1 /* Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Artifex Software, Inc.
2    All Rights Reserved.
4    This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
5    implied.
7    This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, modified
8    or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms of that
9    license.  Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com/
10    or contact Artifex Software, Inc.,  7 Mt. Lassen Drive - Suite A-134,
11    San Rafael, CA  94903, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information.
12 */
14 /* $Id: gxfixed.h 9734 2009-05-10 16:44:00Z marcos $ */
15 /* Fixed-point arithmetic for Ghostscript */
17 #ifndef gxfixed_INCLUDED
18 #  define gxfixed_INCLUDED
20 /*
21  * Coordinates are generally represented internally by fixed-point
22  * quantities: integers lose accuracy in crucial places,
23  * and floating point arithmetic is slow.
24  */
25 #if ARCH_SIZEOF_INT == 4
26 typedef int fixed;
27 typedef uint ufixed;		/* only used in a very few places */
29 # define max_fixed max_int
30 # define min_fixed min_int
31 #else
32 # if ARCH_SIZEOF_LONG == 4
33 typedef long fixed;
34 typedef ulong ufixed;		/* only used in a very few places */
36 #  define max_fixed max_long
37 #  define min_fixed min_long
38 # endif
39 #endif
42 #define fixed_0 0L
43 #define fixed_epsilon 1L
44 /*
45  * 8 bits of fraction provides both the necessary accuracy and
46  * a sufficiently large range of coordinates.
47  */
48 #define _fixed_shift 8
49 #define fixed_fraction_bits _fixed_shift
50 #define fixed_int_bits (sizeof(fixed) * 8 - _fixed_shift)
51 #define fixed_scale (1<<_fixed_shift)
52 #define _fixed_rshift(x) arith_rshift(x,_fixed_shift)
53 #define _fixed_round_v (fixed_scale>>1)
54 #define _fixed_fraction_v (fixed_scale-1)
55 /*
56  * We use a center-of-pixel filling rule; Adobe specifies that coordinates
57  * designate half-open regions.  Because of this, we need special rounding
58  * to go from a coordinate to the pixel it falls in.  We use the term
59  * "pixel rounding" for this kind of rounding.
60  */
61 #define _fixed_pixround_v (_fixed_round_v - fixed_epsilon)
63 /*
64  * Most operations can be done directly on fixed-point quantities:
65  * addition, subtraction, shifting, multiplication or division by
66  * (integer) constants; assignment, assignment with zero;
67  * comparison, comparison against zero.
68  * Multiplication and division by floats is OK if the result is
69  * explicitly cast back to fixed.
70  * Conversion to and from int and float types must be done explicitly.
71  * Note that if we are casting a fixed to a float in a context where
72  * only ratios and not actual values are involved, we don't need to take
73  * the scale factor into account: we can simply cast to float directly.
74  */
75 #define int2fixed(i) ((fixed)(i)<<_fixed_shift)
76 /* Define some useful constants. */
77 /* Avoid casts, so strict ANSI compilers will accept them in #ifs. */
78 #define fixed_1 (fixed_epsilon << _fixed_shift)
79 #define fixed_half (fixed_1 >> 1)
80 /*
81  * On 16-bit systems, we can convert fixed variables to ints more efficiently
82  * than general fixed quantities.  For this reason, we define two separate
83  * sets of conversion macros.
84  */
85 #define fixed2int(x) ((int)_fixed_rshift(x))
86 #define fixed2int_rounded(x) ((int)_fixed_rshift((x)+_fixed_round_v))
87 #define fixed2int_ceiling(x) ((int)_fixed_rshift((x)+_fixed_fraction_v))
88 #define fixed_pre_pixround(x) ((x)+_fixed_pixround_v)
89 #define fixed2int_pixround(x) fixed2int(fixed_pre_pixround(x))
90 #define fixed2int_pixround_perfect(x) ((x) < 0 && ((x) & (fixed_1 - fixed_epsilon)) == fixed_half \
91 	? (int)_fixed_rshift(x) + 1 : fixed2int_pixround(x))
92 #define fixed_is_int(x) !((x)&_fixed_fraction_v)
94 /* Do some of the shifting and extraction ourselves. */
95 #  define _fixed_hi(x) *((const uint *)&(x)+1)
96 #  define _fixed_lo(x) *((const uint *)&(x))
97 #  define fixed2int_var(x)\
98 	((int)((_fixed_hi(x) << (16-_fixed_shift)) +\
99 	       (_fixed_lo(x) >> _fixed_shift)))
100 #  define fixed2int_var_rounded(x)\
101 	((int)((_fixed_hi(x) << (16-_fixed_shift)) +\
102 	       (((_fixed_lo(x) >> (_fixed_shift-1))+1)>>1)))
103 #  define fixed2int_var_ceiling(x)\
104 	(fixed2int_var(x) -\
105 	 arith_rshift((int)-(_fixed_lo(x) & _fixed_fraction_v), _fixed_shift))
106 #else
107 /* Use reasonable definitions. */
108 #  define fixed2int_var(x) fixed2int(x)
109 #  define fixed2int_var_rounded(x) fixed2int_rounded(x)
110 #  define fixed2int_var_ceiling(x) fixed2int_ceiling(x)
111 #endif
112 #define fixed2int_var_pixround(x) fixed2int_pixround(x)
113 #define fixed2long(x) ((long)_fixed_rshift(x))
114 #define fixed2long_rounded(x) ((long)_fixed_rshift((x)+_fixed_round_v))
115 #define fixed2long_ceiling(x) ((long)_fixed_rshift((x)+_fixed_fraction_v))
116 #define fixed2long_pixround(x) ((long)_fixed_rshift((x)+_fixed_pixround_v))
117 #define float2fixed(f) ((fixed)((f)*(float)fixed_scale))
118 #define float2fixed_rounded(f) ((fixed)floor((f)*(float)fixed_scale + 0.5))
120 /* Note that fixed2float actually produces a double result. */
121 #define fixed2float(x) ((x)*(1.0/fixed_scale))
123 /* Rounding and truncation on fixeds */
124 #define fixed_floor(x) ((x)&(-1L<<_fixed_shift))
125 #define fixed_rounded(x) (((x)+_fixed_round_v)&(-1L<<_fixed_shift))
126 #define fixed_ceiling(x) (((x)+_fixed_fraction_v)&(-1L<<_fixed_shift))
127 #define fixed_pixround(x) (((x)+_fixed_pixround_v)&(-1L<<_fixed_shift))
128 #define fixed_fraction(x) ((int)(x)&_fixed_fraction_v)
129 /* I don't see how to do truncation towards 0 so easily.... */
130 #define fixed_truncated(x) ((x) < 0 ? fixed_ceiling(x) : fixed_floor(x))
132 /* Define the largest and smallest integer values that fit in a fixed. */
133 #define max_int_in_fixed fixed2int(max_fixed)
134 #define min_int_in_fixed fixed2int(min_fixed)
136 /*
137  * Define a macro for checking for overflow of the sum of two fixed values
138  * and and setting the result to the sum if no overflow.
139  * This is a pseudo-function that returns a "limitcheck" if the result
140  * will overflow. Set the result to the max/min _fixed value (depending
141  * on the sign of the operands (note: overflow can only occur with like
142  * signed input values). While the result is only set once, the operand
143  * values are used multiply, so pointer modification operand use will
144  * result in MANY more increments/decrements of the pointer than desired.
145  */
146 /* usage: (int)code = CHECK_SET_FIXED_SUM(fixed_result, fixed_op1, fixed_op2); */
147 #define CHECK_SET_FIXED_SUM(r, a, b) \
148      ((((a) ^ (b)) >= 0) && ((((a)+(b)) ^ (a)) < 0) ? \
149        (((r)=(((a)<0) ? min_fixed : max_fixed)), gs_error_limitcheck) : \
150        (((r) = ((a)+(b))), 0))		/* no overflow */
151 /*
152  * Define a procedure for computing a * b / c when b and c are non-negative,
153  * b < c, and a * b exceeds (or might exceed) the capacity of a long.
154  * Note that this procedure takes the floor, rather than truncating
155  * towards zero, if a < 0: this ensures 0 <= R < c, where R is the remainder.
156  *
157  * It's really annoying that C doesn't provide any way to get at
158  * the double-length multiply/divide instructions that almost all hardware
159  * provides....
160  */
161 fixed fixed_mult_quo(fixed A, fixed B, fixed C);
163 /*
164  * Transforming coordinates involves multiplying two floats, or a float
165  * and a double, and then converting the result to a fixed.  Since this
166  * operation is so common, we provide an alternative implementation of it
167  * on machines that use IEEE floating point representation but don't have
168  * floating point hardware.  The implementation may be in either C or
169  * assembler.
170  */
172 /*
173  * Define a function for finding intersection of small bars.
174  * Coordinates must be so small that their cubes fit into 60 bits.
175  * This function doesn't check intersections at end of bars,
176  * so  the caller must care of them on necessity.
177  * Returns : *ry is the Y-coordinate of the intersection
178  * truncated to 'fixed'; *ey is 1 iff the precise Y coordinate of
179  * the intersection is greater than *ry (used by the shading algorithm).
180  */
181 bool
182 gx_intersect_small_bars(fixed q0x, fixed q0y, fixed q1x, fixed q1y, fixed q2x, fixed q2y,
183 			fixed q3x, fixed q3y, fixed *ry, fixed *ey);
185 /*
186  * The macros all use R for the (fixed) result, FB for the second (float)
187  * operand, and dtemp for a temporary double variable.  The work is divided
188  * between the two macros of each set in order to avoid bogus "possibly
189  * uninitialized variable" messages from slow-witted compilers.
190  *
191  * For the case where the first operand is a float (FA):
192  *	code = CHECK_FMUL2FIXED_VARS(R, FA, FB, dtemp);
193  *	if (code < 0) ...
194  *	FINISH_FMUL2FIXED_VARS(R, dtemp);
195  *
196  * For the case where the first operand is a double (DA):
197  *	code = CHECK_DFMUL2FIXED_VARS(R, DA, FB, dtemp);
198  *	if (code < 0) ...;
200  */
202 #define CHECK_FMUL2FIXED_VARS(vr, vfa, vfb, dtemp)\
203   (dtemp = (vfa) * (vfb),\
204    (f_fits_in_bits(dtemp, fixed_int_bits) ? 0 :\
205     gs_note_error(gs_error_limitcheck)))
206 #define FINISH_FMUL2FIXED_VARS(vr, dtemp)\
207   vr = float2fixed(dtemp)
208 #define CHECK_DFMUL2FIXED_VARS(vr, vda, vfb, dtemp)\
209   CHECK_FMUL2FIXED_VARS(vr, vda, vfb, dtemp)
210 #define FINISH_DFMUL2FIXED_VARS(vr, dtemp)\
211   FINISH_FMUL2FIXED_VARS(vr, dtemp)
213 /*
214  * set_float2fixed_vars(R, F) does the equivalent of R = float2fixed(F):
215  *      R is a fixed, F is a float or a double.
216  * set_fixed2float_var(R, V) does the equivalent of R = fixed2float(V):
217  *      R is a float or a double, V is a fixed.
218  * set_ldexp_fixed2double(R, V, E) does the equivalent of R=ldexp((double)V,E):
219  *      R is a double, V is a fixed, E is an int.
220  * R and F must be variables, not expressions; V and E may be expressions.
221  */
223 # define set_float2fixed_vars(vr,vf)\
224     (f_fits_in_bits(vf, fixed_int_bits) ? (vr = float2fixed(vf), 0) :\
225      gs_note_error(gs_error_limitcheck))
226 # define set_fixed2float_var(vf,x)\
227     (vf = fixed2float(x), 0)
228 # define set_ldexp_fixed2double(vd, x, exp)\
229     discard(vd = ldexp((double)(x), exp))
231 /* A point with fixed coordinates */
232 typedef struct gs_fixed_point_s {
233     fixed x, y;
234 } gs_fixed_point;
236 /* A rectangle with fixed coordinates */
237 typedef struct gs_fixed_rect_s {
238     gs_fixed_point p, q;
239 } gs_fixed_rect;
241 #endif /* gxfixed_INCLUDED */