, 1);
1045 		if (code < 0)
1046 		    return code;
1047 	    } else
1048 		insert_x_new(yll, ll);
1049 	    yll = ynext;
1050 	}
1051 	/* Check whether we've reached the maximum y. */
1052 	if (y >= y_limit)
1053 	    break;
1054 	if (ll->x_list == 0) {	/* No active lines, skip to next start */
1055 	    if (yll == 0)
1056 		break;		/* no lines left */
1057 	    y = yll->start.y;
1058 	    continue;
1059 	}
1060 	/* Find the next evaluation point. */
1061 	/* Start by finding the smallest y value */
1062 	/* at which any currently active line ends */
1063 	/* (or the next to-be-active line begins). */
1064 	y1 = (yll != 0 ? yll->start.y : y_limit);
1065 	/* Make sure we don't exceed the maximum band height. */
1066 	{
1067 	    fixed y_band = y | ~band_mask;
1069 	    if (y1 > y_band)
1070 		y1 = y_band + 1;
1071 	}
1072 	for (alp = ll->x_list; alp != 0; alp = alp->next)
1073 	    if (alp->end.y < y1)
1074 		y1 = alp->end.y;
1075 #ifdef DEBUG
1076 	if (gs_debug_c('F')) {
1077 	    dlprintf2("[F]before loop: y=%f y1=%f:\n",
1078 		      fixed2float(y), fixed2float(y1));
1079 	    print_line_list(ll->x_list);
1080 	}
1081 #endif
1082 	/* Now look for line intersections before y1. */
1083 	x = min_fixed;
1084 #define HAVE_PIXELS()\
1085   (fixed_pixround(y - adjust_below) < fixed_pixround(y1 + adjust_above))
1086 	draw = (HAVE_PIXELS()? 1 : -1);
1087 	/*
1088 	 * Loop invariants:
1089 	 *      alp = endp->next;
1090 	 *      for all lines lp from stopx up to alp,
1091 	 *        lp->x_next = AL_X_AT_Y(lp, y1).
1092 	 */
1093 	for (alp = stopx = ll->x_list;
1094 	     INCR_EXPR(find_y), alp != 0;
1095 	     endp = alp, alp = alp->next
1096 	    ) {
1097 	    fixed nx = AL_X_AT_Y(alp, y1);
1098 	    fixed dx_old, dx_den;
1100 	    /* Check for intersecting lines. */
1101 	    if (nx >= x)
1102 		x = nx;
1103 	    else if
1104 		    (draw >= 0 &&	/* don't bother if no pixels */
1105 		     (dx_old = alp->x_current - endp->x_current) >= 0 &&
1106 		     (dx_den = dx_old + endp->x_next - nx) > dx_old
1107 		) {		/* Make a good guess at the intersection */
1108 		/* Y value using only local information. */
1109 		fixed dy = y1 - y, y_new;
1111 		if_debug3('F', "[F]cross: dy=%g, dx_old=%g, dx_new=%g\n",
1112 			  fixed2float(dy), fixed2float(dx_old),
1113 			  fixed2float(dx_den - dx_old));
1114 		/* Do the computation in single precision */
1115 		/* if the values are small enough. */
1116 		y_new =
1117 		    ((dy | dx_old) < 1L << (size_of(fixed) * 4 - 1) ?
1118 		     dy * dx_old / dx_den :
1119 		     (INCR_EXPR(mq_cross), fixed_mult_quo(dy, dx_old, dx_den)))
1120 		    + y;
1121 		/* The crossing value doesn't have to be */
1122 		/* very accurate, but it does have to be */
1123 		/* greater than y and less than y1. */
1124 		if_debug3('F', "[F]cross y=%g, y_new=%g, y1=%g\n",
1125 			  fixed2float(y), fixed2float(y_new),
1126 			  fixed2float(y1));
1127 		stopx = alp;
1128 		if (y_new <= y) {
1129 		    /*
1130 		     * This isn't possible.  Recompute the intersection
1131 		     * accurately.
1132 		     */
1133 		    fixed ys, xs0, xs1, ye, xe0, xe1, dy, dx0, dx1;
1135 		    INCR(cross_slow);
1136 		    if (endp->start.y < alp->start.y)
1137 			ys = alp->start.y,
1138 			    xs0 = AL_X_AT_Y(endp, ys), xs1 = alp->start.x;
1139 		    else
1140 			ys = endp->start.y,
1141 			    xs0 = endp->start.x, xs1 = AL_X_AT_Y(alp, ys);
1142 		    if (endp->end.y > alp->end.y)
1143 			ye = alp->end.y,
1144 			    xe0 = AL_X_AT_Y(endp, ye), xe1 = alp->end.x;
1145 		    else
1146 			ye = endp->end.y,
1147 			    xe0 = endp->end.x, xe1 = AL_X_AT_Y(alp, ye);
1148 		    dy = ye - ys;
1149 		    dx0 = xe0 - xs0;
1150 		    dx1 = xe1 - xs1;
1151 		    /* We need xs0 + cross * dx0 == xs1 + cross * dx1. */
1152 		    if (dx0 == dx1) {
1153 			/* The two lines are coincident.  Do nothing. */
1154 			y_new = y1;
1155 		    } else {
1156 			double cross = (double)(xs0 - xs1) / (dx1 - dx0);
1158 			y_new = (fixed)(ys + cross * dy);
1159 			if (y_new <= y) {
1160 			    /*
1161 			     * This can only happen through some kind of
1162 			     * numeric disaster, but we have to check.
1163 			     */
1164 			    INCR(cross_low);
1165 			    y_new = y + fixed_epsilon;
1166 			}
1167 		    }
1168 		}
1169 		if (y_new < y1) {
1170 		    y1 = y_new;
1171 		    nx = AL_X_AT_Y(alp, y1);
1172 		    draw = 0;
1173 		}
1174 		if (nx > x)
1175 		    x = nx;
1176 	    }
1177 	    alp->x_next = nx;
1178 	}
1179 	/* Recompute next_x for lines before the intersection. */
1180 	for (alp = ll->x_list; alp != stopx; alp = alp->next)
1181 	    alp->x_next = AL_X_AT_Y(alp, y1);
1182 #ifdef DEBUG
1183 	if (gs_debug_c('F')) {
1184 	    dlprintf1("[F]after loop: y1=%f\n", fixed2float(y1));
1185 	    print_line_list(ll->x_list);
1186 	}
1187 #endif
1188 	/* Fill a multi-trapezoid band for the active lines. */
1189 	/* Don't bother if no pixel centers lie within the band. */
1190 	if (draw > 0 || (draw == 0 && HAVE_PIXELS())) {
1191 	    fixed height = y1 - y;
1192 	    fixed xlbot, xltop;	/* as of last "outside" line */
1193 	    int inside = 0;
1194 	    active_line *nlp;
1196 	    INCR(band);
1197 	    for (x = min_fixed, alp = ll->x_list; alp != 0; alp = nlp) {
1198 		fixed xbot = alp->x_current;
1199 		fixed xtop = alp->x_current = alp->x_next;
1200 		fixed wtop;
1201 		int xi, xli;
1202 		int code;
1204 		print_al("step", alp);
1205 		INCR(band_step);
1206 		nlp = alp->next;
1207 		/* Handle ended or out-of-order lines.  After this, */
1208 		/* the only member of alp we use is alp->direction. */
1209 		if (alp->end.y != y1 || !end_x_line(alp, true)) {
1210 		    if (xtop <= x)
1211 			resort_x_line(alp);
1212 		    else
1213 			x = xtop;
1214 		}
1215 		/* rule = -1 for winding number rule, i.e. */
1216 		/* we are inside if the winding number is non-zero; */
1217 		/* rule = 1 for even-odd rule, i.e. */
1218 		/* we are inside if the winding number is odd. */
1219 #define INSIDE_PATH_P() ((inside & rule) != 0)
1220 		if (!INSIDE_PATH_P()) {		/* i.e., outside */
1221 		    inside += alp->direction;
1222 		    if (INSIDE_PATH_P())	/* about to go in */
1223 			xlbot = xbot, xltop = xtop;
1224 		    continue;
1225 		}
1226 		/* We're inside a region being filled. */
1227 		inside += alp->direction;
1228 		if (INSIDE_PATH_P())	/* not about to go out */
1229 		    continue;
1230 #undef INSIDE_PATH_P
1231 		/* We just went from inside to outside, so fill the region. */
1232 		wtop = xtop - xltop;
1233 		INCR(band_fill);
1234 		/*
1235 		 * If lines are temporarily out of order, we might have
1236 		 * xtop < xltop.  Patch this up now if necessary.  Note that
1237 		 * we can't test wtop < 0, because the subtraction might
1238 		 * overflow.
1239 		 */
1240 		if (xtop < xltop) {
1241 		    if_debug2('f', "[f]patch %g,%g\n",
1242 			      fixed2float(xltop), fixed2float(xtop));
1243 		    xtop = xltop += arith_rshift(wtop, 1);
1244 		    wtop = 0;
1245 		}
1246 		if ((adjust_left | adjust_right) != 0) {
1247 		    xlbot -= adjust_left;
1248 		    xbot += adjust_right;
1249 		    xltop -= adjust_left;
1250 		    xtop += adjust_right;
1251 		    wtop = xtop - xltop;
1252 		}
1253 		if ((xli = fixed2int_var_pixround(xltop)) ==
1254 		    fixed2int_var_pixround(xlbot) &&
1255 		    (xi = fixed2int_var_pixround(xtop)) ==
1256 		    fixed2int_var_pixround(xbot)
1257 		    ) {		/* Rectangle. */
1258 		    int yi = fixed2int_pixround(y - adjust_below);
1259 		    int wi = fixed2int_pixround(y1 + adjust_above) - yi;
1261 		    code = LOOP_FILL_RECTANGLE_DIRECT(xli, yi,
1262 						      xi - xli, wi);
1263 		} else if ((adjust_below | adjust_above) != 0) {
1264 		    /*
1265 		     * We want to get the effect of filling an area whose
1266 		     * outline is formed by dragging a square of side adj2
1267 		     * along the border of the trapezoid.  This is *not*
1268 		     * equivalent to simply expanding the corners by
1269 		     * adjust: There are 3 cases needing different
1270 		     * algorithms, plus rectangles as a fast special case.
1271 		     */
1272 		    fixed wbot = xbot - xlbot;
1274 		    if (xltop <= xlbot) {
1275 			if (xtop >= xbot) {	/* Top wider than bottom. */
1276 			    code = LOOP_FILL_TRAPEZOID_FIXED(
1277 					      xlbot, wbot, y - adjust_below,
1278 						       xltop, wtop, height);
1279 			    if (ADJUSTED_Y_SPANS_PIXEL(y1)) {
1280 				if (code < 0)
1281 				    return code;
1282 				INCR(afill);
1284 				 xli, fixed2int_pixround(y1 - adjust_below),
1285 				     fixed2int_var_pixround(xtop) - xli, 1);
1286 			    }
1287 			} else {	/* Slanted trapezoid. */
1288 			    code = fill_slant_adjust(xlbot, xbot, y,
1289 					  xltop, xtop, height, adjust_below,
1290 						     adjust_above, pbox,
1291 						     pdevc, dev, lop);
1292 			}
1293 		    } else {
1294 			if (xtop <= xbot) {	/* Bottom wider than top. */
1295 			    if (ADJUSTED_Y_SPANS_PIXEL(y)) {
1296 				INCR(afill);
1297 				xli = fixed2int_var_pixround(xlbot);
1299 				  xli, fixed2int_pixround(y - adjust_below),
1300 				     fixed2int_var_pixround(xbot) - xli, 1);
1301 				if (code < 0)
1302 				    return code;
1303 			    }
1304 			    code = LOOP_FILL_TRAPEZOID_FIXED(
1305 					      xlbot, wbot, y + adjust_above,
1306 						       xltop, wtop, height);
1307 			} else {	/* Slanted trapezoid. */
1308 			    code = fill_slant_adjust(xlbot, xbot, y,
1309 					  xltop, xtop, height, adjust_below,
1310 						     adjust_above, pbox,
1311 						     pdevc, dev, lop);
1312 			}
1313 		    }
1314 		} else		/* No Y adjustment. */
1315 		    code = LOOP_FILL_TRAPEZOID_FIXED(xlbot, xbot - xlbot,
1316 						     y, xltop, wtop, height);
1317 		if (code < 0)
1318 		    return code;
1319 	    }
1320 	} else {
1321 	    /* Just scan for ended or out-of-order lines. */
1322 	    active_line *nlp;
1324 	    for (x = min_fixed, alp = ll->x_list; alp != 0;
1325 		 alp = nlp
1326 		) {
1327 		fixed nx = alp->x_current = alp->x_next;
1329 		nlp = alp->next;
1330 		if_debug4('F',
1331 			  "[F]check 0x%lx,x=%g 0x%lx,x=%g\n",
1332 			  (ulong) alp->prev, fixed2float(x),
1333 			  (ulong) alp, fixed2float(nx));
1334 		if (alp->end.y == y1) {
1335 		    if (end_x_line(alp, true))
1336 			continue;
1337 		}
1338 		if (nx <= x)
1339 		    resort_x_line(alp);
1340 		else
1341 		    x = nx;
1342 	    }
1343 	}
1344 #ifdef DEBUG
1345 	if (gs_debug_c('f')) {
1346 	    int code = check_line_list(ll->x_list);
1348 	    if (code < 0)
1349 		return code;
1350 	}
1351 #endif
1352 	y = y1;
1353     }
1354     return 0;
1355 }
1357 /*
1358  * Handle the case of a slanted trapezoid with adjustment.
1359  * To do this exactly right requires filling a central trapezoid
1360  * (or rectangle) plus two horizontal almost-rectangles.
1361  */
1362 private int
fill_slant_adjust(fixed xlbot,fixed xbot,fixed y,fixed xltop,fixed xtop,fixed height,fixed adjust_below,fixed adjust_above,const gs_fixed_rect * pbox,const gx_device_color * pdevc,gx_device * dev,gs_logical_operation_t lop)1363 fill_slant_adjust(fixed xlbot, fixed xbot, fixed y,
1364 		  fixed xltop, fixed xtop, fixed height, fixed adjust_below,
1365 		  fixed adjust_above, const gs_fixed_rect * pbox,
1366 		  const gx_device_color * pdevc, gx_device * dev,
1367 		  gs_logical_operation_t lop)
1368 {
1369     fixed y1 = y + height;
1371     dev_proc_fill_trapezoid((*fill_trap)) =
1372 	dev_proc(dev, fill_trapezoid);
1373     const fixed yb = y - adjust_below;
1374     const fixed ya = y + adjust_above;
1375     const fixed y1b = y1 - adjust_below;
1376     const fixed y1a = y1 + adjust_above;
1377     const gs_fixed_edge *plbot;
1378     const gs_fixed_edge *prbot;
1379     const gs_fixed_edge *pltop;
1380     const gs_fixed_edge *prtop;
1381     gs_fixed_edge vert_left, slant_left, vert_right, slant_right;
1382     int code;
1384     INCR(slant);
1386     /* Set up all the edges, even though we may not need them all. */
1388     if (xlbot < xltop) {	/* && xbot < xtop */
1389 	vert_left.start.x = vert_left.end.x = xlbot;
1390 	vert_left.start.y = yb, vert_left.end.y = ya;
1391 	vert_right.start.x = vert_right.end.x = xtop;
1392 	vert_right.start.y = y1b, vert_right.end.y = y1a;
1393 	slant_left.start.y = ya, slant_left.end.y = y1a;
1394 	slant_right.start.y = yb, slant_right.end.y = y1b;
1395 	plbot = &vert_left, prbot = &slant_right,
1396 	    pltop = &slant_left, prtop = &vert_right;
1397     } else {
1398 	vert_left.start.x = vert_left.end.x = xltop;
1399 	vert_left.start.y = y1b, vert_left.end.y = y1a;
1400 	vert_right.start.x = vert_right.end.x = xbot;
1401 	vert_right.start.y = yb, vert_right.end.y = ya;
1402 	slant_left.start.y = yb, slant_left.end.y = y1b;
1403 	slant_right.start.y = ya, slant_right.end.y = y1a;
1404 	plbot = &slant_left, prbot = &vert_right,
1405 	    pltop = &vert_left, prtop = &slant_right;
1406     }
1407     slant_left.start.x = xlbot, slant_left.end.x = xltop;
1408     slant_right.start.x = xbot, slant_right.end.x = xtop;
1410     if (ya >= y1b) {
1411 	/*
1412 	 * The upper and lower adjustment bands overlap.
1413 	 * Since the entire entity is less than 2 pixels high
1414 	 * in this case, we could handle it very efficiently
1415 	 * with no more than 2 rectangle fills, but for right now
1416 	 * we don't attempt to do this.
1417 	 */
1418 	int iyb = fixed2int_var_pixround(yb);
1419 	int iya = fixed2int_var_pixround(ya);
1420 	int iy1b = fixed2int_var_pixround(y1b);
1421 	int iy1a = fixed2int_var_pixround(y1a);
1423 	INCR(slant_shallow);
1424 	if (iy1b > iyb) {
1425 	    code = (*fill_trap) (dev, plbot, prbot,
1426 				 yb, y1b, false, pdevc, lop);
1427 	    if (code < 0)
1428 		return code;
1429 	}
1430 	if (iya > iy1b) {
1431 	    int ix = fixed2int_var_pixround(vert_left.start.x);
1432 	    int iw = fixed2int_var_pixround(vert_right.start.x) - ix;
1434 	    code = LOOP_FILL_RECTANGLE(ix, iy1b, iw, iya - iy1b);
1435 	    if (code < 0)
1436 		return code;
1437 	}
1438 	if (iy1a > iya)
1439 	    code = (*fill_trap) (dev, pltop, prtop,
1440 				 ya, y1a, false, pdevc, lop);
1441 	else
1442 	    code = 0;
1443     } else {
1444 	/*
1445 	 * Clip the trapezoid if possible.  This can save a lot
1446 	 * of work when filling paths that cross band boundaries.
1447 	 */
1448 	fixed yac;
1450 	if (pbox->p.y < ya) {
1451 	    code = (*fill_trap) (dev, plbot, prbot,
1452 				 yb, ya, false, pdevc, lop);
1453 	    if (code < 0)
1454 		return code;
1455 	    yac = ya;
1456 	} else
1457 	    yac = pbox->p.y;
1458 	if (pbox->q.y > y1b) {
1459 	    code = (*fill_trap) (dev, &slant_left, &slant_right,
1460 				 yac, y1b, false, pdevc, lop);
1461 	    if (code < 0)
1462 		return code;
1463 	    code = (*fill_trap) (dev, pltop, prtop,
1464 				 y1b, y1a, false, pdevc, lop);
1465 	} else
1466 	    code = (*fill_trap) (dev, &slant_left, &slant_right,
1467 				 yac, pbox->q.y, false, pdevc, lop);
1468     }
1469     return code;
1470 }
1472 /* Re-sort the x list by moving alp backward to its proper spot. */
1473 private void
resort_x_line(active_line * alp)1474 resort_x_line(active_line * alp)
1475 {
1476     active_line *prev = alp->prev;
1477     active_line *next = alp->next;
1479     prev->next = next;
1480     if (next)
1481 	next->prev = prev;
1482     while (x_order(prev, alp) > 0) {
1483 	if_debug2('F', "[F]swap 0x%lx,0x%lx\n",
1484 		  (ulong) alp, (ulong) prev);
1485 	next = prev, prev = prev->prev;
1486     }
1487     alp->next = next;
1488     alp->prev = prev;
1489     /* next might be null, if alp was in the correct spot already. */
1490     if (next)
1491 	next->prev = alp;
1492     prev->next = alp;
1493 }
1495 /* ---------------- Range list management ---------------- */
1497 /*
1498  * We originally thought we would store fixed values in coordinate ranges,
1499  * but it turned out we want to store integers.
1500  */
1501 typedef int coord_value_t;
1502 #define MIN_COORD_VALUE min_int
1503 #define MAX_COORD_VALUE max_int
1504 /*
1505  * The invariant for coord_range_ts in a coord_range_list_t:
1506  *	if prev == 0:
1507  *		next != 0
1508  *		rmin == rmax == MIN_COORD_VALUE
1509  *	else if next == 0:
1510  *		prev != 0
1511  *		rmin == rmax == MAX_COORD_VALUE
1512  *	else
1513  *		rmin < rmax
1514  *	if prev != 0:
1515  *		prev->next == this
1516  *		prev->rmax < rmin
1517  *	if next != 0:
1518  *		next->prev = this
1519  *		next->rmin > rmax
1520  * A coord_range_list_t has a boundary element at each end to avoid having
1521  * to test for null pointers in the insertion loop.  The boundary elements
1522  * are the only empty ranges.
1523  */
1524 typedef struct coord_range_s coord_range_t;
1525 struct coord_range_s {
1526     coord_value_t rmin, rmax;
1527     coord_range_t *prev, *next;
1528     coord_range_t *alloc_next;
1529 };
1530 /* We declare coord_range_ts as simple because they only exist transiently. */
1531 gs_private_st_simple(st_coord_range, coord_range_t, "coord_range_t");
1533 typedef struct coord_range_list_s {
1534     gs_memory_t *memory;
1535     struct rl_ {
1536 	coord_range_t *first, *next, *limit;
1537     } local;
1538     coord_range_t *allocated;
1539     coord_range_t *freed;
1540     coord_range_t *current;
1541     coord_range_t first, last;
1542 } coord_range_list_t;
1544 private coord_range_t *
range_alloc(coord_range_list_t * pcrl)1545 range_alloc(coord_range_list_t *pcrl)
1546 {
1547     coord_range_t *pcr;
1549     if (pcrl->freed) {
1550 	pcr = pcrl->freed;
1551 	pcrl->freed = pcr->next;
1552     } else if (pcrl->local.next < pcrl->local.limit)
1553 	pcr = pcrl->local.next++;
1554     else {
1555 	pcr = gs_alloc_struct(pcrl->memory, coord_range_t, &st_coord_range,
1556 			      "range_alloc");
1557 	if (pcr == 0)
1558 	    return 0;
1559 	pcr->alloc_next = pcrl->allocated;
1560 	pcrl->allocated = pcr;
1561     }
1562     return pcr;
1563 }
1565 private void
range_delete(coord_range_list_t * pcrl,coord_range_t * pcr)1566 range_delete(coord_range_list_t *pcrl, coord_range_t *pcr)
1567 {
1568     if_debug3('Q', "[Qr]delete 0x%lx: [%d,%d)\n", (ulong)pcr, pcr->rmin,
1569 	      pcr->rmax);
1570     pcr->prev->next = pcr->next;
1571     pcr->next->prev = pcr->prev;
1572     pcr->next = pcrl->freed;
1573     pcrl->freed = pcr;
1574 }
1576 private void
range_list_clear(coord_range_list_t * pcrl)1577 range_list_clear(coord_range_list_t *pcrl)
1578 {
1579     if_debug0('Q', "[Qr]clearing\n");
1580     pcrl->first.next = &pcrl->last;
1581     pcrl->last.prev = &pcrl->first;
1582     pcrl->current = &pcrl->last;
1583 }
1585 /* ------ "Public" procedures ------ */
1587 /* Initialize a range list.  We require num_local >= 2. */
1588 private void range_list_clear(P1(coord_range_list_t *));
1589 private void
range_list_init(coord_range_list_t * pcrl,coord_range_t * pcr_local,int num_local,gs_memory_t * mem)1590 range_list_init(coord_range_list_t *pcrl, coord_range_t *pcr_local,
1591 		int num_local, gs_memory_t *mem)
1592 {
1593     pcrl->memory = mem;
1594     pcrl->local.first = pcrl->local.next = pcr_local;
1595     pcrl->local.limit = pcr_local + num_local;
1596     pcrl->allocated = pcrl->freed = 0;
1597     pcrl->first.rmin = pcrl->first.rmax = MIN_COORD_VALUE;
1598     pcrl->first.prev = 0;
1599     pcrl->last.rmin = pcrl->last.rmax = MAX_COORD_VALUE;
1600     pcrl->last.next = 0;
1601     range_list_clear(pcrl);
1602 }
1604 /* Reset an initialized range list to the empty state. */
1605 private void
range_list_reset(coord_range_list_t * pcrl)1606 range_list_reset(coord_range_list_t *pcrl)
1607 {
1608     if (pcrl->first.next != &pcrl->last) {
1609 	pcrl->last.prev->next = pcrl->freed;
1610 	pcrl->freed = pcrl->first.next;
1611 	range_list_clear(pcrl);
1612     }
1613 }
1615 /*
1616  * Move the cursor to the beginning of a range list, in the belief that
1617  * the next added ranges will roughly parallel the existing ones.
1618  * (Only affects performance, not function.)
1619  */
1620 inline private void
range_list_rescan(coord_range_list_t * pcrl)1621 range_list_rescan(coord_range_list_t *pcrl)
1622 {
1623     pcrl->current = pcrl->first.next;
1624 }
1626 /* Free a range list. */
1627 private void
range_list_free(coord_range_list_t * pcrl)1628 range_list_free(coord_range_list_t *pcrl)
1629 {
1630     coord_range_t *pcr;
1632     while ((pcr = pcrl->allocated) != 0) {
1633 	coord_range_t *next = pcr->alloc_next;
1635 	gs_free_object(pcrl->memory, pcr, "range_list_free");
1636 	pcrl->allocated = next;
1637     }
1638 }
1640 /* Add a range. */
1641 private int
range_list_add(coord_range_list_t * pcrl,coord_value_t rmin,coord_value_t rmax)1642 range_list_add(coord_range_list_t *pcrl, coord_value_t rmin, coord_value_t rmax)
1643 {
1644     coord_range_t *pcr = pcrl->current;
1646     if (rmin >= rmax)
1647 	return 0;
1648     /*
1649      * Usually, ranges are added in increasing order within each scan line,
1650      * and overlapping ranges don't differ much.  Optimize accordingly.
1651      */
1652  top:
1653     if (rmax < pcr->rmin) {
1654 	if (rmin > pcr->prev->rmax)
1655 	    goto ins;
1656 	pcr = pcr->prev;
1657 	goto top;
1658     }
1659     if (rmin > pcr->rmax) {
1660 	pcr = pcr->next;
1661 	if (rmax < pcr->rmin)
1662 	    goto ins;
1663 	goto top;
1664     }
1665     /*
1666      * Now we know that (rmin,rmax) overlaps (pcr->rmin,pcr->rmax).
1667      * Don't delete or merge into the special min and max ranges.
1668      */
1669     while (rmin <= pcr->prev->rmax) {
1670 	/* Merge the range below pcr into this one. */
1671 	if (!pcr->prev->prev)
1672 	    break;		/* don't merge into the min range */
1673 	pcr->rmin = pcr->prev->rmin;
1674 	range_delete(pcrl, pcr->prev);
1675     }
1676     while (rmax >= pcr->next->rmin) {
1677 	/* Merge the range above pcr into this one. */
1678 	if (!pcr->next->next)
1679 	    break;		/* don't merge into the max range */
1680 	pcr->rmax = pcr->next->rmax;
1681 	range_delete(pcrl, pcr->next);
1682     }
1683     /*
1684      * Now we know that the union of (rmin,rmax) and (pcr->rmin,pcr->rmax)
1685      * doesn't overlap or abut either adjacent range, except that it may
1686      * abut if the adjacent range is the special min or max range.
1687      */
1688     if (rmin < pcr->rmin) {
1689 	if_debug3('Q', "[Qr]update 0x%lx => [%d,%d)\n", (ulong)pcr, rmin,
1690 		  pcr->rmax);
1691 	pcr->rmin = rmin;
1692     }
1693     if (rmax > pcr->rmax) {
1694 	if_debug3('Q', "[Qr]update 0x%lx => [%d,%d)\n", (ulong)pcr, pcr->rmin,
1695 		  rmax);
1696 	pcr->rmax = rmax;
1697     }
1698     pcrl->current = pcr->next;
1699     return 0;
1700  ins:
1701     /* Insert a new range below pcr. */
1702     {
1703 	coord_range_t *prev = range_alloc(pcrl);
1705 	if (prev == 0)
1706 	    return_error(gs_error_VMerror);
1707 	if_debug3('Q', "[Qr]insert 0x%lx: [%d,%d)\n", (ulong)prev, rmin, rmax);
1708 	prev->rmin = rmin, prev->rmax = rmax;
1709 	(prev->prev = pcr->prev)->next = prev;
1710 	prev->next = pcr;
1711 	pcr->prev = prev;
1712     }
1713     pcrl->current = pcr;
1714     return 0;
1715 }
1717 /* ---------------- Scan line filling loop ---------------- */
1719 /* Forward references */
1720 private int merge_ranges(P6(coord_range_list_t *pcrl, ll_ptr ll,
1721 			    fixed y_min, fixed y_top,
1722 			    fixed adjust_left, fixed adjust_right));
1723 private void set_scan_line_points(P2(active_line *, fixed));
1725 /* Main filling loop. */
1726 private int
fill_loop_by_scan_lines(ll_ptr ll,gx_device * dev,const gx_fill_params * params,const gx_device_color * pdevc,gs_logical_operation_t lop,const gs_fixed_rect * pbox,fixed adjust_left,fixed adjust_right,fixed adjust_below,fixed adjust_above,fixed band_mask)1727 fill_loop_by_scan_lines(ll_ptr ll, gx_device * dev,
1728 			const gx_fill_params * params,
1729 			const gx_device_color * pdevc,
1730 			gs_logical_operation_t lop, const gs_fixed_rect * pbox,
1731 			fixed adjust_left, fixed adjust_right,
1732 			fixed adjust_below, fixed adjust_above,
1733 			fixed band_mask)
1734 {
1735     int rule = params->rule;
1736     fixed fixed_flat = float2fixed(params->flatness);
1737     bool fill_direct = color_writes_pure(pdevc, lop);
1738     gx_color_index cindex;
1739     dev_proc_fill_rectangle((*fill_rect));
1740     active_line *yll = ll->y_list;
1741     fixed y_limit = pbox->q.y;
1742     /*
1743      * The meaning of adjust_below (B) and adjust_above (A) is that the
1744      * pixels that would normally be painted at coordinate Y get "smeared"
1745      * to coordinates Y-B through Y+A-epsilon, inclusive.  This is
1746      * equivalent to saying that the pixels actually painted at coordinate Y
1747      * are those contributed by scan lines Y-A+epsilon through Y+B,
1748      * inclusive.  (A = B = 0 is a special case, equivalent to B = 0, A =
1749      * epsilon.)
1750      */
1751     fixed y_frac_min =
1752 	(adjust_above == fixed_0 ? fixed_half :
1753 	 fixed_half + fixed_epsilon - adjust_above);
1754     fixed y_frac_max =
1755 	fixed_half + adjust_below;
1756     int y0 = fixed2int(min_fixed);
1757     fixed y_bot = min_fixed;	/* normally int2fixed(y0) + y_frac_min */
1758     fixed y_top = min_fixed;	/* normally int2fixed(y0) + y_frac_max */
1759     coord_range_list_t rlist;
1760     coord_range_t rlocal[MAX_LOCAL_ACTIVE];
1761     int code = 0;
1763     if (yll == 0)		/* empty list */
1764 	return 0;
1765     range_list_init(&rlist, rlocal, countof(rlocal), ll->memory);
1766     if (fill_direct)
1767 	cindex = pdevc->colors.pure,
1768 	    fill_rect = dev_proc(dev, fill_rectangle);
1769     ll->x_list = 0;
1770     ll->x_head.x_current = min_fixed;	/* stop backward scan */
1771     while (code >= 0) {
1772 	active_line *alp, *nlp;
1773 	fixed y, x;
1774 	bool new_band;
1776 	INCR(iter);
1778 	/*
1779 	 * Find the next sampling point, either the bottom of a sampling
1780 	 * band or a line start.
1781 	 */
1783 	if (ll->x_list == 0)
1784 	    y = (yll == 0 ? y_limit : yll->start.y);
1785 	else {
1786 	    y = y_bot + fixed_1;
1787 	    if (yll != 0)
1788 		y = min(y, yll->start.y);
1789 	    for (alp = ll->x_list; alp != 0; alp = alp->next)
1790 		if (!end_x_line(alp, false))
1791 		    y = min(y, alp->end.y);
1792 	}
1794 	/* Move newly active lines from y to x list. */
1796 	while (yll != 0 && yll->start.y == y) {
1797 	    active_line *ynext = yll->next;	/* insert smashes next/prev links */
1799 	    if (yll->direction == DIR_HORIZONTAL) {
1800 		/* Ignore for now. */
1801 	    } else {
1802 		insert_x_new(yll, ll);
1803 		set_scan_line_points(yll, fixed_flat);
1804 	    }
1805 	    yll = ynext;
1806 	}
1808 	/* Update active lines to y. */
1810 	x = min_fixed;
1811 	for (alp = ll->x_list; alp != 0; alp = nlp) {
1812 	    fixed nx;
1814 	    nlp = alp->next;
1815 	  e:if (alp->end.y <= y) {
1816 		if (end_x_line(alp, true))
1817 		    continue;
1818 		set_scan_line_points(alp, fixed_flat);
1819 		goto e;
1820 	    }
1821 	    nx = alp->x_current =
1822 		(alp->start.y >= y ? alp->start.x :
1823 		 alp->curve_k < 0 ?
1824 		 AL_X_AT_Y(alp, y) :
1825 		 gx_curve_x_at_y(&alp->cursor, y));
1826 	    if (nx < x) {
1827 		/* Move this line backward in the list. */
1828 		active_line *ilp = alp;
1830 		while (nx < (ilp = ilp->prev)->x_current)
1831 		    DO_NOTHING;
1832 		/* Now ilp->x_current <= nx < ilp->next->x_cur. */
1833 		alp->prev->next = alp->next;
1834 		if (alp->next)
1835 		    alp->next->prev = alp->prev;
1836 		if (ilp->next)
1837 		    ilp->next->prev = alp;
1838 		alp->next = ilp->next;
1839 		ilp->next = alp;
1840 		alp->prev = ilp;
1841 		continue;
1842 	    }
1843 	    x = nx;
1844 	}
1846 	if (y > y_top || y >= y_limit) {
1847 	    /* We're beyond the end of the previous sampling band. */
1848 	    const coord_range_t *pcr;
1850 	    /* Fill the ranges for y0. */
1852 	    for (pcr = rlist.first.next; pcr != &rlist.last;
1853 		 pcr = pcr->next
1854 		 ) {
1855 		int x0 = pcr->rmin, x1 = pcr->rmax;
1857 		if_debug4('Q', "[Qr]draw 0x%lx: [%d,%d),%d\n", (ulong)pcr,
1858 			  x0, x1, y0);
1859 		code = LOOP_FILL_RECTANGLE_DIRECT(x0, y0, x1 - x0, 1);
1860 		if_debug3('F', "[F]drawing [%d:%d),%d\n", x0, x1, y0);
1861 		if (code < 0)
1862 		    goto done;
1863 	    }
1864 	    range_list_reset(&rlist);
1866 	    /* Check whether we've reached the maximum y. */
1868 	    if (y >= y_limit)
1869 		break;
1871 	    /* Reset the sampling band. */
1873 	    y0 = fixed2int(y);
1874 	    if (fixed_fraction(y) < y_frac_min)
1875 		--y0;
1876 	    y_bot = int2fixed(y0) + y_frac_min;
1877 	    y_top = int2fixed(y0) + y_frac_max;
1878 	    new_band = true;
1879 	} else
1880 	    new_band = false;
1882 	if (y <= y_top) {
1883 	    /*
1884 	     * We're within the same Y pixel.  Merge regions for segments
1885 	     * starting here (at y), up to y_top or the end of the segment.
1886 	     * If this is the first sampling within the band, run the
1887 	     * fill/eofill algorithm.
1888 	     */
1889 	    fixed y_min;
1891 	    if (new_band) {
1892 		/*
1893 		 * rule = -1 for winding number rule, i.e.
1894 		 * we are inside if the winding number is non-zero;
1895 		 * rule = 1 for even-odd rule, i.e.
1896 		 * we are inside if the winding number is odd.
1897 		 */
1898 		int inside = 0;
1900 #define INSIDE_PATH_P() ((inside & rule) != 0)
1901 		INCR(band);
1902 		for (alp = ll->x_list; alp != 0; alp = alp->next) {
1903 		    int x0 = fixed2int_pixround(alp->x_current - adjust_left);
1905 		    for (;;) {
1906 			/* We're inside a filled region. */
1907 			print_al("step", alp);
1908 			INCR(band_step);
1909 			inside += alp->direction;
1910 			if (!INSIDE_PATH_P())
1911 			    break;
1912 			/*
1913 			 * Since we're dealing with closed paths, the test
1914 			 * for alp == 0 shouldn't be needed, but we may have
1915 			 * omitted lines that are to the right of the
1916 			 * clipping region.
1917 			 */
1918 			if ((alp = alp->next) == 0)
1919 			    goto out;
1920 		    }
1921 #undef INSIDE_PATH_P
1922 		    /* We just went from inside to outside, so fill the region. */
1923 		    code = range_list_add(&rlist, x0,
1924 					  fixed2int_rounded(alp->x_current +
1925 							    adjust_right));
1926 		    if (code < 0)
1927 			goto done;
1928 		}
1929 	    out:
1930 		y_min = min_fixed;
1931 	    } else
1932 		y_min = y;
1933 	    code = merge_ranges(&rlist, ll, y_min, y_top, adjust_left,
1934 				adjust_right);
1935 	} /* else y < y_bot + 1, do nothing */
1936     }
1937  done:
1938     range_list_free(&rlist);
1939     return code;
1940 }
1942 /*
1943  * Merge regions for active segments starting at a given Y, or all active
1944  * segments, up to the end of the sampling band or the end of the segment,
1945  * into the range list.
1946  */
1947 private int
merge_ranges(coord_range_list_t * pcrl,ll_ptr ll,fixed y_min,fixed y_top,fixed adjust_left,fixed adjust_right)1948 merge_ranges(coord_range_list_t *pcrl, ll_ptr ll, fixed y_min, fixed y_top,
1949 	     fixed adjust_left, fixed adjust_right)
1950 {
1951     active_line *alp, *nlp;
1952     int code = 0;
1954     range_list_rescan(pcrl);
1955     for (alp = ll->x_list; alp != 0 && code >= 0; alp = nlp) {
1956 	fixed x0 = alp->x_current, x1, xt;
1958 	nlp = alp->next;
1959 	if (alp->start.y < y_min)
1960 	    continue;
1961 	if (alp->end.y < y_top)
1962 	    x1 = alp->end.x;
1963 	else if (alp->curve_k < 0)
1964 	    x1 = AL_X_AT_Y(alp, y_top);
1965 	else
1966 	    x1 = gx_curve_x_at_y(&alp->cursor, y_top);
1967 	if (x0 > x1)
1968 	    xt = x0, x0 = x1, x1 = xt;
1969 	code = range_list_add(pcrl,
1970 			      fixed2int_pixround(x0 - adjust_left),
1971 			      fixed2int_rounded(x1 + adjust_right));
1972     }
1973     return code;
1974 }
1976 /*
1977  * Set curve_k and, if necessary, the curve rendering parameters for
1978  * the current segment of an active line.
1979  */
1980 private void
set_scan_line_points(active_line * alp,fixed fixed_flat)1981 set_scan_line_points(active_line * alp, fixed fixed_flat)
1982 {
1983     const segment *pseg = alp->pseg;
1984     const gs_fixed_point *pp0;
1986     if (alp->direction < 0) {
1987 	pseg =
1988 	    (pseg->type == s_line_close ?
1989 	     ((const line_close_segment *)pseg)->sub->next :
1990 	     pseg->next);
1991 	if (pseg->type != s_curve) {
1992 	    alp->curve_k = -1;
1993 	    return;
1994 	}
1995 	pp0 = &alp->end;
1996     } else {
1997 	if (pseg->type != s_curve) {
1998 	    alp->curve_k = -1;
1999 	    return;
2000 	}
2001 	pp0 = &alp->start;
2002     }
2003     {
2004 	const curve_segment *const pcseg = (const curve_segment *)pseg;
2006 	alp->curve_k =
2007 	    gx_curve_log2_samples(pp0->x, pp0->y, pcseg, fixed_flat);
2008 	gx_curve_cursor_init(&alp->cursor, pp0->x, pp0->y, pcseg,
2009 			     alp->curve_k);
2010     }
2011 }