1 /* Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Artifex Software, Inc.
2    All Rights Reserved.
4    This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
5    implied.
7    This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, modified
8    or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms of that
9    license.  Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com/
10    or contact Artifex Software, Inc.,  7 Mt. Lassen Drive - Suite A-134,
11    San Rafael, CA  94903, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information.
12 */
14 /* $Id: slzwd.c 8250 2007-09-25 13:31:24Z giles $ */
15 /* LZW decoding filter */
16 #include "stdio_.h"		/* includes std.h */
17 #include "gdebug.h"
18 #include "strimpl.h"
19 #include "slzwx.h"
21 /* ------ LZWDecode ------ */
23 /********************************************************/
24 /* LZW routines are based on:                           */
25 /* Dr. Dobbs Journal --- Oct. 1989.                     */
26 /* Article on LZW Data Compression by Mark R. Nelson    */
27 /********************************************************/
29 /* Define the special codes in terms of code_escape, which is */
30 /* 1 << InitialCodeLength. */
31 #define code_reset (code_escape + 0)
32 #define code_eod (code_escape + 1)
33 #define code_0 (code_escape + 2)	/* first assignable code */
35 struct lzw_decode_s {
36     byte datum;
37     byte len;			/* length of code */
38     ushort prefix;		/* code to be prefixed */
39 };
41 gs_private_st_simple(st_lzw_decode, lzw_decode, "lzw_decode");
42 /* We can use a simple type as the element type, */
43 /* because there are no pointers to enumerate or relocate. */
44 #define st_lzw_decode_element st_lzw_decode
45 #define lzw_decode_max 4096	/* must be 4096 */
47 /* Initialize LZWDecode filter */
48 /* We separate out the reset function for some non-stream clients. */
49 static int
s_LZWD_reset(stream_state * st)50 s_LZWD_reset(stream_state * st)
51 {
52     stream_LZW_state *const ss = (stream_LZW_state *) st;
53     register lzw_decode *dc = ss->table.decode;
54     register int i;
55     uint code_escape = 1 << ss->InitialCodeLength;
57     ss->bits_left = 0;
58     ss->bytes_left = 0;
59     ss->next_code = code_0;
60     ss->code_size = ss->InitialCodeLength + 1;
61     ss->prev_code = -1;
62     ss->copy_code = -1;
63     dc[code_reset].len = 255;
64     dc[code_eod].len = 255;
65     for (i = 0; i < code_escape; i++, dc++)
66 	dc->datum = i, dc->len = 1, dc->prefix = code_eod;
67     return 0;
68 }
69 static int
s_LZWD_init(stream_state * st)70 s_LZWD_init(stream_state * st)
71 {
72     stream_LZW_state *const ss = (stream_LZW_state *) st;
73     lzw_decode *dc =
74     gs_alloc_struct_array(st->memory, lzw_decode_max + 1,
75 			  lzw_decode, &st_lzw_decode_element,
76 			  "LZWDecode(init)");
78     if (dc == 0)
79 	return ERRC;
80 /****** WRONG ******/
81     ss->table.decode = dc;
82     ss->min_left = 1;
83     return s_LZWD_reset(st);
84 }
86 /* Process a buffer */
87 static int
s_LZWD_process(stream_state * st,stream_cursor_read * pr,stream_cursor_write * pw,bool last)88 s_LZWD_process(stream_state * st, stream_cursor_read * pr,
89 	       stream_cursor_write * pw, bool last)
90 {
91     stream_LZW_state *const ss = (stream_LZW_state *) st;
92     register const byte *p = pr->ptr;
93     register byte *q = pw->ptr;
95 #ifdef DEBUG
96     byte *q0 = q;
98 #endif
99     const byte *rlimit = pr->limit;	/* constant pointer */
100     byte *wlimit = pw->limit;	/* constant pointer */
101     int status = 0;
102     int code = ss->copy_code;
103     int prev_code = ss->prev_code;
104     uint prev_len = ss->prev_len;
105     byte bits = ss->bits;
106     int bits_left = ss->bits_left;
107     int bytes_left = ss->bytes_left;
108     int code_size = ss->code_size;
109     int code_mask;
110     int switch_code;
111     int next_code = ss->next_code;
112     lzw_decode *table = ss->table.decode;	/* constant pointer */
113     lzw_decode *dc_next = table + next_code;	/* invariant */
114     lzw_decode *dc;
115     int code_escape = 1 << ss->InitialCodeLength;
116     int eod = code_eod;
117     bool low_order = ss->FirstBitLowOrder;
118     uint len;
119     int c;
120     byte b;
121     byte *q1;
123     if_debug2('w', "[w]process decode: code_size=%d next_code=%d\n",
124 	      code_size, next_code);
125 #define set_code_size()\
126   code_mask = (1 << code_size) - 1,\
127   switch_code = code_mask + 1 - ss->EarlyChange
128     set_code_size();
129     if (!ss->BlockData)
130 	bytes_left = rlimit - p + 2;	/* never stop for bytes_left */
131     /* If we are in the middle of copying a string, */
132     /* do some more now. */
133     if (code >= 0) {
134 	int rlen = ss->copy_left;
135 	int wlen = wlimit - q;
136 	int n = len = min(rlen, wlen);
138 	c = code;
139 	ss->copy_left = rlen -= len;
140 	if_debug3('W', "[W]copying 0x%x, %d byte(s) out of %d left\n",
141 		  code, len, rlen + len);
142 	while (rlen)
143 	    c = table[c].prefix,
144 		rlen--;
145 	q1 = q += len;
146 	n = len;
147 	while (--n >= 0) {
148 	    *q1-- = (dc = &table[c])->datum;
149 	    c = dc->prefix;
150 	}
151 	if (ss->copy_left) {	/* more to do */
152 	    pw->ptr = q;
153 	    return 1;
154 	}
155 	ss->copy_code = -1;
156 	len = ss->copy_len;
157 	/* Retrieve the first byte of the code just copied. */
158 	if (c == eod) {		/* We just copied the entire code, */
159 	    /* so the byte we want is immediately available. */
160 	    b = q1[1];
161 	} else {		/* We have to scan to the beginning of the code. */
162 	    for (; c != eod; c = table[c].prefix)
163 		b = (byte) c;
164 	}
165 	goto add;
166     }
167   top:if (code_size > bits_left) {
168 	if (bytes_left == 0) {
169 	    if (p == rlimit)
170 		goto out;
171 	    bytes_left = *++p;
172 	    if_debug1('W', "[W]block count %d\n", bytes_left);
173 	    if (bytes_left == 0) {
174 		status = EOFC;
175 		goto out;
176 	    }
177 	    goto top;
178 	}
179 	if (low_order)
180 	    code = bits >> (8 - bits_left);
181 	else
182 	    code = (uint) bits << (code_size - bits_left);
183 	if (bits_left + 8 < code_size) {	/* Need 2 more data bytes */
184 	    if (bytes_left == 1) {
185 		if (rlimit - p < 3)
186 		    goto out;
187 		bytes_left = p[2];
188 		if_debug1('W', "[W]block count %d\n",
189 			  bytes_left);
190 		if (bytes_left == 0) {
191 		    status = EOFC;
192 		    goto out;
193 		}
194 		bytes_left++;
195 		bits = p[1];
196 		p++;
197 	    } else {
198 		if (rlimit - p < 2)
199 		    goto out;
200 		bits = p[1];
201 	    }
202 	    if (low_order)
203 		code += (uint) bits << bits_left;
204 	    else
205 		code += (uint) bits << (code_size - 8 - bits_left);
206 	    bits_left += 8;
207 	    bits = p[2];
208 	    p += 2;
209 	    bytes_left -= 2;
210 	} else {
211 	    if (p == rlimit)
212 		goto out;
213 	    bits = *++p;
214 	    bytes_left--;
215 	}
216 	if (low_order)
217 	    code += (uint) bits << bits_left,
218 		bits_left += 8 - code_size;
219 	else
220 	    bits_left += 8 - code_size,
221 		code += bits >> bits_left;
222     } else {
223 	if (low_order)
224 	    code = bits >> (8 - bits_left),
225 		bits_left -= code_size;
226 	else
227 	    bits_left -= code_size,
228 		code = bits >> bits_left;
229     }
230     code &= code_mask;
231     if_debug2('W', "[W]reading 0x%x,%d\n", code, code_size);
232     /*
233      * There is an anomalous case where a code S is followed
234      * immediately by another occurrence of the S string.
235      * In this case, the next available code will be defined as
236      * S followed by the first character of S, and will be
237      * emitted immediately after the code S.  We have to
238      * recognize this case specially, by noting that the code is
239      * equal to next_code.
240      */
241     if (code >= next_code) {
242 	if (code > next_code) {
243 #ifdef DEBUG
244 	    lprintf2("[W]code = %d > next_code = %d\n",
245 		     code, next_code);
246 #endif
247 	    status = ERRC;
248 	    goto out;
249 	}
250 	/* Fabricate the entry for the code.  It will be */
251 	/* overwritten immediately, of course. */
252 	for (c = prev_code; c != eod; c = table[c].prefix)
253 	    dc_next->datum = c;
254 	len = prev_len + 1;
255 	dc_next->len = min(len, 255);
256 	dc_next->prefix = prev_code;
257 	if_debug3('w', "[w]decoding anomalous 0x%x=0x%x+%c\n",
258 		  next_code, prev_code, dc_next->datum);
259     }
260     /* See if there is enough room for the code. */
261 reset:
262     len = table[code].len;
263     if (len == 255) {		/* Check for special code (reset or end). */
264 	/* We set their lengths to 255 to avoid doing */
265 	/* an extra check in the normal case. */
266 	if (code == code_reset) {
267 	    if_debug1('w', "[w]reset: next_code was %d\n",
268 		      next_code);
269 	    next_code = code_0;
270 	    dc_next = table + code_0;
271 	    code_size = ss->InitialCodeLength + 1;
272 	    set_code_size();
273 	    prev_code = -1;
274 	    goto top;
275 	} else if (code == eod) {
276 	    status = EOFC;
277 	    goto out;
278 	}
279 	/* The code length won't fit in a byte, */
280 	/* compute it the hard way. */
281 	for (c = code, len = 0; c != eod; len++)
282 	    c = table[c].prefix;
283 	if_debug2('w', "[w]long code %d, length=%d\n", code, len);
284     }
285     if (wlimit - q < len) {
286 	ss->copy_code = code;
287 	ss->copy_left = ss->copy_len = len;
288 	status = 1;
289 	goto out;
290     }
291     /* Copy the string to the buffer (back to front). */
292     /* Optimize for short codes, which are the most frequent. */
293     dc = &table[code];
294     switch (len) {
295 	default:
296 	    {
297 		byte *q1 = q += len;
299 		c = code;
300 		do {
301 		    *q1-- = (dc = &table[c])->datum;
302 		}
303 		while ((c = dc->prefix) != eod);
304 		b = q1[1];
305 	    }
306 	    break;
307 	case 3:
308 	    q[3] = dc->datum;
309 	    dc = &table[dc->prefix];
310 	case 2:
311 	    q[2] = dc->datum;
312 	    dc = &table[dc->prefix];
313 	case 1:
314 	    q[1] = b = dc->datum;
315 	    q += len;
316     }
317   add:				/* Add a new entry to the table */
318     if (prev_code >= 0) {
319 	/*
320 	 * Unfortunately, we have to check for next_code ==
321 	 * lzw_decode_max every time: just checking at power
322 	 * of 2 boundaries stops us one code too soon.
323 	 */
324 	if (next_code == lzw_decode_max) {
325 	    /*
326 	     * A few anomalous files have one data item too many before the
327 	     * reset code.  We think this is a bug in the application that
328 	     * produced the files, but Acrobat accepts the files, so we do
329 	     * too.
330 	     */
331 	    if (!ss->BlockData) { /* don't do this for GIF */
332 		if (bits_left < 8 && p >= rlimit && last) {
333 		    /* We're at EOD. */
334 		    goto out;
335 		}
336 		if (bits_left + ((rlimit - p) << 3) < code_size) {
337 		    /*
338 		     * We need more data to decide whether a reset is next.
339 		     * Return an error if we cannot get more.
340                      */
341 		    if (last)
342                         status = ERRC;
343 		    goto out;
344 		}
345 		if (low_order) {
346 		    code = bits >> (8 - bits_left);
347 		    code += (bits = *++p) << bits_left;
348 		    if (bits_left + 8 < code_size)
349 			code += (bits = *++p) << (bits_left + 8);
350 		} else {
351 		    code = bits & ((1 << bits_left) - 1);
352 		    code = (code << 8) + (bits = *++p);
353 		    if (bits_left + 8 < code_size)
354 			code = (code << 8) + (bits = *++p);
355 		    code >>= (bits_left - code_size) & 7;
356 		}
357 		bits_left = (bits_left - code_size) & 7;
358 		if (code == code_reset)
359 		    goto reset;
360 	    }
361 	    status = ERRC;
362 	    goto out;
363 	}
364 	dc_next->datum = b;	/* added char of string */
365 	dc_next->len = min(prev_len, 254) + 1;
366 	dc_next->prefix = prev_code;
367 	dc_next++;
368 	if_debug4('W', "[W]adding 0x%x=0x%x+%c(%d)\n",
369 		  next_code, prev_code, b, min(len, 255));
370 	if (++next_code == switch_code) {	/* Crossed a power of 2. */
371 	    /* We have to make a strange special check for */
372 	    /* reaching the end of the code space. */
373 	    if (next_code < lzw_decode_max - 1) {
374 		code_size++;
375 		set_code_size();
376 		if_debug2('w', "[w]crossed power of 2: new code_size=%d, next_code=%d\n",
377 			  code_size, next_code);
378 	    }
379 	}
380     }
381     prev_code = code;
382     prev_len = len;
383     goto top;
384   out:pr->ptr = p;
385     pw->ptr = q;
386     ss->code_size = code_size;
387     ss->prev_code = prev_code;
388     ss->prev_len = prev_len;
389     ss->bits = bits;
390     ss->bits_left = bits_left;
391     ss->bytes_left = bytes_left;
392     ss->next_code = next_code;
393     if_debug3('w', "[w]decoded %d bytes, prev_code=%d, next_code=%d\n",
394 	      (int)(q - q0), prev_code, next_code);
395     return status;
396 }
398 /* Stream template */
399 const stream_template s_LZWD_template =
400 {&st_LZW_state, s_LZWD_init, s_LZWD_process, 3, 1, s_LZW_release,
401  s_LZW_set_defaults, s_LZWD_reset
402 };