1 #include "mrilib.h"
3 static int verb = 0 ;
5 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
6 /* Setup to solve a collection of equations of the form
8    [z] = [X] [beta] + gamma [b] + delta [c]
10    where [z] = data = N vector
11          [X] = fixed N x (M-1) matrix } [X] and [b] together make
12          [b] = fixed N vector         } up the N x M matrix [A]
13          [c] = variable N vector
14       [beta] = (M-1) vector = fit coefficients of columns of [X]
15        gamma = scalar fit coefficient of [b]
16        delta = scalar fit coefficient of [c]
17    The LSS goal is to find the value of gamma+delta for a bunch of
18    different [c] vectors. To that end, this function returns an
19    N vector [s] for each input [c], such that gamma+delta = [s] *dot* [z].
20    All the other stuff that COULD be estimated, such as [beta], is ignored
21    for the sake of efficiency.
23    If NULL is returned, the inputs are illegal. In particular, the nx element
24    (column length) of the 2 input images must be the same, or you will be
25    chastised and anathematised in public.
26 *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LSS_setup(MRI_IMAGE * ima,MRI_IMAGE * imc)28 MRI_IMAGE * LSS_setup( MRI_IMAGE *ima , MRI_IMAGE *imc )
29 {
30    int nn, mm, nc, ii, jj, ic , nwarn=0 ;
31    float *cc, *pp, *qq, *qj, *vv, *ss, *pv , cj, cvdot, pc ;
32    MRI_IMAGE *ims , *imp , *imq ;
33    MRI_IMARR *imar ;
35 ENTRY("LSS_setup") ;
37    if( ima == NULL || imc == NULL ){  /* bad user */
38      ERROR_message("LSS_setup: NULL input image?!") ;
39      RETURN(NULL) ;
40    }
42    /* [A] is nn X mm ; [C] is nn x nc */
44    nn = ima->nx ; mm = ima->ny ; nc = imc->ny ; cc = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(imc) ;
46    if( imc->nx != nn || nn <= mm+2 ){  /* stoopid user */
47      ERROR_message("LSS_setup: ima->nx=%d does not equal imc->nx=%d :-(" ,
48                    ima->nx,imc->nx) ;
49      RETURN(NULL) ;
50    }
52    /* get imp = [P] = psinv of [A] = mm X nn matrix
53           imq = [Q] = ortproj onto column null space of [A] = nn X nn matrix */
55    mri_matrix_psinv_svd(1) ;
56    imar = mri_matrix_psinv_ortproj( ima , 1 ) ;
58    if( imar == NULL ){  /* should not happen */
59      ERROR_message("LSS_setup: cannot compute pseudo-inverse :-(") ;
60      RETURN(NULL) ;
61    }
63    imp = IMARR_SUBIM(imar,0) ; pp = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(imp) ;
64    imq = IMARR_SUBIM(imar,1) ; qq = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(imq) ;
66    /* create output image = [S] = nn X nc
67       Each column of [S] is the vector that we
68       dot into a data vector [z] to get the estimate of
69       gamma+delta for the corresponding column from [C] */
71    ims = mri_new(nn,nc,MRI_float) ; ss = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(ims) ;
73    /* workspace vectors */
75    vv = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nn) ;  /* will be [Q] [c] */
77    pv = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nn) ;  /* last row of [P] */
78    for( ii=0 ; ii < nn ; ii++ ) pv[ii] = pp[ mm-1 + ii*mm ] ;
80    /* loop over columns of [C] (and [S]) */
82    for( ic=0 ; ic < nc ; ic++,cc+=nn,ss+=nn ){
84      /* compute [v] = [Q] [c] */
86      for( ii=0 ; ii < nn ; ii++ ) vv[ii] = 0.0f ;     /* initialize [v] to 0 */
87      for( jj=0 ; jj < nn ; jj++ ){                 /* loop over columns of Q */
88        qj = qq + jj*nn ;                         /* ptr to jj-th column of Q */
89        cj = cc[jj] ;                                   /* jj-th value of [c] */
90        for( ii=0 ; ii < nn ; ii++ ) vv[ii] += qj[ii] * cj ;  /* sum into [v] */
91      }
93      /* compute cvdot = [c] *dot* [v]
94                 cj    = [c] *dot* [c]
95                 pc    = [c] *dot* {last row of [P] = pv} */
97      for( pc=cj=cvdot=ii=0 ; ii < nn ; ii++ ){
98        cvdot += cc[ii]*vv[ii] ; cj += cc[ii]*cc[ii] ; pc += pv[ii]*cc[ii] ;
99      }
101      /* initialize [s] = last row of [P] */
103      for( ii=0 ; ii < nn ; ii++ ) ss[ii] = pv[ii] ;
105      /* If cvdot is zero(ish), this means that the extra column [c]
106         is collinear(ish) with the columns of [A], and we skip the next step.
107         Note that since [Q] is an orthogonal matrix,
108         we are guaranteed that L2norm([Q][c]) == L2norm([c]),
109         which implies that abs(cvdot) <= abs(cj), by the triangle inequality. */
111      if( fabsf(cvdot) >= 1.e-5*cj ){
113        /* add the proper fraction of [v] into [s] */
115        pc = (1.0f - pc) / cvdot ;
116        for( ii=0 ; ii < nn ; ii++ ) ss[ii] += pc * vv[ii] ;
117      } else {
118        nwarn++ ;
119      }
121    } /* end of loop over columns of [C] */
123    if( verb && nwarn > 0 )
124      INFO_message("%d (out of %d) LSS individual estimators were collinear",
125                   nwarn , nc ) ;
127    /* toss the trash and return the output set of columns */
129    free(pv) ; free(vv) ; DESTROY_IMARR(imar) ; RETURN(ims) ;
130 }
132 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
133 /* Create 2 new matrix images.
134    (0) One where columns jbot..jtop are excised, and the last column is
135        the sum of those columns.
136    (1) The matrix of the excised columns.
137 *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LSS_mangle_matrix(MRI_IMAGE * ima,int jbot,int jtop)139 MRI_IMARR * LSS_mangle_matrix( MRI_IMAGE *ima, int jbot, int jtop )
140 {
141    int ii , jj , jnew , jn , njj , nn,mm ;
142    MRI_IMAGE *imb , *imc ; MRI_IMARR *imar ;
143    float *aa , *bb , *cc , *acol , *bcol , *ccol ;
145 ENTRY("LSS_mangle_matrix") ;
147    if( ima == NULL || ima->kind != MRI_float ) RETURN(NULL) ;
148    nn = ima->nx ; mm = ima->ny ;
149    njj = jtop-jbot+1 ; if( njj <= 1 )          RETURN(NULL) ;
150    if( jbot < 0 || jtop >= mm )                RETURN(NULL) ;
152    imb = mri_new( nn , mm-njj+1 , MRI_float ) ;  /* matrix without jbot..jtop */
153    imc = mri_new( nn , njj      , MRI_float ) ;  /* matrix with jbot..jtop */
154    aa  = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(ima) ;
155    bb  = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(imb) ;
156    cc  = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(imc) ;
158    /* copy non-excised columns into the new imb */
160    for( jn=jj=0 ; jj < mm ; jj++ ){
161      if( jj >= jbot && jj <= jtop ) continue ;
162      acol = aa + jj*nn ;        /* jj = old column index */
163      bcol = bb + jn*nn ; jn++ ; /* jn = new column index */
164      for( ii=0 ; ii < nn ; ii++ ) bcol[ii] = acol[ii] ;
165    }
167    /* copy excised columns into the new imc,
168       and also add them up into the last column of imb */
170    bcol = bb + (mm-njj)*nn ;  /* last col of imb */
171    for( jn=0,jj=jbot ; jj <= jtop ; jj++ ){
172      acol = aa + jj*nn ;
173      ccol = cc + jn*nn ; jn++ ;
174      for( ii=0 ; ii < nn ; ii++ ){
175        ccol[ii] = acol[ii] ; bcol[ii] += acol[ii] ;
176      }
177    }
179    INIT_IMARR(imar) ; ADDTO_IMARR(imar,imb) ; ADDTO_IMARR(imar,imc) ; RETURN(imar) ;
180 }
182 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LSS_help(void)184 void LSS_help(void)
185 {
186    printf(
187      "Usage: 3dLSS [options]\n"
188      "\n"
189      " ** Least-Squares-Sum (LSS) estimation from a -stim_times_IM matrix, as      **\n"
190      " *  described in the paper:                                                   *\n"
191      " *    JA Mumford et al. Deconvolving BOLD activation in event-related         *\n"
192      " *    designs for multivoxel pattern classification analyses.                 *\n"
193      " *    NeuroImage (2011) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.08.076    *\n"
194      " *  LSS regression was first mentioned in this poster:                        *\n"
195      " *    B Turner. A comparison of methods for the use of pattern classification *\n"
196      " *    on rapid event-related fMRI data. Annual Meeting of the Society for     *\n"
197      " **   Neuroscience, San Diego, CA (2010).                                    **\n"
198      "\n"
199      " The method implemented here can be described (by me) as a 'pull one out'\n"
200      " approach. That is, for a single trial in the list of trials, its individual\n"
201      " regressor is pulled out and kept separate, and all the other trials are\n"
202      " combined to give another regressor - so that if there are N trials, only\n"
203      " 2 regressors (instead of N) are used for the response model. This 'pull out'\n"
204      " approach is repeated for each single trial separately (thus doing N separate\n"
205      " regressions), which gives a separate response amplitude (beta coefficient)\n"
206      " for each trial. See the 'Caveats' section below for more information.\n"
207      "\n"
208      "----------------------------------------\n"
209      "Options (the first 'option' is mandatory)\n"
210      "----------------------------------------\n"
211      " -matrix mmm = Read the matrix 'mmm', which should have been\n"
212      "                output from 3dDeconvolve via the '-x1D' option, and\n"
213      "                should have included exactly one '-stim_times_IM' option.\n"
214      "             -->> The 3dLSS algorithm requires that at least 2 different\n"
215      "                  stimulus times be given in the -stim_times_IM option.\n"
216      "                  If you have only 1 stim time, this program will not run.\n"
217      "                  In such a case, the normal '-bucket' output from 3dDeconvolve\n"
218      "                  (or '-Rbuck' output from 3dREMLfit) will have the single\n"
219      "                  beta for the single stim time.\n"
220      "\n"
221      " -input ddd  = Read time series dataset 'ddd'\n"
222      "   ** OR **\n"
223      " -nodata     = Just compute the estimator matrix -- to be saved with '-save1D'.\n"
224      "               * The number of time points is taken from the matrix header.\n"
225      "               * If neither '-input' nor '-nodata' is given, '-nodata' is used.\n"
226      "               * If '-input' is used, the number of time points in the dataset\n"
227      "                 must match the number of time points in the matrix.\n"
228      "\n"
229      " -mask MMM   = Read dataset 'MMM' as a mask for the input; voxels outside\n"
230      "                the mask will not be fit by the regression model.\n"
231      " -automask   = If you don't know what this does by now, please don't use\n"
232      "                this program.\n"
233      "               * Neither of these options has any meaning for '-nodata'.\n"
234      "               * If '-input' is used and neither of these options is given,\n"
235      "                 then all voxels will be processed.\n"
236      "\n"
237      " -prefix ppp = Prefix name for the output dataset;\n"
238      "                this dataset will contain ONLY the LSS estimates of the\n"
239      "                beta weights for the '-stim_times_IM' stimuli.\n"
240      "               * If you don't use '-prefix', then the prefix is 'LSSout'.\n"
241      "\n"
242      " -save1D qqq = Save the estimator vectors (cf. infra) to a 1D formatted\n"
243      "                file named 'qqq'. Each column of this file will be\n"
244      "                one estimator vector, the same length as the input\n"
245      "                dataset timeseries (after censoring, if any).\n"
246      "               * The j-th LSS beta estimate is the dot product of the j-th\n"
247      "                 column of this file with the data time series (duly censored).\n"
248      "               * If you don't use '-save1D', then this file is not saved.\n"
249      "\n"
250      " -verb       = Write out progress reports, for fun fun fun in the sun sun sun.\n"
251      "\n"
252      "-------------------\n"
253      "Method == EQUATIONS\n"
254      "-------------------\n"
255      " 3dLSS is fast, since it uses a rank-1 bordering technique to pre-compute\n"
256      " the estimator for each separate stimulus regressor from the fixed part of\n"
257      " the matrix, then applies these estimators to each time series in the input\n"
258      " dataset by a simple dot product. If you wish to peruse the equations, see\n"
259      "   https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/doc/misc/3dLSS/3dLSS_mathnotes.pdf \n"
260      " The estimator for each separate beta (as described at '-save1D') is the\n"
261      " N-vector which, when dotted into the N-vector of a voxel's time series,\n"
262      " gives the LSS beta estimate for that voxel.\n"
263      "\n"
264      "---------------------\n"
265      "Caveats == READ THIS!\n"
266      "---------------------\n"
267      " The LSS method produces estimates that tend to have smaller variance than the\n"
268      " LSA method that 3dDeconvolve would produce, but the LSS estimates have greater\n"
269      " bias -- in principle, the LSA method is unbiased if the noise is symmetrically\n"
270      " distributed. For the purpose of using the beta estimates for MVPA (e.g., 3dsvm),\n"
271      " the bias may not matter much and the variance reduction may help improve the\n"
272      " classification, as illustrated in the Mumford paper. For other purposes, the\n"
273      " trade-off might well go the other way -- for ANY application of LSS vs. LSA,\n"
274      " you need to assess the situation before deciding -- probably by the judicious\n"
275      " use of simulation (as in the Mumford paper).\n"
276      "\n"
277      " The bias in the estimate of any given beta is essentially due to the fact\n"
278      " that for any given beta, LSS doesn't use an estimator vector that is orthogonal\n"
279      " to the regressors for other coefficients -- that is what LSA does, using the\n"
280      " pseudo-inverse. Typically, any given LSS-estimated beta will include a mixture\n"
281      " of the betas from neighboring stimuli -- for example,\n"
282      "    beta8{LSS} = beta8{LSA} + 0.3*beta7{LSA} - 0.1*beta9{LSA} + smaller stuff\n"
283      " where the weights of the neighbors are larger if the corresponding stimuli\n"
284      " are closer (so the regressors overlap more).\n"
285      "\n"
286      " The LSS betas are NOT biased by including any betas that aren't from the\n"
287      " -stim_times_IM regressors -- the LSS estimator vectors (what '-save1D' gives)\n"
288      " are orthogonal to those 'nuisance' regression matrix columns.\n"
289      "\n"
290      " To investigate these weighting and orthogonality issues yourself, you can\n"
291      " multiply the LSS estimator vectors into the 3dDeconvolve regression matrix\n"
292      " and examine the result -- in the ideal world, the matrix would be all 0\n"
293      " except for 1s on diagonal corresponding to the -stim_times_IM betas. This\n"
294      " calculation can be done in AFNI with commands something like the 'toy' example\n"
295      " below, which has only 6 stimulus times:\n"
296      "\n"
297      "  3dDeconvolve -nodata 50 1.0 -polort 1 -x1D R.xmat.1D -x1D_stop -num_stimts 1 \\\n"
298      "               -stim_times_IM 1 '1D: 12.7 16.6 20.1 26.9 30.5 36.5' 'BLOCK(0.5,1)'\n"
299      "  3dLSS -verb -nodata -matrix R.xmat.1D -save1D R.LSS.1D\n"
300      "  1dmatcalc '&read(R.xmat.1D) &transp &read(R.LSS.1D) &mult &write(R.mult.1D)'\n"
301      "  1dplot R.mult.1D &\n"
302      "  1dgrayplot R.mult.1D &\n"
303      "\n"
304      " * 3dDeconvolve is used to setup the matrix into file R.xmat.1D\n"
305      " * 3dLSS is used to compute the LSS estimator vectors into file R.LSS.1D\n"
306      " * 1dmatcalc is used to multiply the '-save1D' matrix into the regression matrix:\n"
307      "     [R.mult.1D] = [R.xmat.1D]' [R.LSS.1D]\n"
308      "   where [x] = matrix made from columns of numbers in file x, and ' = transpose.\n"
309      " * 1dplot and 1dgrayplot are used to display the results.\n"
310      " * The j-th column in the R.mult.1D file is the set of weights of the true betas\n"
311      "   that influence the estimated j-th LSS beta.\n"
312      " * e.g., Note that the 4th and 5th stimuli are close in time (3.6 s), and that\n"
313      "   the result is that the LSS estimator for the 4th and 5th beta weights mix up\n"
314      "   the 'true' 4th, 5th, and 6th betas. For example, looking at the 4th column\n"
315      "   of R.mult.1D, we see that\n"
316      "      beta4{LSS} = beta4{LSA} + 0.33*beta5{LSA} - 0.27*beta6{LSA} + small stuff\n"
317      " * The sum of each column of R.mult.1D is 1 (e.g., run '1dsum R.mult.1D'),\n"
318      "   and the diagonal elements are also 1, showing that the j-th LSS beta is\n"
319      "   equal to the j-th LSA beta plus a weighted sum of the other LSA betas, where\n"
320      "   those other weights add up to zero.\n"
321      "\n"
322      "--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
323      "-- RWCox - Dec 2011 - Compute fast, abend early, leave a pretty dataset --\n"
324      "--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
325    ) ;
326    PRINT_COMPILE_DATE ; exit(0) ;
327 }
329 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
main(int argc,char * argv[])331 int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
332 {
333    int iarg , nerr=0 , nvals,nvox , nx,ny,nz , ii,jj,kk ;
334    char *prefix="LSSout" , *save1D=NULL , nbuf[256] ;
335    THD_3dim_dataset *inset=NULL , *outset ;
336    MRI_vectim   *inset_mrv=NULL ;
337    byte *mask=NULL ; int mask_nx=0,mask_ny=0,mask_nz=0, automask=0, nmask=0 ;
338    NI_element *nelmat=NULL ; char *matname=NULL ;
339    char *cgl ;
340    int Ngoodlist,*goodlist=NULL , nfull , ncmat,ntime ;
341    NI_int_array *giar ; NI_str_array *gsar ; NI_float_array *gfar ;
342    MRI_IMAGE *imX, *imA, *imC, *imS ; float *Xar, *Sar ; MRI_IMARR *imar ;
343    int nS ; float *ss , *oo , *fv , sum ; int nvec , iv ;
344    int nbstim , nst=0 , jst_bot,jst_top ; char *stlab="LSS" ;
345    int nodata=1 ;
347    /*--- help me if you can ---*/
349    if( argc < 2 || strcasecmp(argv[1],"-HELP") == 0 ) LSS_help() ;
351    /*--- bureaucratic startup ---*/
353    PRINT_VERSION("3dLSS"); mainENTRY("3dLSS main"); machdep();
354    AFNI_logger("3dLSS",argc,argv); AUTHOR("RWCox");
355    (void)COX_clock_time() ;
357    /**------- scan command line --------**/
359    iarg = 1 ;
360    while( iarg < argc ){
362      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-verb") == 0 ){ verb++  ; iarg++ ; continue ; }
363      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-VERB") == 0 ){ verb+=2 ; iarg++ ; continue ; }
365      /**==========   -mask  ==========**/
367      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-mask") == 0 ){
368        THD_3dim_dataset *mset ;
369        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-mask'") ;
370        if( mask != NULL || automask ) ERROR_exit("Can't have two mask inputs") ;
371        mset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;
372        CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(mset,argv[iarg]) ;
373        DSET_load(mset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(mset) ;
374        mask_nx = DSET_NX(mset); mask_ny = DSET_NY(mset); mask_nz = DSET_NZ(mset);
375        mask = THD_makemask( mset , 0 , 0.5f, 0.0f ) ; DSET_delete(mset) ;
376        if( mask == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't make mask from dataset '%.33s'",argv[iarg]) ;
377        nmask = THD_countmask( mask_nx*mask_ny*mask_nz , mask ) ;
378        if( verb || nmask < 1 ) INFO_message("Number of voxels in mask = %d",nmask) ;
379        if( nmask < 1 ) ERROR_exit("Mask is too small to process") ;
380        iarg++ ; continue ;
381      }
383      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-automask") == 0 ){
384        if( mask != NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't have -automask and -mask") ;
385        automask = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
386      }
388      /**==========   -matrix  ==========**/
390      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-matrix") == 0 ){
391        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]) ;
392        if( nelmat != NULL ) ERROR_exit("More than 1 -matrix option!?");
393        nelmat = NI_read_element_fromfile( argv[iarg] ) ; /* read NIML file */
394        matname = argv[iarg];
395        if( nelmat == NULL || nelmat->type != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE )
396          ERROR_exit("Can't process -matrix file '%s'!?",matname) ;
397        iarg++ ; continue ;
398      }
400      /**==========   -nodata  ===========**/
402      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nodata") == 0 ){
403        nodata = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
404      }
406      /**==========   -input  ==========**/
408      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-input") == 0 ){
409        if( inset != NULL  ) ERROR_exit("Can't have two -input options!?") ;
410        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]) ;
411        inset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;
412        CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(inset,argv[iarg]) ;
413        nodata = 0 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
414      }
416      /**==========   -prefix  =========**/
418      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0 ){
419        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]) ;
420        prefix = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
421        if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) ) ERROR_exit("Illegal string after %s",argv[iarg-1]) ;
422        if( verb && strcmp(prefix,"NULL") == 0 )
423          INFO_message("-prefix NULL ==> no dataset will be written") ;
424        iarg++ ; continue ;
425      }
427      /**==========   -save1D  =========**/
429      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-save1D") == 0 ){
430        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]) ;
431        save1D = strdup(argv[iarg]) ;
432        if( !THD_filename_ok(save1D) ) ERROR_exit("Illegal string after %s",argv[iarg-1]) ;
433        iarg++ ; continue ;
434      }
436      /***** Loser User *****/
438       ERROR_message("Unknown option: %s",argv[iarg]) ;
439       suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[iarg]);
440       exit(1);
442    }  /* end of loop over options */
444    /*----- check for errors -----*/
446    if( nelmat == NULL ){ ERROR_message("No -matrix option!?") ; nerr++ ; }
447    if( nerr > 0 ) ERROR_exit("Can't continue without these inputs!") ;
449    if( inset != NULL ){
450      nvals = DSET_NVALS(inset) ; nvox = DSET_NVOX(inset) ;
451      nx = DSET_NX(inset) ; ny = DSET_NY(inset) ; nz = DSET_NZ(inset) ;
452    } else {
453      automask = nvals = 0 ;
454      nvox = nx = ny = nz = nodata = 1 ;  /* nodata */
455      mask = NULL ;
456    }
458    /*----- masque -----*/
460    if( mask != NULL ){     /* check -mask option for compatibility */
461      if( mask_nx != nx || mask_ny != ny || mask_nz != nz )
462        ERROR_exit("-mask dataset grid doesn't match input dataset :-(") ;
464    } else if( automask ){  /* create a mask from input dataset */
465      mask = THD_automask( inset ) ;
466      if( mask == NULL )
467        ERROR_message("Can't create -automask from input dataset :-(") ;
468      nmask = THD_countmask( nvox , mask ) ;
469      if( verb || nmask < 1 )
470        INFO_message("Number of voxels in automask = %d (out of %d = %.1f%%)",
471                     nmask, nvox, (100.0f*nmask)/nvox ) ;
472      if( nmask < 1 ) ERROR_exit("Automask is too small to process") ;
474    } else if( !nodata ) {       /* create a 'mask' for all voxels */
475      if( verb )
476        INFO_message("No mask ==> computing for all %d voxels",nvox) ;
477      mask = (byte *)malloc(sizeof(byte)*nvox) ; nmask = nvox ;
478      memset( mask , 1 , sizeof(byte)*nvox ) ;
480    }
482    /*----- get matrix info from the NIML element -----*/
484    if( verb ) INFO_message("extracting matrix info") ;
486    ncmat = nelmat->vec_num ;  /* number of columns */
487    ntime = nelmat->vec_len ;  /* number of rows */
488    if( ntime < ncmat+2 )
489      ERROR_exit("Matrix has too many columns (%d) for number of rows (%d)",ncmat,ntime) ;
491    /*--- number of rows in the full matrix (without censoring) ---*/
493    cgl = NI_get_attribute( nelmat , "NRowFull" ) ;
494    if( cgl == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Matrix is missing 'NRowFull' attribute!") ;
495    nfull = (int)strtod(cgl,NULL) ;
496    if( nodata ){
497      nvals = nfull ;
498    } else if( nvals != nfull ){
499      ERROR_exit("-input dataset has %d time points, but matrix indicates %d",
500                 nvals , nfull ) ;
501    }
503    /*--- the goodlist = mapping from matrix row index to time index
504                         (which allows for possible time point censoring) ---*/
506    cgl = NI_get_attribute( nelmat , "GoodList" ) ;
507    if( cgl == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Matrix is missing 'GoodList' attribute!") ;
508    giar = NI_decode_int_list( cgl , ";," ) ;
509    if( giar == NULL || giar->num < ntime )
510      ERROR_exit("Matrix 'GoodList' badly formatted?!") ;
511    Ngoodlist = giar->num ; goodlist = giar->ar ;
512    if( Ngoodlist != ntime )
513      ERROR_exit("Matrix 'GoodList' incorrect length?!") ;
514    else if( verb > 1 && Ngoodlist < nfull )
515      ININFO_message("censoring reduces time series length from %d to %d",nfull,Ngoodlist) ;
517    /*--- extract the matrix from the NIML element ---*/
519    imX = mri_new( ntime , ncmat , MRI_float ) ;
520    Xar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(imX) ;
522    if( nelmat->vec_typ[0] == NI_FLOAT ){  /* from 3dDeconvolve_f */
523      float *cd ;
524      for( jj=0 ; jj < ncmat ; jj++ ){
525        cd = (float *)nelmat->vec[jj] ;
526        for( ii=0 ; ii < ntime ; ii++ ) Xar[ii+jj*ntime] = cd[ii] ;
527      }
528    } else if( nelmat->vec_typ[0] == NI_DOUBLE ){  /* from 3dDeconvolve */
529      double *cd ;
530      for( jj=0 ; jj < ncmat ; jj++ ){
531        cd = (double *)nelmat->vec[jj] ;
532        for( ii=0 ; ii < ntime ; ii++ ) Xar[ii+jj*ntime] = cd[ii] ;
533      }
534    } else {
535      ERROR_exit("Matrix file stored with illegal data type!?") ;
536    }
538    /*--- find the stim_times_IM option ---*/
540    cgl = NI_get_attribute( nelmat , "BasisNstim") ;
541    if( cgl == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Matrix doesn't have 'BasisNstim' attribute!") ;
542    nbstim = (int)strtod(cgl,NULL) ;
543    if( nbstim <= 0 ) ERROR_exit("Matrix 'BasisNstim' attribute is %d",nbstim) ;
544    for( jj=1 ; jj <= nbstim ; jj++ ){
545      sprintf(nbuf,"BasisOption_%06d",jj) ;
546      cgl = NI_get_attribute( nelmat , nbuf ) ;
547      if( cgl == NULL || strcmp(cgl,"-stim_times_IM") != 0 ) continue ;
548      if( nst > 0 )
549        ERROR_exit("More than one -stim_times_IM option was found in the matrix") ;
550      nst = jj ;
551      sprintf(nbuf,"BasisColumns_%06d",jj) ;
552      cgl = NI_get_attribute( nelmat , nbuf ) ;
553      if( cgl == NULL )
554        ERROR_exit("Matrix doesn't have %s attribute!",nbuf) ;
555      jst_bot = jst_top = -1 ;
556      sscanf(cgl,"%d:%d",&jst_bot,&jst_top) ;
557      if( jst_bot < 0 || jst_top < 0 )
558        ERROR_exit("Can't decode matrix attribute %s",nbuf) ;
559      if( jst_bot == jst_top )
560        ERROR_exit("Matrix attribute %s shows only 1 column for -stim_time_IM:\n"
561                   "      -->> 3dLSS is meant to be used when more than one stimulus\n"
562                   "           time was given, and then it computes the response beta\n"
563                   "           for each stim time separately. If you have only one\n"
564                   "           stim time with -stim_times_IM, you can use the output\n"
565                   "           dataset from 3dDeconvolve (or 3dREMLfit) to get that\n"
566                   "           single beta directly.\n" , nbuf ) ;
567      if( jst_bot >= jst_top || jst_top >= ncmat )
568        ERROR_exit("Matrix attribute %s has illegal value: %d:%d (ncmat=%d)",nbuf,jst_bot,jst_top,ncmat) ;
569      sprintf(nbuf,"BasisName_%06d",jj) ;
570      cgl = NI_get_attribute( nelmat , nbuf ) ;
571      if( cgl != NULL ) stlab = strdup(cgl) ;
572      if( verb > 1 )
573        ININFO_message("-stim_times_IM at stim #%d; cols %d..%d",jj,jst_bot,jst_top) ;
574    }
575    if( nst == 0 )
576      ERROR_exit("Matrix doesn't have any -stim_times_IM options inside :-(") ;
578    /*--- mangle matrix to segregate IM regressors from the rest ---*/
580    if( verb ) INFO_message("setting up LSS vectors") ;
582    imar = LSS_mangle_matrix( imX , jst_bot , jst_top ) ;
583    if( imar == NULL )
584      ERROR_exit("Can't compute LSS 'mangled' matrix :-(") ;
586    /*--- setup for LSS computations ---*/
588    imA = IMARR_SUBIM(imar,0) ;
589    imC = IMARR_SUBIM(imar,1) ;
590    imS = LSS_setup( imA , imC ) ; DESTROY_IMARR(imar) ;
591    if( imS == NULL )
592      ERROR_exit("Can't complete LSS setup :-((") ;
593    nS = imS->ny ; Sar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(imS) ;
595    if( save1D != NULL ){
596      mri_write_1D( save1D , imS ) ;
597      if( verb ) ININFO_message("saved LSS vectors into file %s",save1D) ;
598    } else if( nodata ){
599      WARNING_message("-nodata used but -save1D not used ==> you get no output!") ;
600    }
602    if( nodata || strcmp(prefix,"NULL") == 0 ){
603      INFO_message("3dLSS ends since prefix is 'NULL' or -nodata was used") ;
604      exit(0) ;
605    }
607    /*----- create output dataset -----*/
609    if( verb ) INFO_message("creating output datset in memory") ;
611    outset = EDIT_empty_copy(inset) ;
612    EDIT_dset_items( outset ,
613                       ADN_prefix    , prefix    ,
614                       ADN_datum_all , MRI_float ,
615                       ADN_brick_fac , NULL      ,
616                       ADN_nvals     , nS        ,
617                       ADN_ntt       , nS        ,
618                     ADN_none ) ;
619    tross_Copy_History( inset , outset ) ;
620    tross_Make_History( "3dLSS" , argc,argv , outset ) ;
621    for( kk=0 ; kk < nS ; kk++ ){
622      EDIT_substitute_brick( outset , kk , MRI_float , NULL ) ;
623      sprintf(nbuf,"%s#%03d",stlab,kk) ;
624      EDIT_BRICK_LABEL( outset , kk , nbuf ) ;
625    }
627    /*----- convert input dataset to vectim -----*/
629    if( verb ) INFO_message("loading input dataset into memory") ;
631    DSET_load(inset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(inset) ;
632    inset_mrv = THD_dset_to_vectim( inset , mask , 0 ) ;
633    DSET_unload(inset) ;
635    /*----- compute dot products, store results -----*/
637    if( verb ) INFO_message("computing away, me buckos!") ;
639    nvec = inset_mrv->nvec ;
640    for( kk=0 ; kk < nS ; kk++ ){
641      ss = Sar + kk*ntime ;
642      oo = DSET_ARRAY(outset,kk) ;
643      for( iv=0 ; iv < nvec ; iv++ ){
644        fv = VECTIM_PTR(inset_mrv,iv) ;
645        for( sum=0.0f,ii=0 ; ii < ntime ; ii++ )
646          sum += ss[ii] * fv[goodlist[ii]] ;
647        oo[inset_mrv->ivec[iv]] = sum ;
648      }
649    }
651    DSET_write(outset) ; WROTE_DSET(outset) ;
653    /*-------- Hasta la vista, baby --------*/
655    if( verb )
656      INFO_message("3dLSS finished: total CPU=%.2f Elapsed=%.2f",
657                   COX_cpu_time() , COX_clock_time() ) ;
658    exit(0) ;
659 }