1 /*=========================================================================
2  *
3  *  Copyright Insight Software Consortium
4  *
5  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt
10  *
11  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  *  limitations under the License.
16  *
17  *=========================================================================*/
19 #ifndef itkFastMarchingBase_h
20 #define itkFastMarchingBase_h
22 #include "itkIntTypes.h"
23 #include "itkFastMarchingStoppingCriterionBase.h"
24 #include "itkFastMarchingTraits.h"
26 #include <queue>
27 #include <functional>
29 namespace itk
30 {
31 /**
32  * \class FastMarchingBase
33  * \brief Abstract class to solve an Eikonal based-equation using Fast Marching
34  * Method.
35  *
36  * Fast marching solves an Eikonal equation where the speed is always
37  * non-negative and depends on the position only. Starting from an
38  * initial position on the front, fast marching systematically moves the
39  * front forward one node at a time.
40  *
41  * Updates are preformed using an entropy satisfy scheme where only
42  * "upwind" neighborhoods are used. This implementation of Fast Marching
43  * uses a std::priority_queue to locate the next proper node to
44  * update.
45  *
46  * Fast Marching sweeps through N points in (N log N) steps to obtain
47  * the arrival time value as the front propagates through the domain.
48  *
49  * The initial front is specified by two containers:
50  * \li one containing the known nodes (Alive Nodes: nodes that are already
51  * part of the object),
52  * \li one containing the trial nodes (Trial Nodes: nodes that are
53  * considered for inclusion).
54  *
55  * In order for the filter to evolve, at least some trial nodes must be
56  * specified. These can for instance be specified as the layer of
57  * nodes around the alive ones.
58  *
59  * The algorithm is terminated early by setting an appropriate stopping
60  * criterion, or if there are no more nodes to process.
61  *
62  * \tparam TTraits traits which includes definition such as:
63  *    \li InputDomainType (itk::Image or itk::QuadEdgeMesh)
64  *    \li OutputDomainType (similar to InputDomainType)
65  *    \li NodeType (itk::Index if itk::Image and PointIdentifier if
66  * itk::QuadEdgeMesh)
67  *    \li NodePairType std::pair< NodeType, OutputPixelType >
68  *    \li Superclass (itk::ImageToImageFilter or
69  * itk::QuadEdgeMeshToQuadEdgeMeshFilter )
70  *
71  * \todo In the current implementation, std::priority_queue only allows
72  * taking nodes out from the front and putting nodes in from the back.
73  * Use itk::PriorityQueueContainer instead.
74  *
75  * \par Topology constraints:
76  * Additional flexibiility in this class includes the implementation of
77  * topology constraints for image-based fast marching.  Further details
78  * can be found in the paper
79  *
80  * NJ Tustison, BA Avants, MF Siqueira, JC Gee. "Topological Well-
81  * Composedness and Glamorous Glue: A Digital Gluing Algorithm for
82  * Topologically Constrained Front Propagation, IEEE Transactions on
83  * Image Processing, 20(6):1756-1761, June 2011.
84  *
85  * Essentially, one can constrain the propagating front(s) such that
86  * they either:
87  *  1. don't merge (using the "Strict" option)
88  *  2. don't create handles (using the "NoHandles" option)
89  *
90  * Whereas the majority of related work uses the digital topological
91  * concept of "simple points" to constrain the evolving front, this
92  * filter uses the concept of "well-composedness".  Advantages of
93  * the latter over the former includes being able to use the standard
94  * marching cubes algorithm to produce a mesh whose genus is identical
95  * to that of the evolved front(s).
96  *
97  * \sa FastMarchingStoppingCriterionBase
98  *
99  * \ingroup ITKFastMarching
100 */
101 template< typename TInput, typename TOutput >
102 class ITK_TEMPLATE_EXPORT FastMarchingBase : public FastMarchingTraits<TInput, TOutput>::SuperclassType
103   {
104 public:
107   using Traits = FastMarchingTraits<TInput, TOutput>;
108   using SuperclassType = typename Traits::SuperclassType;
110   using Self = FastMarchingBase;
111   using Superclass = typename FastMarchingTraits<TInput, TOutput>::SuperclassType;
112   using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >;
113   using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >;
115   /** Run-time type information (and related methods). */
116   itkTypeMacro(FastMarchingBase, FastMarchingTraits);
118   /** Input Domain related definitions */
119   using InputDomainType = typename Traits::InputDomainType;
120   using InputDomainPointer = typename Traits::InputDomainPointer;
121   using InputPixelType = typename Traits::InputPixelType;
123   /** Output Domain related definitions */
124   using OutputDomainType = typename Traits::OutputDomainType;
125   using OutputDomainPointer = typename Traits::OutputDomainPointer;
126   using OutputPixelType = typename Traits::OutputPixelType;
128   /** NodeType type of node */
129   using NodeType = typename Traits::NodeType;
131   /** NodePairType pair of node and corresponding value */
132   using NodePairType = typename Traits::NodePairType;
133   using NodePairContainerType = typename Traits::NodePairContainerType;
134   using NodePairContainerPointer = typename Traits::NodePairContainerPointer;
135   using NodePairContainerConstIterator = typename Traits::NodePairContainerConstIterator;
137   using LabelType = typename Traits::LabelType;
139   /** StoppingCriterionType stopping criterion */
140   using StoppingCriterionType = FastMarchingStoppingCriterionBase< TInput, TOutput >;
141   using StoppingCriterionPointer = typename StoppingCriterionType::Pointer;
143   /*
144   using ElementIdentifier = long;
146   using PriorityQueueElementType = MinPriorityQueueElementWrapper< NodeType,
147     OutputPixelType,
148     ElementIdentifier >;
150   using PriorityQueueType = PriorityQueueContainer< PriorityQueueElementType,
151     PriorityQueueElementType, OutputPixelType, ElementIdentifier >;
152   using PriorityQueuePointer = typename PriorityQueueType::Pointer;
153   */
155   /** \enum TopologyCheckType */
156   enum TopologyCheckType {
157     /** \c Nothing */
158     Nothing = 0,
159     /** \c NoHandles */
160     NoHandles,
161     /** \c Strict */
162     Strict };
164   /** Set/Get the TopologyCheckType macro indicating whether the user
165   wants to check topology (and which one). */
166   itkSetMacro( TopologyCheck, TopologyCheckType );
167   itkGetConstReferenceMacro( TopologyCheck, TopologyCheckType );
169   /** Set/Get TrialPoints */
170   itkSetObjectMacro( TrialPoints, NodePairContainerType );
171   itkGetModifiableObjectMacro(TrialPoints, NodePairContainerType );
173   /** Set/Get AlivePoints */
174   itkSetObjectMacro( AlivePoints, NodePairContainerType );
175   itkGetModifiableObjectMacro(AlivePoints, NodePairContainerType );
177   /** Set/Get ProcessedPoints */
178   itkSetObjectMacro( ProcessedPoints, NodePairContainerType );
179   itkGetModifiableObjectMacro(ProcessedPoints, NodePairContainerType );
181   /** Set/Get ForbiddenPoints */
182   itkSetObjectMacro( ForbiddenPoints, NodePairContainerType );
183   itkGetModifiableObjectMacro(ForbiddenPoints, NodePairContainerType );
185   /** \brief Set/Get the Stopping Criterion */
186   itkSetObjectMacro( StoppingCriterion, StoppingCriterionType );
187   itkGetModifiableObjectMacro(StoppingCriterion, StoppingCriterionType );
189   /** \brief Set/Get SpeedConstant */
190   itkGetMacro( SpeedConstant, double );
191   itkSetMacro( SpeedConstant, double );
193   /** \brief Set/Get NormalizationFactor */
194   itkGetMacro( NormalizationFactor, double );
195   itkSetMacro( NormalizationFactor, double );
197   /** \brief Get the value reached by the front when it stops propagating */
198   itkGetMacro( TargetReachedValue, OutputPixelType );
200   /** Set the Collect Points flag. Instrument the algorithm to collect
201   * a container of all nodes which it has visited. Useful for
202   * creating Narrowbands for level set algorithms that supports
203   * narrow banding. */
204   itkSetMacro(CollectPoints, bool);
206   /** Get the Collect Points flag. */
207   itkGetConstReferenceMacro(CollectPoints, bool);
208   itkBooleanMacro(CollectPoints);
210 protected:
212   /** \brief Constructor */
213   FastMarchingBase();
215   /** \brief Destructor */
216   ~FastMarchingBase() override = default;
218   StoppingCriterionPointer m_StoppingCriterion;
220   double m_SpeedConstant;
221   double m_InverseSpeed;
222   double m_NormalizationFactor;
224   OutputPixelType m_TargetReachedValue;
225   OutputPixelType m_LargeValue;
226   OutputPixelType m_TopologyValue;
228   NodePairContainerPointer  m_TrialPoints;
229   NodePairContainerPointer  m_AlivePoints;
230   NodePairContainerPointer  m_ProcessedPoints;
231   NodePairContainerPointer  m_ForbiddenPoints;
233   bool m_CollectPoints;
235   //PriorityQueuePointer m_Heap;
236   using HeapContainerType = std::vector< NodePairType >;
237   using NodeComparerType = std::greater< NodePairType >;
239   using PriorityQueueType = std::priority_queue<
240     NodePairType, HeapContainerType, NodeComparerType >;
242   PriorityQueueType m_Heap;
244   TopologyCheckType m_TopologyCheck;
246   /** \brief Get the total number of nodes in the domain */
247   virtual IdentifierType GetTotalNumberOfNodes() const = 0;
249   /** \brief Get the output value (front value) for a given node */
250   virtual const OutputPixelType GetOutputValue( OutputDomainType* oDomain,
251                                          const NodeType& iNode ) const = 0;
253   /** \brief Set the output value (front value) for a given node */
254   virtual void SetOutputValue( OutputDomainType* oDomain,
255                               const NodeType& iNode,
256                               const OutputPixelType& iValue ) = 0;
258   /** \brief Get the LabelType Value for a given node
259     \param[in] iNode
260     \return its label value  */
261   virtual unsigned char
262   GetLabelValueForGivenNode( const NodeType& iNode ) const = 0;
264   /** \brief Set the Label Value for a given node
265     \param[in] iNode
266     \param[in] iLabel */
267   virtual void SetLabelValueForGivenNode( const NodeType& iNode,
268                                          const LabelType& iLabel ) = 0;
270   /** \brief Update neighbors to a given node
271     \param[in] oDomain
272     \param[in] iNode
273   */
274   virtual void UpdateNeighbors( OutputDomainType* oDomain,
275                                const NodeType& iNode ) = 0;
277   /** \brief Update value for a given node
278     \param[in] oDomain
279     \param[in] iNode
280     */
281   virtual void UpdateValue( OutputDomainType* oDomain,
282                            const NodeType& iNode ) = 0;
284   /** \brief Check if the current node violate topological criterion.
285     \param[in] oDomain
286     \param[in] iNode
287    */
288   virtual bool CheckTopology( OutputDomainType* oDomain,
289                              const NodeType& iNode ) = 0;
291   /** \brief   */
292   void Initialize( OutputDomainType* oDomain );
294   /**    */
295   virtual void InitializeOutput( OutputDomainType* oDomain ) = 0;
297   /**    */
298   void GenerateData() override;
300   /** \brief PrintSelf method  */
301   void PrintSelf(std::ostream & os, Indent indent) const override;
302   };
303 }
306 #include "itkFastMarchingBase.hxx"
307 #endif
309 #endif