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40 /*!
41     \class QAnimationGroup
42     \inmodule QtCore
43     \brief The QAnimationGroup class is an abstract base class for groups of animations.
44     \since 4.6
45     \ingroup animation
47     An animation group is a container for animations (subclasses of
48     QAbstractAnimation). A group is usually responsible for managing
49     the \l{QAbstractAnimation::State}{state} of its animations, i.e.,
50     it decides when to start, stop, resume, and pause them. Currently,
51     Qt provides two such groups: QParallelAnimationGroup and
52     QSequentialAnimationGroup. Look up their class descriptions for
53     details.
55     Since QAnimationGroup inherits from QAbstractAnimation, you can
56     combine groups, and easily construct complex animation graphs.
57     You can query QAbstractAnimation for the group it belongs to
58     (using the \l{QAbstractAnimation::}{group()} function).
60     To start a top-level animation group, you simply use the
61     \l{QAbstractAnimation::}{start()} function from
62     QAbstractAnimation. By a top-level animation group, we think of a
63     group that itself is not contained within another group. Starting
64     sub groups directly is not supported, and may lead to unexpected
65     behavior.
67     \omit OK, we'll put in a snippet on this here \endomit
69     QAnimationGroup provides methods for adding and retrieving
70     animations. Besides that, you can remove animations by calling
71     \l removeAnimation(), and clear the animation group by calling
72     clear(). You may keep track of changes in the group's
73     animations by listening to QEvent::ChildAdded and
74     QEvent::ChildRemoved events.
76     \omit OK, let's find a snippet here as well. \endomit
78     QAnimationGroup takes ownership of the animations it manages, and
79     ensures that they are deleted when the animation group is deleted.
81     \sa QAbstractAnimation, QVariantAnimation, {The Animation Framework}
82 */
84 #include "qanimationgroup.h"
85 #include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
86 #include <QtCore/qcoreevent.h>
87 #include "qanimationgroup_p.h"
89 #include <algorithm>
94 /*!
95     Constructs a QAnimationGroup.
96     \a parent is passed to QObject's constructor.
97 */
QAnimationGroup(QObject * parent)98 QAnimationGroup::QAnimationGroup(QObject *parent)
99     : QAbstractAnimation(*new QAnimationGroupPrivate, parent)
100 {
101 }
103 /*!
104     \internal
105 */
QAnimationGroup(QAnimationGroupPrivate & dd,QObject * parent)106 QAnimationGroup::QAnimationGroup(QAnimationGroupPrivate &dd, QObject *parent)
107     : QAbstractAnimation(dd, parent)
108 {
109 }
111 /*!
112     Destroys the animation group. It will also destroy all its animations.
113 */
~QAnimationGroup()114 QAnimationGroup::~QAnimationGroup()
115 {
116     Q_D(QAnimationGroup);
117     // We need to clear the animations now while we are still a valid QAnimationGroup.
118     // If we wait until ~QObject() the QAbstractAnimation's pointer back to us would
119     // point to a QObject, not a valid QAnimationGroup.
120     d->clear(true);
121 }
123 /*!
124     Returns a pointer to the animation at \a index in this group. This
125     function is useful when you need access to a particular animation.  \a
126     index is between 0 and animationCount() - 1.
128     \sa animationCount(), indexOfAnimation()
129 */
animationAt(int index) const130 QAbstractAnimation *QAnimationGroup::animationAt(int index) const
131 {
132     Q_D(const QAnimationGroup);
134     if (index < 0 || index >= d->animations.size()) {
135         qWarning("QAnimationGroup::animationAt: index is out of bounds");
136         return nullptr;
137     }
139     return d->animations.at(index);
140 }
143 /*!
144     Returns the number of animations managed by this group.
146     \sa indexOfAnimation(), addAnimation(), animationAt()
147 */
animationCount() const148 int QAnimationGroup::animationCount() const
149 {
150     Q_D(const QAnimationGroup);
151     return d->animations.size();
152 }
154 /*!
155     Returns the index of \a animation. The returned index can be passed
156     to the other functions that take an index as an argument.
158     \sa insertAnimation(), animationAt(), takeAnimation()
159 */
indexOfAnimation(QAbstractAnimation * animation) const160 int QAnimationGroup::indexOfAnimation(QAbstractAnimation *animation) const
161 {
162     Q_D(const QAnimationGroup);
163     return d->animations.indexOf(animation);
164 }
166 /*!
167     Adds \a animation to this group. This will call insertAnimation with
168     index equals to animationCount().
170     \note The group takes ownership of the animation.
172     \sa removeAnimation()
173 */
addAnimation(QAbstractAnimation * animation)174 void QAnimationGroup::addAnimation(QAbstractAnimation *animation)
175 {
176     Q_D(QAnimationGroup);
177     insertAnimation(d->animations.count(), animation);
178 }
180 /*!
181     Inserts \a animation into this animation group at \a index.
182     If \a index is 0 the animation is inserted at the beginning.
183     If \a index is animationCount(), the animation is inserted at the end.
185     \note The group takes ownership of the animation.
187     \sa takeAnimation(), addAnimation(), indexOfAnimation(), removeAnimation()
188 */
insertAnimation(int index,QAbstractAnimation * animation)189 void QAnimationGroup::insertAnimation(int index, QAbstractAnimation *animation)
190 {
191     Q_D(QAnimationGroup);
193     if (index < 0 || index > d->animations.size()) {
194         qWarning("QAnimationGroup::insertAnimation: index is out of bounds");
195         return;
196     }
198     if (QAnimationGroup *oldGroup = animation->group()) {
199         oldGroup->removeAnimation(animation);
200         // ensure we don't insert out of bounds if oldGroup == this
201         index = qMin(index, d->animations.size());
202     }
204     d->animations.insert(index, animation);
205     QAbstractAnimationPrivate::get(animation)->group = this;
206     // this will make sure that ChildAdded event is sent to 'this'
207     animation->setParent(this);
208     d->animationInsertedAt(index);
209 }
211 /*!
212     Removes \a animation from this group. The ownership of \a animation is
213     transferred to the caller.
215     \sa takeAnimation(), insertAnimation(), addAnimation()
216 */
removeAnimation(QAbstractAnimation * animation)217 void QAnimationGroup::removeAnimation(QAbstractAnimation *animation)
218 {
219     Q_D(QAnimationGroup);
221     if (!animation) {
222         qWarning("QAnimationGroup::remove: cannot remove null animation");
223         return;
224     }
225     int index = d->animations.indexOf(animation);
226     if (index == -1) {
227         qWarning("QAnimationGroup::remove: animation is not part of this group");
228         return;
229     }
231     takeAnimation(index);
232 }
234 /*!
235     Returns the animation at \a index and removes it from the animation group.
237     \note The ownership of the animation is transferred to the caller.
239     \sa removeAnimation(), addAnimation(), insertAnimation(), indexOfAnimation()
240 */
takeAnimation(int index)241 QAbstractAnimation *QAnimationGroup::takeAnimation(int index)
242 {
243     Q_D(QAnimationGroup);
244     if (index < 0 || index >= d->animations.size()) {
245         qWarning("QAnimationGroup::takeAnimation: no animation at index %d", index);
246         return nullptr;
247     }
248     QAbstractAnimation *animation = d->animations.at(index);
249     QAbstractAnimationPrivate::get(animation)->group = nullptr;
250     // ### removing from list before doing setParent to avoid inifinite recursion
251     // in ChildRemoved event
252     d->animations.removeAt(index);
253     animation->setParent(nullptr);
254     d->animationRemoved(index, animation);
255     return animation;
256 }
258 /*!
259     Removes and deletes all animations in this animation group, and resets the current
260     time to 0.
262     \sa addAnimation(), removeAnimation()
263 */
clear()264 void QAnimationGroup::clear()
265 {
266     Q_D(QAnimationGroup);
267     d->clear(false);
268 }
270 /*!
271     \reimp
272 */
event(QEvent * event)273 bool QAnimationGroup::event(QEvent *event)
274 {
275     Q_D(QAnimationGroup);
276     if (event->type() == QEvent::ChildAdded) {
277         QChildEvent *childEvent = static_cast<QChildEvent *>(event);
278         if (QAbstractAnimation *a = qobject_cast<QAbstractAnimation *>(childEvent->child())) {
279             if (a->group() != this)
280                 addAnimation(a);
281         }
282     } else if (event->type() == QEvent::ChildRemoved) {
283         QChildEvent *childEvent = static_cast<QChildEvent *>(event);
284         // You can only rely on the child being a QObject because in the QEvent::ChildRemoved
285         // case it might be called from the destructor. Casting down to QAbstractAnimation then
286         // entails undefined behavior, so compare items as QObjects (which std::find does internally):
287         const QList<QAbstractAnimation *>::const_iterator it
288             = std::find(d->animations.cbegin(), d->animations.cend(), childEvent->child());
289         if (it != d->animations.cend())
290             takeAnimation(it - d->animations.cbegin());
291     }
292     return QAbstractAnimation::event(event);
293 }
clear(bool onDestruction)295 void QAnimationGroupPrivate::clear(bool onDestruction)
296 {
297     const QList<QAbstractAnimation *> animationsCopy = animations; // taking a copy
298     animations.clear();
299     // Clearing backwards so the indices doesn't change while we remove animations.
300     for (int i = animationsCopy.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
301         QAbstractAnimation *animation = animationsCopy.at(i);
302         animation->setParent(nullptr);
303         QAbstractAnimationPrivate::get(animation)->group = nullptr;
304         // If we are in ~QAnimationGroup() it is not safe to called the virtual
305         // animationRemoved method, which can still be a method in a
306         // QAnimationGroupPrivate derived class that assumes q_ptr is still
307         // a valid derived class of QAnimationGroup.
308         if (!onDestruction)
309             animationRemoved(i, animation);
310         delete animation;
311     }
312 }
animationRemoved(int index,QAbstractAnimation *)314 void QAnimationGroupPrivate::animationRemoved(int index, QAbstractAnimation *)
315 {
316     Q_Q(QAnimationGroup);
317     Q_UNUSED(index);
318     if (animations.isEmpty()) {
319         currentTime = 0;
320         q->stop();
321     }
322 }
326 #include "moc_qanimationgroup.cpp"