1 /* Copyright (C) 2001-2019 Artifex Software, Inc.
2    All Rights Reserved.
4    This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
5    implied.
7    This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
8    modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
9    of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
11    Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com or contact
12    Artifex Software, Inc.,  1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato,
13    CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information.
14 */
17 /* Driver text interface implementation support */
19 #ifndef gxtext_INCLUDED
20 #  define gxtext_INCLUDED
22 #include "gstext.h"
23 #include "gsrefct.h"
24 #include "gxfixed.h"
25 #include "gsfont.h"
26 #include "gxfcache.h"
28 /* Define the abstract type for the object procedures. */
29 typedef struct gs_text_enum_procs_s gs_text_enum_procs_t;
31 /*
32  * Define values returned by text_process to the client.
33  */
34 typedef struct gs_text_returned_s {
35     gs_char current_char;	/* INTERVENE */
36     gs_glyph current_glyph;	/* INTERVENE */
37     gs_point total_width;	/* RETURN_WIDTH */
38 } gs_text_returned_t;
40 /*
41  * Define the stack for composite fonts.
42  * If the current font is not composite, depth = -1.
43  * If the current font is composite, 0 <= depth <= MAX_FONT_STACK.
44  * items[0] through items[depth] are occupied.
45  * items[0].font is the root font.
46  * The root font must be composite, but may be of any map type.
47  * items[0..N-1] are modal composite fonts, for some N <= depth.
48  * items[N..depth-1] are non-modal composite fonts.
49  * items[depth] is a base font or a CIDFont (i.e. non-composite font).
50  * Note that if depth >= 0, the font member of the graphics state
51  * for a base font BuildChar/Glyph is the same as items[depth].font.
52  */
53 #define MAX_FONT_STACK 5
54 typedef struct gx_font_stack_item_s {
55     gs_font *font;		/* font at this level */
56     uint index;			/* if *font is a composite font, this is a font number of
57                                    selected discendant font (index in Encoding).
58                                    if *font is a CIDFont, an index of selected FDArray font.
59                                    zero otherwise. */
60 } gx_font_stack_item_t;
61 typedef struct gx_font_stack_s {
62     int depth;
63     gx_font_stack_item_t items[1 + MAX_FONT_STACK];
64 } gx_font_stack_t;
66 /* An enumeration object for string display. */
67 typedef enum {
68     sws_none,
69     sws_cache,			/* setcachedevice[2] */
70     sws_no_cache,		/* setcharwidth */
71     sws_cache_width_only,	/* setcharwidth for xfont char */
72     sws_retry			/* retry setcachedevice[2] */
73 } show_width_status;
75 /* The types of memory and null devices may be opaque. */
76 typedef struct gx_device_null_s gx_device_null;
78 /*
79  * Define the common part of the structure that tracks the state of text
80  * processing.  All implementations of text_begin must allocate one of these
81  * using rc_alloc_struct_1; implementations may subclass and extend it.
82  * Note that it includes a copy of the text parameters.
83  *
84  * The freeing procedure (rc.free) must call rc_free_text_enum, which
85  * calls the enumerator's release procedure.  This is required in order to
86  * properly decrement the reference count(s) of the referenced structures
87  * (in the common part of the structure, only the device).
88  */
89 rc_free_proc(rc_free_text_enum);
90 #define gs_text_enum_common\
91     /*\
92      * The following copies of the arguments of text_begin are set at\
93      * initialization, and const thereafter.\
94      */\
95     gs_text_params_t text;	/* must be first for subclassing */\
96     gx_device *dev;\
97     gx_device *imaging_dev;	/* see note below */\
98     gs_gstate *pgs;\
99     gs_font *orig_font;\
100     gx_path *path;			/* unless DO_NONE & !RETURN_WIDTH */\
101     const gx_device_color *pdcolor;	/* if DO_DRAW */\
102     const gx_clip_path *pcpath;		/* if DO_DRAW */\
103     gs_memory_t *memory;\
104     /* The following additional members are set at initialization. */\
105     const gs_text_enum_procs_t *procs;\
106     /* The following change dynamically.  NOTE: gs_text_enum_copy_dynamic */\
107     /* knows the entire list of dynamically changing elements. */\
108     rc_header rc;\
109     void *enum_client_data;\
110     gs_font *current_font; /* changes for composite fonts */\
111     gs_glyph outer_CID; /* When a Type 3 is a FMapType 9 descendent. */\
112     bool is_pure_color; /* The text is painted with a pure color. */\
113     gs_log2_scale_point log2_scale;	/* for oversampling */\
114     cached_fm_pair *pair; /* corresponds to the current_font and CTM*(1<<log2_scale) */\
115     uint index;			/* index within string */\
116     uint xy_index;		/* index within X/Y widths */\
117     gx_font_stack_t fstack;\
118     int cmap_code;		/* hack for FMapType 9 composite fonts, */\
119                                 /* the value returned by decode_next */\
120     /* For pdf word spacing we must only apply the extra space for a single */\
121     /* byte code of 32, not for a multi-byte code of 32. So, for example */ \
122     /* not for character code <0020>. */ \
123     bool single_byte_space; \
124     /* We also need to know how many bytes of the string we used in order to */ \
125     /* decode this character. So that we can tell if a space is <0020> or <20> */ \
126     int bytes_decoded; \
127     gs_point FontBBox_as_Metrics2;  /* used with FontType 9,11 && WMode 1 */\
128     ulong text_enum_id; /* debug purpose only - not used by algorythm. */\
129     /* The following is controlled by a device. */\
130     bool device_disabled_grid_fitting;\
131     /* Following two members moved from the show enumerator */\
132     gs_log2_scale_point fapi_log2_scale; /* scaling factors for oversampling with FAPI, -1 = not valid */\
133     gs_point fapi_glyph_shift;          /* glyph shift for FAPI-handled font */\
134     /* The following are used to return information to the client. */\
135     gs_text_returned_t returned; \
136     /* Following are set at creation time */ \
137     bool auto_release;		/* true if old API, false if new */ \
138     gs_gstate *pgs2; \
139     int level;			/* save the level of pgs */ \
140     gs_char_path_mode charpath_flag; \
141     gs_gstate *show_gstate;	/* for setting pgs->show_gstate */ \
142                                 /* at returns/callouts */ \
143     int can_cache;		/* -1 if can't use cache at all, */ \
144                                 /* 0 if can read but not load, */ \
145                                 /* 1 if can read and load */ \
146     gs_int_rect ibox;		/* int version of quick-check */ \
147                                 /* (inner) clipping box */ \
148     gs_int_rect obox;		/* int version of (outer) clip box */ \
149     int ftx, fty;		/* transformed font translation */ \
150     /* Following are updated dynamically */ \
151     gs_glyph (*encode_char)(gs_font *, gs_char, gs_glyph_space_t);  /* copied from font */ \
152     gx_device_memory *dev_cache;	/* cache device */ \
153     gx_device_memory *dev_cache2;	/* underlying alpha memory device, */ \
154                                 /* if dev_cache is an alpha buffer */ \
155     gx_device_null *dev_null;	/* null device for stringwidth */ \
156     /*uint index; */		/* index within string */ \
157     /*uint xy_index;*/		/* index within X/Y widths */ \
158     /*gs_char returned.current_char;*/	/* current char for render or move */ \
159     /*gs_glyph returned.current_glyph;*/	/* current glyph ditto */ \
160     gs_fixed_point wxy;		/* width of current char in device coords */ \
161     gs_point wxy_float;		/* same for huge characters */ \
162     bool use_wxy_float; \
163     gs_fixed_point origin;	/* unrounded origin of current char */ \
164                                 /* in device coords, needed for */ \
165                                 /* charpath and WMode=1 */ \
166     cached_char *cc;		/* being accumulated */ \
167     /*gs_point returned.total_width;*/		/* total width of string, set at end */ \
168     show_width_status width_status; \
169     /*gs_log2_scale_point log2_scale;*/ \
170     int (*continue_proc) (gs_show_enum *)	/* continuation procedure */
172 /* The typedef is in gstext.h. */
173 struct gs_text_enum_s {
174     gs_text_enum_common;
175 };
177 /*
178  * Notes on the imaging_dev field of device enumeration structures:
179  *
180  * This field is added as a hack to make the bbox device work
181  * correctly as a forwarding device in some cases, particularly the X
182  * driver. When the X driver is configured to use a memory device for
183  * rendering (ie the MaxBitmap parameter is large enough to hold the
184  * buffer), it sets up a pipeline where the bbox device forwards to
185  * the memory device. The bbox device is used to determine which areas
186  * of the buffer have been drawn on, so that the screen can be
187  * appropriately updated.
188  *
189  * This works well for low-level operations such as filling
190  * rectangles, because the bbox device can easily determine the bbox
191  * of the drawing operation before forwarding it to the target device.
192  * However, for higher level operations, such as those that require
193  * enumerators, the approach is fundamentally broken. Essentially, the
194  * execution of the drawing operation is the responsibility of the
195  * target device, and the bbox device doesn't really have any way to
196  * determine the bounding box.
197  *
198  * The approach taken here is to add an additional field to the
199  * enumerations, imaging_dev. In the common case where the target
200  * device implements the high level drawing operation in terms of
201  * lower level operations, setting the imaging_dev field to non-NULL
202  * requests that these lower level imaging operations be directed to
203  * the imaging_dev rather than dev. The bbox device sets the
204  * imaging_dev field to point to itself. Thus, the low level drawing
205  * operations are intercepted by the bbox device, so that the bbox is
206  * accounted for.
207  *
208  * Note that, if the target device implements higher level operations
209  * by itself, ie not by breaking it into lower level operations, this
210  * approach will fail.
211  */
213 #define st_gs_text_enum_max_ptrs (st_gs_text_params_max_ptrs + 8)
214 /*extern_st(st_gs_text_enum); */
215 #define public_st_gs_text_enum()	/* in gstext.c */\
216   gs_public_st_composite(st_gs_text_enum, gs_text_enum_t, "gs_text_enum_t",\
217     text_enum_enum_ptrs, text_enum_reloc_ptrs)
219 /*
220  * Initialize a newly created text enumerator.  Implementations of
221  * text_begin must call this just after allocating the enumerator.
222  * Note that this procedure can return an error, e.g., if attempting
223  * a glyph-based operation with a composite font.
224  */
225 int gs_text_enum_init(gs_text_enum_t *pte,
226                       const gs_text_enum_procs_t *procs,
227                       gx_device *dev, gs_gstate *pgs,
228                       const gs_text_params_t *text,
229                       gs_font *font, gx_path *path,
230                       const gx_device_color *pdcolor,
231                       const gx_clip_path *pcpath,
232                       gs_memory_t *mem);
234 /* Allocate a text enumerator.
235  * This is primarily intended for code avoiding the device API, such
236  * as that purely for retrieving metrics
237  */
238 gs_text_enum_t *
239 gs_text_enum_alloc(gs_memory_t * mem, gs_gstate * pgs, client_name_t cname);
241 /*
242  * Copy the dynamically changing elements from one enumerator to another.
243  * This is useful primarily for enumerators that sometimes pass the
244  * operation to a subsidiary enumerator.  Note that `returned' is copied
245  * iff for_return is true.
246  */
247 void gs_text_enum_copy_dynamic(gs_text_enum_t *pto,
248                                const gs_text_enum_t *pfrom,
249                                bool for_return);
251 /*
252  * Define some convenience macros for testing aspects of a text
253  * enumerator.
254  */
256 #define SHOW_IS(penum, op_mask)\
257   (((penum)->text.operation & (op_mask)) != 0)
258 #define SHOW_IS_ALL_OF(penum, op_mask)\
259   (((penum)->text.operation & (op_mask)) == (op_mask))
260     /*
261      * The comments next to the following macros indicate the
262      * corresponding test on gs_show_enum structures in pre-5.24 filesets.
263      */
264 #define SHOW_IS_ADD_TO_ALL(penum)	/* add */\
266 #define SHOW_IS_ADD_TO_SPACE(penum)	/* wchr != no_char */\
268 #define SHOW_IS_DO_KERN(penum)		/* do_kern */\
270 #define SHOW_IS_SLOW(penum)		/* slow_show */\
272 #define SHOW_IS_DRAWING(penum)		/* !stringwidth_flag */\
273   !SHOW_IS(penum, TEXT_DO_NONE)
274 #define SHOW_IS_STRINGWIDTH(penum)	/* stringwidth_flag > 0 */\
277 /*
278  * Define the procedures associated with text processing.
279  */
280 struct gs_text_enum_procs_s {
282     /*
283      * Resync processing from an enumerator that may have different
284      * parameters and may be partway through processing the string.  Note
285      * that this may only be implemented for certain kinds of changes, and
286      * will fail for other kinds.  (We may reconsider this.)  We require
287      * pfrom != pte.
288      */
290 #define text_enum_proc_resync(proc)\
291   int proc(gs_text_enum_t *pte, const gs_text_enum_t *pfrom)
293     text_enum_proc_resync((*resync));
295     /*
296      * Process the text.  The client should call this repeatedly until
297      * it returns <= 0.  (> 0 means the client must take action: see
298      * gstext.h.)
299      *
300      * Note that a default implementation of this procedure can't simply do
301      * nothing and return:
302      *
303      *   - If TEXT_DO_CHARWIDTH or TEXT_DO_*PATH is set, the procedure must
304      *   append the appropriate elements to the path.
305      *
306      *   - If TEXT_INTERVENE is set, the procedure must return to the client
307      *   after each character except the last one in the string, setting
308      *   returned.current_char and returned.current_glyph appropriately;
309      *   also, it must reset the current font in the graphics state to its
310      *   original value each time each time (after the first) that the
311      *   procedure is called to process further characters of the string.
312      *
313      *   - If TEXT_RETURN_WIDTH is set, the procedure must set
314      *   returned.total_width when(ever) it returns.
315      *
316      * We should provide a default implementation that makes all these
317      * things simple, but currently we don't.
318      */
320 #define text_enum_proc_process(proc)\
321   int proc(gs_text_enum_t *pte)
323     text_enum_proc_process((*process));
325     /*
326      * After the implementation returned TEXT_PROCESS_RENDER, determine
327      * whether it needs the entire character description, or only the width
328      * (escapement).
329      */
331 #define text_enum_proc_is_width_only(proc)\
332   bool proc(const gs_text_enum_t *pte)
334     text_enum_proc_is_width_only((*is_width_only));
336     /*
337      * Return the width of the current character (in user space coordinates).
338      */
340 #define text_enum_proc_current_width(proc)\
341   int proc(const gs_text_enum_t *pte, gs_point *pwidth)
343     text_enum_proc_current_width((*current_width));
345     /*
346      * Set the character width and optionally the bounding box,
347      * and optionally enable caching.
348      */
350 #define text_enum_proc_set_cache(proc)\
351   int proc(gs_text_enum_t *pte, const double *values,\
352     gs_text_cache_control_t control)
354     text_enum_proc_set_cache((*set_cache));
356     /*
357      * Prepare to retry processing the current character by uninstalling the
358      * cache device.
359      */
361 #define text_enum_proc_retry(proc)\
362   int proc(gs_text_enum_t *pte)
364     text_enum_proc_retry((*retry));
366     /*
367      * Release the contents of the structure at the end of processing,
368      * but don't free the structure itself.  (gs_text_release also does
369      * the latter.)
370      */
372 #define text_enum_proc_release(proc)\
373   void proc(gs_text_enum_t *pte, client_name_t cname)
375     text_enum_proc_release((*release));
377 };
379 /* Define the default release procedure. */
380 text_enum_proc_release(gx_default_text_release);
382 #endif /* gxtext_INCLUDED */