1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
2  |              PDFlib - A library for generating PDF on the fly             |
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11  *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
13 /* $Id: ft_font.h,v 2010/04/23 09:47:20 kurt Exp $
14  *
15  * Header file for font handling
16  *
17  */
19 #ifndef FT_FONT_H
20 #define FT_FONT_H
22 #include "pc_util.h"
23 #include "pc_geom.h"
24 #include "pc_file.h"
25 #include "ft_cid.h"
27 #define FNT_DEFAULT_WIDTH         250   /* some reasonable default */
28 #define FNT_DEFAULT_CIDWIDTH     1000   /* for CID fonts */
29 #define FNT_MISSING_WIDTH -1234567890   /* missing width value */
31 #define FNT_DEFAULT_UNDERLINEWIDTH 50   /* default value of underlineThickness*/
33 #define FNT_MAX_METRICS        2048.0   /* maximal font metrics value */
35 /*
36  * these are the font weight values of Microsoft
37  * see LOGFONT structure member lfWeight
38  */
39 #define FNT_FW_DONTCARE     0
40 #define FNT_FW_THIN         100
41 #define FNT_FW_EXTRALIGHT   200
42 #define FNT_FW_ULTRALIGHT   200
43 #define FNT_FW_LIGHT        300
44 #define FNT_FW_NORMAL       400
45 #define FNT_FW_REGULAR      400
46 #define FNT_FW_MEDIUM       500
47 #define FNT_FW_SEMIBOLD     600
48 #define FNT_FW_DEMIBOLD     600
49 #define FNT_FW_BOLD         700
50 #define FNT_FW_EXTRABOLD    800
51 #define FNT_FW_ULTRABOLD    800
52 #define FNT_FW_HEAVY        900
53 #define FNT_FW_BLACK        900
55 /*
56  * these defaults are used when the stem value
57  * must be derived from the name (unused)
58  */
59 #define FNT_STEMV_MIN        50     /* minimum StemV value */
60 #define FNT_STEMV_LIGHT      71     /* light StemV value */
61 #define FNT_STEMV_NORMAL    109     /* normal StemV value */
62 #define FNT_STEMV_MEDIUM    125     /* mediumbold StemV value */
63 #define FNT_STEMV_SEMIBOLD  135     /* semibold StemV value */
64 #define FNT_STEMV_BOLD      165     /* bold StemV value */
65 #define FNT_STEMV_EXTRABOLD 201     /* extrabold StemV value */
66 #define FNT_STEMV_BLACK     241     /* black StemV value */
68 /*
69  * Bit positions for the font descriptor flag
70  */
71 #define FNT_FIXEDWIDTH      (long) (1L<<0)
72 #define FNT_SERIF           (long) (1L<<1)
73 #define FNT_SYMBOL          (long) (1L<<2)
74 #define FNT_SCRIPT          (long) (1L<<3)
75 #define FNT_ADOBESTANDARD   (long) (1L<<5)
76 #define FNT_ITALIC          (long) (1L<<6)
77 #define FNT_SMALLCAPS       (long) (1L<<17)
78 #define FNT_FORCEBOLD       (long) (1L<<18)
80 #define FNT_FI_ITALIC        255
81 #define FNT_FI_ITALICNAME    "Italic"
82 #define FNT_DEF_ITALICANGLE  -12           /* default italic angle */
84 #define FNT_MISSING_FONTVAL  PDC_SHRT_MIN  /* missing font value */
86 /* start sequence of PFA files */
87 #define FNT_PFA_STARTSEQU   "%!PS"
89 /* missing file name for font outline data */
90 #define FNT_MISSING_FILENAME  "__missing__filename__"
92 /* Font types */
93 typedef enum
94 {
95     fnt_Type0,          /* Type0 fonts */
96     fnt_Type1,          /* Type1 fonts */
97     fnt_MMType1,        /* Multiple master fonts */
98     fnt_TrueType,       /* TrueType fonts for 1-byte encoding */
99     fnt_CIDFontType2,   /* TrueType fonts for 2-byte encoding */
100     fnt_Type1C,         /* CFF PostScript fonts for 1-byte encoding */
101     fnt_CIDFontType0,   /* OpenType fonts with CFF_ table for 2-byte encoding */
102     fnt_CIDFontType0C,  /* CFF PostScript fonts for 2-byte encoding */
103     fnt_OpenType,       /* OpenType fonts for 1-byte encoding */
104     fnt_OpenTypeC,      /* OpenType fonts for 2-byte encoding */
105     fnt_Type3,          /* Type3 fonts */
106     fnt_unknownType     /* for initialization only */
107 }
108 fnt_fonttype;
110 /* Font styles */
111 typedef enum
112 {
113     fnt_Normal,
114     fnt_Bold,
115     fnt_Italic,
116     fnt_BoldItalic
117 }
118 fnt_fontstyle;
120 typedef struct fnt_interwidth_s fnt_interwidth;
121 typedef struct fnt_interwidth4_s fnt_interwidth4;
122 typedef struct fnt_glyphwidth_s fnt_glyphwidth;
123 typedef struct fnt_font_metric_s fnt_font_metric;
124 typedef struct fnt_font_s fnt_font;
126 /* Code interval for glyph width */
127 struct fnt_interwidth_s
128 {
129     pdc_ushort startcode;   /* start code of interval */
130     pdc_short width;        /* width of glyphs in the code interval */
131 };
133 struct fnt_interwidth4_s
134 {
135     int startcode;          /* start UTF-32 Unicode of interval */
136     pdc_short width;        /* width of glyphs in the code interval */
137 };
139 /* Code and Unicode for glyph width */
140 struct fnt_glyphwidth_s
141 {
142     pdc_ushort unicode;     /* UTF-16 Unicode of glyph */
143     pdc_short code;         /* builtin 8-bit code */
144     pdc_short width;        /* glyph width */
145 };
148 /* Font metric exchange structure */
149 struct fnt_font_metric_s
150 {
151     char *name;                 /* font name (/FontName) */
152     pdc_ulong flags;            /* font flags of font descriptor */
153     fnt_fonttype type;          /* type of font */
154     int charcoll;               /* supported CID character collection */
155                                 /* < 0: Halfwidth Latin-1 character */
156     /* font metric */
157     pdc_scalar italicAngle;     /* AFM key: ItalicAngle */
158     int isFixedPitch;           /* AFM key: IsFixedPitch */
159     pdc_scalar llx;             /* AFM key: FontBBox */
160     pdc_scalar lly;             /* AFM key: FontBBox */
161     pdc_scalar urx;             /* AFM key: FontBBox */
162     pdc_scalar ury;             /* AFM key: FontBBox */
163     int underlinePosition;      /* AFM key: UnderlinePosition */
164     int underlineThickness;     /* AFM key: UnderlineThickness */
165     int capHeight;              /* AFM key: CapHeight */
166     int xHeight;                /* AFM key: XHeight */
167     int ascender;               /* AFM key: Ascender */
168     int descender;              /* AFM key: Descender */
169     int StdVW;                  /* AFM key: StdVW */
170     int StdHW;                  /* AFM key: StdHW */
172     /* glyph widths */
173     int defwidth;               /* default width */
174     int numwidths;              /* number of entries in widths */
175     int *widths;                /* ptr to glyph widths (enumerated by codes) */
176     int numinters;              /* number of entries in ciw */
177     fnt_interwidth *ciw;        /* ptr to code intervals for widths array */
178     int numglwidths;            /* number of entries in glw */
179     fnt_glyphwidth *glw;        /* ptr to glyph widths array */
182 };
184 /* Font exchange structure */
185 struct fnt_font_s
186 {
187     char *name;                 /* font name (/BaseFont or /Name or 'font_#') */
188     char *utf8name;             /* UTF-8 encoded font name (maybe with BOM) */
189     char *filename;             /* font file name */
191     fnt_font_metric m;          /* name, type, flags, charcoll and metric */
192     pdc_bool isstdfont;         /* is an incore font
193                                  * or standard CJK font in pdflib */
194     pdc_bool ishostfont;        /* is an host font */
195     pdc_bool hasdescr;          /* has font descriptor */
196     pdc_bool vertical;          /* vertical writing mode */
198     pdc_ushort spacechar;       /* code of space character depending on enc */
199     int spacewidth;             /* width of space character */
200     int linegap;                /* OpenType lineGap */
201     int weight;                 /* font weight value 0-1000 */
203     pdc_matrix matrix;          /* Type3 font matrix */
204     pdc_rectangle bbox;         /* Type3 font bounding box */
205     pdc_scalar fsscale;         /* Type3 fontsize scaling */
207     pdc_bool issymbfont;        /* is a symbol font */
208     pdc_encoding enc;           /* font encoding shortcut */
210     int numglyphs;              /* number of glyphs */
211     int numcodes;               /* number of codes */
213     pdc_ushort *gid2code;       /* mapping glyph ID -> [Uni]code or NULL */
214     pdc_ushort *code2gid;       /* mapping [Uni]code -> glyph ID or NULL */
215     char *cmapname;             /* CID CMap name */
218     /* font in memory */
219     pdc_bool embedded;          /* embedded font */
220     char *imgname;              /* name of virtual file containing *img */
221     size_t filelen;             /* length of (uncompressed) font data */
222     pdc_byte *img;              /* font (or CFF table) data */
224 };
226 /* font error numbers.
227 */
228 enum
229 {
230 #define         fnt_genNames    1
231 #include        "ft_generr.h"
233     FNT_E_dummy
234 };
236 /* ft_font.c */
237 void fnt_register_errtab(pdc_core *pdc);
238 void fnt_init_font(fnt_font *font);
239 void fnt_cleanup_font(pdc_core *pdc, fnt_font *font);
240 void fnt_cleanup_font_alien(pdc_core *pdc, fnt_font *font);
241 void fnt_cleanup_fontimg(pdc_core *pdc, fnt_font *font);
242 int fnt_get_glyphid(int code, fnt_font *font);
243 int fnt_get_code(int gid, fnt_font *font);
244 int fnt_get_glyphwidth(int code, fnt_font *font);
245 int fnt_get_pdf_fonttype_code(const char *typenam);
246 const char *fnt_get_pdf_fonttype_name(int typecode);
247 const char *fnt_get_pdf_fonttype_desc(int typecode);
248 pdc_encodingvector *fnt_create_font_ev(pdc_core *pdc, fnt_font *font);
249 int fnt_check_weight(int weight);
250 int fnt_weightname2weight(const char *weightname);
251 int fnt_stemv2weight(int stemv);
252 const char *fnt_weight2weightname(int weight);
253 int fnt_macfontstyle2weight(int macfontstyle);
254 int fnt_weight2stemv(int weight);
255 void fnt_font_logg_widths(pdc_core *pdc, fnt_font *font);
256 void fnt_font_logg_protocol(pdc_core *pdc, fnt_font *font);
258 /* ft_corefont.c */
259 pdc_bool fnt_is_standard_font(const char *fontname);
260 const char *fnt_get_abb_std_fontname(const char *fontname);
261 void fnt_fill_font_metric(pdc_core *pdc, fnt_font *font, pdc_bool kerning,
262         const fnt_font_metric *metric);
263 const fnt_font_metric *fnt_get_core_metric(const char *fontname);
264 const char *fnt_get_abb_cjk_fontname(const char *fontname);
265 int fnt_get_preinstalled_cidfont(const char *fontname,
266         const fnt_font_metric **fontmetric);
267 const char **fnt_get_cid_widths_array(pdc_core *pdc, fnt_font *font);
270 /* ft_type1.c */
271 pdc_bool fnt_test_type1_font(pdc_core *pdc, const pdc_byte *img);
272 pdc_bool fnt_get_type1_encoding(pdc_core *pdc, fnt_font *font, int glyphflags);
274 #endif  /* FT_FONT_H */