1 /*
2  * The Progressive Graphics File; http://www.libpgf.org
3  *
4  * $Date: 2007-06-11 10:56:17 +0200 (Mo, 11 Jun 2007) $
5  * $Revision: 299 $
6  *
7  * This file Copyright (C) 2006 xeraina GmbH, Switzerland
8  *
9  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10  * modify it under the terms of the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
11  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
12  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13  *
14  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17  * GNU General Public License for more details.
18  *
19  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
22  */
24 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
25 /// @file PGFstream.h
26 /// @brief PGF stream class
27 /// @author C. Stamm
29 #ifndef PGF_STREAM_H
30 #define PGF_STREAM_H
32 #include "PGFtypes.h"
33 #include <new>
35 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
36 /// Abstract stream base class.
37 /// @author C. Stamm
38 /// @brief Abstract stream base class
39 class CPGFStream {
40 public:
41 	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
42 	/// Standard constructor.
CPGFStream()43 	CPGFStream() {}
45 	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
46 	/// Standard destructor.
~CPGFStream()47 	virtual ~CPGFStream() {}
49 	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
50 	/// Write some bytes out of a buffer into this stream.
51 	/// @param count A pointer to a value containing the number of bytes should be written. After this call it contains the number of written bytes.
52 	/// @param buffer A memory buffer
53 	virtual void Write(int *count, void *buffer)=0;
55 	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
56 	/// Read some bytes from this stream and stores them into a buffer.
57 	/// @param count A pointer to a value containing the number of bytes should be read. After this call it contains the number of read bytes.
58 	/// @param buffer A memory buffer
59 	virtual void Read(int *count, void *buffer)=0;
61 	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
62 	/// Set stream position either absolute or relative.
63 	/// @param posMode A position mode (FSFromStart, FSFromCurrent, FSFromEnd)
64 	/// @param posOff A new stream position (absolute positioning) or a position offset (relative positioning)
65 	virtual void SetPos(short posMode, INT64 posOff)=0;
67 	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
68 	/// Get current stream position.
69 	/// @return Current stream position
70 	virtual UINT64 GetPos() const=0;
72 	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
73 	/// Check stream validity.
74 	/// @return True if stream and current position is valid
75 	virtual bool IsValid() const=0;
76 };
78 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
79 /// A PGF stream subclass for external storage files.
80 /// @author C. Stamm
81 /// @brief File stream class
82 class CPGFFileStream : public CPGFStream {
83 protected:
84 	HANDLE m_hFile;	///< file handle
86 public:
CPGFFileStream()87 	CPGFFileStream() : m_hFile(0) {}
88 	/// Constructor
89 	/// @param hFile File handle
CPGFFileStream(HANDLE hFile)90 	CPGFFileStream(HANDLE hFile) : m_hFile(hFile) {}
91 	/// @return File handle
GetHandle()92 	HANDLE GetHandle() { return m_hFile; }
~CPGFFileStream()94 	virtual ~CPGFFileStream() { m_hFile = 0; }
95 	virtual void Write(int *count, void *buffer); // throws IOException
96 	virtual void Read(int *count, void *buffer); // throws IOException
97 	virtual void SetPos(short posMode, INT64 posOff); // throws IOException
98 	virtual UINT64 GetPos() const; // throws IOException
IsValid()99 	virtual bool   IsValid() const	{ return m_hFile != 0; }
100 };
102 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
103 /// A PGF stream subclass for internal memory.
104 /// @author C. Stamm
105 /// @brief Memory stream class
106 class CPGFMemoryStream : public CPGFStream {
107 protected:
108 	UINT8 *m_buffer, *m_pos;///< buffer start address and current buffer address
109 	UINT8 *m_eos;			///< end of stream (first address beyond written area)
110 	size_t m_size;			///< buffer size
111 	bool   m_allocated;		///< indicates a new allocated buffer
113 public:
114 	/// Constructor
115 	/// @param size Size of new allocated memory buffer
116 	CPGFMemoryStream(size_t size);
118 	/// Constructor. Use already allocated memory of given size
119 	/// @param pBuffer Memory location
120 	/// @param size Memory size
121 	CPGFMemoryStream(UINT8 *pBuffer, size_t size);
123 	/// Use already allocated memory of given size
124 	/// @param pBuffer Memory location
125 	/// @param size Memory size
126 	void Reinitialize(UINT8 *pBuffer, size_t size);
~CPGFMemoryStream()128 	virtual ~CPGFMemoryStream() {
129 		m_pos = 0;
130 		if (m_allocated) {
131 			// the memory buffer has been allocated inside of CPMFmemoryStream constructor
132 			delete[] m_buffer; m_buffer = 0;
133 		}
134 	}
136 	virtual void Write(int *count, void *buffer); // throws IOException
137 	virtual void Read(int *count, void *buffer);
138 	virtual void SetPos(short posMode, INT64 posOff); // throws IOException
GetPos()139 	virtual UINT64 GetPos() const { ASSERT(IsValid()); return m_pos - m_buffer; }
IsValid()140 	virtual bool   IsValid() const	{ return m_buffer != 0; }
142 	/// @return Memory size
GetSize()143 	size_t GetSize() const			{ return m_size; }
144 	/// @return Memory buffer
GetBuffer()145 	const UINT8* GetBuffer() const	{ return m_buffer; }
146 	/// @return Memory buffer
GetBuffer()147 	UINT8* GetBuffer()				{ return m_buffer; }
148 	/// @return relative position of end of stream (= stream length)
GetEOS()149 	UINT64 GetEOS() const			{ ASSERT(IsValid()); return m_eos - m_buffer; }
150 	/// @param length Stream length (= relative position of end of stream)
SetEOS(UINT64 length)151 	void SetEOS(UINT64 length)		{ ASSERT(IsValid()); m_eos = m_buffer + length; }
152 };
154 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
155 /// A PGF stream subclass for internal memory files. Usable only with MFC.
156 /// @author C. Stamm
157 /// @brief Cached memory file stream class
158 #ifdef _MFC_VER
159 class CPGFMemFileStream : public CPGFStream {
160 protected:
161 	CMemFile *m_memFile;	///< MFC memory file
162 public:
CPGFMemFileStream(CMemFile * memFile)163 	CPGFMemFileStream(CMemFile *memFile) : m_memFile(memFile) {}
IsValid()164 	virtual bool	IsValid() const	{ return m_memFile != nullptr; }
~CPGFMemFileStream()165 	virtual ~CPGFMemFileStream() {}
166 	virtual void Write(int *count, void *buffer); // throws IOException
167 	virtual void Read(int *count, void *buffer); // throws IOException
168 	virtual void SetPos(short posMode, INT64 posOff); // throws IOException
169 	virtual UINT64 GetPos() const; // throws IOException
170 };
171 #endif
173 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
174 /// A PGF stream subclass for IStream. Usable only with COM.
175 /// @author C. Stamm
176 /// @brief COM IStream class
177 #if defined(WIN32) || defined(WINCE)
178 class CPGFIStream : public CPGFStream {
179 protected:
180 	IStream *m_stream;	///< COM+ IStream
181 public:
CPGFIStream(IStream * stream)182 	CPGFIStream(IStream *stream) : m_stream(stream) { m_stream->AddRef(); }
IsValid()183 	virtual bool IsValid() const	{ return m_stream != 0; }
~CPGFIStream()184 	virtual ~CPGFIStream() { m_stream->Release(); }
185 	virtual void Write(int *count, void *buffer); // throws IOException
186 	virtual void Read(int *count, void *buffer); // throws IOException
187 	virtual void SetPos(short posMode, INT64 posOff); // throws IOException
188 	virtual UINT64 GetPos() const; // throws IOException
GetIStream()189 	IStream* GetIStream() const { return m_stream; }
190 };
191 #endif
193 #endif // PGF_STREAM_H