1svm <-
2function (x, ...)
3    UseMethod ("svm")
5svm.formula <-
6function (formula, data = NULL, ..., subset, na.action = na.omit, scale = TRUE)
8    call <- match.call()
9    if (!inherits(formula, "formula"))
10        stop("method is only for formula objects")
11    m <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
12    if (inherits(eval.parent(m$data), "matrix"))
13        m$data <- as.data.frame(eval.parent(m$data))
14    m$... <- NULL
15    m$scale <- NULL
16    m[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
17    m$na.action <- na.action
18    m <- eval(m, parent.frame())
19    Terms <- attr(m, "terms")
20    attr(Terms, "intercept") <- 0
21    x <- model.matrix(Terms, m)
22    y <- model.extract(m, "response")
23    attr(x, "na.action") <- attr(y, "na.action") <- attr(m, "na.action")
24    if (length(scale) == 1)
25        scale <- rep(scale, ncol(x))
26    if (any(scale)) {
27        remove <- unique(c(which(labels(Terms) %in%
28                                 names(attr(x, "contrasts"))),
29                           which(!scale)
30                           )
31                         )
32        scale <- !attr(x, "assign") %in% remove
33    }
34    ret <- svm.default (x, y, scale = scale, ..., na.action = na.action)
35    ret$call <- call
36    ret$call[[1]] <- as.name("svm")
37    ret$terms <- Terms
38    if (!is.null(attr(m, "na.action")))
39        ret$na.action <- attr(m, "na.action")
40    class(ret) <- c("svm.formula", class(ret))
41    return (ret)
44svm.default <-
45function (x,
46          y           = NULL,
47          scale       = TRUE,
48          type        = NULL,
49          kernel      = "radial",
50          degree      = 3,
51          gamma       = if (is.vector(x)) 1 else 1 / ncol(x),
52          coef0       = 0,
53          cost        = 1,
54          nu          = 0.5,
55          class.weights = NULL,
56          cachesize   = 40,
57          tolerance   = 0.001,
58          epsilon     = 0.1,
59          shrinking   = TRUE,
60          cross       = 0,
61          probability = FALSE,
62          fitted      = TRUE,
63          ...,
64          subset,
65          na.action = na.omit)
67    yorig <- y
68    if(inherits(x, "Matrix")) {
69        loadNamespace("SparseM")
70        loadNamespace("Matrix")
71        x <- as(x, "matrix.csr")
72    }
73    if(inherits(x, "simple_triplet_matrix")) {
74        loadNamespace("SparseM")
75        ind <- order(x$i, x$j)
76        x <- new("matrix.csr",
77                 ra = x$v[ind],
78                 ja = x$j[ind],
79                 ia = as.integer(cumsum(c(1, tabulate(x$i[ind])))),
80                 dimension = c(x$nrow, x$ncol))
81    }
82    if (sparse <- inherits(x, "matrix.csr"))
83        loadNamespace("SparseM")
85    ## NULL parameters?
86    if(is.null(degree)) stop(sQuote("degree"), " must not be NULL!")
87    if(is.null(gamma)) stop(sQuote("gamma"), " must not be NULL!")
88    if(is.null(coef0)) stop(sQuote("coef0"), " must not be NULL!")
89    if(is.null(cost)) stop(sQuote("cost"), " must not be NULL!")
90    if(is.null(nu)) stop(sQuote("nu"), " must not be NULL!")
91    if(is.null(epsilon)) stop(sQuote("epsilon"), " must not be NULL!")
92    if(is.null(tolerance)) stop(sQuote("tolerance"), " must not be NULL!")
94    xhold   <- if (fitted) x else NULL
95    x.scale <- y.scale <- NULL
96    formula <- inherits(x, "svm.formula")
98    ## determine model type
99    if (is.null(type)) type <-
100        if (is.null(y)) "one-classification"
101        else if (is.factor(y)) "C-classification"
102        else "eps-regression"
104    type <- pmatch(type, c("C-classification",
105                           "nu-classification",
106                           "one-classification",
107                           "eps-regression",
108                           "nu-regression"), 99) - 1
110    if (type > 10) stop("wrong type specification!")
112    kernel <- pmatch(kernel, c("linear",
113                               "polynomial",
114                               "radial",
115                               "sigmoid"), 99) - 1
117    if (kernel > 10) stop("wrong kernel specification!")
119    nac <- attr(x, "na.action")
121    ## scaling, subsetting, and NA handling
122    if (sparse) {
123        scale <- rep(FALSE, ncol(x))
124        if(!is.null(y)) na.fail(y)
125        x <- SparseM::t(SparseM::t(x)) ## make shure that col-indices are sorted
126    } else {
127        x <- as.matrix(x)
129        ## subsetting and na-handling for matrices
130        if (!formula) {
131            if (!missing(subset)) {
132                x <- x[subset,]
133                y <- y[subset]
134                if (!is.null(xhold))
135                    xhold <- as.matrix(xhold)[subset,]
136            }
137            if (is.null(y))
138                x <- na.action(x)
139            else {
140                df <- na.action(data.frame(y, x))
141                y <- df[,1]
142                x <- as.matrix(df[,-1], rownames.force = TRUE)
143                nac <-
144                    attr(x, "na.action") <-
145                        attr(y, "na.action") <-
146                            attr(df, "na.action")
147            }
148        }
150        ## scaling
151        if (length(scale) == 1)
152            scale <- rep(scale, ncol(x))
153        if (any(scale)) {
154            co <- !apply(x[,scale, drop = FALSE], 2, var)
155            if (any(co)) {
156                warning(paste("Variable(s)",
157                              paste(sQuote(colnames(x[,scale,
158                                                      drop = FALSE])[co]),
159                                    sep="", collapse=" and "),
160                              "constant. Cannot scale data.")
161                        )
162                scale <- rep(FALSE, ncol(x))
163            } else {
164                xtmp <- scale_data_frame(x[,scale])
165                x[,scale] <- xtmp
166                x.scale <- attributes(xtmp)[c("scaled:center","scaled:scale")]
167                if (is.numeric(y) && (type > 2)) {
168                    yorig <- y
169                    y <- scale(y)
170                    y.scale <- attributes(y)[c("scaled:center","scaled:scale")]
171                    y <- as.vector(y)
172                }
173            }
174        }
175    }
177    ## further parameter checks
178    nr <- nrow(x)
179    if (cross > nr)
180        stop(sQuote("cross"), " cannot exceed the number of observations!")
182    ytmp <- y
183    attributes(ytmp) <- NULL
184    if (!is.vector(ytmp) && !is.factor(y) && type != 2)
185        stop("y must be a vector or a factor.")
186    if (type != 2 && length(y) != nr)
187        stop("x and y don't match.")
189    if (cachesize < 0.1)
190        cachesize <- 0.1
192    if (type > 2 && !is.numeric(y))
193        stop("Need numeric dependent variable for regression.")
195    lev <- NULL
196    weightlabels <- NULL
198    ## in case of classification: transform factors into integers
199    if (type == 2) # one class classification --> set dummy
200        y <- rep(1, nr)
201    else
202        if (is.factor(y)) {
203            lev <- levels(y)
204            y <- as.integer(y)
205        } else {
206            if (type < 3) {
207                if(any(as.integer(y) != y))
208                    stop("dependent variable has to be of factor or integer type for classification mode.")
209                y <- as.factor(y)
210                lev <- levels(y)
211                y <- as.integer(y)
212            } else lev <- unique(y)
213        }
215    if (type < 3 && !is.null(class.weights)) {
216        if (is.character(class.weights) && class.weights == "inverse") {
217            class.weights <- 1 / table(y)
218            names(class.weights) = lev
219        }
220        if (is.null(names(class.weights)))
221            stop("Weights have to be specified along with their according level names !")
222        weightlabels <- match (names(class.weights), lev)
223        if (any(is.na(weightlabels)))
224            stop("At least one level name is missing or misspelled.")
225    }
227    nclass <- 2
228    if (type < 2) nclass <- length(lev)
230    if (type > 1 && length(class.weights) > 0) {
231        class.weights <- NULL
232        warning(sQuote("class.weights"), " are set to NULL for regression mode. For classification, use a _factor_ for ", sQuote("y"),
233", or specify the correct ", sQuote("type"), " argument.")
234    }
236    err <- empty_string <- paste(rep(" ", 255), collapse = "")
238    if (is.null(type)) stop("type argument must not be NULL!")
239    if (is.null(kernel)) stop("kernel argument must not be NULL!")
240    if (is.null(degree)) stop("degree argument must not be NULL!")
241    if (is.null(gamma)) stop("gamma argument must not be NULL!")
242    if (is.null(coef0)) stop("coef0 seed argument must not be NULL!")
243    if (is.null(cost)) stop("cost argument must not be NULL!")
244    if (is.null(nu)) stop("nu argument must not be NULL!")
245    if (is.null(cachesize)) stop("cachesize argument must not be NULL!")
246    if (is.null(tolerance)) stop("tolerance argument must not be NULL!")
247    if (is.null(epsilon)) stop("epsilon argument must not be NULL!")
248    if (is.null(shrinking)) stop("shrinking argument must not be NULL!")
249    if (is.null(cross)) stop("cross argument must not be NULL!")
250    if (is.null(sparse)) stop("sparse argument must not be NULL!")
251    if (is.null(probability)) stop("probability argument must not be NULL!")
253    cret <- .C (R_svmtrain,
254                ## data
255                as.double  (if (sparse) x@ra else t(x)),
256                as.integer (nr), as.integer(ncol(x)),
257                as.double  (y),
258                ## sparse index info
259                as.integer (if (sparse) x@ia else 0),
260                as.integer (if (sparse) x@ja else 0),
262                ## parameters
263                as.integer (type),
264                as.integer (kernel),
265                as.integer (degree),
266                as.double  (gamma),
267                as.double  (coef0),
268                as.double  (cost),
269                as.double  (nu),
270                as.integer (weightlabels),
271                as.double  (class.weights),
272                as.integer (length (class.weights)),
273                as.double  (cachesize),
274                as.double  (tolerance),
275                as.double  (epsilon),
276                as.integer (shrinking),
277                as.integer (cross),
278                as.integer (sparse),
279                as.integer (probability),
281                ## results
282                nclasses = integer  (1),
283                nr       = integer  (1), # nr of support vectors
284                index    = integer  (nr),
285                labels   = integer  (nclass),
286                nSV      = integer  (nclass),
287                rho      = double   (nclass * (nclass - 1) / 2),
288                coefs    = double   (nr * (nclass - 1)),
289                sigma    = double   (1),
290                probA    = double   (nclass * (nclass - 1) / 2),
291                probB    = double   (nclass * (nclass - 1) / 2),
293                cresults = double   (cross),
294                ctotal1  = double   (1),
295                ctotal2  = double   (1),
296                error    = err
298                )
300    if (cret$error != empty_string)
301        stop(paste(cret$error, "!", sep=""))
303    cret$index <- cret$index[1:cret$nr]
305    ret <- list (
306                 call     = match.call(),
307                 type     = type,
308                 kernel   = kernel,
309                 cost     = cost,
310                 degree   = degree,
311                 gamma    = gamma,
312                 coef0    = coef0,
313                 nu       = nu,
314                 epsilon  = epsilon,
315                 sparse   = sparse,
316                 scaled   = scale,
317                 x.scale  = x.scale,
318                 y.scale  = y.scale,
320                 nclasses = cret$nclasses, #number of classes
321                 levels   = lev,
322                 tot.nSV  = cret$nr, #total number of sv
323                 nSV      = cret$nSV[1:cret$nclasses], #number of SV in diff. classes
324                 labels   = cret$labels[1:cret$nclasses], #labels of the SVs.
325                 SV       = if (sparse) SparseM::t(SparseM::t(x[cret$index]))
326                 else t(t(x[cret$index,,drop = FALSE])), #copy of SV
327                 index    = cret$index,  #indexes of sv in x
328                 ##constants in decision functions
329                 rho      = cret$rho[1:(cret$nclasses * (cret$nclasses - 1) / 2)],
330                 ##probabilites
331                 compprob = probability,
332                 probA    = if (!probability) NULL else
333                 cret$probA[1:(cret$nclasses * (cret$nclasses - 1) / 2)],
334                 probB    = if (!probability) NULL else
335                 cret$probB[1:(cret$nclasses * (cret$nclasses - 1) / 2)],
336                 sigma    = if (probability) cret$sigma else NULL,
337                 ##coefficiants of sv
338                 coefs    = if (cret$nr == 0) NULL else
339                 t(matrix(cret$coefs[1:((cret$nclasses - 1) * cret$nr)],
340                          nrow = cret$nclasses - 1,
341                          byrow = TRUE)),
342                 na.action = nac
343                 )
345    ## cross-validation-results
346    if (cross > 0)
347        if (type > 2) {
348            scale.factor     <- if (any(scale)) crossprod(y.scale$"scaled:scale") else 1;
349            ret$MSE          <- cret$cresults * scale.factor;
350            ret$tot.MSE      <- cret$ctotal1  * scale.factor;
351            ret$scorrcoeff   <- cret$ctotal2;
352        } else {
353            ret$accuracies   <- cret$cresults;
354            ret$tot.accuracy <- cret$ctotal1;
355        }
357    class (ret) <- "svm"
359    if (fitted) {
360        ret$fitted <- na.action(predict(ret, xhold,
361                                        decision.values = TRUE))
362        ret$decision.values <- attr(ret$fitted, "decision.values")
363        attr(ret$fitted, "decision.values") <- NULL
364        if (type > 1) ret$residuals <- yorig - ret$fitted
365    }
367    ret
370predict.svm <-
371function (object, newdata,
372          decision.values = FALSE,
373          probability = FALSE,
374          ...,
375          na.action = na.omit)
377    if (missing(newdata))
378        return(fitted(object))
380    if (object$tot.nSV < 1)
381        stop("Model is empty!")
384    if(inherits(newdata, "Matrix")) {
385        loadNamespace("SparseM")
386        loadNamespace("Matrix")
387        newdata <- as(newdata, "matrix.csr")
388    }
389    if(inherits(newdata, "simple_triplet_matrix")) {
390       loadNamespace("SparseM")
391       ind <- order(newdata$i, newdata$j)
392       newdata <- new("matrix.csr",
393                      ra = newdata$v[ind],
394                      ja = newdata$j[ind],
395                      ia = as.integer(cumsum(c(1, tabulate(newdata$i[ind])))),
396                      dimension = c(newdata$nrow, newdata$ncol))
397   }
399    sparse <- inherits(newdata, "matrix.csr")
400    if (object$sparse || sparse)
401        loadNamespace("SparseM")
403    act <- NULL
404    if ((is.vector(newdata) && is.atomic(newdata)))
405        newdata <- t(t(newdata))
406    if (sparse)
407        newdata <- SparseM::t(SparseM::t(newdata))
408    preprocessed <- !is.null(attr(newdata, "na.action"))
409    rowns <- if (!is.null(rownames(newdata)))
410        rownames(newdata)
411    else
412        1:nrow(newdata)
413    if (!object$sparse) {
414        if (inherits(object, "svm.formula")) {
415            if(is.null(colnames(newdata)))
416                colnames(newdata) <- colnames(object$SV)
417            newdata <- na.action(newdata)
418            act <- attr(newdata, "na.action")
419            newdata <- model.matrix(delete.response(terms(object)),
420                                    as.data.frame(newdata))
421        } else {
422            newdata <- na.action(as.matrix(newdata))
423            act <- attr(newdata, "na.action")
424        }
425    }
427    if (!is.null(act) && !preprocessed)
428        rowns <- rowns[-act]
430    if (any(object$scaled))
431        newdata[,object$scaled] <-
432            scale_data_frame(newdata[,object$scaled, drop = FALSE],
433                  center = object$x.scale$"scaled:center",
434                  scale  = object$x.scale$"scaled:scale"
435            )
437    if (ncol(object$SV) != ncol(newdata))
438        stop ("test data does not match model !")
440    ret <- .C (R_svmpredict,
441               as.integer (decision.values),
442               as.integer (probability),
444               ## model
445               as.double  (if (object$sparse) object$SV@ra else t(object$SV)),
446               as.integer (nrow(object$SV)), as.integer(ncol(object$SV)),
447               as.integer (if (object$sparse) object$SV@ia else 0),
448               as.integer (if (object$sparse) object$SV@ja else 0),
449               as.double  (as.vector(object$coefs)),
450               as.double  (object$rho),
451               as.integer (object$compprob),
452               as.double  (if (object$compprob) object$probA else 0),
453               as.double  (if (object$compprob) object$probB else 0),
454               as.integer (object$nclasses),
455               as.integer (object$tot.nSV),
456               as.integer (object$labels),
457               as.integer (object$nSV),
458               as.integer (object$sparse),
460               ## parameter
461               as.integer (object$type),
462               as.integer (object$kernel),
463               as.integer (object$degree),
464               as.double  (object$gamma),
465               as.double  (object$coef0),
467               ## test matrix
468               as.double  (if (sparse) newdata@ra else t(newdata)),
469               as.integer (nrow(newdata)),
470               as.integer (if (sparse) newdata@ia else 0),
471               as.integer (if (sparse) newdata@ja else 0),
472               as.integer (sparse),
474               ## decision-values
475               ret = double(nrow(newdata)),
476               dec = double(nrow(newdata) * object$nclasses * (object$nclasses - 1) / 2),
477               prob = double(nrow(newdata) * object$nclasses)
480               )
482    ret2 <- if (is.character(object$levels)) # classification: return factors
483        factor (object$levels[ret$ret], levels = object$levels)
484    else if (object$type == 2) # one-class-classification: return TRUE/FALSE
485        ret$ret == 1
486    else if (any(object$scaled) && !is.null(object$y.scale)) # return raw values, possibly scaled back
487        ret$ret * object$y.scale$"scaled:scale" + object$y.scale$"scaled:center"
488    else
489        ret$ret
491    names(ret2) <- rowns
492    ret2 <- napredict(act, ret2)
494    if (decision.values) {
495        colns = c()
496        for (i in 1:(object$nclasses - 1))
497            for (j in (i + 1):object$nclasses)
498                colns <- c(colns,
499                           paste(object$levels[object$labels[i]],
500                                 "/", object$levels[object$labels[j]],
501                                 sep = ""))
502        attr(ret2, "decision.values") <-
503            napredict(act,
504                      matrix(ret$dec, nrow = nrow(newdata), byrow = TRUE,
505                             dimnames = list(rowns, colns)
506                             )
507                      )
508    }
510    if (probability && object$type < 2) {
511        if (!object$compprob)
512            warning("SVM has not been trained using `probability = TRUE`, probabilities not available for predictions.")
513        else
514            attr(ret2, "probabilities") <-
515                napredict(act,
516                          matrix(ret$prob, nrow = nrow(newdata), byrow = TRUE,
517                                 dimnames = list(rowns, object$levels[object$labels])
518                                 )
519                          )
520    }
522    ret2
525print.svm <-
526function (x, ...)
528    cat("\nCall:", deparse(x$call, 0.8 * getOption("width")), "\n", sep="\n")
529    cat("Parameters:\n")
530    cat("   SVM-Type: ", c("C-classification",
531                           "nu-classification",
532                           "one-classification",
533                           "eps-regression",
534                           "nu-regression")[x$type+1], "\n")
535    cat(" SVM-Kernel: ", c("linear",
536                           "polynomial",
537                           "radial",
538                           "sigmoid")[x$kernel+1], "\n")
539    if (x$type==0 || x$type==3 || x$type==4)
540        cat("       cost: ", x$cost, "\n")
541    if (x$kernel==1)
542        cat("     degree: ", x$degree, "\n")
543    if (x$type==1 || x$type==2 || x$type==3)
544        cat("      gamma: ", x$gamma, "\n")
545    if (x$kernel==1 || x$kernel==3)
546        cat("     coef.0: ", x$coef0, "\n")
547    if (x$type==1 || x$type==2 || x$type==4)
548        cat("         nu: ", x$nu, "\n")
549    if (x$type==3) {
550        cat("    epsilon: ", x$epsilon, "\n\n")
551    if (x$compprob)
552        cat("Sigma: ", x$sigma, "\n\n")
553    }
555    cat("\nNumber of Support Vectors: ", x$tot.nSV)
556    cat("\n\n")
560summary.svm <-
561function(object, ...)
562    structure(object, class="summary.svm")
564print.summary.svm <-
565function (x, ...)
567    print.svm(x)
568    if (x$type<2) {
569        cat(" (", x$nSV, ")\n\n")
570        cat("\nNumber of Classes: ", x$nclasses, "\n\n")
571        cat("Levels:", if(is.numeric(x$levels)) "(as integer)", "\n", x$levels)
572    }
573    cat("\n\n")
574    if (x$type==2) cat("\nNumber of Classes: 1\n\n\n")
576    if ("MSE" %in% names(x)) {
577        cat(length (x$MSE), "-fold cross-validation on training data:\n\n", sep="")
578        cat("Total Mean Squared Error:", x$tot.MSE, "\n")
579        cat("Squared Correlation Coefficient:", x$scorrcoef, "\n")
580        cat("Mean Squared Errors:\n", x$MSE, "\n\n")
581    }
582    if ("accuracies" %in% names(x)) {
583        cat(length (x$accuracies), "-fold cross-validation on training data:\n\n", sep="")
584        cat("Total Accuracy:", x$tot.accuracy, "\n")
585        cat("Single Accuracies:\n", x$accuracies, "\n\n")
586    }
587    cat("\n\n")
590plot.svm <-
591function(x, data, formula = NULL, fill = TRUE,
592         grid = 50, slice = list(), symbolPalette = palette(),
593         svSymbol = "x", dataSymbol = "o", ...)
595    if (x$type < 3) {
596        if (is.null(formula) && ncol(data) == 3) {
597            formula <- formula(delete.response(terms(x)))
598            formula[2:3] <- formula[[2]][2:3]
599        }
600        if (is.null(formula))
601            stop("missing formula.")
602        if (fill) {
603            sub <- model.frame(formula, data)
604            xr <- seq(min(sub[, 2]), max(sub[, 2]), length.out = grid)
605            yr <- seq(min(sub[, 1]), max(sub[, 1]), length.out = grid)
606            l <- length(slice)
607            if (l < ncol(data) - 3) {
608                slnames <- names(slice)
609                slice <- c(slice, rep(list(0), ncol(data) - 3 -
610                                      l))
611                names <- labels(delete.response(terms(x)))
612                names(slice) <- c(slnames, names[!names %in%
613                                                 c(colnames(sub), slnames)])
614            }
615            for (i in names(which(vapply(data, is.factor, NA))))
616                if (!is.factor(slice[[i]])) {
617                    levs <- levels(data[[i]])
618                    lev <- if (is.character(slice[[i]])) slice[[i]] else levs[1]
619                    fac <- factor(lev, levels = levs)
620                    if (is.na(fac))
621                        stop(paste("Level", dQuote(lev), "could not be found in factor", sQuote(i)))
622                    slice[[i]] <- fac
623                }
625            lis <- c(list(yr), list(xr), slice)
626            names(lis)[1:2] <- colnames(sub)
627            new <- expand.grid(lis)[, labels(terms(x))]
628            preds <- predict(x, new)
629            filled.contour(xr, yr,
630                           matrix(as.numeric(preds),
631                                  nrow = length(xr), byrow = TRUE),
632                           plot.axes = {
633                               axis(1)
634                               axis(2)
635                               colind <- as.numeric(model.response(model.frame(x, data)))
636                               dat1 <- data[-x$index,]
637                               dat2 <- data[x$index,]
638                               coltmp1 <- symbolPalette[colind[-x$index]]
639                               coltmp2 <- symbolPalette[colind[x$index]]
640                               points(formula, data = dat1, pch = dataSymbol, col = coltmp1)
641                               points(formula, data = dat2, pch = svSymbol, col = coltmp2)
642                           },
643                           levels = 1:(length(levels(preds)) + 1),
644                           key.axes = axis(4, 1:(length(levels(preds))) + 0.5,
645                           labels = levels(preds),
646                           las = 3),
647                           plot.title = title(main = "SVM classification plot",
648                           xlab = names(lis)[2], ylab = names(lis)[1]),
649                           ...)
650        }
651        else {
652            plot(formula, data = data, type = "n", ...)
653            colind <- as.numeric(model.response(model.frame(x,
654                                                            data)))
655            dat1 <- data[-x$index,]
656            dat2 <- data[x$index,]
657            coltmp1 <- symbolPalette[colind[-x$index]]
658            coltmp2 <- symbolPalette[colind[x$index]]
659            points(formula, data = dat1, pch = dataSymbol, col = coltmp1)
660            points(formula, data = dat2, pch = svSymbol, col = coltmp2)
661            invisible()
662        }
663    }
666write.svm <-
667function (object, svm.file = "Rdata.svm", scale.file = "Rdata.scale",
668          yscale.file = "Rdata.yscale")
671    ret <- .C (R_svmwrite,
672               ## model
673               as.double  (if (object$sparse) object$SV@ra else t(object$SV)),
674               as.integer (nrow(object$SV)), as.integer(ncol(object$SV)),
675               as.integer (if (object$sparse) object$SV@ia else 0),
676               as.integer (if (object$sparse) object$SV@ja else 0),
677               as.double  (as.vector(object$coefs)),
678               as.double  (object$rho),
679               as.integer (object$compprob),
680               as.double  (if (object$compprob) object$probA else 0),
681               as.double  (if (object$compprob) object$probB else 0),
682               as.integer (object$nclasses),
683               as.integer (object$tot.nSV),
684               as.integer (object$labels),
685               as.integer (object$nSV),
686               as.integer (object$sparse),
688               ## parameter
689               as.integer (object$type),
690               as.integer (object$kernel),
691               as.integer (object$degree),
692               as.double  (object$gamma),
693               as.double  (object$coef0),
695               ## filename
696               as.character(svm.file)
699               )$ret
701    write.table(data.frame(center = object$x.scale$"scaled:center",
702                           scale  = object$x.scale$"scaled:scale"),
703                file=scale.file, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
705    if (!is.null(object$y.scale))
706        write.table(data.frame(center = object$y.scale$"scaled:center",
707                               scale  = object$y.scale$"scaled:scale"),
708                    file=yscale.file, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
711coef.svm <- function(object, ...)
713    if (object$kernel != 0 || object$nclasses > 2)
714        stop("Only implemented for regression or binary classification with linear kernel.")
715    ret <- drop(crossprod(object$coefs, object$SV))
716    trm <- object$terms
717    if(!is.null(trm))
718        names(ret) <- labels(trm)
719    c(`(Intercept)` = -object$rho, ret)